How to quickly attract customers from the Internet. Ways to attract customers: analyzing the nature of demand

How to quickly attract customers from the Internet.  Ways to attract customers: analyzing the nature of demand
How to quickly attract customers from the Internet. Ways to attract customers: analyzing the nature of demand

With the onset of the crisis, the level of sales in the retail store has dropped significantly. In 2015, the turnover of consumption of goods in Russia fell by 10.4%. This created additional sales problems.

With such a low purchasing power of the population, the campaigns began to look for additional incentives for the development of trade. To increase retail sales, successful organizations have identified major retail trends and current ways of organizing sales.

What can be the ways of competently organizing the trading process leading to increased profits?

Method 1. Organization of a vending sales network

Vending is the sale of goods and services through vending machines. This is the organization of the operation of terminals, vending machines for the sale of piece goods (hygiene products, shoe covers, drinks, small confectionery). This method of sales is especially popular with small campaigns that cannot independently open their own chain of stores or with trade structures with a developed network.

Thus, 15% of the products can be sold through the vending distribution network.

Method 2. Competent pricing policy

Pricing policy is one of the most important conditions for product promotion. Raising or lowering prices, offering people various discounts or favorable terms when buying - these are the ways that greatly affect the profit.

Pay attention to competing firms. It is not at all necessary to reduce the price of a product after seeing a decrease in prices from competitors. Better think about how you can attract buyers through discounts. Give a discount on the same products that your neighbors have reduced in price. The buyer will react faster to your marketing ploy. Do this on the last days of a competitor's discount or immediately after their promotion ends.

Method 3. Adding additional value to the product

An additional attraction of the buyer to the product is when the product is given a “special value”. This can be done by adding unusual product properties, functions and applications to the description. You can also include the item in kits. Give interesting names to these kits. In these cases, the target audience will increase many times over. This means that the quantity of goods sold will increase.

Method 4. Focus on a customer with high requirements

It is believed that the prices of the product should be calculated for the average consumer and even satisfy the needs of the consumer with the income below the average. And this is correct, because this is the largest percentage of the population.

It is also important to know that if every day a buyer purchases a product of the highest quality and receives a professional level of service, he will be ready to purchase goods at a fairly high price. Focus on the customer with exaggerated requirements. It is possible that sometimes such a product will be purchased by a customer with a low income. This can be done on a holiday, for a special mood, through the desire to pamper yourself.

Method 5. Creating an "emotional" showcase

Create an attractive showcase. The showcase should attract, even lure the buyer. The goods that will be laid out on it must be "emotionally colored". It works under a certain condition. The products displayed in the entrance area should reflect the general price level in the store. The goods must be available, otherwise the buyer will first be “fired up” and then “disappointed”. And you will not see it again at your outlet. Even if you cut prices by 90%.

Such a marketing ploy will draw the attention of every passer-by to your product. This is currently the current trend in retail.

Method 6. Correct display of goods

A large percentage of purchases depend on the display of the goods. There are several secrets to how to arrange a product on a shelf. The front arrangement of goods should have bright, ordered colors. This will draw additional attention. The inclusion of peripheral vision will provide 130 to 450% of sales growth.

Goods that are stale due to high prices or other reasons are placed in the basket in the center of the aisle or at the ends of the rack. It is necessary for the buyer to literally "collide" with this product. And an additional small discount on a product can increase its sales revenue by 800%.

Method 7. Managing customer behavior

Use in your stores special technical means (audio or video), which will be switched on at the moment a customer passes a certain product. For example, a consumer approaches a shelf with an avocado, and at this time he hears information about an "unusually tasty salad" using this product.

When it enters the beacon's coverage area (10–70 m), a signal is received and the user immediately sees on the screen a message about promotions, discounts and personal offers of the store.

Method 8. Using a tablet in working with clients

Use a tablet with specially designed software. Thanks to this, in communication with the buyer, the seller will be able to immediately show the client the product, let him examine the product from all sides. You can also check the availability of products in the warehouse, designate terms for the order. Record the wishes of buyers and send the selected project to his e-mail box. Using this method of attracting customers to the store will not only increase the speed and quality of customer service in the store by at least 20%, but will also bring additional profit.

Use our tips. And your trade point will be the most prosperous!

Tatiana Zagumennova

Sales Generator

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The number of clients determines the success of the development of a business project, therefore, companies striving for stable growth in sales and profits are constantly looking for new ways to attract them. Agree, in a highly competitive environment, this is simply necessary. But first things first.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. Groups into which all methods of attracting customers can be divided
  2. Stages how to choose the most
  3. Effective ways to attract customers
  4. Why methods of attracting customers to a company don't work

3 groups that can be divided into all the ways to attract customers

Despite all its diversity, all methods of attracting customers can be divided into the following groups:

Active ways to attract customers

The use of these methods implies the active work of sellers.

The task of the team is to find new customers.

The solution to the problem is the same for all companies:

  • Creation of a customer base (usually the sellers themselves do this).
  • Preparation of a commercial proposal.
  • Calling customers (sometimes a personal visit is used).
  • Sending a commercial offer and information about the company, etc.

In order to work with the client “smoothly”, sellers work to improve their knowledge about the product and pass certain exams right at the place of work (knowledge of the product, work with objections, etc.), they attend specialized trainings, participate in motivation programs, etc. .d.

Passive ways to attract customers

Passive means indifferent. In this case, the participation of sellers is excluded. How is this possible? First of all, these are various forms of advertising and internet marketing.

Today, internet marketing is considered to be much more effective than traditional advertising. Contextual advertising, promotion in search engines, etc. "work" much more often than, for example, advertising on a billboard.

Combined ways to attract customers

Most often, maximum efficiency is achieved with the correct use of the above methods: active work of sellers and various. Just as a company should have its own website, so the seller should have its own business card.

Naturally, both sellers and websites, product catalogs, commercials, etc. They “work” in different ways: something works out, but something doesn’t. So, it is worth taking into account that the methods of attracting customers have different efficiency.

3 steps how to choose the most effective ways to attract customers

Stage 1. Drawing up a plan

Planning is the first and most important step in the job. It is when drawing up a plan that you have to choose which methods of attracting new customers you will use.

When planning, you need to predict the following results:

  • number of clients;
  • the size of sales;
  • desired income.

To make this data a reality, you need to establish the required number of regular customers, determine the interests and needs of your target audience.

It is necessary to connect the proposed product with a potential buyer. In other words, it is necessary to determine why the client should buy this product: to solve certain problems or to improve something (for example, living conditions)? Quite often, one serious mistake is made - targeting everyone. If, when choosing ways to attract customers, you focus on a specific consumer, then the planning process will go through without much difficulty.

Stage 2. Informing the client

After drawing up a plan, it is necessary to solve the following problem: how to convey information to a potential client.

First, decide what exactly you want to communicate. The consumer is not at all interested in how good your company is. He is interested in his own benefits, which he will receive by using your services. Moreover, for the buyer, the criterion for assessing the benefits is not always the subject of the purchase itself, but the effectiveness of the transaction.

Professional call centers do an excellent job of solving the problem of "informing the client". Here you can order the "Cold Call" service.

Stage 3. Calculation of profitability

With a plan in place and ways to attract customers, it's time to calculate their ROI by working with the numbers. Review the following data:

  • the required number of regular customers;
  • the allowed number of potential customers;
  • required monthly sales volume;
  • the required amount of sales.

Moreover, the starting point for calculations should be the desired monthly income of the company.

If you know these indicators, then it will not be difficult to calculate the number of customers you need to attract during the day, and how much you need to earn for that day. Now you need to establish how much the company is willing to spend and choose the most appropriate methods of attracting customers.

Submit your application

Effective ways to attract customers

Method number 1. Give something for free

By distributing something useful to people, you attract the attention of those who knew nothing about you at all, and those who knew but did not purchase your company's products. Such "gifts" are pleasant to customers and beneficial to you.

Method number 2. Communication with customers

These methods of attracting customers allow increasing loyalty and interest in the offered products, although they do not guarantee fast traffic. Communication can be established in the following ways:

  • In a thematic group or blog

Stick to the main rule: do not use a group or blog as an advertising space. Fill the resource with interesting high-quality content, answer visitors' questions. Work to attract new group members or blog subscribers. The number of participants or subscribers will grow - site traffic will be provided.

Of course, the traffic is unlikely to be the same as with conventional advertising, but it will have a serious quality advantage: the site visitors will be interested loyal users. But keep in mind one nuance: if people receive comprehensive information in the group, then they will have nothing to go to the site for. Keep the intrigue!

  • On thematic forums

All forum visitors want to chat and get answers to some questions. If you are ready to help such people, to communicate with them, spending a considerable amount of time, then it will not go in vain. They will definitely pay attention to you.

  • By mailing

If by the time you created the site, you have already used the mailing list, then your subscribers are the first loyal customers. Now you will have the opportunity to post all the useful information directly on the portal, and use the newsletter as an "informant" by sending a message about an event or promotion, a link.

Method number 3. Create situations for discussion

To date, discussing the positive aspects of a company or product, hype are the most effective ways to attract customers. If you can launch the discussion "virus", then new clients will rush to you, literally, a whole stream.

Quality service and a very good attitude towards customers can be used as a topic for discussion. They will start talking about this and transmit information on word of mouth, which will have a positive effect not only on the level of sales, but also on your reputation in general.

Method number 4. Build relationships

Building the right relationships with potential customers is just as important as selling a product.

It happens that the provision of the contact the client needs or a minor consultation can develop into a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. Be proactive and do not view potential customers as buyers who are ready to purchase a specific product “here” and “now”.

Method number 5. Showcase your expertise

Be proactive and speak at conferences and seminars, blog or podcast - it will show you as a good expert who can be consulted and trusted.

Method number 6. Run a competition

Today, many ways to attract customers are associated with the use of the Internet space. Is it difficult to host a contest or quiz on your website? No. And if you do it on some social network, it will be even better.

This method is quite relevant and quite a large number of users respond to it. Agree, there are many gambling people, and there are even more who want to win something.

Method number 7: organize a social event

We are talking about an event aimed at a social or sports component of life, for example, a bicycle race or a mass race. It can be timed to coincide with an event of national or local importance, or a holiday.

You will be able to attract a large number of potential customers who are united by an idea. You will have a great opportunity to showcase your product both directly and indirectly.

Method number 8. Show an example

Live your idea. Relationship experts say you can easily attract like-minded people by hanging out with them. Arrange corporate events, outings, attend dance classes, and post information on blog and social media. People who are interested in this will be drawn to such a company and, it is likely that this will be the beginning of a mutually beneficial cooperation.

Use different marketing channels.

Control your marketing system. Everything should work for you: social networks and word of mouth. Avoid deviating from the annual plan, check the performance at quarterly and monthly "points of control". Do not deviate from the chosen strategy and make changes only if it is required by real indicators: numbers and facts.

Method number 9. Maintaining a corporate website and blog

Creation of a company website is one of the most effective ways to attract customers using the Internet. If your business is related to sales, then a corporate website is a must. Before purchasing anything, customers browse various sites to "get acquainted" with the product.

Your resource may contain, for example, generalized information about the proposed product. Let's say you sell furniture. In this case, you can post articles on the site containing the rules for choosing furniture, recommendations for caring for it, assembly instructions, etc.

Getting acquainted with your articles, visitors will understand that you understand what you are talking about, that you are experts in your field. In addition, it is advisable to create sections dedicated to the company itself and your activities, offer favorable prices and provide visitors with the opportunity to express their opinion in reviews or comments.

The site may contain an order form - this is very convenient if the company is located in a small town (it is possible to work with residents of other regions and cities).

Method number 10. Mobile advertising

Methods of attracting customers must meet the requirements of the time. Mobile advertising is an innovation in the advertising space. The essence of the method is that advertising messages are sent directly to the user on the phone. Moreover, every year this channel becomes more interesting and more creative (not only the format is changing, but also the methods of communication).

There are the following mobile marketing tools:

  • advertising in mobile versions of sites;
  • banners and ToolBars on the mobile Internet;
  • advertisements in mobile applications;
  • advertising on thematic sites;
  • voice messages.

Method number 11. Virtual assistant on the site (chat bot)

Not so long ago, communication with smartphone owners required the intervention of a programmer who created a special application. Moreover, if your goal was to reach maximum users, then they created a separate application for each operating system (Android, iOS, Windows Phone).

Today this is no longer relevant, because there are chat bots. You do not need to spend money on a specialist, you can do everything yourself using various online services. Messenger developers themselves adjust applications for different operating systems. In addition, chatbots can scale to make work easier. For example, if you start the VKontakte chat bot, then you can work in other services without any problems.

In addition, using these methods of attracting customers, you can:

  • achieve global coverage;
  • achieve a high customer retention rate;
  • to popularize the resource among the youth;
  • reduce salary costs (you can do without a call center or reduce the number of employees in the sales department);
  • increase customer loyalty;
  • increase sales.

Chatbots are convenient not only for you, as the owner of the site, but also for your potential customers: they will help in finding information about the product, fill out an application, give answers to questions, etc.

Method number 12. YouTube channel

In terms of traffic, YouTube is second only to Google. This is worth considering when thinking about ways to attract customers to your company.

The search engine YouTube ranks second in the world, providing unlimited free targeted traffic to business owners.


  • billions of users visit the site during the day;
  • video hosting, which is very popular, remains free;
  • one of the largest search engines;
  • the site is visited by every seventh inhabitant of the planet.

YouTube advantages:

  • users prefer video content;
  • watching a video involves not only vision, but also hearing, increasing the impact on the user;
  • visitors trust video materials more than printed articles;
  • Considering that YouTube belongs to Google, it promotes better (when the search results are returned, videos are displayed first, and then blogs);
  • the base of subscribers and buyers is formed directly from the video (this is possible on YouTube, but not everyone can do it);
  • correct optimization of a video placed only once can ensure its constant operation;
  • low competition (there are not many targeted channels on YouTube);
  • fairly easy channel promotion;
  • using video, it is easier to find the target audience;
  • broadcasts can be carried out directly on the channel.

Method number 13. Press release

No private company can do without such a PR document as a press release.

A press release is essentially an ordinary text document, sometimes with illustrations or photographs added. The material contained in a press release may contain internal company news, a commentary on an event or event, a statement on a specific issue.

The main function of a press release is informational. This is one of the ways to attract customers or public attention by publishing information in the media about significant events in the company.

By distributing a press release, you can attract the attention of not only potential customers, but also investors. In addition, this method allows you to popularize the company, tell about yourself.

Method number 14. Advertising in Internet media

The essence of the method lies in placing graphic or text banners on popular Internet resources. Usually the cost of a service depends on the number of impressions. At the moment, this method cannot be called relevant, since its effectiveness has greatly decreased due to the increase in the "volume" of the Internet. Today, a banner is more of an image technique than a marketing ploy.

Method number 15. Popup windows

Advantages of the method:

  • Bright and original design (very important for any advertisement).
  • Almost unlimited possibilities for the implementation of non-standard solutions.
  • Wide range of applications.
  • To influence a specific target audience, you can choose any suitable resource.
  • Accurate statistics (this information is very important for the advertiser).
  • High efficiency.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • Antivirus programs and browsers are wary of them.
  • Meet annoyance from site visitors.

A competent approach can not only quickly recoup all costs, but also bring tangible profits to the advertiser. If an amateur is engaged in this, then the risk of "sending" the site to the black list of search engines is quite high (good intentions for good advertising will turn into anti-advertising).

Method number 16. We use search engines

More often than not, users come to the site through various search engines. But this is possible only if the resource is in the first positions when issuing. This is due to many parameters. Here are just the most significant ones in our opinion:

  • site age;
  • the number of pages on the resource;
  • high-quality and unique content on the site.

If you are in the TOP-10, then you have every chance of getting into the field of vision of a potential client. Keep in mind that the modern buyer trusts advertising much less than search engines. However, these methods of attracting sales customers also have their drawbacks: regular financial investments and lack of instant efficiency.

Method number 17. Catalogs

Method number 18. contextual advertising

Advertising is paid, but effective (the number of visits to the site is paid for). Its user sees after typing a key phrase in a search engine. The main thing is that the site posted on the advertised site / page matches the request, that is, the site must be relevant.

Method number 19. Social media advertising

This way of attracting customers lies in the possibility of placing targeted advertising (that is, advertising that is tuned to a specific target audience). Moreover, you can choose a fairly small segment of the audience to which you will show the ad, getting a good result. The downside to targeting is that in a fairly short demonstration period, you can spend a lot of money.

Method number 20. Thematic portals

A lot of sites that seemingly do not pursue any commercial goals (for example, entertainment) earn exclusively by placing advertisements on their resource. For example, you decide to look at an online magazine, and the page is full of advertising banners - this is just such a resource. Terms of advertising can be found, as a rule, in two ways: on some sites they are freely available, and on some they offer to contact the administrator. If the topic of the portal corresponds to what you are doing, then the advertising efficiency is quite high.

Don't forget about banner blindness. If there are too many advertisements on the portal, then the user is simply not able to react to everything that is offered to him. Therefore, before placing your banner, test not one, but several thematic portals.

A good example is the Jaguar banner:

Method number 21. Advertising mailings

All mailing services offer a directory in which you will find a topic similar to yours. You should contact the mailing list author and discuss the possibility of adding your advertisement. Quite often, such methods of attracting customers are quite effective, because they act directly on your target audience, going straight to the mail.

Method number 22. affiliate program

The principle of its operation is similar to those described above (thematic portals and mailings), but there are some nuances. Advertising is absolutely free. You pay for the partner's work only if his “recommendation” was effective (that is, the client made a purchase or placed an order). Affiliate programs are considered to be the most profitable, as they do not require an initial investment for advertising, but work according to the "sold - paid" principle.

Method number 23. Involvement in the game (gamification)

User behavior can be stimulated using social networks and mobile applications, forming positive emotions in them. All the methods used today to attract customers are aimed at financial results, and not at really engaging customers. Such methods are called "frontal".

However, there are also ways to attract customers that affect emotions by increasing interest in the product.

Example. The US coffee company Starbucks uses a mobile app to make the shopping experience easier. When paying for an order, you can use not only personal finances, but also bonuses. In addition, if a visitor uses the services of the establishment in the first half of the day, then visiting the coffee shop again in the afternoon, he can count on a free cold drink. This is how Starbucks "provokes" a return visit.

In addition, Starbucks has partnered with Lyft. People who use Lyft are now earning points for themselves, which they can then use to pay for their coffee shop order.

Method number 24. Conducting entertainment events (show)

Often, entrepreneurs do not have sufficient funds for a full-fledged advertising campaign or other marketing activities. They begin to use creative ways to attract customers, which is very beneficial to emphasize their individuality and "bypass" competitors.

The Samospas company, founded by Ilya Malikov, is engaged in the production of equipment that is used during fires to evacuate a burning building. The problem of his business lies not in the quality or in the cost of equipment, but in the lack of awareness of the consumer: people simply do not know that in the event of a fire, they themselves (without the help of firefighters) can safely leave the place using special equipment.

To raise awareness among the population, Ilya Malikov arranges spectacular events to which TV journalists are invited. He and his team perform in front of the lenses, clearly demonstrating the usefulness and rules of using their equipment. This is a wonderful free ad for Samospas.

Method number 25. Storytelling

Communicating with a potential client by telling specific stories is called storytelling. The result should be a desire to use the services of your company.

Marketers recommend short but meaningful stories. This technique allows for various ways to attract the attention of customers: texts, videos, comics and infographics. Viewing information should not take much time, therefore, the main attention should be focused on the content part, so that the consumer “looks through and understands everything”.

Example. The farmers' cooperative "LavkaLavka" began its work by introducing visitors to the stories of the members of the cooperative on its website, how the idea of ​​creating a common project and its further development came about. Moreover, not only the Internet resource was used, they did it at any opportunity and in any convenient place.

The guys did not want, and could not, use the services of professional advertising agencies, therefore, the issue of free popularization of the cooperative has always been quite acute. Once they handed out stickers to their friends, on which their slogan was written, and they distributed them among their friends and acquaintances. This was the start of the photo project "The Adventures of a Man with a Pitchfork."

But they did not stop there and began to look for other ways to attract customers. Their next step was to create a beautiful film, shot, again, by acquaintances. The short film was dedicated to winter fishing at the Rybinsk reservoir.

LavkaLavka hits Forbes! Quite a lot of space was allocated to the history of the cooperative, and the sponsor, NOKIA, was indicated in small print at the end of the text. Together with LavkaLavka, NOKIA decided to promote the Windows Phone platform and presented them with several Lumia phones.

This piqued the interest of buyers and Google. Therefore, when in 2012 Google decided to remove advertising for Chrome, which was shown on Russian TV channels, they offered LavkaLavka to become the face of advertising (as a company that became successful with the help of the Internet).

This video has become very popular, about 3 million users have watched it on YouTube. After that, the creator of the cooperative, Boris Akimov, noted in his blog that they not only had an 8-fold increase in website traffic, but also increased sales (more than 30%). They began to recognize Boris by sight, which contributed to the conclusion of very lucrative contracts with large trading companies. Print and network media and television became interested in the project.

Method number 26. Community-oriented solution

“Brand Social Responsibility” is a concept common to American business. What does it mean? It's simple enough: business should benefit society. Moreover, the benefit should lie in the activities of a social orientation, and not in what industry the company or businessman represents.

You can use a similar principle too.

Reconsider your ways of attracting customers and try to find this social component. This will increase public interest and attract customers.

Good example the philosophy of the company producing footwear TOMS Shoes may become: after the sale of one pair of shoes, the second is “sent” to children in need as a gift.

The Warber Parker Glasses company (production and sale of glasses) operates in a similar way. After the start of the Buy a Pair, Give a Pair promotion, every second points are intended for the poor, who have already received more than five hundred thousand points.

The photo below shows the poor boy wearing Blake Micoski (founder of TOMS Shoes) shoes:

Similar methods of attracting customers are used by Russian companies. For example, the Evert company, having paid attention to the social component of the business, managed to avoid bankruptcy. Its founder, Evgeny Popov, in order to strengthen his competitiveness and attract clients, which practically did not exist, made the following decision: every second employed person will be a person with a disability. Thus, by providing services on a paid basis (employment of the company's clients), he finds work for people with disabilities free of charge.

Method number 27. Visual social networks

Pay attention to Instagram too! The platform is ideal for companies that have something to show and how to please the eye of the consumer. And now that you can add videos there, it can become even more effective: film the production process and showcase the dynamics of the company.

According to analyst bureau TrackMaven, Fortune 500 companies that use this type of customer engagement have been helped a lot by Instagram. The greatest efficiency of the resource was felt by Nike (the number of their followers exceeds 3.2 million).

However, it is worth noting some Russian companies, such as Trends Brands (branded clothing store), VTB Bank, Yandex, KROK (system operator), QIWI Wallet and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Method number 28. Free training

Today, more and more companies use in their work ways to attract customers directly related to Internet marketing, and this is not surprising. However, not everyone is ready to train a potential or real client for free and with high quality.

Method number 29. Feel free to share information

The social media management tool (Buffer) won the trust of 30 thousand users who joined it during the first nine months of its operation.

The secret of success lies in the harmonious combination of trust of both parties to each other: users publish their information on the blog, and blog owners provide full information about the company.

Method number 30. Stimulate

It's simple: an offer in exchange for a result.

For example, Dropbox offered to follow them on Twitter and Facebook to get 125 MB of cloud storage.

Method number 31. Poach

Airbnb is the largest rental company today. But this was not always the case, it was just that one day they found “their own” ways to attract customers: they decided to contact those who advertise housing for rent on other resources.

Airbnb employees got in touch with people who published an ad, for example, on Craigslist, and acted in a not entirely usual way: they asked to change the resource and advertise with them. Not very beautiful, but the result, as they say, is "on the face".

Method number 32. Connect referrals

PayPal's referral program, for example, paid $ 10 to both the newbie and the referrer. Such methods of attracting clients allowed to increase the number of the client base to several tens of millions.

Why methods of attracting customers to a company don't work: common mistakes

Often, companies that spend significant amounts of money to attract customers do not get what they were striving for.

After analyzing their activities, the following errors are revealed:

Many errors can be detected without much difficulty - analyze your activities. Business needs constant study and observation - this contributes to the timely identification of problems and increases the chances of their quick elimination.

In order to prevent such mistakes, you can always use the help of specialists. And it's worth starting with checking the work of your site - a professional audit.

The first thing an entrepreneur thinks about after opening his own business is how to find clients? In this article, we have collected standard methods, online methods, and unusual ways to attract customers from the West.

This selection will help you choose a way to attract customers for a regular store, online store and business in the service sector. These techniques can be used to find clients for realtors, online children's clothing stores, car washes, and in general any business.

Standard Methods

Let's start by looking at simple ways to attract customers. These techniques are very popular and have already proven themselves very well among marketers.

At first glance, some methods may seem very trivial and inoperative, but for each product there is always its own target audience. It's the same with customer acquisition. Some methods will work for one business and some will work for another.

Method 1: Discounts and promotions

The most important and effective way. To attract a customer, it is enough to increase the price by 40%, and in a week to reduce it by the same 40% and sell goods under the pretext of generous discounts. People have always loved discounts and promotions, which is why almost every entrepreneur uses this trick.

In addition to the usual discounts, you can come up with many other interesting promotions: "Two things for the price of one!", "February 28, 28% discount on all goods!" etc.

Time limitation works well with promotions. For example, "Only for this week, a 50% discount on all down jackets!". The less time a buyer has to think, the more likely he will come to you and buy something for the stock.

Method 2: Promotions for the holidays

Be sure to arrange promotions for the holidays. This is especially true for restaurants and bars or some other entertainment places where you can theoretically come to celebrate, for example, a birthday.

You can arrange promotions not only for birthdays, but also for some unusual holidays. For example, the day of a doctor is probably celebrated by students of medical universities, for them, upon presentation of student cards, you can make some kind of discount and then they will definitely come.

Method 3: Gifts

Who doesn't love gifts? Of course everyone loves them! If you do them more often, then the attitude of buyers to your business will be more loyal and most likely the next time they will come to you.

You can give some souvenirs that they can put in a conspicuous place in their apartment and constantly remember your store when they see them.

For the new year, you can give beautiful Christmas tree decorations with the logo of your brand and then you will be remembered every year.

Method 4: Gift Certificates

Not everyone knows what to give to their friends and loved ones, so they give gift certificates. They should definitely be in your store.

The person who comes to you to spend their gift certificate may like your store and become your regular customer. And if he likes it, there is a high probability that he will call or at least tell his friends about the store. As a result, a good flow of visitors is created.

Method 5: acquaintances and friends

The best way to get your first customers is to ask all your friends and acquaintances to talk about your business on social networks. Of course, this is a very simple, but effective method. It can launch a chain of word of mouth and, as a result, you will have real customers.

A huge plus is that your friends and acquaintances are unlikely to ask you for money to advertise your business.

Method 6: Free shipping

Those who are thinking about how to attract customers to a small store that has not yet acquired a loyal customer base should definitely do free shipping.

You need to inform your buyer about free shipping. You have to shout that it is free and it is generally very profitable. You can come up with such a promotion "When ordering for the amount of 5.000 rubles - delivery is free!"

Method 7: loyalty cards

Loyalty cards are a great option. They allow you to attract more customers and make them come to you again and again.

Initially, in your store, you make an inflated markup on goods. Then, after the first purchase, register a loyalty card for your client and say that now there is a 10% discount on it, and if you collect the amount of purchases of 10.000 rubles, then the discount will increase to 30%.

As a result, the next time a customer needs to make a purchase, he will immediately remember about your store, and not about some other one. These cards are not suitable for all businesses. For example, it is perfect for a car wash, because the client needs to wash his car regularly, but it is not suitable for a construction company that builds cottages, since people usually do not build more than one cottage.

Method 8: store location

As a rule, in order to attract the attention of buyers to an offline store or a business providing some services, it is enough to choose a good passageway.

Open in shopping malls, in the city center, near the metro or in any other crowded place and then you can save a lot on attracting customers.

Entrepreneurs who open their business in the backyard in a residential area are very often interested in how to find clients. This is inherently the wrong approach.

Method 9: Thematic location

If you are going to open some kind of offline store, then you need to do this based on the environment.

Around large universities, many businesses are always built: shawarmets with cheap food, stationery stores, a business for printing and weaving diplomas. These businesses adjust to the audience that walks near the university every day.

Another example, if you are going to open a children's clothing store, then the best location option would be to open next to a children's hospital or next to a children's entertainment center, that is, to open where there are a lot of children with their parents.

Method 10: Uniforms of employees

The uniform concept of the uniform of the employees evokes in the minds of customers that everything in the store is arranged as it should. Come up with a dress code that matches your logo or your brand colors.

In some cosmetics stores, even the sellers' makeup is considered a dress code. They are forced to paint their lips with a bright red color.

It is especially important to enter the dress code in stores. If you have five salespeople and they are all dressed in different clothes, this diversity will cause chaos in the mind of the buyers.

Method 11: Music

Buy equipment and make sure that pleasant music is constantly playing in your store. Music is a very powerful marketing tool that affects the work of the brain, with its help you can attract customers and make them stay in your store longer.

When selecting tracks, start from the theme and audience of your store. For youth shops, it is worth incorporating contemporary music that will be familiar to people under 30. For stores with older target audiences, play more calm, relaxing music.

Method 12: Displaying the product

The correct display of goods can also increase store traffic. The showcase, which is located by the window, must be beautifully decorated so that passers-by want to come to you. To make it look beautiful in the dark, you can hang it with garlands.

Inside the store, place items that are not selling well or that are about to expire at eye level and at hand reach. Products placed on such places are sold much more often.

Method 13: store layout

Study how customers move through your store. Perhaps they are hindered by some kind of rack in order to get to the desired product and they have to go around half of the store.

As a result, due to improper planning and walking back and forth, buyers get tired and want to quickly leave your home and lie on the sofa.

Try to make the matching products as close as possible to each other. Grocery stores are an excellent example; there are always chips or crackers in front of beer and customers do not have to go to the other end of the store for them.

Method 14: Convenience for buyers

Do everything so that when interacting with your business, customers do not feel uncomfortable. This technique means different things depending on the niche.

It is very important to make convenient delivery and payment in online stores. Make as many different options as possible so that the client can choose the one that is most convenient for him.

Method 15: be better than the competition

One of the most effective methods when you want to attract customers is to be better than your competitors. Usually it is because of this that buyers choose where to buy a particular product. Where they see positive things for themselves, they go, and where they do not see, accordingly they do not go.

Analyze your competitors, identify their weaknesses and make them positives in your business. Provide a larger assortment, lower prices, beautiful design, or something else.

Method 16: quality

If you do not want to scare off your customers, then always monitor the quality of the products provided. Poor food, clothing, or legal services will surely scare customers away, and they'll also tell their friends how bad things are with you.

Also, keep an eye on the quality in everything: repairs, the appearance of employees, flowers in pots standing on the windowsill. There are no unimportant things that you don’t have to do. Absolutely everything is important to the client and all the disadvantages that he will notice in your business will affect his decision to come to you again or not.

Method 17: word of mouth

This method will help you find clients absolutely free of charge. Word of mouth assumes that your customers will tell their friends about your store, and those to their friends, and those to theirs, and so on.

It should be noted that unpleasant impressions will spread throughout the city much faster than pleasant ones. And if some auto mechanic from your service forgets to fix the brakes on the client's car ... Believe me, negative reviews spread very quickly and can ruin your business.

Method 18: Conducting contests

This method assumes that you can post information about the competition and attract customers on the Internet or from the street. Competitions can be very different, its focus and subject matter depends on the niche in which you work.

It is logical that for a children's shoe store and contests should be appropriate. For example, who will draw the dog faster.

The most important thing that needs to be achieved in conducting competitions is a large number of people. Someone will bring their friends to the competition, they will learn about your store and in the future they will become not just participants in the competition, but buyers.

Method 19: directories and magazines

Showcase free catalogs and magazines in your store. Customers will be able to take them home, study them in detail and return to you in the future to buy some product.

This is especially true for furniture stores. You can also write interesting articles in catalogs, such as "What color of furniture will match your wallpaper?", "How to furnish a small room?" etc.

The downside is that you have to spend money on producing these magazines. Yes, they will increase your brand loyalty, but the costs may not pay off if you want to get customers as quickly as possible.

Method 20: handing out flyers

Distributing flyers is perhaps the most commonplace way to attract attention, but if you are thinking of how to attract new customers without investing huge amounts of money, then this method will suit you.

This method is not suitable for online businesses or businesses that are not located in a busy area. The more traffic, the more leaflets you can distribute and, accordingly, the more visitors you will receive.

Method 21: Flyers in mailboxes

A popular method of attracting new customers is by distributing flyers to mailboxes. This will be especially true for shops or other businesses that are located not far from residential buildings.

By checking your email, potential customers will see your ad and possibly come to you. The only drawback in this case is that many people consider advertising in mailboxes to be terrible spam. Collect it, do not read it, and immediately throw it away. Therefore, there will always be some percentage of the budget wasted.

Method 22: hangers for doorknobs

This technique is very similar to the previous one, but unlike the usual stuffing of leaflets in a mailbox, in this case we make special leaflets-hangers that are hung on the door handles.

This method will be more expensive than the previous one, but a huge plus will be that many more people will read your ad.

Method 23: Cold Calls

A very annoying way of looking for clients, from a clients point of view. You pick up the phone and call all potential customers without prior arrangement. In some countries, this technique is even prohibited.

I would like to point out that cold calling works great if you can offer a potential customer better or cheaper products that they really need.

It's wise to call store owners and offer them cheaper and better software for their business. It's not wise at all to call people and offer them to buy a smartphone from your store.

Method 24: business cards

Come up with beautiful designs for your business cards and distribute them. If you have started an art school, then you can distribute your business cards at the checkout in art supply stores. Of course, for this you need to negotiate with the owners of other stores.

This method will not bring you a sharp increase, but it works great in the long run.

Method 25: Announcement on poles and stops

If you are looking to attract customers to a new store, then this option can be very good. Advertisements are placed on special poles or stops and in any case they will be seen by a large number of people. Advertisements at bus stops are especially noticeable. While waiting for their bus, people from absolute inaction, people begin to study the environment around them and your advertisement may catch their eye.

Try to make unusual color ads so you can stand out from the crowd and grab people's attention. It's almost pointless to print black-and-white ads. They are boring and people are reluctant to study them.

Method 26: billboards

Large billboards are usually chosen by large firms that can afford it. Their designers and marketers develop an ad, then print it out, rent a billboard and, as a result, hang the ad.

Method 27: Advertising on transport and in transport

Advertising on public transport, for example on trolleybuses, is expensive and is very well remembered by a huge number of people. It will be seen by pedestrians, passengers, other drivers, people from the windows of offices, restaurants and apartments. To do this, you definitely need to hire a designer who will develop a unique and unforgettable design.

Method 28: Newspapers and magazines

Regular newspapers and magazines are less and less popular every year. Accordingly, the effectiveness of advertising in them also decreases, but in any case, someone else uses them and this may be the target audience of your business, therefore it is absolutely impossible to discard the option of advertising in newspapers and magazines.

Method 29: TV

This method will quite find its audience of potential buyers. But due to lack of experience, you may end up with an unattractive video. As a result, it is more profitable to spend money spent on an advertising company somewhere else.

Method 30: Radio

You can also find a potential client on the radio. Here you do not have to invest in creating a video; it is enough to come up with a speech and hire an announcer to deliver it. It should be borne in mind that the main audience of radio listeners is motorists.

An important detail in radio and TV advertising campaigns is that one person must see or hear the same advertisement many times. Only then will it fit well in the brain and the person will remember you when he needs the services you provide.

Online methods

Nowadays, it is much more profitable to figure out how to find a buyer on the Internet than to use already outdated standard methods. A huge plus of online marketing is quick feedback. You can place an advertisement and get 50 new clients in an hour.

A huge number of people use the Internet, which means that here you will find the target audience for absolutely any business.

Different methods require different investments. In some cases, you need to invest a lot of money, in some a little, and some methods will allow you to get a large flow of customers by investing only your time and effort.

Method 31: own site

If you are thinking about how to find clients via the Internet, then the first thing you need to do is your own company website. Then you will buy ads from different sites on the Internet and direct users to your site.

An important clarification, you need not just order website development, you need to order high-quality website development from professionals. Of course, you can make it for 20,000 rubles, or your neighbor will make it for free at all, but believe me, there will be no sense from such sites.

You need a professional design that will attract customers and a professionally developed technical part. A good website will cost you 100,000 rubles.

Method 32: SEO

After you have developed a good website, you should pay attention to SEO. This is search engine optimization of sites, if done correctly, then you can find customers through search engines such as Yandex, Google and others. Your site will be in the first positions in search results, potential buyers will click on them and get to your site.

This method overlaps closely with the previous one. If the site was initially made well, then in SEO you can achieve some results, but if it is bad, then perhaps this method will not work at all.

Method 33: contextual advertising

Have you ever seen that after you searched for something on the Internet, this thing followed you on other sites? For example, you chose which boat to buy, searched for them on the Internet, and then on cooking sites, you were offered to buy a boat. Why do boats advertise on a website about cooking? This is called contextual advertising, it displays what you were interested in at some time or may be interesting.

You can use it to attract customers to your business, it costs money and you must have experience setting up ads. You can find clients using Yandex Direct or Google Adwords - these are the two most popular platforms in Russia for working with contextual advertising.

Method 34: Targeted Ads

With this tool, you don't have to think about where to find buyers for your online store or offline business. It is enough to know the portrait of the target audience. You set up: gender, age, city, marital status, place of work, interests and other parameters. As a result, ads will only be shown to your target audience.

Method 35: teaser ads

To find customers on the Internet, you can use teaser ads. This is one of the cheapest options for attracting customers, and it is very difficult to reach the target audience.

An advertising campaign in teaser networks will be successful only when you can collect quite extensive statistics and understand how to set it up correctly. This will take time and money. In the end, you may not be happy with the result. The chances are that you will attract too few new customers and your advertising costs will not pay off.

Method 36: advertising on social networks

Social media advertising is a great way to attract customers. You can find clients on Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other social networks.

This is usually done this way. You choose the community where you would like to advertise. The community audience should be interested in your product. For example, a baby clothing store advertises well in mum communities. Then you write to the community administrator that you want to place an advertisement, he sends you a price list and if everything suits you, you pay and your advertisement is published.

Method 37: your own page on social networks

Another great option is maintaining the company's pages on social networks. You can tell interesting stories, connect with your customers, or post information about new products or promotions.

You need to design your posts beautifully, and you also need to always think about what you write. One wrong post can permanently ruin your company's reputation, so in large organizations this is done by an individual or a whole team.

Method 38: Repost Contest

A very common method of attracting new customers on the Internet is repost contests. On the page of your company, you publish a contest post, which users must repost to their page. Their friends will see the repost and may also want to participate in the competition, or they will simply be interested in your store. After a while, you take stock and choose a winner.

The number of subscribers to your page can grow very quickly if you run these contests on a regular basis.

Method 39: Direct messages on social networks

You can independently find clients in contact and write to them in private messages. For example, your organization is recruiting. Go to the job search community and look for entrepreneurs who need employees. Then you offer them your recruiting services.

The only drawback of this method is that social networks may think that you are spamming and ban your account. Therefore, in no case should you do this from the main account, and when you establish contact with the client, invite him to continue communicating by phone or in another messenger.

Method 40: Topic forums

You can also find buyers in an online store or in an offline business on thematic forums. Of course, forums are living out their days and every month their audience is getting smaller and smaller, because most people leave to communicate on social networks.

Promotion of your business on forums means that you will be active, constantly interacting with users and sometimes insert your ads. If you register on the forum and immediately start advertising your business, then most likely you will be banned, because other forum residents will not know about you and you will not have a reputation.

Method 41: Advertising on Youtube

Youtube is increasingly becoming a replacement for television, especially among young people. Here you can find bloggers with your target audience and order advertising from them.

There may be several options:

Method 42: Own Youtube Channel

You don't have to buy ads from anyone, but just create your own Youtube channel and post your videos on it. This is a very complex and costly method. You will need time to create content, and you will also need expensive equipment.

After all your efforts, videos may not collect as many views as we would like, as a result, time and money will be wasted. This is a very risky tool for attracting customers, but if you manage to create interesting videos that will gain a large number of views, you will be able to insert ads for your company into them.

Method 43: CPA networks

Clients can be found using CPA networks. Such networks work according to the following principle, there is a webmaster, and there is a customer (that is, we are with you). We conclude an agreement with CPA networks that we want to receive the services of webmasters. After the contract is signed, thousands of webmasters will advertise your business, but you will have to pay them a percentage of the profits.

This is a very effective method if you want to get new clients as quickly as possible.

Method 44: Buying Leads

This method is similar to the previous one, but slightly different in organization. There are services for buying and selling leads (applications). Webmasters place advertisements on their own websites and sell leads to such services, while we, in turn, can buy these leads for our business.

Typically, such services sell service leads: legal services, medicine, construction, etc. For example, you can take a look at a couple of such services,

Method 45: Freelance

If your business provides some kind of services, then you can try to find your clients on freelance sites. On such sites, the customer and the contractor meet, they discuss the terms, conditions of work and begin to cooperate.

The more positive reviews you have on your account, the more likely it is that the customer will choose you as the executor for his project. You must constantly look at the order feed and send your proposals as early as possible, because in this area there is a lot of competition among performers.

Method 46: Directly Publishing Ads on Websites

To quickly find customers, you can find some interesting thematic sites, contact the administration and place your advertisement on their website. Advertising formats can be very diverse:

The most important thing is that the site on which you advertise is visited. Therefore, when choosing a site for placement, be sure to ask the administrators to show the statistics of their project.

Method 47: Bulletin Boards

If you want to find a buyer for your product, then be sure to place it on all possible message boards: Avito, Yandex Market, From hand to hand and others.

People very often choose what to buy on these message boards and they can be a great method for you to get new customers. Basically, posting on such boards is free and you only need time to upload all your goods there, but in some cases, posting may be paid. Also, you can order the promotion of your product and then it will be shown above your competitors.

Method 48: Advertising in Smartphone Apps

When entrepreneurs think of advertising on the Internet, regular advertising on websites usually comes to mind. But there are also mobile devices. Every year, users are more and more actively using them and making purchases through their smartphone.

Method 49: Developing Your Own Application

Companies that have their own mobile application always make potential buyers more loyal to themselves. By developing your own application, you will make the life of your customers much easier, because the application is always more convenient than the mobile version of the site.

The main difficulty in this case is the development cost. After you order the already expensive development of the application, you will have to regularly update it to work on new devices and versions of the operating system, and all this costs money.

Method 50: E-mail newsletter

Mailing is one of the most popular methods to attract the attention of old customers, so from the day of the foundation of your company, try to collect mailboxes of your customers by any means. In the future, you will be able to send information about discounts and new assortments to them.

Sending emails when the user was not your client and did not leave you their email is usually considered spam. In this case, it is difficult to accurately get into your target audience, so tens of thousands of letters are sent. This method rarely yields good results, so we do not recommend it.

Method 51: Congratulations!

Always try to wish your clients a happy birthday, new year, early spring or any other holidays. Such mailing reminds of your business and usually does not look like spam in the eyes of users.

Address your customers by the name "Egor, Happy Birthday!" and make your newsletters extraordinary. For example, if Egor bought a bucket in your store, you can send him “Egor, Happy Birthday! We hope that our bucket will serve you faithfully! " Such newsletters will be remembered much more than any template messages.

Unusual methods

In this section, we will look at unusual ways of advertising to attract customers. Some of them are difficult to implement, some may not bring results for certain niches, but nevertheless, such methods of attracting and retaining customers are very often used.

We'll look at subtle marketing techniques. Some methods will be provocative or even shocking. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them, and it's up to you to apply them for your business or not.

Method 52: Conspiracies and prayers

Let's start with the most unusual way. Believer entrepreneurs can try conspiracies and prayers to draw shoppers into the store. A huge plus is that this technique does not require money and a lot of time.

Non-believing entrepreneurs, after using all the methods available to them to attract customers, can also try this method.

Method 53: Unusual sign

An original sign will always attract more buyers than a regular one. Template inscriptions on a red background have not attracted anyone for a long time. They are only striking, but do not make people want to go to the store.

For example, for a fishing store, you can make a sign in the form of a huge fish or even a shark. You can go further and put a huge figurine next to the entrance to the store. For example, a pet supply store might supply a huge dog. She will definitely attract the attention of people and some will even be photographed in front of your store.

Method 54: Unusual office or store design

If you have already come up with an unusual signboard, then you should not stop there. Unusual interior design of the premises will also attract buyers. And even if some will come to you just to look at the interior, still some percentage of them will make a purchase from you or tell their friends about your unusual store.

The main disadvantage in this case is the cost of repairs. Together with design services for concept design, the cost of creating an interesting interior will be very expensive and not many entrepreneurs in Russia are involved in this.

Method 55: Consolidate Design Concept

Think over a unified brand concept. To understand how it works, just look at major brands like Macdonald’s - their website, social media pages, restaurant, uniforms, logo, packaging, mobile application are combined in color and concept.

A uniform style always gives a sense of completeness and there is no chaos in the minds of clients when they bump into you.

Method 56: logo

Pay special attention to the logo. Try to make it challenging and memorable. Of course, there is no need to go to extremes and draw something too provocative, because this logo will be used absolutely everywhere: on a sign, website, packaging. And if you yourself will be ashamed to look at it, then the clients should not see it all the more.

If you have no design experience at all, we recommend hiring a professional to make a great logo for you.

Method 57: Themed decorations

Always decorate your store. In the new year, put up a tree and hang garlands, put flowers on March 8, and a tank on February 23. This applies not only to offline businesses, but also to online stores. Be sure to change your social media avatars before the holidays.

All people give gifts to each other for the holidays, and this technique will allow potential clients to understand that you are just like them participating in the life of this world. As a result, their loyalty to your brand will increase and they can make purchases from you.

Method 58: New unusual technologies

Delivering unusual new technologies to customers will dramatically set you apart from the competition. To give simple examples, buying an electric car with Tesla autopilot in a taxi service will definitely lead to an increase in customers. Even if the client does not need to go anywhere, they will still order a taxi because they just want to ride a Tesla.

In the future, after people see or use your unusual technologies, it is very likely that they will become your regular customers.

Method 59: Exclusive goods

Offer your customers exclusive products that no one else has. They can be very expensive and most likely no customer will buy them from you, but they will come to just look at them and a percentage of them will buy another product.

Also, exclusive products create the feeling that the store has a very large assortment and even something unusual. This technique is suitable for any business, even a butcher shop. You can put some exotic meat on the showcase. People will leave you with a purchased turkey and think about this exotic meat and your store for a long time.

Method 60: Parking

In some niches or cities, parking is a must. For motorists, this can be a critical factor when choosing a store to drive to.

If you do not want to lose a certain percentage of potential customers, before renting a space, think about whether the availability of parking spaces will be important for your target audience or not? Parking is especially important for automotive businesses: car services, car washes, spare parts store, etc.

Method 61: pleasant smells

Scent marketing involves the use of special equipment that spreads pleasant smells throughout the room. For each niche, experienced specialists select a specific set of scents.

This tool is very often used by entrepreneurs to attract customers and create a pleasant atmosphere. According to statistics, scent marketing affects the brain, increases the concentration of visitors on purchases and increases the average check.

Method 62: Positive employees

The smile of another person always gives positive emotions. And getting emotions when buying a product is very good for brand loyalty. Therefore, you should definitely make your employees smile at your customers.

Perhaps someone will say that the smile will not be sincere, but this marketing tool really works, therefore, regardless of sincerity, they need to be used.

Of course, not every niche needs this. In the funeral or medical business, hardly anyone will enjoy seeing an employee smile when a customer purchases a monument or finds out they have a serious medical condition.

Method 63: Advertising on wheels

By renting a truck with a special sound system that is designed to inform passers-by, you can attract the attention of the entire city. Not every day there are cars driving around the city saying that a new store has opened and you should definitely go to it.

In addition to a special sound system, the truck should be beautifully designed and of course there should be an advertising poster on it.

The downside is that in some cities this advertising method is simply prohibited.

Method 64: Be a sponsor

In order to find clients for your business, you can become someone's sponsor. It's not about multi-million dollar contracts where your logos are pasted on race cars. We are talking about smaller investments.

You can sponsor some kind of competition, then people participating in it will find out about your business, or you can sponsor famous personalities and give them some things. Another option is to participate in charity events, you will simultaneously help others and your brand awareness.

Method 65: Free Stickers

Print as many stickers with your store's logo and address as possible and distribute them to your visitors. People love stickers and if they look cute then chances are good that they will stick them somewhere.

This method is rarely used in Russia, but has long been widely used in the United States.

Don't limit the number of stickers to people. If one person wants to take 15-25 stickers, then this is quite normal. Just put the jug at the entrance to the store, make an inscription informing that the stickers in it are free and anyone can take them.

Method 66: Advertising with public figures

The pluses include a wide reach when buying ads, and the minuses are its cost. Many famous personalities do not hesitate to overcharge. As a result, the budget spent on an advertising campaign may not pay off.

Method 67: Invite famous people to your store

You can not only buy regular advertising from famous personalities on their pages in social networks, but also invite them to your store. Of course, the costs in this case will be much higher, but a large number of visitors will visit your store live.

As a pretext for the event, you can organize an autograph session of a musician, or a master class from a famous football player.

Method 68: provocative marketing

Provocative ad campaigns can generate a storm of discussion among your potential buyers. Some marketers come up with offensive, obscene ads and in some cases this approach works great.

The most important thing in provocative marketing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, a huge number of lawsuits from offended people or your competitors may fall on you.

This tool is unlikely to suit all niches. For example, in the tombstone business, you can hardly think of something like this.

Method 69: Conduct master classes

If your niche allows, then you should definitely conduct master classes on a regular basis. With their help, you can convert workshop participants into buyers. Accordingly, the more people come to your master class, the more buyers you will receive as a result.

This may not be the easiest way to find new clients. You will have to spend a lot of money, time and effort, but nevertheless, this method works great and can show consistent results.

Method 70: Participate in exhibitions and conferences

Let's start with a simple example. Are you interested in computer games? If so, then you probably know about the E3 conference, which is held every year and a huge number of gamers come to it. Also, a large number of game manufacturers come to it and demonstrate their products.

If your niche allows you to do this, then you should definitely participate in exhibitions and conferences. On them you can get to know your target audience, communicate and study it.

Method 71: Conduct exhibitions and conferences yourself

In addition to performing as a participant, you can conduct exhibitions and conferences to attract buyers on your own.

You can simultaneously make money on the conference and advertise your brand perfectly. The main disadvantage of holding conferences is the high costs. You will have to spend a huge amount of time and effort organizing all business processes, as well as a huge amount of money. Usually such conferences are held by large companies that can afford it.

Method 72: Offer drinks

Offer your customers free drinks like tea, coffee or water. This is especially important in the service sector. Even moths offer their customers tea or coffee, and small or large businesses should do it all the more.

Drinking tea can increase customer loyalty and then they will tell their friends about you. As a result, you will have new clients.

Method 73: motivate employees and customers to refer their friends

A great way to attract new customers is to motivate your employees and customers to bring their friends. You can issue special cards for each client and transfer a percentage of their friends' purchases to their account.

This scheme works great and has already been tested by time, so we highly recommend using it.

Method 74: Percentage of sales for sellers

You can pay a percentage of sales to your sales consultants or any other employees who somehow interact with the client. Due to the fact that how much they earn will depend on them, they will work much more actively.

Practice shows that sellers are much more active in advertising goods, your store and generally behave more friendly towards customers.

Method 75: Cooperation with other businesses

Take a look around, maybe other businesses need your products or services. If you provide truck rental services, you can contact the owners of, for example, grocery stores and offer them rental equipment on more favorable terms.

Even if your business was originally established as a B2C business, there is nothing wrong with earning additional revenue from B2B.

Method 76: Foreign market

Take a look at foreign markets, it may be much easier for your business to find buyers in another country. This is especially true if you are selling something unusual.

How to attract customers: 7 prerequisites for a constant flow of customers + 11 common methods for attracting new customers + 22 ways to increase the number of customers for specific types of business.

The question of how to attract customers is the most popular after “how to start your own business”. And this is not at all surprising, because the amount of profit from doing business directly depends on the number of buyers of goods and services.

There are many ways to attract new customers. We will talk about how to do this and become a profitable, competitive organization in the business world in this article.

What needs to be taken care of to attract customers?

The policy of attracting new clients of an enterprise is most often based on two main conditions:

  • First, your business needs to be communicated to the market. In other words, you need to popularize your business so that people know about it and tell others.
  • Secondly, you should definitely enable your potential buyers to save money. Nothing motivates consumers like a reduced price and clear benefit.

Unfortunately, competitive prices and advertising on the city's largest billboards are only half the battle. Imagine this situation: you opened a restaurant outside the city, handed out invitations and significantly reduced prices, but there are no customers at all. Why is that? Because in the small village where you decide to do business, most of the residents are pensioners who simply cannot afford your restaurant.

Or another example: you have a small shop in the very center of the city, low prices and a bright advertising sign. And it seems that customers constantly visit your shop, only few of them stay behind and move into the category of regular customers. Why? Could it be stale products or unfriendly staff?

One way or another, based on these two examples, we can safely say that before you are interested in how to attract new customers, make sure that your product or service is interesting to new consumers, and they have a desire to come to you again and again. ...

To do this, consider the following:

  • Define the target audience of your business correctly- pay attention to who will be your consumer and open the right businesses in the right place.
  • Make sure that your product or service is competitive in the market- it is not necessary to open only a business where you will not meet competitors at all. It is important to have some "flavor", for example, a larger assortment, several unique products or unusual services.
  • Be sure to post a bright sign that can attract simple passers-by. They are also your potential clients.
  • Pay special attention to cleanliness- this is very important when it comes to all kinds of shops and cafes. A pleasant fresh scent and a sense of cleanliness have been proven to awaken the urge to buy something.
  • Make sure your staff is friendly- even in the best establishment, an employee's rude response can spoil the impression and cause low attendance.
  • Remember that the quality of goods and services comes first- the goods in stores must be fresh, professionals must work in beauty salons, and high-quality dishes must be prepared in a restaurant.
  • Do not forget that the pricing policy must be acceptable for the selected region.- you should not underestimate the prices for really expensive products or services, but also do not set a pricing policy that will be too tough for your potential customers.

By adhering to these simple tips, you can clearly attract the attention of passers-by and develop a permanent audience of consumers.

Now let's talk about how to attract even more customers to your business.

11 standard ways to attract new customers

Before we look at more specific ways to attract customers, let's look at general methods. In other words, we will analyze the methods that can and even should be used regardless of what kind of business we are talking about.

    Submit advertisements to newspapers and magazines, place advertisements on bulletin boards around the city and on free sites on the Internet.

    Today this is probably the easiest and least expensive way to attract new visitors. Someone may find it somewhat outdated, but this is only a first impression. When it comes to attracting consumers in a small city, then this method is very effective. And for big cities it will come in handy.

    Free sites are now very popular, and their biggest plus is precisely that they do not require investments.

    You can use one of the platforms or several at once, decide for yourself:

  1. Hand out flyers and invitations.

    Another time-tested method. Despite the fact that such a method aimed at attracting customers is no longer popular, it can still be used.

    The main thing is to make sure that the information on the leaflets is useful and interesting. Be sure to indicate where your business is located and how you can be contacted.

    It is best to distribute such papers in crowded places: at transport stops, in large shopping centers, or right next to your restaurant or store.

    Carry out promotions and discounts.

    The most famous and popular method for attracting both regular and new customers. This method can be used regardless of what kind of business you own, because no one wants to miss the opportunity to buy something cheaper.

    Therefore, arrange seasonal discounts, big sales and promotions during which you can buy several items for the price of one. Turn on your imagination, but do not try to "shake off" goods with suitable expiration dates or defects in this way - this makes your reputation cheaper.

    First, create a Vkontakte group. You will find many advantages in this social network: registration is free, the mechanism of use is simple, and the audience is very wide.

    Therefore, to get started, register on the site

    After that, following simple prompts, create your own group and fill it with the necessary information.

    Share important information on the blog.

    Another way to attract customers is to create a blog where you can share photos of your business and at the same time be interested in the wishes of potential customers.

    For this, the best solution would be to use Instagram. Like Vkontakte, here you can register for free and create a personal page without any problems.

    In addition to these, you can use other social networks, we have cited only the most popular ones as an example.

    Promote your own website.

    Regardless of the type of business you are engaged in, a website is an essential attribute of any business today. Of course, at the start of their own business, not everyone can afford the professional creation of a resource, but you can even solve this problem on your own (you just need to make more effort).

    You can use any free website builder:


    The scheme for creating a website using such a platform is very simple. You just need to register and fill the page at your discretion. You will find detailed instructions on how to do this right on the resource where you will be working. There are many step-by-step guides on the Internet.

    In the future, when your business is going uphill, it will not be superfluous to involve a specialist in the development of the site, since he is the surest way to attract as many new customers as possible.

    Send letters to e-mail.

    On the one hand, this method does not guarantee a 100% result, but at the same time, such mailing is now also very successful in shaping the number of new consumers.

    You can also send emails to new subscribers to your site, who will register in return for a one-time discount on their first purchase. But for this you just need your own website, do not forget.

    Run lotteries and sweepstakes.

    A good way to attract new clients, especially considering the fact that most people are very gambling.

    In order to gain new visitors in this way, you do not have to play a trip to the other side of the world. It will be enough to give someone the opportunity to win a discount coupon or a certificate for an additional service.

    Provide bonus conditions for your regular customers.

    To attract customers who will not only go to your store from time to time, but also make purchases there, issue discount cards that allow you to save those customers whose spending amounts have reached a certain level.

    All clients are pleased to receive such small "benefits", which they will certainly tell their friends about, which will contribute to the emergence of new customers with you.

    This method, of course, is not cheap. But, if you can afford it, then be sure to pay attention to this method.

    Despite the widespread belief that billboards only distract attention, many companies have managed to attract more than a dozen new customers in this way.

    To attract customers, now the following are most often used:

    • Teaser - advertising links that literally force the consumer to follow them in order to get information about the offer they are interested in.
    • Banner or, in other words, graphic advertising, which also contains text messages.
    • Targeted - advertisements that suggest their placement for a specific target audience.

    This way of getting new customers is more expensive than many others, but it really works. You can order advertising placement on exchanges on the Internet (,, and also contact the owner of information sites that are close to you thematically, directly.

We have reviewed the most popular and widely available ways to attract customers to your business. Now is the time to talk about the specific methods used in certain areas of business.

How to attract customers to a store, cafe or car service: additional ways ...

It's no secret that every business, every enterprise is unique and requires an individual approach when developing an advertising campaign to achieve success.

We have collected additional methods that will help you attract even more customers and are used in specific areas of business. They will be rationally used along with standard methods in order to get the maximum effect from an advertising campaign.

1. Attract clients to the beauty salon.

Analyzing the fact that beauty salons are one of the favorite places for spending leisure time among the beautiful half of humanity, in order to attract new visitors, it must be borne in mind that a salon is not only a way to improve your appearance. A beauty salon is also a platform for women to relax and chat a little.

Based on this, the best option would be:

  1. Creation of a special price list for services that the client can use during one visit to the salon. For example, if a new visitor wants to use the services of a hairdresser and beautician, then make a discount on a manicure or even give it as a gift. This is a trifle for you, but there will definitely be a lot of new visitors who want to save money.
  2. Organization of free coffee and tea. It is much more pleasant for customers to spend time with a cup of delicious coffee, and for you this is an additional advertisement and an advantage compared to competitors.
  3. Note: If you have already decided to use drinks as a way to make your environment more attractive, do not skimp on buying the cheapest types of coffee and tea for your customers. This will affect the reputation only from the negative side.

  4. Keep books and magazines up to date that clients can view while on procedures. In the modern rhythm, many do not have time to read about the latest news, so give your visitors that opportunity.
  5. It is a good idea to conduct master classes on new manicure techniques or weaving unusual braids. Such an event will be a pleasant surprise for regular customers and will help to attract the attention of new visitors.
  6. Remember: you do not have to choose one of the given list, use several methods at once. This will make it easier and faster to attract customers.

2. How to attract customers to the store?

There are a lot of ways to attract customers to the store, and all of them will be effective to one degree or another. But let's name a few of the most popular, dividing the stores into two largest categories - grocery and clothing (footwear, accessories) stores.

Actually, the entire policy aimed at attracting customers to stores is based precisely on the desire of consumers to save money and be able to taste the desired product. For such a business, gifts are a mandatory element in order to be able to interest and attract more new buyers.

3. How to attract customers to the cafe?

Cafes, like beauty salons, have the opportunity to attract new visitors not only by lowering prices, but also by organizing leisure activities, which will distinguish your establishment from competitors and make it interesting in the eyes of others.

What is needed for this:

  • Provide a special menu and set a wholesale pricing policy for it for large companies who want to spend an evening in the establishment.
  • Host more themed parties and various celebrations. People get bored with the monotony and are looking for new experiences, so have romantic evenings, Halloween, cocktail parties, etc.
  • Offer a free glass of wine or cocktail when ordering a large amount.
  • Organize karaoke.

You can use many other ways to attract customers to your cafe. The main thing is to generate and apply them, analyzing your own target audience before that.

4. How to attract customers to a car service?

Considering the number of auto repair shops available today in every corner of the country, it seems that there are no more ways to attract customers to a car service.

But you are wrong. If you approach this issue outside the box (and such problems most often require just outside the box thinking), there is a chance to bypass competitors and attract many new visitors.

How to do it? Here, the same principle plays a key role - the cheaper, the more chances of success.

But don't just cut prices. Attract the attention of motorists with some very lucrative offer, for example:

  • Free car wash for every new visitor to the car service.
  • With a constant visit to the service, a change of seasonal tires is a gift.
  • Seasonal discounts for full auto maintenance in autumn and spring.

But not only discounts can attract motorists to your service. Many drivers are familiar with the problem of not having the necessary assistance at late times or weekends. Take this into account and organize a kind of "hot line" for those who urgently need your services. Of course, there will be less time for rest, but on the other hand, you will be able to attract much more customers than your competitors.

5. How to attract clients to the bank?

Banks, like car services, are now everywhere. But how to attract clients to the bank if each of them offers special preferential terms?

To begin with, you should also apply preferential or, say, bonus programs for your regular customers. In such a situation, it is highly likely that one day they will advise their friends to contact your bank. To do this, set favorable credit conditions, reduced interest rates, expand the range of services provided.

And don't forget the important detail: due to the fact that we live now in the era of the Internet, be sure to implement an Internet banking system. This will definitely help you stand out among the many banks and will cause many consumers to choose your organization.

Such a system requires thorough training and the intervention of professionals in this field, but such an investment will definitely pay off and bring you a good profit.

Key steps when looking for new clients.

How to find clients? Effective ways
attracting customers.

6. How to attract customers to the restaurant?

Not often found today. Conceptual, unlike one another, establishments that offer dishes from different cuisines of the world are in fashion.

This business building scheme in itself serves as a way to attract customers to a restaurant. But in addition to it, you can envisage a few more simple methods of how to gain popularity among an even larger audience.

For example, you can:

  • Organize receptions, banquets, special events. Moreover, not only to offer such services, but also to help clients in their preparation.
  • Provide catering services, in other words, organize catering services.
  • Host theme nights dedicated to a particular style of music or era in history.
  • Organize live music evenings by inviting various musicians.
  • Present gifts to restaurant visitors in the form of homemade sweets.

You can combine these ideas, but don't overdo it: a restaurant is still a place where customers want to eat and spend time with pleasant conversation, not an entertainment complex.

When you become an entrepreneur, the constant search for ways to attract new customers falls entirely on your shoulders. And there is no exact definition of which method will be optimal in your case.

Therefore, go through all the above methods, add something of your own and grow successfully in the business world.

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Hello! In this article, we'll walk you through customer acquisition strategies.

Today you will learn:

  1. How to organize search and attraction of clients;
  2. What customer acquisition strategies are there;
  3. How to retain existing customers;
  4. How to calculate the cost of one attracted buyer.

We draw up a portrait of the client

The first thing we need to do before we start developing a customer acquisition strategy is to understand who your customer is.

There is a methodology for drawing up a portrait of a company client. Don't worry, you don't need to describe each of your customers. Typically, a company is limited to 5-10 portraits.

In order to create a portrait of a client, it is necessary to single out several segments in the aggregate that would differ from each other in terms of purchasing behavior: purchase motive, mode of consumption, and others.

Now you have to describe each highlighted segment as an independent separate client.

The factors that need to be determined in order to get a portrait will vary depending on the market and the product you offer.

However, one can single out the main factors that will be useful for any company: gender, age, hobbies, marital status, needs, goals.

Now that we have the portraits, we can start developing a strategy for each client (segment).

Types of customer acquisition strategies

There are many classifications of strategies, but we will analyze the most general and, in our opinion, useful. Depending on how the sales will be made, customer acquisition strategies are divided into passive and active.

Passive strategy.

Assumes remote marketing attraction to the point of sale. In this case, the client comes in for a specific product. This allows for salespeople who have little or no impact on sales.

But there are also disadvantages. I suppose a large expenditure of funds for others. The customer must constantly hear about your product in order to remember it in the store and take it exactly.

Also, passive sales do not imply a close relationship with the client, which means that the repeated purchase will take place only if the organization continues to actively advertise.

Active strategy.

Assume active actions of sellers to ensure sales. Searching for buyers falls on the shoulders of sellers, which makes your sales dependent on a subjective factor.

A good example of active sales is when a seller calls up potential buyers on the existing base and offers his product.

In contrast, we can cite an example when a seller calls customers who have independently left an application for the purchase of a product. This is an example of passive selling.

Comparison of strategies.

The choice of a particular strategy depends on the following factors: brand availability, product, customers, distribution policy.

In the table we will indicate which of the strategies is suitable for each specific case.

Brand name Distribution policy Clients Product
Passive Strong brand Mass distribution, the product can be purchased at almost every outlet They do not have a large supply of free time, they are not prone to long choices, they easily spend money Simple mass consumption product, no after-sales service needed
Active Possible weak brand Selective or exclusive distribution They prefer not to waste money, they compare for a long time, choose Complex, high-tech product, exclusive goods

How to retain a client

The customer retention strategy also depends on who exactly is your customer, therefore, when determining the tools for customer retention, you should refer to our portraits again.

In fact, a retention strategy involves uses that force the customer to only buy from you.

The most common of these tools is a variety of loyalty cards. Loyalty cards are especially relevant for companies that independently sell their products or are engaged in retail.

Loyalty programs can be tailored for almost any client.

We will present and describe some of them:

  • Accumulative bonus card - allows you to accumulate bonuses from purchases and spend them on purchases in the same store;
  • Standard discount or discount cards - provide the owner with a certain discount on each purchase;
  • Privileged customer card - the owner of such a card receives special conditions of service at the outlet, the opportunity to participate in closed promotions and sales, and much more.

A great way to attract new and retain old customers is the "bring a friend" campaign. In this case, you will kill two birds with one stone: attract a new buyer and "tie" the existing one.

Company histories do a good job of attracting and retaining customers.

How to attract a client

However, I would like to say a few words about the most effective and free methods of attracting new customers:

  • Partnership... The essence of this method is mutual assistance in promoting the products of partner companies. At the same time, you do not have to spend your money on advertising. An example of the application of this method is the partnership between the Sunlight jewelry store and popular supermarkets, when, when purchasing a certain amount in a supermarket, a client received a coupon for a gift in a jewelry store. The most important thing when using this promotion tool is to choose a partner whose target audience will coincide with yours;
  • News publications... Write about your product and company, shoot videos, draw pictures, in general, create content and arrange a free publication with a variety of online media. This is how most PR agencies work. For the successful implementation of this method, you should create content that will be interesting and useful for your target audience, as well as choose sites for publication that your target audience reads.

It is possible to understand whether certain expenses for promotion are advisable with the help of simple calculations. We'll look at exactly how to make them a little later. Now let's touch on other marketing elements that are also part of the customer acquisition and retention strategy.


Yes, sometimes the customer engagement strategy also affects this element of marketing. But, as a rule, product changes do not affect its core benefits, but concern the so-called "soft" aspects: packaging, delivery process, after-sales service.

For example, in Moscow, a hairdresser-bar has been operating for several years, which gained its popularity only after the addition of drinks and food to customer service.

Sales system.

Depending on the specifics of the product and the preferences of the target audience, you can choose a mass, selective or exclusive distribution policy. The first is suitable for a passive strategy of attracting customers, and selective and exclusive - for an active strategy.

Price is one of the most important marketing elements. In the near future, the products will be of the same high quality, which can be achieved by new production technologies, and the purchase decision will be made only on the basis of the price.

Today it is necessary to adhere to the golden rule - the price must correspond to the quality of the goods, and the quality and price must correspond to your target audience.

You can attract consumers using price methods to stimulate sales: discounts, promotions, gifts for purchases. But before you put this or that method into practice, you should calculate the benefits that you will get from it. We will now look at how to do this.

How to calculate customer acquisition cost

There is such an indicator of efficiency as the cost of one attracted client. It shows how much money was spent on attracting one person who made a purchase from you. The indicator is averaged.

So, the formula for calculating the cost of attracting a buyer:

Marketing costs (excluding salaries) / number of buyers.

This formula for the calculation is considered simplified and is used only to get a general idea of ​​the appropriateness of a particular advertising campaign. Also, this method gives an idea of ​​what costs are required for personnel when using a particular attraction tool.

The second formula for determining the cost per customer:

Total acquisition costs / number of buyers.

In the second case, we take into account the total costs that were incurred to attract a buyer.

Calculate the cost of attracting a customer before you decide on a particular acquisition strategy. You should choose the strategy that, in theory, will allow you to attract the maximum number of buyers at the lowest cost.

The most interesting thing in calculating the cost of attracting a client is that the appropriateness of the costs is determined by the client. After all, the attracted consumer can buy an inexpensive product from you once, or he can buy often and a lot.

That is why experts have introduced such a concept as the lifetime value of a client (CPC).

UCS - the entire set of purchases made by the consumer over the entire period of cooperation with the company.