When St. Luke Day. The arrival of the temple of the resurrection of the word in the Maryan Park

When St. Luke Day. The arrival of the temple of the resurrection of the word in the Maryan Park
When St. Luke Day. The arrival of the temple of the resurrection of the word in the Maryan Park

June 11 - the day of the memory of St. Luke Krymsky (War-Yasenetsky). The saint of God Lukuk, the moths of Christ of God to be saved by our souls. Saint Luka (in the world Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky) was born in 1877 in the city of Kerch, in Crimea, in the noble family of Polish origin. Since childhood, he was fond of painting and decided to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. However, during the entrance examinations, they were doubtful, and he decided that he had no right to do what I like, and you need to work to facilitate the suffering of the neighbor. So, after reading the words of the Savior about the harvest's making (see: Matt. 9: 37), he perceived the call to serve God's people. Valentin decided to devote himself to medicine and entered the medical faculty of Kiev University. The talent of the artist helped him in scrupulous anatomical studies. He graduated brilliantly (1903) on the eve of the Russian-Japanese war, and his doctor's career began in the hospital in the city of Chita. There he met and combined with a marriage with her sister of mercy, they had four children. Then he was transferred to the hospital of the city of Ardatov by the Simbirsk province, and later to the upper lipl of the Kursk province. Working in hospitals and seeing the consequences that happen with general anesthesia, he concluded that in most cases it must be replaced by local anesthesia. Despite the scant equipment in hospitals, he successfully conducted a large number of surgical operations, which attracted to him and patients from neighboring counties. He continued to work as a surgeon in the village of Romanovka of the Saratov region, and then he was appointed head physician of the hospital at 50 beds in Pereslavl-Zalessky. There, he still operated a lot, continuing to conduct scientific research.

In 1916, in Moscow, Valentin Feliksovich successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of local anesthesia and began working on a large monograph on purulent surgery. In 1917, when the revolution risks were rare in large cities, he was appointed head physician of the Tashkent city hospital and settled with his family in this city. Soon the spouse died from tuberculosis. During the care of a dying in his head, the thought came to ask her operating sister to take care of the upbringing of children. She agreed, and Dr. Valentin was able to continue its activities both in the hospital and at the university, where he led anatomy and surgery. He often took part in the disputes on spiritual topics, where he acted with refutations of theses of scientific atheism. At the end of one of the assembly, on which he had long and inspired, the bishop of Innokenti took him aside and said: "Doctor, you need to be a priest." Although Valentine never thought about the priesthood, he immediately accepted the offer of the hierarch. In the next Sunday, he was ordained in the Diacon, and after a week it was erected in San Ierhea. He simultaneously worked as a doctor as a professor and as a priest, serving in the cathedral only on Sundays and coming to classes in Ryas. He did not do much more services and sacraments, but learned in preaching, and his instructions complemented spiritual conversations to the burning topics. Two years in a row, he participated in the public disputes with the redefined priest, became the head of anti-religious propaganda in the region and the deadly death afterwards. In 1923, when the so-called "Living Church" provoked an updated split, making discord and embarrassment in the Lono of the Church, Bishop Tashkent was forced to hide, putting the management of the diocese on Valentine's father and another protopsychiatrist. Remaining Bishop Andrei Ufimsky (KN. Ukhtomsky), being in the city of Travel, approved the election of Valentine's father to the Episcopath, committed by the Cathedral of the clergy, which preserved the loyalty of the Church. Then the same bishop tonsure Valentine in his room to the monks named Luka and sent to a small town near Samarkand. Here two exile bishops lived here, and the St. Luca in the strictest secret was Cahotonisan (May 18, 1923). After a week and a half after returning to Tashkent and after his first liturgy, he was arrested by security bodies (GPU), accused of counter-revolutionary activities and espionage in favor of England and was convicted of links to Siberia to Turukhan Region. The path in the link took place in horrific conditions, but the Holy Doctor spent not one surgical surgery, saving from the right death of the suffering, whom he had to meet in his path. In the link, he also worked in the hospital and made a lot of complex operations. He used to bless patients and pray before the operation. When representatives of the GPU tried to prohibit it, they came across a solid bishop refusal. Then St. Luka was summoned to the office of state security, they were given half an hour for the fees and sent to the sledding of the Ice Ocean. There he walked in coastal settlements.

At the beginning of the Great Post, he was withdrawn to Turukhansk. The doctor returned to work in the hospital, since after his expulsion she lost the only surgeon, which caused the ropot of the local population. In 1926, he was released and returned to Tashkent. On the next autumn, Metropolitan Sergius appointed it first in the Rylsk of the Kursk Diocese, then in Elets Orlovskaya Diocese as a Vicar Bishop and, finally, to the Izhevian department. However, on the advice of Metropolitan Arseny, Novgorod, Luka refused and asked for peace - the decision that he bitally regret afterwards. For about three years, he calmly continued its activities. In 1930, his colleague in the medical faculty professor Mikhailovsky, having lost his mind after the death of his son, decided to revive it with blood transfusion, and then committed suicide. At the request of the widow and taking into account the mental illness of the professor, Lord of Luka signed permission to be buried on his church rite. Communist authorities took advantage of this situation and accused the bishop in the awareness of the murder of Professor. In their opinion, the Lord from religious fanatism prevented Mikhailovsky to resurrect the deceased with the help of materialistic science. Bishop Luke was arrested shortly before the destruction of the Church of St. Sergius, where he preached. It was subjected to continuous interrogation, after which they tied to the scented carpenter, which undermined it to the already stunning health. Protesting against inhuman conditions of detention, Saint Luka began a hunger strike. Then the investigator gave the floor to let him go if he stops a hunger strike. However, he did not restrain the words, and the bishop was convicted of a new three-year link. Again the way in terrifying conditions, after which work in the hospital in Kotlas and Arkhangelsk from 1931 to 1933. When Vladyka had a tumor, he went to the operation to Leningrad. There, once during the service in the Church, he survived a stunning spiritual revelation, who reminded him of the beginning of his church ministry. Then the bishop was transferred to Moscow for new interrogations and made interesting proposals on scientific research, but provided a renunciation from Sana, to which St. Luca responded with solid refusal. Liberated in 1933, he refused to head the free Episcopal Department, wanting to devote himself to continue scientific research. He returned to Tashkent, where he was able to work in a small hospital. In 1934 his work was published "essays of purulent surgery", which soon became the classic of medical literature. During work in Tashkent, the Vladyka fell ill with tropical disease, which led to the retinal detachment. Nevertheless, he continued the medical activity until 1937. The brutal repressions committed by Stalin not only against the right oppositionists and religious leaders, but also against the communist figures of the first wave, filled with millions of concentration camps. St. Luca was arrested together with Archbishop Tashkent and other priests who preserved the loyalty to the Church and accused of creating a counter-revolutionary church organization.

The saint was subjected to the "conveyor" interrogation, when 13 days and nights in the blinding light of the lamps investigators, replacing each other, continuously interrogated, forcing him to state himself. When the bishop began a new hunger strike, his, exhausted, sent to the newspapers of state budgets. After new interrogations and torture, the depletion of his forces and leading to a fortune when he could no longer control himself, Saint Luka signed with a trembling hand, which recognizes his participation in the anti-Soviet conspiracy. So in 1940, he was sent to the link for the third time, to Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where after numerous stations and failures could achieve permission to work as a surgeon and even continue in Tomsk scientific research. When the invasion of the Hitler's troops occurred and the war began (1941), who ranked millions of victims, St. Luca was appointed the main surgeon of the Krasnoyarsk Hospital, as well as those responsible for all the military hospitals of the region. At the same time, he served as a bishop in the diocese of the region, where, as the communists were proudly reported, there was not a single acting church. Metropolitan Sergius elevated him to the San Archbishop. In this Sana, he took part in the 1943 Cathedral, which was elected Patriarch Metropolitan Sergius, and Saint Luka himself became a member of constant Synod. Since during the war, religious persecution was somewhat weakened, he began an extensive program for the revival of religious life, with double energy giving preaching. When the Krasnoyarsk Hospital was translated into Tambov (1944), he settled in this city and managed the diocese, at the same time working on the publication of various medical and theological labor, in particular the apology of Christianity against scientific atheism, entitled "Spirit, soul and body." In this work, the saint protects the principles of Christian anthropology with solid scientific arguments. In February 1945, the Archpastor Activities, St. Luca, was awarded the right of wearing the cross on the hood. For patriotism, he was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." A year later, Archbishop Tambov and Michurinsky Luka became the winner of the Stalinist Premium of the first degree for the scientific development of new surgical methods for the treatment of purulent diseases and injuries set forth in the scientific works "Essays of purulent surgery" and "Late resection with infected junctions of joints." In 1946, he was transferred to Crimea and appointed Archbishop Simferopol. In Crimea, he was forced primarily to deal with the businesses of the local clergy. He taught that the heart of the priest should become a fire that radiates the light of the Gospel and the Love to the cross, whether it is a word or an appropriate example. Due to heart disease, Saint Luka was forced to stop operating, but continued to give free consultations and provide assistance to local doctors with advice. In his prayers, many wonderful healings occurred. In 1956, he completely blinded, but he continued to serve the Divine Liturgy, to preach and manage the diocese. He courageously opposed the closure of churches and various forms of persecution from the authorities. Under the load of lived, perforing the case of a certificate of the Lord, crucified in the name of our salvation, Bishop Luka was peacefully restored on May 29, 1961. At his funeral, he was attended by all the clergy of the diocese and a huge crowd of people, and the grave of St. Luke soon became the place of pilgrimage, where numerous healings still take place.

Prayer to St. Luka, the confessor, Archbishop of the Krasnoyarsk and Crimean on the All-Breeding Confessment, the Holy Father Our Lukuk, the Great Hisphere of Christ. With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and fallen to the Hacfish of honest and multi-purpose power, Ya.Khodki Chad Father Molim Majm Everything: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving God. You are now in the joy of saints and from the face of the angel of the preston. Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by Love, Eyuzh all the neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth. We are as soon as of Christ's God, will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride. We all give the gift of Komujdotously well-consistent, and all the time for the life of the time and the eternal salvation is useful. Grades of our statement, earth fruit, from a glad and a flock of getting rid. Sorrowful consolation, affecting healing, lost on the path of truth. Return, parent blessing, Chadam in the fear of Lord. Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession. Give us to all your archpastor blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goose dunning and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits. We will put us on the path leading in the village of righteous, and the moths about us are the All-Fivota of God, and in Eventernatively, you will advise with you incessantly, the sophisticated and inseparable Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Compiler - Ieromona Macarium Simonopetrian. Adapted Russian translation - Publisher of the Sretensky Monastery.

May 29 / June 11 Orthodox church celebrates memory day saint Luke (Warneletsky), Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean .

Restless folk love, heartfelt stories about the wonderful healings that occurred on prayer to St. Luke - Archbishop of the Crimean and Simferopol - all this happens now, these days!

Luke's saint is the patron saint of all medical science and other natural disciplines associated with it, and above all surgery, since the peace is Luca - V.F. War-Yasenetsky was a great surgeon. The prayer in front of the icon of St. Luke of Crimean and Simferopol will help the doctor before a complex operation, as well as the patient to whom surgical intervention.

It is requested to heal from other different ailments, remembering that there were wonderful getting rid of diseases from the relics. A brief prayer for help is to correctly "hear" the patient's body will help the physician more accurately diagnose, for the saint himself was a brilliant, subtle diagnost.

It is also possible to seek it for help in enlightenment in the field of medical and other natural sciences - biology, physiology, etc., which is important for students and researchers in these scientific spheres.

His life was the true ministry to people in all conditions and under any circumstances. In whatever title, for whatever position, the Zemsky doctor, the head of the surgical department, the professor, convicted and referring, the Ieria, the bishop or the archbishop, - he always remained faithful to his convictions, I preached my whole life what it was closely Christian heart, and did not accept what could not be reconciled. His love for a person was so deep, and faith in God is so strong that it helped him to survive unbearable-sophisticated life situations and not only survive, but also to carry Christian love and effective help to those whom she was most needed.

Saying "Holy", we often imagine a person from the distant past. Does there have holiness in our usual life? I want to say: "Yes!" The more valuable the life of the saints, whose life took place in the time period, not so distant from our own life. When we say, touching: "Holy Man!", What causes such emotions in us? What is holiness? The question is not simple. But if you remember the commandments of Christ, the data in his Nagorno sermon, then everything becomes not so difficult. "Blessed are merciful, for they will be pardon. Blessed with a pure heart, for they are a bit of God. Blessed peacekeepers, for they will be informed by the sons of God. Blessed for the truth, because they are the kingdom of heaven "(Matt. 5: 1-7: 29; Lux. 6: 12-41). Cleanness of the heart, mercy for people and peacemaking - the qualities that Valentine Felixovich War Yarenetsky and encouraged the actions for which his contemporaries were grateful and we bring words of gratitude and we.

Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean, which is celebrated on June 11, in Moscow in the Central House of Culture of Railway workers, a photo exhibition "Saint Luka" was held, prepared by JSC "Russian Railways" together with the Foundation of Andrei First-Called. But no less impression than the exhibition, the report of Metropolitan Argolid Nectari (Antonopoulos), the most important specialist in the study of the life and activities of the Russian Saint in Greece. Labor of the Lord Neticaries Over the past 15 years, St. Luca has become one of the most revered in Greece of Saints. More than 30 Greek temples are the name of the Russian physician. We present to your attention the report of the Metropolitan of Argolid Nectarius (Antonopulos) "Path with the Holy Luke".

Pouring the pages of human history, we encounter the fate of people who impose a press on a whole era, on history. Their destinies become a turning point for all subsequent generations. These people are like pointers on the road. Their life is a life of another quality, far from benefit and empty goals. Their case, their contribution to the story got dizzying, and their legacy is invaluable. The source and motor strength of their life became unlimited, bordering with self-sacrifice and self-denial. The main thing for them is a person, anyone, whoever he is.

The twentieth century left. This is undoubtedly the age of great discoveries, but also great shocks for humanity. Then, in the atmosphere of universal confusion, few people continued to keep the moral course. And if the great world of this wrote the story of the blood of millions of people, then others wrote their bright history, were next to the souls wounded. They rubbed tears and comforted people, they healed wounds, like the good Samarnin.

One of these people was undoubtedly Saint Luka. Acquaintance with him was a great grace and a turning point in my life.

From the very first moments, as I discovered this saint, I was able to learn as much as possible about his life. Therefore, all these years I visited all those places where Holy Luke lived. The material that I collected, the experience that I acquired, I recorded and published in a three-volume work, published in Athens half a year ago. From this my monograph, I would like to lead the evidence of people who knew the holy Luke.

Tashkent: "Essays of purulent surgery" for another 500 years will be relevant. It's like a gospel as the Quran Surgical Science

Let's start with Tashkent. Two testimonies: the first is from the New-City Hospital. Its central it is built in the XIX century. After the revolution from the military school rebuilt into the hospital. At the entrance - the chapel painted by the Holy Luke. In one of the audiences - his photo. In the surgical department, we met the chief physician and his deputy, both Muslims.

Muslim doctor: "Essays of purulent surgery" is like a gospel as the Quran Surgical Science

Luke Constituer (Warne-Yasenetsky), Archbishop Simferopol, confessor.

Memory days: February 5 (January 23) Novomach.), 18 (5) Martha Obtaining the relics of SVT. Luke, June 11 (May 29)

Saint Luka (in the world Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky) was born on April 27, 1877 in Kerch, in the family of Felix Stanislavovich Felix and his wife Mary Dmitrievna War-Yasenets. His father was a zealous Catholic, often walked into the church and prayed for a long time, but he did not force his home to take Catholicism. Maria Dmitrievna was at the birth of Orthodox, although he did not go to church, prayed at home. According to the laws of the Russian Empire, children in such families were to be brought up in the Orthodox faith. Valentine was the third of five children.

His parents soon moved to Kiev, where he in 1896 he simultaneously graduated from the 2nd Kiev gymnasium to Kiev Art School. The young people showed artistic talent, there was also a direction imbued with a religious idea. Valentin walked around the churches and in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, made a lot of sketches of the Bogomolers, for which he received a prize at the exhibition in the school. He was going to enter the Academy of Arts, but the desire to bring direct benefits to the people forced him to change his plans.

Valentin Feliksovich studied a year at the Faculty of Law, then moved to the medical faculty of Kiev University.

He learns brilliantly. "In the third year, he writes in Memoirs," there was an interesting evolution of my abilities: the ability to draw very thin and love for the form went into love for anatomy ... "

In 1903 he graduated with honors from the university. Despite the persuasion of friends to do science, he announced his desire to be "Menitsky", the Zemsky doctor, help poor people.

In January 1904, during the war with Japan, he was sent to the Red Cross hospital to the Far East and worked in the city of Chita the head of the surgical department of the hospital. Here Valentin Feliksovich met the sister of Mercy Anna Lanskaya, which the wounded called the "Holy Sister" and married her.

From 1905 to 1917 He worked as a Zemsky doctor in the hospitals of the Symbir, Kursk, Saratov and Vladimir province and passed the practice in Moscow clinics. In 1908, he comes to Moscow and becomes an external surgical clinic of Professor P. I. Dyakonov.

During World War I, it was awaited by a religious feeling, forgotten was for many scientific work, and he began to constantly go to church.

In 1916, he defended the dissertation on the topic: "Regional anesthesia" in Moscow, received a doctor of medicine. In 1917, he received the main doctor and surgeon and the surgeon of the Tashkent Hospital in the competition, teaches at a medical school, which was then transformed into the medical faculty.

In 1919, his wife died from tuberculosis, leaving four children: Mikhail, Elena, Alexey and Valentina.

Valentin Waro-Yasenetsky was one of the initiators of the organization of the Tashkent University and since 1920 he was elected professor at the topographic anatomy and operational surgery of this university. Surgical art, and with him and fame prof. War-Yasenetsky has ever increased. In various types of complex operations, he sought and the first applied methods that were then widespread recognition.

He himself had ever more consolation in faith. Sucited the local Orthodox religious society, studied theology, came closer with the clergy, took part in church affairs.

On February 7, 1921, he was ordained in Diacon, February 15 - to Ierhea and appointed a junior priest of the Tashkent Cathedral, remaining and professor at the University. In Holy San, he does not cease to operate and lecture. In October 1922, he actively participates in the first scientific congress of the doctors of Turkestan.

The wave of renewability of 1923 comes to Tashkent. Bishop of Innokenty (Pusty) left the city without giving anyone to the department. Then, Valentine's father, together with the Archpriest Mikhail Andreyev, accepted the Diocese Department, united all the remaining faithful priests and church elders and arranged with the permission of the GPU Congress.

In May 1923, she took monasticism named after St. Apostle and evangelist Luke, who, as you know, was not only the apostle, but also a doctor and artist.

On May 12, 1923, Cahrotonisan secretly in the bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan in Penjequente Bishop Bolkhovsky Daniel and Bishop Suzdal Vasily. Svetonnik Valentin Svenzitsky was present on Cahrotonia.

On June 10, 1923, he was arrested as a supporter of Patriarch Tikhon. He was presented with a ridiculous accusation: intercourse with Orenburg counter-revolutionary Cossacks and relations with the British. In the prison of Tashkent GPU, he finished his own, subsequently became the famous, labor "essays of purulent surgery." In August, he was sent to the Moscow GPU.

In Moscow, Vladyka received permission to live in a private apartment. He served with Patriarch Tikhon Liturgy in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the kadasha. His Holiness confirmed the right of the bishop of Turkestan Luke to continue to engage in surgery.

In Moscow EP. Luke was again arrested and placed in Butyrskaya, and then to a Tagansk prison, where heavier influenza suffered. By December, the East Siberian stage was formed, and Bishop Luka, along with Archpriest Mikhail Andreev, were sent to the link on Yenisei. In Yeniseisk, all those who remained open churches belonged to the "Collectors", and the bishop served on the apartment. He was allowed to operate.

In March 1924, he was again arrested and sent under the convoy to the Yenisei region, to the village of Haya on the Chuna River. In June, he returns to Yeniseisk again, but soon the expulsion should be sent to Turukhansk, where he serves, preaches and operates.

In January 1925 he was sent to Flafhino - a deaf place on Yenisei behind the polar circle, in April they translate again to Turukhansk.

All numerous churches of the city of Yeniseisk, where he lived, as well as the Church of the regional city of Krasnoyarsk, were captured by the update. Bishop of Luke with three accompanying priests committed Liturgy in his apartment, in the hall, and even handcapped the priests there, for hundreds of the verso who came to the Orthodox bishine.

From November 1927, he lived in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, then in the city of Krasnoyarsk, where he served in the local temple and worked as a doctor in the city hospital.

On May 6, 1930, he was arrested in the case of the death of Professor of the Medical Faculty at the Department of Physiology Ivan Petrovich Mikhailovsky, shot in an insanitable state. On May 15, 1931, after a year of imprisonment, a sentence was made (without a court): Link for three years in Arkhangelsk.

In 1931-1933 he lives in Arkhangelsk. In November 1933, Vladyka did not accept the proposal of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragor) to take the free Episcopian Department. Having stayed for a short time in the Crimea, Vladyka returned to Arkhangelsk, where he took patients, but did not operate.

In the spring of 1934, Tashkent visits, then moves to Andijan, operates, reads lectures. Here he falls as a fever of Papataji, which threatens the loss of vision, after an unsuccessful operation, it will blind on one eye. He commits church services and leads the branch of the Tashkent Institute of Emergency Aid.

In the same year, finally, it is possible to publish "essays of purulent surgery."

December 13, 1937 - a new arrest. In prison, Vladyka is interrogated with a conveyor (13 days without sleep), demanding the protocols. He declares the hunger strike (18 days), the protocols do not sign. A new expulsion should be sent to Siberia. From 1937 to 1941 lived in the village of Large Murt Krasnoyarsk region.

The Great Patriotic War began. In September 1941, Vladyka was delivered to Krasnoyarsk to work at a local evakopuncture - a health facility from dozens of hospitals intended for the treatment of wounded.

At the end of 1943, he moved to Tambov. Although his eyesight began to deteriorate markedly, he actively work in evacuitudes, acts as reports, reads lectures for doctors, teaches them and word and affair.

In January 1944, he was appointed Archbishop Tambov and Michurinsky. It continues medical work: at its care 150 hospitals.

At the end of 1943, the second edition of the "essays of purulent surgery" was published, recycled and increased almost halfway, and in 1944 - the book "Late resection of infected firearms of the joints."

In addition to works on medical topics, Archpieng. Luke was a lot of sermons and articles of spiritual and moral and patriotic content.

In 1945-1947, they are completed by work on the Essay "Spirit, Soul and Body", started in the early 20s.

In May 1946, he was appointed Archbishop Simferopol and Crimean. In Simferopol, he published three new medical work, but his eyesight became worse. The left eye has not seen him for a long time, and at that time and at the right there was a creek of cataract complicated by glaucoma.

In 1958, Archbishop Luka is completely blind. However, as the Archpriest Evgeny Veshevsky recalls, even such a notch did not interfere with Vladyka to commit worship. Archbishop Luka was part of without helpfulness to the temple, applied to icons, read the litrorship prayers and the gospel by heart, missed the barefoot, pronounced sermons. The blinded archpastyr also continued to manage the Simferopol diocese for three years and sometimes take patients, hitting local doctors with errorless diagnoses. He left practical medical activity back in 1946, but continued to help sick councils. The diocese managed to the very end with the help of proxies. In recent years, he only listened to his life that he was reading, and dictated his work and letters.

Information taken from Pravmir.ru (http://lib.pravmir.ru/library/author/225)

In the Simferopol Holy Trinity Monastery, celebrations, celebrated on the day of the memory of the holy waters of God Luke, who appeared in the monitor of the saints of the Church of Christ.

On the eve, on June 9, in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Women's Monastery, where in his time there was a bishop department of Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean Luke, and now his holy power rests, a traditional waterball prayer was held with the Akathist "a good and merciful". According to the established many years of tradition, the sanctification of bathrobes was performed, which made the blessing of the High Eminence Lazarus, the Metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimean Clear Cathedral of the Archpriest Pavel Morozhenko.

Archpriest Paul congratulated doctors present in service and handed them the words of congratulations from the ruling bishop, in which Vladyka thanked medical professionals who joined the paths consecrated by the feet of St. Luke, all who connected the sacrificial service of the doctor with a deep Orthodox faith: "Truly, treatment of diseases, Caring for people coming to you is not easy, but good. The poet now, I would like to once again urge all of you, expensive workers of medicine, be patient and compassionate. It is gratifying that for several years now we have a pious tradition of the sanctification of medical coats in the miraculous moles of Lord Luki. How important is it and significantly! After all, a medical bathrobe is not just working clothes. This is a constant reminder of the great responsibility that the doctor bears before God and the patient. From the Holy Scriptures, we know that white clothes are a symbol of the Savior. This color is still used in Orthodox worship. This is the color of the divine purity, the symbol of salvation and high confidence. Thus, the white dress of the doctor is a symbol of helping in trouble. People in white coats are fighters for human life, and Honor of Kolata, is the same as the honor of the uniform! And the example of this is the greatest saint of our time, the prayer and the wonderworker Crimean Earth Saint Luka, who comes to the hospital in the contrast, over always put on a white medical bathrobe. And he always held the honor of his vessels high. On this festive day of all of you, expensive and durable our doctors, encourage wearing consecrated medical white bathrobes with their proper symbolic meaning. "

June 11, on the day of the memory of St. Luka, Metropolitan Simferopolsky and Crimean Lazarus committed Divine Liturgy in serving the Eminence Plato, Metropolitan of theodosius and Kerch,

Eminence nectaria, Metropolitan Argolid and Nazna, High Eminence Callinija, Metropolitan Art and Eminence Timofea, Metropolitan Fessaliotide and Fanariofersal and Eminence Alipia, Archbishop of Janka and Razzolnensky. The Crimean clergy, Greek priests, numerous believers and pilgrims, who arrived on this day in Simferopol, prayed for worship service. At the end of the divine service, Laddy Lazar appealed to those present in the Cathedral with the Archpastrician word, in which he called on his flock, pilgrims and all the holy abode for joint prayer and spiritual feathips:

"Beloved about the Lord fathers, brothers and sisters!

I cordially congratulate you on the day of memory of St. Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean. One of the greatest saints of the Church of the Christ, the Great Rhodes of God, Prayer and the Wonderworker, to whom we treat with hot faith and hope. Truly, our Crimean earth is rich in shrines. There are a lot of hot luminaires here. However, the name of Lord Luke shines in this sitmon especially brightly. He knows and not only in the blessed Tavrid, but far beyond. Worldwide! And this is no accident, as the saint in his mid-thief, filled with mourn and deprivation of life, was the living temple of the Holy Spirit, a genuine lamp of spirituality and the truth of God, a sample of love for God and neighbor. Here he was born, headed the bishop department. On this peninsula, Archbishop Luka completed his earthly path, and after a quarter of a century, his canonization took place.

And now, in this wondrous monastery, we have happiness every day to pray for prayers from his rapid relevance, asking the desires of God's healing of wounds of peaceful and bodily, healing from sorrows, seals and sorrows that we fill yourself in this world. In general, it was chosen well Vessel of the Holy Trinity! Never in his life, the Holy Confessor did not seek his own. Already in the early years, he felt an inadvertent need to serve as poor and suffering people, to facilitate their suffering. And this unshakable principle determined the entire subsequent path of the wondrous bishop of God and the World Lighting Medical Science, who opened the world new horizons in the treatment of many severe diseases. It is not a high lept that the saint and the revival of the spiritual and moral life of society. It calls on us to fulfill the commandments of the Lord For everyone, his words are addressed that it is "spirituality is the highest achievement of the human soul." Dear brothers and sisters! Lord of Luka is our heavenly intercession and move thai, a spiritual example of the execution of gospel truths, a landmark in our today's life. Therefore, on this festive day, he will pray to him that the Lord will send us all over his prayers to all of us: humility, meekness and love. When we achieve these great virtues, then we will become true followers of Christ, and in our life the words of the Lord are fulfilled. "Tako will enlighten the light of your dealers. Yako, you see your kind business and will be glorifying your father, others in heaven. "(Matthene 5,16). Community Father Our Lukuk, moths of God to be saved to our souls!"