Pauline name story for kids message. Diminutive names

Pauline name story for kids message.  Diminutive names
Pauline name story for kids message. Diminutive names

The name Pauline has two origins. Some argue that it comes from France and is a derivative of the male name Paul, which translates as "small". Others believe that Polina is a derivative of the name of Apollinarius. Translated, it means "solar". The Europeans considered such a name too long and difficult to pronounce, so they shortened it to Polina.

This name quickly spread throughout the world. However, in Russia, girls were not often called that way, until the fashion for everything French came to the country. Since then, one of the 20 girls has been called Polina.

The nature of the name Pauline

The season in which he was born has a great influence on a person's character. Polina, born in winter, is very strict not only towards others, but even towards herself. She always looks calm and calm, but inside she is very vulnerable. Spring Polina is very cheerful, intelligent, sociable and narcissistic. She always looks great and never allows herself to go out in an inappropriate manner. At the same time, she monitors not only her appearance, but also ideally maintains the external and internal appearance of her home. Polina, born in summer, is very pleasant and positive. She is kind and sympathetic, loves to chat, but at the same time knows how to listen. The surrounding people simply adore summer Polina. If she was born in the fall, then she is characterized by stinginess and frugality. She will never help begging financially, but is ready to teach them to achieve something in life. Autumn Polina often organizes free self-development courses.

Polina is always very sociable and charming. She is able to maintain a conversation on any topic and easily merges into all companies. Polina is very emotional and easily pissed off. She always defends her opinion and argues to the last, even if she knows that she is wrong. Polina is biased towards people, considers them stupid compared to her. You won't get a compliment from her. If she praised someone, then this praise is sincere and, most likely, the person is very dear to her. It relies primarily on reason, not intuition, and in vain. She is very well developed in Polina.

Polina often shows indifference to the situation and can hardly be called sentimental. Despite all these contradictions, she is a good friend who knows how to listen and keep secrets, is sympathetic and supportive. Polina does not know how to be angry for a long time and quickly forgets all grievances, even if they are quite strong. She can easily justify any act. However, even her patience can reach its limit.

Polina is very self-critical. She often winds herself up, which can lead to a nervous breakdown.
Polina does not disdain any kind of work. The main thing for her is to make a good profit. However, she does not need millions either. She will prefer an average wage, which will be enough for a comfortable life for her family. But, thanks to the ability to save money and organize work, she can turn out to be an excellent businesswoman. In her free time, Polina enjoys male pursuits such as studying technology, collecting stamps and sports. Polina not only works out herself, but is also an active cheerleader.

Name Pauline for a girl

As a child, Polina is energetic and spontaneous, often showing responsiveness and complaisance. Even at a young age, she tries to follow fashion trends and look stylish. Polina is a very creative person, she can sing, write poetry and draw. Behind the external inaccessibility is often hidden self-doubt. She is indifferent to all situations to which she has nothing to do. Polina is very critical of herself and those around her, she always speaks the truth in the face, even if it may be unpleasant for the interlocutor.

A girl with that name is very kind, which others often use. Polina never envies anyone. If her friends buy a new toy, then she is just sincerely happy with her. Polina has never been a greedy child, but sometimes she is mischievous and makes her parents worry.

In adolescence, Polina has many friends and she walks in large companies. Almost all eyes are usually riveted on her because she has a great sense of humor. Polina is very economical and does not like long shopping. She prefers to spend her time with benefit. At school, Polina gets good grades, often comes to the aid of teachers and even becomes a headman. She has a weakness for the exact sciences, so most often she becomes an economist.

Polina was not very lucky with her health. First of all, this concerns her psychological state. Since childhood, she is prone to hysteria, especially if she does not get what she wants.

Marriage and name compatibility Pauline

Polina's attitude towards men depends entirely on her upbringing. If her parents laid down the correct spiritual principles for her, then she will marry for love. In the opposite situation, she will prefer material well-being to feelings and will gladly become a kept woman. In this case, the desire to be financially secure prevails over emotions.

Outwardly, Polina looks very indifferent, despite her sexuality and sensitivity. Due to her attractiveness and beauty, Polina attracts the opposite sex, but her coldness and lack of emotions scares them. In fact, she just doesn't know how to show her feelings. Polina has her own concept of the ideal man, which is quite difficult for her to find. She does not like short novels and only starts a serious, long relationship. Polina tends to idealize her man and love this fictional image. But over time, she takes off her rose-colored glasses and finally recognizes the man's true face, which leads to their separation.

Sooner or later, Polina will meet her fate, who will become an excellent wife and a wonderful mother of his children. In everyday life, it has one significant drawback. Polina does not like to do housework. Despite this, the house is always comfortable and cozy. She cooks well and loves guests if they were invited by her. All friends know that you shouldn't come to Polina without an invitation. She easily finds a common language with her husband's friends and can keep up a conversation on any topic. The reason for this is the girl's love for reading. However, Polina is very narcissistic and does not try to hide the fact that she considers herself better than others.

Polina tries to spend all her free time with her family. She is very actively involved in the lives of her children and even tries to choose a job that will allow them to spend more time together. Her husband is also not deprived of attention. In an effort to please her loved ones, Polina often forgets about herself. However, the desire for her family to be ideal is often mistaken by a man for a lack of character, which often leads to divorce. Another reason for it may be treason, which Polina will never forgive. She herself will always be faithful to her chosen one. Best of all, Vladimir, Vitaly, Alexander, Denis, Yuri or Konstantin will suit her. The union with such a man will become strong and they will be happy in marriage for many years.

Notable personalities

The name Pauline has been widespread at all times throughout Europe. In this regard, many famous personalities wear it.

  • Pauline Bonaparte- sister of the famous emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and princess of France. She was unusually beautiful, thanks to which she enjoyed success with Parisian men.
  • Pauline Viardot- a famous singer and actress from France and an equally famous composer. She was a close friend of Ivan Turgenev and dedicated several of her creations to his works. Her husband, who translated texts from Russian into French, helped her in this.
  • Polina Astakhova- titled Ukrainian gymnast, who took gold 5 times at the Olympic Games. Since 1972, she quit her gymnast career and became a coach.
  • Polina Zhemchuzhina- an active politician and first lady of the USSR in the period from 1930 to 1936. She was the wife of the scandalous revolutionary Vyacheslav Molotov. In 1949, Joseph Stalin accused her of treason and was exiled to Kazakhstan.
  • Polina Gagarina is a popular Russian singer and actress. She is the winner of season 2 of "Star Factory", as well as the author of songs and music.
  • Polina Maximova- the famous Russian theater and film actress. She gained popularity thanks to the main role in the popular TV series "Deffchonki" in 2012. She currently takes part in many television projects and is even a TV presenter.

Realizing that calling Russian (Belarusian, Ukrainian ...) children by foreign names is original, but not always appropriate, modern young mothers turned to old native names. For example, in the kindergarten you can meet Polinka more and more often. What fate do the parents reward the girl by writing this name on her birth certificate?

  1. Greek origin: meaningful.
  2. Latin: "small".
  3. French origin: a variant of the name Apollinaria, that is, "belonging to the god Apollo." The deity was the patron saint of not only the sun, but also wisdom, arts, so calling the girl by this name, the parents wanted to endow her with high intelligence.

Name variations in other cultures: Polly (English-speaking countries), Pauline (France), (Spain), Paolina (Germany).

Abbreviated form of name: Polechka, Polinka, Fields, Pusya,.

The character of the person with this name

  • She can communicate with everyone and everyone, being able to support a conversation with interest on any topic.
  • She will argue to the point of hoarseness if her opinion is not taken into account. She does not know how to compromise, loves to adhere only to her own opinion. It is not hard to guess that she considers herself smart; as for others, she does not respect everyone (although she does not show her appearance).
  • She will not betray the person whom she called a friend. Fields does not rush with words - if she says that you are great, this is not empty flattery, the girl is really sure of this (and despite the fact that she does not endow everyone with good qualities, this is a really strong compliment in her mouth).
  • She manages household chores quickly and efficiently, although she does not feel much pleasure from cooking and cleaning.
  • Polina will not gasp and groan over a beautiful landscape, she is a practitioner to the core. He thinks not with his heart, but with his mind.

Her weaknesses: strong self-criticism, fears (most often for no reason), temporary melancholy, thoughtfulness. A girl at times can be cold with family or friends.

Polina's fate

  • At school this is a friendly, docile baby. Her character is rather restless. She can go to a music club, to draw, she will not refuse to go on children's holidays. She will not be known as the first fashionista in the class, but she will choose modern clothes, a haircut.
  • Young girl Polina loves the company of her peers. Guys may think of her as proud, but in reality, the girl is not confident in herself. She does not participate in disputes until her personal convictions are hooked - in this case, her firm perseverance will immediately "turn on". Girlfriends often trust her with their secrets, ask for help, and Pusya does not refuse, demanding nothing in return. Having bought a new dress and asking Polinka “How do you?”, Be ready to find out what it makes you look fat. The girl always cuts the truth in the eyes. However, in her views on herself, she is just as uncompromising.
  • Adult Fields can successfully apply for any position. Her colleagues love her. At the same time, she is far from a workaholic, and if the spouse asks to quit and do only the house, she will not refuse.

A bit of magic and astrology

  • Name color: all shades of blue.
  • Patron planet: Saturn.
  • Element: water.
  • The most successful zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  • Talisman Stone: ruby(power, passion, strength), (protective amulet, also symbolizes friendship, purity of soul, prudence) and (modesty, calmness).
  • Lucky plant: lotus (perfection of beauty), poplar (youth), poppy (wealth, fertility, beauty).
  • An animal that favors you on a mental level: a whale (strength) and a swan (innocence, dignity).
  • Lucky number: 9.

Sign associated with this day. On Pauline's day, old women in the villages collected the snow lying on the stacks. It was believed that if you throw him into a well, there will be no drought in the summer, and if you melt and water the patient, he will recover.

Holy church patroness: the venerable virgin Apollinaria, who during her life performed miracles with her prayers.

What Polina performs in ...

  • ... Love. Although you can't tell at first glance, Polina is a very sensual girl. However, sleeping with a friend or casual acquaintance is not about her, she will wait for love. Moreover, she can wait for her chosen one for a long time, since she is picky in love.
  • ... Family. She adores children, happily plays with them. She does not forget about her husband either. The only thing is that Polechka can abandon herself for these matters.
  • ... Career. Choosing a creative business (artist, actress, writer), Polinka will literally live by it. She gets along well with kids, so she can get a job in school or kindergarten. Not devoid of sympathy, Polya will become a good doctor, nurse. As a worker, she is very conscientious. She is unlikely to become a businessman, her excessive caution will interfere.
  • …Health. It is imperfect due to frequent melancholy and nervous breakdowns. Polina quickly gets tired, and if she does not start sleeping and resting normally, she will hurt herself.

Compatibility with male names

Polechka will have a strong marriage with: Arseny, Alexander, Valery, Vissarion, Benjamin, Vitaly, Denis, Epiphany, Zinovy, Potap, Spiridon, Konstantin, Philo, Naum, Kupriyan, Yuri (do not rush to be upset not seeing among all these "Church Slavs "The name of his beloved - after all, this may be his church name received at baptism).

But with these guys she may not get along: Abraham, Kuzma, Karp, Prokhor, Parfen, Thomas.

Famous namesakes

  • Polina Dashkova (1960) - "Russian Christie", the author of detective stories.
  • Polina Gagarina (1987) is a singer and composer from Moscow.
  • Polina Kutepova (1971) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, star of the film "Pelagia and the White Bulldog" and a dozen others.

Name horoscope

  1. Aries. A real choleric, sociable and honest. At work, she does not trust assistants, she “pulls” everything herself. She does not seem to feel the lack of love, but at the same time she is lonely, since she does not trust her boyfriend at all. She is looking for a kind and patient man who is not angry with outbursts of anger - with him she will be happy.
  2. Taurus. Prudent and careful, non-conflicting (until she is touched), she can make a career for up to 30 years. Marry will be late.
  3. Twins. A bit closed (although she loves communication), she solves her problems herself. She trusts men and they often break her heart.
  4. Cancer. A hot-tempered egoist, at times rude, non-mercantile, bright and memorable. They quickly fall in love with her and just as quickly leave her because of her bad temper.
  5. A lion. Smart and businesslike, she thinks quickly, completely "turning off" the heart. Not suitable for every man. The wife will be faithful and reliable.
  6. Virgo. Temperamental, agile, creative. Very independent. She takes the first step in a relationship; does not like to tighten them, quickly changing men.
  7. Scales. Charming optimist, very successful. In love, a coquette, but fickle - afraid of the registry office, like fire.
  8. Scorpion. Monogamous, very domineering. Subdue it to yourself - you will receive the treasure.
  9. Sagittarius. Hardworking, with leadership qualities. She has many friends, and her beloved only one - the most persistent of the fans.
  10. Capricorn. Generous, kind, very fair, a little grumpy. She has few friends. The wife loves all her life.
  11. Aquarius. Kind, sociable, independent. Fall in love with someone who does not put her in a cage.
  12. Fishes. A talented melancholic, a thinker, not a practitioner. Waiting for a kind and understanding prince.

The meaning of the name Pauline has several variants of origin and interpretation in different languages. Ancient Greek interpretation - originated from the name of the god Apollo and literally translated as "solar". The Russian decoding of the version of the name Apollinarius is “liberated”. There is a French version of the origin of the name Pauline from the male Paul, meaning "small". Another French version is the name Paulina, which comes from the male Peacock.

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Church Slavonic variation of the name - Pelageya or Apollinaria. According to the church calendar, Pauline celebrates her birthday on January 18, the day of the Venerable Virgin Apollinaria.

    Childhood and youth

    Little Fields is a very gentle and touching child. The girl is friendly and responsive, always helps her parents, is filled with love for animals and for the whole world around her. She is always happy to share her last cookie with a friend or let her new doll play. The baby is not envious, the whims and tantrums do not suit the parents. If you instill a love of spiritual values ​​from childhood, then a disinterested and righteous nature will grow out of Paulie.

      At school, she chooses a leading position, she has many friends, classmates respect her opinion. Studying is easy for a girl, she loves languages ​​and literature, music and choreography. She has an excellent ear for music and a gentle voice. Poli has a huge creative potential, she can easily become an outstanding creative person - an artist or an artist.

      Polina's young years are spent surrounded by loyal and devoted friends. She is sociable, has a natural attractiveness and charm, so she has no end of fans. She dresses tastefully, has fashionable hairstyles and loves beautiful jewelry. The girl is cheerful and energetic, does not like to brag and knows how to save money. She is responsible and hardworking, prefers useful activities and loves to learn new things.

      The time of year in which Polina was born is important for the formation of a personality:

      • Winter - strong-willed and courageous, achieves everything on her own. The girl's perseverance and perseverance can only be envied. She does not show her tears and weakness to anyone, but in her soul she remains very vulnerable and tender, requires increased attention.
      • Spring - resourceful and cheerful, loves noisy companies and entertainment. She is a little arrogant than annoying others, but a devoted and loyal friend.
      • Summer - smart and well-mannered, has a cheerful disposition and a kind soul. She is talkative, even a little chatty, witty and knows her own worth.
      • Autumn is generous and good-natured, knows how to manage money rationally and has oratorical talents. She can convince almost anyone that she is right, even if her opinion is wrong.

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      Love relationships and family

      The fate of an adult woman is developing successfully. She is financially secure and socially significant. He chooses a strong and wealthy man as a partner. She is a good friend and a great mother.

      For Polina, money comes first. When choosing a lover, she pays attention to his social status and financial situation.

      A man should be caring, gentle, sensitive, and have a beautiful appearance. It takes a lot of work to get Pauline's favor. The woman is very cold and unapproachable at first glance. Having become a wife, she will sincerely and loyally love her husband.

      Children are very important to her, a family is unthinkable without them. She herself is engaged in their upbringing, devotes all her free time to the kids. Dissolving in her loved ones, a woman forgets about herself and does not pay attention to her appearance. This can lead to a divorce.

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      Polina can become both a good housewife and a thriving careerist. She works conscientiously, not sparing her own strength. The ability to achieve the set goals and achieve a good result in everything will be appreciated by any boss.

      She easily gets along with the leader and finds a common language with colleagues. Thanks to her professional talents and serious approach to work, Polina easily and quickly climbs the career ladder.

      Astrological horoscope

      Women born under different signs of the zodiac have different qualities and character traits:

      • Twins. Kind and sympathetic. She will never leave a person in trouble, she will always lend a helping hand. She is trusting of people, especially men, therefore she is often disappointed in love relationships. A woman is used to relying only on her own strength, she does not show her weakness to anyone.
      • Cancer. Impulsive and quick-tempered personality, very vindictive and sensitive. A woman is selfish and arrogant, has a difficult character, so she cannot find a suitable partner for a long time.
      • A lion. Determined, daring, smart and talented. She has a good wit, knows how to correctly analyze information, quickly finds a way out of any situation, is enterprising and active.
      • Virgo. Light in all respects, cheerful and energetic. Prefers active rest and entertainment. She is calculating and shrewd, has short-term romances and uses men for consumer purposes.
      • Scales. A feminine and attractive nature, sometimes disingenuous, knows how to turn even the most negative situation in her favor. An optimistic and joyful woman who values ​​her freedom and independence.
      • Scorpion. Constant and adamant in decisions, loyal to the chosen one until the end of her days. Fields is a very domineering and strong personality.
      • Sagittarius. A born leader, she is used to bringing any business to perfection. She is generous and sociable, it is not easy to win her favor.
      • Capricorn. A pessimist by nature, often prone to emotional mood swings, withdrawn and secretive. A woman has few friends, but she does not need them.
      • Aquarius. Temperamental and cheerful, harmless and sociable. She loves to do extraordinary things, to be in the spotlight.
      • Fishes. She is insecure, not self-confident, prone to melancholy. The woman is talented, but because of the fear of doing something wrong, she will not achieve so much success.
      • Aries. Straightforward and self-confident, courageous and decisive. Polina solves problems on her own and achieves her goals by any means.
      • Taurus. She is careful and calculating, a little slow and stubborn. A woman never takes part in dubious activities and does not commit risky acts.

The name predetermines the fate of a person. Parents need to take his choice with all responsibility. Do you want to name your daughter in a special way? So, you should pay attention to the popular and mysterious name Pauline. It evokes the smell of wildflowers, and the girl herself, named for it, gets many positive traits.

Origin of the name

Linguistic scientists still do not agree on the origin of the name Pauline. One group thinks that it came about as an abbreviated form of the ancient Greek Apolinarius, which means solar.

Another part of scientists believes that the name comes from the French male name Paul, which translates as "Baby" and "small".

If you add up all the meanings, you get an eloquent designation for the girl Polina. This is really a sunny man with a fragile appearance who pleases people around.

Affectionate and short names

Often, from relatives and friends you can hear not only the girl's full name, but also a short, unusual one: Paula, Pusya, Polyusya, Polyunya, Pasha, Polin, Polyukha, Polya, Peilan, Polchik, Polyakha, Pavlina, Lina, Polyasha, Paulina, Polyusha ...

Orthodox analogues of the name: Apollinaria and Pelageya.

Polina's character

From childhood, the girl manifests such traits like sociability, friendliness, kindness and honesty. She is responsive and conflict-free, always helps friends and obeys her parents. Sharing cookies with a friend or letting her play with a new doll. Envy and self-interest - there is no place for such words in characterizing the meaning of the name Pauline. For a girl, for a portfolio, a full description of nature is suitable.

In adolescence Paulie has many friends, but she avoids noisy companies. At school he often becomes a leader. At the same time, Polina's activity can be envied: she is fond of sports, goes to different circles, and achieves great success in her studies.

An analytical mind allows you to master the exact sciences, and curiosity helps to comprehend history, languages ​​and art. Therefore, Polina becomes an excellent student in the class, but grades are not the most important thing for a girl, but only a pleasant and necessary bonus for her support. Polina's talent is often hidden in creativity: dancing, singing, writing and drawing.

Colleagues appreciate the woman. She will never allow herself to gossip, and upon hearing something like that, she will leave with a feeling of disgust. But when it comes to professionalism in work, Polina will not put up with the fact that someone is working carelessly. She will honestly express the remark even to a colleague-friend. Not everyone likes such truthfulness and straightforwardness, but it inspires respect among others.

Polina's feminine nature it is often very contradictory - this is the main secret of the name. Today the girl is cheerful and carefree, and tomorrow she is lost in thought and too serious. Friendliness often gives way to hostility. If Polina does not please someone, she will easily express this to a person, looking into the eyes.

Fields constantly delves into himself and is plagued by self-criticism. But, having matured, she rethinks situations and becomes more loyal in her own thoughts.

By the seasons

Polina may differ in certain features. For example, it means a lot to formation of character the time in which the child was born:

By the signs of the zodiac

Differences in personality traits can be observed if you correlate dates of birth with the zodiacal circle. So, different signs endow the name Pauline with various characteristics:

Career and money

The nature of the name also affects professional activities. It is not difficult to understand what the name Pauline means for a girl in her career. She will feel like a fish in water in professions related to creativity: artist, singer, actress, dancer, designer, stylist - she can succeed everywhere.

But the top of the career ladder for Paulie does not become the number one goal. She may well become a housewife, raise children and be a support for her husband.

If a girl has chosen a profession that is not entirely creative, such as a doctor or teacher, then in these areas she will achieve success thanks to her sociability and responsiveness. And her inability to wash the bones will be a big plus in any position.

Impact on health

Choosing the name Pauline for a girl, its importance for health should also be found out. From early childhood, the child gets colds more often than others. The weak point is the respiratory system. Friendship with sports will strengthen the girl's immunity.

At a more mature age, Polina needs more rest and sleep, as she gets very tired.

Love relationships and marriage

A girl, having met her man, idealizes him. Often, the vision of only good in the chosen one plays a cruel joke with her. At any age, Polina is full of fans who fly into the light of fragility and external weakness.

The sincerity and loyalty of a partner means a lot to a girl. She can sacrifice her career for the sake of her family. But more often she combines her duties as a hearth keeper and professional, since she is endowed with an independent character.

The name Polina is compatible with such male names as Roman, Konstantin, Leonid, Denis, Stanislav, Vladislav, Victor, Alexey, Vitaly and Ruslan. These couples will have a successful marriage.

It is better not to start a relationship with Igor, Nikolai, Ivan, Andrey, Oleg, Artyom, Vadim, Dmitry and Vasily.

Mascot stones

There are external factors that affect Polina's character. The meaning of the name and fate are often determined by the correct selection of the talisman stone:

Totem animals and plants

Polina has two animal symbols: a swan and a whale. The bird is a symbol of innocence, purity, wisdom and dignity, and the whale is the embodiment of strength and power.

Polina also has plants. They are:

  • Poppy. The red flower is a symbol of youth, charm and fertility, which is able to bring calmness and silence into life.
  • Lotus. It personifies happiness, beauty of the soul and rebirth. Improves well-being.
  • Poplar. The stately plant is a symbol of charm and youth. In nature, a tree absorbs negative energy.

Famous people

With the name Polina, many women were born who achieved success and became idols for many people. Here are their names:

Polina is a beautiful name for a girl, popular all over the world. At birth, endows the carrier with creative talents and femininity. If the girl does not catch a cold once more, then she will grow up healthy and energetic.

Attention, only TODAY!

Polina is a gentle and beautiful name for a girl. With its sound, it evokes associations with blooming wildflowers. The name Polina gives its owner a rather contradictory character. The first thing that parents need to know when calling their girl's name is the nature of the name and its fate.

Origin of the name

The name Pauline has two versions of its origin.

According to the first version, the name Pauline is of Greek origin. It first appeared as a short form on behalf of Apollinarius, which means "solar".

According to the French version, the name Pauline comes from the male name Paul, which means "small" in translation.

Meaning of the name- according to versions of origin, the name Polina means "sunny" and "little", "baby".

Variants of the name Pauline- Fields, Polechka, Polyusha, Polinka, Pana, Pasha, Polyusya, Lina, Pusya.

The patroness of the name is Saint Appolinaria the Virgin, who became famous for healing people and performing miracles with her prayers.

Name symbols

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn;
  • Wood - Poplar;
  • Animal - Swan;
  • Planet - Saturn;
  • Plant - Lotus;
  • The stone is selenite.

What does a name mean for a girl?

A girl named Polina is always well-mannered, has affability and responsiveness. She is ready to help her friends, to warm them with her warmth. In relations with parents, she is an obedient and caring daughter. She always does her housework, helps babysit her younger brothers and sisters.

Fields seems to be filled with love for all living things that are around her. She will never offend anyone and often cares about others.

Pauline's childhood

As a child, Polechka is a kind and sympathetic girl. She obeys her parents in everything, does not conflict with peers. Thanks to her charm and sociability, she always has many friends and acquaintances. But despite this, Polina prefers noisy gatherings to home, where she spends time reading.

Polechka has a sharp mind by nature. She succeeds in both the exact and the humanities. She helps teachers and does not conflict with them. Fields is not chasing grades, but strives to gain as much knowledge as possible.

At school, Polina takes an active part in the life of the school - she participates in events and attends circles. A girl most often has a poetic or musical gift - it is necessary to recognize it in time and allow it to develop.

The nature of the name

Throughout her life, Polina remains a child in her soul. She delights in others' attention and praise. The girl is very clean and in this respect comes to perfectionism.

Polina follows all fashion trends and can buy a huge number of things, but her natural prudence does not allow her to do this. She is content with what she has, she is very careful about her things.

Polina is an independent person, she is not very interested in other people's opinions. She is always happy to help her neighbor, has sacrifice. But if a person offends Paul with something, she will show herself from an unexpected side. She will yell at the offender and keep her grudge against him for a long time.

A woman named Pauline - active and determined... It may seem to some that she is proud and arrogant, but in fact, modesty and shyness is hidden in her soul. Outward coldness often hides self-doubt.

Polina is distinguished by goodwill, she is patient and does not demand much from others. He always looks for good in people and even idealizes them a little. Fields loves everything about her surroundings. Sociable, likes to be with friends.

Polina's character is contradictory... At times she gets too serious, and at other times she becomes unrestrainedly cheerful. She treats people kindly and helps them, but she can dramatically change her attitude and express all her complaints directly.

Polina knows how to be a good friend - she always helps her acquaintances, takes care of them. She herself trusts very few people and rarely lets anyone close to her.

Love and marriage

Polina finds her happiness in the family. She is a caring mother, attentive and loving wife. The interests of the family worry her more than anything else. She is not capable of treason, she loves her husband very much. I am ready to forgive him a lot, even treason.

Polina loves to take care of her children, takes a lot of participation in their lives. She works with them a lot, tries to develop their talents.

Name compatibility

Polina's marriage with Leonid will be successful.

Relations with Anatoly, Vasily will develop less harmoniously.


As a child, Polina has poor health and is often sick. It is necessary to closely monitor her health so that chronic diseases do not develop later. Fields can also be susceptible to infectious diseases.

Although outwardly Polya seems very calm, inside she has a whole hurricane of emotions. She often has a shattered nervous system. As we age, nerve problems are becoming more common.

Polina needs to be in the fresh air more often, get enough sleep and try to be less nervous.

Profession and career

Polina can become a talented singer or actress. Creative professions are the best solution for the owners of such a name..

If Polina does not choose a creative profession, her career is of little interest to her. She does not seek to choose a prestigious job; rather, she will choose a profession that will allow her to spend more time at home with her family.

Polina gets along well with children and can become an educator or teacher. At work, she is appreciated for her responsibility and hard work.

The fate of the name

With the right upbringing, Polina grows into a benevolent person, devoid of arrogance and arrogance. Although there is some note of narcissism. Thanks to her natural data, Polina can achieve great success in the professional field, but her career is of little interest to her, she is content with what she has.