We make our own memorable gift for the teacher from sweets. We make an independently memorable gift for a teacher from sweets Bouquets of sweets for a teacher by September 1

We make our own memorable gift for the teacher from sweets.  We make an independently memorable gift for a teacher from sweets Bouquets of sweets for a teacher by September 1
We make our own memorable gift for the teacher from sweets. We make an independently memorable gift for a teacher from sweets Bouquets of sweets for a teacher by September 1

A bouquet bought in a tent can no longer surprise anyone, but any teacher will be delighted with a bouquet made with his own hand. In this article we will tell and show how to independently form a bouquet for the holiday of the first call.

A bouquet for September 1 for a first grader, how to form:

from gladioli

To form a bouquet of gladioli, prepare the flowers themselves, several sheets of monstera and bergrass, as well as twine or decorative ribbon for decoration.
An important point. Since gladioli are quite heavy flowers, try to pick up an amount that your child can hold in his hands.

  1. Assemble the gladioli by placing one flower on top of the other in a spiral.
  2. Just below the base of the flowers, add the monstera.
  3. Secure the bouquet with twine.

from asters

You can form a bouquet of asters in any way, but if you want the bouquet not to fall apart and the asters not to crumble, form a bouquet using a floral frame. You can buy it in any store for florists, as well as on the open spaces of the network.

Pass the stems from asters into the frame. Try to pick up such a number of flowers that they completely cover the hole in the frame. Next, add sprigs of any greens, and fix with technical tape. Wrap the resulting bouquet in wrapping paper.

from roses

To create a bouquet, you will need roses, ruskus, a decorative net for packaging, pruners, a stapler, scissors and ribbon.
Take one branch of ruscus and one rose, put the rose a little below the ruscus. Next, take the second rose and also set it a little lower than the ruscus on the other side.

By alternating ruskus and roses, collect the bouquet in a spiral. Fix the bouquet with a ribbon.

Cut out a rectangle from the decorative mesh, lay the bouquet on it. Gather the bottom of the mesh with an accordion and fix it with a beautiful ribbon bow.

Original bouquets for September 1, ideas with photos

When collecting bouquets, pay attention to their packaging. You don't have to buy wrapping paper. An excellent completion of the composition can be, for example, simple pencils. Thus, the bouquet will delight the eye and soul, and the teacher will be able to use the pencils for their own purposes.

Do not be afraid to introduce additional decorative elements into the bouquet, such as a globe, protractors, rulers and other paraphernalia. You can attach them to the bouquet with an ordinary thin wire, and the bouquet itself will stand out from the background of others with its originality.

Bouquets can be created not only from fresh flowers, but also to make them yourself from paper. Such a bouquet will remain in memory for a long time, and will please your teacher for a long time.

Bouquet to the teacher on September 1 from sweets, step by step with a photo

IMPORTANT: When choosing sweets to create a bouquet, pay attention to the quality of these confectionery products. Buying cheap sweets, you will spoil the impression of even the most spectacular execution of the bouquet.

To create a bouquet, prepare:

  • a box of Raffaello chocolates or your teacher's favorite candies;
  • tulle;
  • satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide white;
  • bamboo skewers;
  • scotch;
  • thick crepe paper;
  • stapler;
  • thermal gun;
  • scissors.

1. First of all, the sweets themselves are prepared. The ends of the wrapper are bent, and the candy itself is pasted over with adhesive tape along its lower edge.

2. A bamboo skewer is glued to the candy with the ends of the adhesive tape.

3. A segment of 15x30 cm is cut off from the tulle. Next, the segment is folded in half in width and wrapped around the candy.

4. The ends of the tulle are fixed to the skewer with a satin ribbon tied with a bow.

5. Make as many of these flowers as you want to see in your bouquet. However, a large number of candy flowers will be difficult to put together in one bouquet, and the bouquet itself will be heavy and it is unlikely that the child will be able to withstand the entire line with it.

7. A segment is cut out of crepe paper, equal to the full revolution of the bouquet in length and equal to the full height of the bouquet + 5 cm in width. The upper edge of the segment is bent 5 cm into the middle, and the already bent edge is stretched with fingers, forming waves.

8. The bouquet is placed on crepe paper, wrapped around, the top is fixed with a stapler. The bottom is neatly assembled with an accordion, tied with a satin ribbon.

9. The bouquet is wrapped with tulle, in places it is attached with hot glue for fixing. The bottom of the tulle is also fixed with a satin ribbon.

10. Semi-beads are glued along the tulle with a thermal gun to match the tone of the bouquet itself. A delicate bouquet of sweets is ready.

Do-it-yourself bouquet for a teacher from fruits, step by step with a photo

Option 1

Ingredients and tools:

  • pomelo;
  • apples;
  • quince;
  • grapefruit;
  • tangerines;
  • bananas;
  • green branches;
  • bamboo skewers not less than 30 cm;
  • scotch;
  • food film;
  • scissors;
  • scourging;
  • packaging paper.

The amount of fruit is selected at your discretion. Since the bouquet itself comes out quite heavy, do not make it big, because the child simply cannot hold it.

The bouquet is ready.

Option 2

In a bouquet of fruits, it is important to choose the fruit that will serve as the middle of the composition. The center most often are citrus fruits such as pomelo and grapefruit. Due to the fact that the cut of these fruits looks beautiful, they are a win-win option for any bouquet.

1. Wash fruits thoroughly, dry them.
2. Cut a quarter of a grapefruit, cut 1 kiwi and 1 lemon in half. Remove the pits from the lemon.

3. Wrap kiwi, grapefruit and lemon with cling film. Pierce them with bamboo skewers.

4. The remaining fruits (in our case, a lemon and 4 apples), pierce with skewers without cutting.

5. Collect the bouquet, fix the skewers with tape.

6. Insert live carnations and leaves into the voids of the bouquet.

7. Pack in kraft paper, decorate with a satin ribbon bow.

Option 3


  • large pears - 5 pcs;
  • large apples - 7 pcs;
  • sweets of your choice
  • bamboo skewers;
  • scotch;
  • twine or ribbon.

Pierce apples and pears with bamboo skewers. Prick an amount that can hold the fruit even upside down.

Tape the candy to the skewer with tape.

Collect 4 compositions, which will contain 3 fruits and 1 candy. Secure the skewers with tape.

Gather all the compositions together, fill the gaps with sweets on a skewer. Secure the bouquet with tape. Trim the protruding ends of the sticks.

Pack the bouquet in wrapping paper, decorate with a satin ribbon bow.

Unusual bouquets for September 1 do it yourself

Option 1

Materials and tools:

  • candies;
  • 1 lemon;
  • packaging of tea with sealed bags;
  • thick corrugated paper in 3 colors;
  • foam circle with a diameter of 22 cm and a height of 4 cm;
  • double sided tape;
  • mica or decorative mesh;
  • satin ribbon;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue gun;
  • scotch.

Cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 25 cm from corrugated paper and glue the foam blank with them.

Since there will be 11 candy flowers in the composition, cut out 33 rectangles measuring 10x3 cm from corrugated paper.
Fix the tip of the candy to the toothpick with tape.

Take one rectangle, twist the third 180 ° and bend it in the middle. Stretch the center. Do this manipulation with the remaining 32 rectangles.

Put the candy in the first petal, glue the tips of the petal to the toothpick with a glue gun. Next, lightly lay the second petal on the first and glue. Do the same with the 3rd petal.
Form all 11 candy flowers in this way.

Cut out 11 sepals from green corrugated paper, glue them to the flowers.

Cut out 17 squares of 10x10 cm from the grid, mica or organza, fold them first in half, forming a triangle, and then 2 more times in half. Glue to toothpick.

Glue the sides of the foam blank with adhesive tape and, laying one on top of the other, glue tea bags to it.

Insert candy flowers and mesh blanks into the center of the blank, leaving a place for a large lemon on one side or in the center, as you see fit.

Pierce the lemon with a toothpick, add to the composition.

Decorate the composition with a satin ribbon bow. An unusual bouquet is ready.

Option 2

A bouquet of tea and coffee, unlike bouquets of sweets, is not such a common gift and your teacher will definitely like it. To create it you will need:

  • loose tea in a package;
  • bulk coffee;
  • corrugated paper;
  • sisal or thinly cut corrugated paper;
  • floral frame for a bouquet;
  • transparent thin film;
  • satin ribbons to match the paper;
  • double-sided colored paper;
  • glue gun;
  • beads or other decorative elements.

1. To make the bouquet look harmonious, and the tea and coffee packages to be beautifully designed, make paper bags out of double-sided plain colored paper. To do this, fold a sheet of paper in half, glue the sides. We bend the lower edge by 5-6 cm. We open the same edge, fold the ends in triangles inward, and glue the upper and lower parts together.

2. We straighten the package, bend the top by 4-5 cm, make 2 holes with a hole punch. We decorate with bows of satin ribbons 0.3 mm wide.

3. We put tea and coffee in bags. You can also separately prepare a package with high-quality tea bags or a small box of sweets.
We put tea, coffee and sweets in a floristic frame (it is sold in florist stores). We fill the voids with sisal or thinly cut strips of corrugated paper.

6. Decorate as you wish.

Option 3

To create an unusual bouquet-composition, you need a pumpkin. If a child carries this bouquet himself on September 1, then choose a small pumpkin so that he can hold it. Wash the pumpkin and remove the top part of the middle. You will also need fresh flowers, red hot peppers, dried lotus, rowan twigs, teiplant and thin wire.

Tape the peppers, flowers, leaves and branches to the wire with tape. Remove the excess part of the wire, it should only sink a little into the pumpkin, and not pierce it through. Alternately add flowers and other elements of the future bouquet to the pumpkin.

  • scissors
  • white, green, red crepe paper
  • wooden skewers
  • teip tape
  • double sided tape
  • construction tape
  • sweets (take truffle ones, they are just a convenient shape)
  • ribbon for decoration

Do-it-yourself bouquet of sweets for the teacher on September 1 - a master class with a photo:

To begin with, I will dwell a little on the materials. I think that you will not have any special problems with paper, it is not so difficult to buy it. It is sold in all stationery stores, the main thing is to pay attention to the quality of this paper, it should be elastic, rough to the touch, not soft. So it will keep its shape better. Your petals will turn out even, and the flowers themselves will look more like real ones.

Tape tape can be replaced with green tape. This ribbon can be bought in the floristry department.

Let's start making a sweet bouquet

First, for the flowers, we need petals. We make blanks. We cut the paper into squares with dimensions of 15 * 3.5 cm. This can be done approximately, cut the paper lengthwise into strips 3.5 cm wide, and then divide one strip into three equal parts.

We fold the workpiece in half.

Fold it into a petal.

Slightly stretch the petal.

We make a recess so that later it would be easy to hide our candy.

For one flower, you will need three petals.

Preparing candy. We attach a wooden skewer to the candy wrapper using double-sided tape. To make the design more reliable, we fix everything from the outside with construction tape. Now, one by one, we attach the flower petals to the candy.

This is how I got the flower.

At the base, we fix the flower with a teip tape. She immediately hides the junction of a wooden skewer and petals. And the crocus flower gets a completed look, but we are not in a hurry yet.

For a bouquet you will need 7, 9 or 11 flowers. You can make one contrasting flower and then place it in the middle when you assemble the composition.

Now let's make the leaves for the flowers. We cut strips of green paper, about 2-2.5 cm thick. Cut the paper along the crepe into strips, and then cut each strip in half - we get 2 green leaves from one strip. We form leaves from them according to the same principle that we made petals for flowers. Twist, fold in half and stretch slightly.

We attach the leaves to the flower. This is easy to do with double sided tape and tape.

This is how flowers are made.

We collect flowers in a sweet bouquet of sweets. We fix them at the base with tape.

From contrasting paper - we form a dome for flowers, frame them.

The ribbon can be tied in two places, then your bouquet will get originality.

We straighten the paper around the flowers, you can make it slightly wavy.

Here is your handmade sweet bouquet ready.

It remains only to give this bouquet of sweets on September 1 to the teacher.

Good luck and happy creating!

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day, friends! Some parents prefer to approach the issue of choosing a bouquet in an extraordinary way, making original versions of gift compositions on their own or turning to the services of specialized salons. Others are not averse to presenting a pretty bouquet on September 1 from flowers grown on their own in their summer cottage. But each of them tries to make this fragrant and eye-pleasing symbolic gift in the hands of their child look both original and harmonious.

The Day of Knowledge is just around the corner, when thousands of smart first-graders from all over the country will hear their first bell at the solemn school line. An invariable attribute of this holiday for every little schoolchild is a bouquet of flowers intended for their future teacher, with whom they will enter the school year.

Bouquet for September 1 for a first grader: with which one should go to the solemn line

There are a lot of interesting ideas on how to make this or that bouquet. And the options for the bouquets themselves are incredible. I propose to consider the most interesting ideas, after which you will definitely decide what kind of bouquet your child will have on September 1.

Original bouquets

Sometimes very original solutions come to the place of classics in the design of a bouquet. Here are just a few of them.

  • How do you like the idea of ​​a small, modest flower in a black pot, the surface of which can be used as a blackboard? Together with the baby, you can write wishes to the teacher or kind words to the teacher on it.
  • Or you can show off on a school ruler with a globe, and not simple, but voluminous, from large or small flowers.
  • You can please the teacher not only with the sight of beautiful flowers, but also with goodies. In such a case, there are bouquets of sweets, gingerbread or tea.
  • And in the decor of gift compositions, it is appropriate to use various additional items. So, for example, you can create a bouquet of balloons or toys, complete the design with stationery (for example, pencils), or build a beautiful design with your own hands from cardboard, colored paper and ribbons.
  • Another unusual idea is a beautiful transparent jar as a vase, with toy plastic letters on the bottom, complemented by simple flowers like asters or daisies.
  • For a class teacher, a wonderful sentimental gift will be a bouquet in a decorative flowerpot made of homemade mini flowers with photographs of all his students, boys and girls, which will remind you of your favorite class for a long time even years later.

Bouquets of pencils

Interesting bouquets are obtained by using a combination of flowers with pencils. There are several options for such a design.

  1. In the first case, pencils or felt-tip pens are used to make an impromptu bright vase (more precisely, its likeness), into which flowers are placed directly.
  2. The second option involves a composition that combines, in addition to flowers, the same pencils, as well as other small stationery, which give the bouquet a typical "school" character. This design of stationery is perfect as a gift not only on September 1, but also on Teacher's Day.

Gift for male teacher

While male teachers are often given the same bouquets as their female counterparts, it is possible to subtly emphasize the gendered nature of the gift if necessary. To do this, in the design of the "male" bouquet, they emphasize the dark design of the packaging, and instead of traditional varieties of flowers, cereal plants are used.

bunch of gingerbread

As one of the varieties of sweet compositions, a bouquet of gingerbread can serve, which looks very unusual and will certainly please everyone with its taste.

To implement such an idea, you will need several gingerbread cookies, which you can order at a pastry shop or cook and paint on your own. To form a gift, you will need skewers or special sticks stuck in each gingerbread. A bunch of finished gingerbread cookies is tied with a beautiful ribbon and decorated to your liking with additional materials.

Bouquet of sweets

Such a sweet handmade gift will please the recipient not only with a creative design, but will also allow him to enjoy the taste of such a fancy dessert. Fantasy when creating a bouquet of sweets is not limited by anything, so the result can be a real masterpiece.

Let's quickly evaluate the most popular ideas. To bring them to life, it is best to use chocolates in a bright foil wrapper. You will also need special skewers and corrugated paper for decoration. In some cases, ribbons, organza and other little things will not interfere to create various props.

Let's take a closer look at several master classes for making candy bouquets:

  • A pineapple. To make it, it is necessary to cut a plastic bottle into two parts, insert the lower part inside the upper one, cutting off the excess from the bottom. The resulting form is pasted over in even rows of round sweets, the leaves are made of corrugated paper.

  • Candy tulips. Each candy is wrapped with a piece of cloth measuring 10 by 10 cm so that a bud is obtained. Leaves are cut out of felt. With the help of green narrow adhesive tape, the finished bud and leaves are tied to a skewer to make a flower. After the required amount is reached, the finished "tulips" are collected in a bouquet and wrapped with a beautiful satin ribbon.

  • Roses, crocuses, candy poppies. The scheme for making such bouquets is approximately the same, the only difference is in the color scheme and the shape of the petals that will be used for work.

We attach a candy to a skewer or wire, preferably in a shiny foil wrapper. From corrugated paper we cut out blanks of petals of future flowers, give them the necessary texture. We fix the petals around the candy with a thread to get the shape of the desired flower. We wrap the skewer and the base of the flower with green tape.

We place the finished products in a wicker basket or a small plastic flower pot, after placing the foam base in it. We decorate the stems and the base with the remnants of corrugated paper.

  • "Raffaello". Such a gift would be appropriate not only on the first of September, but also at any other time outside the school (especially for a girl). They are often made to order, but it will be much cheaper to cook them yourself.

So, we take each of the Raffaello or Ferrero Rocher candies, wrap it with transparent organza. With the help of ribbons, we fix each candy on a skewer or wire-stem wrapped in foil. We fasten all the stems together with transparent tape, decorate with corrugated paper, and then wrap the finished bouquet with organza with sewn on beads.

The result is an extremely airy and romantic composition.

Bouquets of balloons

Variants of compositions using balloons, which are gaining popularity in recent years, will be a great alternative to classic flower surprises. Moreover, you can order both ready-made compositions, and make individual bouquets to your liking.

There are different ways to use these holiday accessories.

  • In one case, miniature balloons serve as an additional decoration for conventional flower arrangements.
  • In other cases, flowers are made from special modeling balls (the so-called "sausages"), forming full-fledged bouquets. Usually, most customers prefer to buy ready-made products, because in order to make such flowers on their own, you need to thoroughly practice in this matter.

Such armfuls look quite funny and unusual, so they are suitable not only for the holiday of September 1, but also fit, for example, for a visit to a matinee in a kindergarten.

Budget compositions

Festive bouquets do not always have to be chic and expensive. Cheap options will also be appropriate, especially if you approach this matter with fiction.

For example, a well-chosen arrangement of small wild flowers, complemented by decorative accessories, will look no worse than exotic specimens, but will certainly stand out with its elegant simplicity.

And a few garden flowers, carefully grown in the country, are in no way inferior to chic store-bought flowers, and often surpass them in aroma.

tea bouquet idea

And now I will tell you how to arrange another unusual gift. We will talk about a bouquet, which will be based on beautifully decorated tea.

For this composition, we select elite tea bags, in a stylish foil package. We have bags on a frame, which you can buy in a gift shop or make yourself. We make flowers from corrugated paper (can be based on sweets), on long skewers.

We fill the remaining space between the bags with ready-made flowers using organza and ribbons, fasten the stems and decorate the composition.

fruit bouquet idea

Another edible version of the gift composition involves the use of seasonal gifts of nature in the composition.

A number of stores offer ready-made bouquets, both small and simply huge. They are based on apples, citrus fruits, berries. All this beauty is complemented by flowers, as well as the minimalist design of the bouquet.

However, there is nothing difficult in collecting such a bouquet ourselves, only in our case the flowers will act as the basis, and the fruits will only serve as an addition. Grapes, apples, and other fruity pleasures of the end of August will perfectly fit into the company of flowers.

A frame, corrugated paper, a decorative basket and ribbons will help bring this beautiful idea to life.

Toy composition idea

Such a bouquet is made according to the same principle as compositions of fruits, sweets and tea, except that in this case miniature soft toys and stationery are used, which are located on the frame and are complemented by fresh flowers. The whole composition is decorated with ribbons, corrugated paper or organza.


Thematic options abound with a wide variety of ideas. I suggest you take a look at the symbolic bouquet that will look organic in the hands of any student, especially one who is just going to grade 1.

This idea is called - "Bell".

Cut off the top third of the plastic bottle. We glue the outside with organza or beautiful paper, insert the bottom inside - a floral sponge. From sweets, wire and corrugated paper we make flowers with which we fill our bell. We decorate with the help of paper details and organza, voila - you're done!

sunflower ideas

A sunflower is a rather original flower, if a child comes on September 1 with a bouquet of sunflowers, instead of ordinary roses or chrysanthemums, I think he will be very impressed and will delight teachers.

You can make a simple bouquet consisting only of sunflowers, or you can complement it with a variety of color compositions.

Irises will dilute yellow paints best.

Roses will add elegance to the bouquet.

Solidago, chrysanthemums and chamomile will add a touch of summer.

Greens in combination with chrysanthemums and alstroemerias will add spice to the bouquet.

A wonderful autumn bouquet with roses and mountain ash will be remembered and will pleasantly surprise every teacher with its originality.

from chrysanthemums

Of course, chrysanthemums do not look as peculiar as sunflowers, but it all depends on how and with what to present them. Let's look at some ideas for beautiful and inexpensive bouquets of these flowers.

Options may be as follows:

  • Bouquet of colorful chrysanthemums.
  • These flowers look very gentle in combination with roses.
  • The combination of lilies and chrysanthemums is a great option for a holiday.
  • Daisies and chrysanthemums - simple and tasteful.

Gladiolus Bouquet Ideas

These are unusually beautiful flowers, let's take a closer look at how to make the most beautiful bouquets out of them for Knowledge Day.

Bouquet options can be as follows and combined with flowers such as:

  • Roses.
  • Lilies.
  • Gerberas.
  • Roses + orchids pair perfectly with gladioli.

Asters Bouquet Ideas

Many flowers are combined with asters. Here are some of the best options:

  1. Asters + chrysanthemums.
  2. Roses + carnations + asters + chrysanthemums
  3. Germini + asters + viburnum + pistachio + tanacetum (this bouquet is quite difficult to find ready-made, but you can buy it in parts and yourself).

Rose Bouquet Ideas

Roses are a classic, they go with almost all flowers. It is impossible to spoil the bouquet with them, on the contrary, if you add them to any bouquet, it will become even more beautiful.

Ideas for bouquets with roses can be as follows:

  • In tandem with chrysanthemums, roses are delightful.
  • If you add orchids to the above option, the bouquet will become even more tender.
  • A bouquet of roses and daisies will look quite unusual.
  • Lilies also pair beautifully with roses.

Variants of compositions from gerberas

Gerberas are beautiful even alone, it is enough to collect a bouquet of these flowers, which have a variety of colors, and it will not yield in beauty even to beautiful roses.

You can pair them with several colors for variety. Gerberas will look pretty funny with:

  • Lilies, roses and chrysanthemums in one bouquet at once.
  • Orchids, tulips and roses.
  • Daisies and tulips.

Bouquets of zinnias

These country flowers are unusually beautiful. Here are some successful combinations of zinnias with other plants:

  • With immortelle and asparagus.
  • With roses and sunflowers.
  • With any country and field flowers.

Bouquets of dahlias

These flowers have a chic and lush look. The composition of them always looks presentable and bright. You can make a bouquet exclusively from geogreens, or you can diversify it with other flowers.

So, dahlias go well with:

  • Greens (in this case it is a hypericum, but absolutely any can be used).
  • Hydrangea.
  • Asters, daisies and other country flowers.

Lily variant

These flowers go with many color arrangements. Here are some of the most popular bouquets using lilies:

  • Roses + lilies (you can add dianthus).
  • A combination of irises and lilies makes a gorgeous bouquet.
  • Gerberas + tulips + lilies.

Here are some ideas I have put together for you. I hope they help you in your holiday preparations!

See you soon, dear subscribers. Do not forget to tell your friends about us on social networks and subscribe to resource updates. Goodbye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

September 1 is approaching, and it's time to think about what bouquet to give the teacher. There is a huge scope for imagination, because for this you can use not only fresh flowers, but also sweets, pencils and even marshmallows. You can collect such compositions with your own hands.

Bright bouquet of sweets

The original idea of ​​an edible bouquet

To form buds, you can use corrugated paper of one or more colors.

What do you need:

  • round candies;
  • corrugated paper;
  • wire;
  • simple and double-sided adhesive tape;
  • thermal gun;
  • decorations, decor.

Step by step production:

  1. Cut strips of corrugated paper. Cut out teardrop petals.

    Cut out flower petals from crepe paper

  2. Twist the "legs" of the petals with your fingers, stretch the paper giving a rounded shape, then take the candy and collect the flower, putting it inside.

    Collect a flower with a candy inside

    Insert a stiff wire into the finished bud, drop hot glue on the base of the twisted petals and wrap it tightly with thread so that the bud does not slip off the stem.

    Attach the wire to the bud with glue and thread

    Spread the petals, carefully cut off the excess base of the bud.

    Spread bud petals

    Take green paper cut into long strips and wrap the pedicel with the stem.

    Wrap the wire carefully with green corrugated paper.

    Cut out the leaves.

    Cut out 2-3 leaves for each flower

    Attach the leaves to the stem with a drop of hot glue. To decorate the bouquet, you can take medium-sized artificial flowers. Collect the composition in a spiral, then fasten the stems with tape. For greater effect, you can make a vase from a cardboard cylinder or a tin can for a candy bouquet. A jar of suitable size is wrapped in wrapping or colored paper and decorated with ribbons. You can glue the decor with a thermal gun.

    Use to decorate ribbon or fabric

From colored pencils

Then the pencils can be used for their intended purpose.

You can add several pencils to the bouquet

What do you need:

  • yarn of two matching colors;
  • scissors;
  • food film;
  • colored pencils;
  • rounded wide dishes (vase, bowl);
  • colored cord;
  • wire;
  • flowers and asparagus.

Prepare everything you need ahead of time

Step by step master class:

from fruit

Beautiful, original and delicious

Use fruits and aromatic herbs, such as mint, for a bouquet

What do you need:

  • fruits to choose from - plums, grapes, apples, pears, limes, lemons, figs, tangerines;
  • flowers;
  • greenery;
  • barbecue skewers;
  • cord or twine;
  • craft paper, tape.

How to do:

  1. Fruits are selected strong, unripe, maybe a little underripe. They do not need to be washed, the main thing is an attractive appearance. If there are citrus fruits in the bouquet, then medium-sized fruits should be purchased.
  2. In large fruits, for example, in pomegranate, stick a few skewers for further stability when composing a bouquet. Insert sticks only half way.

    Stick skewers into grenades

  3. In the same way, make blanks from other fruits. Arrange them on a table with greens and leaves.
  4. Then start assembling the bouquet in a spiral, adding each of the blanks to it in turn.
  5. Fasten sprigs of greenery and flowers on skewers.

    Attach sprigs of greens to skewers with a thread

  6. When the composition is pleasant and ready, tightly wrap the skewers with a cord.

    Assemble the bouquet and wrap the skewers

Try different compositions.

For such bouquets, it is better to choose unripe fruits - they are stronger

Add some flowers and greenery

Bright flowers can be in the center of the composition, and fruits will only complement them.

You can also collect a bouquet in a basket

From marshmallows and oriental sweets

Unusual idea for a sweet bouquet

What do you need:

  • marshmallow;
  • barbecue skewers;
  • wrapping paper;
  • decorative elements;
  • scotch.

How to DIY:

  1. Thread marshmallows onto skewers. Large ones can be fixed on several, for stability.

    You can stick several skewers into large marshmallows

    2. Make blanks from sweets.

    Thread each piece of Turkish delight and marshmallow onto skewers.

  2. In the center of the bouquet, place blanks with large and small marshmallows, add sweets.

    Start forming a bouquet of sweet blanks

    4. Immediately fix the skewers with tape so that the composition does not fall apart.

    Wrap skewers with tape

    5. Form a complete bouquet in a circle, wrapping the skewers with tape.

    The adhesive tape will hold the composition firmly.

    After assembly, pack the sweet bouquet in transparent or floral wrapping paper and decorate with ribbons.

    Wrap the finished bouquet in gift paper

A charming bouquet of garden flowers with your own hands

Autumn flowers are used in a traditional bouquet

What do you need:

  • garden flowers - chrysanthemums, asters, zinnias and others;
  • decorative basket;
  • floral sponge "oasis";
  • viburnum, mountain ash on a branch;
  • plastic bag, knife, scissors.

Step by step assembly:

  1. Cover the bottom of the basket with a bag, when watering the sponge, water will not leak.

    Lay a bag or film on the bottom of the basket so that water does not leak out.

  2. Put a floral sponge on top of the bag. If necessary, trim the edges with a knife.

    To make the sponge fit completely, trim the edges

    Choose large flowers and stick them into the sponge, they will be the main focus of the composition. In addition to zinnias, you can use gladioli, roses, dahlias.

    Place large bright flowers in the center of the composition

    In artistic order, place the rest of the flowers.

    Gladiolus - delicate flowers

    What do you need:

    • gladioli - 3 branches;
    • hydrangeas, if they are not there, any garden flowers can be;
    • fern or other beautiful greenery;
    • flower packing mesh (1 meter) and tape.

    How to do:

    1. Collect branches of gladioli, attach hydrangeas with the lower tier. Lastly, frame the flowers with fern leaves or asparagus and tie the stems with a ribbon.

      Fasten the second part of the decorative mesh

    Here is another version of the bouquet:

    Bright bouquet option

    As you can see, there is nothing difficult in drawing up a festive composition. A flight of fancy and experiments will add originality and charm to your bouquet. Your child will go to school on September 1 with pride, because he also participated in this magical action.