What the balls became after the operation. Tale "Dog's Heart": Characteristic of Sharia

What the balls became after the operation. Tale
What the balls became after the operation. Tale "Dog's Heart": Characteristic of Sharia

Dog's heart. The dog's heart is one interesting story about the complex operation of the professor of Preobrazhensky in transplanting a dog's human brain. Its result was the emergence of a new man Sharicov, whose image and characteristic we will look at our.

The image of Sharikov

Revealing the theme of Sharikov and stopping at the image of a new person, I want to remember first, how the balls were before transformation. This will help us with the comparative characteristics of the PSA of the ball and the image of the human image of Sharicikov.

So who was and who was the dog turned into?
At the beginning of the story of Bulgakov in front of us appear homeless dog. He is kind, and does not represent danger to others. Like any animal, the ball has ordinary desires. PSU wants caress, warmth, food and a secluded town, wherever he could lick the wounds. And in the fate of the homeless dog, a professor of Preobrazhensky appears, who presented him with a completely new life, conducting an experimental transplant operation of the pituitary gland, taken from the deceased thief, an alcoholic and recidivist. And the reader sees the image of a new person, who was given the name and surname Polygraph Polygraphovich balls.

Laboratory creature turns into a citizen of Sharicikov. The balls were small, with rigid hair, a small head, stinging grin and small legs. Sharikov's voice was deafovat, and the gait was ruined. Despite his appearance and inability to dress, the balls were pleased with himself, and at the same time hated her creator, who constantly reluctantly to teach the manners of rooking PSA. In general, his character was bad, as evidenced by the characteristics and image of the Charitik's character.

During the study of Creativity, Mikhail Bulgakov, schoolchildren pass the story "Dog's Heart". One of the key characters of this work is a polygraph of Polygraphovich balls. This image concentrated all the ideological and plot content of the story. So, we have the characteristic of Sharicikov. "Dog's heart". Writing student grade 9.

Mikhail Bulgakov wrote his story "Dog's Heart" in 1925. But readers were able to get acquainted with it only after 60 years old - in 1987. And this is not surprising - after all, the author rises in this work the Soviet reality, which he, like many representatives of the intelligentsia of that time, was very not like.

The main characters of the story are Professor Preobrazhensky and polygraph Polygraphovich balls. The first image causes sympathy and respect. Preobrazhensky is a very intelligent, educated, educated and decent person. But the characteristic of Sharicikov in the story of the "Dog's Heart" is extremely negative.

Polygraph Polygraphovich was born as a result of the professor's experiment, which carried out experiments in the sphere of rejuvenation of the human body. Preobrazhensky conducted a unique operation, transplanting the brain of the deceased man in the yard psa. As a result, the dog turns into a person. It was called a polygraph of polygraphs.

From his "donors" the balls took the worst. From the karanya - the property is drawn, rushing behind cats, catch fleas, etc. From a tried thief, a hooligan and an alcoholic - the corresponding features: laziness, arrogance, stupidity, cruelty. It turned out a rattling mixture, which led to the horror of the professor of Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Bormental. They were shocked and upset by their children. And no matter how much the features of a normal person try to instill him, they did not succeed.

But the society accepted Sharicikov quite calmly. He even received a responsible position and enjoyed an authority in his circle. This was done by polygraph of polygraphpuffovich's increasingly brazen and cruel. Seeing that his behavior does not cause a condemnation of society, and even on the contrary, the balls became even a big moral freak, which was initially.

As a result, Preobrazhensky could not stand and returned the mandatory monster into the body of the dog. But what did you want to say to all this reader of Bulgakov? In my opinion, the image of Sharikov in the work symbolizes all those who came through the revolution to power. Untorated, limited, lazy and impudent people imagined themselves by the masters of life, and turned the normal country into ruins. In the fantastic story, Professor managed to "drive Gina back to the bottle."

But in real life it is, alas, it is impossible. Therefore, every person must think very well. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: "Some seven times, a rejection once." Otherwise such monsters like balls may appear on the light. And it is truly scary!

"Dog Heart": a good ball and bad balls

"The dog's heart" was written after the "fatal eggs" in January - March 1925. The story could not pass censorship. What did the Bolshevik authorist frightened in her?

The editor "Subsois" Nikolai Semenovich Angarsky (Kleztov) Topiel Bulgakov with the creation of a "dog heart", hoping that it would have no less success among the reading public than the "fatal eggs". On March 7, 1925, Mikhail Afanasyevich read the first part of the story on the Literary Assembly of Nikita Saturdays, and on March 21, there is the second part. One of the listeners, M.L.Shneder, as follows in front of the gathered his impression from the "dog heart": "This is the first literary work that dares to be himself. The time of realizing attitudes towards the happened "(i.e., by the October Revolution of 1917 and the next stay in the merger of the Bolsheviks).

At the same readings attended the attentive agent OGPU, which in the reports of March 9 and 24 rated the story quite otherwise:

"It was at the next literary" Saturday "by E.F.Nikytina (newspaper, 3, sq. 7, vol. 2-14-16). I read Bulgakov my new story. Plot: Professor takes out brains and seed glands from just the deceased and invests them into the dog, resulting in the "alignment" of the latter. At the same time, the whole thing is written in hostile, breathing infinite contempt for colon tones:

1) Professor has 7 rooms. He lives in a working house. It comes to him deputation from workers with a request to give them 2 rooms, since the house is crowded, and he has one 7 rooms. He meets the requirement to give him the 8th. Then it comes to the phone and No. 107 declares some very influential compassionate "Vitaly V. V.S." In the preserved text of the first edition, this character is named Vitaly Alexandrovich; in the following editions, he turned into Peter Aleksandrovich; Probably, hearing informant incorrectly recorded patronymic. - B.S.) that he will not do the operations, "ceases the practice at all and leaves forever in Batum," because the workers armed with revolvers come to him (and this is actually no) and make him sleep in the kitchen , And to do operations in the restroom. Vitaly Vassevich reassures him, promising to give a "strong" piece of paper, after which no one will touch him.

Professor triumph. The working delegation remains with the nose. "Buy then, comrade," says a worker, - literature in favor of the poor in our faction. " "I do not buy," Professor responds.

"Why? After all, inexpensive. Only 50 k. You may have no money? "

"No, there is money, but I just don't want."

"So, it means that you do not like the proletariat?"

"Yes," Professor confesses, "I do not like the proletariat."

All this listens to the maintenance of the evil laughter of the Nikita audience. Someone does not withstand and exclaims with anger: "Utopia".

2) "Destroy," the same professor is grown behind the bottle of Sen-Julien. - What it is? Old woman, barely crazy with the key? Nothing like this. No destruction, there was no, will not and does not happen. Destruction is the people themselves.

I lived in this house on Prechistenka from 1902 to 1917 fifteen years. On my stairs 12 apartments. My patients can know how much. And then at the bottom of the parade stood a coat hanger, Kalosh, etc. So what do you think? During these 15 years, there is never a single coat, not a single cloth. So it was until February 24 (the day of the beginning of the February Revolution. - B.S.), and the 24th stole everything: all the fur coats, my 3 coats, all the canes, and even at the Swiss samovar whistled. That's what. And you say destruction. " Stunning laughter of the whole audience.

3) The dog that he sheltered, broke his stuffy owls. Professor came to indescribable rage. Self-serving advises him to get off his ps. The rage of the professor is not listed, but he ratches: "Cannot. It is impossible to beat anyone. It is terror, but what they have reached their terror. You just need to learn. " And he fiero, but it does not hurt, the dog pokes the face into the broken owl.

4) "The best tool for health and nerves is not to read newspapers, especially the" truth ". I watched in my clinic 30 patients. So what do you think, who did not read the "truths" are getting faster than those who read ", etc., etc. An examples of examples could be given a great set, examples that Bulgakov hates and despises the whole owner, denies all His achievements.

In addition, the book is a shot of pornography, clothed in business, allegedly scientific appearance. Thus, this book cares and a malicious inhabitant, and a frivolous lady, and sweetly sniffs nerves just a depraved old man. There is a faithful, strict and greedy guard of owl, it is choslit, and if my opinion does not disperse him, then this book will not see the light. But let me note that this book (1 of its part) has already read the audience in 48 people, of which 90 percent are writers themselves. Therefore, its role, its main thing has already been done, even if it is not missing chief: she has already infected the writer's minds of the listeners and will make their feathers. And the fact that it will not be printed (if "won't"), this will be a luxurious, these writers, a lesson for the future time, a lesson, how not to write to missed censorship, i.e. how Publish your beliefs and propaganda, but so that it sees the light. (25 / III 25, Bulgakov will read the 2nd part of its story.)

My personal opinion: such things read in the very brilliant Moscow literary circle, much more dangerous for the useless-harmless speeches of the writers of the 101st grade at the meetings of the All-Russian Union of Poets. "

On reading the Bulgakov second part of the story, an unknown informant reported much more concise. Whether she made a smaller impression on him, or considered that the main thing was already said in the first denunciation:

"The second, and the last, part of the story of Bulgakov" Dog's Heart "(I told the first part of you two weeks earlier), worked out on the Nikita Saturday, caused a strong indignation of two former communist writers there and the universal delight of all the others. The content of this final part is reduced to approximately the following: the humaniforn dog began to be heated every day, more and more. I became depraved: I made vigilant offers of the maid of the professor. But the center of copyrighing and prosecution is based on a different: on wearing a leather jacket, on the demand of the living area, on the manifestation of the communist thinking. All this brought a professor from themselves, and he decided to committed with himself unfortunately, namely: turned an derived dog in the former, ordinary dog.

If we are rudely disguised (for all this "eliminating" - only emphasized, noticeable, unscrewly) attacks appear on the USSR's book market, then the White Guard abroad, exhausted not less than us from book hunger, and even more from fruitless searches of the original, whiskey plot , It remains only to envy exceptional conditions for counter-revolutionary authors with us. "

This kind of message is certainly alarmed by the instances that controlled the literary process, and made the "dog heart" ban inevitable. People sophisticated in the literature, the story praised. For example, on April 8, 1925, Veresaev wrote Voloshin: "I was very pleased to read your feedback about M. Bulgakov ... His humorous things - pearls who promise the artist of the first rank. But censorship cuts him mercilessly. Recently killed the wonderful thing "Dog's heart", and he completely falls in spirit. "

On April 20, 1925, Angarsk in the letter Veresayev complained that the satirical works of Bulgakov to hold "through censorship is very difficult. I'm not sure that his new story "The dog's heart" will pass. In general, the literature is bad. Censorship does not absorb the batch line. " Old Bolshevik Angarskaya here pretending to be naive.

In fact, the country began to gradually tighten censorship as Stalin's power strengthened.

The role and reaction of criticism on the previous Bulgakovaya story "Fat Eggs", considered as an anti-Soviet pamphlet played. On May 21, 1925, the Employee "Nedra" B.leontiev sent Bulgakov a very pessimistic letter: "Dear Mikhail Afanasyevich, I send you" Notes on Cuffs "and" Dog's Heart ". Do what you want with them. Sarychev in chief stated that the "dog heart" is no longer worth cleaning. "The thing in general is unacceptable" or something like that. " However, N.S. Yarskansky, who liked the story, decided to apply to the very top - to a member of Politburo L.B. Kamenev. Through Leontyev, he asked Bulgakov to send the manuscript of the "dog heart" with the censored corrections of Kamenev, resting in Borjomi, with the accompanying letter, which should be "copyright, tear, with an explanation of all soota ..."

On September 11, 1925, Leontyev wrote Bulgakov about the disappointing outcome: "The story of your" dog heart "returned to us L.B. Kamenev. At the request of Nikolai Semenovich, he read it and expressed his opinion: "This is a sharp pamphlet for modernity, it is impossible to print in any case." " Leontyev and Angarsky reproached Bulgakov for having sent a unlaigned instance: "Of course, it is impossible to give a lot of the two-three most acute pages; They could hardly change something in the opinion of such a person like Kamenev. And yet, it seems to us that your reluctance to give a previously corrected text played a sad role here. " Subsequent events showed unperative of such concerns: the reasons for the prohibition of the story were much fundamental than somewhat unfinished or refined in accordance with the censored requirements of the pages. On May 7, 1926, within the framework of the sanctioned Central Committee of the Campaign to combat "change-showing" in the apartment of Bulgakov, a writer diary manuscript and two copies of the "dog heart" was confiscated. Only three with more than a year later confiscated with the assistance of Gorky was returned to the author.

Champion's heart chapter, like "Fat Eggs", goes back to the work of Wells, this time to the novel "Dr. Moro Island", where Professor-maniac in his laboratory on a desert island is engaged in creating surgicality of unusual "hybrids" of people and animals . Roman Wells was written in connection with the growth of opponents of vivisection - operations on animals and their killing for scientific purposes. Present in the story and the idea of \u200b\u200brejuvenation, which has become popular in the 20s in the USSR and a number of European countries.

Bulgakova, the kindest professor Philipp Philippovich Preobrazhensky conducts an experiment on the alignment of a cute ps of the ball and very little resembles Hölls Hero. But the experiment ends with a failure. The ball perceives only the worst features of his donor, drunkard and hooligan proletarian clima castlekin. Instead of good dog, an ominous, stupid and aggressive polygraph of Polygraphovich balls arises, which, nevertheless, fit perfectly into socialist reality and even makes enviable career: from the being of an indefinite social status to the head of the purification of Moscow from stray animals. Probably, turning his hero in the head of submissions of the Moscow utilities, Bulgakov uncomfortable the word remembered his forced service in the Vladikavkaz submissions of the Arts and the Moscow Lito (the literary department of the Glavpilitus). The balls are becoming publicly dangerous, who was visaable by the Chairman of the Schwonder's Chairman against his Creator - Professor of Preobrazhensky, writes denunciations to him, and at the end even threatens, revolver. The professor does not remain anything else, how to return the newly monster in the primitive dog condition.

If the "fatal eggs" was made disappointing conclusion about the possibility of implementing a socialist idea in Russia at the existing level of culture and education, then at the "dog heart" attempts to the Bolsheviks to create a new person designed to become the builder of the Communist Society. In the work "on the fear of the gods", first released in Kiev in 1918, the philosopher, theologian and publicist S.N. Bulgakov: "I confess to you that comrades seem to me sometimes creatures, at all deprived of the spirit and possess only lower mental abilities, especially A variety of Darwinian monkeys - Homo Socialistics. " Mikhail Afanasyevich in the image of Sharicikov materialized this idea, taking into account, probably, the message of V.B. Shklovsky, the prototype of Shpolyansky in the "White Guard", given in the memoir "sentimental journey" about monkeys, which as if fighting with the Red Army.

Homo Socialisticus turned out to be surprisingly viable and perfectly visited in a new reality. Bulgakov foresaw that the balls can easily lie with the light not only Preobrazhensky, but also the swords. Polygraph Polygraph Polygraph Polygraph - in his virginity in relation to conscience and culture. Professor Preobrazhensky Sad prophesies that in the future there is someone who will challenge Sharicikov on the Schwonder, as today the Chairman of the Housemaker raishes it to Philip Philippovich. The writer, as it were, predicted the bloody cleaning of the 30s already among the Communists themselves, when some Karaly's swords of others, less successful. Schwonder is a gloomy, although not deprived of the Commission is the personification of the lowest level of totalitarian authority - the manager, opens a large gallery of such heroes in Bulgakovsky work, such as Alliluya (Bulita) in Zoykina Apartment, Buncha in "Bliss" and "Ivan Vasilyevich", Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoya in the "Master and Margarita".

There is a "dog heart" and hidden anti-Semitic subtext. In the book M.K.Diterich "Murder of the Tsarist Family" there is such a characteristic of the Chairman of the Ural Council of Alexander Grigorievich Beloborodova (in 1938 he was safely shot as a prominent Trotskyist): "He produced the impression of a man uneducated, even a little bit, but was a proud and very big about Opinions. Cruel, shrieking, he moved in a certain working environment since Kerenischina, during the notorious work of political parties on the "deepening revolution". Among the blind masses of the workers, he enjoyed great popularity, deft, cunning and smart Golobekin, Safarov and Zhobov (all three Dietershs considered Jews, although the disputes on the ethnic origin of Safarov and Voikov continue to this day. - B.S.) skillfully used this it popular, cheering his rude pride and putting it forward and everywhere forward. He was a typical Bolshevik from the Russian proletariat environment, not so much in theory, as in the form of the manifestation of Bolshevism in coarse, brutal violence, which did not understand the limits of nature, non-ultimate and short essence. "

The balls are exactly the same creature, and his chairman of the shopkeeper - Jew Schwonder. By the way, his surname may be designed by analogy with the surname Schinder. She was carried by the commander of a special squad, who accompanied Romanov from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg.

Operation on the ball Professor with the priest-surname Preobrazhensky makes in the afternoon of December 23, and the PSA's thinking ends on the night of January 7, since the last mention of his dog appearance in the observation diary, which leads the borment assistant, dated January 6. Thus, the whole process of turning the dog in humans covers the period from December 24 to January 6, from the Catholic to the Orthodox Christmas tree. There is a transformation, only not the Lord. The new man of the balls appears on the night from the 6th to the 7th of January - in Orthodox Christmas. But the polygraph of Polygraphovich is an embodiment of Christ, but the devil who took the name in honor of the fictional "saint" in the new Soviet "saints, prescribing to celebrate the Day of Polygraphist. Sharikov - to some extent the victim of printing products - books with the statement of Marxist dogmas, who gave him to read the Schwonder. From there, the "new man" delivered only the thesis about the primitive balance - "Take everything and divide."

With the last quarrel with Preobrazhensky and Bornet, the connection of Sharikov with otherworked forces is strongly emphasized:

"Some unclean spirit settled in a polygraph of Polygraphfovich, obviously, the death of His and Rock was already guarded by his shoulders. He himself rushed into the arms of the inevitable and whipped the viciously and passibly:

What is really? What am I, the Governors, or I will not find you? I'm sitting on Sixteen Arshines here and I will sit!

Get out of the apartment, - Filippovich Filippovich sinceusfully encouraged.

Sharicov himself invited his death. He raised his left hand and showed Philip Philippovich Flashped with a unbearable cat smell. And then the right hand at the address of a dangerous border from the pocket took out a revolver. "

Shish are standing on her hair on her head. Sharikov's same hair: "Hard, as if bushes on an emerged field." Armed with a revolver Polygraph Polygraphovich is a kind of illustration of the famous saying of the Italian thinker Nikcolo Makiavelli: "All the armed prophets won, and unarmed killed." Here, the balls - parody on V.I. Lenina, L.D. Etreksky and other Bolsheviks, who were ensured by the triumph of their teachings in Russia. By the way, three volumes of the posthumous biography of Trotsky, written by his follower Isaac Doycher, and were called: "Armed Prophet", "Disarmaled Prophet", "Exiled Prophet". Bulgakovsky Hero - the Prophet is not God, but the devil. However, only in a fantastic reality, it is possible to disarm it and through a complex surgical surgery to lead to the primary species - the good and cute dog, which hates only cats and janitors. In the reality of the Bolsheviks, no one disarmed.

The real prototype of Professor Philip Philippovich Preobrazhensky served Uncle Bulgakov Nikolai Mikhailovich Pokrovsky, one of whose specialties was gynecology. His apartment at the address Prechistenka, 24 (or pure alley, 1) in detail coincides with the description of the Preobrazhensky apartment. Interestingly, in the address of the prototype, the name of the street and the alley are connected with the Christian tradition, and his surname (in honor of the holiday of the Intercession) corresponds to the name of the character related to the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

On October 19, 1923, Bulgakov described his visit to Pokrovsky in the diary: "Looking in the evening I went to Uncle (N.M. and M.M. Pokrovsky. - B.S.). They became Mile. Uncle Misha read the other day my last story "Psalm" (I gave him) and asked me today that I wanted to say, etc. They already have more attention and understanding what I am engaged in literature. "

The prototype, as well as the hero, was subjected to seal, and, unlike Professor Preobrazhensky, N.M. Pokrovsky could not avoid this unpleasant procedure. On January 25, 1922, Bulgakov noted in the diary: "To Uncle Kolya by force in his absence ... Contrary to all sorts of decrees ... instilled a couple."

A colorful description of N.M. Pokrovsky was preserved in the memoirs of the first wife of Bulgakov T.N. Lappa: "... I began to read (" Dog's heart. "- B.S.) - immediately guessed that it was he. The same angry, always fought something, the nostrils fled, the mustache were the same lush. In general, he was pretty. He then was very offended by Mikhail. He had one time, Doberman Pinscher. " Tatiana Nikolaevna also argued that Nikolai Mikhailovich was not married for a long time, but he loved to care for women. " Perhaps this circumstance prompted Bulgakov to force the Bachelor of Transfiguration to engage in operations to rejuvenate the thirsty lovers of aging ladies and cavaliers.

The second wife Bulgakov Love Evgenievna Belozerskaya recalled: "A scientist in the story" Dog's heart "Professor Surgeon Philipp Philippovich Preobrazhensky, the protume of who served Uncle M.A. - Nikolai Mikhailovich Pokrovsky, mother brother of the writer, Varvara Mikhailovna ... Nikolai Mikhailovich Pokrovsky, a gynecologist, in the past the assistant of the famous professor V.F. Snegirev, lived at the corner of Prechistenki and Obukhov Lane, for several houses from our pigeon. His brother, a therapist, myilest Mikhail Mikhailovich, Bachelor, lived right there. In the same apartment found a shelter and two nieces ... He (N.M. Pokrovsky. - B.S.) was distinguished by a hot-tempered and disadvantaged character, which gave a reason to joke with one of the nieces: "You can't please for a uncle Kohl, he says: not dare give birth and do not dare to make an abortion. "

Both brothers Pokrovsky used all their numerous relatives. On Nicola Winter, everyone was going on the birthday table, where, according to the expression of MA, "renounced a certain God of Savaof," his wife himself his wife, Maria Silovna, put the pies on the table. In one of them, a silver blade was baked, he was considered particularly lucky, and he drank him. God Savaof loved to tell an uncomplicated joke, distorted him to be unrecognizable than caused a laughter of a young cheerful company. "

When writing, the story of Bulgakov consulted both him and his friend from the Kiev times N.L. Heldrevsky. L.E. Belozerskaya painted such a portrait in memoirs: "We often had a Kiev friend M.A., friend of the Bulgakov family, Surgeon Nikolai Leonidovich Gladrevsky. He worked at the clinic of Professor Martynov and, returning to himself, went to us along the way. MA Always with pleasure talked with him ... Describing in the story of the "Dog's heart" Operation, M.A. For some surgical clarifications addressed him. He ... Showing Maka Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Martynov, and he put it in his clinic and made an operation on appendicitis. All this was decided very quickly. I was allowed to get to M.A. Immediately after the operation. He was so miserable, such a veil chicken ... Then I wore him food, but he was annoyed all the time, because he was hungry: in the sense of food, it was limited. "

In the early editions of the Tale among PRAVOPAZH patients, quite concrete persons were guessed. So, mentioned by the elderly lady, her frantic lover Moritz is a good acquaintance of Bulgakov Vladimir Emilevich Moritz, art historian, poet and translator who worked at the State Academy of Art Sciences (GAKN) and the ladies enjoyed. In particular, the first wife of the Bulgakov friend N.N.Lamina Alexander Sergeevna Lyamin (nee Prokhorov), the daughter of a famous manufacturer, left her husband to Moritz. In 1930, Moritz was arrested on charges of creating together with a well-known Bulgakov philosopher G. G.ShPet in Gakhn "Strong Citades of Idealism," Soslated in Kotlas, and after returning from the link safely taught the actor's skill in the theater school. M.S. Schepkin.

Moritz wrote the book of children's poems "Clichr", translated Shakespeare, Moliere, Schiller, Boualers, Goethe. In the later edition, Moritz's surname replaced by Alphonse. The episode with the "famous public figure", with an inflated passion for the fourteen-year-old girl, was equipped with such transparent details in the first edition, which is truly afracted by N.Sharsky:

I am a famous public figure, Professor! What to do now?

Lord! - indignantly shouted Philipp Philippovich. - It is impossible so! Need to restrain yourself. How old is she?

Fourteen, Professor ... You understand, I will destroy me. The other day I have to get a business trip to London.

Why, I'm not a lawyer, a duct ... Well, wait two years and marry it.

Married I, professor!

Ah, gentlemen, gentlemen! .. "

Angarsk phrase about a business trip to London stressed in red, and the entire episode marked a blue pencil, twice sprinkling on the fields. As a result, in the subsequent edition, the famous public figure was replaced by "I am too known in Moscow ...", and the campaign to London turned into simply "foreign business trip". The fact is that the words about the public figure and London did a prototype easily identifiable. Until the spring of 1925, from prominent figures of the Communist Party, only two were traveled to the British capital. The first - Leonid Borisovich Krasin, since 1920 he was the People's Commissar of Foreign Trade and at the same time hedgehog and Torgpredda in England, and since 1924 he was pleasing in France. He died after all in 1926 in London, where he was returned by a police station in October 1925. The second - Christians Georgievich Rakovsky, the former head of the Sovnarkom of Ukraine, who changed Krasin as a post office in London in early 1924.

The action of the Bulgakovskaya story takes place in the winter of 1924-1925, when the Rakovsky was a plenipotentiary in England. But the prototype of the disorder of juvenile served as not he, but Krasin. Leonid Borisovich had a wife, love Vasilyevna Milovidov, and three children. However, in 1920 or 1921, Krasin met in Berlin with actress Tamara Vladimirovna Zhukovskaya (Miklashevskaya), which was younger for 23 years. Leonid Borisovich himself was born in 1870, consequently, in 1920 his mistress was 27 years old. But the public certainly was shocked by a large difference at the age of the People's Commissar and the actress. Nevertheless, Miklashevskaya became Civilian wife. He gave Miklashevskaya, who moved to work in the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade, his last name, and she began to be called Miklashevskaya-Kra. In September 1923, she gave birth to Tamar's daughter. These events in 1924 were, as they were called, "on hearing" and reflected in the "dog heart", and the Bulgakov, to sharpen the situation, made the mistress of the "prominent public figure" fourteen years old.

Krasin appeared several times in Bulgakov's diary. On May 24, 1923, due to the sensational ultimatum of Kerzon, who was dedicated to Fakenem "Benefis Lord Kerzon in the" Nameman "," the writer noted that "Kerzon and hear does not want any compromise and demands from Krasin (that after an ultimatum immediately reached in London at airplane) accurate execution according to ultimatum. " Here immediately recalled the drunkard and the depravant of Stepa Lyarkheev, also the nomenclature rank, although lower is Krasin - just a "red director". Stepan Bogdanovich, according to the Fielder of the Roman, went from Moscow to Yalta on some super-speed fighter (actually he sent Woland there). But Lyarkheev returns to Moscow exactly at airplane.

Another entry is associated with the arrival of Krasin in Paris and dated at night from 20 December 21, 1924: "The arrival of Monsieur Krasin was marked by a stupid in the" Style Russe "history: a polulous woman, not the journalist, not that Eotomanka, the revolver came to the embassy Krasina - shoot. Police inspector took her immediately. It did not shoot anyone, and in general it is a small, bastard story. This dickson I had a pleasure to meet something in the 22nd, not that in the 23rd year in the cute editorial office "on the eve" in Moscow, in the Nestrovsky Lane. Thick, absolutely obsessed woman. He released her abroad Pere Lunacharsky, to which she was characterized by his piles. "

It is possible that Bulgakov connected a failed attempt on Krasin's crazy literary ladies Mary Dixon-Eugeneva, nee Gorchakovskaya, with rumors about the scandalous relationship Krasina with Miklashevskaya.

In the diary entry on the night of December 21, 1924 due to the cooling of Anglo-Soviet relations after the announcement of the letter Zinoviev, the then chapter of the Comintern, Bulgakov also mentioned Rakovsky: "The famous letter of Zinoviev, which contains unambiguous calls for the perturbation of workers and troops in England, - Not only by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but also by all England, apparently, unconditionally recognized as genuine. With England is finished. Stupid and slow British, though late, but still begin to think that in Moscow, Rakovsky and couriers who come with sealed packages, a certain formative danger of the decomposition of Britain is faded.

Bulgakov sought to demonstrate the moral decomposition of the one who was called upon to work on the decomposition of the "old good England" and "beautiful France". The author of Philip Philippovich was expressed by the surprise of the incredible consideration of the Bolshevik leaders. Love adventures of many of them, in particular the "All-Union Strengths" M.I. Kalinin and the secretary of CEC A.S. Nukidze, were not secret for the Moscow intelligentsia in the 20s.

In the earlier editorial office, the statement of the Preobrazhensky professor about the fact that Kaloshi from the hallway "disappeared in April 1917," a hint of Lenin and his "April theses" as the root cause of all the troubles that happened in Russia is to return to Russia. In the following editions, April was replaced by censorship for February 1917 and the source of all disasters was the February Revolution.

One of the most famous places in the "dog heart" is a monologue of Philip Philippovich about the ruin: "This is a mirage, smoke, fiction! .. What is this your" destruction "? Old woman with a key? The witch who knocked all the glasses, put all the lamps? Yes, it does not exist at all! What do you mean by this word? This is what: if I, instead of operating, I will start to sing in my apartment every evening, I will have breakdown. If I walk to the restroom, I'll start, excuse me for the expression, to urinate past the toilet and the same Zina and Daria Petrovna will make the same, in the restroom will be devastated. Consequently, destruction is not sitting in balls, but in the heads. " It has one very specific source in the early 20s in the Moscow workshop of the Communist Dramaturgia, a one-act play of Valery Yazvitsky "Who is to blame?" ("Destruction"), where the main acting face was an ancient jarred old woman in rags named devastation, preventing the family of the family of the proletarian.

Soviet propaganda really did some kind of mythical elusive villain, seeking to hide that the root cause is in the politics of the Bolsheviks, in military communism, in the fact that people were born honestly and efficiently work and do not have incentives for labor. The only medicine against the destroyed Preobrazhensky (and with Bulgakov) recognizes the provision of order when everyone can do its own business: "City! This is, and only it! And it doesn't matter to absolutely - whether he is with a fucking or in red clouds. Put the city near every person and force this city to temper the vocal gusts of our citizens. I will tell you ... that nothing will change for the better in our house, and even in any other house, until you dare these singers! Only they will cease their concerts, the situation will change by itself for the better! ". Choir singing lovers during the working hours of Bulgakov punished in the "Master and Margarita" novel, where the employees of the spectacular commission makes the former regent of Koroviev-Fagot, formerly singing.

The condemnation of a honeycomb, instead of his direct duties dealing with choral singing, it may have its source not only the experience of Bulgakov's life in the "bad apartment", but also the book of the Killing of the Tsar's Family. There is mentioned that "when Avdeev in the evening (the commandant of the Ipatiev house. - B.S.) went, Moshkin (his assistant. - B.S.) collected in the commandant of his friends from the security, including Medvedev, and here They started a break, drunk gallege and drunk songs that lasted to deep night.

Oragi usually for all voices Fashionable revolutionary songs: "You fell victory in the fight of the fatal" or "sacrificing from the old world, smolds his dust from our legs" etc. " Thus, Preobrazhensky's persecutors were likened to the Tsarubyians.

And the policeman as a symbol of order arises in the Faken "Capital in Notepad". The myth of the destruction turns out to be correlated with the myth of S.V. Petlyura in the "White Guard", where the former accountant of Bulgakov Corps for the fact that he ultimately engaged in his business - became the "head ataman" ephemeral, according to the writer, the Ukrainian state. In the novel, the monologue of Alexey Turbine, where he calls for the fight against the Bolsheviks in the name of the recovery of order, relate to the monologue of Preobrazhensky and causes a reaction similar to him. The brother of Nikolka notes that "Alex is indispensable at the rally man, speaker. The ball thinks about the Philip Philippovich who entered the oratorical excitement: "He would make money right on rallies ..."

The very name of the "Dog's Heart" is taken from the Tractured Purchate placed in the book A.V. Belifert "Balagans" (1922):

... on the second cake -

Filling of frogs

With onions, pepper

Yes with a dog heart.

Such a name can be correlated with the last life of Klima Chugulkin, who earned the game on a balalaica in taverns (ironically, this earned his life in Emigration and Brother Bulgakov Ivan).

The program of the Moscow Circus, which is studied by the Preobrazhensky on the availability of contraindicated balls of numbers with cats ("Solomonovsky ... Four some ... Yussems and a man of a dead point ... Nikitin ... Elephants and the Limit of human dexterity") exactly corresponds to the real circumstances of the beginning of 1925 . It was then in the 1st Gosocyrque on the Color Boulevard, 13 (b. A. Salamonsky) and the 2nd Goscyircle on B.sadova, 18 (b. A. Kisitina) toured air gymnasts "Four Yussems" and an equilibrist etone, whose number called "man at a dead point."

According to some reports, during the lifetime of Bulgakov, the "Dog's Heart" was distributed in Samizdat. This writes an anonymous correspondent in a letter March 9, 1936. Also known literary criticism of Vasilyevich Ivanov-umened in the book of memoir essays "Writing Fates" was noted:

"Sewing too late, censorship decided to continue not to miss a single printed line of this" inappropriate satirika "(it was so told about M. Bulgakov some type, on the censorship outpost having). Since then, the stories and the story were forbidden to be (I read in the manuscript very witty his story "Ball") ... "

Here under the "ball" clearly refers to the "dog heart".

"" The story of the dog's heart is not printed on censorship considerations. I believe that the work of "Tale of the dog's heart" came out much more malicious than I expected, creating it, and the reasons for the prohibition are clear to me. Obligated Dog Ball - turned out from the point of view of the Preobrazhensky professor, a negative type, since it fell under the influence of the faction (trying to soften the political meaning of the story, Bulgakov claims that the negative features of Shariarikov are due to the fact that he was influenced by the Trotskyist-Zinoviev opposition, which in autumn 1926 was persecuted. However, there is no hint in the text of the story that the balls or his patrons sympathized with Trotsky, Zinoviev, the "working opposition" or any opposition Stalinist majority. - B.S.). I read this work on Nikita Saturdays, the editor of the subsoil T. Angarskaya and in the mug of poets at Zaitseva Peter Nikanorovich and in the Green Lamp. In Nikita Saturdays, there was a man 40, in the "green lamp" man 15, and in the mug of poets a man 20. I should note that it has repeatedly received an invitation to read this work in different places and refused them, because I understood that in my satire Speed \u200b\u200bin the sense of glory and the story excites too close attention.

Question: Specify the names of persons who are in the "Green Lamp" circle.

Answer: I refuse for the considerations of ethical order.

Question: Do you think that in the "dog heart" there is a political lining?

Answer: Yes, political moments are, opposition to the existing system. "

PSA ball has at least one funny literary prototype. In the second half of the XIX century, the humorous story-fairy tale of the Russian writer of the German origin of Ivan Semenovich General Semenovich "Biography of Cat Vasily Ivanovich, who told them by himself was very popular. The main character of the story - Petersburg Cat Vasily, living in the Senate Square, at the near future, it reminds not only the hippother's cheerful cat (albeit, unlike the Bulgakovsky Magic Cat, the Whosler's cat is not black, but a red), but also a good dog ball (in his Doggy's hypostasis).

Here, for example, how the belief of the General Shesen starts:

"I escort from the ancient knightly surnames that have become famous in the Middle Ages, during the Gutev and Godchalnins.

My late father, if I just wanted, could have fallen diplomas and diplomas about our origin, but, first of all, this feature knows what it would be worth it; And secondly, if you can reason what these diplomas do us? .. Hang in the frame, on the wall, under the stove (our family lived in poverty, I will tell about it after). "

But, for comparison, the reasoning of the Bulgakov ball about his own origin after he found himself in the warm apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky and ate the same place for a week as one and a half of the last hungry months on the Moscow streets: "" I am a handsome man. Perhaps an unknown dog prince-incognito, "pested the dog, looking at the shaggy coffee ps with a satisfied face, walking in mirror dlands. "It is very possible that my grandmother sinned with a diver. I look, I have a white stain on my face. Where does it ask? Filipp Philippovich man with great taste, he will not take the first PSA-Kornaga "".

Cat Vasily talks about his poor share: "Ah, if you knew what it means to sit under the oven! .. Horror What is! .. Sorry, garbage, nasty, cockroaches whole legions over the whole wall; And in summer, in summer, Mother's saint! - Oet when not easy to eat their breads stove! I tell you, there is no possibility to endure! .. You will take, and only in the street inspire clean air.

Puf ... FFA!

And besides, there are different other inconveniences. Sticks, brooms, kochergi and all sorts of other kitchen implements, all this usually shove under the stove.

Togo and look like a fucking eyes ... And if not that, so wet wet mops in the eyes poured ... all day and wash, wash and sneeze ... or at least it is: you are sitting and philosophic, closing your eyes ...

Suddenly, some Chertophana Umudrit Wenty to splash there on the cockroaches of the buckets of boiling water ... After all, it will not look, stupid spread, is there anyone there? To pop up like a tremendous, from there, and at least I would apologize, the cattle is eida, so there is no: still laughs. He speaks:

Vassenka, what's wrong with you? ..

Compare our lives with the officials who have to live with a ten-member complaint to live only in dog cones, you come true to such a conclusion that these people with fat are silent: no, they would try the day-other to live under the oven! "

In the same way, the ball becomes a sacrifice of boiling water, which splashed in the dump of "Channel Channel", and in the same way argues about the lower Soviet employees, only with direct sympathy, whereas Cat Vasily is sympathy with irony. At the same time, boiling water, it is quite possible, the cook splashed, without having the intention of rolling the ball, but the one, like Vasily, sees in the evil intent:

"U-U-U-U-GU-GUG-GUU! Oh, look at me, I dare.

The blizzard in the doorway roars to me, and I will be in with her. I disappeared, disappeared. Scounding in a dirty cap, the cook of the dining room of the normal nutrition of the employees of the Central Council of the National Economy splashed boiling water and scalded to me the left side of which Gaddy, and also the proletarian. Lord my God, how hurts! Before the bones, gladly boiled. I now cheat, I will, let them make help.

What did I prevent him from? Do I really find the Council of the National Economy, if in the garbage? Greedy creature! You take a look at him: After all, he across himself wider. Thief with copper muzzle. Ah, people, people. At noon, I treated me with a cap boiling water, and now it was dark, four approximately the afternoon, judging by the onion, it smells of a fire brainstone team. Firefighters dine porridge, as you know. But this is the last thing, like mushrooms. Familiar dogs with Prechistenka, however, they said as if on Neglinnom in the restaurant "Bar" fir the duty dish - mushrooms, Pican sauce 3 r. 75 k. Portion. This is an amateur thing, I don't care what the calico lick ... U-U-U-y ...

The wipers of all proletarians are the most vile scum. Human cleaning, the lowest category. The cook comes across different. For example, the deceased Vlas with the Prechistenka. How many he saved life. Because most importantly during the disease intercept Cous. And so, it happened, the old dogs say, the Vlas bone wave, and on it with the oct of meat. The kingdom of heaven him for the fact that there was a real person, the Barsky Cook of Counts of Tolstoy, and not from the Council of Normal Nutrition. What they are doing there in normal nutrition, the mind cannon, it is incomprehensible. After all, they, the bastards, from Skyulyu, Salonina are boiled, and those, poor people, do not know anything. Run, crush, lacquer.

A different typist gets four and a half Chervonets on the IX category, well, however, the lover of her filming stocks will give. Yes, because how much the bullying for this filter game should be made. After all, he does not have it in some ordinary way, but exposes French love. With ... these French, between us speaking. Although the rich is rich, and everything with red wine. Yes ... Tutorial will come running, because for 4.5 Chervonz, you will not go to the bar. She is not enough for cinema, and the cinema of a woman has the only consolation in life. Trembled, wrinkles, but shovel ... Just thinking only: 40 kopecks of two dishes, and they, both of these dishes, and the five-thousandth are not worth it, because the remaining 25 kopecks convoluted. Does she really need such a table? She and the top of the right lung is not in order, and the female disease in French soil, in the service of it, deducted, fucked in the dining room, here it is, here it is ... runs to the doorway in lovers stockings. The legs are cold, in the stomach blows, because the wool on it like mine, and the pants she wears cold, one lace appearance. Range for lover. Innight she is flannel, try, he will fool: what are you inevitable! I'm sick of my mother, I suffered with flannel pants, now I came my time. I am now the Chairman, and how much is your lap - everything is on the female body, on cancer necks, on Abrau-Durso. Because I was glad in my youth enough, it would be from me, but there is no afterlife.

Sorry to me her, sorry! But myself is even more sorry for me. Not from egoism I speak, oh no, but because we are really not in equal conditions. She is even warm at home, well, and me, and me ... where to go? U-U-U-U! ..

Kut, bunch, bunch! Ball, and the ball ... What do you whine, poor thing? Who hurt you? Wow ...

The witch dry blizzard raised the gate and the lady went on the ear of the young lady. The skirmon was whipped to his knees, exposed cream stockings and a narrow strip of poorly styled lace Belish, strangled the words and was offended. "

Bulgakov, instead of a begging official, forced to crawl almost in a dog cone, an urgent employee-typist. Only they are capable of compassion for unhappy animals.

And the ball, and Vasily Ivanovich are mockery from the "proletariat". Over the first join the wipers and cooks, over the second - couriers and guard. But in the end, both find good patrons: the ball is a professor of Preobrazhensky, and Vasily Ivanovich, as he seemed at first glance, - a family of a shop, who is not mocking over him, and feeds, in a non-fulfilling hope that Lazy Vasily Ivanovich will catch mice. However, the Hero of the General Shesenter in the final leaves his benefactor and gives him a derogatory characteristic:

"Sorry, I told him, leaving, you are a kind of person, the glorious descendant of ancient Varyagov, with your ancient Slavic laziness and mud, with your clay bread, with your rusty herring, with your mineral sturgeon, with your Kareny Chukhonsky butter, with your devils Eggs, with your plows, inspiration and attribution, and finally, your bore, that your rotten product is the first grade. And I part with you without regret. If I still meet on the long path of my life similar to you specimens, then I will lose weight in the forest. It is better to live with beasts than with such people. Goodbye!"

The Bulgakovsky Ball in the final of the Tale is truly happy: "... Thoughts in the head of the PSA flowing and warm.

"It was so brought to me, it was so born," he thought, the back, "he just turned out indescribably. I was established in this apartment. I am definitely sure that in my origin unclean. There is no diver here. Potascious was my grandmother, the kingdom of her heaven, the old woman. True, the whole head was used for some reason, but it will heal before the wedding. We have nothing to watch. "

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Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov Dog's Heart is difficult to present another writer of the 20th century, whose work would be so natural and harmoniously with the traditions of such various Russian writers as Pushkin and Chekhov, Gogol and Dostoevsky. M. A. Bulgakov left rich and

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Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov - the main negative character of the story of the "Dog's Heart", the person in which the dog has turned the ball after the operation of Professor Preobrazhensky. At the beginning of the story, it was a kind and harmless dog, whom Professor picked up. After an experimental operation on the burnt of human organs, he gradually accepted the human appearance and behave as a person, although immoral. His moral qualities were left to desire the best, since the transplanted bodies belonged to the deceased Warm recidivist Klima Cegulkin. Soon the dog was given a name to the Name Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov and handed a passport.

Sharikov became a real problem for the professor. He was a rosychyril, Donimal her neighbors, patted his servant, expressed obscenely, took a fight, stuck and saw a lot. As a result, it became clear that all these habits he inherited from the former owner of the transplanted pituitary. Immediately after receiving the passport, he got a job by the head of the purification of Moscow from the stray animals. Cynicism and the rootless Sharicikov forced the professors to carry out another operation on the transformation of it back into the PSA. Fortunately, he has preserved the pituitary gland, so at the end of the story of the balls again became a good and affectionate dog, without the Khamsky habit.

Ballists Polygraph Poligrafovich - one of the main characters of the story M. A. Bulgakov "Dog's heart". At the beginning of the story of the balls is just a good-natured courtyard, which Professor Preobrazhensky is selected. He treats the wound of Psa and goes well with him. Ball satisfied


"I care about me," the dog thought, "a very good man." I know who it is. He is a wizard, a magician and a kudesman from a dog fairy tale ... "

As a result of the experiment on transplanting pituitary gland to light, balls appear. Initially, the professor thought that he managed to create a human being, but soon it becomes clear that, in fact he managed to "resurrect" the criminal Clima Cavigun.

"You are standing at the lowest level of development," Philip Philippovich blocked, - you still have an emerging, weak mental relationship, all your actions are purely animal ... "

Amoral balls

And stupid, he does not have any honor or conscience. It is devoid of even the adventures of morality and nobility. He starts playing his new life playing at the balalaica, drowning and swearing. He sticks to women and spoils furniture, arranges a flood in the apartment. From the ps, the ball turned out "such a scum that the hair end up." Sharikov receives the support of power in the face of the Schwonder, who sees the proletarian and a full-fledged member of society. From the PSA at Sharicikov, perhaps, perhaps, only dislike for cats. The Swededer finds him the work of the soul - now he leads the department for cat cares. But here the balls show cruelty, not inherent in animals nor people.

Professor Preobrazhensky Stallo submits the tricks of his ward and initially nourish the hope of re-education. But the behavior of the PSA's person is worse every day. The balls move all the borders when he writes on professors a denunciation and threatens to kill him.

"But who is he? Klim, Klim. That's what - C: two criminal records, alcoholism, "solid", the hat and two Chervonans are disappeared ... ..ham and pig ... "

Preobrazhensky makes the "reverse" operation "and a good gentle dog is again returned to the light. With the words of Professor Preobrazhensky, the author seems to be due, conclusion: "Science still does not know the way to pay animals in people." And the right beast was not the dog of the ball, but the soulless and cruel Klima Chugulkin.

Works on topics:

  1. Professor Preobrazhensky - one of the main characters of the story. Philipp Philippovich is a genius doctor, a talented scientist, "European shining" medicine. He is secluded ...
  2. Schwonder - one of the heroes of M. A. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart"; Representative of the proletariat, Chairman of the Household. The author describes the hero with undisguised ...
  3. The action of the story of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" is happening in Moscow. Winter 1924/25. In the big house on the prechistenka lives and leads ...
  4. M. A. Bulgakov is one of the most striking and talented writers of the mid-20th century. The topics of his works remain relevant and ...