How often can you use ski wash? Cleaning skis, which method is more effective?

How often can you use ski wash?  Cleaning skis, which method is more effective?
How often can you use ski wash? Cleaning skis, which method is more effective?

Ski washes are as important and necessary for the most comfortable use of skis as the lubricants themselves. After all, it is cleaning agents that allow you to properly care for sports equipment and keep it in perfect condition. The main task of washing is to remove excess ointment from the sliding surface of skis and bring them to a perfectly clean state, so necessary for long-term storage, care or preparation for further use.

The SportSeason online store offers a large assortment of ski removers in the form of liquids, pastes and aerosols for removing various types of ointments, as well as some other means used to remove lubricants, for example, brushes, scrapers, fiber paper, etc.

When choosing a remover, remember that:

To remove a certain type of ointment, its own remover is intended, but there are also universal varieties;

your choice will determine how thoroughly the old layer of lubricant is washed off, and accordingly, a fresh one is applied, and therefore the further behavior of the skis themselves;

this product should not contain toxic or chlorine-containing substances that can corrode paint, varnish, etc., otherwise its use will lead to a deterioration in both the external and functional characteristics of the equipment;

In order to preserve the microstructure of the sliding surface of skis, use only high-quality washes from trusted manufacturers, do not skimp by using products such as gasoline or turpentine.

Our store offers you the best products from various global manufacturers. For example, Swix is ​​a very popular brand. Such washes are environmentally friendly, without a strong, pungent odor, and do not have a negative effect on the body and human health due to the use of non-volatile solvents. You will also find here products from brands such as Start, Vauhti, Toko, Zet, which are also characterized by impeccable quality and maximum efficiency.

By becoming our client, you are guaranteed to receive:

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and many other privileges and advantageous offers.

Placing an order with us is very easy. Choose from the catalog offered the wash that is most suitable for your skis. Add to cart. And complete your application by filling out a short questionnaire.

To provide your skis with complete care and extend their service life, use high-quality washes. In our store you can easily purchase only the best options, thanks to which you will enjoy playing your favorite sport for many more seasons, without thinking about the need to change your ski equipment.

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The reader is already waiting for the “rose” rhyme... (c)

I have to immediately disappoint many fans of the “no fanaticism” approach to preparing a sliding surface: this material can only ruin your mood.

The story about lubrication began with a demonstration of the undeniable advantages of a “digital” iron T 71 with a power of 1000 W, with a 25 mm thick sole and a corresponding price. The main meaning was formulated lapidarily by Bjørn Bakken: “... without this device, work with powders and ointments of the family Cera Nova almost impossible".

Having assessed the condition of the iron received from the organizers (by the way, a “running” modification, without a textured sole), Jerne set about sanding and cleaning it. First with fibertex.

Then CH10!

Then fiberlen. To shine. From all sides.

A modest demonstration of the assortment

The sliding surface must be perfectly clean. After polishing with stone, before initial saturation with paraffin, mandatory polishing with fibertex is required.

First surprise: instead of the usual hot cleaning, Jerne strongly recommends using I 0084 Glide Wax Cleaner - remover for fluorinated lubricants

1. Why, actually, with a wash:

  • repeated fusing-cleaning mechanically and thermally disrupts the structure of the sliding surface;
  • modern washes not only do not disturb the structures, but improve them;

2. Remover specifically for fluoridated ointments:

  • Fluorinated and non-fluorinated lubricants practically do not mix. This especially interferes with the saturation of the sliding one to a certain depth. Hence the consequence - having decided to use fluorinated lubricants on these skis once, we even use them as a primer no lower than CH.

A surprise for me personally: the first brush is steel T 0179 O . Second - T 0164 O - from wild boar bristles. Moreover, the recommendation is different for ointments and powders...

We start with a softer ointment. Shock - the amount of paraffin poured. The explanation is simple - so as not to burn the sliding one.

A touch on the theme of work culture: we close the fasteners so as not to fill them with lubricant.

This is why you need a powerful iron with a thick sole and a sufficient amount of paraffin: the lubricant is melted in two passes, in a continuous movement along the ski. The iron evenly melts the lubricant without cooling down or burning the sliding plastic.

Scraper, brushes of various hardnesses - everything is standard.

HF 6 - and again look at the amount of lubricant. Cleaning out. Repetition. Let me reduce the number of letters and pictures.

Total cleaning of the side surfaces

White powder. The cost is comparable. Everyone pours it wherever and as much as he wants and can. There are no options to be greedy - the risk of burning the sliding iron heated to 160-165° in this case is extremely high.

Double fusion. In between - brushing T 0164 O . No secrets. “Jews, don’t skimp on the tea leaves!”

Treatment with a rotary brush. In principle, nothing tricky. It is more difficult to apply it during the first pass, when part of the powder has not yet been fused. As Jerne says, using hand or rotary tools is largely a matter of taste. An additional plus and minus of rotary brushes (as well as rotary plugs and rotofleece, used for accelerators and Rocket Spray ) - additional high temperature that occurs when working with them.

And in conclusion, as a continuation of the introduction: the remains of accelerators, sprays, etc., as a result of heat treatment and oxidation during skiing, form a crust that prevents the lubricant from penetrating deep into the ski. Skis must be thoroughly cleaned after use.

It is not only skis that are lubricated that glide best, but, and this is most important, skis that are regularly used.

All photos fii from the seminar - there.

Mikhail Kovnatsky, 2011

All the best! This time, I was prompted to take up the pen (keyboard) by an article on one of the amateur sites selling Fest glide ointments, in which, in a rather ridiculous form, arguments are made about the advantage of fluoride removers over CH-paraffins in a situation where it is necessary to clean skis before preparing them with the necessary ones. lubricants. A lot of copies have been broken about this, but some of the amateur skiers still remain somewhat confused about what to use as a cleaning agent for sliding plastic, fluoride remover or paraffin.. I will try, to the best of my modest capabilities and experience, to add final clarity on this issue. This site has already written competently about removers and paraffins for cleaning sliding surfaces, and I see no point in repeating that article. Therefore, I propose to analyze the recommendations of the home-grown “serviceman”, which were discussed at the very beginning of my topic. I will act according to the old “quote and analyze” scheme. So, let's start.

They write:
“The essence of the issue is that many amateur skiers are accustomed to using ordinary warm paraffins to clean their skis and they do not quite understand why they should buy an expensive remover (the average price of fluoride removers is 1,500-2,000 rubles).”

We answer:
Not only amateur skiers, but also athletes of all skill levels use paraffins to clean the sliding surface of skis, and if the “author” of this opus does not know about this, it does not do him any credit. Along with paraffins, a remover is also used (to speed up the initial cleaning), and to say that someone “doesn’t quite understand why they should buy a remover” is the height of inertia and arrogance. Well, no one here even mentioned the price - a large piece of non-Russian-made high-quality service paraffin costs not much less than a bottle of remover.

They write:
“First of all, I would like to say that, of course, you can also clean skis with paraffins, and you will get some degree of cleaning, but there are two significant disadvantages! This is the quality of cleaning. Fluorine removers contain a solvent for fluorine, thanks to which they deeply clean fluorine lubricants from the pores of the skis. Therefore, we can not worry that the lubricants that were on the ski before will affect the lubricating compounds that we are going to apply. And this is really important! Because with poor cleaning, even if you applied the lubricant correctly to the race, the previous lubricant can ruin your glide. Of course, even a fluorine remover will not give you 100% cleaning, some residues of powders, paraffins and other lubricants still remain in the pores of the skis, but the wash will allow you to clean your skis much deeper than paraffin. Why paraffin can’t it? According to the manufacturers, it is very difficult to remove the remnants of the previous fluoride with paraffins, since paraffin does not dissolve it, that is, dirt can be removed with paraffin, but the previous fluorine lubricant is very difficult."

We answer:
As practice shows, paraffin is guaranteed to achieve much better cleaning of the sliding surface than using a wash. Hot paraffin penetrates deep into the pores and pulls out dirt even from the most distant “nooks and crannies”. Washing removes the top, shallow layer of dirt and residues of paraffins and powders. First of all, the purpose of cleaning is not “fluoride lubricants from the pores of the ski,” but their residues mixed with pollution products. There are no fluorine lubricants there anymore, but only what’s left of them! It is important for us to obtain a clean ski surface for further application of sliding waxes, emulsions, gels or powders. The first rule of a lubricant: work only with a clean surface! Well, about the fact that “dirt is difficult to remove with paraffin, but the previous fluorine lubricant is difficult” - this is a masterpiece, only with a minus sign. If the “author” had any idea about preparing skis, he would certainly have known that one application of hot paraffin followed by cleaning it is enough to properly clean the ski, even from fluorine residues, or from other contaminants! And, for a minute, which manufacturers exactly claim that “it is very difficult to remove the remnants of previous fluoride with paraffins, since paraffin does not dissolve it”? Manufacturers of washes? By the way, I showed the “masterpiece”, quotes from which were used here, to Marco Sella, a brilliant coach who in the mid-2000s worked with the skiers of the first team of the Italian national team, as well as an excellent serviceman, having previously translated this text into Italian. Marco laughed for a very long time.

Let's summarize what was written:

- I am not against washes as such, especially since a number of companies make very worthy products in this segment of ski service products. But I am firmly against the statement that paraffin cleans the sliding surface of skis worse than a remover, and I have convincingly proven this above. Washing is really a good option when time is short, but this is not a reason to say that hydrocarbon waxes are unsuitable (or poorly suited) for cleaning the sliding surface of skis. Moreover, with the aplomb and categoricalness with which the “author” of these unqualified advice speaks.

Health and good spirits to everyone!

Your Lars Bergendahl

Winter sports harden the body and train the human cardiovascular system. Professional skiers know that a lot depends on the quality of equipment care. Ski wash before a walk plays an important role.

Such sports equipment is considered an attribute only for the younger generation, but intensive walking on short skis is gaining popularity among older people.

Purpose of the wash

Sports equipment must glide well on a snowy surface, since it is in the absence of friction that professional athletes achieve high speed and maneuverability. The equipment must be cleaned after each run-in. If you choose a quality product, ski care will not be burdensome.

To remove heavy contaminants such as fuel oil or paint, use a coarse brush with dense bristles.

The wash is intended for:

  • cleansing from sand, dust, dirt, ointments;
  • protecting equipment from sticking to the surface of various oily liquids;
  • increasing the athlete’s speed due to better gliding;
  • removing old layers of remover from another manufacturer.

Proper care increases the service life of equipment and protects the sliding surface from scratches.

Types of washes

Beginners to skiing sometimes don’t even know how to properly wash off grip ointment from skis. A large range of products allows you to choose the desired composition.

Emulsions differ in composition and effect after application:

  1. Fluoride liquid wash for cross-country skis. The most common and budget option for both athletes and amateurs. Thanks to the presence of a synthetic fluoride component, the liquid provides excellent gliding even in the most severe frost.
  2. The drug is in the form of a spray. It is sprayed onto skis on the eve of competitions, where it is required to show high results in the shortest period of time.
  3. To quickly achieve a sliding effect, it is best to use an aerosol. It is used for snowboards and alpine skis, winter sleds. This is an excellent option for allergy sufferers, as it does not contain chemical elements and has no characteristic odor. The aerosol prevents wear of the blade and provides an excellent sliding surface.
  4. Gel or ointment. Polyurethane-based gel copes well with heavy stains. It not only dissolves dried stains, but also gives a noticeable effect of a water-repellent “film”.

If the gel is not at hand, it can be replaced with ointment. It is convenient to use. It perfectly removes rust and dirt stains.

There are plastic and wooden skis. Before the start of the winter ski season, they need to be properly prepared. If it is possible to do this indoors, then apply the gel to the inner surface of the skis and distribute along the entire length. Gently wipe with a soft flannel cloth - the skis are ready for break-in.

Attention! For wooden skis, a “warm” ointment is recommended. This is due to the heat transfer of the material from which the equipment is made.

If there is no time for preparation, then distribute the care product along the entire length of the product using a spray. Pay attention to the area of ​​the shoe and the nose, because such places are subject to stress.

What to replace it with?

What to do if you suddenly forgot your special equipment at home, and there are no stores nearby. There is a way out if you have a cosmetic bag at hand.


  • moisturizing, nourishing hand cream;
  • pharmaceutical Vaseline;
  • hair balm or serum.

They even use antimicrobial hand sanitizer. The main thing is that the cosmetic product contains lanolin or petroleum jelly.

It is recommended to prepare sports equipment before each walk or workout. Even if skis are not used, it is worth treating the surfaces with a wash once a year. This way the sports equipment will be preserved. The products can be used when appropriate.

Skis They began to glide poorly, and you stopped enjoying skiing. The reason, as a rule, lies in untimely or poor-quality ski maintenance. Therefore, it is important to be able not only to store skis, but also to handle them.


Ski processing paraffin carried out to protect the sliding surface from oxidation, as well as to drain water that forms during contact of skis with snow. To remove wax, use a stripper (a special mixture of a family of aliphatic solvents) or scraping. Here it is necessary to remember that washing removes the ground (base) paraffin, and therefore this method is only good if you decide to complete the procedure for applying paraffin from scratch.

If you do not pursue this goal, then use scrapers. Remember that if you save the primer, you can later use different types of paraffin depending on weather conditions.

Buy a special machine for fastening skis in the store or make it yourself (this is necessary so that the ski has support along its entire length). You will also have to buy scrapers made of organic glass or plastic. They usually have a thickness of 3 to 5 mm. The greater thickness of the scraper allows for more rigid processing. By the way, you can also make a scraper yourself.

To avoid the formation of a concave or convex surface, apply even pressure with a scraper and move it several times from the tip of the ski to its back. To prevent severe damage to the surface, move the scraper evenly, without breaking.

Periodically clean the scraper from any paraffin stuck to it. To give the tool the appropriate sharpness, if necessary, fine-tune it with sandpaper.

Carefully process the groove and edges of the skis. To do this, use appropriately shaped scrapers. Remove any remaining paraffin with a stiff nylon brush. Making even short movements, walk it along the ski.

To clean the sliding surface from dirt, grease or when radically changing paraffins, use the hot method. To do this, using a special iron (you can also use a regular household iron), apply paraffin to the surface of the ski, without waiting for the paraffin to completely harden, remove it with a scraper. Please note that with the right approach, during your actions, a kind of roller will form in front of the scraper, consisting of paraffin dirt and ointment residues.

As is known, skis need to be smeared. Any ski wax is better than nothing. Especially if skis wooden. Although new plastic ones also need to be smeared with special ski ointments. Why in plural? Yes because skis you have to lubricate with two types of ointments or paraffins.


Slip ointment is applied to the heel and toe skis, improves gliding, increases speed, and accordingly increases pleasure. Selected depending on temperature and humidity. It comes with fluorine and without fluorine. Fluoride-containing ointment, paraffin, is used in humid weather.

Holding ointment prevents the ski from spontaneously kicking back, sliding backwards, and keeps the ski in place during the push of the foot. It is also selected depending on temperature and humidity. Apply to the middle part skis, on the block, part skis(50 cm) up from the heel of the boot inserted into the binding.

For applying paraffin, ointment to skis you will need a special iron (you can take a regular, old one, without holes in the sole, put it on the lowest heat and keep a damp cloth on hand for quick cooling), a plastic scraper (you can buy it, or you can make it yourself by looking at its design in the store ), a nylon brush (quite hard), a soft rag (felt or wool).

The primary treatment of new skis should be performed with soft plus paraffins without fluorine, melting point 65-70o C.

Warm up the sliding surface carefully skis(for example, a sock) with a warm iron.
Touch the base paraffin with the iron and drip paraffin onto the heated sliding surface skis.

Using an iron, melt the paraffin into the sliding surface. Make sure there is a layer of paraffin between the surface and the iron. Let the paraffin harden for 10-15 minutes.

Remove paraffin from skis scraper Use a brush to remove any remaining paraffin from the sliding surface. skis and polish with a soft cloth.

Repeat the same manipulations with the remaining sliding surfaces of the skis. Apply weathering paraffin to the base paraffin in the same way, i.e. one that is suitable for a given temperature and humidity.