Candidiasis in men: where does thrush come from? Where does thrush appear in women and men: decisive factors Thrush where does it come from.

Candidiasis in men: where does thrush come from?  Where does thrush appear in women and men: decisive factors Thrush where does it come from.
Candidiasis in men: where does thrush come from? Where does thrush appear in women and men: decisive factors Thrush where does it come from.

Urogenital candidiasis, or as it is popularly called this disease - thrush refers to infectious diseases that are caused by Candida fungi. The mucous organs, including the genitals, are affected. To the question: is thrush transmitted to men, despite the fact that the disease is considered purely female, doctors unambiguously answer positively. Then where does thrush come from in men?

The myth that only women suffer from urogenital candidiasis has long been refuted. This disease can be in representatives of different sexes. During sexual intercourse, thrush is transmitted to men, but since there are features in the structure of the genitourinary system, the disease in men is less common. Yeast-like fungi are washed off the walls of the urethra and do not have the opportunity to multiply.

With the active growth of fungi, a man develops burning and itching in the urethra and on the head of the penis. Men can be disturbed by symptoms almost immediately after sexual intercourse. After a couple of days, a whitish coating with a sour smell may appear. Experts recognize the sexual transmission of the disease. But is candidiasis transmitted to a man by oral contact? If a woman's oral mucosa is contaminated with fungi, then infection is possible.

In some cases, the appearance of symptoms of the disease may indicate that other pathological processes are occurring in the body, since thrush in men is not always transmitted sexually. The fact is that the disease often affects people with weakened immunity, metabolic disorders or the presence of chronic diseases. Severe stresses are among the factors causing the onset of the disease. Sometimes the disease appears during the use of antibiotics, which can kill all the beneficial microflora. That's where the thrush in men comes from. It is also noted that the risk of disease in those with a sweet tooth is higher, since sugar is a good breeding ground for the fungus.

Thrush of different symptoms occurs in males and females during pregnancy or weakened immunity, and requires immediate treatment. Now let's figure out where thrush comes from in women and men, symptoms, methods of diagnosing and treating the disease.

Thrush is a fungal disease that causes inflammation of the genital organs in men and women. The irritant is a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. The oral cavity, nail plates can also be affected.

The Candida fungus is found in the body of every person. The disease occurs due to the multiplication of bacteria in large numbers, in which lactobacilli, immune cells and antibodies that protect the vaginal mucosa are not produced in sufficient quantities.

Causes of thrush, where does it come from

Development is influenced by several factors, including:

  • non-compliance with the hygiene of the genital organs;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • diabetes;
  • climate with high temperature and humidity;
  • obesity;
  • HIV infection;
  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of vitamins and macronutrients;
  • the use of drugs that lower the level of immunity;
  • unprotected intercourse with a carrier of the infection
  • infection can occur through a kiss (oral mucosa);
  • oral sex;
  • pregnancy.

Candidiasis cannot be obtained through unprotected intercourse, it can only aggravate already existing symptoms. Candida bacteria are present in the vaginal environment of every woman, so development is possible even in young girls who have never had intimacy.

In men, thrush is taken as a result of sexual intercourse without the use of protective equipment with a girl suffering from this disease. In addition, there is the possibility of self-infection.

candidiasis after childbirth

Childbirth and the postpartum period are a great stress and strain for the female body. There is a restructuring of the hormonal system, which takes a lot of effort and energy. Thrush in women after childbirth is taken due to a decrease in immunity, which contributes to the development of many latent infections.

During childbirth, candidiasis of the genital organs (vagina) is often observed. This is due to bleeding and surgical intervention, which affects the immunity of the woman in labor and favors the development of the disease.

If a woman does not seek help in time, there is a high risk of infection with candidiasis of the child. The fungus can be present in the mucous or blood and penetrate into some tissues of the body, this also applies to the mammary glands, through which the infection will be transmitted to the baby along with milk.

When feeding, the use of drugs is strictly limited due to possible toxicity and harm to the child. Therapy should be carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Experts strongly recommend that breastfeeding be completely stopped during treatment, as there is still a risk of infection of the child and an additional burden on the children's body of drugs.

The main symptoms of thrush

The appearance of thrush in a woman and a man, as well as the symptoms, are slightly different.

There are 3 stages of disease progression:

  • spicy;
  • chronic;
  • candidacy.

The first stage is characterized by curdled discharge from the vagina, itching and an unpleasant odor, mainly after intercourse. The duration of symptoms is about 2 months. In the chronic form, exacerbations of this kind appear more than 5 times a year.

Manifestations of the disease in women:

  1. Thick cottage cheese discharge from the vagina, gray-white in color and unpleasant odor;
  2. Burning of the external genital organs;
  3. Pain during urination;
  4. Irritation and swelling in the perineum;
  5. Pain and discomfort during intercourse.

Thrush during pregnancy appears due to changes in the level of hormones in the blood. Symptoms in expectant mothers are no different from the symptoms of women who are not expecting a baby.

Male symptoms are:

  1. White plaque curd consistency on the head of the penis;
  2. Severe irritation of the head and foreskin;
  3. Burning and discomfort during ejaculation and urination;
  4. Narrowing of the foreskin;
  5. Dryness and unpleasant smell of the genitals;
  6. With candidal urethritis - inflammation of the urethra.

Diagnosis of thrush

In the presence of the first symptoms, the patient should first of all come to a consultation with a doctor to take tests and make a diagnosis. Among the exact methods for detecting the disease include:

  • examination of a smear in a female, respectively, in men - discharge from the urethra;
  • cultural method - the use of a special medium to grow colonies of thrush fungi, to analyze susceptibility to certain drugs.

Proper diagnosis will help determine the exact number of Candida fungi and where they come from, in connection with which you can proceed to the correct and immediate treatment.

Treatment of symptoms

Candidiasis is treated with antimycotic drugs, but by no means with antibiotics. The scheme for getting rid of the disease can be systemic or using local means, the duration is 7-14 days.

Many drugs are known to fight the disease. In the presence of primary signs, doctors prescribe external preparations in the form of ointments or gels (Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Mikazon,), as well as all kinds of baths (), douching, suppositories for the vagina.

It helps with acute or chronic thrush. To date, there are drugs, the intake of which is designed for 1-2 times a day ().

It is also possible to take drugs every other day or 2 times a week, but in this case, getting rid of symptoms reaches 5-6 months.

Treatment of the mucosa must be balanced and requires an integrated approach. Both parties are also prescribed drugs whose action is aimed at increasing the protective functions of the body. When diagnosing a disease, treatment is recommended for both partners.

  • abstinence from sexual activity;
  • give preference to taking a shower instead of a bath;
  • hygiene of the genital organs should be carried out with special preparations prescribed by a doctor.

The consequences of thrush

Few people know that the consequences of candidiasis can negatively affect human health. There is a weakening of the immune system, while the body's vulnerability to other infections increases, the mucous membrane and the upper layer of the dermis are destroyed. In addition to depleting the immune system, complications such as osteomyelitis, pyelonephritis and pneumonia are also observed.

Treatment of candidiasis should be carried out after receiving all the tests, making a diagnosis and prescribing doctors. With a careless attitude or self-medication, a chronic form of a fungal infection may develop.

Thrush in women can cause the development of the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • intestinal candidiasis;
  • erosion of the cervix and appendages;
  • urethritis;
  • and other infections of the reproductive system.

All of the above complications adversely affect the health of a woman, significantly reducing the possibility of conception, as well as jeopardizing the proper course of pregnancy and childbirth. The terrible danger lies in the fact that there is a high probability of intrauterine infection with candidiasis of a child in the womb.

Past infection is the source of the following diseases in men:

  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;

In men, these complications can cause infertility. In inflammatory processes of the penis, compression of the urinary canal can also be observed. With urethritis, the prostate gland is infringed, which can cause fungal pyelonephritis.

The consequences for both parties can also be intestinal dysbacteriosis, in which there is excessive gas formation and other problems. The digestibility of food is difficult, therefore, an acute shortage of vitamins and microelements develops.

Disease prevention

To avoid the occurrence or re-exacerbation of thrush, women and men are advised to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • healthy eating;
  • full sleep;
  • personal hygiene;
  • normalization of weight;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • regular visits to the gynecologist.

Underwear should be selected only from natural materials that provide proper heat transfer and prevent the creation of a favorable environment for the reproduction of infection. It should also be comfortable, not cut into the skin and not squeeze the genitals.

For preventive purposes, you can use immunomodulators that will help restore the protective functions of the body.

The disappearance of symptoms does not always indicate a complete cure of the genital or oral mucosa from thrush. Therefore, after the course, it is important to re-visit a specialist and take tests.

Contrary to the erroneous opinion of many people, thrush is not only a female disease. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are also subject to it. Where does thrush come from in women and men is an urgent and very serious question. After all, pathology not only causes significant discomfort and worsens the quality of life, but can cause many complications, in particular, infertility, sexual impotence, and the development of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area.

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus of the genus Candida - a representative of conditionally pathogenic microflora. It lives in the body of every healthy person on the mucous membranes, genitals. As long as the balance is maintained, the fungus peacefully exists in symbiosis with beneficial microorganisms, performing certain functions.

But as soon as its number increases, the disease of candidiasis begins to develop. It is also called thrush because of the appearance of a characteristic white coating resembling sour.

So where does thrush come from in women? There are many reasons for this:

  • the use of certain drugs (, sulfonamides and others that violate the natural microflora). Experienced doctors always prescribe in complex therapy with such means "cover" in the form of probiotics or prebiotics;
  • hormonal changes caused by taking hormonal drugs (including contraceptives), and;
  • endocrine pathologies - diabetes and diabetes insipidus, obesity, thyroid pathology;
  • decrease in the protective functions of the body due to hypothermia, acute infectious and viral diseases, the use of immunosuppressants;
  • lack, macro and microelements due to poor nutrition, debilitating, metabolic disorders;
  • insufficient or excessive hygiene of the intimate sphere;
  • STDs - venereal pathologies;
  • frequent change of sexual partners, sexual intercourse without the use of barrier contraception, oral or anal sex;
  • HIV and AIDS.

Only a specialist can answer the question of where thrush comes from in women if we are talking about a general disease. Or the woman herself, if her intimate life is quite stormy and active.

What causes thrush in men?

Representatives of the stronger sex often do not even suspect that they have such a problem, since their candidiasis is almost asymptomatic.

This state of affairs has its own physiological explanations:

  • high threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • structural features of the genital organs;
  • specifics of the hormonal system;
  • stronger immunity.

So where do men get thrush, if they don’t feel it at all? If this unpleasant ailment does not make itself felt clearly and pronounced, this does not mean its absence. Statistics claim that up to 45% of men become infected with thrush from infected women. But in most cases they are the latent carriers of the disease, "rewarding" their partners.

There are a number of reasons that can cause the disease:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol). By themselves, they are not provocateurs of the disease, but reduce immunity;
  • . Men are characterized by a certain "forgetfulness" about changing underwear;
  • taking medications (antibiotics, cytostatics, steroids);
  • a change in the hormonal background caused by some pathologies that provoke a violation of the production of hormones;
  • endocrine disorders (all the same diabetes and diabetes insipidus, problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands);
  • weakened immunity due to the use of immunosuppressants, acute viral and infectious pathologies and other factors;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins and other essential substances due to a monotonous diet;
  • sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection, AIDS;
  • promiscuous sexual relations, sexual intercourse with unfamiliar partners without the use of barrier contraceptives.

Men have one indisputable plus - the physiological structure of their genital organs is such that they can see the most (white coating on the foreskin and) even before visiting a doctor.

What to do to prevent infection?

Knowing where the thrush comes from, you can build your behavior and lifestyle in such a way as to minimize the risk of infection, at least from the outside.

There are a number of general rules, the observance of which will help not only to avoid such an unpleasant disease, but also make the quality of life better in any case:

  • an active lifestyle, walking in the fresh air, playing sports (without fanaticism), feasible physical activity - all this helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • proper nutrition, including necessarily fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, protein products, sour milk. Minimize the use of canned, smoked, too spicy and spicy foods, sweets, products with food chemicals in the composition, fast food;
  • monitor the general state of health, do not allow self-treatment and do not start the disease. Treat chronic ailments in time, undergo regular medical examinations;
  • without the advice of a doctor, do not take antibiotics and other drugs that can upset the balance of the body's natural microflora;
  • when using hormonal contraceptives, regularly undergo examinations at the attending physician and follow all his instructions;
  • monitor intimate hygiene, performing all the necessary procedures on time and using suitable products;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • avoid frequent change of sexual partners, use condoms.

All these general precautions will allow you to protect yourself not only from thrush, but also from many other ailments.

But since men and women are “creatures from different planets,” there are some tips, so to speak, “gender-sensitive.”


The intimate sphere of a woman is organized many times more complicated than that of a man. The explanation for this is quite simple - bearing and giving birth to a child is the prerogative of a purely female. And to carry out this mission, nature has endowed the representatives of the weaker sex with some features.

In this regard, there are certain specific rules for women that will help avoid thrush:

  • intimate hygiene. Here it is better to adhere to the rule of the "golden mean", since insufficiency or excess are equally dangerous;
  • do not use aggressive products that can cause allergic reactions or irritation of the delicate mucosa or skin of the genitals;
  • during critical days, regularly change pads, do not use scented personal hygiene items and, as rarely as possible, tampons;
  • watch your diet. A lot of flour, spicy and other dishes "tasty, but harmful" are not recommended;
  • diets for weight loss with severe food restriction are taboo. They harm not only the genital area, but the whole body;
  • give preference to underwear made from natural fabrics, not too tight-fitting and rubbing.

The rules are simple and clear. It won't be hard to follow them.


As for men, they also need to pay attention to certain aspects of their lives:

  • personal hygiene. Regular water procedures and change of underwear - rule number 1;
  • refusal of bad habits that reduce immunity;
  • playing sports without the use of steroids, anabolics and hormonal supplements to gain muscle mass;
  • regular visits to the doctor for professional examinations, timely treatment of emerging acute diseases and preventive therapy of existing chronic ones;
  • safe sex life.

The disease is easier to prevent than to treat - this is the most important postulate in the treatment of any disease.

Basically, the disease, which has the strange name of candidiasis, is characteristic of women, but this disease does not avoid the male half of the population, although many do not even know that candidiasis is increasingly common in men.

To recognize the disease, you need to know what it is. In the common people, candidiasis is called thrush, and it occurs due to a fungus that is a close relative of yeast and bears a consonant name with the very name Candida. Thrush is an infectious disease and is characterized by a rapid pace of its development.

Men are less likely to suffer from this disease, as they have stronger immunity to this kind of microorganisms, but nevertheless, with a decrease in immunity, the genital organ becomes infected with this fungus. Thrush itself is not a dangerous disease and can be transmitted not only by all known sexual contact, but also by getting inside the body through the hands.

Treatment of thrush is not a difficult and long process, especially at the initial stage of infection. However, if a man has contracted this disease, then he should urgently undergo an examination, because after it a number of sexually transmitted diseases may follow. Basically, this fungus carries out only superficial infection.


As mentioned earlier, male thrush is no longer such a rare occurrence, despite the fact that mostly women still suffer from it. So what are the causes of thrush in men? These include:

  1. A variety of stressful situations. Sometimes these may not be as strong stressful situations that people can experience, but even a slight emotional shock sometimes leads to the appearance of male thrush.
  2. Endocrine disorders in men. One of the most common causes of this disease.
  3. Reduced immunity. The appearance of this factor has two types: congenital and acquired. It is much more difficult for people with congenital immunodeficiency to cope with a disease such as thrush.
  4. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules. Don't forget to wash your hands before eating and take a shower or bath every day.
  5. Excessive use of any drug that leads to an overdose.
  6. Changes in climate and time zones very often provoke the appearance of this disease, since these factors are stressful for the body.
  7. Various stages of diabetes.
  8. The penetration of the fungus into the body of a man.
  9. HIV infection
  10. Constant eating foods that are rich in carbohydrates.
  11. A significant decrease in immunity after treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.

In addition, dysbacteriosis is one of the main causes of thrush. Since bacteria are natural antagonists of the fungal flora and prevent the rapid reproduction of the fungus.

These factors stimulate the occurrence of thrush in men after sexual contact with a partner - a carrier of the disease. But as already mentioned, sometimes the infection begins due to their own bacteria that were in the body of a man.


Basically, the male thrush always begins its defeat from the head of the male genital organ and, in the process of development, covers it as a whole. The causes of thrush in men and women are very similar, but this disease manifests itself in completely different ways, so you should carefully understand its symptoms, because it is far from always having even several causes of occurrence, it is possible to become infected with candidiasis. Thrush has two signs of infection: internal and external.

The external sign of infection is the defeat of the head of the penis and the slow spread of thrush over the entire surface. And internal infection occurs in the urethra, while men experience pain during urination.

Symptoms include:

  • severe itching;
  • constant burning sensation;
  • slight swelling of the head of the penis;
  • the appearance of rather abundant secretions, which are similar in consistency to cottage cheese;
  • the appearance of a rash on the genitals, which is a sign of a more advanced stage of the disease;
  • the appearance of an eroded papule, which, as a rule, has a rather small size;
  • bad smell;
  • the appearance of pain during intercourse, which intensify in the process;
  • the appearance of symptoms of cystitis, that is, frequent urge to go to the toilet, sometimes even with the release of a small amount of blood;
  • the appearance of redness on the head of the penis.

In addition, a man can only be a carrier, then no symptoms appear, but only in a sexual partner, but in this case, it is worth undergoing complex treatment for both partners. Sometimes there is a fungal infection not only on the genitals, but also on the nail plate, intestines, in the oral cavity and on the skin.

What are the symptoms associated with?

Itching, like burning, appears due to the release of enzymes that completely break down carbohydrates and lead to irritation. Due to the presence of a large number of nerve endings on the genitals, a strong reaction occurs in the form of itching and severe burning.

Redness and slight swelling occur due to the expansion of blood vessels, which are located in a thin layer of the skin of the penis. The body tries to flush out all the toxins due to increased blood circulation, which leads to these symptoms.

The appearance of pain during intercourse and urination is due to the fact that the bacteria began to destroy the mucous membrane of the patient's bladder. The thrush itself manifests itself in the fact that the urination hole becomes bright red, the penis itself begins to have a higher temperature, and when touched, pain appears.


To rid a man of this disease, the use of antifungal drugs along with antibiotics is prescribed. It should be remembered that you should not self-medicate and you need to be diagnosed by a doctor who will prescribe the right treatment for you.

Medicines for thrush are produced in the form of tablets prescribed by a specialist to the patient. Usually doctors prescribe diflucan or ketoconazole. To cure thrush on the surface of the penis, clotrimazole ointment is used, which is applied to the affected area after a man has taken a warm bath.

For the best effect, along with drugs, it is required to use B vitamins and various drugs that increase the patient's immunity. They are available in the form of ointments or creams. In order to get rid of thrush in the intestines, probiotics should be used, which effectively fight foci of fungal infection in the stomach and normalize the microflora.

The mouth should be treated with antibacterial rinses and anti-fungal medications. If a recurrence of the disease occurs, nystatin or flucanazole is prescribed. It will take about three weeks for a man to completely get rid of thrush.

Sometimes such a rapid course of treatment is not possible. If the disease is advanced and already has severe forms, then the following treatment algorithm is used:

  1. Initially, the reasons for the decrease in the patient's immunity are investigated, and then, together with the course of treatment, medicines for thrush are used, which increase the patient's immunity.
  2. If after such a thorough treatment within 14 days there is no significant improvement in the state of health, then the patient is placed in a hospital where he undergoes the most complete course of treatment for 7-21 days.

Folk methods of treatment

Traditional medicine often saves with candidiasis. It is recommended to eat foods that are rich in substances that destroy fungi. In addition, agents are used for the superficial treatment of thrush.

One of these products is garlic, which does a good job of treating. Three cloves of garlic should be crushed and pour 500 ml of cold water. After that, leave the tincture for one hour and consume on an empty stomach 3 times a day. Garlic oil is equally effective. Grind five cloves of garlic and pour 20 ml of sunflower oil. Apply twice a day to infected areas of the skin.

Soda is an assistant for relieving pain in the affected areas. To do this, you need to take a 2% soda solution, pour one teaspoon of soda and pour a liter of warm water. Wash the affected area with this solution.

For the treatment of thrush, juniper buds can help. You should take 15 grams and pour a glass of boiling water. And take one tablespoon three times a day for a week.

By combining onion, honey and lemon, you can prevent the spread of a fungal infection and improve immunity. For cooking, you need to take 10 tablespoons of lemon juice, 5 tablespoons of squeezed onion juice, 5 tablespoons of any honey and mix everything. Take orally 2 times a day.


The most common candidiasis, if it is not accompanied and complicated by various sexually transmitted diseases, is treated fairly quickly and passes absolutely without a trace. But with chronic thrush, a variety of consequences appear, namely:

  1. There are problems in the intimate life of the patient. Pain during intercourse becomes unbearable, which makes it impossible to have sex.
  2. There is a predisposition to various sexually transmitted diseases, which are treated quite difficult and have a whole range of side effects.
  3. There are urethritis. These are the so-called pathologies of an inflammatory nature during urination.
  4. Cystitis, in which inflammation of the walls of the bladder itself occurs.
  5. Inflammation of the tissue structure of the kidneys occurs.
  6. The advanced stage of thrush is sometimes one of the causes of infertility and impotence in men.

And since the male part of the population has statistics of postponing a visit to the doctor when even such problems appear, it should be understood that untimely treatment can lead to serious problems.


The main prevention of male thrush is to maintain immunity at a good level.

This is achieved by regular exercise, hardening, taking healthy foods and drugs that support immunity.

In general, male thrush is not some kind of dangerous disease and you should not be scared if its signs appear. Modern medicine knows and fights with it at a good level. The main thing is not to let the disease take its course and, when the first signs appear, consult a doctor who will confirm or refute doubts and fears, prescribe the right course of treatment that will effectively cope with the pathology.

Thrush or, as it is also called, candidiasis, refers to a group of infections that are provoked by fungi from the genus Candida, for example, the species Candida albicans.

Thrush is perceived as a female disease, but it also occurs in men and requires proper treatment. The causes of thrush in men have their own specifics, which will be discussed later in this article.

What is a disease?

In every human body, without exception, there are fungi Candida albicans. Most often, they live in warm, moist places, such as in the mouth or on the genitals. Usually this does not have a negative effect on the body, because in a normal state, the immune system does not allow the fungus to multiply uncontrollably and form large colonies.

In case of violation of this function or in the presence of provoking factors, candidiasis (thrush) occurs, which is most common in three types in men:

In the presence of strong immunity and in the treatment of antimycotic drugs prescribed by a doctor, you can completely get rid of the disease.

The representatives of the stronger sex are less prone to the disease due to the structural features of the genital organs, unlike women. The vagina is a more favorable environment for the reproduction of the Candida fungus, where this process occurs even due to minor interference.

Symptoms of the disease

Candidiasis has pronounced symptoms, which can be used to say about the presence of the disease before the tests are carried out quite accurately. The specificity of this pathology is that white discharge is formed, caused by the excessive growth and reproduction of Candida albicans.

The most common manifestation of thrush in men is an infection on the glans penis. Symptoms are two types of infectious lesions: balanitis and balanoposthitis.

Often there is balanitis, gradually turning into balanoposthitis.

In a sick man, a rash first appears on the penis, after which a curdled discharge with an unpleasant and pungent odor forms.

The main manifestations of thrush associated with infection of the penis:

However, in 10-15% of cases, no symptoms appear, and the man is only a carrier of the disease, which can subsequently be transmitted to a woman during sexual intercourse.

To completely get rid of candidiasis, partners must be treated together.

In the case of the development of candidiasis that has arisen in the oral cavity, and is more characteristic of children, the main symptom of the disease is a white coating that appears on the teeth and gums, and the following symptoms appear when the skin is damaged:

  • redness in areas of the skin, itching appears;
  • rash, represented by red spots on the skin;
  • swelling of the skin in certain places with the appearance of yellow-white discharge.

Causes of the disease in men

It is almost impossible for a man to get thrush if he has strong immunity, no chronic diseases, he eats regularly and fully, leads an active lifestyle, has sex with a regular partner and does not have bad habits.

His body confidently resists Candida pathogens and does not allow excessive reproduction. The appearance of candidiasis in men speaks, first of all, of a possible violation and weakening of immunity, a general immunodeficiency of the body.

Such patients should consult a dermatovenereologist and, if necessary, undergo treatment in a hospital.