Las Vegas: the best concerts, musicals and shows. Las Vegas Shows & Concerts The best Las Vegas concerts

Las Vegas: the best concerts, musicals and shows.  Las Vegas Shows & Concerts The best Las Vegas concerts
Las Vegas: the best concerts, musicals and shows. Las Vegas Shows & Concerts The best Las Vegas concerts

Morning in Vegas is like waking up with a stranger: and, it seems, it was a good night,
but in the light of day, the charm disappeared without a trace ... Hurry up the evening!

Las Vegas is just over 100 years old, and this is a very small age in the history of cities. Like all young people, Las Vegas doesn’t seem to work, but to have fun: it plays, dances, drinks and lives one day, or rather at night, and the nights in Las Vegas are the brightest in the world.

Las Vegas casinos and shows

Las Vegas is Spanish for pasture. 40 million tourists come here to graze every year. All major casinos are located in hotels, and all the best hotels are casinos. Often, casino owners pay for food, accommodation and even air travel for visitors so that people can play in their casinos. True, you can use the free tour only by undertaking the obligation to put a large sum in the casino.

Casino bets start at 5 cents. In 15 minutes, you can blow $ 1000, besides, the first 5 minutes are lucky, and then you need to stop on time. But in the casino everything is done to make the visitor forget about the time.

There are no clocks anywhere in the casino. At any time of the day, the same, even lighting is maintained so that it is not clear whether it is morning or evening.

In Las Vegas, they not only play a lot, but also drink a lot: they drink to wash away their winnings; drink to wash down the loss.

To get visitors, casino managers go out of their way! Tourists are offered free drinks, free parking, food bonuses, discounts on accommodation. But even this is not enough, so every night all the major casinos hold grandiose free shows to attract people passing by.

Singing fountain show

One of the most famous is the fountains on Belagio Street. In order to look at it, the audience takes the best seats in advance. The fountains turn on every 15 minutes and are some of the largest singing fountains in the world.

The cost of the project is $ 40 million, viewing is free. It is assumed that after being imbued with a stunning spectacle, people will enter the casino.


The eruption of the volcano near the casino of the Mirage Hotel, like many things in Vegas, is not real, but a very spectacular sight.

Pirate show

But most people gather at the Pirates Show near the Treasure Island casino hotel.

Despite the grandeur of all these shows, what can be seen for free on the streets of the city is only a prelude to what is hidden inside.

Circus Dusoleil

In Vegas, there are 5 show programs of the Dusoleil circus at the same time, from mystical to erotic. Circus Dusoleil is perhaps the most popular and famous in the world, it is fundamentally different from the usual circus we know. So, for example, there are no trained animals, the Dusoleil circus is, first of all, grandiose shows.

Mystery is the very first performance of the circus. For 19 years now, the show has been going on every day and certainly with full houses. Despite the resounding success, the numbers are not shown for an encore.

By agreement with the hotel, the performance should end at the designated hour, because while people are watching the circus, they are not playing. And for casinos, every minute when people are not playing is a thousandth loss.

Our domestic circus school is highly valued abroad, which is why the Dusoleil circus is full of Russians and Ukrainians. It is very difficult for our compatriots to maintain the rhythm of a constant holiday in the city, but they are kept here by high fees, to divulge which on the air means to violate commercial secrets.

The epic video show on Fremont Street

There is another famous and expensive show in Las Vegas, only the entrance to it is absolutely free. At night, Fremont Street turns into the largest video show in the world.

In order to build it, it was necessary to spend 70 million dollars. But now everyone can just come and look at him. The Fremontreet Expirions screen is the largest digital video screen ever. It covers an entire block! There are 12 million LEDs on the ceiling. For example, Queen's video comes with special effects, lightning and graphics.

Hotel "Stratosphere"

The tallest hotel, the Stratosphere, looks like a TV tower and is famous for the incredibly scary attractions at its top: an eerie falling elevator, a nightmare falling trailer and a terrible green carousel. Those who cannot overcome their fear are called chickens by the staff. And the attraction "Excrim" is generally on the fourth place in the rating of the scariest attractions in the world.

In order to get to the Stratosphere restaurant, you need to go through the same security control as at Kennedy Airport! But what can't you do for good food and a great view? In addition, the floor in this restaurant rotates in a circle, so the landscape outside the window changes all the time.

Hotel "Bellagio"

It is difficult for a wealthy tourist to decide on the choice of a hotel in the city. Belagio is considered one of the most luxurious. The hotel is named after a beautiful Italian town in the Alps and everything here reminds of Italy. If the outside is a palace, then the courtyards are a cozy villa. It has its own gardens and 5 huge heated pools.

A lot of money was spent during the construction of the hotel: there is only a Rollex on the walls, the next thing that is impressive is a chandelier with two thousand handmade glass petals. Every day, the hotel staff replaces wilted flowers with fresh ones, and every month the scenery is completely changed.

But, the most amazing thing awaits in the rooms. The rooms have two rooms and two baths, or even more. There are real paintings on the walls, not reproductions of any kind. One bathtub is decorated with Italian marble, while taking another - Jacuzzi - you can enjoy a magnificent view of Las Vegas Street.

The rooms are luxurious and the price is, frankly, ridiculous. The answer to this is simple. The main income is brought by "Bellagio" slot machines, and the hotel - this is so, in the load.

Lumpuru Brain Health Center

To better understand the city, you need to walk around it, you can't see everything from the car. Vegas during the day is not as bright and colorful as in the evening, but there is something to see, for example, a unique clinic for the treatment of the brain.

The Lumpuru Brain Health Center was opened just recently. According to the architects, the unusual shape of the building lifts the mood of patients and staff, thus contributing to a speedy recovery.

Boulevard Strip

All the most striking sights of the world have been recreated on the Strip. Only all this, although impressive in its large size, is just a grandiose expensive fake. And all in order to lure tourists with their wallet inside.

Boulevard Strip by day

The strip boulevard at night

Not far from Vegas in 4 hours drive is the famous Grand Canyon - a real miracle of nature. You can get there by car, but if you have money, you can fly there by helicopter. You have to pay $ 500 for a helicopter trip. Not a cheap pleasure, but absolutely justifies its price.

From a bird's eye view, the city stands alone in the middle of the desert, surrounded by mountains. And it is also clearly visible that in Vegas there are only a couple of wide streets with hotels and casinos, and everything else is blocks of one-story houses.

The city quickly ends and the rocky Mahami desert begins. After a few minutes of flight, a lake appears, created by the dam of the Colorado River. When it seems like you won't see anything else, the Grand Canyon appears!

For 10 million years, the Colorado River washed out a crevice of half a millimeter a year in the ground, and the Grand Canyon was formed.

It is in such places that a person probably dreams of being a bird.

Las Vegas for budget travelers

The easiest way to get into the city is by taking the monorail. The ticket is not cheap - $ 5. The monorail is a fully automated railroad that runs through the city. There are no drivers here, all trains are computer controlled. This space monorail road, 6.5 kilometers long, spent 650 million dollars, 100 million per kilometer.


For budget travelers, a hostel is ideal for an overnight stay. A hostel is a worldwide alternative to a hotel; in our opinion, it is just a hostel. There is a shared toilet and shower, there is a shared kitchen where you can cook purchased food. Typically, the room is designed for 6-12 people. People from all over the world live here.

The cost of such a bed ranges from $ 5 to $ 20. The $ 20 most often includes a free breakfast.

Everything in the rooms is quite clean, but poor. The curtains and bedding are clean and the room is warm. Outside the window it is quite a decent view. And sometimes there is even free shampoo in the shower, but more often there is no hot water.

According to the rules of staying in a hostel, no one can be accommodated in a double room, especially a person of the opposite sex.

For breakfast at the hostel, you can make yourself coffee, toast with jam and peanut butter, and here, in the kitchen, you can chat with other guests. Hostel neighbors are people from different parts of the world who have traveled to more countries than people with a gold credit card. Which proves once again that you don't have to have a lot of money to travel.


For a person with a small amount of money, the problem of food becomes acute: restaurants are too expensive, but you want to eat. Therefore, the ideal option is buffets, they are in every hotel. The system is as follows: you pay entrance at the checkout, go inside and eat everything you see to the bone.

A one-time entrance to the hotel's buffet costs $ 17, you can come several times a day, then the ticket will cost about $ 30 for adults, because children eat for free.

But there is a sea of ​​food and it is quite decent, you can take a break from American hamburgers and potatoes, take your own soup, the usual mashed potatoes and a piece of meat. There are fruits and even dessert. The system is amazing, sorry, but taking out food from the buffet is prohibited.

Wedding in Las Vegas: is it possible?

According to the laws of the state of Nevada, anyone can get married in Las Vegas: quickly and without red tape. Churches advertise their services everywhere.

Some of them work 24 hours a day: they arrived, got married, left, and you don't even have to get out of the car. Nevertheless, the certificate is issued as genuine, it has legal force.

The ease of marriage attracts loving couples from all over the planet to Las Vegas. It's so fashionable in America to get married in Las Vegas that queues actually line up. Despite the fact that there are hundreds of weddings every day in Las Vegas, the locals don't seem to get bored of it. All the way the newlyweds are greeted by pedestrians and honking by passing cars.

After the wedding, you can get on a honeymoon trip to Venice. The Venice Hotel is one of the most interesting. Here, on the second floor, under an artificial sky, there are real canals filled with water, along which gondolas sail past Piazza Sanmarco under Venetian bridges. Here you will see ceilings that mimic the real sky, changing color depending on the time of day.

If, having arrived in Las Vegas, you manage to visit at least some of the listed attractions and lose not all your money, then you have come to this city for a reason!

For many, Las Vegas is associated with sky-high prices and entertainment for millionaires.

1. Take a selfie with the Eiffel Tower in the background

Las Vegas has replicas of many places of worship from around the world. The Eiffel Tower in the city is half the size of the original, but it looks so realistic that in the photo it may well pass for the real one.

2. Light show near Swarovski Starburst

Every evening at 9:00 pm and midnight, a 4-meter LED crystal ball lowers over the shops Grand bazaar imitating a Times Square ball sinking before the New Year.

3. Beer tour at Banger Brewing

Free tours run three times a day: at 15:00, 16:30 and 20:00. As part of the tour, guests can sample the brewery's unique beer drinks and familiarize themselves with the brewing process.

4. Dancing fountain near Bellagio

An exciting water show takes place every 15 or 30 minutes depending on the time of day.

5. Concert at the Fremont Street Experience

From May to September, free concerts are held every day in the old part of the city, at other times of the year you can also find free concerts there, but with less regularity.

6. Visit the Bellagio Botanical Garden

This massive horticultural show changes every season. A team of 120 employees is responsible for the regular maintenance of the flora and fauna of the garden.

7. Watch exotic animals in the Flamingo's Wildlife Park

In a hotel Flamingo there is a valuable collection of Chilean flamingos, exotic birds, fish and turtles.

8. See a volcanic eruption near Mirage

The volcano erupts every day at 20:00 and 21:00, on Friday and Saturday at 22:00 an entertainment show is also held near it.

9. Watch pilot TV projects at CBS Television City

10. Attend a Circus Circus Show

The world's largest permanent circus provides free performances daily at 11:00.

11. Yoga classes

Red Rock Resort and Green Valley Ranch Resort offer free yoga classes by the pool.

12. Go behind the scenes of Cirque de Soleil

Every Saturday at 13:00 Mirage free backstage tours Cirque de Soleil, where guests will be told about the process of creating magic shows of this circus.

13. Festival of Music and Arts

At 22:00 every first Friday of the month on Fremont street the festival of music and arts is taking place.

14. Enjoy an art exhibition at Cosmopolitan

In a hotel Cosmopolitan a free mini-museum is organized, which displays paintings, photographs, frescoes, sculptures and works of other types of art.

15. Take a photo with a million dollars at Binion's

One of the attractions of the hotel Binion's is a sculpture of a million dollars, against which a very effective photo can be obtained.

16. Tour of the Ethel M confectionery factory

Wander through the kitchen and the famous candy store Ethel M, where you will learn a lot about candy making.

17. Visit the "Pawn Stars" show

It is filmed in Las Vegas, so by visiting a famous store in this city, you get the chance to become a star.

18. Swim in a natural spring at Gold Strike Canyon

Lake Mead National Recreation Area Is one of the best natural attractions in Nevada. Getting to the natural spring won't be easy, but worth it.

19. Explore the neon sculptures around Las Vegas

The city has a neon sculpture museum, but it costs money to enter. However, the city runs free tours to see such sculptures in different parts of Las Vegas.

20. Visit the reef

V The Silverton Casino Hotel there is a huge aquarium with corals and many colored fish, which can be visited completely free of charge.

21. Expand your knowledge of history

V Caesars Palace there are several “talking statues” that will tell visitors a lot of interesting information about the history of the people they represent.

22. Visit the Marjorie Barrick Museum

The University of Las Vegas is located Marjorie Barrick Museum where you can find art exhibitions and historical artifacts.

23. Shop at The Venetian

The Grand Canal is a perfect replica of Venice, with many shops in its enchanting atmosphere. Therefore, visitors will have something to see.

24. Take a classic photo in front of the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign

Such a photo will definitely not go unnoticed on social networks.

25. Visit the light and water show at Sam's Town Mystic Falls Park

The show runs daily at 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 and 22:00.

26. Visit the Vegas Park Dance Statue

Bliss dance Is a huge 12-meter statue of a dancing woman, a beautiful work of art inspired by Burning man, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

27. Visit Calico Basin Red Springs

Calico basin Is a beautiful area with hiking trails and sandstone cliffs for rock climbing.

28. Visit the old railway tunnel at Hoover Dam

This place is steeped in history and mystery.

29. Watch the Elvis lookalike perform at Harrah's Piano Bar

Pete Valle, known as Big Elvis, is one of the best and most famous Elvis lookalikes.

30. Become a whiskey expert at vomFass

VomFass offers everyone a free whiskey tasting course with the opportunity to evaluate this drink of American, Irish and Scottish production.

After a series of renovations, the new Beauty Crown cultural center was reopened to the public and was renamed the Beauty Crown Grand Theater. It has an elegant and classic European style of interiors, and the auditorium received European style armchairs. There are 30 VIP seats on the 2nd and 3rd floors. It is in this hall that the grandiose "Las Vegas" show is held, which each time gathers crowds of tourists.
The Las Vegas show in Sanya is one of the main tourist magnets. Held on a challenging stage in the revamped theater, the dance show is performed by the MGM team, which has had successful performances in Las Vegas for many years. The show amazes from the very first seconds with the professional performance of the dancers, as well as excellent sound and visual effects.
The Las Vegas Show in Sanya is held every day from 8:30 pm to 9:40 pm. The venue, as we said, is the Beauty Crown Grand Theater. This theater is located at Xinfeng Street 299.

Prices for the "Las Vegas" show in Sanya

The entrance ticket for the VIP seat is RMB 380 per person or RMB 350 per person for group bookings.
An admission ticket for a regular seat costs RMB 280 per person or RMB 220 for a group booking.

Before choosing an evening show, I read reviews and reviews about the best Las Vegas shows for a very long time. Initially, we wanted to go to the show "O" of Cirque du Soleil, which takes place at the Bellagio Hotel, but just before the flight we were strongly advised to pay attention to the show of professional acrobats of the Le Reve - The Dream collective, who are just performing on the stage of the Wynn Theater of the hotel. Wynn Las Vegas. We listened to the recommendation and did not regret it.

In general, I do not really like the circus and everything connected with it, I never liked stunts and clowns. But, you know, now I am writing this report, when a lot of time has passed and goose bumps are still running through my body from the impressions that I received.

The Dream performance takes place from Friday to Tuesday at 19.00 and 21.30; artists have a day off on Wednesday and Thursday.

Show ticket prices vary by location.

Poolside seeting - 14-16 row seats at the bottom of the pool. The cost is $ 115 + taxes. I would highly discourage these places, because you will be sitting with your head up all the time. And there is also an option to get wet.

Golden circle seating - seats on rows 18-24. The cost is $ 155 + taxes. In my opinion, the most optimal places, from where both the lower and upper parts of the stage are equally clearly visible. Actually, we took the 19th row.

Grandview seating - seats 26-31 rows. The cost is $ 140 + taxes. The upper part is better visible, but what is happening below is not at all visible. For those who like to contemplate the whole picture in general.

Dream seating - seats in the last row in sectors C, D, E. Cost $ 165 + taxes. Luxurious seats with personal HD quality monitor showing behind-the-scenes views.

Indulgence seating - seats in the last row in sectors A, B, F. Cost $ 205 + taxes. The most expensive seats, also equipped with cool chairs and private monitors. But here, in addition, there are a bunch of different bonuses: free champagne, strawberries and chocolate, truffles, as well as VIP access for selected restaurants and nightclubs of the Wynn and Encore hotels.

It is better to come to the show 15-20 minutes before the start. All are inspected and invited to take seats according to the purchased tickets. Taking photos and videos is allowed, but the flash is strictly prohibited.

When you get inside, you immediately pay attention to the stage, which consists entirely of a huge pool. At first, you can't even imagine what ordinary water is fraught with, but the action begins and you realize that water is the main character here. It falls from above like a waterfall, shoots out from the depths of the scaffolding, suddenly appears and again scatters around the entire circumference of the hall.

Throughout the performance, an international team of professionals keeps you in a pleasant emotional tension, performing spectacular stunts on the verge of human capabilities. They then jump from a great height into the pool, performing acrobatic numbers, then emerge from the hidden depths of the pedestal, demonstrating water tricks, then show the audience passionate dances, then suddenly find themselves among you. All this is accompanied by colorful costumes, a constantly transforming scene and an enchanting plot that intertwines light, water and amazing live music that immerses you in a fairy tale called a dream. Actually, this is what the show is called in translation.