The benefits of pomelo for the body. How and where to store pomelo correctly? The most important thing in storing a pomelo

The benefits of pomelo for the body.  How and where to store pomelo correctly?  The most important thing in storing a pomelo
The benefits of pomelo for the body. How and where to store pomelo correctly? The most important thing in storing a pomelo

Pomelo is the largest fruit of the citrus family. In appearance, it resembles a grapefruit, but is much larger in size and has a sweeter taste. The exotic fruit comes from China, and, despite the fact that it appeared in our country relatively recently, it has already gained popularity due to its pleasant taste and rich vitamin composition. Ripe and ripened fruit not only has a pleasant aroma and taste of citrus, but is also very useful for our body, as it has a high potassium content, necessary for normal heart function, promotes rapid absorption of protein and weight loss. How to choose a ripe pomelo?

How to choose a ripe pomelo based on external characteristics

  • Size and weight. Pomelo differs from other citrus fruits in its impressive appearance, its maximum weight can reach up to 10 kg, and the diameter of the fruit is 30 cm. On average, the weight of the fruit is from 1 to 2 kg, give preference to a heavier fruit, it will be juicier. A pomelo that is too light may end up dry and inedible inside.
  • Fruit shape. The shape of the fruit can be of several types: pear-shaped, spherical, slightly flattened, depending on the variety. The ripeness of a pomelo can be determined by its tip (the area of ​​the stalk). When pressed, it should be a little soft, but quite elastic. This fruit will be sweet and juicy. A soft, loose top indicates that the fruit is overripe; the taste and beneficial properties of the fruit are reduced to a minimum.
  • Peel. The structure and appearance of the pomelo peel resembles an orange peel. The color of the fruit depends on its variety. Pomelo can be green, light yellow or orange. Do not assume that if a fruit has a green tint to its skin, then it is unripe. A yellow pomelo may have a slightly greenish tint. The main selection criterion is the absence of dents or reddish-burgundy marks on the peel, which indicate the presence of nitrates in the fruit, as well as non-compliance with the rules for its storage and transportation. Sometimes you can see smooth fruits on sale, with an unnatural “shiny” gloss and sticky to the touch. It is better to refuse to purchase such a pomelo; most likely, unscrupulous sellers treated it with a special solution to hide existing shortcomings and give the fruit a marketable appearance. Seals and growths on the skin of the fruit are a sign of non-compliance with optimal conditions for its growth and improper storage. The skin of a ripe pomelo should be elastic and dense to the touch. If the skin is soft, and when you press on it with your finger, a dent remains, then this is an overripe fruit, which is characterized by a “cotton-like” taste and the presence of very large seeds.
  • Smell. Ripe fruit exudes a pleasant, pronounced citrus aroma that can be heard even from a distance. If you can’t smell it or the pomelo smells like grass, dampness, or bitterness, don’t buy it.

What should the pulp of a ripe pomelo be like?

A cut ripe fruit should have a dense white or slightly yellowish partition between the peel and the pulp. The color of the fruit pulp will depend on its variety. The orange pear-shaped fruits have a bright orange, almost red color. In green and yellow, the flesh has a yellowish tint. A ripe, high-quality fruit has pulp that is uniform in color, without dark spots, and the fibers are larger than those of grapefruit. Although pomelo is difficult to peel, its ripe slices are quite easy to separate, maintaining their hardness and elasticity.

How to store ripe pomelo?

A ripe whole fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for several months, and cut or peeled for no more than a day. The juicy pulp of peeled pomelo quickly dries out and loses its taste. In addition, citrus cannot be frozen, since when it is exposed to low temperatures, it loses all its beneficial properties and value for the body.

The most delicious and ripe pomelo can be bought in the winter season; during this period, the ripest specimens of exotic citrus are delivered to us from Asian countries. Use our advice and choose only high-quality fruits that will bring maximum benefits to the body and allow you to enjoy the unforgettable pleasant taste of the fruit.

The popularity of exotic fruits is growing rapidly due to their availability; today any supermarket can boast an impressive assortment of unusual fruits. Problems arise when the question arises of how to choose and then clean an unusual product in order to truly appreciate its taste. The aromatic citrus pomelo raises a lot of questions.

Consumers are confused by its thick skin, white terry layer, and films on the juicy slices. Some people prefer to consume the product like grapefruit. They cut it into two halves and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. The option has a right to exist, but it is better to use more practical and simpler approaches.

Rules for choosing ripe fruit

To get true pleasure from eating a fragrant fruit, you need to learn how to choose it correctly. You should not completely trust cunning sellers; it is better to do it yourself.

  • Ripe fruit exudes a persistent and pleasant citrus aroma even from a distance. If the fruit does not smell of anything and is not even covered with film, it is not worth purchasing.
  • The color of a high-quality pomelo is uniform, yellow, minor green inclusions are acceptable. Any stains or streaks are unacceptable. They are a sign of stale fruit or non-compliance with the rules of its storage.
  • Preference should be given to fruits that are uniform in texture, dense, and slightly soft. You should definitely try to push the skin on the top of the fruit. If it gives in easily and leaves dents, the broom has already begun to rot.
  • The peel should be uniform on all parts of the product. If local thickenings are detected, this indicates a violation of the conditions of the fruit.

How to clean a broom to do it quickly and correctly?

Those with strong nails and strong fingers are able to peel the thick skin of a pomelo without additional equipment. Everyone else will have to arm themselves with a small, sharp knife.

Fruit can be processed using one of the following methods:

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly under cool running water, dry it, and cut off the top. Using the tip of the knife, we begin to lead from a randomly selected place on the cut in a spiral downward. We pick up a piece of peel with our fingers and remove it from the surface in one piece. If the pomelo is ripe, this should not cause any problems.
  1. We also wash and dry the fruit, making a cut at the top. From the top to the bottom we make several deep cuts. The more there are, the easier it will be to clean. Remove the resulting petals with your fingers.

After pre-processing, we divide the fruit kernel into separate slices. They are covered with a thick film that you should not try to clean with your nails. It is better to cut each element in a narrow part along the border of the slice, open it and carefully turn it inside out. The film will not linger on the lower part either; the main thing is not to tear it, but to carefully separate it from the grains.

Features of pomelo that need to be taken into account when consuming it

Unlike grapefruit, the fruit is very sweet, so it is highly recommended not to sprinkle it with sugar or pour honey. This will only harm its taste. If the fruit is bitter or very sour, it is better to throw it away. A ripe pomelo can only be moderately sweet and aromatic.

The pulp of the fruit can be consumed not only as a dessert on its own. Connoisseurs actively add the component to salads, not only fruit ones, and prepare sauces and dressings for fish, poultry, and meat. The main thing is not to use too many spices, otherwise the beauty of the product will be lost against the background of their pungent aromas.

Many people compare pomelo to grapefruit or orange, trying to use them as a substitute for each other. In fact, these are completely different fruits, with their own characteristics and unique properties.

Not many people know how to properly store pomelo, because this fruit is not as popular as, say, an orange. Pomelo is the largest representative of citrus fruits. The weight of one fruit can reach 10 kg, so how can you eat it at once? Of course, you can find smaller fruits on sale, but small pomelo also needs certain storage conditions. Therefore, it is important to know where to store pomelo and how long you can do this with peeled fruit. Not all fruits of this exotic plant can be stored. You need to be able to choose the right pomelo; to do this, you need to pay attention to such external signs of quality as uniform coloring, the absence of growths and damage on the skin, and a strong citrus aroma. The shelf life of pomelo depends, first of all, on the quality and degree of freshness of the fruit. Now let’s talk directly about how long pomelo can be stored and how to store it.

The most important thing in storing a pomelo

    The pomelo can also be stored on the balcony, the main thing is to cover it from light and sunlight.

    Even in an airtight container in the refrigerator, a cut pomelo will quickly lose its juiciness.

    It is not recommended to freeze this citrus, like its other brethren.

How to store pomelo at home

Like any citrus fruit, fresh pomelo can be stored for a relatively long time in a cool, dark place. At temperatures up to 5°C, this fruit will “feel” best.

In the compartment for storing fruits and vegetables or the “fresh zone”, the pomelo can be safely stored for up to 8 weeks. Staying at room temperature reduces this period to 5 weeks.

If during the cold season this temperature regime has been established on the balcony or in the cellar, then you can safely send the broom there.

It is worth remembering that the juiciness of the fruit will decrease with decreasing ambient temperature.

In addition to temperature, the duration of the food suitability of pomelo is affected by the degree of illumination. Exposure to sunlight will significantly shorten the shelf life of the pomelo. And the main thing to remember is that overripe fruits cannot be stored; they must be consumed immediately after purchase or not purchased at all.

As for unripe fruits, they should not be placed in the cold; it is better to leave them to ripen at room temperature. Among ripe fruits, they will ripen much faster, but they will also be able to reach the peak of ripeness on their own.

An unripe fruit is distinguished by an uneven or greenish color of the peel and a mild citrus aroma.

How to store pomelo in the refrigerator

Ripe pomelo fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for as long as possible if several simple conditions are met:

  • the fruits do not touch each other;
  • each fruit is wrapped in cling film or paper;
  • there is no damage to the peel;
  • if the pomelo (or other fruit in the box) begins to deteriorate, it is immediately removed from the total mass so that it does not contribute to the spoilage of other fruits.

How to store cut pomelo

It has already been mentioned about the impressive size of the pomelo, so it is sometimes impossible to eat it in one sitting, like other citrus fruits.

Peeled pomelo can be stored for no longer than 1 day in the refrigerator, placed in an airtight food storage container. The slices will not spoil even in two days, but citrus fruits tend to dry out quickly.

By the way, you can dry pomelo slices or buy already dried fruit. At room temperature, dried citrus slices in a container with a tight-fitting lid will be stored for another couple of months. They must be placed in conditions favorable for storage, namely: in a dark and dry place with good air circulation. A cellar or kitchen cabinet is suitable for long-term storage of this dried fruit.

Other ways to store pomelo

If the pomelo is not eaten in the near future, you can try other ways to store it. For example, make delicious aromatic citrus jam. Moreover, even the peel can be involved in the cooking recipe.

Contrary to the established opinion of modern housewives that absolutely everything can be frozen, it is worth noting that it is better not to do this with pomelo. The fact is that freezing will immediately and irrevocably deprive this fruit of its juiciness. But it’s precisely for their juiciness that we love citrus fruits, so putting a pomelo in the freezer is the same as throwing it in the trash.

To extend the shelf life of pomelo in the refrigerator or at room temperature, you can lightly grease its peel with vegetable oil. The greasy film will prevent moisture loss, which will allow the fruit to remain juicy for a long time.

Pomelo is an exotic fruit native to Indonesia. The full name of the fruit is pompelmousse. It is also called sheddock in honor of the English captain who brought the seeds of the fruit to the West Indies. This was in the 16th century. The countries where pomelo grows today are represented quite extensively: Malaysia, India, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and China, America, Israel.

An evergreen pomelo tree with a spherical shape. It has large leaves, white-yellow flowers and large bright green fruits. Pomelo is the largest citrus fruit in the world. The diameter of the fetus can reach 30 cm, and the weight ranges up to 10 kg. The thickness of the peel differs significantly from other citrus fruits and can be up to 4 cm. The color of the ripe fruit is yellow-green, the contents are white. The fruit can be presented in the shape of a sphere or a pear.

Shaddock has some features that distinguish it from other citrus fruits:

  • Perfectly quenches thirst. This is due to a specific sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness and apparent dryness of the pulp.
  • Long-term storage of pomelo does not affect the moisture content and the presence of nutrients. It doesn’t matter how to store the pomelo, in the refrigerator or in a cool room. It is important that the storage conditions for peeled fruit and peeled fruit are different. Unpeeled pomelo stores quite well and for a long time. The peeled fruit is exposed to air, so the vitamins are destroyed quite quickly. Within a few days, such fruit without peel should be eaten.

Composition and calorie content of pomelo

Pomelo is an unusual fruit, so not everyone knows how to choose a ripe fruit. The main criterion for a successful choice is the density of the fetus. Half-empty fruit can be felt by its weight. The choice should be made on small-sized but heavy fruits. The peel of the citrus fruit should be soft and smooth, always of a uniform color. The aroma of the fruit also matters. The ripe sheddock fruit emits a subtle citrus smell.

How to clean a pomelo for those who are trying the fruit for the first time. Pompelmus is cleaned like any citrus fruit. You can use a knife to remove the skin on the poles, then peel it like a tangerine or orange.

Pomelo is rich in internal content. Ascorbic and nicotinic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, beta-carotene are vitamins present in the fruit. The minerals contained in citrus provide the basic needs of the body. The energy value of pomelo is as follows: proteins - 0.76 g, fats - 0.04 g, carbohydrates - 8.62 g. How many calories are in pomelo? Pomelo is low in calories. Only 38 kcal is contained in 100 grams of edible pulp.

What are the benefits of pomelo?

The beneficial properties of pomelo are due to its rich composition:

  • The high content of vitamin C, and pomelo contains about 40 mg, helps increase immunity and endurance of the body. Ascorbic acid is necessary for the complex treatment of colds and viral diseases. As well as essential oils, which are effective in the fight against seasonal colds and depression.
  • Regular consumption of pomelo is indicated for excess body weight and frequent indigestion. The fruit has special substances that accelerate the breakdown of proteins and fats.
  • Pomelo stimulates the nervous system. The serotonin found in the fruit is called the hormone of joy and pleasure. Therefore, pompelmus, a fruit, is an antidepressant that helps increase brain and physical activity.
  • Pomelo has limonoids, which reduce the effect of carcinogens, which reduces the development of cancer.
  • Citrus fruit is used in the complex treatment of respiratory diseases and asthma.
  • Normalization of blood pressure is a guaranteed result with regular use of pomelo.
  • Thanks to pomelo, the heart and blood vessels are strengthened and the risk of stroke, heart attack and thrombosis is minimized.
  • Pomelo is an effective remedy for poisoning. Removal of decay products and rapid recovery are guaranteed.
  • Pomelo is useful during pregnancy. Folic acid is necessary for the development of the fetus, in particular for the formation of the nervous system.
  • The fruit supports the weakened immunity of the expectant mother at the proper level.
  • Exotic citrus can be included in the diet of patients with diabetes. The glycemic index of pomelo is only 30 units, so its use is recommended by doctors. Pomelo stimulates the release of insulin by the pancreas, which provides a therapeutic effect.
  • The fruit is effective for raising hemoglobin.
  • Pomelo juice eliminates bleeding and gum inflammation.

It is not recommended to use pomelo if you have an allergic reaction to any citrus fruit. Also, some kidney diseases will be contraindications to the use of exotic sheddock: nephritis, renal failure, urolithiasis. Increased acidity and stomach ulcers are reasons why you should also avoid aromatic pompelmousse.

Almost everyone loves juicy, aromatic, healthy and delicious citrus fruits. Many of them no longer even seem exotic to us - for example, lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits, which have become an integral part of our diet. The fruit that we will talk about today is not as familiar as the ones listed above, but it has been familiar and enjoyed by many for a very long time - let’s look at the pomelo, its composition, beneficial properties and areas of application.

What does a citrus tree look like and where does it grow?

Pomelo are large, bright green, yellow or orange balls that resemble a very large grapefruit. The fruit is covered with a rather thick peel, which hides juicy and sweet reddish, yellowish, greenish or almost white pulp.

The tree on which these citrus fruits grow is an evergreen, it has an impressive growth, up to 15 m, and a spherical crown. The homeland of this plant is considered to be China and Southeast Asia - it should be noted that in its native lands, pomelo symbolizes well-being and prosperity.

At the moment, it is grown on an industrial scale in many countries, namely the USA, Japan, China, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Israel, as well as Taiwan and Tahiti.

Did you know? For the first time, a pomelo tree was grown from a seed on the island of Barbados. This citrus fruit is the largest on our planet.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Low calorie content and rich vitamin and mineral composition make this citrus fruit especially attractive. And all because it contains vitamins: A, B, C and PP.

It contains the following minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • magnesium.

100 g of pomelo contains only 38 kcal, and its BJU indicators are as follows:

  • 0.6 g protein;
  • 0.2 g fat;
  • 6.7 g carbohydrates.

Pomelo also contains:

  • 89.1 g water;
  • 0.48 g ash;
  • 1 g dietary fiber.

Important! The seeds, pulp and peel of this fruit contain a large amount of essential oils.

What are the benefits of pomelo?

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, pomelo can bring great benefits to the body, namely:

  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Prevents aging of cells and the body as a whole.
  • Strengthens the heart and cleanses blood vessels.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • It is a product for the prevention of cancer.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • Reduces alcohol intoxication.
  • Effective against cough, even asthmatic.
  • Prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Helps strengthen bones and accelerates their healing during fractures.
  • Perfectly quenches thirst.
  • It lifts your spirits.
  • Has a tonic effect.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Increases the body's endurance.
  • Protects skin from ultraviolet exposure.

For women

The female body is greatly affected by malfunctions of the intestines, this especially often happens after eating fatty and fried foods. The result of improper intestinal motility can be constipation, and fecal retention in the body, in turn, will have a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

Regular presence of a fruit such as pomelo in your diet will help prevent or correct such problems.

In addition, the citrus in question helps to prolong youth and preserve beauty. It also helps prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.

Did you know? The closest relative of pomelo in terms of composition and taste is grapefruit, which, by the way, appeared as a result of pollination of oranges with the pollen of this plant.

For men

Pomelo is considered a powerful aphrodisiac; it can increase sexual desire, as well as have a beneficial effect on male potency and improve sperm quality.

In addition, this fruit is considered an excellent remedy for the prevention of prostate cancer.

It also has a positive effect on the health of those men who regularly engage in sports, as it prevents ligament tears and muscle strains, and also promotes rapid recovery of the body after physical activity.

Features of use

Pomelo, undoubtedly, is a healthy product, but it is important to use it correctly, especially in situations where the body is especially vulnerable, that is, during the period of bearing and feeding a baby, during diets and certain diseases.

During pregnancy

This fruit is indicated for women in an “interesting” position for a number of reasons, namely:

  • Saturates the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • Helps cope with nervous system disorders, bad mood and depression.
  • Normalizes stool.
  • Relieves swelling and symptoms of toxicosis.
  • Helps avoid gaining excess weight during this period.
  • Contains folic acid, which is necessary for embryo development.
  • It is an effective and safe means for the prevention of colds and viral diseases.
  • Has a positive effect on the formation of the fetal skeleton.

But it is worth remembering that, like all citrus fruits, pomelo can cause severe allergic reactions, so you should eat it during pregnancy with caution, and if any adverse reactions occur, exclude it from the diet and immediately consult a doctor.

When breastfeeding

Moreover, the absence of allergic reactions in the mother does not at all guarantee that eating a citrus fruit will not affect the baby, so it is not worth the risk.

When losing weight

For those who want to lose extra pounds, pomelo can become a faithful assistant, because this fruit speeds up metabolism and helps cleanse the body.

In addition, pomelo satisfies hunger, saturates the body with energy and nutrients, although it is low in calories. It has become an integral part of many popular diets, as it has another feature - the ability to accelerate the process of fat breakdown.

For diabetes

People suffering from diabetes mellitus are contraindicated in foods with a high glycemic index. Pomelo has a low sugar level, so diabetics can and should use it: the fruit normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

At what age can children

Pediatricians have different opinions on this issue: some believe that this fruit can be introduced into a baby’s diet from the age of one year, while others believe that no earlier than 3 years.

It is necessary to be guided by the health status of each individual child.

If the baby does not have a tendency to allergic reactions, then you can carefully begin to introduce pomelo into the diet after 12 months: first, try a teaspoon of juice, and if there are no problems, give the pulp in small portions and observe the body’s reaction.
In cases where there are no manifestations of allergies, feel free to pamper your little one with this delicious fruit.

In other cases, if a child is susceptible to dermatitis, diathesis and allergies, it is better to postpone introduction to this citrus fruit until 3-5 years of age.

How to choose when purchasing

In order to choose a tasty and healthy fruit in a store or market, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • it should be dense to the touch;
  • the peel should be uniform, without dents or cracks;
  • the color must be uniform, without specks and have an exceptionally glossy tint;
  • The heavier the pomelo, the juicier it is.

Important! The most useful fruits are those collected in December - February, so the end of winter - the beginning of spring isbest time to buy citrus fruit.

How to store at home

There will be no problems with storing the fruit, as it will feel great at room temperature for a month. If you plan to store it longer, then it is better to put the pomelo in the refrigerator, cellar or on the balcony, that is, store it in a cool place, protected from light.

If the pomelo has already been peeled, then in this form it is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Many people are interested in the question of how to prepare the fruit for consumption, what it goes with, and how to use it correctly. Let's look at all these points in detail.

How to clean and eat

To begin with, the fruit is washed and peeled from the thick peel. This can be done either with a knife or by hand. Then it is divided into slices, after which the films are removed from each of them, leaving only the juicy and sweet pulp.

Why might it taste bitter?

If the pomelo is properly cleaned and all the white layers are removed from it, then bitterness can only be caused by the fact that the fruit is not ripe. Unripe fruits cannot do any harm, but they also have virtually no benefit.

Is it possible to have a pomelo at night?

The fruit helps to quickly saturate the body and also quenches thirst. Such a vitamin dinner will only be beneficial, even if it takes place at a very late time.

Did you know? Watermelon and pomelo have one thing in common: both large berries and large citrus fruits have a strong diuretic effect.

What can be done and where to add

In addition to the fact that this fruit can be a separate snack or serve as a dessert, its pulp can be added to fruit, vegetable, meat and fish salads, and also used to make candied fruits, marmalades, jams and preserves.

It should be taken into account that only non-thermally processed fruits will bring great benefits to the body.

You can make juice from pomelo, which can be an independent drink and a component of a variety of non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails.
This fruit goes well with almost all products, the only exception being milk, since in combination with milk proteins a reaction can occur that will lead to bloating and complicate the work of the stomach.

Important! It is better to consume pomelo after meals or before bed, but it is not recommended to eat it on an empty stomach.

How can it be used in cosmetology?

If you combine the internal use of this fruit with external use, you can achieve amazing results. Due to the high content of nutrients, this product is classified as a product of beauty, health and youth.

Moisturizing face mask

In order to fill the skin with moisture, improve its color and texture, you can prepare the following mask:

  • 3-4 pomelo slices must be cleared of veins and finely chopped;
  • add 1 tsp to the fruit mixture. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • Mix thoroughly and apply an even layer to the face, neck and décolleté.

After 15-20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water or freshly brewed green tea, cooled to an acceptable temperature. After this, apply moisturizer to the skin and enjoy the result.

Body Scrub

Preparing a scrub will not take much of your time and labor, and the results after the procedure will pleasantly please you.

To prepare peeling at home, you will need:

  • pomelo peel and pulp – 100 g;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

The peel and pulp of citrus fruits are crushed and mixed with the remaining ingredients. The finished mass is evenly applied to the steamed body, avoiding the chest area.
The scrub should be left on the skin for 10-15 minutes, during which it is easy to massage the skin, then rinse with warm or contrast water and apply moisturizer. The procedure should be carried out no more than once every 3 days.

Contraindications and harm

Pomelo can harm only in cases where a person has an individual intolerance to the components included in its composition. It is also not recommended to eat too much of this citrus - 4-5 slices a day are enough to maintain body tone.

You should not eat this fruit:

  • with a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • during the acute course of hepatitis or colitis, as well as with nephritis;
  • with increased acidity.

It is also worth remembering that pomelo has a laxative effect, and can also worsen or improve the effect of some medications, so if you have any health problems, it is better to consult your doctor before using it.

Now you know about all the beneficial properties of this fruit, as well as how to eat it correctly and what to combine it with.

If you adhere to a healthy diet, then pomelo will certainly become a worthy addition to your balanced diet and will help control your weight and the concentration of nutrients in the body.

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