Books for children: interesting excursions through the human body.

Books for children: interesting excursions through the human body.
Books for children: interesting excursions through the human body.

We continue to delve deeper into anatomy, this time we will tell the children about the human skeleton. Complex topics need to be presented to the child in interesting activities. First, let's pay attention if there is already an interest in one's own body, then we will analyze what exactly your little student likes: experiments, modeling from plasticine, appliqué - everything can be used. In the article I share complete information about classes on this topic with my son.

  1. Human skeleton for younger preschoolers
  2. Human skeleton with names of bones – cards
  3. Structure of the human skeleton: head, torso, limbs

Hello, dear readers, welcome to the blog. Today we are waiting for a fascinating journey into the world of human bones. That’s right, we will try, like cartoon characters, to delve into the depths of the body. It’s up to you to decide what we’ll travel on, a magic bus or a flying ship. The main thing is that our little passengers find it interesting. Go!

This is the first crossword puzzle my son has ever done in his 5 years and 6 months. It turned out to be quite easy for my child’s knowledge, which indicates a complete assimilation of information from children’s encyclopedias. I will mention the literature of our children's library as the story progresses.

I hand-wrote questions on 6 cards and drew a grid to fill in on a separate sheet of paper. If you wish, you can do the same, but first evaluate your child’s knowledge. If the answers to the questions are not yet familiar to him, put off this crossword puzzle until the necessary topics are completed.


  1. Not a clock, but a ticking clock.
  2. The train endlessly transports nutrients throughout the body.
  3. When full, he is silent. When hungry, it rumbles.
  4. Organ of vision.
  5. Human respiratory organ.
  6. He talks and eats.

Alexander took up the task with pleasure; he was really interested in solving the crossword puzzle. After finishing, I was ordered a new one about plants and their cultivation.

Most likely, your child became interested in his own body in early preschool age. After all, kids are so inquisitive and start asking a lot of questions. But don’t rush and take your child on an excursion to the medical institute; limit yourself to looking at a similar human skeleton from a book My body from head to toe. Where the girl Anya talks about human bones, our muscles and how she grows.

If you still have the child’s things that he grew out of, then take them out and talk about how his body is changing. Will the baby realize that the size of shoes and clothes changes due to the fact that his bones are growing? After reading this book, you will definitely guess! At this stage, it will be a great addition to assemble your skeleton; even a 5-year-old child can cope with this.

Many people still have X-ray pictures at home; show them to your little student. Look at it together and let them guess which part of the skeleton is located in the picture. If they are of good quality, you can even see the texture of the bones. We had a picture of Alexander's ribs at the age of three and his mother's foot.

For children aged four and over, the book “Human Secrets” from the Magic Doors series will be interesting and understandable. It already provides information on anatomy, but still in a version that is easier for children to understand.


It was thanks to this book that we decided to fool around and paint our skeleton. The advantages of such games are that the child feels every bone while drawing, and then can see himself in the mirror. My skeleton then demanded to draw the pelvic bone, but we won’t show you that anymore.

I can’t help but mention the book from the MYTH publishing house “Bones and Skeletons,” where a child will be able to see a human skeleton at his own height, as well as examine the skeletons of various animals.

Show children a human skeleton in a video that is not very animated, but is still better perceived than a slide presentation.

Skeleton. Body structure for children - educational cartoon

You can also watch cartoons about Adiba, who is already familiar to us from. Adibu travels through the skeleton “Why I stand up straight”:

And an explanation about human muscles “Why I move”:

For little fans of educational cards, there are wonderful manuals that include a human skeleton with the name of the bones. They appeared with us a long time ago in Russian, English, French and Spanish. Two wonderful mothers Katrin and Olga shared them with everyone, you can download the cards here. As you can see in the photograph, we are talking not only about the human skeleton with the name of the bones, but also the names of all the muscles and organs.

I highly recommend laminating the cards right away, as they will be useful to you not only in introductory anatomy classes, but also in learning foreign languages. We do not live in Russia, so in our case this is very important. After all, there is nothing worse when you want to tell something that you know and cannot because of ignorance of the terms in the interlocutor’s language.

Structure of the human skeleton

So let's move on to more serious knowledge. The first thing we explain to the child is that the human skeleton is divided into the following parts:

  • Skeleton of the head;
  • torso;
  • upper extremities (shoulder girdle, limbs);
  • lower extremities (pelvic girdle, limbs).

If you show this in a picture or on a model of a skeleton, the preschooler will definitely understand.

Human head skeleton

The skeleton of the human head is the skull, our children learn about this from cartoons long before we decide to tell them about their own body. It will be enough for a preschool child to know that the skull reliably protects his brain, which in turn is very soft and vulnerable.

Also, many children may be interested in why there is no nose on the skull? We explain that the nose actually consists of soft cartilage attached to the bone. And after death, the cartilage decomposes.

Let's look at the skeleton diagram in the book The human body. What will a child immediately notice in the skull?

Photo enlarges when clicked
  • Eye sockets that protect our eyes;
  • teeth secured by roots in the upper and lower jaws;
  • the back of the skull is shorter than the front.

Explain that the back part is where our brain is located. The only movable part of the skull is the lower jaw. Let the child open and close his mouth, he will feel it himself.

If you want to go deeper, then disassemble some skull bones, which are not very different from the words familiar to the child. Point on your head, and let him repeat after you by pointing on his.

  1. The forehead is the frontal bone.
  2. Temple – temporal bone.
  3. The nose is the nasal bone.
  4. The occiput is the occipital bone.
  5. The crown is the parietal bone.
  6. Cheekbones – cheek bone.
  7. The lower jaw is the mandibular bone.
  8. The upper jaw is the maxillary bone.

Since the lesson is designed for preschoolers, it is enough to explain to them that the trunk skeleton consists of the spine and rib cage. The ribs protect the heart and lungs, and humans have a total of 12 pairs of ribs. If a child already knows how to count, then it will not be difficult for him to add 12+12 and find out the total number.

The spine is our main support, which supports the head and torso. In addition, it protects the spinal cord located inside. In the spine between the small bones there are intervertebral discs, they are hard but mobile. They are what allow us to bend.

Let's do an experiment! What gives us the ability to be flexible?

As we learned, the spine consists of many small bones. Between them there are intervals of solid but mobile areas. Let's see clearly how this happens.

We will need:

  • Chenille wire;
  • 2 ballpoint pens;
  • hacksaw.

We take out all the parts of the ballpoint pens; we only need the frame (plastic tube). We leave one tube as is, it should have open holes on both sides. We cut the other one into pieces.

First, we ask the child to place the whole tube on the chenille wire and bend it slightly. Does not work? This is how our spine is, if it consisted of solid bone, we would not be able to bend, bend to the sides, many games and movements would be inaccessible to us.

Now we ask the child to put on pieces of plastic tube, leaving gaps like intervertebral discs. Well, has our “spine” become more flexible now?

After this experiment, ask your child to make different body movements. Let him focus on the spine, feel its flexibility.

The functions of human limbs - arms and legs - are completely different. The legs are responsible for support and movement. And the hands provide a variety of complex movements. We ask the child to pick up objects with his feet and walk around with his hands, this is fun and he will immediately understand the difference in functions. The hand skeleton consists of 27 bones, and the foot skeleton consists of 26 bones.

Alexander and I disassembled only one limb in detail; my son made it from plasticine.

Watching the child’s work, I realized that any knowledge of the human skeleton can be well understood and learned by taking similar plasticine X-rays. After all, when creating such a layout, you have to analyze, count the number of parts, and pay attention to their shape.

So how many bones are there in the human skeleton?

The adult human skeleton consists of 200-218 bones. And the skeleton of a newborn is about 300. What happens then? The baby develops and some bones grow together to form larger bones. Men and women do not differ in the number of bones - dad and mom can have the same number.

Dear parents, various sources provide information about the skeleton of an adult with 206 bones, 210, a little more than 200. And all this data is correct. Just explain to your child that each organism is individual, and the fusion of children’s bones occurs differently in everyone. So data 200-218 is optimal.

  1. Our skull consists of 29 bones.
  2. Body skeleton:
    The spinal column consists of 32-34 vertebrae;
    The rib cage consists of 37 bones, which include 12 pairs of ribs.
  3. Bones of the upper limb 80.
  4. Bones of the lower limb 60.

The total count is carried out as follows: 29+37+80+60=206. That is why many sources give this figure, but do not forget about individuality.

How much does a human skeleton weigh?

We all know the expression “light bones and heavy bones.” Sometimes you take a child in your arms and are surprised how light he is or, on the contrary, how heavy he is - appearance is sometimes deceiving. Despite this, there is a table by which it is customary to calculate the weight of the human skeleton:

A man's bones make up 17-18% of his body weight.
Women - 16% of the total weight.
The weight of a child's skeleton is 14% of the child's weight.

If you have scales at home, weigh yourself with the whole family and calculate the weight of the bones of mom, dad, and child. This presentation of information will definitely be remembered by the child.

Now, after everything you have gone through, you can watch the video Human Skeleton to consolidate your knowledge.

Even though the bones are very light, they are also very strong. But how strong they are depends on how much calcium carbonate they contain. Let's do an experiment!

What we need:

  • Dried, clean chicken bone (leg bone or wing bone, we have both);
  • cones for experiment (glass);
  • white vinegar (we use 5%).

We give the child a bone and ask him to try to break it. We note how tough it is and does not lend itself to children's hands. We examine the bone under a magnifying glass and from the sides we can clearly see the spongy bone tissue.

Now we place the chicken bones in flasks, we have three of them, and cover them with vinegar.

Let the bones sit in the vinegar for 1-3 days, then discard the vinegar. We got the first bone from the wing, the thinnest one, a day later. Now let your child touch the bone and determine what the difference is. You can see how the edges of the bone bend. This makes an impression on the child!

We got the second and third bones three days later. If you want more effect, you can drain and renew the vinegar once a day. Or you can take vinegar essence, but we don’t sell such miracles here. The bone from the wing, after 3 days, actually bent perfectly along its entire length. But the thick bone from the leg softened only at the edges. Now you can easily break it and see the medullary canal inside.

Conclusions of the experiment

Bones are made of calcium carbonate and soft collagen material. When a chicken bone was placed in a glass of vinegar, the acetic acid dissolved the calcium carbonate, leaving almost only collagen. Calcium is essential to make our bones strong. The composition of our bones changes depending on what we eat (food composition). A few foods that contain a lot of calcium are milk, cheese, soy products, beans, almonds, fish (canned) and cabbage. After such an activity, the child understands how important their use is.

On the topic of what human bones are made of, Alexander watched a cartoon that sank into his soul. I asked to review it for three days. In my opinion, the topic is covered well for preschoolers, but it is difficult. The child’s opinion says the opposite. After watching, the son can take an anatomy exam on leukocytes and blood cells.

– What would a person without bones be like?

I asked Alexander such a provocative question. My child lay down on the floor and began to move like a slug.

-Like a puddle of skin!

Yes, this is the comparison my boy made. And I invited him to see it clearly. Since it's a puddle, it's water. I took a rubber glove, poured tap water into it - and now I got a brush without bones!

Dear friends, our journey through the human skeleton is over. Finally, I’ll show you what gift my son decided to give me for my birthday, which coincided with our classes. He asked me not to peek so that I would get a real surprise. And here it is!

- Look mom, the skull is smiling at you! – with these words I was presented with a gift.

And I am sure that no mother has ever received such a wonderful human skeleton on her birthday.

Tatiana Chernysheva
Abstract of the OD “Structure of the human body” for preschoolers with presentation

Software tasks.

1. Give children ideas about the structure of your own body, expand your understanding of your body, its structure.

2. Encourage children to speak up. Strengthen the skill of correct construction and the use of complex sentences.

3. Expand knowledge preschoolers about nutrition, its significance, the relationship between health and nutrition.

4. Cultivate the desire to be beautiful and healthy.

Preliminary work.

Consideration of illustrative material about the body person, posters, diagrams; reading encyclopedic literature, asking riddles; conversations about body structure, about the body, about the benefits of a healthy diet; conducting exercises and didactic games.

Progress of the lesson.


High, low, distant, close,

Giants, gnomes, kids,

The weak and the strong,

Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired people,

And all sorts of natives,

And fathers, and mothers, and children -

There is nothing more dear to them in the world.

Everyone seems to be different in appearance, But everyone has arms, and legs, and a mouth, Two ears, two eyes and a nose. But no matter how different we are, we are still similar in our physique. Guys, let's remember once again what parts the body consists of. person.

The child says the words and shows the named part of the body on the diagram "Body person» .

Everyone should have

A very "smart" head.

I believe her as best I can

The head sits on the neck.

Tummy, back, chest,

Together they are called the torso.

I ate all the food, and now

My belly was full.

Don't forget on your walk

Cover your chest from the wind.

Hands - to caress, to work,

Drink water from a mug.

Boys sitting on the hand

Very friendly fingers

Running along the path

Frisky legs.

Stumbled through Genka

And I hurt my knee.

Playback What parts of the body did you not name?

Children. Shoulders, pelvis, hip, foot.

Playback Well done you know well human body structure. Can you find the named part by touch? body?

A game “Find the named part by touch body» .

Children become pairs, one child from the pair has his eyes closed, and he must find the part named by the teacher body. Then the children change places. Okay, you completed this task.

There are four assistants in your service,

Without noticing, you use them jokingly:

Eyes were given to you to see,

And the ears are used to hear,

Tongue in mouth to understand the taste

And the nose is able to distinguish the smell.

A game "Part and Whole"

The whole is the face person(in a circle). Parts - petals (ear, mouth, nose, eye, laid out in the form of a flower.

Now we’ll rest and start playing again.

Physical exercise.

Boys live with merry little fingers.

Mischievous feet walk along the path.

The neck turns its head

Repeat everything after me.

Right, left turn,

Show me your tummy.

Our body has tightened up

And it leaned forward slightly.

Like a birch tree slim

My back became straight.

And now everyone has caught up

And they smiled at each other.

Repeat 2 times.

Playback Know the structure of our body means knowing yourself. The more you learn about yourself, the better. Inside the body contains organs that help person, grow and develop.

Guys, put your hand on your chest like I did. Let's sit quietly and listen to ourselves. Do you feel something knocking inside?

Playback What is it?

Children. This is the heart. The heart is a very important organ.

Children. Right. We cannot see it, but we can hear it if we put our hand to the chest, as we just did.

Playback What does a heart look like?

(the child shows the organ in the diagram - the heart)

Playback Heart person slightly larger than his fist. Clench your fist and we will see who has what heart.

Guys, tell us how the heart works?

Children. The heart works day and night without rest. It moves blood like a pump throughout the body.


The heart is beating


Like a motor.

If your heart beats like that,

Means, the person is healthy.

Playback Yes, the heart is an important organ.

Now let’s freeze and listen to our body. What else do you feel and hear?

Children. We hear our breathing.

Playback U person There is another important organ that, like the heart, works without interruption.

What kind of organ is this?

Children. These are the lungs there are two people. (Showed in the diagram)

Playback Can a person can live without breathing?

Let's try to hold our breath for a few seconds. Does not work. Means, Human cannot live without breathing.

Guys, when we inhale, we inhale a certain amount of air. It is different for everyone and depends on the volume of the lungs. In adults it is more, and in children it is less.

Do you want to see what lung capacity you have?

A balloon will help us with this. Draw more air into your lungs, and then exhale it into the balloon and immediately squeeze it.

(Children complete the task)

Now we know who has what lung capacity.

Playback So that the body man worked well, everyone must eat. Every day person eats food. From the plate, food falls into the spoon and goes into the mouth. This is where the amazing journey of food begins.

Who will tell me about this journey?

Children. There are teeth in the mouth. They chop and grind food into small pieces. Saliva moistens food so that it can more easily travel down the esophagus to the stomach.

Playback Right. What does the stomach look like?

(children show the organ in the diagram - the stomach)

Playback Right. The stomach digests food and turns it into nutrients that are useful to our body. Food from the stomach

enters the intestines, from where it naturally comes out in the form of residues.

There are many more organs in our body and one of them is the kidneys.

(the child in the diagram shows an organ - the kidneys)

Children. U human two kidneys.

Playback For what a person needs kidneys?

Children. The kidneys cleanse the blood.

Playback Right.

Now I suggest you sit down at the table and find each organ its place.

(Children lay out organs inside the outline person: heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, kidneys).

Playback Now you see that human The body is very complex and everything in it is interconnected.

Playback Who knows what the body needs to the man was healthy, grew and developed.

Children. Human should eat healthy foods that contain various vitamins.

Playback Vitamins are very important for health. There are a lot of them, but the most important ones are vitamins A, B, C, D.

(Children are given a drawing human body. Around there are letters indicating the vitamins contained in the products. A labyrinth line runs from each vitamin to a specific organ.)

Playback Follow the paths of the labyrinth and you will find out which vitamin has a greater effect on which organ.

(Children draw lines)

Vitamin A – vision.

Vitamin B – heart.

Vitamin C – respiratory organs.

Vitamin D – skeleton.

Playback Let's make a vitamin table. Let's select pictures of products that contain the essential vitamins the body needs. person.

What foods contain vitamin A?

What foods contain vitamin B?

(Children choose the right pictures)

What foods contain vitamin C?

(Children choose the right pictures)

What foods contain vitamin D?

(Children choose the right pictures)

Tell us again what foods you should eat

Remember the simple truth -

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks blueberry juice.

Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

Fish oil is the healthiest

No matter how disgusting, you need to drink

He saves from illnesses

Without diseases, life is better!

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it's better to eat lemon

Although it is very sour.

I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C, D.

Now you will always know which foods are best to eat.

This section of the site is an electronic copy of the book " Meet this... Human body"(Elisa Prati. II libro di corpo umano).
Lyricist: Elisa Prati
Scientific Editor - Barbara Pennacci
Artists - Elisabetta Ferraro, Valentina Pratesi, Paola Ravaglia, Vinicio Salvini
Translation from Italian - Irina Tsibizova
Scientific editor of the Russian edition - Ph.D. biol. Science Valentina Bologova

ISBN 978-5-18-000840-4 (Russian) Atticus Publishing Group LLC, 2008
ISBN 88-09-02248-3 (Italian) Machaon®

The human body is a real miracle

The body given to you at birth is built from millions of tiny bricks - living cells. The shape and stability of the body is given by a frame of bones - the skeleton. This complex system functions according to the orders of the brain. Thanks to the coordinated work of all organs, muscles, blood vessels, nerve fibers, you can grow, move, run, jump, learn, speak, see, hear and... think!

Unusual journey

Getting to know how the human body works and functions is like traveling to a country you know well. And yet, in this country, real discoveries await you.

As you explore your own body, gain respect for it and learn to take care of it. Remember, you need this to always be strong and healthy.

What do we have in common?

People are so different: blondes and brunettes, tall and short, thin and fat, white-skinned, black and yellow-skinned...

There are about 6 billion inhabitants on Earth, but you won’t find even two completely identical people among them! Each person has his own oval face, his own eye color, his own shape of nose, lips and ears. These features are individual, that is, they are not found in anyone else. Even between very similar twins there are differences. We are all different, but at the same time we have a lot in common, because we belong to the same biological species “homo sapiens” and our bodies are structured the same.

The first and main difference is the difference between men and women. Boys grow into men, girls grow into women. Then these men and women have their own children.

How are we different from each other?

By what signs do you recognize your friends? Probably by hair color, face, figure, voice, gait, manner of speaking, gesticulating, laughing. Each person has his own characteristics that distinguish him from others.

Thorough Research

Try with a friend to determine how you are similar and how you are different. Note, for example, hair and eye color, nose shape, height, waist size, foot size. What other signs can you think of? Compare descriptions. Do they match or not?

Learn to understand yourself

You distinguish people thanks to the fact that you have vision, hearing, and smell: you recognize friends and acquaintances by their faces, voices, even by smell. You look in the mirror and see yourself. But do you know how your body, the bodies of your friends, mother, brothers and sisters work? Our book will help you figure this out.

Human Origins

Scientists believe that humans descended from animals that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago and were very similar to modern monkeys. Their body and appearance changed for a very, very long time, until we finally appeared!


Fix the names of body parts, their shape and location;

Form a cognitive interest in your own body.

* * *

There was one unusual country in the world - Humania. The same unusual inhabitants, who were called Organs, lived in it. They set up cities - one more wonderful than the other.

On the highest mountain there was a city called Head. In its shape it was like a ball, round. Decorated that citytwo wonderful lakes, an impenetrable forest, a cave, a hill and two large locators that capture every sound. In this city lived the ruler of Mania - Brain. From above he could see and hear everything.

Just below the Head lies the largest city of Humania called Torso. It was almost rectangular in shape and so spacious that it could accommodate a lot of houses and inhabitants. To protect themselves from the cold, harmful bacteria and injuries, the residents of the city of Torso built an entire protective structure of bones and muscles that covered the city from above, below, and from the sides. The Prime Minister of Humania lived in this city. His name was - Heart. They also lived in Tolovishche brothers Lungs, sisters Kidneys, Liver, Stomach,Intestines and others. You can’t list them all. They lived amicably, always helped each other, did not offend anyone, and fought together against enemies - viruses and bacteria.

Attached to the Torso on the left and right is a city, divided into two equal parts, called Hand. Once upon a time, the city of Torso grew so large that it even grew into the city of Ruka and divided it into two halves. One began to be called Right Hand, and the second - Left Hand. The shape of the two halves of the city of Ruka was like a large sausage.

Unfortunately, the residents of the right and left halves could no longer visit each other. This made them very upset. The children lived in one half, and the parents lived in the other. Residents began to complain to the ruler, Brain, about this state of affairs. The ruler considered their complaint and from then on began to help with his instructions from above the joint life of the inhabitants of both Hands. With that, everyone calmed down. The connection was good, and some parts of the city could be connected by the Left Hand and the Right Hand. This worked out especially well for the residents of the five alleys on each side, diverging from the squares - Palms, which were called Fingers.

Two more halves of one city called Leg. They were called Right Foot And Left Foot. They, like the Hands, were shaped like two large sticks. A completely different story happened to them. They couldn't determinepour where to build your city. Some wanted to be closer to the right edge of the city of Tolovische, while others wanted to be closer to the left. They quarreled for a long time, but could not come to a common agreement. The ruler really did not like the constant hostility of the inhabitants of Nogi. It was impossible to lead them. All their actions were not coordinated. Then the ruler decided to divide the city into two equal parts. The residents immediately calmed down and began to live each in their own half. But the Brain set one condition for them - the inhabitants of the right and left halves should never quarrel again, always live in peace and do everything together. The inhabitants of the Right Leg and Left Leg had to submit to the ruler.

These were the strange cities in Humania. It was difficult for the Brain as a ruler to control them. Therefore, special canals and roads were laid through all the cities of the country, through which information, energy and food were transmitted. And so that the cities would not spread throughout the country and outside it like jellyfish, the ruler ordered the construction of a bone frame, strengthening it with strong muscle threads.

Questions and tasks

What country is the fairy tale talking about?

What cities were there in this country?

Where was the city of Golova located? What shape was it? Who lived in it?

Where was the city of Torso located? What shape was it? Who lived in it? Who from the leadership of the country lived in this city?

Where was the city of Ruka located? What two halves was it divided into? Why were the residents unhappy with the division? How was this issue resolved?

Where was the city of Noga located? What two halves was it divided into? Why? What condition did the Brain set for the residents of the two halves of the city of Noga?

What structures helped the ruler rule Mankind?

What main parts of the human body do you know? What about the secondary ones? Why are they given to man?
- Draw a person, identifying all his parts.

  • Watching a cartoon with children. Conversation on content.

Body structure

  • Bone frame of the country of Humania


Activate knowledge about the human body, vocabulary on the topic;

To consolidate knowledge about the skeleton, its significance, and injury prevention.”

Develop focused attention, auditory perception, imagination, memory, dialogic speech;

To form a cognitive interest in your body, a desire to maintain your own health.

* * *

We already know that the bone frame did not allow the cities of Man to change their shape and location. It is also called Skeleton. It consisted of two hundred different bones. Some of them were so strong that they could support the weight of an entire car! But the individual bones had to be held together so that they would not fall apart. For this, the country's residents used several hundred muscles- very strong fibers! So that the ruler could direct the actions of the inhabitants of Humania, the fibers were chosen to be elastic, like a rubber band. They could lengthen and shorten, contract or relax muscles. The muscles were attached to the bones by dense and elastic ligaments - tendons. For many days and nights, the inhabitants of the country fastened all the bones with muscles and tendons, but finally they got a strong and reliable frame. Now they could be calm about their country and cities.

Orders to the muscles from the Brain came through Nervoussystem, in which the little ones little men Nerves they held each other's hands, thus passing orders down the chain. There was no place in the country where Nerves worked. If for some reason the Nerves separated their arms, the orders did not reach the muscles, and they did not contract or relax. Then it was necessary to repair the damaged part of the Nervous System.

Bones and muscles knew how to grow. Every year Mankind increased in size, so the bone frame had to increase. In order for the bones to grow well and be strong, the inhabitants of Humania gave them milk, which contains a lot of calcium. Calcium is very necessary for bone growth. The bones also received calcium from meat, fresh fruits and vegetables. But they usually refused cakes, sweets and other sweets. They needed to get stronger, not get fatter.

We couldn’t forget about the muscles either. To control the Skeleton, they had to be very strong. Therefore, every day the ruler sent them out for training. Exercises have been developed specifically for muscles, and each muscle group has its own. To prevent the muscles from getting tired of physical exercise, dancing, cycling, swimming and other sports were offered instead.

As soon as the muscles were lazy and slept a lot, they immediately became soft and flabby. Oh, what they got from the ruler back then! After all, he could not control the Skeleton without muscles. Only at night did the brain allow all the muscles to relax. Otherwise, they would quickly wear out and turn into a rag.

But sometimes injuries occurred. Bones cracked and broke, and tendons and muscles tore. Then we had to put them in a special hospital. There, a special fixation - plaster - was applied to the bones so that they did not move and grew together correctly. The sore muscle or tendon was secured with a tight bandage, and sometimes the torn areas were even sewn together. After such injuries, the bones and muscles ached for a long time, but still recovered and were restored. Broken bones healed, muscle and tendon fibers regained their elasticity.

The inhabitants of Humania took care of their musculoskeletal frame as best they could. After all, it’s like guarding your fortress.

Questions and tasks

- Why did Mania need a frame? What is a frame? (Skeleton- internal supporting part of an object, the backbone of some structure, product.)

What was the name of the frame made of bones? How many were there?

How did the inhabitants of Humania fasten the bones together?

What was the quality of the muscle? Why did they have to be elastic?

What attaches muscles to bones? What kind of tendons had to be in order for the frame to be strong?

How did the brain control the muscles?

What did the inhabitants of the land of bones eat? Why? What foods did your bones not like?

Why did the muscles need daily training? What could you use for training?

Why did the muscles need to rest from time to time and at night?

- What injuries could happen to the musculoskeletal frame? How were they treated?

Why should you take care of your bones and muscles? What should you not do to avoid harming yourself?

- Draw ligament muscles on the proposed skeleton. Transform a skeleton into a human. Dress the drawn person in clothes for a specific gender.

Find your bones and muscles, feel them. Tighten your arm muscles, relax. Relax all the muscles of your body, turn into a wet rag that your mother shakes off. Tighten all the muscles of your body and turn into an Iron Woodman.

  • The brain is the ruler of Mankind


To consolidate knowledge about the meaning and activity of the brain as the main organ of the human body; about how to prevent possible head injuries;

* * *

What kind of ruler is he?

At the very top of the high mountains of Man lived Brain. His house was special, durable. And the name of the house was somehow strange - skull. Well, okay, yurt, hut, yaranga, but this name was not found among the names of houses. The house was so strong that the Brain lived in it safely and comfortably.

The brain was the ruler of Mankind. He directed all the activities of the country's inhabitants, even their thoughts, actions, and feelings. He could imagine and imagine. Without him, life in the country would end. He helped his subjects see and hear, smell and taste, heat and cold, even pain.

The Brain itself looked, frankly, strange. It looked like a hemisphere. This would be if they made a large bun, and then pressed it tightly against the table and its lower part was flattened.
The head of the Brain was divided by a groove into two parts - the cerebral hemispheres (right and left). The head was so large that it was difficult to see other parts of the body that were attached to it from below. The Brain had two arms, but of different sizes and shapes. One, similar to the irregular shape of a potato, was for some reason called the cerebellum. The other, more like a plum, had an even more hilarious name - Varoliev's bridge. We will find out below why they had such strange names.

There was only one leg with a strange design. It came straight from the bottom of the head, i.e. cerebral hemispheres, and was called the medulla oblongata. Strange name for a leg! Of course, its shape was oblong.

Strange head of the ruler

Have you imagined this alien? But that is not all. The head of the Brain was covered with many such convolutions, as if it were a wrinkled hundred-year-old man. The more of them there were, the smarter the head was.

Inside the head of the Cerebrum lived billions of tiny creatures - nerve cells possessed amazing abilities: they could remember information for many years, learn everything new, distinguish and remember smells, sounds, tastes that they never forgot, invent, create. Thanks to these tiny creatures, airplanes, spaceships, and much more appeared.

The brain lived with its nerve cells all its life. They were born and died with him and were never replaced by new ones.

This is efficiency and vitality!

Nerve cells never had to teach newcomers, so they remembered everything always. If some nerve cells died, then their place remained empty forever.

The brain was fed with a lot of oxygen and sugar. Without oxygen, he could have died within minutes. Without sugar it would be impossible for him to think. Therefore, in the yard of the Brain there were huge tanks of oxygen and whole carts of sugar.

Difficult work of the brain

Even when all the inhabitants of Mankind were asleep, the brain continued to move the convolutions of the cerebral hemispheres, think, give birth to thoughts. Residents of the country often saw these thoughts in their dreams. They seemed confused to them, not connected with a specific time and place. But they knew that dreams meant something and tried to solve them like crossword puzzles. During wakefulness, the thoughts of the brain became clear and clearly structured for the inhabitants of the country. They did not need to be solved as dreams, so the residents worked and rested according to orders from “above.”

The large hemispheres of the brain controlled not only the thoughts of the inhabitants of Humanity, but even their movements and sensations.

Doesn't this remind you of a puppet theater? Only in our case the puppeteer is the Brain.

Another “puppeteer” was the left hand of the Brain, cerebellum. Just as a conductor directs an orchestra, the cerebellum directed the work of the muscles of all residents of the country, so their organs worked harmoniously, and did not twitch in different directions at the same time. And the cerebellum did not allow the inhabitants to fall, making sure that they always maintained their balance and did not behave like stand-up vans.

The right hand, which, as you remember, was called bridge, yes even varoliaceae(You’ll just break your tongue before you pronounce it!), was engaged in receiving and sending signals coming from the head and cerebral hemispheres.

Doesn't it look like mail? Postman hand. Funny!

The leg of the brain - the medulla oblongata - also performed its part of the control activity. It connected to the longest unusual road that ran through the whole of Mankind, and was called the Spinal Cord. Through it, through special wires, different signals were received from all residents of the country, from all houses and organizations to the Brain: one was sick, another was overtired or in a bad mood, the third was completely destroyed, someone needed repairs, etc.

How were signals and orders transmitted from the Brain to all the inhabitants of Humanity? And so: the whole country was pierced by wires - nerves. Some wires-nerves carried signals to the Brain, everything was reported to it, others delivered decrees from it to the residents. Weaving throughout the country, they represented an entire system called the nervous system.

Unusual events in the life of a ruler

The brain was very serious and hardworking. He worked so hard that he was often overworked. One day, the inhabitants of Mania suddenly noticed that something was wrong in the country: everything was out of order, everyone was walking around looking sleepy and absent-minded. They immediately guessed that something had happened to their ruler. They came to the Brain, but he couldn’t even raise his head from fatigue. Then the residents closed all the windows with dark curtains and forced the ruler to get a good night's sleep. The ruler was indignant, still eager to work, saying that without him everything would stop. But the residents were adamant.

All the time while the ruler was sleeping, guards stood at the door of the house, who did not let anyone in and did not allow anyone to wake him up. As soon as the brain was rested, all life in the country immediately improved.

Another time, residents noticed that the orders given by the Brain were somehow strange. They even thought that the ruler had gone crazy. They came to him to find out what was the matter, and he lay on the floor in a hungry faint. Then the residents understood why the ruler gave such strange orders. He was just hungry. He had no time to eat. And a hungry person always thinks badly. They brought the Brain a lot of different healthy food and gave it an oxygen cocktail to drink. After this, the Brain immediately perked up, came to its senses and continued its responsible work. The residents assigned special people to the ruler, who every day made sure that he ate properly. From then on, the Brain never went hungry.

One day the Brain stopped being attentive while receiving reports from the Nerves and began to grow dull. Behind him, the inhabitants of the country became inattentive, did not listen to each other, did not delve into the essence of the matter. They had to figure out the situation again. Nobody wanted to become stupid. It turns out that the ruler stopped training in carefully receiving information. He thought that he already knew and understood everything, so he stopped developing. The residents had to open their boss’s eyes, lower his upturned nose, and show that he doesn’t know everything. The Brain became ashamed of its behavior, its pride. He blushed like a cancer to his ears and made a promise to his subjects that he would always learn to listen carefully to important information, read a lot of useful literature, and watch interesting TV shows.

There were other incidents in the behavior of the brain. Somehow the residents noticed that he became very irritable, often got angry, quarreled with everyone, and became somehow aggressive. These little creatures quarreled - Nerves. It would be nice if it all ended there. But the fact is that this behavior influenced the work of the ruler: he began to give orders that were not entirely thought out. They were often hasty and influenced by negative emotions. All the inhabitants of Mankind began to suffer from this. They had to call a neurologist to the ruler. He prescribed him the necessary pills. Then Brain went to special classes with a psychologist who taught him to restrain his anger and get rid of it correctly. The ruler became more restrained, balanced andhis decisions became correct. In addition, he made many new interesting friends, who also helped the Brain become more intelligent and emotionally balanced. Life in Humania is slowly getting better.

Questions and tasks

What kind of country is this that is mentioned in the fairy tale?

What did the brain look like? What were the ruler’s head, arms and legs responsible for?

What could the Brain do?

Why was he the most important in Humania?
- What small cells helped him?

What happened to the Brain when he began to have trouble sleeping?
- Why should a person get a good night's sleep?

What happened to Brain when he began to eat poorly? What does the brain eat? Why is it so important to eat well?

What happened to the Brain when it became inattentive to what others were saying? Why is it so important for a person to be attentive to information coming from others? Why does the brain need to be trained? How can I do that?

What happened to the brain when it became irritableangry, angry? Why do negative emotions prevent such people from thinking?

What trouble happened to the Brain? What did this lead to?

What can cause brain injuries? Why is thatIs it important to protect your head from injury? In what cases after injury?Should you definitely see a doctor? (Loss of consciousnesspain, headache, vision changes, ear bleeding or nose, from the head, increased drowsiness, nausea or vomit.)

What should you do to avoid severe head injuries?(Use a helmet when playing football, hockey or riding motorcycle; do not dive where it is shallow, in an unfamiliar body of water; do not jump from great heights; do not run or do anything sudden movements in the dark; be very careful in mountainous terrain; do not throw stones; fasten your seat belt safety in the car.)

What needs to be done to ensure that the brain receives as much oxygen as possible?

What can stop a person from thinking?

How do we know what a person is thinking? (You can express your thoughts and write them down.)

Draw the ruler of Humania using a picture of a brain.

  • Oh, these Nerves!


- consolidate knowledge about the importance and activity of the nervous system, how to prevent the occurrence of diseases of the nervous system;

Activate vocabulary on the topic;

Develop focused attention, imagination, memory, dialogical speech;

Develop an interest in your own body and health, a desire to be healthy.

* * *

You and I already know that all of Mankind was covered with a network formed by Nerves. Let me remind you that we called this network the nervous system. Where were they not! In all houses, on all streets and alleys, in the bodies of all residents and even in rivers and lakes. They were everywhere. But for what?

Some of the Nerves lived on the street of the Sense Organs and helped the inhabitants of the country feel. Without them, it would be impossible to feel heat and cold, pressure and pain, taste and smell. They settled in the houses of the Nose, Ears, Eyes, Skin, Tongue and other places.

Other Nerves settled only in houses on the street, where different Muscles lived: muscles of the arms, legs, torso, neck, internal organs... These were the commanders of these Nerves! They commanded the muscles day and night, either contracting, straining them, or relaxing them. Without them, movement would be impossible, it would be impossible to play musical instruments, turn out parts, or make something. They worked like motors. That's why they were called motor nerves.

I must say that all the Nerves were very friendly and always helped each other.

And the Nerves were very nimble. Signals passed through them at the speed with which an electric light bulb lights up! This speed protected the inhabitants of the country from various injuries.

For example, someone pricks their finger with a sharp object, and the Nerves are right there. They smell the pain and quickly transmit the signal to the main road of the country - the Spinal Cord. And there are also Nerves. They will receive the signal and transmit it to the Nerves that are in the hand, the muscles of the hand will contract, and it will immediately withdraw from the sharp object. It’s good that the Nerves are so nimble and transmit signals very quickly, otherwise the consequences of injuries would be severe.

One day the Nerves argued which of them was the most sensitive to heat, cold or pain. They began to compete. The ones who boasted the most were the Nerves, who lived in the houses of the Skin of the Belly and Thighs. The judges applied ice to them, pricked them with needles, put a coin on them, but, to the surprise of everyone, the Nerves, who lived in the Skin house at the tips of the Fingers, won this competition. These Nerves turned out to be the most sensitive of all Nerves. They were so modest that they immediately felt shy from the close attention to their person, so they hid with their Hands behind their Backs. And the nerves of the skin of the Abdomen and Thighs puffed with resentment for a long time.

The Nerves were also good researchers. When an unfamiliar object came into their field of vision, they examined it and immediately transmitted a signal about it to their ruler, the Brain. The ruler learned from the signals what kind of object was in the Hand or what object the Eye saw. Then the Brain gave the corresponding order to the Nerves, how dangerous or good the object is, whether it is needed or not needed, whether it is useful or harmful.

There lived another group of Nerves in Humania, which did very useful work. For example, with their help, the Lungs worked automatically, and oxygen was supplied to the country uninterruptedly. They forced the blood vessels of the Skin to contract and unclench so that the inhabitants of the country would not freeze in the cold and would not overheat in the heat. They ordered the Heart to beat more often and bring more blood to the Muscles when the inhabitants of the country engaged in sports or physical exercise. They told the people of the country when to go to the toilet and when it was time to eat. These Nerves did not require the intervention of the Brain; they were very independent. But they didn’t turn their noses up because of this; they were always extremely polite and friendly.

All the inhabitants of Mania took care of their Nerves. After all, so much depended on their health! And to preserve means to care. How did this concern manifest itself?

Firstly, the residents did exercises every day and strengthened themselves. This really pleased the Nerves, which became strong.

Secondly, the residents ate properly. The food they ate contained a lot of B vitamins and mineral salts, which are so necessary for the good functioning of the nervous system. Vitamins of this group are found in foods such as bread, pork, liver, milk, eggs, herbs and vegetable oil.

Thirdly, residents tried not to get nervous over trifles, but to enjoy life more, smile, laugh. After all, negative emotions are so destructive to the Nerves!

These are the wonderful helpers the Brain had.

Questions and tasks

What Nerves lived on the street of the sense organs? What were they doing?

What Nerves lived on Muscle Street? What were they doing? Why were they called motor?

What qualities did Nerves have? What was the significance

these qualities for the inhabitants of Humania?

The nerves of which organ are the most sensitive?

Why can Nerves be called researchers?

What other group of Nerves lived in Humania? What were they responsible for? How did the inhabitants of Mankind take care of their Nerves?

Why do people often say that all diseases are caused by nerves?

How should children behave in order to protect the nerves of those around them?

  • Prime Minister of the country of Humania


To consolidate ideas about the heart, its importance in human life, its structure, and the prevention of heart disease;

Activate vocabulary on the topic;

Develop focused attention, auditory perception, imagination, memory, dialogic speech;

Create a desire for a healthy lifestyle.

* * *

The right hand of the Brain and the prime minister of the country of Humanity was the Heart. It was located in its palace almost in the center of the square Chest. He was the most efficient prime minister in the world! He knew no rest either day or night. Heworked like a motor, making 12 thousand strokes per day and chasing his main assistant - Countess Blood through all the houses and nooks and crannies of Man three thousand times a day! Without the Heart, the inhabitants of the country would not receive either oxygen or nutrition.

To work like this, you have to be very strong. Therefore, the Heart turned into a solid muscle that contracted and relaxed like an automaton. The heart could grow. It grew from the size of a small orange to the size of a small grapefruit. In this case, they usually say: “The spool is small but expensive.”

Inside the Heart there were four separate chambers. It looked like a two-story house consisting of two parts: with rooms at the top called right And left atria, and the rooms below - right And left ventricles.

Through two chamber rooms on the right side the Countess Blood in her dark red dress she swam after traveling through all the nooks and crannies of Mankind. From here she headed along the large Artery canals directly to visit the Lung brothers to take oxygen from them and change into bright reddress.

Dear brothers,” she addressed the Lungs in a tired voice, “I have become so worn out on the road, my dress has become dark and ugly. Please, please pump me up with more oxygen. I want to change my outfit, and my head is spinning, even a little nauseous.

To which the Light brothers responded differently. When they had good supplies of oxygen, they gladly shared them with the Blood. When supplies were depleted, there was nothing to share.

“Excuse us,” they said to the countess, “we can’t help you with anything.” You, Countess, will have to wear a dark dress. Without oxygen, you look kind of pale. Come see us next time, maybe they'll bring you some oxygen.

Most often, after being saturated with oxygen, the Blood from the Lungs returned to the Heart. This time, wearing a new bright red dress, she floated through it using the left chambers. She really wanted the Heart to see how beautiful she had become.

But the Heart had no time to admire the beauty, it had to work. It gave Blood the order to quickly move to the very large artery-Aorta, who was the baroness and mother of all the daughters of the Arteries, who diverged from her throughout the entire country of Mankind, like great rivers.

Come on, Blood, work for the good of the whole country! - orders / shaft Baroness Aorta. - Quickly give oxygen and nutrients to all residents!

I hasten to carry out your orders! - Curtsying, Countess Blood responded. - I'm already setting sail.

Through all the children-Arteries of Baroness Aorta, Blood carried oxygen, beneficial nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts. And where it was impossible to sail along the Arteries, their children, whose names were Capillaries.

Having given away all the useful substances and oxygen, taking away all the waste and carbon dioxide, changing the dress to dark red, the Blood returned back to the Heart. Only in this form did Arteria’s sisters not allow her into their channels. She had no choice but to use other paths.

What a bunch of nerds you are! - Blood said offendedly. - I can do without you! Countess Vienna will help me. She's kinder than you.

Heart's first assistants included not only Baroness Aorta, but also Countess Vein, who bore the surname Hollow. She lived right at the entrance to the right-hand cell rooms. The Hollow Vena had its own children and grandchildren, who entangled all of Mankind with their channels. It was through them that the Blood returned from its journey across the country to the right half of the Heart. And it all started all over again, never stopping.

One day, too much food was brought to Humania, and besides, it was fatty. My heart even ate too much. Until all supplies ran out, it ate and ate. One fine day, the Heart’s subordinates noticed that it began to become covered with fat. It became more and more difficult for him to work. Shortness of breath appeared, the rhythm was lost. All residents of the country immediately felt the changes in their Hearts. Drowsiness and weakness appeared. I had to put my Heart on a diet, even though it resisted.

And once the Heart was let down by the muscles of the legs and arms. They worked so hard without rest for several hours in a row that they simply drove the poor Heart. How much Blood they needed to pump! The Brain had to pacify the pranksters and prescribe them a whole day of rest.

Here's another incident that happened to the Heart. The brain overdid it here. He decided to work actively for several days in a row without sleep. And since he was actively awake, he constantly wanted to eat. Of course, the Stomach started working. And let's thresh everything! Poor Heart did not have time to drive the Blood. I couldn’t sleep, and my heart ached. I had to treat him. And the ruler gaveafter this, a word that will protect the Heart. My heart began to rest at night. When it rested, it beat slower.

Something else happened to the Heart. One day it stopped doing physical exercises and training its muscles. The muscle began to weaken and contract worse. Because of this, the heart began to do its job worse; it did not have enough strength. The ruler had to assign a special trainer to the Heart, who made sure that the Heart did physical exercise every day.

So the Heart worked day and night for many, many years. And everyone living in Mankind took care of him. Their health and life depended on it.

Questions and tasks

What have you learned about the Heart? Who was it in the fairy tale? What size can it be?

What was inside the Heart?

How did Countess Blood help the Heart in its work?

What were the right and left chamber chambers used for?

What role did Baroness Aorta play in the life of the Heart? What were her daughters names? What were they doing in Humania?

What role did Countess Vienna play in the life of Heart? What was her last name?

What happened to the Heart when it started eating too much?

Why did Muscles working without rest almost ruin the Heart?

Why does Heart, like other inhabitants of Humanity, need to rest at night?

Why is it so important for people to exercise every day?

Why is it important to stay in bed and get treatment when you have the flu or other infections?

Listen to your neighbor's heartbeat.

  • Once upon a time there was Blood...


To consolidate knowledge about the importance of blood in the activities of the human body, its composition, blood circulation, circulatory system, how to prevent disturbances in the composition of the blood;

Activate vocabulary on the topic;

Develop focused attention, imagination, memory, dialogical speech;

To form an effective interest in one’s own body and health, the desire to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle.

* * *

In Humania there lived a Countess of Blood. It was liquid, warm and slightly salty in taste. Its color changed from bright scarlet to dark red. She liked living in Humania. Moreover, there was somewhere to leak and where to leak. All her life she moved throughout the country, without stopping for a minute, flowing into the most distant streets and alleys, cities and villages.

The Blood floated through special channels-vessels. Some of them were called Arteries. In them, the Blood flowed quickly and always wore a bright scarlet dress. All Arteries came from the Heart - the main engine and the right hand of the ruler of Mankind. They brought Blood to the head, neck, arms, legs and internal organs along with nutrients. Inside, the Arteries were so smooth that Blood could move through them without hindrance. Sometimes she was lazy. Then the little muscles that were in the walls of the Arteries, contracting, began to urge her on. The blood immediately began to move faster. From time to time the muscle drivers fell asleep from the tedious work. Then the Blood began to flow more slowly and pulsated to the beat of the Heart, as if it was dancing.

If the body temperature was normal, the blood pulsated calmly. When the body temperature rose, the pulse quickened. It was urgently necessary to lower the temperature so that the Blood did not boil.

Blood had great respect for the Heart. After all, without him, all life in Man would immediately stop! It, like a pump, supplied Blood to all tissues and organs thousands of times a day! How many times has she heard his knock: “Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.”

Dear Heart,” she addressed politely to the living motor, “would you like to rest and sleep? I can guard your sleep so that no one disturbs it. Is it possible to work day and night without a break?

Dear Blood, - the Heart answered to the peaceful tapping, - I would be glad, but without me everything will immediately stop and die. I can't allow this. Thank you for taking care of me. You better bring me more oxygen and healthy nutrition so that my walls become stronger and my muscles become stronger.

The blood rather ran to the Light brothers to ask them for oxygen:

Dear Lungs,” she asked, “please give me more oxygen, which is so necessary for the Heart.” With it, it will work better and get less tired.

The Light brothers could not help but respond to such a polite request. They began to breathe deeply and give oxygen to the Blood. Then the Blood ran to the Stomach and Small Intestine.

Hardworking friends! - she respectfully asked. - Please give more nutrients and microelements for the Heart. With them it will become stronger!

Both the Stomach and the Small Intestine, of course, responded to the request of the Blood. The stomach began to digest food even more energetically, and the intestines began to absorb it.

Other river vessels flowed next to the Arteries. They were called Veins. In them, the Blood never accelerated, but flowed slowly, dragging behind it, like a donkey, “spent” substances unnecessary to the inhabitants of Mankind, which were then removed from it to a landfill. And she chose a different dress - dark red. If Blood flowed through the Arteries from the Heart, then through the Veins - straight to the Heart. The flow had to be done carefully, because the walls of the Veins were thinner than those of the Arteries, and there were much fewer driver muscles in them. In Vienna, the driver, or rather the locomotive that pushed the Blood forward, was the Heart itself.

Blood reigned throughout Circulatory system. Through small rivers and streams flowing from the Arteries, called capillaries, it penetrated into every cell of the human body, bringing necessary substances, oxygen and taking away waste. With the waste, the Blood flowed into tiny Veins, which in turn flowed into larger Veins. This is how it was done circulation.

Blood felt like a princess, cherished and protected. There was only about five or six liters of it in the body of an adult, and three or four in a child. And this is quite a bit.

Small creatures lived inside the Blood - Blood cells(one - white, other - red). Their life was very short. They lived for about two months, and then were replaced with new ones. But, despite this, they constantly fought among themselves for primacy.

We transfer oxygen from the Lungs to all residents of the country, and take carbon dioxide away from them! What would the body do without us? How would it exist without oxygen? - the red calves defended their primacy.

And although there are fewer of us, we know how to kill bacteria and viruses and defeat infection! Without us, all the inhabitants would have died long ago! - the white bodies answered cockily.

Auntie always made peace between them Plasma- pale yellowliquid, in which lived red and white blood cells. She quickly separated the quarrels and carried them through the Arteries and Veins through all corners of Mankind. There were twice as many of them as there were blood cells.

Auntie Plasma was very humble and hardworking. She never boasted about her achievements. But she had something to talk about. She helped the Blood to coagulate and form a crust on cuts, carried nutrients obtained from digested food to the organs, removed all harmful substances from the tissues and transferred them to the twin sisters the Kidneys, where they turned into urine and were excreted along with it from the body. Aunt Plasma did so many useful things, but in her behavior she never resembled the quarrelsome debaters - the Blood Cells.

Aunt Plasma had assistants - Blood plates, which also helped the Blood to coagulate when it flowed out of the wound. Without them, Blood would continue to flow from a cut or scratch instead of forming a crust on the wound. The blood plates were friends with Aunt Plasma and never parted with her.

Aunt Plasma carefully ensured that the composition of the Blood was not disturbed. She even cursed if a person breathed shallowly and oxygen entered the lungs poorly, and carbon dioxide was retained in the body.

Sometimes Blood felt that it was weakening and began to be capricious. What do you think she asked for? Imagine, she asked sameLeza. This is how she paused and whimpered:

I want iron! Give me some iron! How will my red cells carry oxygen without it?

The Blood calmed down only when foods containing iron were brought to Mania: fish, meat, fruits and vegetables, especially beef liver, apples and pomegranates.

From time to time, the blood in the vessels stagnated, began to move slowly, or even thickened so much that it turned into real traffic jams. Then Aunt Plasma, flowing through the muscle capillaries, commanded:

Hurry up and do some gymnastics! Quickly shrink! Get your blood flowing! Don't relax! More energetic! More energetic!

Some were persuaded, but others did not pay attention to their blood circulation and ended up in the hospital with heart disease.

When a person got scratches and cuts, Aunt Plasma and the Blood Plates worked hard to stop the Blood, but they could not stop the infection. Even white blood cells could not always help. In such cases, Plasma ran to Water and asked it to quickly wash it out. After all, there could be anything in the wound. If Water washed the wound, then the white Blood Cells managed to cope with the bacteria, and if Water was lazy and did not want to help, it harmed all the inhabitants of Humania so much that they could even die.

Some residents of the country managed to get sick and go to work, school and kindergarten. Then the white blood cells were very worried.

It was difficult for them to fight bacteria and viruses in such conditions! They, of course, tried very hard, but it was not always possible to cope with the infection when the patient was not in bed.

So the Blood lived constantly in labors and worries. But she was proud of them.

Questions and tasks

Describe Blood.

How did the Blood get to the inhabitants of the country?

What can Arteries and Veins be compared to? What can capillaries be compared to?

Who stood at the head of all the work of the circulatory system? Why was Blood so worried about the Heart? How did she help him?

What was the Blood doing in the Arteries? And in Vienna? Why did she wear different colored dresses when she traveled through the Arteries and Veins?

Why did the Blood have to reach even the most remote places of Mankind?

What little creatures lived in the Blood? What were they doing there?

What did Aunt Plasma do? What did it consist of?

What microelement was sometimes lacking in Blood? What products contain it a lot?

Why do scratches and abrasions need to be washed thoroughly?

Why do you have to stay in bed when you are sick?

Why should you engage in physical education and sports?

Why should you be outdoors more often?

  • Brothers Lungs


Reinforce ideas about the functioning of the lungs and respiratory system;

Show the importance of the respiratory system for the life of the human body;

Activate vocabulary on the topic;

Develop focused attention, auditory perception, imagination, memory, dialogic speech;

To form a cognitive interest in your body, a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

* * *

Educational 3D animation video explaining the functioning of the respiratory system

In Humania there lived twin brothers whose names were Lungs. One brother was called Right Lung, and the other was called Left Lung. They were very hard workers. Literally worked day after day, month after month, year after year all my life. In this they took an example from their prime minister - Heart. They respected him very much. Moreover, their houses were very close.

The brothers lived in a large bone cage called chest, because it was located on Grudnaya Square. The cage could not protect the brothers from rain or snow, but it protected them from injury in the form of bruises or punctures. The bars around the chest were strong and reliable. After all, the Light brothers themselves were not very strong.

The inner surface of the Lungs was like sponge and this made them weigh very little. In addition, millions of tiny people lived in this spongy matter. They were airy, like a balloon, and looked like bags. Their names were Pulmonary vesicles- they were as elastic as balloons. When filled with air, they could expand, and when they gave it away, they could contract. Such funny airy men - sometimes fat, sometimes thin!

Every three or four seconds the Light brothers needed air. They were real air gluttons! Where did they get it from?

Served as a light manager of an air pumping station - Nose-Nosovich, who lived far from his masters and never saw them. His pumping station was located on the outer territory of Humania, and the gentlemen Lungs lived on the inner territory, separated by a strong shell of Bones, Muscles and Skin. Nos-Nosovich, like his owner, worked day and night. He, like a pump, inhaled air from the atmosphere.

There was a lot of this air in the atmosphere. Only its composition was different. Nos-Nosovich really liked the clean mountain, forest and sea air. He constantly sneezed from the dirty city air, and from the air saturated with tobacco smoke he suffocated. I even had to call an ambulance. Poor Nos-Nosovich had a hard time. After all, there was less and less clean air in the atmosphere.

To ensure that the air reaches the Light brothers exactly, a special pipe was made. We thought for a long time what to call it. Then they remembered that when forging metal, air is supplied to the furnace using a forge. That's what they called the pipe Larynx. The air rushed through the Larynx and shouted:

Hurry up and let me go to the Lungs! Don't delay! I'm in military service! I can't wait another second!

But he had to pause his flight because the network of air tubes branched out, allowing small portions of air to pass through. The larynx was replaced by another straight tube called Trachea. From it there were branches into the Right and Left Lung. This there were Bronchi, similar to two branches of a tree with small branches. Thanks to them, the air immediately reached all the air people living in the Lungs. The lungs immediately expanded, became large and important.

And then the air men began to work - the pulmonary bubbles. They quickly took oxygen from the air and immediately gave it to the Countess of Blood, who was already expecting a new portion of oxygen. Oh, and she was happy about such a product from Pulmonary Bubbles! After all, now she could saturate all the inhabitants of Humania with oxygen!

But Countess Blood couldn't just take the oxygen. She had to buy it. In return, the Blood gave carbon dioxide to the pulmonary bubbles, which it brought with itself, taking it from the inhabitants. But this was not enough for the pulmonary vesicle in exchange for such a valuable product as oxygen. They also took excess water from the Blood that no one needed. How much water was there? Quite a lot - from two to four large glasses daily!

The lung bubbles did not like carbon dioxide very much, and they did not need water. So, out of greed, they took all this from the Countess of Blood. Trying to quickly get rid of unnecessary goods, they contracted, pushing out both carbon dioxide and water. It was like a balloon deflating, letting out the air.

Carbon dioxide and water have always been indignant:

Why are you getting rid of us? What do not you like? Picky people! We won't come to you again! Tricksters! Just think, bubbles! A lot of
think about yourself!

The lung bubbles quickly pushed out the indignant people along with the air, saying:

Fly, fly! There is no need to pollute us! We want to be clean and transparent!

Carbon dioxide and water flew out through the Bronchi, Trachea and Larynx straight back to Nos-Nosovich, if he was healthy. And if he was sick, then straight to the Roth. Both Nos-Nosovich and Roth gladly gave them back to the air that lived in the atmosphere.

Everyone was happy. The inhabitants of Humania received oxygen, the Lung brothers were held in high esteem by the ruler of the Brain and his prime minister, the Heart. Nos-Nosovich received bonuses from the Lungs.

Questions and tasks

Which brothers are mentioned in the fairy tale? What were they like? Who did you want to be like?

Where did the Light brothers live? What was the name of their house? How was he different?

What can be said about the structural features of the brothers?

What did the pulmonary vesicles look like?

Who served the Light brothers? What did Nos-Nosovich do?

How did the air get from Nos-Nosovich to the Lungs?

What did the pulmonary vesicles do with the air?

What did Blood give to the bubbles instead of oxygen?

Where did the carbon dioxide and excess water go then?

Why were the houses of the Prime Minister of the Heart and the Lung brothers in Humania next to each other?

Why do you need to monitor your lung health? How should this be done? (Breathe as little polluted air as possible; travel outside the city as often as possible, go to the park, to the shore of the sea, lake, river; catch colds as little as possible so as not to get tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia; do not overcool, do not be in drafts, dress appropriately weather, take enough vitamins; take regular treatment for allergies or asthma, if any; never smoke; fight air pollution; do not burn garbage in the open air.)

Experiment with the release of water from the lungs. Take the mirror in your hands, inhale deeply, and then exhale forcefully directly onto the glass. It will fog up and become damp.

  • Power plant, chemical laboratory and warehouse rolled into one


To consolidate ideas about the importance of the liver in the life of the body, measures to prevent liver diseases;

Activate vocabulary on the topic;

Develop focused attention, auditory perception, imagination, memory, dialogic speech;

To form a desire for a healthy lifestyle and self-knowledge.

* * *

The largest house in inner Mania was owned by a researcher called Liver. It was located on a square called Abdomen. Despite the fact that the Liver lived much lower than the Lung brothers, it still managed to occupy part of their Chest, quite a bit, only the last ribs. But even this circumstance was to the benefit of the Liver - the ribs protected it from outside invasions, just like its brothers. The lungs did not argue with her, after all, she was a researcher, a respected resident of Humania! They didn’t mind just two ribs.

Unlike the spongy brothers of the Lungs, the Liver was soft and fleshy and even red-brown in color. You'll notice this one from afar. She didn't like white coats like other researchers, so she never wore them.

This person was very active. She worked a lot, like other residents of the country of Humania, but still had a peculiarity.

On the one hand, the Liver was a real power plant that produced special proteins-proteins, very necessary for the Countess of Blood in order for her were formed new blood cells. And protein-proteins supplied the inhabitants of the country energy And nutrients.

On the other hand, the Liver was a real chemical laboratory. In it she produced bile-yellow-green liquid, bitter in taste. She sent it to help the Intestines for digestion of fats.

Dear Intestines,” the Liver called him, “I ask you to pick up another portion of bile. I have already prepared it and poured it into test tubes. Good bile this time! This will be your assistant.

Going! - responded the Intestines. - Thank you very much, dear Liver. I need helpers. And I prepared a tasty treat for you as a thank you. Take as much as you want!

The intestines gave in return through the Blood of the Liver nutritious thingsproperties, vitamins, obtained from digested food and absorbed into the walls of the intestines.

But the Liver worked together not only with the Intestines. Her closest friend was Countess Blood. You could say they were inseparable. For her, in her chemical laboratory, the Liver created substances with the help of which, if necessary, Blood didn't flow, but curled up. Without such substances, under the right circumstances, the Blood could simply flow out of Humanity and die. Other substances did not give blood thicken and clog the channels through which it flowed. Therefore, the Countess always remained slender and fluid.

Take these two vessels,” the Liver said to her friend, “they contain a miraculous remedy for you.” If you don’t want to leak, drink this remedy from a blue vessel, you will immediately thicken, but if you get lazy and stagnate, drink from a red vessel, and then you will run faster.

But that's not all. Liver in the laboratory periodically cleaned Blood from harmful substances, which were gained in it during the journey through Mankind. How grateful the Blood was to her! After all, the Liver saved her from illness. This is a real friend!

Dear, dear, Liver,” Blood thanked her friend, “you can’t even imagine how grateful I am to you!” If necessary, I will even give my life for you! You do so much for me!

But there were also cases when the Blood was accidentally or deliberately poisoned toxic substances\ Horror! But in life different things happen. What would happen to the poor countess if the Liver could not in her laboratory destroy these substances and bring out them from a friend? It's scary to imagine! Yes, the Liver was not only a good friend, but also a real scientist!

In addition to being a power plant and a chemical laboratory, the Liver was also thrifty. She had a real warehouse in her house. In this warehouse she kept very valuable substances - fats,proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. The Liver issued them from the warehouse when the inhabitants of Humania needed energy for activity or building material to replace worn-out cells.

Another amazing property of the Liver is that it could restore after illness or injury. A real sorceress! No one else knew how to do this except her.

This ability aroused both delight and envy among the inhabitants of Humania. The most envious tried to harm the Liver. Some sent her various infections, from which she began to suffer greatly. Others slipped harmful food and drinks into the Stomach and Intestines so that they would treat the Liver with them. Otherwise, instead of food, they will put cleaning liquid or washing powder, insect repellent or medicine.

After this, poor Liver had to be hospitalized and treated for a long time. They even tried to starve the Liver. Then she had nowhere to get fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The performance of the Liver immediately dropped. But the lives of all the inhabitants of Humania depended on her work!

True, the Liver had more good neighbors than bad ones. Therefore, she happily continued to generate energy, create in the chemical laboratory and accumulate valuable substances for all the inhabitants of the country.

Questions and tasks

Which inhabitant of Humania is mentioned in this tale?

Where did Liver live?

What was she like as described? What was her job?

Why was the Liver compared to a power plant?

What was Liver doing in his chemistry lab?

How did the Liver make friends with the Intestines?

Who was Liver's closest friend? How did the Liver help a friend?

What did the Liver keep in its warehouse? For what?

What unique ability did the Liver have?

What harmful actions of the bad inhabitants of Humania did she suffer from?

How should a person take care of his liver? Formulate the rules.

  • Sisters Kidneys and Bladder


To consolidate knowledge about the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, the prevention of kidney diseases;

Activate vocabulary on the topic;

Develop focused attention, auditory perception, imagination, memory, dialogic speech;

Develop a responsible attitude towards your own health.

We already know that the Lung twin brothers lived in Humania. But twin sisters also lived there. They were called Kidneys. They were like beans the size of fist. Their house was located behind the large Liver house on Abdominal Square.

Like the Liver, they were red-brownish colors. The sisters never left each other. They even had one loved one between them. His name was Bladder. He lived for several below Kidneys, but on the same area.

In order to have a constant connection with her loved one, the Kidneys laid long hollow tubes to him and named them after him Ureters.

The Kidney sisters, like the Liver, were very friendly with Countess Blood, who often visited them. In the house of the Kidneys there were powerful filters, which took away at the Blood harmful substances- waste. The blood gave them away with pleasure. This waste gave her a headache and her whole body ached like the flu. After harmful substances were filtered out, the Blood felt as clean as if it had gone to a bathhouse.

More Kidneys took away at the Countess of Blood some extra water. And this procedure was pleasant for my friend. The excess water made her swell like a balloon, and her arms and legs became swollen. Therefore, the Blood gave away the excess water immediately and with pleasure, without asking for anything in return.

The kidneys really liked it when large amounts of water, milk and fruit juices passed through them. They could drink up to eight glasses a day! They needed the liquid to operate the filters.

But the Kidneys didn’t like the fact that they were dealing with harmful substances. They believed that they were like a garbage dump into which all sorts of waste was thrown. This upset them. How could they, looking like garbage, please the Bladder? From such thoughts, the Kidneys often cried. Drops of tears fell into the tubes of the Ureters. By tubes they flowed straight towards Bladder. Sometimes there were so many tears that they could fill whole six stacksnew] The bladder did not know what kind of liquid was coming to it through the tubes. Moreover, he could not guess that these were the sisters’ tears. The liquid expanded and became heavier. He clearly didn't like this. He didn't want to be fat. When it could no longer be filled, he opened a special tap connectedwith a straw called The urethra. Through this channel, the fluid came out of the bladder to the outside. After that, he sighed with relief, his mood lifted. But the Kidneys cried and cried, so the Bladder either stretched or contracted. He didn't even have time to meet his twin sisters, let alone fall in love with them.

Somehow the Brain found out about the grief of the Kidneys. He called them to his place and entrusted them with a very important task - detain inBlood sugar, certain proteins and fats.

“I am very pleased with your work,” said the ruler to the Kidneys, “you are cleaning our country from harmful substances.” Can you imagine what would happen if you didn't do this? All residents would be poisoned or even die. This is very important work. I'm proud of you! Well, since you are so responsible, I entrust you with another important task - you will help the Countess of Blood supply our residents with healthy food. I appoint you as Liver Research Assistants. She also does this work.

The Bud sisters even blushed with pleasure. They were very pleased with the ruler's praise. From then on they cried only for joy. In these tears they dissolved all harmful substances. And the Bladder still doesn’t understand why it is used as a rubber heating pad. He was constantly grumbling and indignant.

Questions and tasks

Which twin sisters are we talking about in the fairy tale?

Where they lived? What did they look like?

What was the name of your beloved Kidney? What channel did the sisters build to let the Bladder know about them?

Who were Buds friends with? How did they help the Countess of Blood?

What did the Kidneys like to eat?

Why did Kidneys cry all the time? What upset them so much?

Where did the kidneys' tears flow? What is this liquid called in real life? (Urine.)

Why was the Bladder unhappy with the Kidney's tears flowing into it? How many tears could it hold in a day?

How did the Brain calm the Kidneys? What important work did he assign them?

What should you do to prevent your kidneys from hurting?

Find the place where your kidneys are located.

Dear students, in my opinion, this is important!

I advise you to go through other sections of the "Navigation" and read interesting articles or watch presentations, didactic materials on subjects (pedagogy, methods of developing children's speech, theoretical foundations of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents); material for preparing for tests, tests, exams, coursework and dissertations. I would be glad if the information posted on my website helps you in your work and study.

Best regards, O.G. Golskaya.

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