Beautiful male names August. How to name a child born in August, suitable names for a little lioness and a little lion cub

Beautiful male names August.  How to name a child born in August, suitable names for a little lioness and a little lion cub
Beautiful male names August. How to name a child born in August, suitable names for a little lioness and a little lion cub

Choosing a name for a newborn is the first and very responsible task of a parent. In the future, the fate of the baby will depend on this choice.

There are a great many names, today parents have a lot to choose from. But you should not be guided only by fashion or religious views. At different times of the year, people are born with completely different character traits. Knowing the characteristics of the name, you can express the missing features with its help. Or, on the contrary, to muffle unwanted ones.

Characteristics for the names of boys born in August

Those born in August constantly feel the need to move forward, they are distinguished by curiosity, the desire to learn new things, create and invent, lion children are insanely curious. From childhood, lion cubs show leadership qualities, require recognition and increased attention to their person. They will achieve this in any way, parents need to be ready for this and not relax! It is very important for little lions that all the people around them admire them, so they will demonstrate their good qualities with enviable tenacity. But even with such a love of attention, they love to remain independent. When making a decision, they rely solely on themselves, they can go against public opinion and do what they think is right for themselves.

August boys are extremely charismatic, they will be surrounded by girls like a magnet with paper clips. Instantly become the center of any company. True, with age, preference will tend to the side of the family, love will be given to their loved ones.

Another positive trait of August people is decency and honesty. Lying and intriguing is not their strong point. It should be noted that they also do not accept people who are engaged in deception. Lions are ready to help even not very familiar people. Unselfish, generous, inclined to mercy and altruism.

Negative traits include excessive emotionality and impressionability, craving for unjustified risk, cowardice and pride. To compensate for these disadvantages, it is recommended that "summer" children give firm names.

Every man should wear his name with dignity, be proud of him, boys dream of being brave and courageous, and they also want their name to sound bold and beautiful, to emphasize their masculinity.

The best names for boys born this month will be the following: Alexander, Anton, Denis, Gleb, Ivan, Ilya, Nikolay, Roman, Sergey, Stepan, Maxim, Leonid.

Excellent leaders will come out of them, because the ability of far-sighted development of an enterprise or division is in their blood. It is their talent to assess risks and foresee prospects, carefully and deliberately and at the same time make decisions boldly. At the same time, they will take care of their subordinates. In addition to leadership positions, they can be advantageously realized in the fields of politics and science. They are prone to art, so there is a chance to self-actualize in painting or music. An inquisitive mind makes itself felt, so they grasp literally everything on the fly.

Boys born in August carry a huge charge of positiveness, enthusiasm and vitality.... Such children have remarkable willpower, endurance, originality. These are real perfectionists who always try to achieve what they want at any cost, bring the matter to perfection and, thereby, gain the approval, respect and admiration of others. Praise from the community is very important for the August children. They need to be noticed, to be admired.

Despite a bit of self-centeredness in character, August boys are generous and sensitive to the problems of other people. They will always come to help, lend a shoulder.

August children know how to show themselves. They have an innate style, charisma, and rapidly developing communication skills. They are born speakers. Such children are already the most visible, popular, active and talented in the sandbox.

Many scientists involved in astrology and not only are sure that not only the stars, but the season of the child's birth itself, makes adjustments to its character. For example, summer is a bright, rich, in places carefree time, and August itself is a generous and warm month. Therefore, August children are generous, kind and attentive to others, although sometimes they are too emotional and prone to rash actions.

Excessive pride can be called a negative character trait of the August boy. Such a child does not tolerate ridicule. Being easily excitable, August children can rebel if someone encroached on their freedom or refused their request. They take the word "no" hard and practically do not know how to admit that they are wrong. But such children do not know how to be offended for a long time. They move away quickly.

If we talk about the astrological characteristics of August children, then this month two zodiac signs reign - in the first half of the month Leo and in the second - Virgo. Leos love to be the center of attention, they crave praise and recognition, they easily lose control and fall into a rage. Virgos are more balanced, judicious and cool-headed. August is patronized by the planets Mercury and the Sun. This combination helps August kids easily achieve fame and success.

What is the name of a child born this month?

There are so-called lucky names that are most suitable for children. born in the last month of summer.

Experts who are involved in the characterization of names recommend giving August boys names that contain soft sounds. This helps soften the kid's tough temper. For example:

What are the male names according to the Orthodox Church calendar (saints)?

Popular wisdom says that you need to talk about God with children, so that later you do not talk about children with God all your life. That is why the patron saint is a significant figure in Orthodoxy.

The choice of a name according to the calendar is an ancient Orthodox tradition.... It was believed that if a baby is named after a saint, then this saint will become the patron saint of the child and save him from future difficulties and misfortunes. The name according to the calendar is given either on the basis of the child's birthday, or according to the date of the child's baptism, or is chosen by the date in the interval between the birth and the baptism of the child.

It is interesting that our ancestors considered the day of the child's naming exactly the 8th day after his birth, and baptism took place on the 40th day from the date of birth. From the table below you can find out when, according to the church calendar, the days of the angel, or name day, come for popular male names of saints, in order to choose how to name a child born in early, mid and late August.

date Name Meaning of the name Patron Saint Celebrating Name Day (Angel Day)
1.08 Dmitriy "Belonging to Demeter" Saint Demetrius of Rostov, Metropolitan
2.08 Alexey "Protecting" Holy Martyr Alexy Znamensky, Archpriest
3.08 Fedor "God's gift" Holy Martyr Theodore
4.08 Michael "godlike" Holy Martyr Mikhail Nakaryakov, Priest
5.08 Vitaly "vital" Saint Vitalian of Rome, Pope
6.08 Afanasy "immortal" Holy Martyr Athanasius of Ikia
7.08 Makar "happy" Venerable Macarius Zheltovodsky
8.08 Sergey "Venerable" Holy Martyr Sergius Strelnikov, Archpriest
9.08 Hermann Consanguineous Reverend Herman of Alaska
10.08 Ivan "God's grace" Holy Martyr John Mileshkin
11.08 Konstantin "constant" Saint Constantine of Constantinople, Patriarch
12.08 Valentine "healthy" Holy Martyr Valentine of Interamsky, Bishop of Italy
13.08 Arseny "Courageous" Saint Arseny of Ninotsminda, Bishop
14.08 Elizar "God helped" Holy Martyr Eleazar
15.08 Plato Broad-shouldered Holy Martyr Platon of the Mountain, Priest
16.08 Vyacheslav "Great glory" Holy Martyr Viacheslav Lukanin, Deacon
17.08 Semyon "hearing" Holy Martyr Simeon Vorobyov
18.08 Efim "complacent" Saint Euthymius of Constantinople, Patriarch
19.08 None of the saints are honored on this day
20.08 Peter "Stone block" Holy Martyr Peter Tokarev, Priest
21.08 Joseph "God will increase" Venerable Martyr Joseph Baranov
22.08 Matvey "Bestowed by the Lord" Holy Martyr Matthew
23.08 Savva "Old man" Venerable Savva Storozhevsky, Zvenigorodsky, abbot
24.08 Basil "Royal"

Holy Martyr Basil of Pechersky, Hieromonk

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event that requires maximum concentration and responsibility from new parents. Even when choosing a name for a baby, you should think carefully so as not to accidentally harm the baby with your frivolity.

There are a number of simple rules, following which you can choose a name for a newborn or newborn so that everyone is happy (see. orthodox calendar of names as of August 2017 below).

1. Consonance. This is almost the main rule that must be taken into account when choosing a baby's name. The name must match the surname and patronymic so that when heard, they harmoniously add up to a pleasant consonance. If you hear harshness or a combination of first name and last name and patronymic gives an unpleasant connotation, then you should think carefully about whether you should call your offspring that way.

2. Traditions. There are many ways to choose a name for your child. Some rely only on their own preferences, others want in honor of a famous person or relative. But this practice is not always positive. It may turn out that in an inexplicable way, part of the personality traits, mixed with some events in life, will be passed on to the child. And they may not always be good ... It is better to create a new, special personality than to try to copy someone who has already lived.

3. Names according to the calendar... Orthodox Christians have a custom to call the baby by the name of the saint, revered on the date of birth of the baby or close to her, that is, according to the calendar. This option is considered the most acceptable when choosing a name for a newborn, because in addition to the Russian, euphonious name, the child acquires a heavenly patron who will protect him to the last.

Female and male names in August 2017 according to the church calendar

How to name a child in August 2017

Names for boys, meanings of names:
Seraphim ("fiery angel"), Tikhon ("lucky"), Roman ("Roman"), Dmitry ("dedicated to Demeter"), Stepan ("crown"), Peter ("stone"), Fedor ("God's gift" ), Constantine ("permanent"), Alexander ("defender"), Athanasius ("immortal"), Ivan ("given by God"), Nikolai ("conqueror of nations"), Sergei ("guardian"), George ("landowner "), Ilya (" my God is Jehovah "), Kuzma (" energetic "), Clement (" merciful "), Savva (" archer ")

Names for girls, meanings of names:
Karina ("flawless"), Alina ("noble"), Maria ("stubborn"), Christina ("follower of Christ"), Anna ("grace"), Iraida ("hero's daughter"), Anfisa ("blooming") , Elena ("light"), Anastasia ("resurrection"), Arina ("peace").

Knowing the names in the calendar in August or in any other month - why is it so important? On the eve of the baby's birth, one of the most difficult questions arises before the parents: Recently, more and more moms and dads began to pay attention to Tanyusha and Seryozha, which were still popular a couple of decades ago, were replaced by Julians and Alberts. More and more people turn to the church calendar when choosing a name, because for every month you can find names in the calendar: in August, February or May - it doesn't matter when the baby was born, there will always be a name for him. It is believed that with the name of this or that saint, his qualities are transferred to the child. Let's turn to the calendar and consider the names of the saints who were born in the last summer month.

Names of girls according to the calendar

August is rich in beautiful names, but usually the child is given the name that appears on that particular day or one or two days later. Now we will look at the dates of the month.

1 - Sophia, which means wise in Greek;

4 - Evdokia (Oia), from the Greek "goodwill";

5 - Daria, from Persian "strong"; Mary, which in Hebrew means "lady, hope"; Nonna - pure, holy;

7 - Marina - marine;

11 - Sassanna, or a more familiar option for us - Susanna, Suzanne;

13 - Irina (from the male Irenaeus - peaceful);

14 - Eve - giver of light;

15 - Mary;

16 - Anna - grace, mercy;

17 - Ulyana, Juliana - Roman name;

21 - Martha - mistress, mistress (from Greek);

26 - Maria, Natalia - native from Latin;

27 - Anfisa - blooming from the Greek;

The names of the boys according to the calendar

August gives male children many different names. Let's consider the most popular of them, familiar to our ear.

1 - Alexander, Dmitry, Anthony, Leonty (Leonid);

2 - Vasily, Plato, Stephen (Stepan);

3 - Nikolay, Vyacheslav, Anthony;

4 - Anthony, Dionysius, Dmitry, Constantine, John (Ivan), Semion (Semyon);

5 - Jonah, Semyon;

7 - Alexander, Alexey, Anthony, Dmitry, Vasily, John, Peter, Michael;

8 - German, Gregory, Leonid, Nikolai;

9 - Alexey, Peter, Dmitry, Anthony;

10 - Roman, Vyacheslav;

11 - Arkady, Alexey, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Leonid, Vasily, Peter, Nikolay, Sergiy;

12 - Alexander, Arkady, Dmitry, Ilya, Nikolay, Sergiy, Peter;

13 - Alexey, Vasily, John, Constantine, Nikolay, Maxim;

14 - Alexander, Alexy, Arkady, Vasily, Vladimir, Nikolai, Theodor;

16 - Alexander, Jacob;

17 - Alexey, Dmitry, Pavel;

18 - Gregory, Dionysius, Eugene, George, Mikhail;

19 - Timofey, Andrey, Nikolay;

20 - Vladimir;

21 - Alexander, Pavel;

22 - Basil, John, Michael;

23 - John, Paul, Nikolay;

24 - Arseny, Peter, George;

25 - Vladimir;

26 - Adrian, Dmitry, Georgy, Victor, Peter, Roman;

27 - Vladimir, Dmitry, Alexander, Mikhail;

28 - Anatoly, Arseny. George, Vasily, Dionysius, Sergius, Leonty, John, Fedor;

29 - John;

30 - Alexander, Daniel, Gregory, Arseny, Ignatius, Peter, Pavel;

31 - Mikhail, Gennady, Dmitry, Alexander, Vladimir.

Choosing a name with love

As you can see, women's names in the calendar in August are not found every day. Therefore, you can give girls names derived from masculine ones. In this case, their patron will be the saint after whom they are named. And the derivatives can be as follows: Vasilisa, Alexandra, Vitalina, Ivanna, and so on. But basically, the names in the calendar in August are numerous, parents can always choose to their taste, and the child will be favored by a saint born on the same day.


Psychologists advise against calling babies too exotic names. Such children, who do not always have the initial prerequisites that distinguish them from the general mass, have a less stable nervous system, and end up in different difficult situations. In addition, the singularity of the name often makes them much more eccentric.

You can follow Orthodox traditions and give a name to the child depending on which saint is honored on the date of his birth or baptism. Moreover, they can get the name of the saint closest to the date, because appropriate are not every day. Often a person has two names: the first "secular", given to him by his parents, and the second, received at baptism, known only to a narrow circle of relatives.

People born at the end of summer are constantly moving forward, striving for new knowledge, wanting to be a leader in their field. They constantly need the admiration of others, recognition of their merits and achievements. They love to be in the center of attention and try to achieve this in any way, they want others to have a good opinion of them. However, despite this, these people are independent and self-sufficient. They always do everything as they see fit.

August people are unusually charismatic, attractive to members of the opposite sex, and able to become the center of attention in any company. But, in spite of everything, the family occupies a special place in their life. They are distinguished by decency and honesty, are not capable of intrigue and are always ready to help. Born in August, they make excellent leaders who know how to soberly assess possible prospects and risks. They also make specialists in the field of art, politics or science.

For boys born in August, names such as Alexander, Gleb, Nikolai, Zakhar, Prokhor, Boris, Evdokim, Ilya, Ivan, Sergey, Anton, Roman, Maxim, Leonid, Stepan, Denis are ideal. The names of the girls will bring happiness: Maria, Anna, Ulyana, Julia, Christina, Anfisa, Margarita, Elizaveta, Tatiana, Tamara.

If a child was born before 23, then he is Leo by the zodiac sign. They are energetic, domineering people, they are bright and independent, sociable and active. Their names most often begin with the letter "A" and sound firm and concise. Names are well suited for men: Artyom, Alexey, Abram, Bogdan, German, Zakhar, Ilya, Nikolai, Roman, Rostislav, Yan. For women, Alla, Daria, Diana, Lydia, Lyubov, Regina, Ella, Elvira, Julia will be appropriate.

A child born after August 23 is considered the zodiac Virgo. They are cold-blooded, calculating and rational people, they are distinguished by analytical skills and heightened concern for their health. The names for the representatives of this sign sound more relaxed. For example, Virgo can be called Valentin, Gleb, Gennady, Denis, Nikita, Stepan or Timofey. Ideal options for girls: Anastasia, Irina, Ksenia, Taisia, Tamara or Tatiana.