Lego Batman where no one talks. Walkthrough "Lego: Batman" - tips

Lego Batman where no one talks.  Walkthrough
Lego Batman where no one talks. Walkthrough "Lego: Batman" - tips

Everyone knows very well that computer games in which the main roles are played by Lego figures, and the decorations are made from elements of this construction set, are extremely popular. But initially, few people believed that such an idea would even take root. As it turned out, the idea was very good: first “Star Wars” and then “Indiana Jones” migrated to the “Lego” universe and were very warmly received by the public. Next up was the well-known and beloved defender of Gotham, Batman. It would seem that exceptional success should await him too. But that was not the case - the ratings turned out to be significantly lower. You should figure out why this happened, and also take a closer look at the gameplay. "Lego: Batman" is a game that could have become a masterpiece, a good and high-quality project, but turned out to be mediocre. However, at the same time, it gave impetus to the development of the series, which is what attracts attention.

A series of games "Batman" in the Lego universe

It's no secret that there is more than one Batman game in the Lego universe. Two more parts of the series were released, and they were much better than the first. How did this happen? In fact, everything is very simple. The developers, inspired by the success of Star Wars and Indiana Jones, decided to move another well-known character into their setting and give gamers an unforgettable experience. "Lego: Batman", however, turned out to be only a continuation of previous projects. There was nothing new in it, so the fans were upset: they were expecting a masterpiece, but got a game that barely reaches the average level. As it turns out, you can’t feed demanding gamers the same thing for several years in a row and get positive reviews. It was then that it became clear that the series would either close or change. Fortunately for many, the second option was chosen, Lego games began to progress, new opportunities appeared, and the passage became more interesting. "Lego: Batman", however, could not be changed. And this game became a symbol of a turning point in the policy of the developers of this series.

What awaits you in the game

So, you decided to try your hand at this game. What can you expect from her? What can the passage throw at you? "Lego: Batman", unfortunately, is a rather boring and monotonous project, since the character ended up on the streets of Gotham, which is famous for its darkness and dirt. In films, cartoons and other computer games it looked strong and impressive; this setting could somehow be played up. But it is precisely in the context of the Lego constructor that such darkness looks, frankly speaking, boring. Previous games were noted for their dynamics and brightness, but here, by definition, there can be no colors. Therefore, the passage of the game "Lego: Batman" turns into an endless chase through the monotonous streets of the city, which is not particularly pleasing.

How to play as characters?

So, despite all the unflattering reviews, you still decided to play, and now you have a journey through Gotham. You have two characters at your disposal - Batman and Robin. The passage of the game "Lego: Batman" offers you a unique opportunity - to play for both of them, alternately switching between them. It is worth noting that each hero has its own pros and cons, as well as unique skills and techniques that will help both in solving problems and on the battlefield. Therefore, do not try to complete the entire game with one character, constantly switch between them and use all the options available to you. At the same time, you should definitely remember that, unfortunately, the artificial intelligence of the partner here is very low, so you should not count on competent support. This can be completely changed if you play not alone, but in cooperative mode with a friend or with a stranger from the Internet. The game itself, alas, does not become brighter from this, the same as its continuation “Lego: Batman 3”. Completing this project is actually pleasing to the eye and provides a large number of opportunities.

Level structure

In order for you to complete the levels quickly and clearly, you need to think about what is required of you. As in previous games in the series, you need to collect Lego pieces, for which you will be awarded points. As in “Lego: Batman 3”, the passage is based precisely on this, only in the third part everything happens much more fun, interesting and dynamic, while in the first everything is extremely monotonous and quite boring. Naturally, you will come across several riddles that will make you think, determine which character is best to use and how. But the overall impression remains far from the most rosy - the passage of “Lego City: Batman” drags on and in the end does not evoke any emotions in the player.

Using everything around you

What this game can be praised for is its interactivity - here you can destroy many objects, such as trash cans, lanterns, and so on. In this case, the debris can be used to more successfully complete the passage of the game "Lego: Batman 1". However, even here the developers could have tried a little more: gamers were expecting interactivity and got it, but to a much lesser extent than they would like. Considering the fact that the graphics in the game are not the most powerful, it would be possible to make more objects available for destruction, and not just a couple of things on one screen. In any case, you have the opportunity to use the debris for your own purposes. You may receive elements to create a “cat” and other useful devices that will be useful at the level. This makes the passage of the game "Lego City: Batman" more interesting. True, this is still not enough to correct the previous mistakes of the developers.

Costumes for heroes

Another useful tip for those who want to successfully play The LEGO Batman Project is to use costumes. You can change them in special changing booths. The booths themselves cannot be found in their entirety. You will collect their elements as the level progresses, so be careful not to miss the necessary elements. After all, costumes are one of the most powerful weapons of Batman and Robin in this game. There are four in total for each character, and all suits have their own special properties, advantages and disadvantages. So you need to think before putting on this or that suit, what exactly it will give you and how it will help you pass the level. If you only worry about the appearance of your characters, it won't lead to any good.

Bosses in the game

Naturally, like other games in the series, Batman has special bosses that await you at the end of each level. At some stages you will have to fight two bosses in a row at once. These are the surprises the game "Lego: Batman" has in store for you. The walkthrough (it was created by Krasaton or another video blogger - it doesn’t matter) may be useful to you, as it clearly demonstrates how to defeat this or that boss. You can also use text guides to defeat the most powerful opponents. But, of course, first of all you should try your hand on your own; perhaps you will succeed without outside help.


So, we can safely say that “Lego: Batman” is one of the most pale and uninteresting projects from the series of games in the “Lego” universe. But we should not forget that it was this game that gave impetus to both the Batman trilogy in Lego and the entire series. Moreover, fans of this superhero will still get plenty of pleasure from playing through it, just like Lego fans. So you shouldn’t write off this project, especially since it won’t be very difficult to complete. Lego Batman is not a must-see game. But at the same time, it cannot be classified as a failed project. It was just an unsuccessful experiment, which allowed this series to further develop in the optimal direction. And now it is popular all over the world and has several dozen games.


One can only envy the impudence of the Traveler’s Tale studio. Judge for yourself: for probably eight years now they have been selling the same game, changing, perhaps, the appearance of the main characters. Moreover, this game is selling very, very successfully. It’s actually not that difficult to guess why this is happening - just dig a little into your head.

Remember how frantically I had to beg my parents for an expensive (at that time) LEGO construction set, telling me how necessary it was and how Vasya’s parents had already bought it for him. Yes, soon after the purchase, parts from this expensive toy were lying all over the apartment, and interest in “construction” was sharply fading, but, you see, few would argue that “LEGO” is one of those things for which we We remember our childhood with warmth in our souls. Well, studio “TT”, not being fools, took and crossed this childhood memory with another no less pleasant “blast from the past” - “Star Wars”.

And away we go. In the wake of its unexpected popularity, Traveler’s Tale began to churn out new games at the speed of Ubisoft and Activision, feeding the market with an absolutely gray and tasteless product. “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Indiana Jones”, “Batman”, “Harry Potter” - all these popular film franchises sooner or later tried on a funny Lego costume and jumped around the screen for ten hours, sluggishly parodying their “adults” copies". And what’s most surprising is that the LEGO series games flew off store shelves like hot cherry pies on a frosty January evening.

True, this could not last long and soon Western reviewers, having gorged themselves on this delicacy, began without any hesitation to suggest that the developers take a vacation, maybe twenty years or so. Did they heed this undoubtedly sound advice? No! But they decided to add a plot to their new “Lego game”. Meet “LEGO Batman 2: The Superheroes”.


After watching the introductory video, we clear the hall from bandits and set off in pursuit of Harley Quinn. The Joker's gang stormed the Citizen of the Year awards ceremony and caused bedlam. They need to be stopped. Having assembled a ladder from brown parts, we go up to the stage and prepare for a battle with the clown’s servant. In order to deal with the girl, you need to hit her with a betarang three times. After the third hit, Harley will open a hidden door in the floor of the stage and escape. Let's jump after her. Once in the cage, we save and go out through the opened gate. In order to go further, you need to attack the large brown pipe three times, from under which green legs peek out from time to time. Having smoked the Riddler out of his safe hiding place, we pass through the opening formed after the explosion and find ourselves in the scenery storage room. We are prevented from going further by cameras that block the door as soon as the heroes appear in their field of vision. After examining the room, we return to the place where we first met the Riddler and cling to the golden block with a hook. Then one more. Having removed the dragon figurine that blocked the path, we cling to another bracket with a hook and jump onto a small balcony.


Having thrown down the box of parts, we deal with the Riddler’s gang and assemble the device for changing the suit, after which we dress Bruce Wayne in the “Sensory Suit”. You can now become invisible. Use this to get past the cameras and get rid of the bandit watching the monitors. Finding ourselves at a dead end, we cling to the bracket above the gate, after which we do the same with Robin. Having dealt with Riddler's group of bandits, we interact with the green screen (to do this you need to switch back to Batman in the touch suit). The Riddler hid in a secret room behind this screen and we need to smoke him out. To do this, we X-ray the marked area until we come across the silhouette of the Riddler, then click on the indicated button. Having done this several times, we enter into battle with the bastard. Having defeated him, we destroy the screen and assemble the elevator from its debris.


Having gone upstairs, we destroy the cart with popcorn and assemble from it a device for changing a suit. Switching to Robin, we put on an acrobat costume and throw the pole at the blue and white cell. Having jumped onto it, we go up and assemble a bracket for Batman. As soon as the Dark Knight goes upstairs, we switch to him and activate the invisibility mode, after which we pass past the cameras into the room under Two-Face’s stage. Having destroyed the seats, we assemble them into a cell for an acrobatic sphere, after which we switch back to Robin. Having activated the sphere, we interact with this cell and move back. Having lowered the chandelier with Two-Face, we hang a cradle for him and go up the stairs to the third floor. Having met the clown, we watch the video and fight off his bandits. As soon as the Joker jumps onto the television camera, turn right and interact (after switching to Batman) with the green screen. Having assembled the pipe (the first fragment needs to be turned once, and the second - twice), we jump off after the clown and watch the video.

Harboring a criminal

Having climbed onto the roof of the building, we jump down and turn left. Having reached the terminal, we destroy a couple of carts nearby and collect a device for changing a suit from the debris. Having dressed Batman in a sensory suit, we interact with the green screen on the right and, having illuminated the box, we open several red locks inside. Having assembled the device for changing the costume, we switch to Robin and change him into an acrobat costume. Having activated the sphere, interact with the cell on the right side of the terminal and lower the box to the ground. Having destroyed it, we assemble the control panel and call Robin’s helicopter from the Batpeshera. Having jumped into it, we watch the video. The Joker's bandits destroyed our transport, and without it we won't be able to get to the evil clown. Parts from the helicopter are scattered throughout the location, but you still need to get to them. This is what we will do. Having dealt with several thugs, we repair the helicopter and knock down two red locks on the TV van, after which we destroy the sparkling control panel. Having assembled an apparatus for changing costumes from its ruins, we change Batman into energy armor. The Dark Knight can now destroy silver blocks. Having blown up the silver spotlight, to the left of the helicopter we assemble another “locker room” for Robin from it. Having changed him into new clothes, we attract two blue blocks with a magnetic gun, after which we go upstairs using magnetic boots. The latter, by the way, can only be attracted to blue details.


Having caught the golden bracket at the bottom of the huge poster with a hook, we rise up and carefully jump onto the pipe on the left. Having attracted the track towards us with a magnet, we move to the other side of the building and lower the elevator with the part for the helicopter down. Switching to Batman, we repair the helicopter and go up to Robin in the elevator. Using super-strength (one of the features of the energy suit), we break out the grate and switch back to Robin. Then, we lower the ladder using a magnetic gun and climb up. Having dealt with the Joker’s bandits, we destroy the silver projector and collect the cable from the rubble. Having moved to the next roof, we cling to the golden bracket with a hook and climb up. The last part for the helicopter has been found, but in order to break it out you will have to use super strength. Having done this, we go down to the transport. Having gotten involved in the pursuit of the clown, we destroy several of his henchmen, and then we take on the Joker himself. As soon as the leader's boat crashes, watch the video.


The Joker is beaten, but still wants to deal with Batman. After leaving the transport, we change into energy armor, turn left and destroy the excavator. Having assembled a multi-colored cannon from the rubble, we shoot at the Joker from it. Having further provoked the king of the underworld, we head to his boat and turn right, where “jumping” parts will be waiting for you. Having assembled a giant clown head from them, we knock out blue sparkling fragments from it and attach them to the blue magnetic track on the left. Switching to Robin, we climb up the freshly assembled ladder and dismantle the mechanism of the toy watch. When the huge arrows fall on the Joker, we go down. Here we are at the finish line. As soon as help arrives for the Joker, we switch to Batman and use bombs to destroy the cannon on the enemy transport. Then, we return to Robin’s skin and use a magnetic gun to tear off the cover from the engine. Having gotten rid of the arriving bandits, we shoot at the silver car engine with Batman’s grenade launcher. Having assembled a huge mallet from the rubble, we interact with it and watch the video. The Joker is defeated.

Riots at Arkham Asylum

Having visited the superhero cave and received a message from space, we head to Arkham Asylum, guided by the mini-map (your goal is the symbol of the Dark Knight). Lex Luthor helped the Joker escape, and at the same time released all the other psychos. Of course, we will deal with the bald antipode of Clark Kent, but a little later, but for now we need to catch all the criminals and return them to the cells. Once in the labyrinth, we go down and turn right. Having reached the faulty fountain, we mark the two green pipes on the sides and destroy them with a betarang.


Having repaired the fountain, we cling to the gold part with a hook and pull out the plug. When the water goes away, a “locker room” for Robin will appear in place of the fountain. Having changed into an acrobatic suit, turn right and throw the pole into the cell above the pit with carnivorous plants. Having crossed to the other side, we climb up the wooden planks and collect the brackets for the bethook. Now Batman can cross the pit with Ivy’s carnivorous children without harm to his health. As soon as our big-eared friend gets to us, we jump onto the hat of a huge statue and assemble a “locker room” for the Dark Knight from the fallen parts. Having dressed Bruce Wayne in energy armor, we turn right and destroy the silver grate, after which we climb up the boards and use a bomb to knock the statue down. Catwoman has been neutralized, but we still have work to do.

As soon as Two-Face's Jeep appears in sight, turn left and move forward all the way. Turning left, we destroy the silver block and the statue standing at the very end of the corridor. From the fragments of the statue you can assemble a cell for an acrobatic sphere. Having done this, switch to Robin and activate the sphere. We need to make the Dark Knight emblem fall out of the hole in the wall - once this happens, it will turn into a costume changer. Having dressed Batman in the Batsuit, we destroy two blue blocks holding the giant statue with an energy cannon.


Having collapsed, the statue will block the road and prevent Two-Face’s gang from leaving the mental hospital and prison. Having turned through the opened gate and meeting Bane with Poison Ivy, we turn left and clear out the “sparkling” rubble. Here you will find an energy suit for Batman, but the same model can be worn a few meters to the right. However, for now we will remain in the suit with the energy cannon, since we will need it to solve the puzzle.

Having made our way deep into the labyrinth (there you will also find bluish blocks), we cling to the bracket with a hook, after which we do the same with the second character. Having destroyed the blue blocks, we change Robin into a freezing suit, and Batman into an energy suit. Then, we destroy the silver statue of the prisoner. Water will immediately flow out of the pipe behind it. We freeze it and watch the video. Congratulations, all prisoners except Joker have been captured. True, not for long.

Work in a mental hospital

The prisoners were detained, however, the Joker is still at large. And neither the Gotham police, nor even Batman knows how the cunning clown once again managed to escape. True, Commissioner Gordon has one clue - strange sparkling stones were discovered on the roof of the hospital. It’s just that rebelling psychos who have occupied some sections of the prison are preventing them from getting to them. Only Batman can reach the roof and examine the fragments. After talking with Gordon, we climb into the elevator and go down to the hospital basement. The lift crashes and the superhero couple has to make an emergency evacuation. Having got out of the destroyed elevator, we assemble a locker room for Robin from the rubble. Having put on a spacesuit, we pour in the burning debris and make our way into the next room. Having dived under the water (only Robin in a spacesuit can dive - Batman instantly goes to the bottom), we turn left and interact with the lifting mechanism. Having delivered the electric suit to the surface, we switch to the Dark Knight. Having changed into new armor, we walk across the electrified floor (Robin in a wet spacesuit, as you understand, has absolutely nothing to do there) and pump out energy from the generator. Switching to Robin, we get to the hole in the floor (underwater, of course) and raise platforms for Batman. In order to do this, it is necessary to destroy several partitions with a betang. We are prevented from going further by huge fans that suck in the young apprentice of the Dark Knight as soon as he finds himself in their zone of action. Switching to Batman again, we draw electricity from the generator and thereby turn off the operation of the blades. Returning to Robin's skin, we carefully pass through the disabled propeller.


By pulling the lever, we activate the giant oven, in which delicious grilled chicken is already being cooked in full swing. Switching to Batman, we start the conveyor. Thus, we distracted Killer Croc from us and can now freely enter his cage. True, it will be more difficult to get out of it. Returning to Robin's company, we destroy the generator - this will open the doors to the outside. Once again, switching to Batman, we destroy the computer desk and assemble a mechanism from it, by turning which you will help Robin move on. Having swam all the way, we float up and fill the indicated container with water. As soon as a sufficient amount of water has been collected, the ladder will go down. Having risen, we pull the lever and climb up the frozen wall. Having dealt with the bandits, we assemble a “locker room” for Robin and change into a freezing suit, after which we spray the “waterfall” in the center of the room with a stream of icy air. Having broken several barrels of water, we freeze the fountains and go up, after which we jump over them to the right side of the room. A pipe with liquid nitrogen prevents Batman from going further, but Robin is not afraid of it. Having crossed to the other side, we pull the lever and stop the supply of freezing liquid. Having met with Mr. Freeze, we switch to Batman and pump out energy from the generator above the scientist’s cell. Then, we return to Robin's skin and crawl along the frozen wall into the booth on the right side of Frieze's cage. Carefully passing by the electric current, we jump inside and pull the lever.


Switching to the Dark Knight, we turn the mechanism and turn off the supply of liquid nitrogen. Now you can easily get to the generator and start the elevator (previously, I remind you, you were hindered by a stream of freezing air that turned Batman into an icicle as soon as he approached it). Having gone upstairs and met the Scarecrow, we change into a sensory suit and pass by the cameras, activating invisibility. Finding ourselves in a long corridor, we move towards a pipe with intoxicating gas. You can turn off its supply as follows: Batman jumps onto the pole, and in the meantime Robin pulls the lever. Having done this trick twice, we meet the Scarecrow face to face. The battle with him will take place in four stages. In the first three, everything is extremely simple: we get rid of the boss’s henchmen, and then beat him himself. At the end of each "round" the Scarecrow will spray a portion of the hallucinogen. As soon as he has three hearts left, she will stop engaging in open battle with you and will only occasionally send her bandits. First of all, you need to assemble two valves located on the sides of the arena. As soon as this is done, jump onto the trapeze that appears and switch to another character. Having done this, turn the valve. Once at the top, we turn on the ventilation system. The same must be done with the second valve. When the air is cleared, we finish off the Scarecrow and watch the video.

Chemical trail

Joker and Lex are about to leave the city in a mobile laboratory, taking with them components from the Ace Chemicals plant. We need to somehow stop them. Having climbed into the Batmobile, we move towards the bat emblem on the mini-map. Having caught up with the laboratory, we watch the video and prepare for battle. First we need to destroy the cannon on the roof. This is not difficult to do - just shoot at it for a few seconds. When the machine gun turret disappears, we shoot the helicopter and take on the truck again. When all the laboratory tools are disabled, watch the video.


We're inside. Having dealt with the security robots, we destroy the boxes with kryptonite and assemble a “locker room” for Robin from the rubble. Having dressed Robin in a magnetic suit, we lift the anti-radiation chamber up and, using a magnetic gun, drag the blue capsule to the opposite side of the room. Once the capsule is in the right place, a mechanical arm will appear and install it into the energy cell. Robin can now climb up the blue magnetic path. Having done this, we turn the red valve and lower the ladder for Batman. The camera is preventing us from climbing onto the roof of the truck, so we urgently need to find a sensory suit. This is not difficult to do, since it is located in the luggage compartment on the right side of the location. Simply open it with a magnetic gun. Having done this, we change into the Dark Knight and activate invisibility.

Once on the roof, we destroy the blue rotating generator and switch to Robin. Having reunited with our comrade, we get rid of the arriving robots and turn right. Having moved the electric generator away from the steps (using a magnetic gun), we switch back to Batman and destroy the two blue mounts on the edge of the roof. As soon as the green screen appears, interact with it and turn off the supply of liquid nitrogen to the steps. To solve the puzzle, you must first turn the second valve, then the third and the first. After going a little forward, you will meet opponents on jetpacks. To defeat them, you just need to accurately throw the betarang a couple of times. Having broken, they will leave a bunch of parts for you, collecting which you will receive the Batsuit. As the game tells us: “The Batsuit has the ability to float - use it!”


Switching to Robin, we raise the bridge using a magnetic gun, and then, without hesitating a second, switch back to Batman and fly over the dangerous area. Finding ourselves “on the other side,” we destroy the huge generator and reunite with our apprentice. Having freed the radio antenna from its shackles, we destroy it and assemble the Betaplane control panel from the rubble.

Finding yourself in a room with a large green core, turn left and pull the lever. Having dismantled one of the kryptonite batteries, we switch to Robin and, using magnetic boots, climb to the second floor along a bunch of blue pipes. Having destroyed the second battery, we cling with a hook to the bracket on the device that irradiates the core and move to the opposite balcony. Here we break the glass blocks with Batman's pulse gun and pull the lever. Having dealt with the last battery, watch the video.

Destination - Metropolis

Once in the sky, we open fire (you can play as either Superman or Batman in a helicopter) on the hull of the kryptonite ship. When a piece of the casing falls off, we fight off the arriving helicopters, and then destroy the two stationary cannons on the left side of this “monster”. As soon as we are safe, we open massive fire on the left engine. After the engine fails, we go around the ship and deal with the central guns.

Having repeated the above steps with the right engine, we wait for the hold to open and get inside. Playing as Superman, we destroy four golden blocks with a laser beam (two from below and two from above), after which we deactivate the security robot. Having made our way inside, we deal with the helicopter. To do this, you need to use a hook to tear out the protective glass from the cockpit, and then hit the pilot with a betarang. When the helicopter crashes, switch back to Superman and interact with the green screen.


To move forward, we need to turn off the current supply - to do this, we need to rotate each part in the mechanism (that same green screen) exactly once. When electricity stops flowing to Batman’s “locker room”, we change him into an electric suit and draw energy from the generator to the right, after which we pump it into the elevator generator. Having climbed to the top floor, we jump with both characters onto the levers, after which we cut out the silhouette of a bat on the golden wall with a laser beam.

Having made our way inside, we switch to the Dark Knight (Clark Kent, you must admit, it’s better not to have anything to do with kryptonite) and knock down the locks from four lockers, after which we assemble the shutter from the fallen parts. Having broken down the doors using super strength, we put on a jetpack and destroy several silver boxes with bombs. Having dealt with the remaining Lex bandits, we assemble a mechanism for lifting the rocket from the debris and activate it.


As soon as the rocket is on the ship, we switch to Superman and hit the detonator with a laser beam. Once in the room with the kryptonite gate, we fly up and watch the video. Lex and Joker once again managed to elude us...

Research and development

Lex Luthor is up to no good. And we urgently need to find out what exactly. Having reached his office, we watch the video and prepare for the battle with the robot secretary. To begin with, just give him a good kick, and then, when the cyborg climbs to the top floor, destroy the golden edging of the platform (on which the cunning robot is located) with a laser beam. Having fallen down, the secretary will also bring down a heap of spare parts. Collect them into an energy suit for Batman and put it on.

Now you have a weapon against the silver hardware. In order for the bombs to take effect, you must leave the enemy's line of sight. Otherwise, it will begin to unwind and it will be very difficult to hit it with a bomb. After each lost “heart,” the secretary will leave the arena, dumping weaker robots on you. Having finished with the cyborg, we switch to Superman and interact with the green screen in the center of the room. Another puzzle awaits you here. This time you will need to arrange the pipe fragments in such a way that there are no holes in it. Once you do this, you will start the escalators.


Having gone up to the second floor, we assemble the control panel on the right side of the room and pull the lever. Having gone up the elevator, we change Batman into an electric suit and go through the kryptonite emitters, after which we pump out energy from the generator.

Switching to Superman, we destroy the golden block to the left of the door and return the demolition suit to Batman. Having mined the silver block, wait for it to explode, and then throw another bomb onto the conveyor belt. When the kryptonite emitters are completely turned off, we fight off a flock of Luthor’s bandits and cut a hole in the golden block with laser vision. Having dealt with the next gang of bandits, we switch to Batman and cling to the lever in the wall with a hook. Having gone up the elevator, we interact with the green screen and hit the red levers with a laser.


If everything is done correctly, the door to the research laboratory will open. Sitting in a chair, we take control of a giant robot. We need to destroy the Robot-LexCorp prototype. As soon as the battle begins, we run away from the giant as far as possible and wait for him to rush at us to attack. When this happens, we quickly run to the side. If the robot flies into the wall, then we strike, and if not, we try again. Having performed this trick three times, we clear the room of bandits and watch the video.

Lex is eager for power, and so that no one will suddenly challenge his greatness, he decided to intoxicate the inhabitants of Gotham (well, for starters) with a virus, personally developed by the ever-smiling Joker. Well, so that the superhero couple would not disturb him, he decided to kill them, crushing Batman with a ten-ton weight, and simply dousing Superman with a huge dose of kryptonite. True, he did not take into account one important thing - Batman and Superman are geniuses and saw through the bald sly man in advance, quickly switching bodies before meeting with the villain. Oh, this LEGO world...


Having destroyed the sparkling decorations under the arch, we assemble an energy suit from them. Having changed into it, we blow up the silver valve on the podium and freeze the water with Clark Kent's icy breath. Having climbed up the ice wall, we jump onto the billboard with the image of the Joker robot, and from it onto the electric staircase. Having turned off the current supply, we switch to Superman and collapse the television antenna. Now we can climb up it. Having done this, we cling to the robot’s arm with a hook, and then climb onto it along the fallen machine-gun belt. Having got rid of the robots, we stand on both buttons and aim the laser beam at the “golden heart” of the robot.

If you accidentally fall down or are thrown off by a robot, then it’s okay - you can finish what you started from below. The main thing is to do this quickly, before the robot comes to its senses and covers its weak point with armor. After a short video, the fight will move to the roof. Having cleared it of annoying robots, we switch to Batman and assemble a helicopter, the parts for which are scattered on the right side of the location.


Having climbed into the transport, we turn on the spotlight and shine it into the robot’s eyes until he covers them with his hand. When the helicopter is destroyed, we switch back to Superman and cut a passage in the golden block with a laser beam, after which we change the Dark Knight into the Batsuit.

Having reached the helicopter crash site, we destroy the glass blocks with a pulse cannon and assemble a spotlight and a ladder from the resulting parts. Having returned Batman's electric suit, we charge the searchlight generator and aim it at the robot's head. As soon as the piece of iron starts pounding the roof with its paws, we run up to it as close as possible and cling to a vulnerable spot with a hook (the same place where we shot with a laser a few minutes earlier).

Battle of Wayne's Tower

The Joker's robot is malfunctioning, but still functions. Let's fix this. Having reached Wayne Tower, we cooperate with the rest of the Justice League members and begin our ascent.

First of all, we need to switch to Cyborg and use a magnet to lower the blue metal safe down, and then open it with a laser beam. Having done this, we switch to Green Lantern and assemble a huge green hand from kryptonite blocks. Having raised the bridge with it, we move to the other side and switch back to Cyborg.


Having broken the silver objects with super strength, we return to the skin of the Green Lantern and create a huge sledgehammer. Having knocked down her door, we clear the room of cyborgs and assemble a “locker room” for Robin. Having changed into an ice suit, we freeze the wall of water and climb along it to the top floor. Having cut our way through the golden doors, we deal with the gang of cyborgs and shoot from the freezing gun at the two clamps. When the locks on the blue path open, we hook onto the cell and pull the protective plate back.

Now that the magnetic path is free, we switch to Cyborg and go upstairs. Having destroyed several golden blocks, we assemble a spider from green kryptonite and clear the way up for the rest of the team. Switching to Batman, we put on energy armor and destroy the silver door. Having put out the fire in the elevator, we go up to the roof.


Having met with the “Robo-Joker”, we destroy a couple of generators, and from their debris, in turn, we assemble a truck. Having directed it at the robot, we switch to Cyborg and use a laser to burn out a passage in the wall, where a spacesuit for Robin is already waiting for us. Having changed into it, we turn left and wash off the acid from the ground near the helicopter. Having done this, we switch back to Cyborg and, using super-strength, push the turntable away from us. Now you can cross the abyss along the blades.

Once on the other side, we put out the fire at the control panel and switch to the electric Batman. Having charged the generator, turn left and assemble a giant cannon from the rubble. After shooting at Robo-Joker from it, we get back onto the roof and switch to Green Lantern. Having assembled a locomotive from fragments of the robot's armor, we direct the train to his head.


Lex's terrible weapon is destroyed, but the Joker still flashes his snow-white smile. Having jumped down, we dodge the giant fragment of the tower and land on the disabled metal carcass of the robot. The cunning clown hides inside, but occasionally he looks out to shoot at the superhero group with a grenade launcher. Use it.

As soon as the Joker leans out of his hiding place, we shoot at him with a laser (you can just hit him with your fist if you are in close proximity). Having repeated this three times, we finish off the clown and watch the final video.

It's sad, gentlemen! It’s sad and shameful to watch the results of the domestic box office over the weekend. Viewers are ready to go to a stupid sequel to an erotic drama, a continuation of an action movie that makes no more sense than a dog collar, even for the last chapter of the long-disgusted franchise about a slayer of walking corpses, the queues are longer than for a real movie. Yes, animation can also be “real cinema,” and not just the kind produced by Pixar or Disney. Three years ago, WB and Lego proved everything to everyone with the brilliant film “Lego. Film,” but then their scope was too broad, their desires were insatiable, and their ambitions were great. Today it’s time to concentrate on one topic, but come up with a project that will revolutionize the industry. Without lying at all, I will say: “Lego. Batman "is a picture with which a new countdown begins in the era of comic book films, as once happened with the release of Tim Burton's film or the release of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. Cartoon, or more correctly, plastic Batman will not only stand on par with his older brothers, he is ready to lead this comic army! In five simple steps, I will not be lazy to justify my admiration for the new superhero.

5. Lego Batman is the canonical Dark Knight.

It’s a little strange to write this about a cartoon that is largely a parody of the usual films about Batman, but we must admit: the toy Batman is much closer to the Dark Knight whom the whole world loves from paper comics. The thing is that every director who undertook to make a feature-length film about a Gotham superhero invariably wanted to bring something of his own to the plot, appearance, and character of the character. Someone made Bruce Wayne a pitiful victim of circumstances, someone made him look like an idiot, someone turned him into a ruthless murder weapon, but no one wanted to adhere to the canon. In Lego. “Batman” viewers, albeit somewhat more prominently than it should be (that’s why the animation), see the real Dark Knight, as if he had stepped off the pages of paper. He is endlessly lonely, he is burdened by his secrets and his past, he sees no joy in anything, he is incredibly tired - only the endless confrontation with the Joker and his team keeps him from self-destruction. The current live-action Batman, played by Ben Affleck, in the unwieldy "Dawn of Justice" is so far from the canons that fans were quick to anathematize the picture. Just look at Wayne's bloodthirstiness alone - he brands his opponents! For what? He knows that with this sign, certain death awaits criminals in prison, and Batman will remain with clean hands. Good fighter! Lego Batman is not like that, he is harsh, but not obsessed, he is dangerous, but not murderous, he is a hero, although he admits that he is a man far from ideal. The doll figure turns out to be more alive than the characters played by the actors - isn’t this a miracle? And this, by the way, makes Batman “accessible” not only to fans, but also to ordinary viewers - such a rollicking movie, combining emotions understandable to anyone and hundreds of “Easter eggs” for loyal DC fans, was previously only possible for Nolan to make, but this, firstly, when it was, and secondly, his trilogy was clearly not designed for the younger generation of viewers. “Lego. Batman, not Batman v Superman or Batman Begins, shapes the image of the superhero today among those who will shape the film landscape 20 years from now.

4. Lego. Batman" spanned the entire DC universe.

Still from the cartoon "The LEGO Movie: Batman"

Someone has already dubbed it “Lego.” Batman is a treasure trove of Easter eggs, and the man is damn right. Such a density of references to a variety of events from the DC universe in general and Batman in particular cannot be found in any other film. To cover the full range of “quotes”, “nods” and “winks”, the film will really have to be watched without blinking, and it’s not a fact that even the most ardent fans will notice every single “hip” of the authors. The film celebrates all the on-screen iterations of the superhero in a black cloak, involves countless enemies and friends of Batman, and contains a good dozen “hello” to popular culture in general - now we can safely predict that the Blu-Ray of this film will be in particular demand, and will be reviewed “ Lego. Batman" will not be two or five times. A dense stream of pleasure is what watching this film can be compared to. At some point, I began to worry whether the authors of the Lego version would try to carefully circumvent the theme of the new extended DC cinematic universe, but this did not happen - the authors boldly went through “Batman v Superman” and “Suicide Squad”, without lowering their concentration at all his sarcasm - one can only applaud the WB bosses for this; they will need the ability to treat their own mistakes and mistakes with humor and understanding more than once. Now I will eagerly wait to see if Zack Snyder will respond to his colleagues’ heels - if he used a Lego figure as a small cameo in the subsequent live-action films of the universe of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman, that would be very cool.

3. Such a cast cannot be assembled by any feature film.

Still from the cartoon "The LEGO Movie: Batman"

Animated Lego. “Batman” has, of course, at least one, but very significant, advantage over live-action films - in a cartoon you don’t have to worry about how to gather dozens of famous heroes on one site and not go broke on fees to the stars. More Lego. The film" perfectly demonstrated the ability of the authors of this franchise to manage a large number of very diverse heroes, but "Lego. Batman" brought this skill to some transcendental level - the number of heroes involved in the film is incalculable. Remember the most ambitious previous Batman films. Burton could afford to combine Catwoman and Penguin together, Nolan “driven” Scarecrow, Joker and Two-Face into one film, Snyder contrasted Superman, Lex Luthor, Doomsday and Wonder Woman with Batman, demonstrating Cyborg, Flash and Aquaman on the periphery. “Lego. Batman" laughs at his colleagues - there are so many heroes involved in it that there is enough for a good series for several seasons. Yes, many would like to see more from many, but who knows if other solo Lego films will follow Batman? By the way, if we talk about heroes, it wouldn’t hurt to remember what’s in Lego. “Batman” is the first time in the history of “Batman”, and indeed comic book adaptations in general, that the serious influence of a female character is felt. No, we've already seen Selena Kyle and Lois Lane, but the animated Barbara Gordon kills all her "comrades" with one blow. Wonder Woman you say? Do the math for yourself - in Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman appears in the frame for seven minutes out of almost three hours of running time and speaks only 20 lines of text - Barbara has many times more time! The game “Wonder Woman” will have to try to surpass the successes of her “friend.”

2. Superman gets it hard!

Still from the cartoon "The LEGO Movie: Batman"

Since the DC cinematic universe is growing, why not expand the Lego universe - at least Lego. Batman" very thickly hints at the possibility of the appearance of "Lego" in the future. Superman." Why not?! Those few scenes that Soup got in Lego. Film" and now, are quite worthy of continuation - after all, Superman in the animated incarnation is much closer to the canon than the hero of Henry Cavill; in the episodes of the television interview and the party in the Fortress of Solitude, Kal-El appears before the viewer in the good old guise of a simple-minded boy, gifted with too much power and oppressed by excessive attention. While the game Man of Steel drags the viewer into a depressive swamp of suffering and doubt, his “childish” incarnation naturally enjoys life, makes jokes and openly flirts with others. And he doesn't die in the end! If we add to all this the clearly non-trivial relationship between Superman and Green Lantern, which was especially evident in Lego. Movie”, the solo film “Man of Lego Steel” can turn out to be a pretty good show. At the same time, it is obvious that the authors of animated films treat Superman without much reverence - this is exactly the kind of movie about him that is needed, without pathos, without stern looks at each other with a face twisted with anger, without a military funeral in the rain, kind and bright. And the main thing is funny, and Lego Batman can serve as an excellent guide here. I'm willing to make a reasonable bet that WB will announce the launch of Lego by the end of this year. Superman." A bad example is oh, how contagious!

1. The Lego script. Batman" is the envy of any live-action film.

Still from the cartoon "The LEGO Movie: Batman"

And I really didn’t think that I would have to talk about this, but the Lego script. Batman" is truly such a thoughtful and high-quality work that it can easily be set as an example for other comic book adaptations. Yes, the animated film is primarily aimed at children and teenagers, but this does not mean that they can “relax” on them. On the contrary, Lego. Batman" with its consistency, determination, and ability to show character development easily "does" the same thing as "Dawn of Justice". And it lasts 45 minutes less (75, if we take the “director” of Batman v Superman)! And what an amazing third act in the animated film! No one has been able to do something like this in a comic book adaptation for a long time. Authors of Lego. Batman" did not get lost in fifty characters, did not go overboard with drama, but made the final battle sincere and sincere - there is someone to worry about in it. By the way, even Lego stumbled at this point. Film” - its final feature with the participation of Will Ferrell noticeably slowed down the plot and reduced the degree of humor and absurdity that had been happening on the screen for the previous hour. Now everything is done according to all the rules of drama - the heroes and villains are forced to unite so that their epic battle does not end in the complete annihilation of their world. At the same time, Batman performs a truly heroic Act, which Ben Affleck's character could only dream of in his half-hour battle, first with Doomsday, and then with Superman. If only all comic book movies could even come close to the level of the Lego script. Batman" with its unifying idea and thoughts about real heroism, with notes of feminism and real male friendship, we would not have to leave the cinema in bewilderment after the next "

Batman and Superman go to Lex Luthor's headquarters for a serious conversation, but this conversation doesn't go well right away.

Evil Secretary:

We begin the battle with the evil secretary. We select Superman and use laser vision to explode the golden details on the LexCorp emblem hanging in the center of the lobby. When the emblem falls and falls apart, we assemble a platform for Batman with an energy suit from the received parts. We switch to Batman, change clothes and run along the arrow to the evil secretary, who was temporarily disabled after the fall. We launch a bomb at it and remove the first heart.

We fight off the oncoming Lexbots, and then wait until the evil secretary releases all the ammunition. When she switches off again, we launch a bomb at her and remove the second heart.

To remove the last heart of the evil secretary, we repeat the sequence of actions, only there will be more Lexbots, and the evil secretary will shoot longer.

When the defeated secretary opens the green wall in the background, switch to Superman, run to the wall and activate X-ray vision. Behind the wall you need to turn the red parts to create an unbroken electrical circuit. When everything is assembled correctly, an escalator to the top will open on the right.

Having gone upstairs, we go left to the elevator, switch to Batman and blow up the metal bars and posts. Using the parts, we repair the mechanism on the left that opens the lever. We lower the lever, go into the opened elevator car and stand on the buttons in the floor to move to the next location.

Green domes:

Select Superman and explode the golden container on the right. We switch to Batman and blow up metal containers, after which we assemble from all the parts a platform for Batman with an electric suit. After changing clothes, we go to the right under the green dome and discharge the blue generator. The kryptonite will be closed with a special cap, and Superman will be able to go to the right.

We switch to Superman and use laser vision to explode the golden cabinet next to the second green dome. We switch to Batman and charge the opened blue generator, starting the conveyor belt on the wall. We go back and change Batman's costume back to the energy one. We go to the right and blow up the metal plate. We launch a bomb through the hole onto the conveyor belt to explode the metal wire behind the glass. The kryptonite will close with a cap, so you can go to the right.

We switch to Superman and use laser vision to cut out the gold plate along the contour. We switch to Batman, grab onto the opened orange loop and pull, calling the elevator on the right. We deal with the arriving guards with kryptonite, go into the elevator, stand on the buttons in the floor and move on to the next location.


Select Superman and use laser vision to explode the golden grate on the left wall. From the fallen parts we assemble a platform for Batman with a sensory suit. We select Batman, change clothes, turn on the invisibility mode and turn the valve, which is located under the security camera. A Batmotorcycle will arrive on the conveyor belt, and a button will appear in the floor on the right under the dome. We go to the right, stand on the button and wait until the motorcycle breaks down into parts. We repeat the sequence with the valve and the button two more times until the wall behind the conveyor falls apart. We interrupt the angry Lexbots, run to the far wall, jump into the resulting hole and rise up using the air flow.


Select Superman and go right to the turbine. Using laser vision, we explode the golden tubes on the turbine, after which it will turn off. We fly onto the upper tier of the second turbine and pull the orange handle, tearing off the plate. We break the opened mechanism to turn off the turbine. We go down and assemble a lever from the parts. We lower it, after which a protrusion for the hook will appear on the third turbine. We switch to Batman, grab the ledge and climb up. We jump off the right side, deal with the Lexbots and break the highlighted containers. From the parts we assemble a platform for Batman with a batsuit and change clothes. We grab onto the hook ledge on the third turbine, go up and use ultrasound to break the glass plate in the center, closing the kryptonite and turning off the turbine.

Switch to Superman and go right. Using laser vision, we explode the golden plate on the LexCorp emblem, after which we stand on the opened button in the floor, raising the springboard. We switch to Batman, run on the springboard, jump and fly to the right. We go to the glass plate on the left on the far wall and use ultrasound to break it. We go into the room and lower the lever on the left.

When the kryptonite closes with a cap, switch to Superman and fly to the right. Using laser vision, we cut out the gold plate along the contour, jump into the resulting hole and move to the next location.

Robot Battle:

We choose Superman, deal with the Lexbots, guards and scientist, after which we approach the green wall in the background. We activate X-ray vision and click on the red pistons with gears to open the lock.

We go forward and find ourselves in the laboratory. We get rid of the scientists and break the table in the center of the room. We assemble two control chairs from parts and sit in one of them. While controlling your strange robot, you need to defeat LexCorp's prototype robot. This is done quite simply. We wait for the enemy robot to start running and move aside. When he crashes into the wall and switches off for a while, we approach and strike. This way we remove all four hearts. The main thing is to move out of the way of the prototype robot in time so that it does not hit our robot.

When the enemy robot is defeated, both robot control booths will open. We leave our cabin, get rid of the scientists before they raise the alarm, and go into the right cabin. We switch to Batman and use ultrasound to break two glass plates on the wall. We break the opened mechanism, after which we switch to Superman and use laser vision to explode the golden plate that appears. We go into the elevator cabin, stand on the buttons in the floor and finish the level.



Evil Secretary:

1. Select Superman, go to the left wall and in the far corner next to the escalator we find a capsule with a mini-kit. Using laser vision, we blow up the golden castle, wait for the capsule to open and take the mini-kit.

2. On the first floor, go to the far right corner, switch to Lex Luthor and use a deconstructor to disassemble the lock made of black parts on the capsule to the right of the escalator. We assemble the rocket pack from the parts and take the mini-kit that appears.

3. We go up to the third floor, go right, switch to Penguin and blow up the metal lock on the crossbar. We jump onto it and hang, lowering it down. We go into the opened niche and break all the containers in it. We switch to Green Lantern and assemble a cleaner with a polishing machine from green parts. When he crashes into the wall, go left along the path of coins and pick up the mini-kit.

Green domes:

4. Having turned on the conveyor belt and blowing up the metal wire according to the plot, we switch to Cyborg and attract the blue plate with a magnet, tearing it off the wall. We turn the valve that appears, thereby changing the direction of movement of the conveyor. We launch another bomb onto the conveyor, and when it reaches the metal container on the right and explodes, we automatically get a mini-kit.

5. At the level you need to find and destroy 5 advertising posters (or screens) with Lex Luthor:

  • In a location with green domes, at the very end between the golden plate and the elevator.
  • At the location with the conveyor belt, on the wall to the left of the elevator where the heroes arrived.
  • At the location with the turbines, at the very beginning on the far wall, behind the air shaft from which the heroes appeared.
  • At the location with the turbines, on the far wall immediately after the third turbine.
  • At the location with the turbines, at the very end of the location, to the left of the golden plate.


6. Select Man-Bat, go to the right and break the glass display case with ultrasound. We lower the opened lever and watch how the robotic manipulator takes the Joker crust out of the container. We choose the Joker, open the box and take the mini-set.


7. We fly to the upper tier of the second turbine. We go around the turbine and take away the mini-kit lying behind it.

8. At the very end of the location, select Aquaman and wash off the toxic slurry from the floor. Switch to Cyborg and use the magnet on the blue plates. The hatch doors will move apart, and the platform with the mini-kit will rise.

Robot Battle:

9. When the prototype robot is defeated and the control cabins open, we enter the arena, switch to a flying character and fly after the mini-kit, which hangs high in the air against the far wall.

10. When the prototype robot is defeated and the control cabins open, we enter the arena. We go to the near right corner, switch to Aquaman and wash off the toxic slurry from the floor with a stream of water, after which we assemble a blue generator from the parts. We switch to Joker and charge him, after which four buttons in the floor will open in the arena. Select Flash and quickly run through the buttons. When all four beams in the center of the arena light up, a platform with parts for Flash will come down from above. We assemble speakers from them and automatically get a mini-set.

Resident in trouble

Evil Secretary:

We take off to the third floor, go left all the way and find a little man surrounded by toxic slurry. We choose Aquaman, wash off the slurry with a stream of water and save a resident in trouble.