How Pierre was captured. Theme "The path of spiritual quest Pierre

How Pierre was captured. Theme "The path of spiritual quest Pierre
About that party of the prisoners, in which Pierre was, during the whole movement from Moscow, there was no new decree from the French authorities. The party of October on October 22 was no longer with the troops and the intersperself, with which she came out of Moscow. Half of the breadcrumbs, which was followed by the first transitions, was repulsed by the Cossacks, the other half went ahead; hiking cavalrymen who went ahead did not have any more; They all disappeared. Artillery, which first transitions visited ahead, was now replaced by a huge route of Marshal Juno, ancaded by Westphalts. Behind the prisoners were driving cavalry affairs. From Vyazma, the French troops, before the past three columns, were now one bunch. Those signs of disorder that Pierre's first privala noted from Moscow, they now reached the last degree. The road on which they walked, on both sides was laid by dead horses; The dangling people retarded from different teams, indiscriminately changing, they joined, then again lagged behind the sown columns. Several times during the campaign were false alarms, and the convoy's soldiers raised the guns, shot and fled to strive, gone each other, but then they gathered again and scolded each other for vain fear. "These three gatherings, the walking together," Cavalry's depot, depot of prisoners and Juno traffic, "there was still something separate and solid, although the other, and the third quickly melted. In the depot, in which it was one hundred twenty carts first, now there was no more than sixty; The rest were repulsed or thrown. From the garment Juno, too, a few carts were left. Three carts were looted by reclaimed backward soldiers from the Gip Corps. From the conversations of the Germans, Pierre heard that the guard was more than the prisoner, and that one of their comrades, a German soldier, was shot on the orders of Marshal himself for the fact that the soldier found a silver spoon belonging to Marshal. Most of these three, the depot of prisoners melted. Of the three hundred and thirty people who came out of Moscow, now remained less than a hundred. Captive even more than the saddle of the cavalry depot and the Juno Towing, the conquerating soldiers. Juno saddles and spoons, they understood that they could come in handy for something, but for what was the hungry and cold soldiers of the convoy stand on the guard and walked the same cold and hungry Russians, who Merli and lagged behind the dear, which was ordered to target, is It was not only incomprehensible, but also disgusting. And the convoy, as if afraid in the sorting position in which they themselves were, not to surrender in them a feeling of pity for the prisoners and the worsen their position, especially gloomy and strictly treated them. In the road, while locked up the prone to the stable, the convoy soldiers went to rob their own stores, a few people of prisoners soldiers were swayed under the wall and ran away, but were captured by the French and shot. The former, introduced when leaving Moscow, the order so that the prisoner officers go separately from the soldiers, has long been destroyed; All those that could go, walked together, and Pierre from the third transition was already connected again with a karataev and lilac, a dog that chose a master of Karataev. With Karataev, on the third day of exit from Moscow, the fever was made, from which he lay in Moscow Goshpatv, and as Karatayev weakened, Pierre was distant from him. Pierre did not know why, but since Karatayev began to weaken, Pierre had to make an effort on himself to approach him. And coming to him and listening to those quiet moans with which the karataev was usually on the privals, and feeling the smell that has published from himself, who published Karataev, Pierre left him away and did not think about him. In captivity, in Balagan, Pierre did not know the mind, but all the creature his life, that a person is created for happiness, that happiness in it is the very, in satisfaction of natural human needs, and that all the misfortune does not happen from lack, but from surplus; But now, in these last three weeks, he learned a new one, comforting truth - he learned that there was nothing terrible in the world. He learned that since there was no position in which the person would be happy and completely free, and there is no position in which he would be unhappy and incomprehensible. He learned that there is a border of suffering and the border of freedom and that this boundary is very close; That the person who suffered because he wrapped him in the pink bed, one piece was wrapped in the same way, as he suffered as he suffered now, falling asleep on his bare, crude land, turning out one side and enjoying another; What, when he, it happened, put his ball-talked narrow shoes, he suffered exactly as now, when he walked barely at all (his shoes were broken for a long time), legs covered with sores. He learned that when he seemed to him, in his own will married his wife, he was no more free than now, when he was blocked for the night in the stable. Of all the fact that he also called the suffering, but which he then almost did not feel, the main thing was bare, erased, fused legs. (The horsepower was tasty and nutritionally, a slit bouquet of gunpowder, used instead of salt, was even pleasant, the cold did not have a bigger, and the day was always hot on the move, and at night there were fires; lice, the evident body, pleasantly warmed.) One thing was hard At first - these are legs. On the second day of the transition, having examined the fire from the fire, Pierre thought it was impossible to step on them; But when everyone rose, he went, laughing, and then, when he was warmed up, he went without pain, although in the evening it was more terrible to look at his feet. But he did not look at them and thought about a friend. Now, only Pierre understood the power of human vitality and the saving force of moving attention to a person, similar to the saving valve in steam, which produces extra steam, as soon as its density exceeds the known norm. He did not see and did not hear how the backward prisoners shot, although more than a hundred of them had already died in this way. He did not think about Karataev, who weakened every day and, obviously, he had to undergo the same fate. An even less Pierre thought about himself. The harder it was his position, the more worse than the future, the independent of the situation in which he was, came to him joyful and sedative thoughts, memories and ideas.

Pierre Duhov in captivity

(according to the novel "War and Peace")

Before proceeding with the question of how Pierre spent time in captivity, we must figure out how he got there.

Pierre, like Bolkonsky, had a dream to resemble Napoleon, in every way he was leaving and be like him. But each of them understood his mistake. So, Bolkonsky saw Napoleon when he was injured with Austerlitsky battle. Napoleon seemed to him "an insignificant person in comparison with what happened between his soul and this high, endless sky with clouds running on it." Pierre San Napoleon, when he left his home, changing and armed with a gun to take part in the People's Protection of Moscow. Pierre recalls the Kabbaristic meaning of its name (number 666 and so on.) In connection with the name of Bonaparte and that it is destined to put the limit of the "Beast" power. Pierre is going to kill Napoleon, even if you have to sacrifice my own life. According to circumstances, he could not kill Napoleon, he was captured by the French and was put in captivity for 1 month.

If we consider psychological motives that took place in the soul of Pierre, then we can say that the events of the Patriotic War allow a bellow to come out of the closed, the insignificant sphere of established habits, everyday relations that were shoved, suppressed him. The journey on the Borodino battlefield opens a new, Dotol, unfamiliar world, opens the real appearance of ordinary people. On the day of Borodin, on the Battery of Raevsky, Lyuhov witnessed the high heroism of the soldiers, their amazing self-control, their skills simply and naturally perform a feud of selflessness. On the Borodino field, Pierre failed to avoid a feeling of acute fear. "Oh, how terrible fear, and how shamefully I gave him! And they ... They all the time were firm to the end, calm "... - he thought. They in the concept of Pierre were soldiers, those who were on the battery, and those who fed him, and those who prayed to the icon ... "They do not say, but do." Bezuhovsky seizes the desire to get together with them, enter "in This common life is all a creature, to imbued with what makes them such. "

Staying in Moscow during the captivity of its French troops, Baughs faces many unexpected phenomena for him, with contradictory facts and processes.

The French arrested, Pierre is experiencing a tragedy of a man who sentenced to the death penalty for an imperfect crime, he is experiencing a deepest spiritual shock, watching the execution of innocent residents of Moscow. And this is the triumph of cruelty, immorality, inhumanity suppresses Lyuhov: "... In his soul, it seemed to have suddenly survived the spring, on which everything was kept ...". Just like Andrei, Bolkonsky, Pierre acutely perceived not only his own imperfection, but also the imperfection of the world.

In captivity, Pierra had to survive all the horrors of the Military Court, the execution of Russian soldiers. Acquaintance in captivity with Plato Karataev contributes to the formation of a new look at life. "... Plato Karataev remained forever in Pierre's soul with the strongest and expensive memories and personification of the whole" Russian, kind and round ".

Plato Karataev Krotok, conquered fate, invulbive, passive and patient. Karatayev bright expression of a haired good and evil acceptance. This image is the first step of Tolstoy on the way to apology (defense, praise, justification) of the patriarchal naive peasantry, which professed the religion of "non-resistance to evil violence." The image of Karataev is an indicative example of how false glances can lead to creative breakdowns of even such ingenious artists. But it would be mistaken to think that Karataev personifies the whole Russian peasantry. Plato is impossible to imagine with weapons in the hands on the battlefield. If the army consisted of such soldiers, she would not be able to defeat Napoleon. In captivity, Plato is constantly busy - "He knew everything, not very good, but not bad. He was peek, cooked, sewed, planing, talked boots. He was always busy, only at night allowed himself the conversations he loved, and songs. "

Captive refers to the question of the sky, which worries many in the novel Tolstov. He sees a "full month" and "endless distance." It is impossible to locate in a barn with prisoners in a barn with prisoners, it is impossible to lock the human soul. Thanks to the sky, Pierre felt free and full forces for a new life.

In captivity, he will find the way to freedom of the inner, will join the People's Truth and to People's Morality. Meeting with Plato Karataev, the carrier of the folk truth - the era in the life of Pierre. Like Basdaev, Karatayev will enter his life with a spiritual teacher. But the entire inner energy of Pierre's personality, the whole system of his soul is such that, happily accepting the proposed experience of his teachers, he does not obey them, but goes, enriched, on their own way. And this path, according to Tolstoy, is the only possible for a truly moral person.

Of great importance in the life of Pierre in captivity there was a execution execution.

"On the eyes of Pierre, they shoot the first two prisoners, then two more. Bezukhov notes that horror and suffering are written not only on the faces of the prisoners, but also on the faces of the French. He does not understand why "justice" is nevertheless, if they suffer from "right" and "guilty." Pierre do not shoot. The execution is stopped. From that minute, as Pierre saw this terrible murder, committed by people, who did not want to do it, in his soul, as if suddenly, the spring was held out, on which everything was held and seemed alive, and everything fell into a bunch of meaningless Sora. In him, although he did not give himself a report, faith and landscaping of the world, and in human, and in his soul, and in God.

In conclusion, it can be said that "Pierre found out not with the mind, and his whole being, his life, that a person was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself, in satisfying natural human needs, and that everything is wrong with the lack of disadvantage, but from surplus; But now, in these last three weeks, he learned a new comforting truth - he learned that there was nothing terrible in the world. "

Pierre Duzuhov is one of the favorite heroes of Tolstoy. The life of Pierre is the way of discoveries and disappointments, the path is crisis and in many ways dramatic. Pierre - Natura emotional. It is distinguished by the mind, inclined to dreamy philosophizing, scattering, weakness of will, lack of initiative, exceptional kindness. The main feature of the hero is the selection of calm, consent with himself, the search for a life that would harmonize with the needs of the heart and brings moral satisfaction.

For the first time we meet with Pierre in Schever. The writer turns our attention to the appearance of the included: a massive, a thick young man with smart and at the same time a timid, observant and natural look, who distinguished him from everyone in this living room. This is exactly what Pierre is depicted in a picture of the Boolean: the illustrator emphasizes the same feature in the portrait as Tolstoy. And if you recall the works of Schmarinov, then they are more transmitted to the mental state of Pierre in one point or another: the illustration of this artist helps to understand the character deeper, it is clearer to catch his spiritual growth. A permanent portrait feature is a massive, the thick figure of Pierre Baughzova, maybe depending on the circumstances, then the clumsy, then strong; Can express both confusion and anger, and kindness, and rabies. In other words, a thick constant artistic part every time becomes new, additional shades. And what is a smile at Pierre? Not like others. He, on the contrary, when a smile came, then suddenly an instantly disappeared a serious face and was another - childish, kind. In Pierre, the spiritual struggle with sensual, the inner, moral essence of the hero contradicts the image of his life.

On the one hand, he is full of noble, freedom-loving thoughts, the origins of which go back to the Epoch of Enlightenment and the French Revolution. Pierre is a fan of Rousseau, Montesquieu, fascinated by his ideas of universal equality and man's rehabilitation. On the other hand, Pierre participates in the Kutians in the company Anatola Kuragin, and here it shows the ragled-boric beginning, the embodiment of which was once his father, Ekaterininian noble, Count of Laughs. Sensual first obsesses the top over the spiritual: he marries helen alien to him. This is one of the important milestones in the life of the hero. But Pierre is increasingly aware that he does not have a real family that his immoral wife's wife. It grows discontent, but not by others, but by himself. This is exactly what happens with genuine moral people. For their unelicness, they consider it possible to execute only themselves. The explosion occurs at dinner in honor of Bagration.

Pierre calls on Duel Shahov, who insulted him. But during a duel, seeing the opponent in the snow wounded in the snow, Pierre grabbed his head and, turning back, went to the forest, walking entirely in the snow and aloud sentenced unknown words: "Stupid ... stupid! Death ... Lie ... "he said, firing. Stupid and lies - this applies again only to him. After all that happened to him, especially after the duel, Pierre seems meaningless of his whole life. He is experiencing a mental crisis: this is strong discontent with himself and the associated desire to change his life, build it on new, good beginnings.

Bursting with his wife, Pierre on the way to St. Petersburg, in Torzhok, waiting for the horses at the station, asks himself difficult (eternal) questions: What is bad? What well? What should I love to hate? Why live and what am I? What is life that death? What power manages to all? Here he meets Masona Basdayev. At the time of the spiritual disclosure that Pierre was worried, Basdayev seemed to him just that man as he needed. Pierra offers a path of moral cultivation, and he takes this way, because most of all he needs to improve his life and himself. In moral cleansing for Pierre, as for Tolstoy in a certain period, was the truth of Freemasonry, and, enthusiastic, he at first did not notice what was a lie. With its new ideas about life, Pierre is divided with Andrei Bolkonsky. Pierre is trying to transform the Order of Masons, draws up a project in which it calls for activities, practical assistance to neighbor, to the spread of moral ideas in the name of the good of humanity around the world ... However, the masons strongly reject the Pierre project, and it is finally convinced of the foundation of his suspicions about that Many of them were looking for a means of expanding their secular relationships that Masons are of these insignificant people - they were interested in the problems of good, love, truth, the benefits of humanity, and the uniforms and the crosses they sought in life.

A new mental lift is experiencing Pierre in connection with the popular patriotic rise during the Patriotic War of 1812. Not being a military, he takes part in the Borodino battle. The scenery of the Borodino field before the start of the battle (bright sun, fog, distant forests, golden fields and armor, smoke smokes) correlated with the mood and thoughts of Pierre, causing some risenness, the feeling of the beauty of the spectacle, the greatness of what is happening. His eyes of Tolstoy transfers his understanding of the events deciding in the folkish, historical life.

The soldier's shocked by the behavior, Pierre himself manifests the courage and readiness for self-sacrifice. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the naiveness of the hero - the decision made by them to kill Napoleon. In one of the illustrations of Schmarinov, this line transfers this line: Pierre is depicted with disguised as a common dress making it awkward, gloomy-focused. On the road, close to the main apartment of the French, he commits noble actions: he saves a girl from a burning house, joins the peaceful inhabitants who are robbed the French marauders. With regard to Pierre to ordinary people and to nature, the author's moral and aesthetic criterion of the beautiful in man is once again: Tolstoy finds him in a merger with the people and nature.

The decisive for Pierre becomes his meeting with a soldier, a former peasant Plato Karataev, who, according to Tolstoy, personifies the masses. This meeting meant for the hero of the introduction to the people, folk wisdom, even closer rapprochement with ordinary people. Pierre Pierre acquires this peace of mind and satisfaction with himself, to which he switched in vain before. Here he did not know the mind, but all the creature his life, that the person is created for happiness, that happiness in it is the very, in satisfaction of natural human needs ... Advisions to the People's Treight, to the folk ability to live help the inner liberation of Pierre, always looking for a decision Question about the meaning of life: he was looking for this in Philanthropy, in Freemasonry, in a scattered secular life, in wine, in the heroic feat of self-sacrifice, in romantic love for Natasha; He was looking for this by thought, and all these searches and attempts, all deceived him. And finally, with the help of Karataev, this question is allowed. The most essential in Karataev is loyalty and immutability. Loyalty to itself, its only and constant spiritual truth. For a while, this follows Pierre.

In the characteristics of the spiritual state of the hero at this time, the Tolstoy develops its ideas about the internal happiness of the man, which is in full spiritual freedom, peace of mind and peace, independent of external circumstances. However, having experienced the influence of the Philosophy of Karataeva, Pierre, returning from captivity, did not become a karataevant, non-persquence. Under the very essence of your character, he was not able to take a life without searching. Discover Karataeva, Pierre in the epilogue of the Roman is already going on. His dispute with Nikolai Rostov proves that the problem of the moral renewal of society is worth the problem. Active virtue, according to Pierre, can bring the country out of crisis. It is necessary to unite honest people.

Happy family life (married with Natasha Rostova) will not lead the Pierre from public interest. He becomes a member of the secret society. With indignation, says Pierre about the reaction that has come in Russia, about Arakheevshchina, theft. At the same time, he understands the strength of the people, believes in it. With all this, the hero strongly opposes violence. In other words, for Pierre, the way of moral self-improvement remains decisive in the reorganization of society. Intense intellectual search, ability for disinterested deeds, high spiritual impulses, nobility and devotion in love (relationship with Natasha), true patriotism, the desire to make society more just and humane, truthfulness and naturalness, the desire for self-improvement make Pierre one of the best people of his time .

It's want to finish the writing with the words of Tolstoy, who explain a lot in the fate of the writer and his favorite heroes: to live honestly, it is necessary to go away, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and again begin to throw and throw again, and forever fight and lose. And calm - spiritual meanness.

Pierre Duhov in captivity

(according to the novel "War and Peace")

Before proceeding with the question of how Pierre spent time in captivity, we must figure out how he got there.

Pierre, like Bolkonsky, had a dream to resemble Napoleon, in every way he was leaving and be like him. But each of them understood his mistake. So, Bolkonsky saw Napoleon when he was injured with Austerlitsky battle. Napoleon seemed to him "an insignificant person in comparison with what happened between his soul and this high, endless sky with clouds running on it." Pierre San Napoleon, when he left his home, changing and armed with a gun to take part in the People's Protection of Moscow. Pierre recalls the Kabbaristic meaning of its name (number 666 and so on.) In connection with the name of Bonaparte and that it is destined to put the limit of the "Beast" power. Pierre is going to kill Napoleon, even if you have to sacrifice my own life. According to circumstances, he could not kill Napoleon, he was captured by the French and was put in captivity for 1 month.

If we consider psychological motives that took place in the soul of Pierre, then we can say that the events of the Patriotic War allow a bellow to come out of the closed, the insignificant sphere of established habits, everyday relations that were shoved, suppressed him. The journey on the Borodino battlefield opens a new, Dotol, unfamiliar world, opens the real appearance of ordinary people. On the day of Borodin, on the Battery of Raevsky, Lyuhov witnessed the high heroism of the soldiers, their amazing self-control, their skills simply and naturally perform a feud of selflessness. On the Borodino field, Pierre failed to avoid a feeling of acute fear. "Oh, how terrible fear, and how shamefully I gave him! And they ... They all the time were firm to the end, calm "... - he thought. They in the concept of Pierre were soldiers, those who were on the battery, and those who fed him, and those who prayed to the icon ... "They do not say, but do." Bezuhovsky seizes the desire to get together with them, enter "in This common life is all a creature, to imbued with what makes them such. "

Staying in Moscow during the captivity of its French troops, Baughs faces many unexpected phenomena for him, with contradictory facts and processes.

The French arrested, Pierre is experiencing a tragedy of a man who sentenced to the death penalty for an imperfect crime, he is experiencing a deepest spiritual shock, watching the execution of innocent residents of Moscow. And this is the triumph of cruelty, immorality, inhumanity suppresses Lyuhov: "... In his soul, it seemed to have suddenly survived the spring, on which everything was kept ...". Just like Andrei, Bolkonsky, Pierre acutely perceived not only his own imperfection, but also the imperfection of the world.

In captivity, Pierra had to survive all the horrors of the Military Court, the execution of Russian soldiers. Acquaintance in captivity with Plato Karataev contributes to the formation of a new look at life. "... Plato Karataev remained forever in Pierre's soul with the strongest and expensive memories and personification of the whole" Russian, kind and round ".

Plato Karataev Krotok, conquered fate, invulbive, passive and patient. Karatayev bright expression of a haired good and evil acceptance. This image is the first step of Tolstoy on the way to apology (defense, praise, justification) of the patriarchal naive peasantry, which professed the religion of "non-resistance to evil violence." The image of Karataev is an indicative example of how false glances can lead to creative breakdowns of even such ingenious artists. But it would be mistaken to think that Karataev personifies the whole Russian peasantry. Plato is impossible to imagine with weapons in the hands on the battlefield. If the army consisted of such soldiers, she would not be able to defeat Napoleon. In captivity, Plato is constantly busy - "He knew everything, not very good, but not bad. He was peek, cooked, sewed, planing, talked boots. He was always busy, only at night allowed himself the conversations he loved, and songs. "

Captive refers to the question of the sky, which worries many in the novel Tolstov. He sees a "full month" and "endless distance." It is impossible to locate in a barn with prisoners in a barn with prisoners, it is impossible to lock the human soul. Thanks to the sky, Pierre felt free and full forces for a new life.

In captivity, he will find the way to freedom of the inner, will join the People's Truth and to People's Morality. Meeting with Plato Karataev, the carrier of the folk truth - the era in the life of Pierre. Like Basdaev, Karatayev will enter his life with a spiritual teacher. But the entire inner energy of Pierre's personality, the whole system of his soul is such that, happily accepting the proposed experience of his teachers, he does not obey them, but goes, enriched, on their own way. And this path, according to Tolstoy, is the only possible for a truly moral person.

Of great importance in the life of Pierre in captivity there was a execution execution.

"On the eyes of Pierre, they shoot the first two prisoners, then two more. Bezukhov notes that horror and suffering are written not only on the faces of the prisoners, but also on the faces of the French. He does not understand why "justice" is nevertheless, if they suffer from "right" and "guilty." Pierre do not shoot. The execution is stopped. From that minute, as Pierre saw this terrible murder, committed by people, who did not want to do it, in his soul, as if suddenly, the spring was held out, on which everything was held and seemed alive, and everything fell into a bunch of meaningless Sora. In him, although he did not give himself a report, faith and landscaping of the world, and in human, and in his soul, and in God.

In conclusion, it can be said that "Pierre found out not with the mind, and his whole being, his life, that a person was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself, in satisfying natural human needs, and that everything is wrong with the lack of disadvantage, but from surplus; But now, in these last three weeks, he learned a new comforting truth - he learned that there was nothing terrible in the world. "

Help, please answer questions on the novel War and the world! 1) Why did Pierre Duhov and A. Bolonsky looked strangers in the Sherler's living room?

2) What are the norms of the life of young representatives of the highest society?

3) The main events of the first volume.

4) What was Mary Dmitrievna Natasha for his birthday?

5) Who danced N. Rostov on his birthday?

6) From whom for the first time M. Bolkonskaya learned about the upcoming matchmaker A. Kuragin?

7) What wound and in which battle did N. Rostov got?

8) Does Pierre Elene's offer to marry him?

9) Why did not retreat with his battery?

10) Why M. Bolkonskaya did not accept the offer of Kuragin?

11) How ended Austrlytic battle?

28 questions on 3 to that "War and Peace". It is enough to answer tomorrow, please answer !!! Need to answer tomorrow, please answer !!!

If you are responsible, then specify the issue number
1. Where was the emperor Alexander, when received the news that Napoleon's troops switched to the border?
2. Why did Prince Andrei searched for all the fronts of Anatol Kuragin?
3. Why does Andrei Bolkonsky decide to serve not at the headquarters and in the army?
4. How did Nikolai Rostov distinguished himself in business during the island?
5. How did Natasha have his story with Anatola?
6. Why Petya Rostov asks for military service?
7. Which of the Heroes of the Roman Taita snuck into the Red Square to watch the arrival of the sovereign?
8. Why the old prince Bolkonsky did not allow to take his family from
Bald Mountains?
9. Which of the heroes bring to the Bald Mountains news that Smolensk was delivered?
10. What two opposite circles were created in St. Petersburg with the beginning of the war?
11. Which of the heroes of the Roman met with Napoleon and easily conversation with him, and then returned to the Russian camp?
12. How did the old prince of Bolkonsky died?
13. Who helps the Princess Marree from a difficult situation when the peasants refused to bring her to Moscow? How did it happen?
14. Why is a purely civilian man, Pierre rides to the Borodino battle?
15. What about Pierre and Bolkonsky on the eve of the Borodino battle?
16. What person shows Tolstoy Napoleon in the scene with a portrait of his son?
17. How did Pierre showed himself during the Borodino battle, being on the battery of Raevsky?
18. What shows Tolstoy Napoleon and Kutuzov during the Borodino battle?
19. How was the prince Andrei wounded?
20. Who, according to the author of the novel, is the driving force of history?
21. Through the hero shows a fat military board in filists?
22. Who is going to marry helen?
23. For what purpose, Pierre remains in Moscow and disappears from his home?
24. How did it happen that the Roshov family gave their underwent wounded?
25. Who gives the order a crowd to kill Vereshchagin?
26. Why, according to the author, in Moscow, left by the Russian troops and busy by the French, did the fire happen?
27. Who told Natasha that wounded Bolkonsky rides with them in the way?
28. How did Pierre come in captivity?