What is Anastasia Volochkova's weight and height, shape parameters, eye color, breast size, biography. Anastasia volochkova - biography, photo, personal life of a ballerina

What is Anastasia Volochkova's weight and height, shape parameters, eye color, breast size, biography. Anastasia volochkova - biography, photo, personal life of a ballerina

Nastya was born in a St. Petersburg family of a professional tennis player - master of sports of international class and USSR champion in table tennis Yuri Fedorovich and an engineer by profession and a tour guide by vocation - Tamara Vladimirovna Volochkovs.

An inquisitive girl was interested in learning something new, and not only watching, but also participating. When, at the age of five, her mother took her to the Nutcracker at the Mariinsky Theater, Nastya literally fell in love with the sacred action that took place on the stage. Even then, she told her parents that she would certainly become a ballerina.

Why not? The baby was taken to a choreographic school, after which she entered the Vaganova St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet. The ballerina will never forget the entrance exams. According to Volochkova, her heart literally stopped at each of the tours.

She was watched several times, forced to show what he could and shook their heads: “There is no talent,” was the verdict of the renowned selection committee. Anastasia confirms: she herself understood that she could not jump high, raise her leg ... her foot lacks lift and eversion.

But paying attention to the zeal of the young girl, they nevertheless accepted her - with a trial period of six months. Rumor has it that the choreographer Konstantin Sergeev insisted on the positive verdict of the commission members.

It was difficult for Anastasia to study. She still believes that she did not like the teachers and they deliberately hounded her. But classmates felt sorry for and sympathized. Sweet, kind and open Nastya quickly won their trust and was popular among students.


She was so eager to fulfill her cherished dream that she worked day and night, honing her skills. As a result, Volochkova graduated from the Academy with enchanting success in her diploma "Swan Lake" on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. She played the main role and, for the red diploma, received an invitation to the troupe.

Feeling like a high-class professional, she begins to participate in festivals. Winning the Serge Lifar International Ballet Competition reinforced her confidence in her own capabilities. Moreover, the audience here gave a standing ovation to the ballerina.

On the stage of the St. Petersburg theater, she will soon begin to receive leading roles in most ballets. The ballerina herself admits: that period was not easy. The constant squabbles and intrigues of the ballet world directly affected her. Soon the leading parties stopped giving her, and then they were actually removed from work altogether.

The break with the theater happened in 1998. For two years she has been on tour on her own - in Japan and France, the Russian ballerina is received with great trepidation, and two years later she suddenly appears at the Bolshoi.


The appearance of an undesirable ballerina at the Mariinsky Theater in the main theater of Russian ballet immediately becomes overgrown with gossip. Successful employment is associated with two male names at once. The famous sports philanthropist Anzori Aksentyev, whom the ballerina still denies acquaintance with, allegedly had a hand in "arranging" his protege in the most famous theater in the world.

The second name associated with the appearance of Volochkova in the Bolshoi is Yuri Grigorovich. She quickly became his favorite. The friendship between the choreographer and the ballerina lasted for many years.

In the same year 2000, the ballerina participates in the prestigious Austrian festival and receives the Golden Lion there, which gives her the right to be called the most talented ballerina in Europe. After the festival, she toured, and returning to the Bolshoi suddenly stopped getting roles.

The new management of the theater is opposed to her. Not only did they begin to artificially “push” Volochkova, so tactless gossip and mockery immediately appeared around her name.


Despite the fact that theater experts asserted that Volochyok had recognition and went to the performances “for her”, the theater management declared the ballerina unfit for her profession. First of all, they did not like her height and weight - supposedly for a ballerina, she is too tall and heavy. Anastasia's height is 171 cm, weight varies from 50 to 55 kg. For comparison: the recognized prima of Russian ballet Maya Plisetskaya weighed from 49 to 58 kg with a height of 167 cm.

Behind the scenes, the story of "too big Volochkova" was picked up. Evil tongues sent the ballerina into a swimmer and sympathized with Anastasia's partners, they say, how do they drag this one?

The offended ballerina filed a lawsuit against the leadership of the Bolshoi. The litigation lasted for several years, as a result of which the court sided with Anastasia, obliging the Bolshoi to return her to her place in the troupe. As moral damage for her insulted dignity, the ballerina asked for one ruble and, of course, did not remain in the Bolshoi troupe.


Millionaires have patronized ballerinas at all times. This rule turned out to be true for Anastasia Volochkova. At first, her appearance in the Bolshoi was associated with the name of Anzori Aksentyev. Then her appearance in the National English Ballet (where she danced the part in The Sleeping Beauty) - with the name of the British millionaire Anthony Kerman.

According to rumors, Kerman even abandoned his family in order to freely love the Russian beauty. He was fascinated by her stretch and green eyes, followed on the heels of the ballerina, threw armfuls of white roses at her feet and invariably confessed his love.

In addition to romantic surprises, Kerman took over the affairs of Anastasia. The well-known subtle connoisseur of ballet was welcomed in the best theaters in the world, where he easily managed to negotiate a tour of his protege.

However, Anastasia denies any connection with the Briton. She says that he is just her "lawyer" who helps to conduct business. Calls their relationship friendly. Anastasia will more than once call her lovers friends - always with a constant soft smile and a naive look, confirming her unearthly origin.


The ballerina has a reason to deny everything. In the early 2000s, just when Kerman was arranging her professional life, Volochkova tried to arrange her personal life. The oligarch Suleiman Kerimov drew attention to her. Nastya was captivated not only by the charisma of the famous businessman, but also by his sweeping gestures. The man did not hesitate to pamper his beloved.

However, after two years, the relationship ended. Anastasia says that the separation was her strong-willed decision and connects the scandal in the Bolshoi with the revenge of a man. According to other sources, the Kerimov family did not like Volochkov. In particular, Suleiman's parents believed that this connection was bad for their son's attention to business.

In 2005, Volochkova, who never married, gives birth to her first child, daughter Ariadne, and two years later, her father, businessman Igor Vdovin, agrees to a luxurious wedding ceremony. The event becomes secular, the ballerina sews several dresses and holds several weddings.

Photo sessions, videos, happy faces of lovers ... only after parting with Vdovin, lonely Nastya on the Let's Get Married program admits that she never got married - the wedding with Igor was just a beautiful holiday that had nothing to do with official registration.

Another high-profile romance with the oligarch, which the ballerina bragged about, began in 2013. This time next to her was the head of the oil transportation company Bakhtiyar Salimov. After a short time, she admitted to her followers on Instagram that she was leaving her beloved.

The famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is perhaps the most famous ballet star and not only in Russian show business. You can hear something about her all the time - all kinds of gossip, rumors, and other sometimes even completely impartial things. But Anastasia ignores them and continues to proudly walk through life, completely not fearing what others will think of her.

A woman knows her own worth very well. As well as the fact that her own success depends only on her, the conquest of new fans and the retention of existing fans. The ballerina, like no one else, understands that only hard work and faith in herself will help her to conquer all new heights.

Anastasia Volochkova attracts a lot of attention, not only because she is a ballerina. She has many fans who want to know her height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova is a special question. Indeed, at the sight of this woman, one does not get the impression that she looks at her age. Whatever it was, she was already 42 years old. But she still looks good. Tall, slender, curvy - comparing Anastasia Volochkova's photos in her youth and now, you understand that in fact, little has changed. The ballerina is still in great shape.

With an increase of 171 centimeters and a weight of 52 kilograms, at her age she can give odds to any young girl.

Biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

Perhaps such an aspect as the biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova deserve special attention from the public. Already at least because they are ambiguous. The life of the famous ballerina, even if it was bright, but not always everything in it was as cloudless as we would like. Father - Yuri Volochkov - Soviet tennis champion, and mother - Tamara Antonova - leads excursions around St. Petersburg.

Nastya developed an addiction to ballet dancing at an early age, when she first appeared in ballet. First of all, it is worth noting that the girl was taken to the dance school only six months after the first attempt at admission. The leaders were sure that the baby was devoid of talent for ballet. But, nevertheless, this did not stop Volochkova, and already some time later she began to dance, giving all her best. After all, even then she realized that she wanted to perform on the public stage. interested in information.

After graduating from college, the ballerina almost immediately began performing on stage at the Bolshoi Theater. Honestly, there are many not the most flattering facts and rumors about the life of a prima ballerina. For example, as a rumor that Anastasia used different men only to achieve some of her own goals, and then just abandoned them. True or not - no one will tell. But the ballerina herself completely denies such rumors. Perhaps, in part, that is why the public is interested in Anastasia Volochkova, with whom she now lives, 2018.

She often took part in a variety of competitions, where she showed herself as an exceptionally talented ballerina and therefore deservedly won prizes. Over time, Volochkova left the theater and switched to cinema, surprising her fans with a good talent for acting. It's hard not to notice that Anastasia loves to be in the spotlight. And it hardly matters to her for what reason. Take at least the fact that she often became the central character of many scandalous situations. It's hard enough to understand why she needs all this. Is that the ballerina acts on the principle of "black PR is also PR".

If we talk about her personal life, there are also a lot of unclear points and gossip here. It has been argued more than once that the celebrity had many men and romantic relationships. Which, in general, is not surprising, because Anastasia is a very noticeable woman. True, all the rumors remain rumors for lack of confirmation or denial. Volochkova was able to fully realize herself, and not even only in dance terms.

Family and children of Anastasia Volochkova

Despite all the rumors about relationships with men, the ballerina was and remains, first of all, a woman. Which, like any other, wants the usual female happiness. Money, recognition and fame, of course, play an important role in her life, but the main priority has always been the family and children of Anastasia Volochkova. She also wants to feel loved not only by fans, and this is absolutely normal.

So, for example, for a couple of years Anastasia was in a relationship with the rich man Suleiman Kerimov. According to the prima herself, it was after parting with this man that she started having problems with the theater.

A couple of years later, while in a relationship with businessman Igor Vdovin, the ballerina gave birth to a beautiful girl, whom she endowed with a rare name - Ariadne. Interestingly, the famous mother is against the girl's dance career. Like, if Ariadne wants to follow her mother, then let him become a singer or an actress.

Today, Anastasia already has a new love, but the ballerina is in no hurry to get married. In her own words, she has already been there and so far I do not want to repeat the experience. Thus, the family of this woman can only be called her daughter, whom she brings up quite strictly. Nevertheless, Volochkova unconditionally believes in the creative abilities of her daughter.

Daughter of Anastasia Volochkova - Ariadne

The daughter of Anastasia Volochkova - Ariadna was born 13 years ago, when her mother was married to the aforementioned Igor Vdovin. She is still a teenager, so who the girl will be in the future is not yet clear. There is information that the baby is not against repeating her mother's career, but Anastasia herself, as already mentioned, is against such turns. Meanwhile, Ariadne herself has not yet decided on the profession and does not say anything about this.

She is still a child and so far she can enjoy her own childhood and get the most out of life, from expensive gifts to frequent travels around the world. Ariadne is studying at a prestigious school, so it hardly makes sense to worry about her future fate.

Former husband of Anastasia Volochkova - Igor Vdovin

The ex-husband of Anastasia Volochkova, Igor Vdovin, is the only man for whom the famous ballerina agreed to marry. However, here you can still argue. Recall that Volochkova took part in the popular show "Let's Get Married." And there the woman shared such interesting information that shocked fans. As if he and Vdovin did not sign officially, and a beautiful wedding was just a fiction for a mutual rise in the rating. Maybe the dancer was cheating here too. But now there is evidence that the ballerina lives together with a completely different man, it seems, not even of Slavic nationality.

How long Anastasia's frivolity will last is hardly known even to herself. Among other things, on the Internet you can often see completely different opinions about the personal life of a ballerina. For example, that Anastasia Volochkova and Sergey Astakhov got married in Germany, photo. But these, again, are just unconfirmed rumors. But it is unlikely that if Volochkova decides to get married, the press will not find out anything about it. And the fans can only wait and hope that the famous ballerina will settle down very soon.

As everyone has known for a long time, Anastasia has repeatedly raised the level of her popularity due to the fact that she exposed not the most chaste photos to the public. Take, for example, hot photos of Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit in the Maldives. When a woman flaunted openly by the sea. And this, in the end, only provoked another scandalous news.

Many critics have openly expressed their own dissatisfaction. As if swimsuits, and indeed the outfits in such photos, a ballerina always hides little from prying eyes and it should somehow be a shame to flaunt your body in social networks, especially at a similar age. They even paid attention to the dancer's legs, which seemed to many to be not even enough. But Anastasia is one of those people who reckon only with their opinions. Therefore, new candid pictures appear on the Internet with enviable constancy.

Anastasia Volochkova latest news

We can say that today Anastasia Volochkova has entered the age that is considered very old for a ballerina. But the woman is still fighting for her fame. Apparently, that is why the search query "Anastasia Volochkova latest news", which tells about everything that the ballerina "has been doing" lately, was especially popular. She constantly does at least something in order to evoke emotions in the public - no matter what. Therefore, she is probably taking these candid pictures. As recently as in the bath complex, where the ballerina stood completely naked in the bath, exposing her slender legs, and prudently covering everything else with a bath broom.

Nude Anastasia Volochkova is a fact that simply cannot be ignored. Most people with a snide remark that this artist simply does not have more other options for how to arouse at least some interest in the public. Although still, perhaps, a transverse twine. Anastasia knows very well how important ratings are in show business, and how important it is to be able to attract prying eyes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Volochkova

Volochkova can be classified as one of those stars, and, in general, people who have a “wide open heart”. They hide absolutely nothing from their fans (including their bodies). On the Internet, you can always find recent news in which she is involved, and it does not matter if it is a rumor or not. Therefore, Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Volochkova are the most reliable sources of information about the famous ballerina, which certainly will not lie.

In the Internet encyclopedia, in addition to general information, you can find lists of her performances in the theater and filming in films, as well as a list of the roles that the ballerina performed. As for social networks, the artist regularly updates her Instagram, displaying a variety of, even candid pictures in it. Below each photo is a short explanation of the filmed situation. People leave comments both positive and negative, but Anastasia, it seems, does not care at all about ill-wishers.

Anastasia Volochkova today is one of the most popular figures among the stars of Russian show business. The constant close attention from the press, the vigilant vigilance of the paparazzi, the audience eagerly catching everything, down to the smallest details from the life of a star - this testifies to both a stunning success and a competent black PR.

The future star of Russian ballet was born in Leningrad on January 20, 1976. Father Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov is an international master of sports, champion of the Soviet Union in table tennis. Mom Tamara Vladimirovna Antonova worked as an engineer at the design institute of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Tamara Vladimirovna was fond of the history of her native city, and after graduating from state courses for guides, she led fascinating walking tours around St. Petersburg.

Anastasia Volochkova is still grateful to her parents both for the diligence and warm creative atmosphere in the family instilled in childhood, and for the fact that mom and dad took Anastasia's childhood desire to become a ballerina seriously from the very beginning.

The passion for ballet and the intention to associate herself with this art form first manifested itself in young Anastasia after visiting the Nutcracker ballet with her mother at the Mariinsky Theater. So at the age of five, the girl made the final choice in her life. In 1992, Anastasia Volochkova decided to enter the Vaganova St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet.

The future star will forever remember the exciting days of entrance exams, by his own admission, comparable to cardiac arrest, awe at the austere beauty of the ballet academy building, which occupies the entire block along Zodchy Rossi Street, in front of the renowned members of the jury sitting in the selection committee. But Anastasia walked that day with the firm intention of becoming a ballerina. The entrance exams became a difficult test - the girl was considered insufficiently talented, but, fortunately, the famous Russian choreographer Konstantin Mikhailovich Sergeev took part in her fate.

According to the artist's recollections, the teachers hounded her, and her classmates sympathized. After a while, Natalia Mikhailovna Dudinskaya, the famous teacher of the Russian ballet school, drew attention to the promising ballerina. With the help of her mentor, Anastasia Volochkova graduated from the Ballet Academy with honors. The final exam, which became Anastasia's debut performance, took place on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, where the girl performed the main role of Odette-Odile in the ballet Swan Lake, which marked the beginning of her career on the stage of this famous temple of arts.

During her four years at the Mariinsky Theater, Anastasia Volochkova has successfully performed the leading parts of the ballet The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle and Don Quixote. According to the ballerina, this period was not easy. The artist had to face numerous ill-wishers and intrigues against herself. Ultimately, Volochkova was ousted from all performances and actually removed from work.

Ballet and creativity

In 1998, Anastasia Volochkova received an invitation from the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater to play the main role in the author's production of the ballet Swan Lake, already familiar to Anastasia. At the same time, the development of the artist's solo career begins. Already in 2000, Volochkova received the prestigious Golden Lion prize for participating in the Austrian competition as the best European ballerina. Soon an invitation to London will follow, where the ballerina will perform the main role in the play "The Sleeping Beauty".

Then Volochkova leaves the Bolshoi Theater for a year, which is explained by disagreements with the new management of the theater. But in 2001 he returned to take part in the production of Yuri Grigorovich. This period of the artist's career has already been marked by great success. According to the theatrical impresarios, people go “to Volochkova,” and, indeed, performances with the participation of the ballerina gather full houses. In 2002, the artist received a high state award - by the presidential decree, the ballerina was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia". A protracted conflict with the leadership of the theater also dates back to this time.

Dismissal from the Bolshoi

The intrigues against the ballerina resulted in a high-profile trial, picked up by the media: the leadership of the Bolshoi Theater refused to sign a contract with Anastasia Volochkova due to her professional unsuitability. These claims boiled down to the fact that the artist's height and weight (172 cm and 55 kg) exceeded the permissible norms for the profession of a ballerina.

Volochkova recalls the feeling of injustice towards herself, which did not leave her throughout the entire process, as well as the unexpected support of the Western press: journalists from the New York Times asked permission to officially measure the physical parameters of the ballerina and refute the rumors that persisted in the domestic press. According to them, Volochkova could not have grown by 11 centimeters since her last performance in America.

Despite the fact that the court recognized the dismissal of the artist as illegal and decided to accept Anastasia Volochkova back, she, of course, could no longer stay at the Bolshoi after everything that had happened. In the same year, at a solo performance in the Kremlin Palace, Anastasia Volochkova thanked everyone present for their support, which helped her to continue her life's work and did not allow envious people to take away her right to creativity.

Show Business

After the scandal at the Bolshoi Theater, where Volochkova continues to be formally listed as an artist, Anastasia for some time acts as a prima ballerina at the Krasnodar Ballet Theater. In 2004, the artist made her film debut. She starred in the detective series A Place in the Sun, based on the novel by the writer. In the same year, "Black Swan" was released - another film with her participation, which won the main prize at the festival of independent films in New York. Also, Anastasia Volochkova played herself in the popular domestic telenovela “Don't Be Born Beautiful”.

In 2009, the premiere of the Nerve show took place, which was a huge success in London, as well as at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. In the same year, Anastasia Volochkova's autobiography was published under the title “The History of a Russian Ballerina”. And in December 2009, Anastasia takes part in the New Year's show, where, unexpectedly for fans, she makes her debut as a singer, performing the composition "Ballerina" specially written for her, the author of which is the composer.

Social activity

In 2003, Anastasia Volochkova decides to join the United Russia party. The artist's sphere of activity includes numerous charitable and social programs for children, which she continues to engage in even after she left the party in 2011.

The “Anastasia Volochkova Creative Center” has been opened and is successfully operating. In the future, the artist plans to create a network of such centers throughout the country. In 2009, Anastasia Volochkova took part in the elections for the head of the Sochi city administration, but her candidacy was withdrawn at the registration stage.

Currently, the ballerina continues active charitable activities and leads a rich social life, invariably attracting the maximum level of attention from the press to her person.

Personal life

The sphere of Anastasia Volochkova's personal life has always attracted the interest of her many fans. In the early 2000s, an oligarch was her companion. Anastasia was completely captivated by the broad romantic gestures and the strongest charisma of this man. However, in 2003, the couple broke up after two years of relationship. One of the reasons given by the artist herself was that Suleiman's relatives were unhappy with their relationship with Anastasia to the detriment of the family business. The ballerina also connects the troubles that began at this time at the Bolshoi Theater with the revenge of the influential man she left behind.

In 2007, Anastasia Volochkova's luxurious wedding ceremony with a businessman took place. This event received wide media coverage as one of the most memorable social events. Later, the ballerina herself said that the ceremony was fictitious, she and Igor Vdovin were never officially scheduled. Despite the fact that the couple could not get along together and broke up, Volochkova and Vdovin maintain a warm relationship based on friendship and mutual respect.

In 2005, the couple had a daughter, Ariadne. Perhaps, not wanting for her daughter to repeat her sad experience in theaters, Anastasia Volochkova speaks out against Ariadne doing ballet.

In the spring of 2013, Anastasia began a relationship with the head of the oil transportation company Bakhtiyar Salimov. They met during Anastasia's concert tour in Vladivostok on Valentine's Day. These relationships are developing in the best way, and the star of show business willingly shares the joy through his profile on social networks.

In 2013, there were rumors that the ballerina was having an affair with the singer. The lovers rested together in the Maldives, posted their joint on Instagram. Many expressed the opinion that this was nothing more than a PR move on the part of both artists.

In the spring of 2015, the ballerina moved to a three-story mansion 5 kilometers along the Novorizhskoe highway. According to rumors, the new house of Anastasia Volochkova is worth $ 3 million.

Anastasia Volochkova maintains an official personalized account on Instagram. The page received a mark of official verification, and 630 thousand subscribers follow the new photos of the ballerina. Anastasia Volochkova does not hesitate to upload photos at home, without fashionable hairstyles and makeup, record videos from workouts and show fans her natural self. But Anastasia also pleases fans with staged photos and reports from social events, where she appears in full splendor.

In addition, the ballerina maintains an official website, where the biography of Anastasia Volochkova is published, the latest news and photos, as well as links to the ballerina's accounts are provided.

Anastasia Volochkova now

In 2016, Anastasia Volochkova again announced that she wants to directly participate in politics. The ballerina considered her own participation as a candidate for deputy from the Fair Russia party in the elections to the State Duma.

In 2017, the prima ballerina revised her own views on the Crimean issue. Prior to that, Anastasia Volochkova had repeatedly stated that she considered Crimea to be Ukrainian territory and had a sharply negative attitude towards political opponents on this issue. But after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Anastasia Volochkova did not refuse to give concerts at the venues of the new Russian region. And in the summer of 2017, the ballerina told reporters that "Crimea is ours", and subsequently independently sent her own personal information to the Ukrainian site "Peacemaker".

In September 2017, Volochkova's name sounded scandalous again. The TV presenter returned from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand and said on the air of the Secret in a Million TV program that one ballerina and socialite, as the viewers understood - meaning Anastasia Volochkova, also suffers from drug addiction and alcoholism and needs help, which Dana is ready to provide. In response, Volochkova accused the TV presenter of slander and an attempt to promote herself.

In November 2017, Anastasia Volochkova again fell into the epicenter of a scandal. The ballerina's account was hacked and, according to rumors, the burglars demanded 20 thousand rubles from Anastasia for nondisclosure of information from the hacked account. Volochkova refused, and photographs of a naked ballerina and intimate correspondence were made publicly available.

They also got on the Web, where Anastasia Volochkova is clearly recognizable. The video was stolen from the account of the ex-boyfriend of the businessman's ballerina on the social network “

Anastasia Volochkova is a famous ballerina, actress, singer, philanthropist and creative figure.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Volochkova was born into an ordinary family in January 1976 in the Northern capital of the Russian Federation. Her father was a popular athlete, champion of the Union and Europe in the field of table tennis, later the man began to engage in coaching. As for the mother, she worked as engineers. The parents of the future celebrity did not manage to save the marriage; they broke up when little Nastya was still a child.

At the age of five, her mother took Volochkova to the famous ballet called The Nutcracker, which was shown at the Mariinsky Theater. Since then, the girl fell in love with dancing. At such an unconscious age, she began to clearly say that she dreamed of becoming a successful ballerina.

Parents tried to support their daughter in everything. After the usual school, Volochkova went to classes at the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova. They did not want to take the girl, allegedly due to lack of data. She was given a probationary period of six months. However, thanks to perseverance and hard work, the blonde with an unusual appearance proved the opposite.

At the academy, Volochkova was noticed after a while by a well-known teacher. It was she who helped the talented ballerina move forward.

Career start

At the graduation party, Anastasia Volochkova splendidly and without a single mistake showed the solo part in the legendary production of Swan Lake. The performance took place in 1994. By the way, the dancer graduated from the educational institution with the highest marks. After that, she was officially accepted into the troupe of a cultural institution, in which she worked for several years.

For four years, Volochkova got a variety of parties, including the leading ones. As the ballerina herself later said, her career at the Mariinsky was not easy for her. The young dancer had to find out what meanness and intrigue in the theatrical sphere is. The labor conflict reached such proportions that Volochokova was eventually decided by the parties and was completely left without any work.

In 1998, the ballerina, at the suggestion of Vladimir Vasiliev, moved to Moscow. There she showed herself in the popular and important production of Swan Lake, which was staged at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. The creative group liked the dancer's work very much, so she stayed there to continue working.

Unofficial information indicates that the native of St. Petersburg ended up in the Bolshoi Theater thanks to the connections of businessman Anzori Aksentyev. Allegedly, he was the patron saint of Volochkova. The dancer herself never confirmed the fact of meeting and communicating with the entrepreneur.

In 2000, Volochkova went to work in Austria, where she was awarded the honorary prize "Golden Lion". She was named one of the most talented and sought-after ballerinas in Europe. Here the blonde also had her patron. It's about millionaire Anthony Kerman. For Volochkova's sake, he even left his family, but the romance did not last long.

In 2003, the ballerina was embroiled in a scandal. The thing is that the leadership of the Bolshoi Theater did not sign an employment contract with her. Allegedly, the dancer's demands went against the whole troupe. In addition, it was announced that Volochkova was incompetent. Allegedly, her weight for a height of 171 cm was about 55 kilograms, and her shoulders are very wide.

Volochkova tried to file an application with the courts and challenge the above decision, but she did not win a single lawsuit. After that, she decided to pursue the development of an individual career. In 2004, the dancer found herself a job with the Grigorovich ballet in the Kuban.

Further career

Volochkova in 2004 tried herself in the cinema. She performed one of the roles in the small Russian film "A Place in the Sun". A year later, the blonde was waiting for another project "Black Prince".

In 2009, Volochkova decided to write an autobiography in which she told how she had achieved success. Two years later, she opened her own creative center.

Along with her professional activities, Volchokova decided to be active in social networks. Every now and then she published candid photos, not embarrassed by her body. The ballerina herself is very proud of herself. To look like her, she says, requires daily work.

In 2013, Volochkova received a flurry of criticism after her intimate photographs with singer Nikolai Baskov appeared on the Internet. Allegedly, the couple enjoyed sunny days together in one of the best hotels in the Maldives. It was there that Volochkova often used to spend her holidays. Also, the blonde often visits Greece and Turkey.

Personal life

Any novel by Anastasia Volochkova is a subject of discussion in the press and social networks. Her greatest love was a rich man named Suleiman Kerimov. The businessman literally presented the dancer with gifts, bought real estate, expensive jewelry, flew with her on vacation. Volochkova even received an offer to become his another wife, because this is permitted by faith. However, here the ballerina wanted to be the only one. The couple finally broke up in 2003.

In 2005, Anastasia Volochkova became a mother for the first time. Her daughter Ariandna was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. The girl's father was businessman Alexander Vdovin. In 2007, a gorgeous wedding of a businessman and a ballerina took place. However, a year later it turned out that it was just a magnificent event, and in fact, the couple did not document their relationship.

In 2013, Volochkova began meeting with a businessman in the field of oil production, Bakhtiyar Salimov. The couple met in Vladivostok when the ballerina was on tour. The novel lasted only one year.

At the beginning of 2018, the media announced the name of the ballerina's new lover. It was an ordinary programmer Mikhail Loginov. Volochkova insisted that she didn’t care what social status a man had, the main thing was his attitude towards her. However, the relationship did not work out here either; by the summer of 2018, the couple were no longer together.

Some call her a prima ballerina, others believe that she got all the bonuses only because of her beautiful appearance. We can only say for sure that she is one of the most discussed figures in modern show business.

Anastasia Volochkova - biography

Our heroine was born in January 1976. The family lived in the Northern capital. Father Yuri Fedorovich was a professional table tennis player, in 1983 he became the champion of the country. Mom Tamara Vladimirovna - an engineer, concurrently and for the soul led excursions around St. Petersburg.

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Anastasia's mother loved art and from early childhood took the girl to exhibitions and performances. And at the age of 5, for the first time, I took my daughter to the Nutcracker ballet at the Mariinsky Theater.

The performance made an indelible impression on the little girl, and she told everyone: "I will become a famous ballerina!" Years passed, and Nastya continued to dream of pointe shoes and a ballet tutu. And then, in 1986, her parents took her to the entrance exams at the Vaganov Academy (a world-famous ballet school). The physical characteristics of the girl did not satisfy the commission, but the teachers appreciated her ardent desire to learn and took her on probation.

Anastasia Volochkova showed a downright iron will and a sense of purpose, striking for a child: after taking ballet in class, she honed her skills at home with a tutor for several hours every day. As a result, N. Dudinskaya, a high-class teacher, drew attention to her and took her under her wing.

Volochkova graduated from the Vaganov Academy in 1994 with excellent marks.

Anastasia danced her final exam on the stage of the very Mariinsky Theater, which once engendered a dream in her, here she came to work after her studies. Has been dancing at the Mariinsky Theater for 4 years. She is trusted by the main roles, the entire classical repertoire: La Bayadère, The Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote, her beloved Nutcracker.

Toothy New York critics called the soloist a ballerina of great potential.

In contact with

Anastasia Volochkova

At the invitation of the director, Vladimir Vasiliev, he began dancing in 1998 on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. In parallel, he tours the world and gives recitals. Recognition of her talent at the international level was the Golden Lion award at the competition in the city of Saint-Pölten (Austria). Anastasia Volochkova is also called the best ballerina in Europe. After that, she was invited to participate in the production of "The Sleeping Beauty" by the National English Ballet. In 2001 she dances Carmen with the blessing of Maya Plisetskaya herself.

The title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation was awarded to her in 2001. She becomes the face of the Chopard Jewelry House. It was the ballerina's finest hour. She was a bright figure, a lot of attention was paid to her, people bought up all tickets for performances, if the name of Anastasia Volochkova was on the poster. At the very crest of this glory, an unexpected and unexpected event happens: Nastya was fired from the Bolshoi Theater in 2003. It was a huge scandal that was covered by all the media for many months. The official reason for the dismissal is the fact that the ballerina's physical form does not meet the established standards. Simply put, the administration of the Bolshoi considered that her height and weight were too large for a ballerina - 182 cm and 55 kg, respectively. However, behind the scenes, they said that the reason for the disfavor was the breakdown of the girl's relationship with a certain influential businessman (rumored to be Suleiman Kerimov), who thus avenged his ex.

Volochkova filed a lawsuit against the theater. Afterwards, she bitterly recalled all the humiliations she had to go through, how she was weighed in public, her height and body parameters were measured. Unexpectedly, the ballerina was supported by Western journalists. They refuted the data on her height (182 cm), subtly noting that she had not been able to grow 11 cm since the day of her last performance in the United States, when her height was 171 cm. The Bolshoi management forced the male dancers to write a refusal to work with Anastasia Volochkova. This letter was not signed only by Nikolai Tsiskaridze. As a result, the ballerina won the court, but left the troupe, not forgiving the offense.

But life did not end at the break with the Bolshoi Theater. The girl became the leading ballerina on the stage of the Krasnodar Ballet Theater. She tries on the role of a dramatic actress, starring in the films "The Black Prince" and "A Place in the Sun". Both viewers and critics praised her acting work. She tours, performing on the most prestigious world stages - London, Paris, New York. And in 2009 she demonstrated her ballet steps in the Kremlin. In addition to dancing, Volochkova plunges headlong into show business and secular glamor. She is a frequent and welcome guest on popular TV shows, her photographs adorn the covers of glossy magazines, Alla Pugacheva invites Nastya to speak at New Year's Eve.

The ballerina is happy to stir up interest in her person, periodically posting candid photos on the pages on social networks, arranging loud quarrels with Ksenia Sobchak on the air.

Volochkova publishes her autobiography, which immediately becomes very popular. In 2010, after defending a dissertation on the topic of creative education of young people in the Russian Federation, he receives an academic degree in economics. He opens his own dance school, is engaged in charity work.

Anastasia Volochkova - personal life

Spiteful critics have always spoke unflatteringly about her frequent affairs. It is impossible to say what was and what was not. But she is credited with more than a dozen novels with the richest and most influential people. This list includes Nikolai Zubovsky (first boyfriend, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater), Oleg Vinogradov (chief choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater), Anthony Kerman (British billionaire), Anzori Aksentyev (famous sports patron), Vyacheslav Leibman (engaged in “black gold”), Mikhailo Zhivilo ( metallurgical oligarch), Sergei Polonsky (construction "prince"), Suleiman Kerimov (billionaire). Anastasia Yuryevna was not married to any of them.

It seemed that her personal life settled down after meeting with the millionaire Igor Vdovin, with whom they played a grand wedding. In 2005, their daughter Ariadne was born - a lovely girl with green eyes like her mother. But in 2008, the couple broke up, although a close friendship remains between them.

Adversity and difficulties did not break the iron character of the ballerina. Anastasia Volochkova is full of optimism and looks to the future with confidence.