How to delete old records from the VK wall. How to delete all posts on the VKontakte wall? Two simple instructions

How to delete old records from the VK wall.  How to delete all posts on the VKontakte wall?  Two simple instructions
How to delete old records from the VK wall. How to delete all posts on the VKontakte wall? Two simple instructions

I am glad to welcome you on the pages of my blog.

If in life a person is met by clothes, then in a social network - by the content of his personal page. But what if you used your account as a platform for making money on the Internet?

There is a desire to remove everything with one click or to leave only certain records. How to delete posts from the Vkontakte wall , let's figure out how to do this?

Agree that after such activities, a lot of unnecessary things remain - dubious reposts of some records, unfamiliar friends, uninteresting groups.

I want to warn you right away: start cleaning the wall from debris only when you have already finished or decided not to work on the sites for earnings.

If you continue to make money on reposts and so on, then be careful: one of the conditions for receiving a reward is to leave the records intact for a certain time.

You can delete almost all entries from your VK wall, except for the most important ones. I will tell you how to do this a little later.

So, be prepared for the fact that the Vkontakte page may be banned for a certain time. Such your activity can be mistaken for hacking.

Therefore, get ready to unfreeze it, which means - get the code on the linked phone and enter it in the specified field.

If the phone is lost, there is no access right now, then I do not recommend cleaning the wall from unnecessary debris. You can remain without an account on this social network.

There are actually several ways to clear the wall of all records, but I only suggest the simplest ones. It does not require special knowledge and a long time to implement the method.

All you need to do is follow a small instruction.

Delete the Vkontakte entry with the Google Chrome browser

Go through a browser to your personal VKontakte page or to a group if you are its administrator.

Scroll through it all to the very end. If you do not do this, then only visible entries will be deleted. You will have to repeat the process again from the very beginning.

Right-click on the space without text, pictures. A drop-down menu will open, in which select the "View code" section.

If in doubt that you have chosen the right place, then press the three keys Ctrl + Shift + I at the same time. This way you will save your time and be sure that you did everything right.

A window will open in which the codes of all elements will be displayed. I warn you right away - nothing needs to be touched, rewritten or supplemented here.

Method for deleting posts on Vkontakte

Look closely at the top panel of the window that opens. Find and click on the Console tab.

Find a small field where you can enter information. If you did everything correctly, and did not touch anything, then the cursor will blink at this place. You will find it immediately near the blue arrow.

Choosing a code to delete a post in VK

Please note - in this field you need to insert all the javascript, which is given below. He will do everything for you in the shortest possible time.

(function () (‘usestrict’; if (! confirm (‘Delete all entries from the wall?’ ”)) return; vardeletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll (‘ a.ui_actions_menu_item ’); for (vari = 0; i

I warn you right away - all the letters and symbols that are written in this script do not need to be retyped manually. It is enough to select the code and paste it into the required input field in the console.

Then press the Enter button. This starts the procedure for clearing the wall from all records. In the window that opens to the question "Delete all records from the wall?" click the "OK" button.

Delete posts in VK

After a while you will see the message "Npostsdeleted". By clicking "OK", you confirm your decision.

If you change your mind and decide to leave a few posts on the wall, then before reloading the page, click "Restore" next to the selected posts.

It remains only to check if everything is cleaned from your wall. To do this, open the page in another tab or in another browser.

If you did everything correctly, then your wall will be clean, like on the first day of creating an account. If you decide to leave a few posts, then check to see if they are in place.

We delete the entry from the Vkontakte wall using the MozillaFirefox browser

This method differs from the previous one in several nuances. You also go to your personal Vkontakte page in the same way.

Then right-click, selecting an empty space, and from the drop-down menu select the item "Explore element".

In the window that opens, select the Console tab, and feel free to insert the same code that was written in the previous method.

The point is that the code does not depend on which browser you are using. It only acts on the Vkontakte website.

Press Enter and follow the process of cleaning your wall. You may receive a notice that the use of various codes is not recommended, as you can harm your computer.

Never mind: this is a security system triggered. Click the "Allow" button, paste the code and start the cleanup process.


Key features of deleting a record from a wall in VK

As I said earlier, this method is very simple and easy even for a beginner. Besides:

  1. The method works with any Vkontakte design. It could be an old interface or an updated version.
  2. If you are a community administrator, you can easily remove old posts from the public wall using this method.
  3. You can interrupt the cleaning process at any time. It is enough to press the F button. So you will refresh the page and leave notes on the Vkontakte wall.
  4. Please note - if you posted photos on the wall, and not in a separate photo album, then you will lose them when cleaning. Therefore, in preparation for the process, review and, if necessary, save the photos in some kind of album.

How to delete not all VK entries

If you decide to clear the entire wall, but at the same time leave separate notes, then you need to prepare.

Leave some separate VK entries

It can be some kind of posts with congratulations, "eternal reposts", pleasant memories of some events, interesting photos, and so on.

To do this, right-click on the post date and select "Open link in a new tab" in the menu that opens. Do this trick for all the posts you want.

Let there be five, ten, fifteen or more. Check if they are all open in new tabs. After that, delete them manually: move the mouse cursor over the ellipsis icon and select "Delete" from the menu.

Do not refresh the page, do not close. It should remain open with a post on the wall “Post deleted. Restore". Do these manipulations slowly with all the selected posts.

Now on the main Vkontakte page, start deleting all records. To do this, use the method described above. Removal will be quick and take a little time.

Once everything is cleared, proceed to restore the selected records. To do this, go through all open windows and tabs and click on the "Restore" button. This will save certain records and get rid of unnecessary junk.

Delete Vkontakte posts before a certain publication date

This method is similar to the previous one. If you have decided until what date you do not need the records, then proceed to the preparatory part.

To do this, on your Vkontakte page or public wall, double-click "All entries". Go to the search by records. Find the calendar icon and tap it.

Select the date until which you want to remove all entries. All entries will open to you. Look carefully and decide - you don't need them, will you delete them all?

If the answer is yes, then move on to using the code and clear the entire wall at once. Only those posts will remain that were published earlier than the specified date.

If the answer is no, then open the posts you want in separate tabs. Prepare them according to the previous method.

Then delete all the remaining posts before the selected date and restore the individual posts that you prepared in the open tabs.

So you can clear the Vkontakte wall of unnecessary posts, reposts and photos. I am sure that you have found a lot of useful and interesting things in the article.


Best regards, Alexander Gavrin.

The developers of VKontakte did not introduce buttons or something like that, to completely clean the wall, and even more, they oppose the use of such a method, arguing that the attacker who took possession of the page should not delete all important information in one fell swoop. In practice, deleting records one by one causes significant discomfort, especially if there are many.

A situation is created when there is no official method, but there is a need, against the background of this the question arises of how to quickly clear the wall in VK. Of course, our masters have found a solution for such a situation, and there are several of them. All methods boil down to two main actions: using a special script or application. We will consider such moments, giving the working methods for today.

Before you clean the wall in VK completely, it is better to make sure that you have access to the page and the associated mail and phone. This is necessary to be completely sure that you retain control of the page, since such a deletion may attract unnecessary attention, in fact it is unlikely, but still.

How to clean a wall in VK using a script?

Some of the methods that worked before in the old design are now a thing of the past. However, new and effective options for deleting records have come. Let's consider a few code examples, suddenly some will not work after a while:

  1. Open VK in Chrome, Opera or Mozilla;
  2. Before you clear the wall in a new VK, you need to scroll the page to the very beginning, otherwise the code will not completely remove the elements. The best option to do this is either by pressing the End button, or at the top of the page, press the wheel on an empty space, then move the mouse cursor down and the scrolling speed will increase as the distance from the click increases;
  3. On the free space, right-click and select "View element code", this is the last item, and it may have a different name depending on the browser;
  4. In the new panel, click on the "Console" tab;
  5. Insert one of the scripts into the active field:
  • var z = document.getElementsByClassName ("post_actions"); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = z [i] .getElementsByTagName ("div"). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ( "("); Var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2); if (i == z.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id = setInterval (del_wall, 1000);

  • for (var i = 1; i<530;i++){document.getElementsByClassName(‘post_delete_button fl_r’)[i].onclick();} – где 530, является число записей на странице.

You need to use one script of your choice and, if it does not work, add another. At the moment, the methods are operational, since VK is developing, then along with the redesign or the introduction of new functions, the working scripts will change.

How to clear an entire wall in VK at once using applications?

There are not so many programs in the Google Store that allow you to achieve the desired result, but they are. We do not consider dubious extensions from the outside, since in addition to the desired function, they can be stuffed with a lot of unnecessary or even harmful ones.

Application for cleaning the wall in VK - VkOpt

Let's talk in more detail about the tested programs. So, the program that removes entries from the VK wall, which has proven itself well, is called VkOpt. The extension, among other things, includes a complete wall cleaning function, for this:

  • Install the extension for the selected browser by finding it on the website;

  • Go to the VK page;
  • Now there is an additional active element "Actions". Click on it and select "Clear Wall".

How to clean the wall using VkBot app?

In a similar way, you can clean the wall using the VkBot application - this is a multifunctional program that allows you to perform many routine actions automatically, including the complete removal of the wall. To use this method you need:

  • Download the VkBot utility;
  • After starting in the window, enter your username and password, in this case, it is safe. The program has existed for a long time and has not been convicted of any fraudulent activities;

  • Go to the "Profile" section;

  • Now select "Clean" and you will see "Clean Wall". The deletion takes a certain amount of time, which increases as the number of records grows.

After completing any of the methods described in the article, you will get a completely clean VK wall, which in turn will help save precious traffic for downloading records.

The developers of Vkontakte took care of users so that in case of hacking, the fraudster could not cause maximum damage to the page, but as often happens, this "concern" brought a lot of inconvenience to the owners of pages with a long history. As a result, you have to use crutches to perform the necessary actions, but despite this, such a possibility still exists.

If you still have questions on the topic "How to completely delete entries from the VK wall?", You can ask them in the comments

if (function_exists ("the_ratings")) (the_ratings ();)?>

Today, business is very developed with its own group on VKontakte, so there are enough nuances with administrative management.

So, here is a new group, members are invited, the advertising process may have started. People begin to communicate and post their notes on the wall, every day, hour and minute there are more of them, and now the question of deleting all posts at once arises. Consider three working ways to erase all posts in a public quickly and easily.

If the user prefers the Google Chrome () browser, then the problem with unnecessary posts in the community is solved by installing the Instrumentum () extension.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Login to the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Click on the icon in the form of three vertically spaced dots. In the menu that appears, place the cursor on "Additional tools", then select the line "Extensions" in the new table.
  3. The page that opens will show which add-ons are already installed and connected. If this list does not contain the one you want, then at the end click on "More extensions".
  4. In the online store, at the top left in the search bar, you must enter the name of the lotion - Instrumentum.
  5. After the results are displayed, proceed with the installation.
  6. The application is installed without any unnecessary programs. Upon completion of the process, a new icon will appear in the upper right corner, by clicking on which you can log in through the existing page in VK.
  7. To get started with the extension, enable access to profile information.
  8. After permission, the application will close. To resume, you need to click on the icon at the top again and select the section of the page in VK, in which you need to format. Since we are talking about how to remove entries from the group, then you need to click "Community".
  9. From the list that appears, click "Delete posts on the wall".
  10. The extension will make it possible to select the desired group, if the page owner has several of them, and will specify whose posts on the wall to remove. Select the required lines and click "Delete entries".

This method does not require the installation of any applications or widgets, but it cannot boast of a complete cleaning function. In order to erase a small number of records from a group (indiscriminately whether they are administrator or from members), this method is ideal.

If there are a lot of posts, the process is repeated several times. It takes about 5-7 minutes to delete 3000 records.

Step-by-step instruction:

Important! Only the administrator has the right to delete all posts from the group wall. A simple participant can erase their entry immediately after it is posted.

The popular social network Vkontakte is used by a lot of people. Sometimes it becomes necessary to clean your wall. Many users do this manually, deleting entries one at a time. On the one hand, this is normal, but when thousands of such records have gathered over several years of maintaining the page, it will take several years to put things in order on your VK wall. There are faster ways, how to remove all records almost from one time. Let's consider the options.

How to delete all entries from the wall in VK at once - option one

There are several proven ways to get rid of wall posts:

  • This method is the simplest and fastest, but it does not always work. This must be taken into account immediately. We open our page.
  • In the address bar you need to enter the following combination, just copy the following: “java *** script: var h = document.getElementsByClassName (“ ui_actions_menu _ui_menu ”); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = h [i] .getElementsByTagName (“a”). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split (“(“); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split ( “;”); Eval (fn_arr_2); if (i == h.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id = setInterval (del_wall, 500) ”.
  • You need to manually remove the asterisks marked in red.
  • Press the enter key.
  • That's it, the script will start doing its job without your participation. All posts on the wall will now be automatically deleted.
  • If there are a lot of records, thousands or even tens of thousands, then the script will have to be inserted manually many times, because it only affects the deletion of records within a few hundred.

How to delete all entries from the wall in VK at once - option two

The first method is quick and good because you can quickly put things in order on the wall in a short time, provided that there are not many entries.

If a lot of records have accumulated, then we do this:

  • You need to scroll through some of the notes on your wall while holding down the space bar or the end key.
  • Then, on the page, you need to right-click and select "Look at the code" from the list. Depending on the browser, this option may be indicated differently, such as "explore the element".
  • Then open the console, insert the following information: “(function () ('use strict'; if (! Confirm ('Delete all posts from the wall?')) Return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll ('a.ui_actions_menu_item '); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }())». После введения подтвердите свои действия, нажав на энтер.
  • We confirm our actions, wait until the code copes with the task at hand.
  • We rewind some of the notes on the wall again and repeat our actions.

What if…

When performing simple actions, each user has many questions. We answer the most common:

  • the page design has changed recently, will both methods work? Yes, scripts are active, but sometimes they can stop working if you choose the first method. If this happens, try the second option;
  • in the community, you can also delete posts from the wall, this can only be done by the administrator;
  • to stop deleting data from the wall in VK, you need to update the page;
  • photographs are also deleted along with the recordings.

Your wall is a place where you can post any information - photos (see), videos (see), comments and posts. Materials are also duplicated here if you add them directly to the desired section.

Over time, a fairly large number of necessary, and not very, posts accumulates on the wall. This is especially acute among users who have opened access to publish materials to friends, subscribers and any users.

How to delete all posts from the VKontakte wall to clean up all the trash at once? There is a way, and now I will show you it.

Delete records individually

If there are very few materials, then you can simply delete them one by one.

We go to our page. Hover the mouse over the record, and click the button that appears, in the form of a cross.

Do this with the others. If there are a lot of them, then proceed to the second step.

How to delete all posts from the VKontakte wall

To do this, you will have to feel like a hacker. We'll even execute the script in the browser. Scared?

There is nothing wrong. Just copy this code:

Javascript ***: var h = document.getElementsByClassName ("post_actions"); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = h [i] .getElementsByTagName ("div"). Onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2); if (i == h.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id = setInterval (del_wall, 500);

After that, put the cursor in the address bar of the browser, and delete what is written there.

Now let's paste in our code. Now remove the three asterisks that are written after "javascript". If this is not done, nothing will work. After that, press "Enter".

The deletion of your VKontakte entries will immediately begin. You can see it - just pay attention to the wall.

In order to interrupt this process, you just need to refresh the page. You need to press "F5" on the keyboard, or a special button in the browser.

How to delete all records before a specific date

To do this, go to the expanded view of the wall - click on the title.

When the required records are generated, run the script.


Keep in mind that the more posts you have on the wall, the longer it will take to remove them completely.

This method will also work in order to delete all entries from the wall of the VKontakte group. Provided that you are its creator (see).


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