Metaphorical love fortune telling. Metaphorical love fortune telling Fortune telling I will receive a letter from him today

Metaphorical love fortune telling.  Metaphorical love fortune telling Fortune telling I will receive a letter from him today
Metaphorical love fortune telling. Metaphorical love fortune telling Fortune telling I will receive a letter from him today

To start free online fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about the future. Eliminate all extraneous thoughts, do not get distracted and do not lose concentration. Hold down the deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Oracle. This is perhaps one of the most detailed oracles to date, the range of its answers is simply enormous. Its origins lie in ancient times and are found in almost all cultures; only the tools used differ. But here, too, everything is subject to the same logic. What is the use of bones by nomads, coins by priests or cards by fortune tellers. A choice of four characters is required, each of which can have four possible answers. The use of such a system will make it possible to obtain a very, very large number of answer options and, accordingly, cover and illuminate a very large area of ​​the querent’s life. There is a division into 16 main oracles, each of which is responsible for its own sphere. Here are the names of the oracles: Oracle of Autumn, Oracle of the Seas, Oracle of the Sun, Oracle of Flowing Stones, Dragon Oracle, Summer Oracle, Amazon Oracle, Flying Arrow Oracle, Winter Oracle, Four Winds Oracle, Love Oracle, Competition Oracle, Spring Oracle, Moon Oracle, Oracle treasures, Oracle of fertile land. Each of them in turn is divided into 16 small oracles: Fire, Vulcan, Snake, Day, Elf, Heart, Harvest, Source, Comet, Night, Storm, Knight, Flower, Dream, Mountain, Kingdom. You will be given an interpretation of the oracle that has been given to you, and the main oracle will also be given so that you understand the general direction of the events awaiting you, or to explain the advice given to you by the prediction. On our resource we will tell fortunes using a card deck; there is also an option using three coins. Do not fortune tell an excessive number of times, do not tire the oracle, one fortune telling is needed for one person, at a time, after a certain time you can repeat it, but observe moderation.

Fortune telling technique online for free

To receive the oracle's answer, we need a deck of cards, 36 or 52 pieces. The main thing is that the number of cards of each suit is equal, since we will only need suits without reference to the value of the card. Tune in carefully, concentrate and ask the oracle to reveal the whole truth to you. Shuffle the deck and push some of the cards towards you with your left hand, then you need to take them out, four at a time, laying them out in the order they were received from left to right. To determine the main oracle, we need to analyze the first and fourth cards, namely their suits. And to get the final answer, the second and third. It may take quite a long time to explain the entire theory; anyone who wants to study this oracle on their own should study specialized literature. If there are a large number of requests, I will post a detailed description on a separate page, write if necessary, email is on the contact page. For those who want to receive an answer from the oracle using our website, we provide this opportunity, completely free of charge; to do this, you need to tune in and click on the deck of cards just below on the page.

To tell fortunes for your loved one, you can go in search of an expensive fortune teller, you can lay out the cards yourself and try to interpret them, or you can look into the light within us!

With great joy, we hasten to present you a new author's fortune telling, consisting of seven Arats, which you will not find anywhere else! It is only for you, our dear and beloved ladies!

  1. Arat No. 1. Describes the past hobbies and passions of your chosen one.
  2. Arat No. 2. Indicates how your chosen one treats you at the present time.
  3. Arat No. 3. Gives you a chance to find out the secret of your chosen one’s heart.
  4. Arat No. 4. Reveals to you the secret of his concerns and fears regarding you and your relationship.
  5. Arat No. 5. Shows what your chosen one really wants to get from you and your relationship.
  6. Arat No. 6. Talks about the plans of your chosen one regarding you.
  7. Arat No. 7. Predicts your possible future together.

Girls have always been interested in how their lovers really treat them. It would seem that everything is clear: he gives compliments, gives gifts, strives to spend as much time together as possible. And yet... And yet, something slips away, something always remains behind the scenes, something is always unsaid and unheard. But now, all the masks have been torn off! All answers are open! Everything became extremely clear and precise! Our fortune telling will be able to illuminate even the most hidden corners of his soul. To do this, you only need one thing: your desire and your concentration on a specific person. Mentally imagine him and ask the question: “Who is he to me?”

One of the most mysterious secrets today remains the famous book of destinies. According to legend, the fates of all people who lived on earth are recorded in it. Anyone can read information about themselves: when they were born, when they got married, when they will die. But you can’t just go and read your destiny; for this they use certain types of rituals, such as fortune telling from the book of destinies - 300 questions. It is thanks to this method that we can find out our future, the main thing is to ask the question correctly.

It remains very strange that almost all civilizations of antiquity knew about this book, even those that did not contact each other: from ancient China and Hindu yogis, to the Vikings and Aztec tribes. The most amazing thing is that almost all mentions of this artifact were recorded almost simultaneously. In fact, there are many more mysteries than answers...

On our website you can tell fortunes using the book of fates online. Just choose the question that worries you most and the system itself will select the answer that suits you!

What is the Book of Fates, how does fortune telling work?

Today, the Book of Fates is kept by followers of Nadia’s teachings. Nadi is a type of science of astrology that does not monitor the positions of the stars and does not interpret records. Their task is to preserve the sacred palm manuscripts and pass them on to future generations. The monks of Nadi call the Book of Fates the fifth Veda. They undergo years of training before they are allowed to see the sacred palm leaves. Today there are only five people in the world who are allowed to touch the book and who can decipher its answers. Fortune telling from the Book of Fates, provided all conditions are met, is considered the most accurate and truthful. In India, this type of fortune telling is very valuable and is considered a revelation from above.

The book is divided into three parts, one part of which is located in Jaipur in India. According to the testimony of the Nadi monks, there is nothing on these sheets. The inscriptions appear only at the moment when the leaves are touched by those initiated into the secrets. What the stages of initiation look like is Nadia’s strict secret.

At the first touch, the book shows a text telling about the fate of the person who touched it. To find out the fate of the person who is in the Nadi temple, next to the monk, the monk applies his hand a second time.

Answers of fate

A book cannot always answer a question. The monks explain this as follows: “We keep only part of the palm leaves in our sanctuary. Our fathers gave us this part along with the story that there are still undiscovered remains of the manuscript in the world. Therefore, we cannot know whether the Book will show the fate of every person who comes to us for an answer. Quite often the sheets remain blank, which only means that the answer to your question is contained in other parts of the book. Sometimes we see symbols that are unfamiliar to us; ancient descriptions say nothing about them. Then we copy them onto paper and store them in our library. We hope that those who come after us will understand their meaning.”

To decipher the message on the palm leaves, there is a special code. It is contained in ancient handwritten manuscripts. This code is actually the Proto-Language spoken of in sacred texts in all world cultures. The proto-language is several thousand years older than the Book itself, and the book itself, based on information obtained from various sources, is on average five thousand years old.

Since the priests of Nadi live in India, you can often find the name of fortune telling from the Book of Fates as Tibetan. But this is not entirely true, since its roots go deep into the Sumerian-Acadian civilization.

Not every person who wants to tell fortunes using the book of fates has access to a trip to India. But what to do if you really want to tell fortunes? For this purpose, there is online fortune telling using the Book of Fates. It contains three hundred questions to which you can get answers right now.

How to ask a question correctly?

If you have an irresistible desire to tell fortunes using the Book of Fates, but you are not going to India in the near future, then you can ask the Book a question online. All the specific features of the palm leaves of the Nadi priests are preserved here.

The first and easiest way is fortune telling without human participation. The Book of Fates itself will choose for you the question that, given the current state of affairs, is the most important for you. And she herself will answer it.

If you know what question you want answered, select it from the proposed sections. Not all questions have specific wording. Some of the questions reveal the mystery surrounding the current situation and clarify the information received. You can ask both about things in the present and about how your situation will be in the future.

According to the chapters of the book, all questions are grouped into sections. Here are the four main sections.

  1. About love;
  2. About the past, present and future;
  3. Your relationships in society. Here are questions about friends, colleagues, enemies. There are separate questions for men and women;
  4. Self-knowledge.

The online version contains 300 questions. Try to choose the question that most fully fits everything you are thinking about at the moment.

How to correctly interpret a prediction

If the word “person” is in the question, it can mean either a man or a woman. Ask questions to the Book only three times a day, no more. If you receive a negative answer, do not ask the Book again.

In the process of fortune telling, you may receive an answer that does not satisfy you or seems too bad to you. Don’t try to ask again, it’s better to put it off. In this case, bad results are more likely to not come true. Do not treat the prediction as an immutable truth. After all, everything that the Book can tell you can change. Consider her simply as an assistant to better understand the situation and take measures to improve it.

When you ask the Book of Fates, the method of randomly answering the question comes into play.

The book came to us from India, the country of the teaching of karma. From the perspective of karma, no random things or simply unexpected coincidences happen in a person’s life. Everything that happens to us, from the simplest to the most incredibly complex coincidences, are not just events, but lessons that the Universe has prepared for us to understand. All we can do is listen to the advice that is sent to us and, of course, act. Whatever answer you receive from the Book of Fates, not very pleasant or causing a wave of joy, unusual or funny - this is not a coincidence, but a note from the Universe with advice or a warning, take it into account. Let luck go hand in hand with you, and the mystical Book of Fates helps in this.

Features of correct fortune telling

Those who decide to make fortune telling from the book of destinies should prepare thoroughly. First of all, purchase a book of destinies, or find its online version. Afterwards, be alone with your thoughts, leaving behind any annoying or distracting factors. The presence of the person for whom fortune telling is being performed is not necessary. You can tell fortunes about lovers, friends, acquaintances. The main thing is to concentrate as clearly and clearly as possible on the issue that worries you at the moment. The question may be related to the past, present, future, amorous affairs, relationships with loved ones, achieving success, work, money.

  • A remarkable feature of the book is its ability to encourage you to make the right choice by revealing the necessary information.
  • The right answer can illuminate the mind like a flash of lightning.
  • When choosing an area of ​​fortune-telling, take into account the fact that the word “person” characterizes a person of both sexes, except in cases where the individual’s gender is clearly emphasized.
  • The maximum number of questions asked to the book daily is 3, one from a different field of activity.
  • There are times when online the Questioner receives a pessimistic answer that has a pronounced negative connotation.

It is prohibited to reload the page to make an alternative answer appear, this will only cause problems, it is better to try again tomorrow. It is important to understand that the Book of Fates is not the ultimate truth. The fact is that she may be wrong, but even if so, she has the ability to direct your thoughts in the right direction, making you think about issues that you previously did not attach importance to. In short, in any case, this tool will be useful: both in the hands of a master and in the hands of a beginner.

What information does the artifact have?

The Book of Fates is a real treasure in the field of fortune telling. It contains answers to questions regarding the personal life, children, and family of the Questioner. Many are tormented by the choice, they will be able to decide by reading the advice of the book.

They ask the artifact about specific individuals, events that happened earlier, the future, the present.

They are interested in the secrets of their own inner world, since the most interesting information may be hidden beyond the boundaries of consciousness. Online, those interested can easily find answers to the questions that concern them, the main thing is to ask them correctly, and besides, it’s free. You just need to make clear formulations, maintain maximum concentration on the question - and then you will learn a simple, understandable answer.

Chinese civilization is not like others, its existence is an isolated world where all knowledge was digested in the minds of philosophers as in a cauldron and, already fully faceted and taking the correct form, was put on public display. Moreover, this period could last for centuries. This is how a set of answers appeared, which was called the BOOK OF DESTINY or THE BOOK OF CHANGES. A person could obtain information using the so-called trigrams, in our modern understanding this is a puzzle made up of three elements, the order of which determines the answer we receive. Despite the fact that the book of fate has been known for a very long time, the answers given to it are still relevant today, it is one of the most interesting tools used for daily analysis of the situation.

It is necessary to understand that the book of changes is a tool in the hands of a master with the help of which you can understand the entire secret meaning of this reality. Fortune telling from the book of destinies is an interpretation of events through 64 hexagrams, in randomness and patterns of occurrence, of which the answers to the questions asked will be encrypted. If you approach it from a scientific point of view, you can see something like a book of changes and the structure of DNA, no one can say with certainty or know how and where this knowledge came from.

The fortune telling technique was compiled using the book by Ivanova I. I., Romanova O. S., Prokhorova N. V. Book of fortune telling for all occasions

Book of changes and fortune telling by oracles.

Book of Fate:

Love book of destiny:

Oracle of Mathias Mal:

Gypsy Oracle:

    Fortune telling My heart aims to reveal the heart secrets of the querent. It is performed on gypsy oracle cards and gives very detailed and detailed answers.
    The Love layout performed on the gypsy oracle deck will help you not only determine love events, but also understand the time of their occurrence.
    Fortune telling for analyzing the beginning of a relationship performed with gypsy oracle cards will help you analyze this area without putting much effort and get a very clear result.
    Fortune telling The New Moon serves to advise the querent on what to part with and what to try to keep around him by any means necessary. Performed on gypsy oracle cards.
    Fortune telling You and I is used when it is necessary to clarify the relationship between partners; in this fortune telling, gypsy oracle cards are used and all interpretations have a very individual look.
    Fortune telling The work is carried out with the help of gypsy oracle cards and gives a comprehensive description of this issue from all sides and angles.
    Fortune telling on the cards of the gypsy oracle - past, present and future covers these questions in detail and gives very accurate and voluminous answers.
    Fortune telling Yes or No using the gypsy oracle allows you to get an answer to the question you are interested in without using complex layouts and lengthy calculations.
    Fortune telling Three gypsy cards considers issues directly affecting the interests of the querent - these are relationships, situations and surprises, performed by the cards of the gypsy oracle.

    Oracle of Lititia:

    French oracle:

      Fortune telling with Erna Drusbeke's oracle allows you to get answers to questions about the querent's life in a very interesting manner, corresponding to this type of divination. 3 cards will tell you about all events
      Fortune telling An assessment of the situation is carried out using French oracle cards and allows you to get a full and detailed answer about the events that the querent will have to face.
      Fortune telling The Cross is used to analyze an existing problem and is carried out using French oracle cards.
      Love fortune telling using French oracle cards examines various aspects of your relationship, gives tips and warns of possible problems.

      At all times, people have longed to know what awaits them in one or another area of ​​life. Fortune telling using the Book of Fates 300 questions is a very ancient way to try to look into the future. But today this technique has become more convenient, because it can even be done online.

      Obtaining predictions by this method is based on selecting one query of interest and then generating a random response. It is very important to properly prepare for fortune-telling and treat the signs received correctly.

      What is the Book?

      This unique source of wisdom contains many predictions on problems that worry people at certain periods of life. The tome was inherited by modern people from their ancestors. Later, experts processed the source and brought it into a more understandable format.

      Moreover, today, in addition to interaction with the printed version, there is opportunity to guess using the Book of Changes 300 questions online. This technique is not much different in accuracy from the original, the main thing is to tune in correctly.

      Although for some people the energy of the object from which the predictions come is fundamentally important. In this case, it is better to turn to a real source in order to include the power of interaction of energies in the magic of predictions.

      Accidentally the answers received can clarify issues of concern in love, career, health and other areas. The main thing is to correctly understand this sign of fate and take the necessary actions to make a good prediction come true or to prevent a bad development of events. The book itself is divided into several chapters or parts. There are several ways of such division, but usually the principle is based on blocks of questions, united by meaning. One option contains four chapters:

      • love for men and women;
      • self-knowledge;
      • past present Future;
      • relationships with the outside world.

      This is the simplest option, but it is not always convenient to navigate, since the blocks are quite large. Fortunately, there is a more detailed version of the breakdown of the 300 questions of the Book of Fortune Telling. It already consists of 11 parts:

      There are other options for similar division into blocks. But these are just ways to make it easier to navigate the issues. Their formulations themselves remain almost the same.

      Sometimes the source of wisdom can give a rather rude or harsh comment, some questions leave the Book seemingly indifferent, but all answers have their own meaning and should be taken into account.

      Will fortune telling tell the truth?

      Like any fortune telling, the Book of Fates is not the ultimate truth. The interpretation of her predictions should be taken lightly, and sometimes even with humor. You should not take written words literally as a guide to action.

      From the point of view of fate, all coincidences are far from accidental, so the very decision to tell fortunes based on 300 questions of the Book of Fates can become a definite sign.

      Fortune telling from the Book may not be useful at all, because sometimes it happens that a person finds the answer even when formulating his problem. He already knows what prediction he wants to see, so the decision comes as if by itself from the wise subconscious.

      And some requests for the fulfillment of desires, when converted into specific thoughts, can become tasks and goals with clear parameters. It is precisely such precise formulations that the Universe loves very much, so a person may, some time after fortune telling, discover that his dream has magically come true.

      The procedure itself is quite simple, especially if it is online fortune telling using the Book of Fates with 300 questions. It will be great if the magical session takes place in a state bordering on meditation. To do this, you can turn on pleasant, relaxing music, close your eyes and think about good, calm things. To get predictions, you just need:

      It is very important not to lose your attention while the Book is loading the answer. But there is no need to get too hung up or try to forcefully evoke the necessary images in yourself. Magic should happen easily, as if by itself, with a feeling of some kind of unreality of what is happening.

      Do not forget that the Book of Changes can be capricious and one day refuse to give answers. This can happen for various reasons, including if the fortuneteller himself is not in the mood for magic or is simply irritated. In this case, you need to postpone your questions for a more suitable day.

      It is also very important to ask each question only once. You should not try to ask the same thing several times in anticipation of a favorable prognosis. It’s better to switch to other topics or postpone everything to another day.

      The Book of Changes seems very simple, but in fact it is a wise and truthful source of prophecies. This magical, but sometimes capricious helper of the Universe will reveal her secrets only to those who can find an approach to her and will treat magic with respect, but without fanaticism.

      Attention, TODAY only!