History of Bach. Biographies, stories, facts, photos

History of Bach. Biographies, stories, facts, photos

The German composer Johann Sebastian Bach created more than 1000 musical works for his life. He lived in the baroque era and in his work summarized everything that was characteristic of the music of his time. Bach wrote in all the genres that had been in the 18th century, with the exception of the opera. Today, the works of this master of polyphony and the virtuoso organist are listened in a variety of situations - they are so diverse. In his music, you can find a simple humor and deep sorrow, philosophical reflections and acute drama.

Johann Sebastian Bach was born in 1685, he was the eighth and youngest child in the family. The father of the great composer Johann Ambrosius Bach was also a musician: the birth of Bahh from the beginning of the 16th century is known for its musicality. At that time, the creators of music enjoyed in Saxony and Thuringia with special honor, they were maintained by the authorities, aristocrats and representatives of the Church.

Bach by 10 years lost both parents, and his elder brother worked by an organist was engaged in education. Johann Sebastian studied in the gymnasium, and at the same time he received the skills of the game on the organ and key from his brother. In 15 years, Bach entered the vocal school and began writing the first works. After graduating from school, he was shortly a court musician at Weimar Duke, and then became an organist in the Church in the city of Arnstadt. It was then that the composer wrote a large number of organ works.

Soon, the Bach began problems with the authorities: he expressed dissatisfaction with the level of training of singers in the choir, and then left for several months to another city in order to get acquainted with the game of the authoritative Danish-German organist Dietrich Buktehude. Bach went to Mülhausen, where he was invited to the same position - an organist in the church. In 1707, the composer married his cousin who gave him seven children, three of them died in infancy, and two in the future became famous composers.

In Mülhausen, Bach worked for only a year, and moved to Weimar, where he became a court organist and the organizer of concerts. By this time, he had already enjoyed great recognition and received a high salary. It was in Weimar that the composer talent reached a heyday - he was continuously engaged in writing works for a key, organ and orchestra.

By 1717, Bakh achieved all possible heights in Weimara and began to look for another job. The hotel's employer first did not want to let him go, and even put on the arrest for the month. However, Bach soon left him and headed to the city of Kothen. If earlier his music was in many ways composed for worship, here, due to the special requirements of the employer, the composer began writing, mostly secular works.

In 1720, the Baha's wife suddenly died, but after a year and a half he married a young singer again.

In 1723, Johann Sebastian Bach became Kantor Kore at the Church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, and then he was appointed and "music director" of all the churches worked in the city. Bach continued to write music until his death - even having lost sight, he dictated her son-in-law. The great composer died in 1750, now his remains rest in the very church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, where he worked for 27 years.


Astrological sign: Aries

Nationality: German

Music Style: Baroque

Signal work: "Goldberg Variations" (1741)

Where did you hear this music: in the movie "Silence of the Lambs". When Dr. Hannibal lecturer makes two bloody killings.

Wise words: "There is nothing supernatural. Just need to fall into the desired key at the right moment. And the tool will play everything. "

Probably, it's not surprising that the father of Johanna Sebastian Bach was a musician - in the small German villages of sons often walked in the footsteps of fathers in a professional sense. However, it is significant that grandfather Baha, great-grandfather, numerous uncle, nephews, cousins \u200b\u200band rosulids were also musicians too. The family so tightly kept the local musical business in her hands, which in 1693 the vacancy was formed in the palace orchestra, from there they demanded not a violinist or an organist, but "someone from Bakhov".

In turn, Bach determined the musical part of four sons, son-in-law and grandson. He also left the future generations a completely incredible musical heritage. For many years, Bach wrote in Cantate per week - besides concerts, canons, sonatas, symphony, prelude and patch, which he wrote in free minutes. This person could compose a cycle "Art of Founds" from 15 fugues and four canons solely for the sake of intellectual exercise.

Bach's life was not distinguished by drama and glitter, he never traveled, did not speak in front of crowds of listeners, he even never left his small homeland in southern Germany. True, he had time to marry twice and start twenty children, but the rest of his life was filled with teaching, conducting and writing music.

Great idea: Let's call him Johann!

For Johann Sebastian, born in 1685 in the German town of Eisenach, the name Johann was as inevitable as a musical career. His father, great-grandfather, seven uncle and four of the five brothers wore this name; Do not forget and sister Johann and one more brother, challenged, oddly enough, Johannes.

Pacific, the best childhood of Bach ended in 1694, when his mother, Elizabeth, died suddenly; Father followed her in the grave in less than a year. Sebastian took to himself the elder brother Johann (of course) Christoph, who dwells in the town of Ordruff. Johann Christoph was a respected organist who were learning along with the Johann Palaelbell (the author of the famous Canon Re Major).

Relationships between brothers can not be called cloudless. Sebastian dreamed to get to the collection of musical opuses donated by Christof Pakhelbell, but the elder brother kept these extremely valuable musical manuscripts locked in the closet. However, Sebastian realized how to get to the woven music: hearing his hand through the lattice cabinet door, he pulled out notes. Every night he addressed the music sheets from her older brother, and then secretly, under the lunar light, they rewritten. So it lasted about six months, while Christoph did not guessed what was happening, and did not lock the manuscript. At the same time, he selected a copy from the Bach.

Ensure young man

Bach's work began in 1702, receiving a place of an organist in the city of Arnstadt. Its obligations included to conduct a chorus and orchestra, and many performers were older than him - the situation that sometimes greatly complicated the case. A certain twenty-one-year-old orchestrant started a scuffle with a Bach on a market square in retolored for the fact that Bach called him "goatny phageotist".

From Arnstadt Bach went to Mülhausen, then served in Weimar and everywhere in an organist and conductor. On the way, he married a secondary sister Mary Barbara Bach, with whom seven children came across. And besides, he earned a reputation of a bored primaudonna. For example, he missed such numbers: I asked a four-week vacation and did not appear at work for four months, and one day Bach, having driving a wig from my head, I launched them into an organist with a scream: "You would be better than the boots. When in 1717 he was offered a prestigious place at the court of the princes of Anhalt Koatensky, he rolled up such a scandal in Weimara, demanding immediate dismissal that offended city officials planted him in prison for almost a month. Never a unwitting Bach took advantage of free time to write the first part of the "well-tempered key".

Counterpoint on the ears

In Koaten, Bach finally took place as a composer. His favorite reception was the counterpoint - a composite form dominated by Baroque era. In the counterpoint, a non-one melodic voice is taken, but two or more, and they sound, he laying on each other, then contrasting one another. (If you saw the musical musical man, you heard the counterpoint. Two songs - "Lida Rose" and "tell you?" - Completely different melodies, but sing them at the same time.) The counterpoint spent the arch of complex composite rules, as well as strictly defined Musical forms. Bach all this improved, combining mathematical accuracy with amazing ingenuity.

In Koaten Baha, a grave blow: Returning from a short trip, he discovered that in his absence a wife suddenly died. And again he did not succumb to despondency; years and years, as he was in love with the ears in love with Soprano named Anna Magdalen Wilke. Having attached it to the court chorus and having achieved a salaries for her, three times more than the earnings of the orchestrant, Bach married Anna Magdalene. She was under his seventeen years old. When in the principality, Anhalt-Kottensky broke out a budget crisis, Chut Bakhov decided that it was time for them to move on.

Phenobarbital? DiMedrol? No, "Variations"!

They were assieved in Leipzig, where Bach received the place of Kantor in the Church of St. Thomas. So began the most fruitful period of his life. He gave out in Cantate a week - for every Sunday its own special music with vocals, - by creating five full cycles of church music. In addition, he wrote "Matthew Passions", "Passion for John" and "Christmas Orartainment".

The first part of the "well-tempered key" bugs composed behind bars.

Other kinda order received him from the graph of Hermann von Kayzerling, who suffered from chronic insomnia. Caseling wished his pianist named Johann Gottlib Goldberg, who studied at Bach, played the owner for the night something that he managed to fall asleep, and Bach supplied the former student "Goldberg Variations".

Charming story - and, most likely, absolutely unreliable. "Variations" were written when Goldberg was only fourteen years old, and in addition this music is difficult to call relaxing. In all likelihood, Bach suggested that this work would be used as an exercise in counterpoint, and Goldberg was one of the first to execute him. According to experts, "Goldberg Variations" is the greatest masterpiece of the Bach for keyboards.

Death imaginary and real

In Leipzig, Bach remained until the end of life, although in the later years his phenomenal productivity slowed down somewhat. He could not resist the quarrel with the boss - a hostility about who should choose the hymns for Sunday services, lasted three years. In 1749, the city council of Leipzig began to select a replacement to him, although Bach was alive and quite healthy - and very unhappy with what an eagerly waiting for his death.

By that time, Bach seemed an anachronism, and the counterpoint with its accuracy and rigor was considered hopelessly outdated. But the composer stubborn his line. In the "Art of Fugue", he explored the possibilities of a single melody and even fell into this music himself, writing the topic based on notes, which are denoted by the letters of his name, - VASN (in the German music record "B" meant Si-Beleol , "A" - la, "C" - before, "N" - C Major).

Fugue "Vasna" abruptly breaks down. According to the legend, Bach collapsed, writing it. Truth is somewhat more complicated. At the end of the 1740s, the composer began to grow vision. In the spring of 1750, he turned to the "adestate" (or rather, a patented charlatan), Dr. John Taylor, who carried out operations in his eyes. With Bach Taylor reached the same result that with Ghendel: a short-term return of one hundred and then full blindness. After the Bach surgery, having lost all sorts of power, lived a few more months until he was struck by stroke. July 28, he died.

Sheet music

It seemed that the music of the Bach was doomed to death along with her author. During the life of the composer, little was printed, and the rest is deeply buried in church libraries. From the oblivion of Bach, a gift was saved, presented by Felix Mendelssohu on his fourteenth birthday, - a handwritten copy of "Matthew Passions". Grandmother Mendelssohn bought these notes from the composer Karl Friedrich County, who taught the young Felix to the game on the piano. Celter said that he found this score for several years earlier in a cheese shop, where oil was wrapped in it. Many music studies believe that Celhur has brought the sake of a red sense, and in fact notes of "passions" he inherited from one of the students of Baha.

Be that as it may, the young Mendelssohns immediately imbued with the writings of Bach and in 1829, at the age of twenty years, managed to organize the execution of "passions" in Berlin. Mendelssohn could not resist the temptation to correct the music of Baha: it reduced the duration of the work from three hours to two, replaced the keyboard by the body and generally softened the baroqueness of the scores. Bach would be painful by the ram-romantic "passions", which presented at the stage of Mendelssohn, but the Berlin public was in ecstasy. There was also a hunt for other bald treasures of Baha, and since then his music is a mandatory dish in the concert halls of the whole world. Not bad for a person who never leaving his South German province.

Bahkhs do not happen much

From two wives of Bach was a total score of twenty children; True, only half of them lived to adult age. From six sons only one, Gottfried Heinrich, did not become a professional musician - apparently due to the lag in mental development.

Another son, Gottfried Bernhard, filed great hopes. Bach used his bonds to get Gotfreed the place of an organist in Mülhausen, but after a few months he came to Mülhausen with a shameful mission to pay the debts of the Son. Staying in the second place of work, in Zangerhausen, it ended even worse - Gottfried simply disappeared, leaving behind a bunch of debt. The whole year did not receive any news from him, and then they reported to them that he died in Jena, where he appeared to the Faculty of Faculty of University.

Fortunately, four other sons of Bach did not show inconsistencies to the excesses. Wilhelm Friedeman, Karl Philip Emmanuel, Johann Christoph Frederich and Johann Christian - all composed music. Works V.F. and IKF. Today, it is rare to hear, however, I.K. And Ph.D. During his lifetime, they were widely known and were considered much more significant composers than their father. Since then, the situation has changed dramatically.

Parsive sheep in the flock of baels?

And the last Bach, which is worth mentioning: Allegedly twenty-first offspring of the Great Composer with initials P.D. In fact, P.D.K. - invention of musical satirist Petaner Schiekel; This raffle of Shkele is no longer one year, periodically "discovering" unknown essays pp.k. And presenting them to the public. The execution is usually accompanied by a fair dose of the musician abrakadabra.

Schiekel divides creativity P.D. For three periods: "First Splash", "Immersion" and "Repentance". Because P.D.K. Where dolchery turns out to steal music from others than to write their own, his works are a Popourry from a variety of styles and genres - baroque counterpoint, romantic melodies, Renaissance Madrigals, Country music and even rap. Among the most popular - "Overture of 1712", "Creator Oedip", "temperamental key" and "Serenade for a whole brunt of wind and drums."

Goldberg in Gulda

One of the most famous Bach interpreters in the twentieth century was Canadian Pianist Glenn Guld. Born in 1932 in Toronto, Guld still found an outstanding musical talent in early childhood, and at the fifteen years he has already performed with concerts. In two decades of concert activities, Guld traveled all over North America and Europe, hitting the audience as an incredible game technique and its eccentricity. On the stage, he went out, cooked in a hundred clothes, - Guld was afraid of drafts. He preferred to not be noticed by the public, he swore and bounced and jumped, and also fought under his breath, a lot of facial.

Guld complained that he could not sleep in an unfamiliar place, and in 1964 he stopped giving concerts. Many orchestras sighed with relief. Guld irrigated the conductors, insisting on another, not generally accepted, interpretation of the musical work; He was extremely difficult to please with Royal, and he spent a bunch of time, adapting his own design stool to the instrument. He could also cancel the performance almost on the day of the concert. In general, switching to work in the studio, Guld began to record keys of Bach, including "Goldberg Variations" - in two versions. Most records are heard by the "tunes" of the pianist, despite the heroic efforts of sound engineers to remove this "incatch". But what's the difference, if Guld played Baha like no one else, and his fans around the world proclaimed these records with the canonical interpretation of the Bach's masterpiece.

Guld was an exposed hypochondrick. Once he was abandoned by the company "Steinway and Sons" for the fact that their commercial director patted the pianist on the shoulder a little more squeezed than it followed. Guld called it by the attack and stated that since then it is tormented by continuous pain in the shoulder and the spine. However, his fiftieth anniversary, a pianist met in an amazing good toast. The stronger there was a shock in society, when only a few days later, Guld had an extensive stroke. He did not come out of the coma and died on October 4, 1982. His recordings, in particular both versions of "Goldberg Variations", remain incredibly popular.

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Johan Sebastian Bach. His life and musical activity Biographical essay S. A.

Bach Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)

It is very difficult to write about BAH, the discrepancy between the composer's creative heritage and the scale of the creative heritage of the composer. The scale of these at one time surprised Beethoven, who once said: "Not a stream (Bach - in German" stream "), and it would be necessary to name it!" L. Shweater wrote about Babha:

"He is a man of two worlds: his artistic perception and creativity proceeds, as if not touching with almost banal burgher existence, regardless of him."

Indeed, the existence of Baha externally was a burgher, banal. The same as his father, grandfather, numerous relatives, they were all professional musicians who occurred a very modest position.

A musician organist in the small German town of Ordruf was the elder brother of Johann Sebastian, who was brought up, having lost his parents in the Ten-year-old age. The elder brother was a strict, harsh tutor. Here is an example: younger I really wanted to get acquainted with the key essays of German composers, but it was not allowed to take a precious notebook. He still rewrote her secret, in the lunar nights, without lighting the fire, but the copy was selected in the punishment for the time remarks ... some explanation, if not justifying this cruelty, can serve only the high cost of music of that time (due to the laboriousness of the notes correspondence).

Chorister boy in school church in church, violinist, altist, organist in various small towns and. Finally, the court chapellayster (Weimar, Kauset) - these are the milestones of the musical biography of Johann Sebastian Baha until he in 1723, almost forty-male, did not settled in Leipzig, where he lived until the end of his days. At that time, Bach was the father of a numerous family, the eldest children (from the first wife, already dead) lived even with him, smashed younger children - from the second wife, Anna Magdalen. (Young musicians are known this name: In the notebook, Anna Magdalen, who herself was a good musician, Bach recorded the lightweight play for learning younger children. And now none of the students do not pass by this "music notebook".)

It was not easy to live, and therefore it is not surprising that among the few papers survived in the archive a lot of various applications and letters to influential, and all about one thing: to improve more than a modest financial situation. In Leipzig, Bach received the place of Kantor, that is, the head of the school choir at the Church of St. Thomas (Tomascirhe). School (Tomasshule), where they were taught singing, the game on the body and other instruments, existed from the XIII century and enjoyed a good reputation, but during these years the choir was small, and Bach constantly complained that from all her pupils "seventeen suitable for music, twenty Not yet suitable and seventeen unfastened. "

Bach worked in almost all the musical genres known at that time. The predominance of a certain genre in a particular period can be subject to a certain extent to explain the working conditions, tastes of the owners and customers. Thus, in Weimara, there was an excellent body, and Bach during the years of work there was wrote the most famous organic works, including organ tokctal, of which the most famous re-minor, although others do not infer at all.

Bahukhovskiy organs, fantasies, preludes and fugues as if imprinted in themselves the most musical creativity process. At first, inspired improvisation, as if not compounded by any laws, even having clear contours, a kind of sound nebula, from which the slim and harmonious sound world should be born. And he is born - in a fug. The initial musical image is the theme of the Fugue, repeating, moving from one voice to another, gradually conquers all the sound space, developing on the strict laws of musical logic. The contrast unity of Toccati or fantasy and fugues, as it were, confirms the continuity of inspiration and mind in art.

Bach himself was an unsurpassed organist, and when the listeners were surprised at his skill, he usually said that the secret is simple: "You must always hit on the desired key on time ..."

Working in Kothene, Bach wrote a lot of chamber writings, Syt and Sonatat for various tools, because it was this kind of music that was particularly attracted by his owner, Prince Leopold, who himself played the key, violin and Violea Da-Gamba (an old tool, a virological cell phone) . Apparently, in the Keten orchestra there were excellent musicians, as the prince himself, being only an amateur musician, could play the famous "Chacon" Bach from Suites for the violin, because it still is a benchmark of virtuosity for violinists.

The duties of the Bach in Leipzig provided him with great opportunities for creativity. Under the conditions of its work, Bach was to write a new canta to every Sunday church service (he wrote them 265). The execution of Cantat was a kind of concert within the church service. Cantata included arias and choirs, among whom were completely simple, singing the entire community, and more complex, for students of Bach from Tomasshule. And of course, the opportunity to listen to every week a new essay of Baha attracted to Tomascirhe not only her permanent parishioners, but also other residents of Leipzig. In the same church, they could and listen to the great organist plays the chorated preludes, as from the simple, since childhood, the friends of German chorals grow new, lively and reverent voices of organ registers.

In Leipzig, Bach wrote the largest choral essays. His Mass Si-Minor (cycle of choirs for the festive church service) and was written as a musical offer to the Saxon King Augustus in the hope of obtaining the title of court droplets. The king of Augustus was a Catholic, that's why this Mesa is so monumental and solemn; In Protestant churches, where Bach worked, the whole ritual was much more modest and easier. During the lifetime of Bach, only individual choirs were performed from this essay: there are so many music in Mescil that for the church service itself it would not be time left.

Another, less solemn, but more penetrated, the music of Baha to the so-called "passions", or "passions," is a dramatized story about the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. This story is known in four versions attributed to four legendary evangelical authors. Bach used two of them: "Passions in John" and "Passion in Matthew".

The text created by more than one and a half thousand years before the Bach, the composer read as if he was a contemporary and witness to the events described. He seemed to personally knew the poor Galilee preacher who had learned love and mercy that was a victim of slander and betrayal and sentenced to shameful execution. He seemed to have seen his mother's grief, confusion and fear of students.

The story is posted by a recitative, and Bach surprisingly deliberately distinguishes the Maneru of the speech of the evangelist's story and actors. The parties of Jesus and the Roman governor of Pilate are assigned to homogeneous voices, but the intonation of the first elevated and noble, the second - rude and arrogant.

In addition to the canonical church text, there are also lyric deviations in "passions" - Arias on the words of the modern Bahi of the poet. These arias often turn into a kind of voices duets with a soling tool - violin, flute. A wonderful example is Alta's Aria from "Matthew Passions", following the story of the renunciation of one of the students of Jesus - Peter. Restrained, the sorrowful ringtone of votes is accompanied by sobbing violins, in which the entire bitterness of late repentance is poured.

A varied choirs of "passions". In addition to dramatic episodes, transmitting cries of an angry crowd, requiring execution, there are strict, majestic in their simplicity of chorala.

In the Bakhakhov "passions", the touching naivety of the ancient folk ideas for gospel topics and the dramatic expressiveness of opera music were connected, and much brighter than in the Opear of the Bahukhsky time.

We will not meet anything equal to the scene of the court in the "Passions of John" in either French, nor in the Italian opera of the XVIII century. The German opera then did not come out of the apprenticeship period.

Contemporaries (except, perhaps, those who were directly in service) were highly valued a brilliant master, summed up all valuable, which was created before him in German (and not only in German) music. But in the last years of the Bach's life, in the middle of the XVIII century, there was a noticeable stylistic fracture in music. The ancient polyphonic art that flourished in choral and organ music was supplanted with a new, more accessible to the perception of the manner of the presentation, clearly dividing the background and relief, heads leading melody and support. Monumental choir cycles are overshadowed by opera, organ fantasies and toccats - elegant keyway suits from small places in dance rhythms. Bach also worked in these genres, but they were not the center of his attention. The new manner wrote his sons (Philip Emmanuel and Johann Christians). And although they inherited only some share of fatherly talent, for a long time, the Philip Emmanuel was considered a great Bach.

Johann Sebastian Bach, whose biography is still carefully studied, it includes, according to the New York Times newspaper, in the top 10 of the most interesting lives of composers.

In one row with his name, there are such names like Beethoven, Wagner, Schubert, Debussy, etc.

Let us even get to know this great musician to understand why his work became one of the pillars of classical music.

I. S. Bach - German composer and virtuoso

The name of the Bach comes to us in the head one of the first in the listing of great composers. Indeed, he was an outstanding, evidence of what more than 1,000 musical works remaining after his life serve.

But do not forget about the second Bach - musician. After all, both of them were real masters of their business.

In both hints, Bach honed his skills throughout his life. With the end of the vocal school, the training did not end. It continued throughout life.

Proof of professionalism, in addition to the preserved musical writings, is an impressive musician career: from the organist in the first position to the director of music.

The more surprising to realize that many contemporaries negatively perceived musical compositions of the composer. At the same time, the names of the musicians popular in those years are practically not survived to the present day. Only later Mozart and Beethoven enthusiastically responded about the work of the composer. Since the beginning of the 19th century, the work of a virtuoso musician began to be revived thanks to the promotion of Sheet, Mendelssohn and Shuman.

Now, no one has doubts about the skill and the huge talent of Johann Sebastian. Music Bach is a sample classic school. About the composer they write books and remove movies. Details of life are still subject to research and learning.

Brief biography Baha

The first mention of the birth of Bahkh appeared in the 16th century. Among them were many famous musicians. Therefore, the choice of the profession of a small johann was expected. By the 18th century, when the composer lived and worked, they knew about 5 generations of the musical family.

Father and mother

Father - Johann Ambrosius Bach was born in 1645 in Erfurt. He had a twin brother Johann Christof. Along with most representatives of their family, Johann Ambrosia worked as a court musician, music teacher.

Mother - Maria Elizabeth Lemmerhirt was born in 1644. She was also from Erfurt. Maria was a daughter of the city adviser, respected in the city of a man. The dowry left by him his daughter was solid, thanks to which she could live without married.

Parents of the future musician got married in 1668. The pair had eight children.

Johann Sebastian Bach (Johann Sebastian Bach) was born on March 31, 1685, becoming a junior child in the family. They lived then in the picturesque city of Eisenach with a population of about 6,000 people. The mother and father of Johann are Germans, because by nationality, the son is also a German.

When the little Johann turned 9 years old, Maria Elizabeth died. A year later, a few months after the registration of the second marriage, the father dies.


An orphaned 10-year-old boy took towards her older brother - Johann Christoph. He worked as a music teacher and church organist.

Johann Christoph tested the little Johann game with a key and organ. It is the last one that is considered a favorite tool of the composer.

About this period of life is known a little. The boy studied in the city school, which she graduated at 15 years old, although young people usually became its graduates for 2-3 years older. So it can be concluded that the student was given to the boy easily.

Often mentioned another fact from the biography. At night, the boy often rewrote notes of works of other musicians. Once, the elder brother discovered this and strictly forbade herself to do this.

Learning music

After graduating from school at the age of 15, the future composer entered the vocal school named after St. Michael, who was located in the city of Luneburg.

In these years, the biography of Baha - Composer begins. During training from 1700 to 1703, he writes the first organ music, gaining knowledge of modern composers.

In the same period, first travels through the cities of Germany. In the future, he will have this passion for traveling. And they were all committed for dating with the work of other composers.

After graduating from the vocal school, the young man could deal with the university, but the need to earn the livelihood forced to abandon this opportunity.


After graduating, I. S. Bach received the position of the musician at the court at the Duke of Ernst. He was only the performer, playing the violin. I did not start writing my musical compositions.

However, dissatisfied with work, after a few months he decides to change it and becomes the organist of the Church of St. Boniface in Arndadt. During these years, the composer created many works, mainly for the organ. That is, for the first time in the service, it was possible to be not only the performer, but also by the composer.

Bach received a high salary, but after 3 years, I decided to move because of tense relations with the authorities. Problems arose due to the fact that the musician was missing for a long time in connection with the trip to Lubeck. According to available information in this German city, he was released for 1 month, and he returned only after 4. In addition, the community expressed claims to the abilities to lead the choir. All this together combined the musician to change the work.

In 1707, the musician moves to Mülchusen, where he continues to work. In the church of St. Vistura he had a higher salary. Relations with the authorities have been successful. The city authority was pleased with the activities of the new employee.

Still in the year Bach again moved to Weimar. In this city, he received a prestigious position of the organizer of concerts. 9 years spent in Weimara became a fruitful period for a virtuoso, here he wrote dozens of works. For example, I composed "Toccatu and Fugu Re Minor" for the organ.

Personal life

Before moving to Weimar, in 1707, Bach entered into marriage with her Kousina Maria Barbara. For 13 years of chatting, they had seven children, of which three died in infancy.

After 13 years of marriage, his wife died, and the composer after 17 months married again. This time anna Magdalen Wilke became his wife.

She was a talented singer and subsequently sang in the choir, who led her husband. They had 13 children.

Two sons from the first marriage - Wilhelm Friedem and Karl Philipp Emmanuel became famous composers, continuing the musical dynasty.

Creative way

From 1717 he has been working at the Duke of Anhalt-Kotensky as a drop-messer. Over the next 6 years, numerous suite has been written. Also this period belongs to Bradenburg concerts. If generally evaluate the direction of the composer's creative activity, then it is worth noting that during this period he wrote mainly secular works.

In 1723, Bach becomes a kantor (that is, the organist and conductor of the choir), as well as a music teacher and Latin in the Church of St. Thoma. For this again moved to Leipzig. In the same year, the work of "John's Passion" was first fulfilled, thanks to which a high position was obtained.

The composer wrote both secular and spiritual music. He performed the classic spiritual works in a new way. There were "Coffee Cantata", Mass SI Minor and many other works.

If you briefly describe the creativity of the musical virtuoso, it is impossible to do without mentioning the Bach polyphony. This concept in music was known to him, but it was the times of the composer's life of the composer about the free-style polyphony.

In general, polyphony means multifolithing. In music at the same time, two equivalent voices sound, and not just a melody and accompaniment. Musician says that students-musicians are still being trained in his works.

Last years of life and death

The last 5 years of life virtuoso rapidly lost sight. To continue to compose, he had to dictate music.

There were problems with public opinion. Contemporaries Music Bach did not appreciate, considered obsolete. It was connected with the flourishing of classicism that began at that time.

In 1747, three years before death, the "Music" cycle was created. He was written after the composer visited Friedrich II courtyard, King Prussia. For him, this music was intended.

The last work of an outstanding musician - "Art of Fugue" - consisted of 14 fugues and 4 canons. But he did not have time to add it. For him after death, they made sons.

Several interesting moments from the life and creativity of the composer, musician and virtuoso:

  1. After studying the history of the family, 56 musicians discovered among the relatives of the virtuoso.
  2. The surname of the musician with German translates "Creek".
  3. Hearing once a work, the composer could repeat it without a mistake, which did repeatedly.
  4. For life, the musician moved eight times.
  5. Thanks to Bahu, in church choirs allowed to sing to women. His second wife became the first chore.
  6. I wrote more than 1000 works in a lifetime, so rightly considered the most "prolific" author.
  7. In recent years of life, the composer is almost blind, and the operations made on the eyes did not help.
  8. The grave of the composer remained without a tombstone.
  9. Until now, not all the facts of biography are known, some of them are not confirmed by documents. Therefore, the study of his life continues.
  10. The Museum has opened two museum dedicated to him. In 1907, the Museum was opened in Eisenach, and in 1985 in Leipzig. By the way, in the first museum there is a lifetime portrait of the musicians, performed by pastel, which for many years there was nothing known.

The most famous music works of Bach

All works of his authorship combined into a single list - the BWV directory. Each essay is assigned a number from 1 to 1127.

It is convenient to the catalog by the fact that all works are separated by the types of works, and not by the year of writing.

To count how many suits wrote Bach, just look at their numbering in the catalog. For example, the French suits are assigned the numbers from 812 to 817. So, 6 suits are written in the framework of this cycle. In total, you can count 21 suite and 15 pieces of Suit.

The most recognizable work is Scherzo Si-Minor from "Suite for Flute and String Orchestra No. 2", the name "joke". This melody was often used to call on mobile devices, but despite this, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to call her author.

Indeed, the names of many works of Bach are not on hearing, but their melodies will seem familiar to many. For example, "Brandenburg Concerts", "Goldberg Variations", "Toccata and Fugue Re Minor".

Johann Sebastian Bach (Him. Johann Sebastian Bach; March 21, 1685, Eisenakh, Saxen-Eisenakh - July 28, 1750, Leipzig, Saxony, Sacred Roman Empire) - Great German Composer of the XVIII century. More than two hundred and fifty years since the death of Baha, and interest in his music is increasing. During his life, the composer did not receive well-deserved recognition.

Interest in the music of Bach arose almost a hundred years after his death: in 1829, the greatest work of Bach was publicly performed under the control of the German composer - "Matchy Passion". For the first time - in Germany - was published a complete meeting of the Bakhakh essays. And the musicians of the whole world play the music of Bach, amazing her beauty and inspiration, skill and perfection. " Not a stream! - the sea should be his name"," said the great things about Babach.

Bach ancestors have long been famous for their musicality. It is known that the Prapraded composer, a bunker by profession, played the citre. Fleetists, trumpeters, organists, violinists came out of the genus Bahkh. In the end, every musician in Germany began to call Bach and every Bach - a musician.


Johann Sebastian Bach was born in 1685 in the small German town of Eisenach. Johann Sebastian Bach was a younger, an eighth child in the family of the musician Johann Ambrosius Baha and Elizabeth Lemmerhirt. The first skills of the game on the violin, he received from his father, violinist and a city musician. The boy had an excellent voice (soprano) and sang in the choir of the city school. No one doubted his future profession: the little Bach was to become a musician. Nine years old, the child remained orphan. His educator was the elder brother who served as church organist in the city of Ordrof. The brother identified the boy in the gymnasium and continued to train music.

But he was an intense musician. Employed and boring went classes. For an inquisitive ten-year boy, it was painful. Therefore, he sought self-education. Having learned that the brother in the locked cabinet was stored a notebook with works of famous composers, the boy secretly took this notebook at night and rewritten notes during the lunar light. For six months, this tedious work lasted, she strongly damaged the vision of the future composer. And what was the sadness of the child when the brother found him once behind this occupation and selected the rewritten notes.

Continued below

Start of the pores of the Skitania

In fifteen years, Johann Sebastian decided to start an independent life and moved to Luneburg. In 1703, he graduated from the gymnasium and received the right to enter the university. But Bahu did not have to use this right, since it was necessary to produce livelihoods.

During his life, Bach moved several times from the city to the city, changing the place of work. Almost every time the reason turned out to be the same - unsatisfactory working conditions, humiliating, dependent position. But no matter how unfavorable atmosphere, he never left the desire for new knowledge, to improvement. With tireless energy, he constantly studied music not only by German, but also Italian and French composers. Did not miss the case and personally to get acquainted with outstanding musicians, examine the Maneru of their execution. Once, without having money on a trip, the young Bach went to another city on foot to listen to the game of the famous organist by Buxthehude.

The composer was also steadily defended his attitude towards creativity, his glances for music. Contrary to the worship of the court society in front of foreign music, Bach with special love studied and widely used people's German songs and dancing in his works. Perfectly with the music of composers of other countries, he did not blindly imitate them. Extensive and deep knowledge helped him to improve and polish their composer skill.

Talent Sebastian Bach was not limited to this area. He was the best among his contemporaries by the performer on the body and Clavesis. And if as a composer Bach did not receive recognition, then in improvisations for the authority his skill was unsurpassed. It was forced to recognize even his rivals.

It is said that Bach was invited to Dresden to participate in a contest with the French organist and Clavinist. On the eve of the preliminary acquaintance of the musicians, both of them played in Clavesis. On the same night, Marshant hurriedly left, thereby recognizing the indisputable superiority of the Bach. Another time, in the city of Kassel, Bach was amazing his listeners, fulfilling the solo on the body pedals. Such a success did not exhibit Bahu head, he always remained a very modest and hardworking person. To the question of how he achieved such perfection, the composer replied: " I had to be hard to do who would be also diluted, reaches the same".

Arnstadt and Mülhausen (1703-1708)

In January 1703, after the end of study, he received the position of a court musician at Weimar Duke Johann Ernsta. It is not known exactly what was part of his duties, but, most likely, this position was not related to the executive activities. For seven months of service in Weimara spread fame about him as a performer. Bach was invited to the post of a police caretaker to the Church of St. Bonifation in Arnstadt, located 180 km from Weimar. With this oldest German city, the Bakhov family had long-standing ties. In August, Bach took the post of organist church. He had to work three days a week, and the salary was relatively high. In addition, the tool was maintained in good condition and was configured on a new system that expanded the possibility of a composer and artist.

Family connections and passionate music employer could not prevent the tension between Johann Sebastian and the authorities that arose in a few years. Bach was dissatisfied with the level of preparation of singers in the choir. In addition, in 1705-1706, Bach was arbitrarily emitted to Lübeck for several months, where he met the game Buxtehude, which caused dissatisfaction with the authorities. The first biographer Baha Forecel writes that Johann Sebastian passed more than 40 km on foot to listen to an outstanding composer, but today some researchers subjected this fact.

In addition, the bosses presented Bahi accusations in the "strange choral accompaniment", embarrassed by the community, and in the inability to manage the choir; The last charge, apparently, had grounds.

In 1706, Bach decides to change the place of work. He was offered a more profitable and high position of the Organist in the Church of St. Mussea in Mülhausen, a major city in the north of the country. Next year, Bach took this proposal, taking place the place of the organist Johann Georg Ale. His salary compared to the previous one was increased, and the level of singers was better. Four months later, on October 17, 1707, Johann Sebastian married his cousin of Maria Barbara from Arnstadt. Subsequently, they had six children, three of whom were died in childhood. Three of the survivors - Wilhelm Friedem, Johann Christian and Karl Philipp Emmanuel, were subsequently known composers.

Mülhausen's urban and church authorities were satisfied with the new employees. Without thought, they approved his restoration plan for the church body, requiring high costs, and for the publication of the festive cantata "Lord is my king", BWV 71 (it was the only Bach of Cantata), written in the inauguration of the new consul, he was given a great reward.

Return to Weimar (1708-1717)

Having worked in Mülhausen for about a year, Bach again changed the place of work, returning to Weimar, but this time receiving the place of the court organist and the organizer of concerts - a much higher position than his position in Weimara. Probably the factors that made him change the place of work, became a high salary and a well-selected composition of professional musicians. The Baha family settled in the house just five minutes walk from the Ducal Palace. Next year, the first child in the family was born. At the same time, the older unmarried sister Maria Barbara moved to Baham, who helped them to keep the farm until his death in 1729. In Weimara, Baha was born Wilhelm Friedem and Karl Philipp Emmanuel. In 1704, Bach met a violinist von Westchof, which had a great influence on the activities of Bach. Works Background West Chops inspired Bach to create his sonatas and score for violin solo.

In Weimara, a long period of composition of the keyboard and orchestral works began, in which the talent of the Bach reached a heyday. During this period, Bach absorbs musical trends from other countries. The works of the Italians Vivaldi and Korelli taught Bach to write dramatic accessions, of which Bach learned the art of using dynamic rhythms and decisive harmonic schemes. Bach well studied the work of Italian composers, creating converting Vivaldi concerts for an organ or harpsile. He could show the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting transfer, he could borrow from his employer's son, hereditary Duke Johann Ernst, composer and musician. In 1713, the hereditary Duke returned from a foreign trip and brought with him a large number of notes, which Johann Sebastian showed. In the Italian music of the hereditary duke (and, as can be seen from some works, Bach himself) attracted alternation of solo (games of one tool) and Tutti (games of the entire orchestra).

Koaten period

In 1717, Bach with his family moved to Kothen. At the courtyard of Prince Kotensky, where he was invited, there was no authority. The old owner did not want to let him go, and on November 6, 1717, he was even arrested for constant requests for resignation, but already on December 2 let go to freedom " with dismicement expression" Leopold, Prince Anhalt Kottensky, hired Baha to the post of Kapelmeister. Prince, himself, being a musician, appreciated the talent of Baha, well paid him and provided greater freedom of action. However, the prince was Calvinist and did not welcoming the use of refined music in worship, so most Katen works Baha were secular.

Bach wrote, mainly key and orchestral music. The composer's duties were to lead a small orchestra, accompany the pecia of the Prince and entertain him with the game on Clavesis. Without difficulty cope with their duties, Bach all his free time gave the work. The works for a key created at this time represent the second after organic works by the vertex in his work. Two-eye and three-haired inventions were written in Köten (Bach three-voice Inventions called " symphony". These plays composer was intended for classes with his older son Wilhelm Friedeman. Pedagogical goals were led by Bach and when creating a suite -" French "and" English ". In Koaten, Bach finished also 24 preludes and fugues that have been the first of the world called" Well tempted keypad. "In the same period, the famous" chromatic fantasy and a fugus "of Re Minor was written.

In our time, the inventory and suite Baha became compulsory plays in the programs of music schools, and the preludes and fugues of the "well-tempered key" - in schools and conservatory. Designed by a composer for a pedagogical goal, these works are presented, moreover, interest both for a mature musician. Therefore, the plays of the key for the key, starting with a relatively smaller inquiry and ending with the most complicated "chromatic fantasy and fuga", you can hear at concerts and on the radio performed by the best pianists of the world.

July 7, 1720, while Bach was abroad with the prince, his wife Maria Barbara suddenly died, leaving four juvenile children. Next year, Bach got acquainted with Anna Magdalena Willka, a young high-flowed singer (soprano), which sang under the Duccian yard. They got married on December 3, 1721. Despite the difference in age - she was the younger Johanna Sebastian for 17 years, - their marriage, apparently, was happy. They had 13 children.

Last years in Leipzig

From Koten in 1723, Bakh moved to Leipzig, where he was left until the end of his life. Here he took the position of Cantor (Head of Choir) of the singing school at the Church of St. Thomas. Bach was obliged to serve the main churches of the city and be responsible for the condition and quality of church music. He had to take stronger conditions for himself. Along with the duties of the teacher, the educator and the composer were such prescriptions: " Do not go from the city without permission of Mr. Burgomistra"As before, his creative opportunities were limited. Bach was to compose such music for the church that" was not too long, as well as ... Operating, but to excite in the listeners awe". But Bach, as always, sacrificing to many, never received the main thing - for his artistic convictions. Throughout his life, he created works, striking in its deep content and inner wealth.

So it was this time. In Leipzig, Bach created his best vocal and instrumental compositions: most of the Cantat (about 250 cantata is written in total), "Passion for John", "Passion for Matthew", Mass C Minor. "Passion", or "Passion"; According to John and Matthew, this is the story of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ in the description of the evangelists of John and Matthew. Mass is close in the content of "passions". In the past and Mass and Passion, they represented choir chants in the Catholic Church. At the Baha, these works go far beyond the church service. Mass and "Passion" Baha are monumental works of a concert character. Soloists, choir, orchestra, organs participate in their performance. According to his artistic meaning, cantata, "passions" and the mass represent the third, the highest peak of the composer's creativity.

The church authorities were clearly displeased with the music of Bach. As in previous years, it was too bright, colorful, humane. And indeed, the music of Bach did not answer, but rather contradicted the strict church setting, the mood of the abundance from the whole earthly. Along with large vocal-instrumental works, Bach continued to write music for a key. Almost at one time, the famous "Italian concert" was written with Mesia. Later, Bach finished the second volume of the "well-tempered key", which entered the new 24 foreplay and fugues.

In 1747, Bach visited the courtyard of the Prussian King Friedrich II, where the king offered him a musical theme and asked for something to compose something. Bach was a master of improvisation and immediately performed a three-voice feug. Later he composed a whole cycle of variations on this topic and sent him as a gift to the king. The cycle consisted of Racherkarov, canons and trios based on the topic dictated by Friedrich. This cycle was called "musical prison."

In addition to huge creative work and service in a church school, Bach took an active part in the activities of the "Music College" of the city. It was a society of music lovers, which satisfied the concerts of secular, not church music for residents of the city. With great success, Bach performed in the concerts of the Music Board as a soloist and conductor. Especially for concerts of society, he wrote many orchestral, keyboarding and vocal works of secular character. But the main work of Baha - the head of the school of singers - brought him some grief and trouble. The funds released by the Church on the school were negligible, and singer boys were starving, were poorly dressed. The level of their musical abilities has been low. Singers were often recruited, not believing with the opinion of the Bach. The school orchestra was more than modest: four pipes and four violins!

All the petitions about the help of the school, filed with the Bakh urban authorities, remained without attention. Answer for everything I had to canter.

The only Otradai was still creativity and family. Grown sons - Wilhelm Friedem, Philip Emmanuel, Johann Christians - turned out to be talented musicians. After the lifetime of the father, they became famous composers. Anna Magdalena Bach, the second wife of the composer was distinguished by great musicality. She had excellent hearing and beautiful, strong soprano. Good sang and eldest daughter Baha. For his family, Bach composed vocal and instrumental ensembles.

Over time, the vision of the Bach was getting worse. Nevertheless, he continued to compose music, dictating her his son-in-law alpotchal. In 1750, English ophthalmologist John Taylor arrived in Leipzig, which many modern researchers consider charlatan. Taylor operated on the Bach twice, but both operations were unsuccessful, Bach remained blind. On July 18, he unexpectedly simply simply, but in the evening a blow happened to him. Bach died on July 28; Perhaps the cause of death has become complications after operations. The remaining after it was assessed in more than 1000 thalers and included 5 clauses, 2 lute harpsichord, 3 violins, 3 viola, 2 cello, Viola da Gamba, Lutno and spinning, as well as 52 sacred books.

The death of Baha remained almost not seen by the music public. He soon forgot about him. Sadought the fate of his wife and the youngest daughter Baha. Anna Magdalena died ten years later in the house of charity for the poor. The youngest daughter of Regina pushed Nishchenskoe existence. In recent years, her hard life helped her.

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