Royal Spit: Scheme and Description of the Knitting Process for Beginners Needlewoman

Royal Spit: Scheme and Description of the Knitting Process for Beginners Needlewoman
Royal Spit: Scheme and Description of the Knitting Process for Beginners Needlewoman

One of the most common patterns when viscating any needlewomen is the royal spit, you will find a scheme in our article. With the help of such a pattern, you can make knitted things for both children and adults. Knitting the "Royal Spit" pattern can be performed, for example, a solid single ornament on the canvas, and can be combined with other mating and drawings.

There is a huge variant of the confusion of the "Royal Spit" pattern with the help of the spokes. We offer you one of the most simple and understandable options for creating this ornament that will be understood even a beginner needlewoman.

In order to facilitate the process of knitting this unusual and beautiful ornament, you can purchase special knitting needles in a handwritten store, which are made precisely for this type of applied needlework. Such knitting spokes have an arched middle.

In order for the "Royal Spit" to come out beautiful and neat, it is necessary to have two knitting needles: one use as the main one, and the second as auxiliary. Auxiliary toolkit should always be one size less than the main one.
Also, a lot depends on the proper choice of yarn for knitting. If you want to perform a large width ornament with needles, then use thick and fluffy knitting yarn. Cotton threads are most convenient to knit narrow braids. They can be directed to the left and right. If you wish the drawing to be directed to the right side, then leave the tool behind the working path. And if you want the "royal spit" to be on the left side, then place the yarn before work.

"Royal Spit" has a form of a wide ornament, which includes two smaller pigtails overwhelming. The drawing is performed on the background associated with the use of an invalid or facechair. She knives with a crossing of five loops from the left side to the right and vice versa. The number of loops should be multiple of thirty digit.

The first row begins with the fact that all loops must be made in the individual way. Starting from the second strip, all the invalid lines should be tied by the hinges. The third row knit needles according to such a scheme: Remove five loops without tissue, and transfer them to an additional knitting needle. Leave it before work. New five loops connect with facial stroy, then transferred buttercups knit front. Tie the following ten facial loops and again five loops need to be removed to another tool and leave them from behind working fabric. New links Knit facial viscous, and after them transferred to the loops, also follow the front. The fifth and seventh strip is performed using facial loops.

The ninth line is performed as follows: five facial loops, five loops remove to the auxiliary tool and leave for work. After that, there are five facial loaflets and five that were transferred, lie face-to-face stroke. Next, again, pay so many links, as in the description above, but leave them already before the working path. Then five kettops to the face, filmed face and five more links left the latter. The eleventh row fully knits facial loops. The diagram of the "Royal Spit" pattern begins to repeat when the time of mating thirteenth strip is suitable.

Beginner needlewomen may seem that the "royal spit" is a very complex and time-consuming pattern, which is simply impossible to repeat. But it is completely wrong. You only need to understand the specifics of these manipulations with the knitting needles, as in the rapeport there is a practically the same trend of linking links. Make to start a small sample to learn how to work with the pattern. When you understand that everything is obtained as necessary, you can begin knitting a full product with knitting needles.

Thematic video to the article

After reading our article, we suggest familiarizing yourself with several interesting videos on the topic presented. In these videos, you will hand over the ideas of manufacturing and designing products with a painter "Royal Spit" with your own hands. We hope that the material proposed by us will be useful to you. Pleasant and useful study!