How to improve your studies. How parents can help their child do well in school

How to improve your studies.  How parents can help their child do well in school
How to improve your studies. How parents can help their child do well in school


Start by strengthening your own strength. After all, if your body doesn’t have enough resources, you won’t be able to, even if you want to. Review your daily menu. Nutrition should be balanced, and the number of calories consumed should correspond to your load.

Schedule your daily routine. Set aside time for four meals a day, study, entertainment, extracurricular activities and sleep. Determine how much time it actually takes you to complete each item. If necessary, increase it, “taking away”, for example, from entertainment (you shouldn’t skimp on sleep and food). If you are too busy with classes and sections, you may have to sacrifice one of them - one that you attend for your own pleasure, without planning to apply the acquired skills in your professional activities.

Decide for yourself what results you want to achieve in . On a piece of paper, write down your goals, and with them the efforts you need to put in. In this case, goals must be taken into account both for the near future and long-term.

By the way, about teachers. Teach your child to communicate well and productively with them. Let him at least pretend that he likes the subject of this. This will flatter the teacher and subsequently, perhaps, save him from unforeseen circumstances during the lessons (in case, for example, he did not have time to complete his homework).

Classmates are also a factor that determines school performance. If the company is good, not only will it not interfere with the child’s studies, but it will also help. Mutual assistance has not yet been canceled.

In addition, the life of the school itself should not be discounted. An active student is remembered not only by teachers, but is also encouraged by the director. Successful participation in Olympiads and similar events is an opportunity to receive all kinds of certificates, which can play a big positive role when entering an institute/university. Convince your child that school is not boring, and maybe your child will thank you later.

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In the media, more and more often you can hear about a decrease in the level of education - both higher and secondary, about the low quality of the knowledge acquired by university graduates, even prestigious ones. Graduates themselves also often complain about the lack of knowledge for work, and this also applies to those who did not skip classes and showed good results during the session.


The quality of knowledge is determined by its depth and relevance after graduation. If, as a rule, nothing can be done about the demand - the market either needs, say, lawyers, or does not need it, then anyone can work with the depth of knowledge. In addition, the quality of knowledge depends on two parties - the teacher and the learner. If the quality of knowledge of the first is low, the second will be the same. The quality of knowledge of the student who does not make efforts to learn will also be low.

Improving the quality of knowledge is a constant work. Our memory has a habit of repressing information that we do not use for a long time. This is especially true. You can have fundamental linguistic skills, but not use a foreign language for several years and ultimately be unable to properly communicate in a foreign language in a store. Vocabulary is forgotten, and then... To avoid this, and even vice versa - to expand your vocabulary, you need to use a foreign language to the maximum. Moreover, now it is not so difficult: in almost any large bookstore you can buy books in foreign languages, you can also listen to music and chat on forums. Some people do not allow themselves to “throw away” a foreign language from their career - they are engaged in home translations for translation agencies and private clients, i.e. improve the quality of knowledge actually for a fee.

Over time, any knowledge is forgotten, especially that gained “through force.” It is known that it is easier for a person to remember what aroused his emotions. Therefore, it can be extremely difficult to remember a boring lecture or information from an overly dry and complexly written textbook. The way out of this situation is to make the process of studying a particular subject interesting. This can be done by both the teacher and the teacher himself, although here, of course, everything depends more on the former. A literature lesson at school can be diversified by showing a film based on the work being studied, or a history lesson by going to a museum.

One of the big problems of young specialists is the inability to apply the knowledge acquired at the university in practice. Russian education is fundamental, it includes studying a large amount of theoretical material and devotes little time to practice. Some employers solve the problem of employees’ inability to cope with certain tasks by organizing trainings in which they will provide the required minimum knowledge in a simple and accessible form, and then require them to demonstrate how this knowledge can be applied. Not all trainings are quite effective, but the model itself of such an increase in the quality of specialists’ knowledge can be called successful.

Self-education, of course, plays a special role in improving the quality of knowledge. Nothing prevents a student or young specialist from buying and reading books and magazines in their specialty, attending seminars, and exchanging knowledge on the Internet. However, not everyone engages in self-education; it requires quite strong motivation. You can start with motivation - someone who has firm goals and strives to achieve certain results will most likely not be deterred by certain difficulties and will be able to constantly improve their knowledge and develop the skills necessary for their career.

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Any parent wants their child to study well. But our expectations do not always coincide with reality. Sometimes children fail in several subjects or refuse to go to school altogether.


To improve a child’s academic performance, you must first arouse his interest in the subject. Of course, a lot depends on the teacher, his ability to present knowledge and structure a lesson. But parents also have no less responsibility. Incomprehensible topics should be explained to the child and difficult questions should be considered together.

Of course, people's brains process information differently. Some students memorize all the material with, while some have to study an additional few hours a day. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Give your child time to go for a walk and watch his favorite cartoon.

That's why it's so important to follow the regime. It is better to plan it together with the child, so that he understands that he himself is responsible for its compliance. In general, it is better to develop independence skills from the beginning. There is no need to sit with your child while preparing homework. Let him do everything himself, and you stay nearby, but mind your own business. If your child has any questions, you can help him solve them.

When preparing your homework, prioritize difficult-to-understand lessons. As long as the child is not tired, it is easier for him to perceive information. Tasks that seem easy can be done later.

If possible, hire a tutor. Additional activities will help your child master the material faster. In addition, often studying with another person changes your understanding of the subject in general. After all, teachers have different methods.

If your child categorically refuses to go to school, perhaps the problem is not only in academic performance. Talk to the class teacher, find out from your classmates whether the child may have problems, try to find the cause of the conflict and solutions.

The main thing is to listen to your little student, love him no matter what, be a loyal friend and reliable assistant.

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Unfortunately, in most Russian educational institutions the quality of education leaves much to be desired. The problem, according to experts, lies not only in the character and habits of modern youth, but also in the level of literacy of the teaching staff.


Naturally, it starts with . And the level of preparation largely depends on it. After all, everyone knows that students can know some subjects better and others worse. And here it’s not about abilities and talents, but about the interest, exactingness and responsibility of the teacher. Nowadays, most students at pedagogical universities do not want to go to college after graduation. Therefore, to improve the quality of education, you need to pay attention first of all to the key figure in the school - the teacher.

Speaking about the quality of education, we must remember that the most effective way to improve it is the interest of both children and teachers in the educational process. Various interschool and interuniversity Olympiads, conferences, and seminars can identify talented teachers, schoolchildren and students.

m be sure to devote several evenings to studying the subject, even if it is 3rd grade. Look through the textbook. Look up the program on the Internet. You need to formulate in your head a clear understanding of what you have decided to help with.

2. Determine (together with the child) the specific time and duration of classes (for adult children, I would recommend 2 times a week for an hour and a half).

3. When the number of classes has been determined, calculate how many classes you will have before the end of the year and make a clear plan for this number. Here we need complete specificity. Next, this plan must be voiced to the child and explained in a nutshell where you plan to start, what to go through and how to finish. It is very important. The student must feel the movement and see how much time is left for him to reach his cherished goal (this is very motivating).

4. I would not recommend using systematic ones for analyzing school material, and especially for doing school homework. The material must be understood systematically, this is the main point of your classes: to structure the educational material and close all existing holes. And help with homework is something like a patch on an old caftan.

5. Never cancel without a very good reason and never allow your child to cancel. Even try not to tolerate it. Let this be an iron rule. When there is a loophole, canceling a lesson will be much more difficult for both the child and you (for example, cancellation is paid for as a lesson).

6. Directly. It should not be used as another demonstration of your superiority. Remember that the main learner is not you. Therefore, your participation in the process should be minimal. You are the guide. Therefore, you should not talk about theoretical material for a long time, read paragraphs from textbooks out loud, or try to reproduce mathematical proofs. No! He won’t remember all this, but will only get tired. Tell us the most important things in a nutshell. And try to let your child study independently as much as possible. And if he doesn’t succeed, or questions arise, then answer them. When there is a request, information is perceived much better.

7. Never raise your voice or get angry. I understand, easier said than done. It happens that in one lesson I repeat some rule to the child 10 times, and everything is the same as the first. This is fine. Everyone has a different perception. Some people need to repeat it a hundred times, but they will remember it for the rest of their lives, while others, on the contrary, grasp everything on the fly, and after a week they forget it, as if nothing had happened. In such cases, I remember myself in English lessons. For example, I am very bad at learning foreign words, I don’t remember them and that’s it. And the better than me. I’m sure you also have experience of poor understanding; remember it when the next wave of irritation comes to you.

8. I would like to advise you to treat your child with respect. Try to put yourself in his position, sympathize with him. But I understand how difficult it is when you are lazy, refuse to complete tasks, are inattentive, yawn and keep looking at your watch. In these cases, I urge you to cheer up, otherwise I feel like a tormentor. You can joke differently. Usually after this the attention returns. In any case, be friendly and tolerant. It is important.

9. It’s a big plus if you find some interesting fact on the topic for each lesson. Maybe these will be funny stories from the biography of scientists, maybe some incident related to the discovery. Everyone loves these little things. Firstly, they enliven dry educational material, and secondly, they are well remembered, which means that the topic you will cover will be remembered along with them.

10. I can also advise you to write a short test or an independent test at the end of each lesson and assign a score based on its results, for example, according to a 10-point system. It is necessary to enter this score into the table, with the condition that it can be corrected at any time. And although this score is not supported by anything (do not bribe your child with money and gifts), he will still care about what is on his table. This additional quite strong motivation.

And finally, I would like to say: do not listen to those who say that the school curriculum has become too complicated. It is not true. Absolutely anyone, including adults, can master the school curriculum. Good luck with your studies.

Summer holidays are the most awaited time for every schoolchild. But parents often worry whether their child will forget everything he has learned during the school year. And some mothers and fathers are seriously deciding the issue, how to improve your studies over the summer and repeat all the material covered.

Who needs to exercise in the summer?

Those children who have been sick for a long time and missed a large number of classes should study or repeat the material covered, so it is important to fill the gaps in knowledge. With regard to general development, broadening one’s horizons, as well as overcoming difficulties that arise during the learning process, every child needs this, because the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills should occur in children constantly.

During the summer holidays, it is important to include educational activities in a schoolchild’s leisure time, which should be interesting, varied and different from school lessons. To combine study and recreation, you should change the form of training and methods of presenting the material. For example, you can study the multiplication table using a board or computer game.

Teachers give children over 12 years of age assignments to complete over the summer. In this case, parents can only provide organizational assistance to their children. As for younger schoolchildren, adults should understand what difficulties their child encounters during the learning process, and, depending on this, choose educational games and tasks for him that will help him overcome the problems.

How much time should you spend studying during the summer?

If the activity is really interesting to the child, you can include it in the child’s leisure time several times a day.

If we are talking about the same type of activities, they need to devote about 30 minutes a day.

If a student is ready to do something for hours, you shouldn’t interfere with it.

If the child does not like to do something at all, the time of training should be reduced to 15-20 minutes, but this must be done daily.

Parents should understand the causes of the problems that prevent their child from learning in all subjects. To identify this, you can contact a psychologist, speech therapist or neuropsychologist. The specialist will give recommendations.

In order not to overload the student with classes, it is important to pay attention to his condition. If a child begins to feel disinhibited for a long time, it becomes difficult for him to concentrate, he begins to rub his eyes, this is a sign of overwork.

Parents for whom the question “How to improve your studies over the summer?” is relevant, we must remember that forcing a child to study during the holidays is only necessary as a last resort. If he resists, it is important to change the form of the activity and arouse his interest.

Managing your grades starts with… recognizing them and writing them down! Yes, yes, at the end of the diary, each of our future medalists had a lined piece of drawing paper. On the left, in a column with a pen, items were written down in the same order as in the report card in the diary. And on the right are empty lines where they wrote in pencil all their grades, which appeared in the class journal after lessons, tests, independent tests, essays and dictations. The trick was to be sure to transfer all grades for each subject to your sheet of paper.

With some teachers it was simple: everything that is in the diary, everything is in the journal. Some had to be approached from time to time and asked:

Tell me, please, what grades do I have there?

No one usually refused, because the desire to be aware of one’s own progress is always commendable. And you could also quietly observe at recess from over the teacher’s shoulder what was next to your name as she filled out the magazine.

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Around the middle of the quarter, the big picture began to emerge

1. If the subject was, for example, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, then it was clear that the grade there was controversial and unstable. And the teacher will ask me and ask me! Therefore, it was in my interests to devote a little more time to this subject at home or to actively raise my hand in class if they were called upon at will, and not according to the magazine. But in order for me to have something to say, I needed a little more time to prepare.

To be honest, I have never prepared oral subjects at home. I quickly scanned everything during recess and even during class if someone was called in before me. This was enough for me! But if we were talking about a quarter grade, then the principle “at home - only written assignments” could and should have been abandoned. Just 15 minutes, plus, as usual, in class during recess, and the answer is brilliant!

2. If my sheet for some subject contains 4, 4, 4, 4, then, alas, I have nothing to catch in this quarter. We need to make an effort on ourselves in the next one. But don’t relax completely! Continue to “learn everything,” but as if “without fanaticism,” you can “not put on a polish.” However, one or two excellent grades still won’t hurt, of course! Because for a teacher this is a “sign for the future”, a signal that “good” may very well one day turn into “excellent”.

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Yes Yes! A teacher is a living person, not a machine, remember this! He also needs time to get used to the idea that he will eventually have another excellent student in this subject. An excellent student cannot come out of nowhere, out of thin air! The transformation process is gradual.

Those. Ideally, in such a “deaf” subject, I need to have something like: 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5. If the last grade is excellent - ideal!

3. Another interesting rating configuration that must be mentioned. Imagine two objects, each, for example, occurring once a week. In one subject there are three grades, and in another, which occurs with the same frequency, only one.

What does this mean? About the fact that today I will start preparing my homework with him! Because they will definitely call you in the very near future! As for the subject where there are three grades, I can still prepare without struggling. I will spend the saved time and energy on the lesson for which tomorrow they will probably call.

Improving the annual assessment

Well, the quarter grades have been posted. What's next? And then, on the magic piece of paper opposite each subject, I write with a pen the grade for the first quarter, and I erase all the current grades, making room for new ones. That’s why, by the way, the piece of paper must be made of some kind of thick paper so that it can withstand repeated erasing. In the new quarter I use the same principles as before. But now I have an additional “hard” guideline: the first grade on the report card, which affects the annual grade.

If it’s 5, then you can relax a little so that your current academic performance paints something like this: 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5. That is. 5 should dominate and especially towards the end. If 4, then it is advisable to dilute their “boring monotony” with excellent grades to such a state that one day there will be more than half of them! And judging by how full the lines are, I almost certainly now know when they will call me!

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“If I knew the purchase, I would live in Sochi...”

The ultimate goal is to reach an excellent annual mark, you understand.

In what cases is this possible, if not all quarters have the highest score? 1. If “learning ability” is clearly visible, i.e. “it was and became”: 4, 4, 5, 5. Everything started out average, but then it is clear from the assessments that “the student has come to his senses.” Annual - 5

2. If academic performance is average, but the last grade is “excellent”: 4, 5, 4, 5. Annual - 5. Please note, if the order of grades is different, then “learning ability,” on the contrary, still leaves much to be desired: 5, 4 , 5, 4. Although the average score is the same! And even if for the third quarter, the longest and hardest, there are 5, but the overall picture still comes out as 4.

3. An interesting case when 4, 4, 4, 5. You can grab 5 in a year! If... More on this later in detail.

4. Configuration: 5, 5, 4, 5 - this is also, most likely, an annual 5. Although, as you can see, for the third quarter it is 4.

In a word, just keep in mind that you can be an excellent student in your annual grades, but always an excellent student in your quarters.

The described system worked in high schools during the Soviet Union, hence the 5-point system.

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The main thing is to understand the principle itself

And it should also be noted that in the modern world there are specific rules for grading. They are, in general, much softer than those that I had to feel for by trial when I was in school. All teachers know about these standards, but sometimes they are ignored.

Therefore, if you begin to manage your grades according to the principles described here, they will definitely not get any worse. According to the above scheme, you can increase your academic performance by approximately 1 point per year (using a 5-point system): from a good student to an excellent student, or from a C student to an excellent student. The result will be noticeable only at the end of the year. And it will be a pleasant surprise for everyone, both parents and teachers.

The changes in academic performance are insignificant! It's all about the order in which you get your grades. And the fact is that now the student almost certainly knows whether he will be asked tomorrow or not. But how to use this knowledge is up to him to decide.

Natalia Tereshchenko

Do your children monitor their school grades?

Today, quality education has become one of the main priorities in raising a child. However, good study skills are not born with, and acquiring them requires a lot of parental work. Adults' attention to the educational process has a great influence on children's performance at school.

Ekaterina Semenova

Child psychologist

“There are several principles that, if followed, help develop learning skills in a child. The first and main one is communication between parents and their children. Until the age of 10-12, a child takes into account the interests of his parents and is ready to learn for them. Because at this age he watches cartoons and eats sweets for himself. In adolescence, it is more difficult to motivate a child to study, but good relationships with parents will also play a huge role here.”

However, a properly organized daily routine plays an equally important role. This is one of the main conditions for a child’s success at school and in extracurricular activities, and proper nutrition is also in this category. Don’t forget about the game form of acquiring knowledge. Expanding your vocabulary helps improve memory and the perception of new information, which means that well-known word and association games can be an excellent workout. Even self-care skills are important. A child who is used to brushing his teeth every morning, putting away his toys and dressing himself will more easily understand the need to do his homework every day.

Parents' mistakes

Often it is homework that becomes the main problem during school. Convincing a child of the need to devote time to school and at home is not an easy task, and therefore parents often make mistakes themselves.

1. Parents should not act as a teacher, strictly monitor each inclination of the letter and assign additional homework based on educational programs that differ from the school or relying on their own experience.

2. Modern parents often want to make Einsteins out of their children. Is it really necessary for a child to read and write fluently at four years old? Setting the bar too high can lead to disappointment and endless conflict.

3. It is better not to provide financial incentives for completing homework and not to make unrealistic promises.

4. Parents often explain school failures by the child’s fatigue or illness. However, in most cases we are talking about laziness and improper daily routine. It is very important to teach your child to manage his time wisely.

5. You should not transfer your educational experience to your children. Some people will be able to complete their math homework in 15 minutes, while others will need an hour; each child has their own pace of learning.

6. And most importantly, do not turn doing homework into punishment. “You are punished, you will do your homework all weekend”, “you will do your homework and then watch cartoons.” Such common phrases incorrectly motivate a child and teach him to manipulate his parents.

What to do?

So what to do? No one can help a child learn better than parents.

Lyubov Ivanova

Primary school teacher

“It is very important to teach your child to do his homework independently. And not just because it takes up a lot of your personal time. By coping with assignments on his own, the child will feel more confident in lessons, when taking tests, and when passing exams. After all, there he will have to be left alone with his knowledge and skills. However, this does not mean that a child from the first grade should be left alone in front of a barrage of new information.”

It is necessary to check completed tasks every day, but check them, and not do them for the child. Over time, you can only check difficult tasks. Following this tactic, in middle school you will have to help with homework only if the child asks for it. Intuition and experience will tell you which homework tasks are best for the child to complete on his own, and where parents’ help will be needed.

It is better to start homework with difficult lessons, because they require more concentration. These are often written assignments. Afterwards, you can begin oral or creative tasks. It is good to teach your child to use a draft - in this case, he will be able to see, analyze and correct his mistakes. It is very important to take breaks during classes, which is especially important for primary school. It is ideal if a parent knows how to help with homework and knows how to correctly and clearly explain difficult issues to the child. To do this, the parent himself must be in the subject, which means he will have to read a couple of pages of the textbook and choose the right words.

Ways to improve school performance

There are situations when a child cannot cope with his studies. Then you need to figure out why difficulties arise at school. It’s better to talk to your child right away and find out what’s bothering him. You can talk to the teacher and find out about possible problems. In such cases, three options are likely: health problems, conflict with classmates or a teacher, or neglect of the educational process. If there are gaps in knowledge, then parents will be faced with the question of how to improve their performance at school.