Which coffee is best for a coffee machine. Coffee beans: rating of the best

Which coffee is best for a coffee machine.  Coffee beans: rating of the best
Which coffee is best for a coffee machine. Coffee beans: rating of the best

Connoisseurs of coffee prefer only a natural drink, it is much healthier and more aromatic than instant coffee. There are two groups: ground and beans. The first type is valued cheaper, since it is not always made from high-quality raw materials. The bean variety, the country and area in which they are grown, the degree of roast and other factors affect the taste of coffee beans. To choose a product that will suit your personal preferences, you need to know the taste of different types. The compiled rating of coffee beans will give buyers an opportunity to navigate in the choice of quality goods.

Most of the companies that offer coffee beans are roasters and packers. Producers from those countries where the product is grown are especially appreciated.

  1. Most coffee trees are grown in Brazil. Some consider its taste too simple, others love it for the presence of notes of cocoa, the absence of bitterness and impurities. Arabica and Robusta are grown in Brazil. Very often, Brazilians add cinnamon or cloves when roasting. This is done in order to fight off a specific smell (they have varieties, grown on iodine soils) and to deepen the taste.
  2. Guatemala specializes in the sale of green coffee, which is grown without the use of chemicals. The taste depends on the region where it is grown. Almost all coffee grown in this area has a subtle note of smoke and characteristic shades of various spices. The most common Arabica variety is typica.
  3. Ethiopia is the country where coffee first appeared. This is where the wild-growing arabica is mainly harvested. About 40% of the harvest comes from man-made plantations. Coffee beans are dry cleaned. The drink tastes sour and has a berry aftertaste. The best coffee beans are wet processed.
  4. Coffee production in Kenya is strictly controlled by the state. The tastiest drink comes from grains grown on the slopes of Meru and Kilimanjaro. It has a slightly sour fruity flavor.
  5. Colombian coffees are highly regarded throughout the world. Almost all plantations are located in high mountainous regions, which favorably affects the quality of the goods. For beans that are grown in the country, the name "Colombian coffee" is used, such a trademark was registered in 2007. Due to the unique climate, special traditions of growing, harvesting and processing of beans, the drink has an expressive aroma. Only Arabica is grown in Colombia.

Many well-known brands of coffee beans are grown in the Caribbean, in Yemen (the drink has fruity notes), in India (the coffee tastes soft but tart) in Cuba. Which one is better is difficult to answer, since connoisseurs choose according to personal taste preferences.

Varieties of coffee beans

There are two main types of coffee beans that are intended for the preparation of drinks: arabica and robusta. Sometimes they are mixed and guarana added. Robusta has a bitter taste, while it has a faint aroma. Compared to Arabica beans, beans contain twice as much caffeine and amino acids. Due to chlorogenic acids, robusta tastes more astringent. It is used most often in mixtures to make the drink stronger. Robusta is often used to make instant coffee.

As for Arabica, the drink from it has a deeper aroma and comes with a nutty, chocolate, fruity and other aftertaste. The taste largely depends on the fertility of the soil and the climate. Arabica, unlike robusta, contains more aromatic oils and less caffeine. Growing grains is more difficult, since this type of coffee tree is susceptible to pests and various diseases. 70% of the world's coffee production is arabica.
The grains are also visually different. In robusta, they are small and rounded, have a greenish or light brown tint. The Arabica coffee bean is larger, it is oblong, smooth and dense. There is a curved line in the center.

There is another type of coffee tree - Liberica. Its berries are large - about 3 cm long and 1.5 wide. The quality of the beans is not good enough to enjoy the drink. Liberica is intended only to be added to various blends.
It is impossible to answer unequivocally which coffee beans are the most delicious. It all depends on personal preference. Some people will like the tart drink from India, while others will like Brazilian coffee with hints of cocoa.

Roast type of coffee beans

The taste of the finished drink is influenced by a certain roast of the beans. Raw beans are light green in color. When heat treated, they turn brown. The chemical structure changes under the influence of temperature. During heat treatment, grains open and moisture evaporates from them.

There are several stages of roasting coffee beans:

  1. 1. Light roast... A drink made from these beans will be invigorating, as this processing retains the most caffeine. There are these degrees of light roast:
  • - the first (Scandinavian) - the grains are fried at low temperatures for a short time, the drink turns out to be pale brown with a subtle coffee taste;
  • - the second (New England or American) - roasting lasts until the first cracking of the beans, eventually they turn light brown, and the drink is not particularly expressive in taste;
  • - the third (city) - processing lasts longer than the first crack, but does not reach the second, coffee-herbal notes are felt in the drink.
  1. 2. Universal (medium) roast... Suitable for any coffee recipe. In this way, grains grown in Brazil, Ethiopia and Colombia are roasted. Universal Roast Levels:
  • - the first (city full) - the grains are fried before the second cracking, the drink has a beautiful color, the taste has sourness and a nutty aftertaste;
  • - the second (French light, corduroy, Viennese, velvet) - the grains become glossy, dark brown in color, the aroma of roasted coffee is felt in the drink, there is a bitterness and a caramel aftertaste.
  1. 3. Strong roast... The beans are chocolate-colored. In this way, Cuban, Brazilian and Guatemalan Arabica varieties are fried. The following degrees of deep roast are distinguished:
  • - the first (French, Turkish) - roasting lasts until the second cracking of the grain and stops as soon as the smell of burnt coffee is felt, the drink is viscous and strong, has a bitter taste and caramel notes;
  • - the second (continental, New Orleans, European) - the grain darkens, cracks and smokes, the drink turns out to be thick with bitter-smoky notes.
  1. 4. Dark roast... With this heat treatment, moisture from the grains evaporates to the maximum. They become fragile and thin. The coffee is very strong. Beans processed in this way are most often used to create coffee blends.
  1. 5. Italian roast... A jet of cold air quickly cools heavily roasted beans. The beans are aired for three days, then packed. Beans that are processed in this way are added to the espresso mix.

The most popular and tastiest coffee in medium roast beans. It is widely used to prepare popular drinks in many countries.

Grain coffee rating

Each gourmet has his own rating of coffee beans. There are many manufacturers on the market and inexperienced buyers find it difficult to decide on the choice of a quality product. The ranking of the best manufacturers in different countries may differ.

According to reviews and sales information, the following brands are the most popular:

  1. Lavazza. It is an Italian brand that is popular in 80 countries. The brand has a hundred-year history and during this time has received universal recognition. Such coffee beans are good and of high quality, since the company controls all stages of production, from the collection of the beans to the packaging of the goods. Under this trademark, both monosort and original blends are produced. The coffee is distinguished by its refined taste, light aroma and moderate strength.
  2. Paulig. Bean coffee of this brand is based on high quality Arabian coffee from Central and South America. Applies 3 and 4 degrees of roast. Paulig has coffee beans (Italian dark roast) exclusively for the preparation of espresso. Rich aroma and taste are the hallmarks of this brand of coffee.
  3. Carte Noire. Good grain coffee is produced under this brand, which consists of Arabica (Central and South America, Africa). The drink invigorates perfectly, does not taste bitter. The beans are medium roasted. Carte Noire coffee goes well with milk.
  4. Jardin. There are several types, including both monos and blends. About eight varieties of beans are used, with varying degrees of roast. Depending on the species, fruity, vanilla, spicy and other notes are felt.
  5. Ambassador. It is a German brand that uses medium roasted Colombian Arabica. Light sourness and fruity notes are felt, there is no bitter aftertaste.
  6. Kimbo. This is an Italian coffee that combines Arabica and Robusta beans. Drinks are distinguished by the absence of sourness and bitterness. The coffee is characterized by a rich aroma and deep taste.
  7. Gaggia. An Italian brand that uses coffees from India, South and Central America. The drink turns out to be very tasty, as it is prepared from selected Arabica in combination with Robusta.

It's hard to say which is the best coffee beans. The choice of a particular brand depends on personal taste preferences.

Quick table of contents:

After buying a coffee machine, as a rule, the question immediately arises, which coffee to use? Many in the reviews are asked to recommend specific brands and varieties. But this is a thankless task - everyone has different tastes and you can only guess by chance. But I will give some "vectors" for the selection of beans for the coffee machine.

This week's variety at Tasty Coffee Online Freshly Roasted Coffee - Honduras San Marcos (100% Washed Arabica from Honduras). ...

Arabica or robusta, what's the difference?

The fundamental characteristic is the ratio of Arabica and Robusta. These are different types of coffee beans.

Almost all flavoring shades are given by Arabica. Robusta - for richness, bitterness, strength.

Arabica, on the other hand, can have many shades and facets, differences in the country of origin, and as a result - in the climate in which coffee trees grow. By the way, who did not know, coffee is a berry. The higher the variety grows, the denser the grains, the richer the taste, the more sour notes. Sourness, by the way, gives a variety of taste, although in Russia, as a rule, they do not like it.

100% Arabica means that there is relatively little caffeine in the mixture, and the flavor variability is large. To highlight some specific shades (citrus, cocoa, floral notes), you need to switch to monosort. What it is?

A single variety is grains harvested in one country, on a specific territory, or plantation. And therefore, in one more or less uniform climate with characteristic flavor incarnations. Single varieties with the rarest exception - only arabica, in a pack there should be grains of the same harvest.

For example, grains from Kenya, Ethiopia and Mexico have the greatest acidity. Jamaica has a soft berry acidity with a peppery tint. Brazil - roasted nuts and cocoa. Guatemala and Uganda - bitter chocolate. The least acidic is Arabica from Cuba, the Dominican Republic and a separate variety from India "Monsoon Malabar". In the latter, the acidity is literally "eroded" by the strong monsoon winds that coffee is exposed to.

Personally, in the case of automatic coffee machines, I am more impressed by mixtures in the ratio 90/10 - 70/30.

There are also nuances in the processing method, growth height, grain size, but this, as a rule, is no longer relevant for buyers and goes beyond the scope of this material.

If you want to buy a few different coffee blends right after buying a coffee machine in order to decide on “your” grain, then a good option from the inexpensive ones is to take several packs of different blends from Lavazza. Lavazza Crema e Gusto- in terms of its composition, 30% Arabica and 70% Robusta, a classic Italian espresso, with a strong bitterness, but for Russian taste it can be bitter out of habit. Crema e Aroma is a little "weaker" - 80/20. Caffe espresso and Qualita oro Are different blends of pure Arabica. That is, with a great sourness.

The recipe for "Italian espresso": strong, invigorating, thermonuclear charge

By the way, if you do not like bitterness (read - robusta), perhaps you just have not tried good mixtures with it. Then, for an experiment, I can recommend buying from Saeco (well, not from themselves, of course, this is repackaged coffee under the Saekov brand from a small Italian factory). This is one of the striking examples of "factory" coffee, which gives an espresso on a home automatic coffee machine, similar to the one that is loved and prepared in Italy itself on professional horns. They respect mixtures with robusta and know a lot about them (and know how to cook them). The shop was closed; Saeco no longer supplies this coffee to us.

Then another option is to try a good blend with robusta. It is not so easy to find a ready-made composition, so that they would not be spared on Robusta (well, that is, not the most shameful one), and Arabica without a pronounced sourness of above-medium roast is not so easy. Therefore, I can suggest making such a mixture yourself:

  1. You buy 1 kilogram - 100% dark roasted arabica from Brazil and Colombia.
  2. You buy 250 grams.
  3. Pour everything into a large bowl, a plastic 5-liter bottle of clean water works well, close and mix evenly. As a result, you get a freshly roasted, balanced blend in the Italian style "80% Arabica + 20% Robusta".
  4. It is better to set the grinding not to the minimum (there will be a bust of bitterness), but closer to the average, I do not recommend spilling more than 30 ml. The temperature in all machines, except for Delonghi, is the highest, in Delonghi it is better to cook on medium.

If we talk about 100% delicate Arabica with a delicate, full-bodied taste, then the starting point could be, for example, Espresso Wiener Art by Julius Meinl. By the way, buyers from Moscow may find it convenient to order with other products in.

How to choose the degree of roast of coffee beans? Or just take the middle one?

Coffee beans for a coffee machine can be of any roast: light, medium, dark - a matter of taste. In fact, there are more gradations:

Light roast: Scandinavian(200-210 ° C), American(roasting temperature 210-220 ° C). It allows you to reveal the nuances of taste, as it preserves the sourness as much as possible. It is not very popular in Russia, but in vain. There are flavors of herbs, sweet notes. The Scandinavian espresso roast is, of course, worse. In principle, a light roast in an espresso machine is very acidic.

Medium roast: Vienna(225-230 ° C). Most common, typical for espresso blends. I recommend starting your tests with it. If you want more strength, bitterness, saturation, go to the next step. If you're looking for new flavors, try the Light Roast.

Dark roast: French(240 ° C), Italian(245 ° C), Spanish(250 ° C). Bitter aroma with caramel notes, acidity disappears. As the temperature rises, the situation gets worse. Basically, this group uses French and Italian. Spanish roast (aka Cuban) is almost charcoal. Allows you to completely get rid of sourness and add a noble burntness with a very long aftertaste. Dark roasted coffee should be oily and shiny. If this is not the case, then the roast is old and you have crackers in front of you. But at the same time, pay attention to the price category, because "frying until half to death" bad grain is the best way to max out its mediocre taste characteristics.

Roasting, like the variety and grinding (more on this below), is one of the most important factors when choosing grain to suit your taste and method of preparation. In general, dark roasts are not suitable for espresso, light roasts. This does not mean that such combinations cannot be used, just the result is not for everybody.

A striking example, let's take a specific one. As I wrote above, Cuban Arabica is one of the most acidic in the world. But Taysy roasts it according to the manufacturer's statements "medium", but I will determine the roast by eye along the border of light and medium. As a result, we have a bright sourness in espresso even on the most "bitter" coffee machines, which are Delonghi machines. And the manufacturer correctly writes that they have this grade "for the filter" - this is precisely because of the roasting.

Freshness is the main thing!

If, for example, the beginning of 2015 is in the yard, then the red price of such crackers is 300 rubles / kg

In fact, all shades of taste of specific varieties, types, species are relevant only in the case of freshly roasted coffee. In the professional world, it is believed that coffee is best consumed within 2 weeks of roasting. Two months is the deadline, after which the grains lose most of their flavor characteristics and begin to turn into average rancid crackers. After six months, the grains can be safely thrown away.

But professionals are somewhat fanatical people. For a simple consumer, you can outline something like this:

  1. Ideal- 2-3 weeks after roasting
  2. Fine- up to a month
  3. Quite good- up to 2 months
  4. Acceptable- up to 4-5 months
  5. Up to a year - you can drink, but hoping to distinguish some notes or shades is silly.
  6. Further, the purchase of any coffee is more expensive than the conventional "Jockey" is absolutely devoid of any reasonable sense - throwing money away.

What is the best coffee for a coffee machine, an espresso blend?

In almost every manual for an espresso machine, whether automatic or not, you can find a warning or recommendation from the manufacturer to use only special espresso mixtures.

Indeed, on sale almost every brand has corresponding varieties with the prefix "espresso". But this does not mean at all that other beans are not suitable for coffee machines.

This is solely the protection of the manufacturer "from the fool", so that you definitely do not use any flavored, caramelized and other modified beans that can break the grinder. In reality, you can use not only espresso mixes, but any beans (but of course, unflavored, etc.).

Espresso blends of different brands, as a rule, differ from “non-espresso blends” of the same manufacturer only by the selection of parameters suitable for any lover of classic Italian espresso on average: Arabica / Robusta ratio, roasting. In the version of ground coffee, the grinding is also important, where it is specially selected for espresso coffee makers.

But in fact, the answer to the question "which coffee is best for a coffee machine" boils down to taste preferences and freshness, which I wrote about above.

All reputable coffee brands have special "sharpened" varieties for espresso and coffee machines. As an example, the Kimbo Espresso Bar series

How to adjust the flavor in cooking?

After you have bought beans for the coffee machine, opened the package and poured them into the grinder, you can adjust the flavor shade within certain limits:

On this page, in the comments, I propose to share about which brands / brands / varieties you personally like, about their shades, strength, saturation, sourness, in which drinks you prefer to use tested grains. This information will be an additional reference for other coffee lovers looking for something new.

P.S. In this material, I did not write anything about coffee for, because they are almost all rigidly tied to the capsule manufacturer. Variability is only among a small set of predefined flavors. There is absolutely nothing to write about them. Unless for systems there are exceptions in the form of alternatives and even with ground coffee from freshly roasted beans.



The modern "coffee" market is overflowing with a huge number of all kinds of offers, differing in a number of factors. For example, according to the variety of varieties and the composition of mixtures, their proportions. Such a rich selection constantly encourages to try something new and not stop at one brand. Which is absolutely justified, because the taste of coffee drinks is full of variety and versatility. Due to the peculiarities of each type of coffee bean, the classic taste can be complemented by honey, vanilla and other shades. Sometimes even tobacco or freshly baked bread.

Do you want to experiment? Then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our rating of the best coffee beans. The selection was formed on the basis of two factors - our recommendations and popularity among customers of "CoffeeLB".

1) Movenpick El Autentico

The list of the best coffee beans is opened by El Autentico from the world famous company Movenpick. The beans of the mixture have preserved their original properties as much as possible thanks to unhurried roasting: soft, rich taste and distinct aroma - this is how our customers characterize "El Authentico". There can be no doubt about the high quality of the beans (100% Arabica), because they come from the official plantations of the Rainforest Alliance. The delicious blend is wrapped in a gorgeous dark chocolate-colored package.

2) Lavazza Tierra

Thanks to its unusual floral scent, "Tierra" deserves a place in our rating. In terms of "aroma", Tierra cannot compete with other mixtures from the Lavazza line. The second feature is a mild taste with a slight sourness and fruity tint. Consists of high quality 100% Arabica grown in favorable conditions - on plantations controlled by the Rainforest Alliance. These advantages have been repeatedly noted by our clients.

For creation, several varieties of Arabica were used, grown high above the sea - from 1 to 2 km. This good coffee bean, which reviews regularly cite a key benefit, is its intense, vibrant aroma. It is complemented by a delicate taste with a slight sourness and a subtle hint of a caramel aftertaste.

An undoubted advantage is the ease of preparation in any household coffee machines and professional coffee equipment. "Florence" is one of the best coffee beans, reviews of which tell about a rich taste palette: delicate honey shades and "color" aftertaste of fruit, caramel, chocolate and honey. Also, do not forget to mention the sweet aroma of Firenze, which is difficult to confuse with the aroma of other brands of coffee drinks.

The case when the "content" fully justifies its name. After all, the aromatic qualities of this "member" of the list of the best coffee beans are really amazing - tart with an admixture of notes of chocolate, dried fruits and cereals. Aroma Top beans (environmentally friendly 100% Arabica) "come" from the plantations of the Rainforest Alliance and "Aroma Top" itself is intended for professional equipment, which indicates the highest quality of the mixture. Our clients also agree with this.

6) Movenpick der Himmlische

What is this good coffee beans, reviews of which are only positive? This is the sweet taste of 100% Arabica with chocolate notes, perfectly set off by a rich aroma. For the mixture, exclusively high quality grains are selected, harvested from plantations located in the highlands. No less attention is paid to the roasting process. Such strict control of production did not lead to an increase in the cost of the goods - you can buy it from us at an affordable price.

7) Kimbo Aroma Gold

The basis of the Italian blend is made up of elite Arabica beans, fried to a moderate level. It is characterized by the following features - a delicate, tart taste and soulful aroma, which is confirmed by the feedback from customers of our online store, where you can buy Aroma Gold.

8) Dallmayr Crema d "ORO

Another mixture, which combines the noble varieties of Arabica, "descended" from the plantations of the highlands. In the opinion of our customers, Crema d "ORO is notable for its light taste with subtle sourness, balanced aroma and" silk "foam. All this is achieved not only due to the scrupulous selection of beans, but also their moderate roasting.

It consists of half of Robusta, which distinguishes it from the rest of the positions in the ranking of the best coffee beans. The presence of these grains "endows" the mixture with a unique feature - tart aromatic notes of toasted bread and biscuits. The prepared drink has a pronounced taste and high foam. Some of our clients claim that Venezia is strong enough, which makes it a priority purchase for strong morning coffee lovers.

The product closes our selection. Reviews about this coffee emphasize the absence of disadvantages and clear advantages of "Top Class". Composition - a "collection" of grains from different continents of the globe: sweet Asian, aromatic American (from the central regions) varieties of Arabica and Brazilian robusta. Such a varied combination creates a delicate multifaceted taste and rich aroma. Therefore, it is recommended to try Top Class for everyone.

Our selection of excellent representatives of the "coffee" market has come to an end. In it, we tried to include relatively inexpensive, but excellent mixtures that everyone can afford, regardless of financial capabilities. Now it's up to you to decide which coffee beans are better and which of the presented ones should be preferred. You can buy any of the 10 offered in our online store at a low price.

We are waiting for your orders!

Coffee is one of the popular morning drinks for people around the world. Some prefer instant, while others prefer ground. But according to numerous reviews, coffee beans are ideal. Which one is better to choose? This is described in the article.

Roast level

Coffee beans are roasted for different periods. The taste and aroma of the drink depends on this. If the processing is not long, then this is a light roast. Such a product would be ideal for those who prefer to consume it with milk or cream.

There is a medium roast, in which a bitter drink with a pronounced aroma is obtained. These are the products that most people choose. They also produce heavily roasted beans, in which the drink will be strong and bitter. It is popular in France and Italy. Roasting is Viennese, Italian, French. What is the best coffee beans? Reviews of people show that the grains should be the same size and uniform in color.


To determine which coffee beans are best, customer reviews recommend looking at the country of origin. It is believed that the highest quality products are produced in:

  1. Brazil. There, this product is produced in large quantities. It is prized for its absence of impurities, bitterness and cocoa taste.
  2. Guatemala. Gourmets love the drink for the shades of spice.
  3. Ethiopia. The drink from this country has a sour taste and an admixture of wild berries and cinnamon.
  4. Kenya. The production of the product in this country is under the strict control of the state.
  5. Colombia. The finished drink is fruity.

Also known is Caribbean coffee, which is valued for its richness and brightness of aroma. The Yemeni product is rich in fruity notes. Lovers of mild and tart taste should pay attention to Indian products.


The most popular coffee varieties are:

  1. Robusta is not very aromatic, but strong.
  2. Arabica is a delicate variety. Taste may vary depending on climate and soil fertility.


If you are interested in which coffee beans are better, customer reviews are advised to pay attention to the appearance of the product. It is advisable to purchase it by weight for visual quality assessment. You need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The grains should shine. This is a testament to the quality of the product. You should not choose a product with a bloated wrapper.
  2. The aroma of the beans should be even, without mold or rancidity. High-quality coffee is packed in packages with a valve with a filter, with which you can smell it.
  3. It is important that the grains are even, without damage.
  4. Price. A quality product cannot have a low price.
  5. Now you can find green grain coffee, which is believed to help you lose weight quickly and improve performance. But in reality, this is a semi-finished product that cannot be cooked at home.

How to brew?

In addition to quality, an equally important aspect is the correct preparation of the drink. This requires:

  1. Turk.
  2. Purified water.
  3. Finely ground coffee.
  4. An ordinary stove or cooking device.

The cooking procedure is simple. You need to put 1 tsp in a Turk. coffee with a mountain, add sugar. Then water is poured. The container should be put on fire, wait for the foam to rise. The Turku must be removed from the stove and wait for the foam to settle. And then the Turk comes back. This is done 4 times. After that, the preparation of the drink is finished.


According to reviews, what is the best coffee beans? There is no consensus on this issue. People prefer to buy products of different brands and degrees of roast. However, according to reviews, the rating of coffee beans is quite interesting. There are popular brands that most people prefer to choose. So according to reviews, which one is better?

  1. Jardine coffee beans. Grains with different levels of roasting and strength are brought to Russia. Therefore, from this variety there is a suitable drink for any person.
  2. Paulig. The product is distinguished by high quality roasting, excellent aroma and taste. The best arabica is used to obtain it.
  3. Italian coffee Kimbo. The drink has a deep taste, rich aroma. There is no bitterness and sourness in it. The beans are roasted evenly.
  4. "Live coffee". The drink has a pleasant taste and aroma, as well as an affordable cost.
  5. Gaggia. Coffee is renowned for its correct roasting and careful selection of its beans.
  6. Italian coffee "Lavazza". This product is inexpensive, has a delicate mild taste, moderate strength.
  7. Malongo is a French coffee. it is distinguished by a variety of aromas and tastes. There are shades of chocolate, vanilla, caramel, fruit.
  8. "Black card". Products are brought from South America. The drink is medium-saturated with a sour-citrus flavor. It is prepared in a Turk and a coffee machine.
  9. Saeco. This product contains Indian Arabica. The drink has a pronounced bitterness with floral-chocolate and spicy notes.
  10. "Jockey". Coffee roasting - dark. The drink has an expressive sourness, deep color and nutty aftertaste. Affordable cost is considered another advantage.

Of the other varieties, high-quality Swiss products "Egoist" are in demand. This is a flavored drink. There is a Hausbrandt coffee from Italy that will be appreciated by espresso lovers.

Many people prefer to choose the Ambassador product, which has some acidity and fruity notes. Now the Italian product Italcafe from Arabica is in demand. The drink is tasty and aromatic.

Thus, which coffee beans is better to choose, each person decides for himself, taking into account all the nuances of choice. There is no consensus on this, since all people have different tastes. It is advisable to choose the drink that suits your personal preferences.

Millions of people around the world start their morning with a cup of aromatic coffee. And, probably, each person imagines the ideal taste of this drink in different ways: a gentle girl will surely like soft coffee with chocolate notes, and a hurrying bank clerk will like the simple taste of invigorating espresso. Therefore, in this article we will try not only to list the brands of coffee by popularity, but also to reveal the distinctive features of each of them.

The best coffee beans in Russia and in the world: list, names, varieties, brands, rating

To begin with, let's try to clarify and define the criteria by which you can navigate when buying coffee beans. So first of all it is grade coffee beans and country, in which they were grown.

All coffee varieties are divided into two large groups, these are:

  • Arabica (60-70% of the world market). It is this type of coffee that is endowed with a complex taste and aroma. Depending on the characteristics of the variety, cultivation, roasting technology and even storage conditions, taste can change and acquire certain shades. The main exporter of Arabica is Latin American countries, but it also grows in Asia and Africa
  • Robusta (30-40% of worldwide sales). Strong coffee with a rich bitter taste. It is offered to consumers both in pure form and as part of coffee mixes, where both Arabica and Robusta are present

Grain coffee rating

On the Russian market, there is grain coffee grown and packaged all over the world, and the most popular are the following brands:

  1. Lavazza - grain coffee of this brand has already taken root in the domestic market. Consumers report good value for money. In the line of the brand, there are completely different options from classic espresso from different varieties of Arabica to mixes with honey and floral notes. This coffee is produced in Italy, raw materials are purchased all over the world. The brand is also popular in western countries
  2. Pauling - coffee comes from Finland, which is also popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe. It is widely represented in the retail network, there are options both in the middle price segment and in the premium class. According to consumers, this coffee has well-roasted, fairly dark grains, has sourness and no excessive acidity, and boasts a rich taste and aroma.
  3. Jardin - this is arabica in all variations, the manufacturer offers both mixes of beans of different varieties of different degrees of roast, and coffee from single varieties. This brand occupies an average price niche. The taste qualities of this coffee have already created an excellent reputation for it among Russian gourmets.
  4. Kimbo Is a brand that is gaining more and more popularity. This Italian brand is more than 50 years old and its trade range contains a huge number of products - these are pure Arabica of different varieties, and Arabica with Robusta, and options with chocolate and citrus notes.
  5. Carte noire - many call him the best. A mixture of several varieties of Arabica grown in different countries

The most delicious coffee beans, ground, instant

Coffee gourmets, when buying, often also pay attention to the country where the coffee beans were grown, because the taste of the same variety from different countries can be radically different. For growing coffee, the climate is suitable for territories located no further than ten degrees south or north of the equator. The plant is exported to more than 50 countries in the world, but there are only a few major exporters of coffee beans.

  • Brazil(grows about 30% of the coffee beans). Recognized world leader. The taste of Brazilian Arabica is a classic, this coffee is moderately strong, leaves behind a pleasant aftertaste and has chocolate notes. But coffee connoisseurs may find it simple
  • Vietnam(about 14% of world exports). Robusta is mainly grown in Vietnam, and many who have tasted coffee directly in this country note its unique, unlike anything else. Vietnamese coffee is one of the most balanced in the world: it is moderately strong, has a rich flavor composition, boasts chocolate, caramel, almond and vanilla notes. However, in Russia it is extremely difficult to find pure Vietnamese coffee in a retail network.

Collecting coffee in Vietnam
  • Colombia(about 10% of the world's coffee is grown). It is the only country that sells coffee under its own namesake brand. High quality is guaranteed by government controls at all stages of production, from growing to packaging. The most famous variety is called the capital of the country - Bagota; other varieties of Colombian Arabica are also popular: Columbia Excelso, Popaya Excelso, Narino and others
  • Indonesia(6% of sales). Basically, coffee grown in Indonesia is robusta, which is mixed with other types of coffee when roasted. If you saw on the packaging that the composition includes Indonesian coffee, then you can expect that the drink will contain rich tart notes. Indonesian robusta grows on amazingly beautiful islands, in particular in Java and Sumatra, with their special nature and soil composition, so the coffee beans grown here are unique in their own way
  • Ethiopia(4% of coffee exports). One of the poorest African countries and the fifth largest exporter of coffee in the world. Arabica is grown in this country, which is appreciated in different parts of the world, but in the tribes and among the poor, people cannot afford to drink high-quality coffee from the beans that they themselves grow, they are content with a drink from the stems of the plant and production waste. In the markets of Ethiopia, you can see green coffee, which is sold in bags, but it is illegal to export unroasted coffee out of the country.

Fragment of the program "Heads and Tails": this is how coffee is sold on the market in Ethiopia

And this is what standard coffee bags for export from Brazil look like. The weight of one such standard bag is 60 kg.

Bean coffee from Brazil

Despite the fact that the leaders in the production of coffee are the above-listed equatorial countries, the USA and the countries of Western Europe, which, in fact, are resellers, hold the palm in the sale of finished products. Among the largest producers of ready-to-use packaged coffee are also such developed countries as Germany and Japan. Coffee mixes produced under one or another well-known brand sometimes contain beans from different parts of the world. Nevertheless, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the variety and the area in which they were grown are always indicated on the package.

Coffee on the shelves of the Kaluga supermarket
  • Nescafe Is a European-American brand, under which they first began to mass-produce instant coffee. During the Second World War, all the products of the plant located in the United States went to provide the army. Subsequently, people liked coffee, which was easy to make, so much that at the moment about 65% of coffee is sold in instant form.
  • Kimbo, Lavazza, Danesi - all these brands are from Italy. Italy is one of the largest coffee producers in the world. And the quality of the drink produced in this country is highly appreciated by critics and gourmets.
  • Carte noire - French coffee. France is a worthy competitor to Italy in the European market
  • Davidoff, Grandos, Tchibo - German brands, German quality
  • Ambassador - a trade mark originally from Sweden
  • Egoiste - high quality Swiss coffee
  • Cafemania, CAFE Esmeralda, Esmeralda - trademarks under which Colombian coffee is sold
  • Jockey, Moscow coffee house on paiakh, Jardin, LEBO - all these are trademarks of coffee produced in Russia, and this list is not complete. So the domestic manufacturer also has something to offer buyers.

Coffee "Black Card"

The best ground coffee in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

As soon as you open the package of ground coffee, an incomparable, pleasant aroma begins to spread through the kitchen. Admirers of this drink are people with a delicate taste who appreciate its rich gamut, but lack time for preparation. Ground coffee is a kind of compromise between beans and instant coffee.

Ground coffee rating

If you want to try some brand new for yourself, then our rating will help you not to make a mistake with the choice. Please note that the ratio of price and quality is taken into account, that is, the most bought brands are located in the first positions. To get an idea of ​​the taste of a product, read the information in parentheses - this is the average rating given in numerous customer reviews.

1. Egoiste (4.5 points out of 5) ... At the moment, the most popular product from the manufacturer is Egoiste Noir ground coffee. Coffee beans for him are grown in the highlands and plains of Africa and dried in the open air.

2. Lebo (4 points out of 5) ... Quite good options under this trademark are Lebo Exclusive and Lebo "Arabica", the grains for the first are grown exclusively in Colombia, for the second - they are brought from different parts of the world. In contrast, only half of the buyers speak positively of the Lebo Gold product, although the idea itself deserves attention - this is ground coffee, which can be brewed directly in a cup at a reasonable price.

3. Tchibo (4.4 points out of 5) ... Good invigorating coffee, which is great for waking up in the morning, strong enough, without sourness and with a strong aroma. The Tchibo brand is interesting because the Russian market has both products made in Poland and products imported from Germany.

4. Grandos (4 points out of 5) ... Ground coffee grown in Colombia and roasted in Germany. Pure Arabica with a fruity note and a slight sourness.

5. Lavazza (4.8 points out of 5) ... Among the brand's products, everyone can choose something to their liking. Lavazza Carmencita is a chocolate-flavored coffee that is practically non-bitter. Lavazza Espresso is an invigorating, high quality bitter coffee. Lavazza Oro is sweet, bitter and slightly sour at the same time. In Lavazza Crema, Arabica is mixed with robusta, this coffee has pleasant chocolate-nut notes, and in the cup you get the froth that many love so much.

6. Davidoff (4.8 out of 5) ... Refined coffee with a delicate aroma, which is made in Germany. The composition includes not only raw materials from Latin America and Africa, but also grains grown on the Pacific islands. This coffee is not very common, but appreciated by many who have tried it.

7. Kimbo (4.9 points out of 5) ... Excellent ground coffee from Naples. It is offered in two versions: Aroma Gold - with mild roast and mild taste and Espresso Napoletano - with dark roast and bitterness.

Coffee rating: №7 Ground coffee Kimbo

The best natural instant coffee in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

1. Egoiste (4.7 points out of 5) ... Quality instant coffee made from Colombian coffee beans and produced in Switzerland. It is sold in the form of crystals, in which grains of ground coffee are hidden under a soluble shell. Thanks to this technology, the taste becomes richer, but sediment remains at the bottom of the cup.

2. Bushido (5 points out of 5) ... Premium coffee. Made from selected varieties of Arabica. Food grade gold is used in the preparation of Bushido 24 Karat. The beans for the Black Katana are roasted over hot coals. And for the Bushido Light Katana, coffee trees are grown on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. Coffee is elitist in every respect.

3. Jacobs (4.2 points out of 5) ... The Jacobs company was founded in Germany, but now the coffee of this brand is made at a subsidiary in the Leningrad region. Consumers choose Jacobs for good taste at an affordable price. In addition to instant coffee Jacobs Monarch, the company offers the product Jacobs Millicano, which includes both instant and ground coffee.

Coffee rating: No. 3 Jacobs

4. Lebo (4.3 points out of 5) ... Instant Lebo Exclusive, originally from Colombia, is a fairly strong coffee, despite the fact that it contains only arabica, Lebo "Extra" is a Brazilian coffee with a chocolate hint. The brand's products belong to the middle price segment and are sold in different packaging: vacuum, glass and portioned sachets.

5. Gevalia (4.7 points out of 5) ... Coffee with a pleasant mild taste, without sourness and bitterness. Manufactured in Finland.

6. Nescafe (3.5 points out of 5) ... The taste of Nescafe Classic is probably familiar to everyone. It is a soft, non-bitter coffee with chocolate notes. The second most popular product of the brand is Nescafe Gold coffee, which is lighter and lighter in taste.

7. Today (4 points out of 5) ... Mid-range coffee. Today Espresso has a spicy note. Today Green contains green, unroasted coffee beans and tastes like green tea. Today In-Fi offers both instant and ground coffee.

The best decaf coffee in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

If you cannot drink coffee for any reason, but you really want to, then decaf coffee will come to the rescue. But what is the best drink that retains its taste after decaffeinating?

  1. Carte noire - this coffee is good with and without caffeine. The only drawback is the price is above average
  2. Lavazza - also good coffee, which is also available in decaffeinated versions
  3. Grandos gold - delicious decaf coffee

The best espresso coffee in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

Espresso is sometimes called any strong coffee with a characteristic taste. But real espresso is never instant; it can be made from ground beans using a coffee machine. With such a fragrant espresso, a light reddish foam is obtained, and its taste is unique. What is the best coffee for espresso on sale in Russia? It should be good coffee with a dark roast and a very fine grind, such as:

  1. Egoiste espresso
  2. Carte Noire No. 7 Espresso
  3. Lavazza espresso

Espresso made from coffee beans grown in Colombia is considered the best in the world. If you wish, you can buy such coffee in Russia.

If we are talking about the methods of making coffee, we will list the most popular of them:

Best coffee for cappuccino

You don't need special coffee beans to make a good cappuccino. It is enough to make a high-quality espresso, which was discussed in the previous paragraph. A cup is filled one third with undiluted coffee, then frothed milk is added and finally a thick milk froth, which is spread with a spoon. The hat can be garnished with grated chocolate or cinnamon.

The best coffee beans for a coffee machine: varieties, brands

Coffee machines prepare coffee in different ways, so finding the best one is likely to be done only through trial and error. But our list will help make it easier to find the perfect grains.

Of the expensive luxury brands you should try:

  1. Musetti
  2. Molinari
  3. Illy

From all-bean coffee that is sold everywhere:

  1. Lavazza
  2. Kimbo
  3. Paulig

Which coffee is better ground, instant or whole?

The most delicious coffee is obtained from freshly ground beans. The fact is that over time, coffee inevitably fizzles out, and the finer the grinding, the more intensive the process goes. Thus, the maximum oils with a pleasant taste and smell are contained in whole grain coffee, then ground coffee, and only then instant coffee for quick brewing.

Choosing the right coffee in the store: tips and requirements for coffee quality

When buying coffee in a store, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Fresh coffee tastes better. Even a product of the same brand can vary significantly in taste, depending on how long ago the coffee beans were plucked and roasted. Therefore, pay attention to the expiration date
  2. Pack with a valve. If there is no valve on the package with coffee beans, then its taste will most likely disappoint you. The presence of an aroma valve indicates that the beans were packed immediately after roasting, which means they have not lost their aromatic oils. This criterion only applies to coffee beans, no valves are required for ground and instant coffee.
  3. It is believed that good coffee beans should be light brown in color, and if its color is almost black, it is overdone. But the color of different grains in one pack may differ, some manufacturers fry different varieties separately, so that in the end they create the desired composition
  4. The surface of the grains should be smooth and shiny, without chips or chips
  5. Good ground coffee can be recognized by price and packaging, glass and tin containers are preferred over soft packaging
  6. To appreciate the quality of the ground coffee you have already bought, throw a pinch of it into the water, the water should remain clear. If this is not the case, then there are impurities in the coffee.
  7. An indirect sign of good coffee is the absence of synthetic additives. Although there are also very high quality products with natural flavors
  8. Do not buy coffee by weight if it is on display in open boxes or cans. Coffee must be stored in an airtight container, and good retail outlets know about this.

We hope that our article will help you discover some new, unknown trade mark and enjoy the taste of freshly brewed coffee.

Best coffee according to the program "Test Purchase"

VIDEO: Rating of ground and grain coffee

VIDEO: Rating of instant coffee