How to get the status of a museum. How to open a museum with exhibits? What to choose to start: a virtual or a regular museum

How to get the status of a museum.  How to open a museum with exhibits?  What to choose to start: a virtual or a regular museum
How to get the status of a museum. How to open a museum with exhibits? What to choose to start: a virtual or a regular museum

A museum is a special institution that stores monuments and objects that have their own unique history. Any museum begins with a collection, and the more original it is, the greater the interest in it. The main museum tasks include constant monitoring and analysis of the work of a particular museum. Modern museum technologies include several components:

  • Museum exhibitions require a special approach to themselves, because they must be properly organized and planned.
  • Equipment for storing exhibits.
  • Museum climate. At low humidity or too high humidity, the exhibits are deformed and their value is lost. All necessary hardware must be installed to prevent this.
  • Museum showcases.
  • Restoration equipment.
  • Keepers.
  • A concept is a document that will show the uniqueness of a given institution at the present stage. It consists of three main points: modernization, innovation and preservation of our own traditions.

To create a new museum, it is necessary, first of all, to specifically identify its purpose, the further development of activities will depend on it. You can combine several assignments, for example, to tell the history of your city in a club of like-minded people. Then you need to choose a room where certain exhibitions will be held, it is better if it is a very crowded place, you can save on advertising. An important factor is the choice of working personnel (for the good functioning of the museum, at least four employees are needed). It is necessary to competently organize excursions in order to interest a larger number of people, and they began to bring their acquaintances here. But, one cannot do with excursions, interest in them quickly disappears, it is necessary to hold creative evenings, meetings of like-minded people and various cultural events.

No museum can exist without constant funding. Therefore, it is necessary to find a rich like-minded person to solve this problem. It is necessary to prove the importance of this institution for the benefit of society and then things will go up, increasing profits. To create a museum that will constantly have visitors, you need to have a lot of experience in this area, otherwise a complete fiasco awaits it. This should be done by masters who know how to organize everything correctly and bypass competitors. A competent trend in the development of a modern museum is the creation of internal and near-museum structures that create a single space. People who have visited the institution should receive a cultural common development.

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Business plan

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Reviews (7)

The site presents a business plan for the museum, which we recommend to draw the attention of thoughtful and serious people who would like to have a promising business. Yes, each museum is not just one exposition, it is a certain world that needs regular supplementation and updating. This is how it will be possible to attract people here, to achieve their interest and recognition of the institution. And the profitability of the project will ultimately depend on the people.

If in doubt, study the ready-made document that will show you the real prospects and relevance of this case. However, much here will depend on your imagination. What kind of museum will it be? Artistic or ethnographic, maritime or thematic, dedicated to clothes, dolls, utensils, coins? Maybe your museum will offer places for a variety of exhibitions? This is something to think about in advance.

When studying the information on opening a museum, remember that at the first stage it is important to decide on the premises and the first exhibition. The room should be spacious enough to accommodate exhibits and visitors, bright, located in a crowded place, preferably in a separate building. Another nuance: the selection of guides who would be able to captivate museum visitors with their stories, to interest them so that they would like to come back here again.

A private museum is no longer such a rarity in our country. Although most entrepreneurs are still perplexed: how can you get an acceptable profit from organizing a museum? In fact, there is nothing fantastic about it. The main activity of a private museum is to present exhibits of a certain orientation and attract visitors who, purely hypothetically, would like to pay money to view this collection.

Quite a reasonable question: what will people agree to pay for in this case? And the success of the whole event depends on how correctly you will be able to solve the task set before you. The advantage in this matter belongs to active collectors who have been collecting things for many years - coins, weapons, music records or even antiques. If the collection is rich enough, it may already be of interest to museum visitors. And if several collectors manage to unite, the value of the museum will increase significantly.

A hobby like collecting may well become the basis for a successful business. A variety of exhibits can interest potential visitors of the museum, the main thing is to be able to present it with the appropriate sauce. Objects simply piled up in several piles are unlikely to interest a person who accidentally comes to you from the street. But competently and attractively designed stands and shelves will allow you to present your collection in the most favorable light.

Of course, the exhibits of the collection should be of interest to people. It can be watches made by masters of different eras, antique household items, dolls and much more. If your collection is not wide enough to compose a full-fledged exposition, chat with like-minded people, spark them with your idea. But at the same time, remember: just the desire to create a museum will not be enough for you.

The first question that you have to solve is related to finding a suitable room. It should be conveniently located and to some extent correspond to the image of your collection. To do this, you will need the appropriate decoration, made in the same style with the spirit of the exhibition, this will draw additional attention to your museum. In order to use the premises as a museum, you need to obtain the appropriate permission from the local authorities.

In order for a business to develop actively, you should carefully study all the subtleties and rules of its functioning. And an invaluable help in this will be provided by a competent business plan of the museum, drawn up by professionals in their field. After studying this document, you will understand how important it is to correctly assess such factors as the availability of sources of stable funding, the level of competition, as well as the relevance of your idea. Do not forget about the staff, as an experienced guide will help visitors to draw attention to the most interesting exhibits of the collection, which will increase the popularity of your private museum.

Museum Business Plan Reviews (7)

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    Museum business plan

    Mukim Nazari
    Very good! Thanks! Everything is painted in great detail and is understandable even for beginners.

    Mukim, thank you for your response. We are always glad when people try to create something not only for the sake of enrichment, but also for the benefit of other people. And the museum is one of such projects. We hope that the business plan will help you in organizing this project. We wish you every success.

    Museum business plan

    Hello! Thank you very much for your business plan. I received a lot of useful and necessary information from you. But, unfortunately, this does not suit me. The point is that my father. the history teacher has been collecting various household and other items for a long time. After he left, I continued his work, allocated a room of 4-4 m. And decided to exhibit the collected exhibits there, wrote short information on subjects and on the history of the village, etc. 2014, in the year of culture, I was offered to organize a regional history and local history museum with the involvement of my exhibits. I agreed and even moved all the exhibits to the specified premises. However, the room turned out to be smaller than my home. Since they promised me another room, I continued to work.
    In 2015, I was told that the state was closing and was asked to take the exhibits wherever I wanted. So they returned home.
    Now I have decided to expand the premises to 60 sq. m. and somehow enter the legal field such as individual entrepreneurs or non-profit organizations so that the museum has an official status. We are not talking about commerce, loans, and it is useless, since I live in a small village. True, there are visitors, but they are schoolchildren and local residents.
    In light of the above, I just wanted to know how I would better act and what to do in such a situation. Therefore, I began to search the Internet for information about museums and their activities.
    Thank you again for responding and even helping a little. And I apologize for the frank opus. Good luck to you!

    Magomed, thank you for the detailed review! On the contrary, we are pleased to hear when our work helps not only develop business, but also such initiatives as yours. We wish you success and further development!

    Museum business plan

    I ordered a business plan for the museum and was very pleased with it. Great accuracy in numbers or other indicators is absolutely not required. Each has its own idea different from many others. After studying the Plan, I ordered a second business plan for the production of furniture. I am even more satisfied with this plan. After combining this information, I drew up an excellent plan for the creation of the Furniture Museum and now I am choosing an investor.

    Alla, thank you for your feedback. We are glad that both business plans were useful for you and we wish you successful negotiations with investors!

In stock Museum business plan 5 15

To open a museum, you need to solve almost the same problems as when opening a Firm.

Come up with an idea, preferably a competitive one, find permanent sources

Funding, placement in a walkable place, recruit professional staff, etc.


Any private museum starts with an interest in collecting. After There are enough exhibits in the collection to display it for all to see, it stands clearly Determine the motivation, it will largely determine the future museum policy. Want to Do you Open Museum to showcase your collection, or to find

Like-minded people and create an interest club, or you want to make money (a rare case, Example - Vodka Museum).


The next step is the premises. “It is advisable to acquire the premises as a property, so Calmer, - says Dmitry Shneerson, director of the private Museum of the History of Photography. - The main disadvantage of the rented premises is the ever-creeping upward rental rates. " There are Another way is to look for a sponsor, such as a large enterprise or institution, that could Place a museum in your building, or try to get premises for a cultural institution from Municipal authorities on preferential lease terms. So, the departmental museum became The museum “Anna Akhmatova. Silver Age "in Avtovo, and Several museums have leased municipal premises, including the Gramophone Museum And phonographs of Vladimir Deryabkin.


Even a small museum should have at least 5 Employees. Second The man after the director - Conditionally - the main guardian. He must understand the Foundations, keep records, know where what The item is located, when and what exhibits should be restored, etc. Often it also performs Function The curator of the exhibitions and decides which exhibits can be offered for the exposition. You will also have to provide for the position of an accountant and a cleaner, you may need and conservation of exhibits, a computer technician for maintenance of equipment And the maintenance of the website, as well as a tour guide, preferably with knowledge of a foreign language.


If the museum operates in its own premises, then among the main monthly expenses - Salary, utility bills, restoration, site content, printing - leaflets,

Posters, brochures. The costs of purchasing exhibits from a private museum are not standardized. Even It is impossible to predict in advance how much it will be possible to purchase a new item.

Some exhibits can be obtained for free: donors like that their item will be Be in the museum.

It is considered unsafe to disseminate the value of the collection among private museum workers. “As soon as we start talking about how much it costs, people will decide what we get We sell gifts and sell for a lot of money, - believes Dmitriy Schneerson. - Therefore, in our museum There are no paid ones at all Services ... We do not sell tickets, books, photographs, Cameras in We do not rent out the lease, otherwise suspicions will immediately begin that this is a shop, a cover for a serious Commercial structure ". The income of museums consists of admission fees and Excursions . Charitable donations, less often grants for projects. To earn and achieve Payback, you can rent premises, for example, for presentations, Special events.


In addition to the design of the permanent exhibition, it makes sense to hold temporary exhibitions from our own funds and in cooperation with other collectors or artists. This is a good informational occasion: the announcements of exhibitions get into the posters of the media, which increases the flow of visitors. Thus, the Museum of the History of Photography holds exhibitions of Russian and foreign photographers, the private Museum of Dolls holds exhibitions from private collections. The non-state Nabokov Museum also hosts concerts, lectures, and plays.

Dmitry Shneerson, Director of the Museum of the History of Photography and Chairman of the Board of the Era Fund for Effective Asset Management, opened his museum out of a great love of photography.

$ 2 - 5 thousand - monthly costs of maintaining a private museum in its own premises, excluding purchases of exhibits.

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Premises for the museum.

The first step is to find a room in which the museum will be organized. The decisive role here is played by the theme of the museum, which exhibits will be displayed, their size, storage conditions and accessibility of the review.

For example, if you have small exhibits in your museum, for example, dishes, jewelry, household items and all kinds of antiques, then perhaps a small room or section in a shopping center will be enough for you, where everything can be accommodated. If your exhibits are of significant size, be it cars, sculptures, garden objects, then of course you need to think about your own building with a local area.

Through a real estate agency, you are looking for the right premises for rent, unless, of course, you do not own your own. The price will depend on the area, the location of the building, the infrastructure of the territory. The most economical option would be to rent a section in a shopping center. But here it should be borne in mind that entertainment topics or small items that do not require lengthy excursion escorts by the curator are best suited, or you plan to combine a museum and an exhibition-sale of exhibits.

For example, by opening a museum of children's creativity, you exhibit the most interesting exhibits created by children of different ages, and invite visitors to take part in replenishing the exhibition-collection. For example, you offer for sale a set of plastic for modeling, from which the child can immediately create a craft with his own hands.
A more serious theme of the museum will not be entirely appropriate in a shopping and entertainment center.

For a museum, its own premises will be optimal, for example, commercial real estate located on the first floor of a building. Ideally, the theme of the museum should correspond to the location of the rented premises. For example, an exotic insect museum should ideally be located next to an amusement park or zoo. A theater costume museum, for example, would be more appropriate to open near the operating theaters in the historic center of the city.

If the exhibits of your future museum take up quite a lot of space, then you can think about open-air museums or in a free-standing building.
For example, in an open area, you can organize a museum of unusual garden interiors or sculptures. Here, the best option would be a plot in a garden and park area or in the nearest suburb.

Museum staff.

After deciding on the location, you need to think about the staff. How many employees do you need. Here the main ones are the organizer-manager, the accountant-cashier and the guides-consultants. If the collection of the exhibition has been collected by you personally for many years, then no one can talk about it better than you, and at first you will be a guide-guide, apparently you will, having taken one employee to help.

Having the premises and having defined the staff, it is time to open the museum. All you need to open is to arrange a collection of exhibits, prepare a description for each subject of the exhibition, decorate the facade in an original way and you can open.
To attract visitors, you need a bright, enticing sign. Consider an advertising campaign by analyzing the location, traffic and theme of your museum.

Financial plan.

The main investment in your business will be the lease of premises, and based on the cost of the lease, you will need to calculate ticket prices and determine the payback period for yourself.

For example, consider a variant of a section in a shopping center:
Section rent - from 100,000 rubles / month.
The attendance of the museum is 60 people per day (an average figure, since it is more on weekends and holidays, and less on weekdays).
The ticket price is 150 rubles.

Total per day: 150 rubles. x 60 people = 9,000 rubles / day;
Income per month: 9,000 x 30 days = 270,000 rubles.

Subtract the rental cost from income: 270,000 -100,000 = 170,000 rubles.
Let's deduct the salary of employees (on average 40,000 rubles), so your profit will be 130,000 rubles per month.

The figures presented in the example are approximate, and may differ many times from your data, since the rental amount can be 50,000 rubles / month, or you can rent a building for 500,000 rubles / month.

So the ticket prices can be from 50 to 1000 rubles, depending on the theme of the museum.
Perhaps you own the premises from which you plan to make a museum, then the costs will be associated only with the repair of the premises and its conversion into a museum.

It remains to solve some bureaucratic procedures. Registration of a legal entity, obtaining a permit for this type of activity, coordinating the necessary inspections. If it seems too complicated for you, then you can contact the agency for registration of new companies, they will prepare all the necessary documents to open your museum.

Now everything is in your hands, make a profitable museum business out of your hobby.

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Do you have a Business Idea? On our website you can calculate its Profitability online!

Creative people approach entrepreneurship in a non-standard way, turning a hobby into a business. Museum opening: features, profitability, business plan for the implementation of the original project with the calculation of the return on investment.

The museum is often associated with historical and monumental trends - local history, art, military. In fact, absolutely any thing can be exhibition exhibits, the main thing is that the interest of the general public is present. Often the idea of ​​organizing a museum as a business comes to the head of an accomplished collector, and then administrative issues remain to be resolved.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before embarking on the implementation of the idea, it is necessary to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the project to open an exhibition hall:

pros Minuses
1 The activity is not licensed, special permits and approvals are not required. Costly good location. If the place is rented, then there is a risk of termination of the contract and movement of the collection, you will have to start all over again.
2 The entrepreneur is able to do all the work on his own. An extensive staff is required only in large museums. Business usually has a seasonality and a shift in the bulk of visits towards weekends.
3 If a novice businessman possesses rare and unusual objects, then this increases the likelihood of successful business development. To adequately assess the significance of the collection, you need to have special knowledge and skills.

When implementing a business idea, you need to pay attention to the critical points. For example, schedule the museum so that people have the opportunity to visit the institution on Saturday and Sunday, as well as in the late evening hours.

Instructions for action

If we are not talking about the “museum at home” format, then first you need a business plan with calculations of basic indicators both for the ideological inspirer of the project and for attracting investors from outside:

  1. Enterprise concept.
  2. Registration with government agencies.
  3. Selection of premises.
  4. Repair and equipment.
  5. Staff.
  6. Advertising.
  7. Financial calculations.

The steps are standard for the development of any business, but each has its own peculiarities.


In the museum business, it is important to determine the format and theme of the institution. People's tastes change quickly, so universal and enduring values ​​are chosen, or, conversely, something shocking. For example, a lot of thrill-seekers go to a museum of eroticism or instruments of torture.

In cities with an initially tourist orientation, it is easier - people come to rest, try to get new experiences and broaden their horizons. Such a contingent will come to the museum on its own, the owners' task is to clearly indicate their presence on maps, reference books, guidebooks. It takes a lot of effort to attract audiences and create a pilgrimage site to an ordinary, unremarkable location.

There are usually 2 types of museums:

  • in room;
  • open air.

They also distinguish between mono-museums and a mix of different themes, united under one roof.

A good solution would be to combine entertainment and cognitive functions, for example, as is done in the Darwin Museum, with elements of the show program, color music, and demonstration of film materials. Another niche in business is focusing on a narrow range of interests of a large audience.

This is the path chosen by the museum of UFOs, boxing, vintage cars. Admirers in these areas number in the thousands, with constant updating of exhibits, a steady stream of customers is ensured.

Artistic orientation is considered traditional - galleries and passages with paintings, photographs, installations. Visitors are certainly given the opportunity to purchase the works they like.

Any private museum, created not for the sake of pure art, but for financial gain, receives a significant part of its income from the sale of additional services, the sale of original exhibits or copies. Often fees are charged for permission to film and photograph on the territory of the exhibition.

Before opening your own museum, it is important to make sure that a similar institution does not function in the city and the surrounding area. Otherwise, the idea is doomed to failure - visitors will go to a well-known and promoted place. Even with the maximum use of advertising means, pulling off an already small audience from competitors will be too expensive and unprofitable.


After the main direction of activity has been chosen, you need to formally formalize the business. You can register a museum in 2 ways:

  1. Private enterprise in the form of LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Non-profit association.

In the second case, the focus is not on making a profit, but on acquiring a national and cultural status, with support from the state and subsidized activities.

If the subject of the exhibition concerns archaeological finds and valuable exhibits, then it is necessary to obtain approval from the Ministry of Culture. Otherwise, no special permissions or licenses are required.


The territory for the placement of exhibits is selected for the intended purpose. If an open-air museum is planned, then a land plot with a lease term of more than 20 years or acquired as property is required.

Any room is suitable for a closed exhibition. The organizers specifically choose the abandoned production area to save money and for the sake of a large space. Small expositions are placed in halls with small squares. Since it is assumed the simultaneous presence of several people in the room, it is calculated for at least 40 sq. m.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  • separate location;
  • vehicle entrance and parking space;
  • installation of a fire and security alarm system;
  • availability of communication systems.

It all depends on the specific type of collection and the form of project implementation. Rent payments will be part of the fixed costs of the business, so it is better to find a profitable option in advance. If it is known in advance that the exposition will be open for several months a year, then it is beneficial to conclude an agreement only for this period.

When renting premises, there is a risk of termination of the contract. Since the stability of the location is a key factor in museum activities, the best way out is to invest in the acquisition of real estate.

Repair and equipment

The decoration of the premises is carried out in accordance with the general idea of ​​the project. In some cases, repairs are not carried out. For example, in an open-air museum, a site is fenced off, and exhibits are placed on the territory according to the developed plan. In a traditional showroom, you may need a thematic design that requires redevelopment, restoration or complex renovation work.

Usually, a museum needs to install:

  1. Fire and burglar alarms.
  2. Shelving structures.
  3. Showcases.
  4. Fixing systems for walls, floors, ceilings.
  5. Furniture for visitors.

Most often, exhibitions are held in closed rooms, so it is necessary to take care of high-quality lighting in the halls and equip exposition items with additional lighting.

If an interactive model of the museum's functioning is envisaged, then screens, a stereo system, and computer panels will be required. To prevent damage to the collection, exhibits are protected from direct contact with people. But most visitors are attracted by the opportunity to touch interesting things, so it makes sense to set aside an area where some of the objects are allowed to be viewed up close.

The museum needs a department to provide additional services - the sale of goods and souvenirs, a photo platform, and master classes. A small area should be allocated for the needs of staff, administration and sanitation.


A large number of employees are involved in large-scale museum projects:

  • tour guides;
  • collection specialists;
  • managers;
  • organizers of performances;
  • auxiliary workers;
  • security guards;
  • accountant.

The owner can organize and present a modest exhibition on his own, involving third-party organizations for certain needs - advertising, security, keeping records.

It is better to recruit specialists with experience in the museum field. Private business attracts employees from public institutions with higher salaries and a variety of forms of activity. Therefore, with sufficient funding, it will be easy to hire qualified personnel.

Free download here as a sample.

The initial stage of launching a project to open your own museum will not do without advertising costs. If the target audience is clearly defined and small in number, then it is enough to create a high-quality optimized Internet site, pay for the first places in the results of search sites and post information on thematic forums.

In a situation where the museum was conceived for a wide range of visitors, it is necessary to act on a larger scale:

  1. Cooperation with educational institutions and municipal authorities.
  2. Installation of signs and information boards in crowded places.
  3. Internet advertising.
  4. Announcements in the media.
  5. Representation of interests at thematic conferences and exhibitions.
  6. Conclusion of agreements on mutually beneficial work with competitors - domestic and foreign.

A traditional museum, housed in a large room, can provide halls for exhibitions of exhibits in other directions, thereby expanding the audience, which at the same time can get acquainted with the main collection.

Museums conduct educational, entertainment and educational activities. The more actively excursions, lectures, master classes are organized, the more famous the institution becomes and the flow of visitors increases.

Video: how to open a private museum in Russia.

Financial calculations

To determine the amount of investment and the profitability of the museum, it is necessary to have information about traffic, seasonality, and ticket prices. For example, to open an exhibition of weapons in a closed room of 50 sq. m. will need to be invested (subject to the ownership of the collection and the building):

If the number of expenses includes the purchase of premises and exhibits, then the cost of launching a project increases by 3-10 times. The collection can be wholly owned by the entrepreneur, or some of the items are borrowed for a while elsewhere - there are many nuances regarding the formation and evaluation of the exhibition.

Fixed monthly costs include:

  • Communal expenses;
  • the salary;
  • taxes;
  • advertising;
  • administrative.

With the passage of time and the growing popularity of the museum, marketing costs will decrease to a minimum, although it is impossible to completely stop the activity to attract visitors. Average monthly business costs are 250,000 rubles.

Visiting exhibitions costs Russians at least 50 rubles, the average cost is 300 rubles. Pricing is based on the group nature of museum trips - families, classrooms, tourist teams. The ticket price is above 500 rubles. unaffordable, therefore such prices are set by institutions focused on a financially secured narrow category of clients.

With a work schedule of 2 days off a week, during the period of maximum activity, the museum accepts up to 50 people daily. The monthly income is 330,000 rubles, the profit is 80,000 rubles, the profitability is 24%. However, such indicators are achieved within a few months, the rest of the time the revenue barely covers the costs. With a successful combination of circumstances, the investment in the project will pay off in 2 years.

According to the reviews of entrepreneurs who have opened a private museum, this business is very specific. Even with large investments and correct calculations, it is easy to fail - the demand for museum values ​​is almost impossible to predict.

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