What gift can be made from coins. Do-it-yourself painting from coins: creating an exclusive panel with a money tree

What gift can be made from coins.  Do-it-yourself painting from coins: creating an exclusive panel with a money tree
What gift can be made from coins. Do-it-yourself painting from coins: creating an exclusive panel with a money tree

Today you can buy almost anything you want. However, now handmade things are considered more valuable. And not just because it is exclusive, and no one will have anything like it, but also because a person will definitely put a piece of his soul and positive into such a home-made product. And this is a very valuable gift! It is worth noting that after reading this article, each person will be able to conduct a master class “Crafts from coins” among relatives, friends and acquaintances, because there is a lot of information, and it is very interesting.


So, if a person has a lot of coins that can no longer be paid in the store, you can use them with benefit. Why not create crafts from coins with your own hands? What could it be? First of all, decorations. You can make a chic neck necklace, which was worn in the old days by our ancestors. It's called monisto. How to make such a product? To do this, you need to take a cord or chain, as well as a lot of coins. It is worth noting that the necklace can be either in one row or in several. In order to fasten the coins to each other, you will need to drill small holes in them and thread thin wires. If the necklace is in several rows, it is necessary to fasten the pennies at the bottom and top, if desired, you can also on the sides. You can also attach coins to a chain using a wire that will be threaded through a hole in the chain and into a hole in the coin. If the pennies are attached to the cord, then it can simply be threaded through the holes. It is possible to attach a special hook for closing to such a necklace, but it can also simply be tied at the back of the neck with a bow.


What else can be crafts from coins? Why shouldn't a man make a ring for his beloved? In her collection of jewelry, it will definitely be the most valuable, because it will be created by hand. So let's get started. First of all, it is necessary to drill a hole in the coin exactly in the center. How to achieve this? To securely fix the money, you can make a hole in the plank into which the penny will fall. Next, with a small diameter drill (about 10-13 mm), you need to make a hole in the coin exactly in the center. To prevent the tool from jumping off, the center can be marked with a core. After these manipulations, you should get something similar to a puck. If so, then everything is in order, and you can move on. Next, this blank must be put on a metal rod and treated with a hammer evenly over the entire surface (as if pressing it against the rod). An important point: in order for the inscriptions that were on the coin to be preserved, all manipulations must be carried out with a rubber mallet. It is also better to warm up the money a little beforehand, so it will be more pliable, and the process will not take much time. However, here it must be said that the first time such crafts from coins may not work out, for an excellent result it will be necessary to spoil a few kopecks. So, this is the rough result of the decoration. Now you need to bring the product to a beautiful state. To do this, you just need to polish the ring well. This can be done with a special paste and a soft cloth. It is worth noting that these manipulations can take quite a lot of time, so it is better to be patient. Another secret: you need to heat it up again and lower it into cold water, so the scale will come off, and the polishing will be more successful and faster. That's it, the ring is ready!


If the previous options were quite difficult to perform, then there are also easier crafts from coins, which you can create with your own hands quite quickly. Why not make an interesting photo frame? To do this, you need to take a cardboard of good density (preferably colored) and a photograph, as well as stock up on various coins. The photo is placed in the very center of the cardboard, now it remains to decorate the frame with pennies. To do this, they just need to be "planted" on superglue. It is worth noting that you can decorate the frame in different ways. It will seem sufficient to someone to stick a few coins on the corners of the cardboard and stop there. And someone will want to thickly paste over the paper with coins, leaving no room for clearance. It will turn out such a money photo frame.


Can also be made from coins. The craft, by the way, is not only beautiful in its result, but can also carry a special meaning, be a kind of magic magnet for money. To make it, you need to stock up on a trifle (you can have both the same and different merits), and, of course, prepare a tree. What can it be? It can be an ordinary snag from the forest (it can be processed with cloth or paper), to which wire branches will be attached. Here they hang coins, pre-drilled in the very center. A tree can be woven from beads, more precisely, braid the base with beads, make small twigs. But it will be possible to hang some coins on them, because they simply cannot hold on. And you can go the simple way, decorating an ordinary flowerpot with coins suspended on strings or wire.


What else can be crafts from coins? You can make an interesting figurine - a money waterfall. To do this, you will need a beautiful cup, an old fork, saucer and coins. And, of course, superglue. First you need to bend the fork so that it can hold the cup on itself, and at the same time it lies well and sticks to the saucer. The base is ready. Now everything needs to be decorated with coins. It is necessary to glue the product from the bottom up, first decorating the saucer, as it were, with scattered trifles, then, climbing the fork, paste the coins and attach a little trifle to the cup. That's it, the money waterfall is ready!


Let's move on: what other crafts from penny coins exist? Why not make a box out of old stuff? To do this, you can paste over an old wooden product with coins, but this will be too simple. Or you can make a box completely out of pennies by gluing them one to the other. You need to start with the legs, then make the bottom, laying the coins one on top of the other in the way that the scales of the fish are, then build the walls again (you can just create turrets, only in this case the box will shine through). To make a lid, you still need a wooden base - the top from an old box, which is simply pasted over with coins.


Crafts from coins can be quite simple. Why not make a simple pendant. A product made from an old coin will look especially beautiful. To do this, you just need to drill a hole of the required diameter in the money and thread a chain or thread into it. And to make the decoration look more beautiful, you can attach a coin to the base with a thin wire. So the penny will not spin and will always lie beautifully on the neck.

Is your piggy bank about to burst from coins? And there is nowhere to put it, and it's a pity to throw it away? Well, it's time to put your coins to work and make beautiful crafts out of them. We have compiled a selection of great ideas and step-by-step master classes for you. Today you will understand that it was not in vain that you saved up coins all this time.

For crafts, you can use both actual coins and those that have long been out of use. Most often, masters use 1, 5 or 10 kopecks. For jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, brooches, etc.) it is better to choose foreign coins, if you have them - they look more solid in accessories.

How to drill a hole in a coin?

We will answer this question at the very beginning, because it will come in handy for many crafts. To make things clear, we have found two short tutorial videos for you.

If you have a drill, make a hole in the coin according to this instruction.

If you do not have a drill, we will make a hole in the coin using a regular sewing needle.

You won't always need holes, but some of you will.

How to connect coins?

There are two options here. If you made holes in the coins, you will need wire or special rings for jewelry. All this can be easily found in the departments for creativity.

If you want to make a voluminous craft out of coins or paste over an object with them, you need to glue them. For this, it is best to use a glue gun. It is convenient and reliable. If you don't have one, choose a superglue that can fix metals.

Now let's get to the fun part. Use the tutorials and get to work!

A bowl

Wash coins in soapy water. It is best to keep them in liquid for several hours. The coins are quite dirty and this craft will be used a lot. Next, dry the coins well.

We will need:

  • plastic bowl;
  • polyethylene;
  • glue;
  • coins.

Instead of a plate, you can take a balloon. True, in this case, the craft may come out a little oblique and not quite stable. The plate will most likely have to be thrown away, so take the one you don't need. However, if you are very careful, it will survive.

Wrap the plate in plastic wrap. For reliability, you can fix it with tape. Start sticking coins. An important point is to glue them on the side faces. Don't worry if the glue bleeds a little; later we will polish it.

Leave the structure to dry for 4-5 hours. Then carefully free it from the bowl and polyethylene. Take a fine sandpaper and carefully remove the excess glue. Cover the top of the coins with ornamental varnish - for reliability.

volumetric star

You can post any other figure. The main thing is to have a stencil or draw the outline yourself. If you are making a star, you can lay out the number 23 with coins and use the panel as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. In exactly the same way, you can make a gift for Valentine's Day - just select a heart as a stencil.

We will need:

  • Photo frame;
  • velvet paper;
  • stencil.

Insert velvet paper into the photo frame. Remove the glass - we won't need it. Draw a star. Lay out its outline in one layer. Then add another layer of coins. Gradually reduce their number, increase the volume.

In the same way, you can lay out a flower or, for example, a Christmas tree. Fantasize!

Mirror or frame

With the help of coins, you can decorate a mirror or make a frame for photos. This will add zest to the interior.

We will need:

  • wooden or cardboard frame;
  • ornamental varnish;
  • sandpaper;
  • acrylic (optional)

If you're making a frame from scratch, you'll need to make a solid underlay. To do this, use plywood. If you are decorating a finished one, then perhaps it should be sanded and painted so that the gaps between the coins look beautiful.

Just lay the entire surface of the frame in an even layer or pattern. You can add a second layer to hide any gaps that occurred when you stacked the first "portion" of coins.

If desired, you can decorate the coins with aerosol metallic paint.


Worried about the birds? So your coins can be used to decorate bird feeders. It will turn out a beautiful and useful craft.

We will need:

  • finished house;
  • plywood.

If you do not have a finished house, you will have to make it from scratch. You can take a cardboard box and upholster it with plywood. The most important thing is that the roof is strong enough, otherwise it will not support the load of coins. Glue the coins in rows from bottom to top. The last row is better to lay additionally.

We would not advise you to cover the roof with ornamental varnish, as this can harm the birds. Do this only if you have a special non-toxic varnish.


If you have interesting coins from different countries that you brought for good luck, it's time to get them. Why keep such beauty in a piggy bank where no one sees it? Yes, and carrying them in your wallet is somehow boring. If you really want to attract good luck and money, always keep coins with you - make a bracelet with your own hands.

We will need:

  • metal rings;
  • bracelet accessories.

Drill two holes on each side of the coin. If the rings are thin, do it with a needle. Fasten the rings, connect them to each other. Add a clamp.

Now your lucky coins will always be with you!


Coins are a great way to transform old interior items. Take a look at the master class on decorating a vase. Perhaps he will inspire you to remake something else.

We will need:

  • vase;
  • acrylic paints;
  • ornamental varnish.

It is best to paint a vase in one tone. Acrylic fits perfectly on glass, so it is better to choose it. Next, paste over the entire surface of the product with coins. The gaps won't look ugly if you've pre-painted the craft.

An inexpensive set of acrylic paints can be ordered on AliExpress (look at this link). Bright colors, excellent quality, high durability - a versatile option for a variety of crafts.

Many people like to give money trees from coins to friends. Why not give a vase in which you can put beautiful twigs or flowers? The same money tree, only more interesting.


Usually decor in the form of large letters is very popular with teenagers. So if you have a child of school age, offer him such an idea. Or decorate your entryway. And letters from coins can be a good gift.

We will need:

  • letter stencils;
  • cardboard or plywood;
  • paints.

If you want to make letters on cardboard, choose the thickest one (the one usually used for boxes). Letters can also be cut out of plywood, if you have such an opportunity.

Letter stencils can be taken from our selection - this way you will save your time. Next, just paint the letters cut out according to the template to hide the gaps between the coins. Fix the coins in one layer. If the material allows, you can lay out the second and third layers.

You can use this tutorial to make your own anniversary gift. Lay out the numbers from the coins, give the hero of the occasion such a “medal” - let it attract wealth.


Not sure how to decorate a homemade tray? Or do you need to hide a worn surface? Coins will come to the rescue again.

We will need:

  • finished tray;
  • coins;
  • glass;
  • dye.

If you are making a tray from scratch, you will need to sand and paint it. If this is a rework of a finished item, this step can be skipped. Glue the coins to the bottom in random order. Or post a pattern.

Then the surface must be covered with glass that matches the size of the craft. If you do not have glass, varnish the craft in several layers. Do not leave coins just like that - contact with food will be too close, and this should not be allowed.


Here is another great way to keep coins for good luck and wealth with you. A little effort - and you will make a beautiful fashionable necklace. Massive accessories are now in trend, so it makes sense to master this craft.

We will need:

  • accessories for a necklace;
  • hammer;
  • rings.

Using a hammer, all the coins need to be flattened a little. This will help remove the pattern from them, polish and refine. Still, it’s not very nice to wear ten-kopeck coins around your neck, right?

Now make small holes in each coin. Insert metal rings and attach them to the fittings.

If you work well with a hammer, no one will even guess that you made your jewelry from ordinary coins.


Ceilings, floors and a variety of furniture are laid out with coins. If you have a few thousand extra coins, you can do this. If your supplies are more modest, make a decorative table for the country.

We will need:

  • table;
  • glass;
  • coins.

We glue the coins on superglue or a glue gun. To make the process go faster, you can apply it not on coins, but on the very surface of the table. Move in small sections so that it does not have time to dry out.

It is best to choose a table that can be covered with glass. If you do not plan to put food on it, this is not at all necessary. You can also use varnish or cover the coins with spray paint - that is, use them only to create a beautiful relief.

If you liked these coin crafts, try to repeat any of them - it's not difficult. Bookmark this page or save the pictures for reference so you don't get confused. You can also create your own creations inspired by these ideas and following the included instructions. We wish you good luck in your work!

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Coins are a good material for making various DIY crafts. Strength and absolutely correct shape provide this material with wide popularity among real homemade ones. In addition, coins can have different sizes and shapes, which also gives room for imagination.

1) Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase "Crafts from coins" is coin tree. Making it with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to be sure that you will succeed. As the saying goes: "The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." First you need to choose the most brilliant coins from your wallet. Then you should drill small holes in the center of the round timber so that you can pass the wire through them. The fruits of the money tree are ready. Now you need to weave the trunk and branches from ordinary (it is better to take copper) wire. The trunk is thicker, the branches are thinner - everything is simple. Now you should hang fruits in the form of coins on impromptu branches. Such a tree is said to bring good luck and profit to the house.

2) To do box of coins You will need a lot of little things that will serve as a frame and decorating element at the same time. There are two ways to make such a homemade DIY. The first - as a frame, you can take a ready-made box, which you can simply paste over with coins. But we will go the other way - we will completely complete the craft from coins. It is necessary to lay out the coins in turrets, gluing them together. Thus, you will lay out the walls of the box. To lay out the bottom, glue one coin to another in the form of scales. I forgot to say that ordinary super glue can be used to attach coins to each other.

We glue the bottom to the walls and the frame is ready. Now it remains only to make a cover for our box. Here, after all, a base will be needed - you can take an unnecessary lid from any box that is suitable in size and simply paste over it with coins. The craft is almost ready, now it needs to be lightly covered with gold paint and varnish. Brilliant work!

3) Frame of coins much easier to make than a shiny box. From durable cardboard, you need to cut a rectangle with wide walls. Only now the dimensions of these walls (in thickness) should not be much larger than the dimensions of the coins, so that the frame does not turn out to be too heavy. Glue one coin to another like scales. The photo should be placed behind the frame. But if you want the photo to be changeable, you will have to make a simple mechanism. For example, you can glue guide strips from the same cardboard.

4) And to make such a homemade product - coin ring you have to be a true master of your craft. This is a real work of art (by the way, a lot of worth). I can’t tell you HOW this can be done with my own hands, because I’m unlikely to even get something similar. But there is always something to strive for.))

What can be gained by spending a mountain of coins that you quietly accumulated at your home? But what if you don’t waste them, but find a more worthy use for shiny circles? Coins have been used in design for a long time.

This is a very comfortable, practical material that is suitable for both making mosaics, bracelets and coasters, as well as for simple decoration of pots for home plants.

Once you get to know these ideas, you will no longer pass by dropped coins! A little bit of imagination, diligence, and that's what you get. It is very nice!

What to do with coins

  1. With the help of a stamp for minting coins, you can make such a pretty pendant. Coins brought from another country will look especially good.
  2. A picture lined with coins. Some paints, an original frame, a canvas - what else is needed for a work of contemporary art? You can make such a gift for a friend and assure him that his material well-being is guaranteed. A good idea!

  3. A variant of a necklace made of coins with complex weaving. It will look great with an African-style dress!
  4. Coins can be flattened, the pattern can be erased. From such flat coins, the decoration will come out unusual ...

  5. Coin buttons are an addition to free-style clothing.

  6. You can keep the charm of round shapes and get rid of too intrusive shine. It is enough just to paint the coins with paint.

  7. Frame for a mirror or photos. You don't need too many coins.

  8. I definitely wouldn't say no to this!

  9. Covering a ring with coins and using it as a fixative for napkins and holiday letters is an unexpected idea.

  10. A tray lined with coins! Will fit into any interior.

  11. A bar counter or countertop in coins will become an expressive detail of the room.

  12. Just a coffee table. It's nice to sit behind such a cozy evening ...

  13. Ordinary vases can be turned into eye-catching, interesting things. Paste them with coins - as easy as shelling pears, but the effect!
  14. Coins are able to ennoble almost any object. Even the horse's head is made of wood.
  15. Money and letters. Coin lettering is a fun way to set a themed mood in a room.
  16. Artistic house with coins for roof decoration! Better than a cookie house. It can be used not only as a bird feeder, but also as a mailbox.
  17. A whole wall of coins!

  18. Sometimes coins seem especially appropriate...
  19. Do