"Spanish Overtures" Glinka. Development of the lesson of music "Spanish motifs in creativity m

"Spanish Overtures" Glinka. Development of the lesson of music "Spanish motifs in creativity m

Municipal autonomous general educational institution Secondary school with an in-depth study of the artistic and aesthetic cycle No. 58 of Tomsk Tomsk, ul. Biryukova 22, (8-382) 67-88-78

"Spanish motifs in the work of M.I. Glinka"

music teacher N.V. Tomsk 2016.

"I'm here, Inesilee ..."

Romance Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka on the verses of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "I am here, Inesilla ...", written in the style of Spanish serenade!

"Where our rose ...",

The existence of the love of Ekaterina Kern's daughter Anna Petrovna Kern was precast. Ekaterina Yermolaevna, 1818 born, graduated from St. Petersburg Smolny Institute in 1836 and remained in it as a class lady. Then she met the sister of Glinka and met in her house with the composer.

"I remember a wonderful moment ..."

In 1839.

M.I. Glinka wrote for Ekaterina Kern Romance on poems A.S. Pushkin "Where our rose ...", and a little later put on the music "I remember a wonderful moment ..."

"Only Spain is able to heal the wounds of my heart. And she really heal them: Thanks to the journey and my stay in this blessed country, I begin to forget all my past sorrow and sadness. " M. Glinka

Spanish Tarantella

"Aragon Hot"

"A magnificent fantastic tree rose from the dance melody, expressed in the wonderful forms of his own and the charm of Spanish nationality, and all the beauty of Glinkovskaya fantasy," said the famous critic Vladimir Stasov.

"Night in Madrid"

On April 2, 1852, in St. Petersburg for the first time a new edition of "memories ...", known now as "Night in Madrid".

"Andalusian dance"

With the assistance of Glinka, Spanish Bolero, Andalusian dances came to the work of Russians. Spanish topics he gives the young then Milia Alekseevich Balakirev. From the "Spanish Album", the Topics of Roman-Korsakov, Glazunov, Dargomyzhsky, Tchaikovsky scared the topics of Roman Korsakov.

Today, living memory of the Russian composer keeps the trio named after M.I. Glinka Music Team Madrid

"Night in Madrid"

"Waltz, yes,"

1. How imperceptibly day after day Year flies: Here and March for February Soon melts. As if yesterday, Mela Purga, Rolled melas And in the fields already snow Suddenly darkened. Chorus: La la-la ... It's winter from us at all Gone.

2. Yes, and spring will leave with rain, With new foliage The sun will fool his fire Heaven gray. Only slightly wave your hand Remembering by chance As over the awakened

river Birds shouted. Chorus: La la-la ... This spring is already from us Gone.

3. so unnoticed day after day Life flies: This is March for February Quietly melted. As if yesterday, Mela Purga, Swelling blizzards ... What to understand how long then We did not have time? Chorus: La la-la ... Life as if the dream was -

and no ... Was ...

M. iheil Glinka has always been Manila Spain, which he has long known on books, paintings and least - in music. Composers of many countries wrote the romances in the spirit of Spanish folk music, Spanish dances. It was in fashion, but it was not genuine Spanish music.

The idea of \u200b\u200bvictims to see Spain took its real incarnation during the stay of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka in Paris.

IN Museums of Paris Glinka saw many pictures of famous painters of Spain: the portraits of the Spanish saint, wrapped with a cold and cruel smile created by the brush, watching Madonna, Saints and Angels, who ended up with Madonna, Saints and Angels, endowed with such terrestrial, human beauty that even the very religious spectator they called Not a prayer mood, and admiration and joy.

G. link was familiar with the great work of Spanish literature - the novel of Cervantes about the valiant and cunning knights of the sad image - Don Quixote Laman. A novel that tells about the funny and sad adventures of the poor Señora Kihano, which brought himself to a wandering knight and entered into a distant wasting in pursuit of a dream.

TO the Akow was the very Spain itself, which gave the world of such a writer as Great Servants, such artists, like Velasquez and Murillo, did not know this, but he really wanted to know.

R usian composer was not going to be in Spain with a celebrating habitant traveler. To learn Spain - it meant to him, first of all, learn the Spanish people, his tongue, his music. And in the small Paris apartment of Glinka, books about Spain, geographical maps and Don Quixote in Spanish, who diligently studied Mikhail Glinka.

IN on the time of almost the year of stay of Mikhail Ivanovich in France, where he began to study the studies of the Spanish language, a concert program was successfully held a concert program of his works held in April 1845, and already on May 13, 1845, Glinka left Paris and went to the intended path. His Spaniard Don Santiago Hernandez, with whom he practiced in Paris in spoken Spanish. The third satellite was Rosario - a nine-year-old daughter of Don Santiago, a pretty funny boltunya, who transfered all the road difficulties without complaints and fatigue. And this road was more difficult for everyone who went in his life of Glinka. The path from the Spanish border was lying through the mountains, along a narrow stone path, accessible to the top horses and mula.

IN from so, riding horses, and then on the mules, and I had to go to Glinka with his companions to the first Spanish city of Pampluna. Then they went already in Dilijanse, who turned out to be unusually comfortable and enjoyable.

IN from and Valladolid is a city where the Don Santiago family lived and where Glinka expect to relax after a difficult path. He liked a small town that did not close among the sights of Spain, but in his own way beautiful and picturesque, liked the modest patriarchal family of Santiago.

N. iDE abroad Mikhail Glinka did not feel as abundantly, as in Spain, among sociable and friendly people. Rest, evening riding walks, sometimes Muzitication with new Spanish friends filled all the time. So summer passed. Glinka felt that he could forget all the sorry of the past, would be able to return to creativity, to life.

IN the front was waiting for new, vivid impressions. The ancient palaces of Segovia, San Idelphondso fountains, reminding Glinka Peterhof; Other cities and villages, most of their old, breathable by the harsh greatness of the Fame and Power of Spain, who once dominated over half of the world.

BUT Then Madrid, quite modern, cheerful and elegant, with eternal bustle on the streets and squares. Here, as in Paris, Glinka spent all the time in walks around the city, examined the palaces, museums, visited theaters, and even more worritting with his Spanish life, especially since he has already owned his tongue.

M. glinka for two years spent in Spain visited the remarkable seats. They were almost entirely given to travel. He visited Toledo - a fortress city, more and more than others preserved a medieval appearance, saw an escorial - the palace of the most of the kings, cruel Philip II. A huge, gloomy building, more similar to the monastery or even a prison, towering among the deserted plains, made a depressing impression on Glinka, but it was smoothed by the fact that he took his first excursion to the Escorial, accompanied by two beautiful Spaniards.

Z. iim 1845-46 Glinka held in southern Spain, in Granada - a city located in a picturesque valley, surrounded by a chain of high mountains. Glinka settled in one of the suburban houses, from the windows of which the entire valley of Granada, part of the city and Alhambra - the old fortress, preserved since the rule of Mavrov, was visible. The Alhambra Palace is a bizarre creation of exquisite art and skills of Zodhchiki - Plenyl Glinka of the cool of spacious galleries, a game of black and a carved, as a lace, marble columns, arches, arches.

IN The first days of the stay of Glinka in Granada, he, will circumstances, got acquainted with one interesting person, whose name was Don Francisco Bueno Y Moreno. In the past, this Spaniard was a smuggler (common to Spain of that time a lesson), but by huzzling a decent state, he decided to become an honest citizen. Don Francisco started a glove factory and, moreover, traded the leishes. It was this former smuggling and introduced Glinka with the real Andalus music in the execution of a guitarist, that's what the Glinka himself writes about it in his "notes": "On another or third day, he introduced me to the best guitarist in Granada named Murciano. This Murciano was a simple illiterate man, he traded wine in his own tire. He played unusually deftly and cleanedly. Variations on the national lane dance Fandango, they are composed and his son put on the notes, testified of his musical dressing ... "

R annea in the fall of 1846 on the advice and invitation of one of the Spanish acquaintances, he went to a fair in Murcia in the village border - "Tartan" on the roads, which, according to its own definition of the composer, were worse than Russian seekers. But he saw Rural Spain, a completely unfamiliar and inaccessible to ordinary foreign travelers, saw the daily life of the people, his work, his entertainment. He heard the real music of Spain. Glinka studied her not in theaters and concert halls, but on the streets and roads, as well as at home performed by folk singers and

guitarists. The song and dance here were inseparable, and "Don Miguel", as the Spaniards called Glinka, decided to learn and dances of the Spanish people. Probably, none of the St. Petersburg acquaintances would know Mikhail Ivanovich, seeing him thanks to the night with the cassators in his hands!

B. the Olsha Album and the notebook taken by Glinka with themselves to Spain were gradually filled with drawings and autographs of new acquaintances, posts of Spanish songs. Everything attracted Gljeka: and the songs of moles mullets, and dance dancers in small, located right on the streets of zucchi.

"Diligently engage in the study of Spanish music," the composer of mother from Granada wrote. - Here more than in other cities of Spain, sing and dance. Dominant entry and dance in Granada - fandango. The guitars begin, then almost [each] from those present sings their verse, and at this time in one or two pairs danced with kastagni. This music and dance are so original that until now I could not completely notice the pit, because everyone sings in his own way. In order to completely urge the case, I study three times a week (for 10 francs per month) at the first local dance teacher and work and hands and legs. You may have it, it will seem strange, but here music and dance are inseparable. - The study of people's Russian music [in] My youth led me to the composition of life for the king and Ruslana. I hope that now cotton is not easy. "

E. ti songs and dances were really amazing. The listener heard three different musical rhythm: one in the song, the other in the game of a guitarist, the third in the knocking of the dancers kastannets. But these three rhythms merged into a single harmonious whole.

Aragon Hot. From the picture M.jus
E. schu in Valladolid Glinka recorded a night - a melody of a cheerful dance, in which the dancing couples try to overlook each other in the ease of jumping and speed of movements. Hot, heard in Valladolid in the execution of a local guitarist, attracted Glinka with the liveliness of melodies, rhythm and joking, perky words:

E. the melody was based on the basis of a symphonic work written by Glinka in Spain, "Aragon Hotya", one of the two later than the famous "Spanish Overtures". "Aragon Khota" was not simple treatment of the folk melody - in it, Glinka handed over the most essence of the music of Spain, painted bright paintings by the life of the Spanish people.

Don Pedro. The photo.
Mid XIX century
E. two, starting to work on the "Aragonian Hota", Glinka felt that she had a new area of \u200b\u200bmusical art that entered into the symphonic music of folk melodies, he creates a work, equal to an interesting and affordable understanding and experts, and the most ordinary music lovers .... In the summer of 1847, Glinka went back to his homeland. He left for no one, with him was his student, a big music lover - Spaniard Pedro Fernandez Nalasco Sendino.

C. was it with Don Pedro? Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka is sufficient Skapo sets out events, more fascinating attention on incinerators with ladies encountered in traveling and ladies, which, in general, does not violate the spirit of the one who has already changed the principles of jumped, time. How was the fate and musical career of the Spaniard in Russia, I am unknown. What does this Fernandez Nalasco Sendino gained in Russia, what was his future path, or further walnia? Eh ...

The Spanish topic has repeatedly attracted the attention of European composers. They developed it in the works of different genres and in some cases they managed not only to preserve the peculiarity of national characteristics, but even anticipate the search for Spanish composers, help them find new ways. In other words, in other countries they wrote not only about Spain, but also for Spain. So the European Music Spanish was created. Composers of different countries appealed to Spanish folk genres. In the XVII century, Korelli wrote violin variations "La Folia" to the Spanish theme, which was subsequently processed by many composers, including sheet and Rachmaninov. Korelli "La Folia" was not only an outstanding work that retained popularity and so-in, but also one of the cornerstone of European musical Spanish. On this basis, the best pages of European musical Spanisy were created. They were written by Glinka and Sheet, Biza, Debussy and Raveme, Roman-Korsakov and Schabrie, Shuman and Wolf. The listing of these names speaks for itself, recalling the works known to every lover of music and introducing into the world of Spain's images, for the most part - romantic, full beauty and poetry, carrying the brightness of temperament.

All of them found in Spain a lively source of creative updates, with love they were reincarnated by the poetic and musical folklore of Spain in their works, as, for example, happened to Glink's overtures. The absence of immediate impressions was reimbursed in communicating with Spanish musicians, especially by performers who spent in many countries. For Debussy, concerts at the World Exhibition of 1889 in Paris were the developers of which Roman-Korsakov were a diligent visitor. Excursions to the Spanish area were especially frequent in composers of Russia and France.

First of all, in Russian music, for her Spanish pages received worldwide recognition and were a manifestation of an excellent tradition laid down by Glinka - the tradition of deep respect and interest in the work of all peoples. The public of Madrid, Barcelona and other cities, hotly took the works of Glinka and Rimsky-Korsakov.

Spanish dance from the ballet "Raymond" Glazunov.

Spanish dance from the ballet "Swan Lake" Tchaikovsky.

Glinka womb meant for her masters. "Aragon Khota" and "Night in Madrid" were created under the impression of acquaintance with a lively folk tradition - Glinka received his topics directly from folk musicians, and the very charactericity of their execution suggested him and individual developments. It was correctly understood and evaluated by such composers as a pedrole and false. Russian composers continued to show interest in Spain and in the future, they created many diverse works.

The example of Glinka is exceptional. The Russian composer lived in Spain for more than two years, widely communicated with her people, deeply imbued with the peculiarities of the musical life of the country, met on the spot with songs and dances of different areas up to Andalusia.

Capricichio on the theme "Aragon Hot" Glinka.

Spanish dance from the movie "The Freshod" Shostakovich.

Based on the comprehensive study of people's life and art, brilliant "Spanish Overtures" arose, so many of the countries and Spain meaning for the music. Glinka arrived in Spain, already creating several works on the Spanish theme - it was his romances to Pushkin's words, in whose work the theme of Spain is also represented by a number of wonderful works - from lyric poems to the Stone Guest tragedy. Pushkin poems awakened the fantasy of Glinka, and he - not yet visited Spain - wrote ingenious romances.

Romance "I'm here, Inesilee"

Spanish overture "Night in Madrid" Glinka.

Spanish dance from the opera "Short life" de false.

Spanish dance from the Ballet "Don Quixote" of Mincus.

From Glinka romances in the future, it stretches to the Spanish pages of Dargomyzhsky, to Serenade Don-Zhuan Tchaikovsky, romantic in nature, marked by the depth of poetic insight, which makes them true masterpieces of Russian vocal lyrics.

"Serenade Don Juan" Tchaikovsky.

Municipal autonomous general educational institution Secondary school with an in-depth study of the artistic and aesthetic cycle No. 58 of Tomsk Tomsk, ul. Biryukova 22, (8-382) 67-88-78

"Spanish motifs in the work of M.I. Glinka"

music teacher N.V. Tomsk 2016.

"I'm here, Inesilee ..."

Romance Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka on the verses of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "I am here, Inesilla ...", written in the style of Spanish serenade!

"Where our rose ...",

The existence of the love of Ekaterina Kern's daughter Anna Petrovna Kern was precast. Ekaterina Yermolaevna, 1818 born, graduated from St. Petersburg Smolny Institute in 1836 and remained in it as a class lady. Then she met the sister of Glinka and met in her house with the composer.

"I remember a wonderful moment ..."

In 1839.

M.I. Glinka wrote for Ekaterina Kern Romance on poems A.S. Pushkin "Where our rose ...", and a little later put on the music "I remember a wonderful moment ..."

"Only Spain is able to heal the wounds of my heart. And she really heal them: Thanks to the journey and my stay in this blessed country, I begin to forget all my past sorrow and sadness. " M. Glinka

Spanish Tarantella

"Aragon Hot"

"A magnificent fantastic tree rose from the dance melody, expressed in the wonderful forms of his own and the charm of Spanish nationality, and all the beauty of Glinkovskaya fantasy," said the famous critic Vladimir Stasov.

"Night in Madrid"

On April 2, 1852, in St. Petersburg for the first time a new edition of "memories ...", known now as "Night in Madrid".

"Andalusian dance"

With the assistance of Glinka, Spanish Bolero, Andalusian dances came to the work of Russians. Spanish topics he gives the young then Milia Alekseevich Balakirev. From the "Spanish Album", the Topics of Roman-Korsakov, Glazunov, Dargomyzhsky, Tchaikovsky scared the topics of Roman Korsakov.

Today, living memory of the Russian composer keeps the trio named after M.I. Glinka Music Team Madrid

"Night in Madrid"

"Waltz, yes,"

1. How imperceptibly day after day Year flies: Here and March for February Soon melts. As if yesterday, Mela Purga, Rolled melas And in the fields already snow Suddenly darkened. Chorus: La la-la ... It's winter from us at all Gone.

2. Yes, and spring will leave with rain, With new foliage The sun will fool his fire Heaven gray. Only slightly wave your hand Remembering by chance As over the awakened

river Birds shouted. Chorus: La la-la ... This spring is already from us Gone.

3. so unnoticed day after day Life flies: This is March for February Quietly melted. As if yesterday, Mela Purga, Swelling blizzards ... What to understand how long then We did not have time? Chorus: La la-la ... Life as if the dream was -

and no ... Was ...