How to open a tea shop? How much a tea business can bring and what to focus on when starting.

How to open a tea shop?  How much a tea business can bring and what to focus on when starting.
How to open a tea shop? How much a tea business can bring and what to focus on when starting.

Specialized tea and coffee shops are not in great demand, but rather persistent. The purchase of these products is often unplanned. Bright packages, boxes of various shapes, and an alluring aroma often attract casual buyers. 85% of Russians drink tea and coffee every day. In monetary terms, the tea and coffee market has grown by more than 30% in recent years. The advantage of this business - the sale of tea and coffee - is in the constant demand for weighed-out and high-quality products, a long shelf life and a relatively low cost of entering the market.

We start a coffee and tea business from scratch

Before opening a tea shop, you need to decide on the form for registering your business. The most optimal form of organization is retail trade. Tea and coffee are non-licensed goods and are eligible for imputed goods.

A shop does not need a large room - 15 square meters will be enough. It must be dry, well ventilated and clean. SES does not make any other requirements.

The store should be located in a place with high traffic - shopping centers, central areas of the city are suitable. The most optimal working schedule for a store at the opening stage is from 10 to 19. In the future, it can be adjusted taking into account the workload of visitors.

You need to take care of the interior design and signage. The goods in the store must be classified according to various parameters.

Assortment of goods

The assortment of the tea and coffee shop should be as wide as possible. If there are already similar stores in the city, then it is necessary to offer customers a more diverse choice, or unique positions.

The coffees and teas offered must meet the needs of visitors with varying levels of income. The minimum number of types of loose tea and coffee is 30-40 items. These should be both popular varieties targeted at regular customers and separate offers for casual visitors.

In addition to imported tea, you can offer Russian herbal tea. Recently, the national tea culture begins to revive, and therefore there is a demand for this product.

It is advisable to sell most of the goods by weight, but gift and tasting packages of tea and coffee can be arranged.

In general, the assortment of a specialized store can be represented as follows:

  • green tea;
  • White tea;
  • Black tea;
  • herbal mixtures;
  • fruit and herbal mixtures;
  • various types of coffee.

As a supplement, you can organize the sale of sweets for tea (sweets, nuts, etc.) and tea and coffee accessories (sets, teapots, strainers).

Supplier selection

The choice of a supplier primarily depends on the volume of purchases. Agreeing with manufacturers on direct deliveries is possible only in cases with large quantities, which can only be sold through a chain of stores.

For one store, it is best to order tea and coffee from importers, which have representative offices in many cities of our country. Information about suppliers can be found on the Internet at specialized resources:

  • trading platforms for small and medium-sized businesses;
  • in directories of organizations, goods and services;
  • e-commerce centers, etc.

Among major suppliers of tea and coffee worth highlighting:

  • Russian Tea Company;
  • "Nadine";
  • "Tsarskoe podvorie";
  • Forsman.

Price policy

The pricing policy of a particular specialty store depends on the following factors:

  • markups in competitors' stores;
  • the cost of similar products on the Internet;
  • average income of city residents.

Extra charge for tea and coffee products should be different, depending on the variety. For popular and popular types, it should be minimal - at the level of competitors or below. These varieties will generate an influx of customers and generate income through sales. For unique products that are not in competitors' stores, you need to set a fairly high markup. This product group will provide the maximum income.

Selection of equipment and personnel

At the launch stage, in order to save money, an entrepreneur can independently perform the functions of a seller. However, this is far from the best option. For a small store, two sellers will be enough to work in shifts.

The most acceptable option is to find sellers with experience in this area so that they can competently advise clients. You can find employees through local newspapers, the Internet, or by contacting a recruiting agency.

Basic requirements for the seller should be as follows:

  • sociability;
  • knowledge of the specifics of the product range;
  • knowledge of the main technologies for brewing tea and coffee, history of consumption, interesting facts about products;
  • a responsibility;
  • politeness.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to find “ideal” employees with knowledge of tea and coffee products in all cities. Experienced sellers will also cost significantly more than newcomers. The best option is to self-train employees.

The remuneration of sellers in this area of ​​activity consists of a fixed salary and a percentage of revenue (as a motivation for productive work).

You don't need much for the tea and coffee shop to work equipment and furniture... It will be quite enough:

  • cash register;
  • electronic scales;
  • showcases and shelves;
  • packaging bags;
  • coffee grinders;
  • scoops for coffee and tea.

If a tasting is offered in the shop, then you will also need a high-quality coffee machine, teapots for making tea, cups, chairs and several tables.

Coffee and tea business: is it profitable or not to do it?

The cost of opening a tea and coffee shop is about 0.5-0.7 million rubles, depending on the region. At the time of opening, the main costs will be associated with the lease, repair and purchase of equipment. In the future, the entrepreneur will need to monitor the filling of the assortment and the conduct of advertising campaigns.

Average expenses to open a tea and coffee shop:

  • rental of premises - 30 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for the purchase of equipment - 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 200 thousand rubles;
  • utility costs - 10 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 30 thousand rubles;
  • production and personnel costs - 50 thousand rubles.

The average turnover of a tea and coffee shop is 100 thousand rubles, while at the initial stage, the net profit will be 30-40 thousand rubles. Typically, these stores pay off within a year. Some varieties have more than 100% mark-up.

Profitability this project is rated as high. The best time to open a coffee and tea shop is August. A well-designed tea / coffee shop (with a detailed market analysis, competitiveness assessment, marketing strategy, etc.) at the initial stage of planning your activities will greatly facilitate the organization of your, albeit young, but quite promising business.

Are you still afraid of starting a tea business from scratch? We will help you understand the intricacies of this case, see the pitfalls and find a solution to possible problems. It is no secret that there are several retail outlets with tea products on the streets of your city. But your shop can be special with the right approach.

Pros and cons of a tea selling business

As in any business, ups and downs, joy and disappointment await you. Let's take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of the tea business.


  • Small start-up investments. The initial stage does not require a lot of equipment, a huge room and a large amount of goods.
  • Long shelf life. This is a big plus, as tea is not a perishable product. You do not need to constantly maintain storage conditions and worry about how to quickly sell the product.
  • The demand for products from the population exists despite the seasonal fluctuations in sales.
  • Opportunity to sell other goods along with tea.
  • The markup ranges from 100 to 150%.
  • The tea shop is a profitable and lovely business in its own way. There are trends in the consumption of branded teas. And the trade itself brings profit and aesthetic pleasure to sellers and buyers.
  • The prospect of expanding from one point to a whole network of tea shops.
  • The ability to conduct business under the brand name of a well-known company. Probably, it will even be possible to find a franchise without investments for implementation.


  • Rivalry among tea shop owners.
  • Dependence on the economic situation and exchange rates, since a large amount of tea is of foreign origin.
  • Such a product will not be cost-effective in small communities.

How to start a tea shop from scratch?

Be sure: with a competent approach to business, you will succeed. The tea direction has always occupied a special niche in the trade industry, since the list of potential clients includes people with different tastes and different material wealth. It's no secret that an idea requires initial capital, but it pays off pretty quickly. Tea is very close to the food theme, and therefore will always be in demand. So, you have the desire and opportunity to open a tea shop. Where to start and how to proceed? Let's go through each step in order.

Choosing a sales format

Before opening a store, you should decide on its type and format. To do this, you need to take into account your capital and the time frame that you plan to meet. There are the following options:

  • own store;
  • a point of sale in a large shopping and entertainment center;
  • separate tray on the market;
  • online store.

Each of the formats has its own characteristics. For example, a store will allow you to expand your products and generate income not only from tea, but also from specialized tableware, tea accessories, various types of sugar and even sweets. Opening a separate store offers an excellent career opportunity: in the future, you can open a small cafe. Owning a store is also associated with considerable costs, if you take into account the search for a suitable place, renting premises, repairing, purchasing expensive equipment, interior design and monthly expenses.

The second option is a small retail outlet. The costs will be lower, but the assortment is just as varied. The benefit is that the client does not come specifically to you, and when buying food in the supermarket, at the same time chooses tea. It is unlikely that you will expand your marketplace to start selling new products. But, as practice shows, 8 sq. m is enough to accommodate such necessary things as racks, shelves, scales, a place for the seller.

Tray type in the subway or on the market also has its advantages. Often, owners only exhibit well-known brands. The advantage is that people go to the market prepared in advance for purchases.

An interesting option without investing in premises and staff is to open an online store. To design a site, you can use the services of a web designer. Just as in the previous cases, you need to find suppliers, select an assortment, set prices. A separate part of the work will be occupied by advertising on the Internet. However, this product is ordered in this way relatively rarely. Unless it is about exclusive types of tea or low prices.

Business registration

Next, you should deal with the legal registration of the business. If you are a beginner, you need to become a self-employed entrepreneur. As the case develops, it is likely that it will be possible to register a company. This will take two weeks of time and an amount of about 6,000 rubles (registration + certification of documents by a notary office). You can simplify this process and seek help from a legal company, its employees will take full control of the procedure for an additional fee.

Let's return to the individual entrepreneur: a request is submitted to the tax service at the location of your company to register you as an entrepreneur and to be entered in the state register. Next, you need to pay a tax (duty) in the amount of 800 rubles and submit an application according to the established model. After that, within five working days you will have a registration document.

Selection of premises

The selection of premises directly depends on the format of the store that you have chosen. But there are common factors for all types of tea shops. What should you consider when choosing a location for your business?

  1. Location of the trade object. The more the flow of people, the more revenue, so first of all look for suitable buildings in the city center or in busy areas. It is not necessary to do this yourself, it is possible to order a search for a specialized agency.

Important: when the necessary trading platform is found, in order to reduce subsequent costs, it is worth concluding a lease for a long time for a period of six months or more. Then the tenant will not be able to raise the rent every month.

  1. The size of the trading area. A small space is also suitable for a tea shop, while a point in a shopping center will require a medium-sized area. If you decide to open a store in a separate room, 20-25 sq. m. There is another option - to re-equip a one-room apartment on the ground floor.

It is also worth getting seriously involved in interior design that will appeal to customers and leave the desire to come again and again.

Advice: make sure you have a utility room to store your tea. It should be dark, dry and warm - these indicators are necessary to maintain product quality.

Do not forget that in case of business prosperity, you will need more space for storing goods, as well as an office for employees, for example, an accountant or administrator, financial director.

Supplier selection

Today on the Internet you can find qualified suppliers of the required products very quickly and easily. Sometimes this can take a few minutes. Find out the basic information about the companies in order to deal only with reliable manufacturers.

The most demanded suppliers in the Russian market are:

  • Russian Tea Company;
  • Forsman;
  • Nadine;
  • Tsar's courtyard.

After you familiarize yourself with the list of suppliers, you need to contact their representatives in your city. Most likely, many of them have their own retail outlets, and therefore they will be reluctant to communicate with you - as with a potential competitor. The price list ordered from them usually can be received in 3-4 days. But how not to make a mistake with the choice? Criteria: monetary benefits and a wide range.

It is important to remember that when choosing which supplier you will work with, you should pay attention to the quality and quantity of products that he can provide. Therefore, remember that your main condition in this case is a rich assortment.

Advice: cooperate directly or via the Internet with suppliers, not with wholesale stores. This will give you the reputation of a serious and committed client, as well as the opportunity to receive original varieties of tea.

When you have achieved some success in business, you can think about expanding the range of suppliers and attend a tea show. Similar events are held in different countries of the world. You will receive exclusive and possibly new types of products. There are also some additional nuances: knowledge of the English language, prepayment when buying tea, customs clearance and obtaining quality certificates are required.

Equipment purchase

It is not difficult to find or order high-quality commercial equipment in a short time. It will take 2-3 weeks to make it. How does this procedure take place?

A master comes to your store, makes the necessary measurements, and soon shows several sketches, among them you can choose the one you like best. After that, the amount of purchased commercial equipment will be named. Experience shows that its average price is 30 thousand rubles. When choosing furniture and showcases, it is important not to forget about the most important thing - the cash register. It will cost about 13,500 rubles.

As you can see, the equipment of the sales area does not necessarily require high costs. This is what gives this line of business an advantage over others. The list of equipment important for a tea store may include:

  • glass jars for weight products;
  • scoops for weighing tea;
  • cash machine,;
  • racks and showcases;
  • electronic balance.

As for the tea itself, you need to carefully consider how much of the product is required to get started. The assortment should include black, green, red, herbal and herbal-fruit mixtures. It is also perfectly acceptable to include exotic varieties: white, blue, etc.

It is advisable to always have tea in bulk, pressed and packaged teas in stock. Sometimes people are looking for a granular drink as well. A beginner store may have at least 50 varieties at its disposal. Over time, it will be beneficial to add tea accessories and related products to this assortment: teapots, cups of all kinds, calabash, tea storage jars, thermo mugs, thermoses, etc.

In general, to purchase everything you need to open a small tea shop, you need to spend less than 500,000 rubles. Of course, you can save a lot if you buy time-tested (used) display racks. Just a week of preparation - and you can start working!

Attracting staff

The most demanded and important task is the selection of qualified and experienced workers. There are several ways to find personnel. Here are some ways to help you find employees:

  • Placement of advertisements for the search for personnel on the Internet on special sites. If you created your own website with the store, be sure to use it. But this method of posting vacancies will only be effective if your store is well-known, prestigious and recognizable. It is good if a potential employee can leave his profile or resume on the site.
  • Advertising in print media. Not an outdated and common method at all. Allows the employer to find both a mid-level employee and various managers and administrators.
  • Search for personnel with the help of specialized agencies. The services of recruiting companies are useful but expensive. The price of the issue sometimes reaches the employee's annual salary.
  • Search for employees using advertising on external media (bigboards, lightboxes, scoreboards). Advertising on electronic media is also not cheap. But by placing such an ad, we focus on a large flow of people, so it is important to look for an effective location.

Advice: if you find a seller, set a trial period for him, during which you observe his work or ask your friends to rate the quality of service. A good employee has a stake in the prosperity of the business and the well-being of consumers. It depends on your salesperson whether the customer wants to visit the store again. People need attention, and often even assortment plays a less important role. For example, sometimes you may notice that huge queues line up for a sweet and friendly saleswoman who knows how to handle people.

Advertising campaign

You might be wondering what an attractive ad for a tea shop should be and will it be effective? The answer is simple - it all depends on your imagination and resourcefulness. Knowledge of fashion trends can play an important role in this. Don't underestimate the power of advertising, because in many cases, a beautiful sign is 50% of success! Just remember the 3 basic principles of successful advertising:

  • Brightness and memorability (let people passing by look at your sign with interest);
  • Simplicity and conciseness in everything (often people are attracted only by what they understand);
  • Quantity and size (not enough business cards or a small sign will not bring the desired result).

Special thematic magazines and television programs will be a good help for you. You can also create your own website to attract the attention of a larger audience. Groups on social media will play the same role.

Here, as in any business, in order to make a profit, you really need high-quality advertising. But at first there will be quite enough budgetary funds. Simple things will help you a lot: business cards, flyers and a beautiful sign. But the best advertising is still a quality service. A wide assortment and unique products will also increase the chances of success. It is worth considering a loyalty program as well. Many have achieved success thanks to giveaways on social networks and regular discounts for regular customers.

Tea shop business plan

When drawing up your own business plan for a tea shop, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the market situation. It's worth asking yourself a few questions, for example:

  • Is tea production in demand in my city?
  • Do I have potential competitors?
  • If there are competitors, can I fight them? By what means?
  • What types of tea do people in my area prefer?

When you answer all these questions, it will become clear what the plan for further action is. And then you will be able to solve specific problems: choose reliable suppliers of products, find a convenient place for a future store, make a price list, etc.

When drawing up a business plan, keep in mind that you can sell not only tea, but also coffee beans. In addition, the sale of antique and national dishes for making or storing coffee and tea will bring additional income.

How to make a financial plan? The total expenses for the first time after the establishment of the tea business will be approximately 500,000 rubles. We will carry out approximate calculations in rubles:

  • rental of premises - 50,000;
  • utility bills - 10,000;
  • technical equipment - 60,000;
  • purchased goods - 290,000;
  • advertising costs - 25,000;
  • wage fund - 35,000;
  • unplanned additional expenses - 10,000.

As already mentioned, the costs of such establishments are quite small and will quickly pay off. Since the monthly profit is often 70,000 rubles, the full payback period for a tea store is approximately 1 year.

Is the tea business profitable or not?

Is it profitable to open your own tea business today? The answer depends on what you are willing to do to promote it. According to the above calculations, it may take no more than 500,000 rubles to organize and regulate the operation of a modest tea shop. The payback period is from 1 to 2 years, but only in those points that are popular among buyers. However, it will not be easy to analyze the level of sales, as they are greatly influenced by volatile indicators. For example:

  • purchase price of the product (depends on the exchange rate);
  • personal pricing strategy;
  • the popularity of the store.

Interestingly, many consider the tea sales business to be elite. Why? According to experienced specialists, this particular sales industry is considered the most profitable in two main criteria: quick payback and high profitability.

Why is the tea trade so successful? First of all, the wide assortment affects. The choice in private shops is wide enough. As for the quality, it is determined by the varying degrees of fermentation of the tea. Lovers of this drink can find on the store shelves suitable products for literally every taste. Tea shops are in great demand, therefore, if you think over different nuances and take into account the possible risks, they will bring high profits to their owner.

Tea business - reviews

It is not easy to be a pioneer in some business. It's different with the tea business. Many business people start out as small stores and have amassed a wealth of tips for newbies over the years. By analyzing the feedback from others, you can clearly understand whether you should be doing this. Also, studying the stories of doing business will help those who want to become a leader without experience.

Evgeny Mikheev, Barnaul.

To be successful in the market and regular customers, Evgeniy constantly introduced new forms of trade and expanded the range of products. Business was going well, and over time it became clear that it was necessary to increase the area of ​​the store, and for this - to change the premises to a new one. “You shouldn't be afraid to lose customers: even if the previous number decreases, new ones will appear thanks to good service and attention,” notes Evgeniy. Then the entrepreneur decided to equip the room for tastings and small tea ceremonies. People liked this idea, more and more of them came. At the moment, Evgeny is the owner of a tea club and is trying to improve it in every possible way.

Andrey Sokolov, Bryansk.

Andrey started working with one tea rack, now he has increased their number to five. “I don’t sell alcoholic beverages in the tea department, but the accompanying products sell well: coffee, utensils for brewing it, tea utensils, even books on a suitable topic. The good news is that buyers of different incomes come, so tea is sold both expensive and budgetary. " The owner recommends this type of business, since the selected product is in demand both in winter and summer.

Olga Nikolaeva, Arkhangelsk:

Olga started working in the tea business thanks to the franchise of a famous brand. First, the owner opened a shop that sold delicious teas by weight. Olga also took care of the presence of a cozy room where visitors had the opportunity to taste tea. It is noteworthy that during the crisis the conditions of the franchisors began to change, besides, wholesale prices increased. The relationship with the original company was terminated, so Olga opened a store under her own brand. She considers her business successful: despite frequent moves from one premises to another, the store has a good reputation in the city, it is constantly advised by tourists. What's the secret? "Love and dedication to what you do, coupled with a high image, will make your business prosperous."

If you came up with the idea of ​​starting your own business, what type of activity should you choose? Of course, this depends on personal preference and inclinations. There are many options, but the article will focus on a relatively young business for Russia - its own tea house.

The pros of the tea business

  • Reasonable start-up capital.
  • Tea is not a perishable product. It's easy to store.
  • The product always sells well. Seasonal fluctuations are not significant.
  • Designed for mass consumption and any wallet.
  • There is a possibility of running a related business.
  • The tea business itself is very elegant and aesthetic.

How to make a tea business? It seems that everything is quite simple: I bought goods from wholesalers, sold them at retail, earned them. The essence is really reflected correctly. But so that the chain “buy-sell-earned” does not turn into “buy-did not sell” or “buy-sold-did not earn money”, you need to properly organize your business, take into account some of the nuances.

What you need to have to start a tea business from scratch

  • Money. No business grows up from scratch. You can't do without cash investments. How much will it take? It depends on the scale of the business - one retail outlet or a chain of branded stores is opening. In any case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to keep within less than 200 thousand rubles. If the accumulated savings are not enough, you can turn to the bank for help. A loan can be taken both for business development and as an individual. These types of loans are fundamentally different in terms of registration - a package of documents, interest rate, terms, collateral, purpose and further supervision by the bank. It is easier, of course, to get a consumer loan. But that's another article.
  • Enthusiasm and optimism. No matter how trite it sounds, businessmen are not weak personalities. They must have enough moral strength to be friends with government agencies, tax authorities, suppliers and landlords. Clients, by the way, are loved absolutely sincerely, since they are the main source of income.
  • Sedative stock. It will come in handy at first. When the business picks up steam and the skin gets thicker.

How to take the first step

You need to start with the registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur. Practice shows that an individual entrepreneur is quite enough to trade in tea. You can do the registration yourself or entrust the process to a law firm. The cheapest, with lawyers is somehow calmer. If, nevertheless, to deal with the design personally, then step by step we go through:

  1. Registration Center of the Federal Tax Service.
  2. Regional statistics body.
  3. Printing manufacturers (optional, but more solid and calmer).
  4. Bank for opening a current account (account number must be provided to the tax office).
  5. Pension Fund.

After all, the businessman will have a package of IP documents in his hands.

Where to anchor

Now it's time to look for a room. Tea is a small retail product, so a retail space or pavilion with an area of ​​10-30 sq.m. A prerequisite for its location should be a good crowded place. It is better not to buy the premises, but to rent them. Why? Because first you need to spin up, and then score goals.

It is advisable to conclude a lease agreement for at least 6 months. It is possible for a year. The final rental price must be specified in the contract without a clause stating that the lessor has the right to change the payment at his own discretion.

After completing the package of documents for the individual entrepreneur, you need to buy a cash register and register it with your tax office, indicating where the device will be installed (address of the rented premises).

The room must be equipped with racks, showcases, lockers for storing products. It is important to place the accents correctly here. Everything matters. And the color of the furniture, and the style, and even jars for storing tea and bags for packaging it. From the point of view of psychology, tea belongs to impulsive consumption goods and is associated with home comfort. Therefore, for decoration, it is better to use warm brown, beige and dark yellow tones, vertical or slightly sloping racks and special tea containers.

For the tea business, you can buy a franchise. Then the pavilion will be decorated strictly in a certain style. In short, a franchise is the right to use the brand, logo, trademark and business model of the franchisor. The clearest example of a franchise is McDonald's. You can find franchisors online. If the agreement is not registered with the tax office, then it will have no legal force. As practice shows, this can be very beneficial for the owner of the tea house in litigation with the franchisor.

The equipment required for the tea trade is a scale, packing bags, a coffee grinder, and so on. Why a coffee grinder? It is good to dilute the tea assortment with coffee, hot chocolate and similar drinks. This will increase turnover and profits. But you can also without coffee with a coffee grinder.

Will need helpers

The business of selling tea will require a lot of attention from the owner. It will be necessary to deal with supplies, keep accounting records, quarrel and put up with regulatory authorities, organize advertising. When to trade? It is better to entrust the process of trading to a neat, smiling salesperson. You can find it by posting a job posting in your local newspaper, the Internet, or through a recruiting agency.

Where to find the product

The most important thing is the product! Suppliers can be found again on the Internet or, for example, in the catalog of wholesalers. If the business is conducted on the basis of a franchise agreement, then the franchisor is worried about the supply of goods. The entrepreneur will only need to order the required volumes of products on time.

The assortment can be as wide as the owner of the tea shop wishes to see it. Markups are made in the amount of approximately 50-100% of the wholesale value. Here you need to correctly navigate the capabilities of the consumer and the proposals of competitors.

Related features

To attract customers and expand their business, many open small cozy tea rooms at the store or set a couple of tables right in the pavilion. Tea can be offered (for money, otherwise you will not be enough) cakes, homemade cookies and other sweets. A bonus for buyers can be a discount card, symbolic gifts for purchases, discount coupons and other chips. Many in the tea section sell tea utensils, teapots, sugar. All of this will increase sales and profits.


Now the businessman has an IP certificate, premises, equipment and the goods themselves - high-quality fragrant large-leaf tea. There is information on how to open a tea shop. There is a great desire to succeed and nurture your brainchild. So go ahead, and may you be lucky!

Tea ceremonies in the vastness of our country are not as specific as in China, but they are an integral part of our culture and life. Tea is drunk in every home and in every office. The packaged drink is, of course, convenient to use, but recently there has been a return to traditional tea brewing. Against the backdrop of this trend, a budding entrepreneur who decides to test his abilities should sit down to draw up a business plan for a tea shop. The sale of tea does not require the fulfillment of special requirements for the premises of the store and allows you to find your customers regardless of the abundance of grocery markets in the district due to the non-standard assortment, the peculiar format of the shop and the high level of professionalism of the staff.

We draw up a detailed business plan

Like any other business, creating a point of sale for tea requires drawing up a business plan for a tea store with calculations, which clearly spells out the features of the activity. Following a predetermined course, it is much easier to achieve success in the implementation of the business idea of ​​selling tea. The specifics of organizing the sale of tea assumes the presence of the following mandatory points in the business plan of a tea store:

  • Analysis of the market and closest competitors;
  • Point of sale format;
  • Store location;
  • Room design;
  • Financial investments;
  • Income and expense plan;
  • Product suppliers;
  • Range;
  • Training;
  • Tea shop opening hours.
Several points of a tea shop business plan play a key role in building a business. For example, an analysis of the market and the activities of similar outlets located nearby will help to correctly compose an assortment and determine prices. Visiting similar establishments nearby, you can also understand what concepts of a tea business from scratch already exist nearby and will not be interesting to buyers.

Store format and location

The choice of store format will largely determine the amount of financial investment in a tea shop as a business. If you rent a specially equipped place in a shopping center, you can expect additional profit from the sale of ready-made tea and sweets. A detached specialized store with a larger area will allow to establish tea production as a business, as well as a tea packaging business.

The location of the tea shop must be populated to ensure the number of buyers required to make a profit. A tea shop can be made successful both in a supermarket in a sleeping area and near an office center. However, an entrepreneur must necessarily have the opportunity to equip a rented retail space according to an individual design. The same type of stall on the market may not attract the attention it deserves from potential buyers. A certain part of the financial investment should be spent on the development of a special interior; this will be a kind of visiting card of your outlet.

Search for suppliers and assortment

Finding suppliers is also an important point in a business plan for the sale of tea. Today it is worth paying close attention to building a business selling tea from China. An equally interesting idea is the purchase of individual ingredients and the organization of the production of herbal tea as a business.

The assortment of the store should satisfy the needs of the buyers in the area where it is located and offer unusual positions that generate additional interest and bring good income. Expensive elite sorts of tea can be positioned as a good gift and a great souvenir. You can add unusual sweets to the assortment, if you can order a cup of tea in your establishment, or tea accessories suitable for holding tea ceremonies of certain types of tea. In addition, the sale of beautiful and practical tea storage containers can be a good source of income if the process is properly arranged. For example, you can periodically give lectures on the proper storage of tea.

Staff and work schedule

The staff of the tea outlet is selected either with experience in the sale of tea, or is trained at the expense of the employer in the intricacies of the tea ceremony and orientation in the fragrant world of expensive and not so great varieties of this amazing drink. The costs of raising the qualifications of staff and providing employees with branded overalls must necessarily be spelled out in the business plan of the tea shop.

A well-chosen opening hours for a tea shop will provide additional income. For example, starting at 10 am, ending at 9 pm.

In the morning, as a rule, people rarely go to choose a new type of tea, but the early closure of the store will not allow customers who leave work later than usual to shop.

Some seasonality of the business should also be taken into account. It lies in the fact that before the holidays, people will buy gift sets of expensive tea and you need to be prepared for this. You should think over the design in advance and order the production of beautiful and unusual gift wrapping.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Opening a Tea Store

The main disadvantage of the tea business is the rather high level of competition. Although, fresh ideas and a non-standard approach to their implementation will help to leave competitors far behind. Standard promotion methods must necessarily be used, but the application of all kinds of novelties and know-how from the world of tea in an opening point of sale should also be made an integral part of doing business. In order to keep abreast of such things, you should visit thematic exhibitions and conferences, be interested in new trends and tea trends.

Benefits of opening a tea point of sale:

  • Long shelf life of products;
  • The ability to make a 100% markup on the product;
  • Stable demand for tea;
  • Seasonal drops are insignificant, and the pre-holiday excitement is palpable;
  • A gradual return of consumers to traditional more expensive types of loose tea;
  • The real prospect of turning the business into a network;
  • An opportunity to establish a herbal tea production business.

The aforementioned advantages of opening a tea store make a business idea for its opening very attractive. Particular attention should be paid to the possibility, not only of selling the varieties of tea already known to the consumer, but also of setting up our own production of herbal mixtures from ready-made ingredients. You can draw up a business plan for the production of tea yourself. But given the specifics of the processes and the need to develop your own recipes, it is better to order a ready-made business plan for the production of tea, providing, among other things, the need for licensing products.


  • High competition;
  • Business features. For example, some people prefer coffee over tea, so you won't be able to reach your audience completely.

We register activities

A point of sale of tea can be opened by registering as an individual entrepreneur. Further, it is necessary to obtain a trade permit from the local authorities, from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service permits for the premises. You can register yourself, or you can contact a specialized law firm, which will draw up all the necessary package of documents for approximately 5,000 rubles.

List of documents required for registration of individual entrepreneurship:

  • Registration application;
  • Original and photocopy of the passport;
  • Original and photocopy of TIN (individual tax number);
  • Confirmation of payment of state duty.

For example, code 52.27.36 - Retail trade of tea, coffee, cocoa.

Choosing a taxation system

For a tea shop, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system (STS). The advantages of this system are the absence of obvious difficulties in submitting reports and low tax deductions. When choosing this form of tax payment, VAT and property tax are not paid. The interest rate can be 6% and 15% of the profit (income minus expenses). In retailers, a significant part of the costs are regular spending on the purchase of goods, so the best choice would be a 15% rate.

Choosing a place for a store

For a novice entrepreneur, an ideal location for a tea point of sale would be a small room with an area of ​​about 15 sq. m. in a large shopping or office center, as well as in a supermarket in a residential area. This format of the establishment will allow placing an average assortment of goods (at least 50 varieties of tea), conventionally dividing the store into three zones: tasting (with one or two tables), sale of packaged tea, tea in bulk as a business aimed at attracting customers with an income above average ...

We carry out the arrangement of the tea shop, think over the interior details

Taking into account the small area of ​​the store, it is necessary to carefully consider the placement of all items of the product. Since buyers will first search for what they came for, the entire product should be clearly visible. Teas should be placed on clear guidelines to make it easier to find. In addition to the principle of packaged and by weight, it is necessary to allocate an area for elite rare varieties, as well as arrange separately black, green, white, red, herbal, herbal-fruit mixtures and tea-like drinks. The country of origin can also be taken as the basis for the classification.

When the overall concept of the store is thought out, you should go into the details. Shelves and showcases are best made to order, using natural materials and warm colors. The interior of a tea shop should evoke pacification and encourage the buyer to try a new type of tea. An important role is played by containers for storing tea. They can be made to order, kept in the same style and create an atmosphere of harmony. The lighting in the store should be dim, but sufficient to make out the names and prices of the goods. Order an individual design of the premises, which has nothing to do with the design of competing stores. The unique atmosphere in the tea shop will be created by a cocktail of product aromas, which will be inimitable in any case.

We select equipment

In addition to specialized containers for storing tea in the store, you will need:

  • Shelves;
  • Showcases;
  • Shelves;
  • Electronic balance;
  • Cash machine;
  • Packaging;
  • Tea scoops;
  • Tea sets.

All equipment can be easily ordered online. Furniture is best made to order in accordance with the design idea of ​​your tea boutique. The harmoniously combined details in the store will create a pleasant impression on the customers and increase the likelihood of their transition to the category of "regular".

We form a range of products

Scheme of tea varieties

It is generally accepted that the percentage distribution of black - green tea is 90% to 10%. Recently, the share of black tea has been gradually decreasing. Blends are becoming popular - tea mixtures with different flavor combinations, black and green teas with the addition of pieces of fruit, as well as spices.

The assortment of the store should consist of 5-7 popular packaged items, 12-15 types of tea by weight in the middle price category, include elite varieties of tea, light fruit teas and tea drinks. Such varieties as lapsang, pu-erh, sushong are not in mass demand, but should be present in the assortment of the tea shop.

In addition to the tea itself, tea accessories should be offered to customers, explaining their purpose and giving instructions on their correct use.

We advertise the store

Customers are the key to the success of selling tea as a business. The more customers shop in your store, the better your business will develop. How does the formation of a customer base begin? - with a well-chosen store name and an attractive sign. The name of the tea shop should be unusual and capacious, the name should be well remembered. Order a sign in the same style in which your store is decorated. Marketing in the tea business plays a huge role. If you plan to not just resell cheap tea bags, but to give people the opportunity to discover the world of quality tea, it is better to draw up a marketing plan and follow it clearly. It would be useful to outline a plan for holding promotions, tastings, lectures on the topic of tea and tea ceremonies.

Advertising a store on the Internet will also help create a flow of customers. Alternatively, you can also sell tea through an online store. ? - From the development of a quality website. Clients of the online store can be offices ordering expensive teas for their customers or people who want to receive purchases home without spending time shopping. Quality tea belongs to. A good advertising campaign will make your store popular in a short time. In order for people not to forget about the existence of a wonderful tea shop, it is necessary to think over a bonus system, distribute accumulative cards to customers and notify them by SMS about promotions and discounts.

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We calculate the amount of necessary financial investments

If you have made up your mind, and this is opening a tea shop, then you will need approximately 400,000 rubles to start your business. Renting the premises together with utility bills will cost 35,000 rubles. per month, equipment - 70,000 rubles, goods - 180,000 rubles, advertising - 25,000 rubles. monthly and wages to employees 60,000 rubles. per month.

With a little start-up capital and thinking about it, consider the idea of ​​creating an original tea shop. The tea store can be safely attributed to. This important fact also applies to the benefits of the tea business.

We predict the profit and payback of the store

A tea shop with average customer traffic has an approximate monthly turnover of 80,000 rubles, with a net profit of about 35,000 rubles. the payback period is from one to one and a half years. Many start-up entrepreneurs are interested in the question: "Is it profitable to open a tea business or not?" The answer to it will be: "Definitely profitable", but at the same time it should be understood that before starting a tea business from scratch, you need to work hard, strictly following the business plan, and then tirelessly engage in the development and promotion of the tea shop.


Opening a tea shop is not an easy process. But a person who believes in the success of the business he is engaged in will cope with difficulties and will be able to establish a flow of regular customers to his store, following a pre-planned concept. Before starting a tea business from scratch, you should understand the types of tea, related products and the peculiarities of take-away tea as a business. Careful preparation, a well-written business plan, and adherence to the chosen strategy will help create a profitable tea shop.
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Is there a person who would do without tea these days? Probably not. Tea consumption in Russia is very common. Breakfasts, lunches and dinners, business and friendly communication are almost always accompanied by a cup of tea. In stores, you can buy almost any type of tea, from inexpensive to elite.

As we can see, opening a tea house can be a very profitable business, since there will always be demand for tea.

How to open your teahouse?

The effectiveness of the implementation of this idea is characterized by the level of profitability, which will directly depend on the thoughtfulness of the idea. You need to pay attention to the choice of premises, the quality of service personnel, delivery issues and the range of goods.

Tea room

The main selection criterion is the "passability" of the place. Visiting a teahouse is most often impulsive. A person walks by, sees an attractive sign, notes the cozy atmosphere of the institution, and becomes a regular customer of the tea house, if, of course, the service and assortment are arranged for him.

There are two options for a tea room:

one. " Cafe in Cafe". The ideal option would be to rent premises in a large supermarket - on a food court. The room can be small, for example 30 square meters. In the main room there should be a place for an additional one, with an area of ​​5-10 square meters, which will serve as a storage room. Store tea in a warm, dry and dark place, which should be well ventilated.

2. Specialized cafe - tea room... If, when using the first option, the flow of potential customers is ensured by default, in the option with a separate cafe, its location will be the most important. Taking into account the specifics of sales, it is better to locate the tea house in the city center, where there is a large flow of business activity and many offices. Where people often hold meetings and business negotiations.

Space requirements are standard. A special role is given to design solutions. The room should be comfortable and aimed at a personal approach to each visitor.

Service staff in the tea room

When working with personnel, consider the following:

Teahouse supplies and assortment

There may be several options for finding a suitable supplier. This can be done directly in China or India, or at large tea fairs. The market of wholesale suppliers is widely developed in Russia. Purchases on the domestic market are more profitable, although you will have to check the quality of tea yourself.

A small teahouse can provide up to 20 varieties of tea. This number covers the entire list of the most demanded and popular types.

In addition to the sale of tea, the sale of confectionery products, all kinds of accessories for tea drinking will significantly increase profits: clay teapots, sets made in different national styles, original strainers and much more. Loose tea for those who wish should be beautifully packaged, so that the purchase is pleasant to hold in your hands. These can be original small packets containing information about a given variety.