Interesting riddles about polite words. Riddles, proverbs and sayings for the project Table etiquette

Interesting riddles about polite words. Riddles, proverbs and sayings for the project Table etiquette
Interesting riddles about polite words. Riddles, proverbs and sayings for the project Table etiquette

The rules of the child's behavior is better to be presented in the game form to be clearer and more affordable. For this you can use riddles and games about polite wordspresented below.


Talk to friends is not too lazy

Smiling ...

(Good day)

Farewell to each other

We will say ...


Do not blame each other,

Better rather ...


Before what it is beautiful

The word is kind ...

(Thank you)

When to blame, you hurry

I ask you, please


In someone else's conversation, never make sure

And adults are you better ...

(Do not interrupt)

Even an ice boulder melts

From the word warm ...

(Thank you)

Severe old stump,

When hears ...

(Good day)

If there is no longer enough

Let's say mom we ...

(Thank you)

Boy polite and affectionate

Says, meeting ...


When we get scolded for pranks,

We say ...

(Please forgive me)

And in France and in Denmark

Speak on the farewell ...


If a friend meets a friend,
Hummify friends with each other hand
On greeting in response
Everyone says ...


Letter Mom wrote

I yesterday in response

And at the end passed

All friends ...


If with a friend Ile a friend

Long in the separation,

We are talking at the meeting:

"How old and ..."

(How many winters)

If he met someone

According to the laws of etiquette

So that the conversation was in the mountain walked

We ask: "How ..."


Senior people do not grieve
And do not panibrate
Speak at the meeting
Not "hello", and ...


Our world from evil is tired,
So that he became kinder
We say not too lazy
At the meeting …

(Good day)

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them was gone,

And it is like a sin,

The most often stated.

This word walks next

For a gift, at lunch,

This word is said to

If you thank you.

(Thank you)

Dasha and York children

Cheese for pizza Cut on a grater.

They ask mouse from the hole:

"Give! Be ... "

(So \u200b\u200bkind)


Phil's puppy in the courtyard walked,

Suddenly, the old man of Bulldog met.

Please guess you as soon as possible:

Who should be "Hello" to say?

(Phil puppy, because he is younger, and the youngest greet the older)

Here is Bologna Zhulka,

Fashionista, imaging ...

And towards the cavalier,

Cute scotchter.

Guess Ile No:

Will tell first who "hello"?

(Scotcher, because he is a man, and the man first welcomes familiar women)

And below are fun Puzzles about polite words The author of Oley Emelyanova.


1. "Learn Magic Words"

Tell the child what they mean polite words that people in different countries are welcome differently, and in all languages \u200b\u200bthere are such magical words.

Learn the magic words that are close in meaning - "Hello" and "Good afternoon", "Goodbye" and "until the emergency", etc.

Or you can learn the words of politeness in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. For example, the word "hello" or "Hello."

Hello - the most popular and useful word for the traveler. And the simplest, so it will not be too easy to know how to say hello in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. It is interesting to note that not always a greeting from another language alignively translates into Russian as "Hi", often it will mean a "good day" or "Hello", and sometimes it is at all - "peace to you".

Language As it sounds
Azerbaijani Salaam Alaikum
English Hello, HI
Arabic (Egypt) Ahlan Wa Sahlan.
Arabic (East, North Africa) Marhaba.
Afrikaans Hola.
Belorussian Picky
Bulgarian Healthy
Hungarian Jo Napot.
Vietnamese Chao.
Hawaiian Aloha.
Dutch Hallo.
Greek Geia Sou.
Georgian Gaymjoba
Hebrew Shalom
Indonesian Selamat.
Icelandic Godan Daginn.
Spanish Buenas Dias.
Italian Buon Giorno.
Latin Ave.
Latvian Lab Dien, Sveiki
Lithuanian Sveikas.
German Guen Tag.
Norwegian Goddag.
Polish Dzien Dobry.
Portuguese Ola
Romanian Buna.
Serbian Head
Thai Sawatdi.
Turkish Merhaba.
Uzbek Salaam Alaikum
Ukrainian Privit
Finnish PAIVAA.
French Bonjour.
Hindi Namaste.
Croatian Zdravo.
Swedish God Dag.
Esperanto Saluton
Estonian Tervist.
Japanese Konnichi WA.

2. "Be attentive"

This game is better to play with several children. You need to ask children to fulfill the task, but it is necessary to fulfill it only when you call the "Magic Word". Below are examples of commands, you can use them, and you can come up with your own.
Stand up please!
Raise your hands!
Be kind, praise in your hands!
Pump up, please.
Be kind, hands ahead.
Lower your hands, please.
Be kind, tilt your head forward.
Tilt, back, please.
Be kind, sit down to your places.

3. "Politely - impolitely"

Rules of the game. If you read about a polite act - the children clap down 2 times. When you read about an ignorant act - the children are hugged 2 times. You can also come up with other funny movements.

Examples of actions:

Still at the meeting
Pursue and not apologize
Whistling, shouting, noise at school
Give way to senior
Do not get up for teacher's appeal
Help climb the stairs
Say goodbye to

4. "Polite watch"

This is a warm-up game, you can play with one child, and with several. Children depict the clock. Two hands are the arrows who go in the circle of an imaginary dial.

Leading: Tiki-so, teaks - so -

There are a watch here.

Seven in the morning hours struck,

All the kids woke up.

Children seven times clap your hands, depicting hours of hours: Bomb.

Leading:Morning has come,

The sun rose ...

Answer, guys,

What to say, waking up, you need?

Children: Good morning!

Game continues. Arrows go again; Hasiki tick and show now twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Leading: That day came, guys;

What should I say when meeting?

Children: Good day!

The game continues on the same principle.

Leading: Arrows Tikali-Walked

And six evenings struck.

Children clap in your hands six times.

Leading: The evening came guys.

What should I say when meeting?

Children: Good evening.

Leading: Well done!

5. "Polite tram"

This game is better to play a large company. Because the driver, conductor and passengers participate in it. Children are built by each other train, depicting tram passengers. Ahead is a driver, in his hands he has a toy steering wheel. The conductor stifles passengers, issuing tickets not for money, but for polite words (thanks, please, please, sorry, hello, etc.). At the same time, the same word should not repeat twice.

Tickets can be made of paper, old postcards or calendars.

If someone from passengers make it difficult to call a polite word, a ticket for it can buy someone from the passenger friends. But at the same time knowing the knowledge of magical polite words.

If no one can rescue a non-flying passenger, the conductor sends it to the driver. The advantage of the driver is that he can call any polite words, even those that have already sounded. When all passengers are inhabited, a polite tram sent.

We all know that it is easiest to bring up a child with polite and cultural on their own example. But why not add to daily weekdays - mysterious education? We have already spoke about etiquette and polite poems, I invite you to plunge into the riddles about etiquette.

Riddles about etiquette

Politeness is an excellent quality that helps people interact with each other and be, actually, people))) The rules of behavior at the table, at school, in society do not just do not even need to be observed!

Whether our children know the elementary rules of etiquette we learn, fading them in polite riddles on the mothers of decency and the rules of behavior.

Smoothly, right we sit
If at the table ... (Eat).

If we go to visit,
I carry it with you. (Present)

To be very cute
Wrapped it beautifully
Tape bandage
Congratulations Let's say! ( Birthday gift)

We are a birthday
Do not come without ... (invitations).

We will remove the apartment,
And the order will go.
If we are waiting for friends,
If we are waiting ... (guests).

Before eating
Hands wash ... (water).

We dress decently
Neatly, pretty,
And we will take a gift
If in... (Guests) we will go.

The riddles on the rules of conduct in school are a separate and large topic for discussion at all:

In the lesson, be diligent,
Be calm and ... (attentive)

All write, not lagging behind
Listen ... ( Do not interrupt)

Speak clearly, intelligible
To have everything ... (Clear)

If you want to answer
Need to hand ... (Lift up)

Mathematics consider
During break… (Rest)

If a friend has become answered,
Do not rush… (Interrupt)

And help you want a friend -
Lift calmly ... (Hand)

Know: Ended the lesson,
Kohl heard you ... (Call)

When the call rang again,
To the lesson, be always ... (Ready)

So that doctors are worried,
On the change of change ... ( Krcchi)

The rules of behavior are a subtle scope of training, and it is best to prevent them in a game form. Through the prism of the game and the fun, the most important concepts are becoming clearer and more affordable. And help in this will be riddles and games about polite words .

Puzzles about politeness and polite words

I will give you flowers
And give a gift.
I'm sure you're
Tell me... (Thank you).

So it came in the morning
The garden shines a mother of pearl.
What do we say? ( Good morning!)

There are many words good
Beautiful, kind words.
I know the son of Alesha
I am ready to say!
Once or two or three times, two or three,
You call me! ( Thank you, hello, goodbye, thank you)

The bird decided the bird.
What she talked? (Hello!)

When we go to bed
What will not forget we say? ( Good night)

When we return to the house,
Where everyone is familiar to us
What to say we will not forget
If we are polite? ( Hello!)

What do we say grandma
For delicious pancakes? (Thank you)

If we are grandfather
We ask for tea bread,
Then we thank it.
What word are we talking about? (Thank you)

We come to kindergarten,
Everyone is very happy for us.
What word will not forget?
We will talk about it. (Hello!)

When we break
To a new date
What word will say?
Sure, ... ( bye).

Talk to friends is not too lazy
Smiling ...
(Good day)

Farewell to each other
We will say ...

Do not blame each other,
Better rather ...

Before what it is beautiful
The word is kind ...
(Thank you)

When to blame, you hurry
I ask you, please

In someone else's conversation, never make sure
And adults are you better ...
(Do not interrupt)

Merry mystery agreements can be added. We always meet very hospitably.

Even an ice boulder melts
From the word warm ...
(Thank you)

Severe old stump,
When hears ...
(Good day)

If there is no longer enough
Let's say mom we ...
(Thank you)

Boy polite and affectionate
Says, meeting ...

When we get scolded for pranks,
We say ...
(Please forgive me)

And in France and in Denmark
Speak on the farewell ...

If a friend meets a friend,
Hummify friends with each other hand
On greeting in response
Everyone says ...

Letter Mom wrote
yesterday in response
And at the end passed
All friends ...

If with a friend Ile a friend
Long in the separation,
We are talking at the meeting:
"How old and ..."
(How many winters)

If he met someone
According to the laws of etiquette
So that the conversation was in the mountain walked
We ask: "How ..."

Senior people do not grieve
And do not panibrate
Speak at the meeting
Not "hello", and ...

Our world from evil is tired,
So that he became kinder
We say not too lazy
At the meeting …
(Good day)

Masha knew a lot of words,
But one of them was gone,
And it is like a sin,
The most often stated.
This word walks next
For a gift, at lunch,
This word is said to
If you thank you.
(Thank you)

Dasha and York children
Cheese for pizza Cut on a grater.
They ask mouse from the hole:
"Give! Be ... "
(So \u200b\u200bkind)

Phil's puppy in the courtyard walked,
Suddenly, the old man of Bulldog met.
Please guess you as soon as possible:
Who should be "Hello" to say?
(Phil puppy, because he is younger, and the youngest greet the older)

Here is Bologna Zhulka,
Fashionista, imaging ...
And towards the cavalier,
Cute scotchter.
Guess Ile No:
Will tell first who "hello"?
(Scotcher, because he is a man, and the man first welcomes familiar women)

Good and polite children!

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our camocan "workshop on the rainbow"

Riddle of knife and historical information about the origin of the knife.

If it is cool, everything is easy, it cuts very much.

Bread, potatoes, coarse, meat, fish, apples and oil.

The most ancient guns found by archaeologists during excavations were the guns of hunting and fisheries. Among the oldest guns, the most important place was occupied by silicon knives that served simultaneously with weapons and a means for cutting food. So the knife appeared at the dawn of mankind. Hundreds of thousands of years it took that primitive knives acquire handles, which then turned into bronze and iron. At first, the knives were in the form of daggers, but Napoleon at the end of the XVII century banned the manufacture of knives with an acute end, as murders often took place on the streets. Holding on the table the dagged knives was unsafe, as they could be in any minute to become martial weapons. It was worth flaming to passions for lunch and dinner, a peaceful conversation could go into a dispute. No wonder the venerable knights, entering the prayer hall, left swords at the entrance. From the terrible tool of hunting and war knives turned into peaceful with a rounded end of the appliances. We use currently.

Over time, several types of table knives have been produced. No knives appeared - Pilking for cutting cheese, special knives for extracting oysters from shells, wide fish knives. A special etiquette has been developed, regulating the rules for the use of knives serving items.

The mystery of the fork and historical information about its origin.

At the sight of food do not consider raven,

Rubbed together on both sides:

One - cuts

Other - clings,

Both in the dish of work is enough.

Fork - a cutlery with an interesting fate. What to say is a useful thing, but was not destined to play an important role in the history of mankind, which knife played. Therefore, "thought" about the fork 5000 years after the invention of the knife.

Perhaps the predecessor of the fork was a fishing trident who became Neptune's regalia.

In the XI century, there was one tooth on the fork, and from the beginning of the XX - four. The first plug in the form of a gold liner on an ivory handle was made for the Byzantine princess at the beginning of the XI century. In the XVI century, the French queen at 64 spoons was one fork she kept in a special case. The wider use of the fork occurred when lush collars entered the fashion. Put food in the mouth turned out to be impossible, so I had to lengthen your hands.

In Russia, the plug went into use at Peter I. Our forks of different types are common, they differ in size. There are special fish plugs with deepening for bone separation from pulp, forks - blades. The smallest - with two teeth - for lemon, with three - for sweet dishes, with four - dining and for snacks.

The mystery of the spoon and the history of its origin.

Without a spoon, it is difficult to do without a plug, so almost all nations know her long ago. Thus were invented large spoons - scales (midnight) and spoons for food. The shape of them was given different: hemispherical, oval, oval with a pointed end. For the manufacture of spoons, different materials were used: a tree, bone, metal and even ceramics.

Spoons were already known 2,000 years ago. In ancient Novgorod, in everyday life there were spoons decorated with carvings and painting. The center of spoon production was the Novgorod province.

Our ancestors loved hot food very much. To put on the table almost boiling soup was a matter of honor of the owner. It's not by chance that Catherine II, inviting Lomonosov to visit, told him: "I hope that soup will be the same hot as you have." Wooden spoon did not burn her lips. The second reason: the tree is a very plastic material. In the hands of the craftsman, a wooden spoon turned into a work of art. When Peter I traveled around Europe, who took his hosts surprised that he used only his devices and constantly drove with him a spoon, fork, knife.

Terms of use of napkins and historical information about it.

"Napkin - the word has come." The name is borrowed from the German language in which it passed from the Italian "Salfette".

In ancient Greece more than 3,000 years ago, the sheets of fig tree served, which slaves wipe the lips of the Lord. Then the ancient Romans appeared napkins from asbestos, which were not washed, and they threw into the fire for cleaning. But later they disappeared from the consideration, and in most European countries the napkins appeared in the middle of the XVI century. Before that, a napkin served a hunk of bread, at the worst end - sleeve of clothes, and then, when the tablecloths appeared, then her edge. Back in the XVI century, in the etiquette manual, it was recommended to wipe the tablecloth used. Special popular napkins used in those countries where men wore beards.

In Russia, at Peter I, the napkins were rare and spread only in the XVIII century. At the beginning they were intended only for selected guests. Now the napkin is a mandatory table sorting. They can be of various sizes, but must be square shape, slightly cuddered.

There are many ways to fold the napkins, but in all cases it is necessary to adhere to the rules:

As little as possible touch napkins with hands

Choose such a form so that the guest can easily and quickly deploy it

All napkins fold the same

You can put and paper napkins.

Terms of use of napkins:

    you should not take a napkin from the plate until they got on the table;

    it is put, having twice, kneel the bending to itself;

    put the napkin one of her corners for the collar is not accepted

    fingers, accidentally evapricated while eating, carefully wipe the upper half napkins, you can wipe the lips in the same napkin, if there are no paper

    lips wipe, missing them about the upper half of the napkins, ugly wipe the lips with sliding movements

    you can not use a napkin as a nasal handker

    it should not be seated at the table, closely consider cutlery, and then wipe them with a napkin, noticing something

    after eating, you do not need to carefully fold it, you need to put on the right of the plate

    if the napkin fell to the floor, ask you to give you another.

Proverbs and sayings.

In solonka, the fingers do not turn the dirt in the salt.

When I eat, I'm deaf and it

Bread - everything head.

Without salt, the curve table.

Without bread do not dine.

Without salt bread not food.

Without lunch, the conversation is not red.

Not in our honor, we are not us.

Bread yes water - peasant food.

Eat pies, and take care of the bread!

Without salt, without bread - half lunch.

Without salt, it is not tasty, but without bread it will not be satisfied.

Want to eat Kalachi - do not sit on the furnace.

After lunch, the restraint, after dinner, go like!

Hunger will be faithful - you will have that God gives.

Without bread, yes without porridge in any way and our works.

With the heat grab - not to nourish, but burn it.

Eat the pie with mushrooms, and keep your tongue for your teeth!

I want a pie to eat, but I don't want to climb underground.

Riddles about cutlery

Junior sister robble
There are four teeth.
But in the kitchen, her life,
And the point knows only your own!

If it is cool,
Everything is easy, it cuts very -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and oil.

They can cut bread
And sausage on the sandwich,
And butter a bun to anoint.
Good for many, he works!

From one huge stack
Felt at the tables;
Well, kids stupidly stupid,
Serve dinners!

We are in the closet row stand
Clean with your gloss.
We invite you to tea.
Do you know us? So answer!
(Tea Cups)

It boils in it,
Compote and porridge
For the whole family
Large our!

Never cook in me
Bake - sometimes
And usually just fry,
So, like me ...

I "Son" Samovar,
And also with water.
And I will whistle
While young.

Having met a hare, Yozh neighbor
He tells him: "..."
(Hello! )
And his neighbor eared
Replies: "Hedgehog, ..."
(Hello! )

To the octopus of Kambala
On Monday pinched,
And on Tuesday, for sale
She said: "..."
(Goodbye! )

Clumsy dog \u200b\u200bKostik
The mouse stepped on the tail.
Would they fail
But he said "..."

Wagtail with Berezhka.
Dropped the worm
And for treat fish
She has slept: "..."
(Thank you! )

Thick cow Lula.
Ate hay and sneezed.
So as not sneezing again
We say to her: "..."
(Be healthy! )

Says Lisa Matrona:
"Give me cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I will say to everyone that did not give! "
You, fox, do not complain
And tell me: "..."
(You are welcome! )

Hippo and elephant, believe
Do not climb together at the door.
One who is polite now
Says: "Only ..."
(After you! )

Fly Zhu, though I did not want
In the fast train flew.
Her bugs Flo and Fti
Say: "..."
(Bon Voyage! )

Gave Ivan king Gundy
For saving five nails,
And Ivanushka King.
He speaks: "…"
(Thank you!)

Kukushonok Roma expelled
Nanny strict from home.
Everyone who will indulge
In the house ...

Mom with a papie sit,
Cake with candy eaten.
Will say polite daughter:
"Allow ..."
(can I help you! )

From crocodile swamp
It didn't go out longer.
Members of the Zabyeg Council
Gave him a prize for it -
Awarded the parrot
And shouted: "..."

Bull daisies Note
And the ram invited.
That one ate treat
But said: "..."
(Sorry! )

Finding at dawn
That dew came on the network,
Pouchikha Studra Wood
She said: "..."
(Good morning! )

Olenich at two o'clock
Lisa came to visit.
Olenyata and deer.
She was told: "..."
(Good day! )

At sunset moth
Flew to the light.
Of course, we are glad to meet.
Let's say the guest: "..."
(Good evening! )

Katya Batzika Ignatku
Put to sleep in the crib -
He doesn't want to play anymore
He speaks: "…"
(Good night! )

Dasha and York children
Cheese for pizza Cut on a grater.
They ask mouse from the hole:
"Give! Be ... "
(so good!)

Speed \u200b\u200bmonkeys,
Elephant under the palm tree eats bananas,
And they scream to him:
"Tasty? You even hint! "
Polite elephant, do not doubt
He will say them: "..."

Had a boar in the forest
Unfamiliar fox.
Says Beauty:
"Allow ...
(introduce yourself!)
I am a boar! Your name is Hrew-Hrew!
I love very acorns! "
Reply unfamiliar
"Pleasantly …"
(become acquainted! )

Rita girl near the track
The table covers a dog and a cat.
Prashie putting, tells them rita
"Eat! Enjoy your ... "

Summary: Selection of poems on the rules of etiquette. Ethical poems teach children what the rules of etiquette are, and how to behave truly polite and cultural person.

We offer you specially selected poems for children on the theme of etiquette: acquaintance, we go to visit, a pleasant appetite, apology, magic words, talking on the phone, farewell.

All poems are distinguished by what they are written with a great sense of humor, and, at the same time, learn what the rules of etiquette, and how to behave truly polite and cultural person.

The ideas about the rules of behavior can various in different nations in different countries.

But how, for example, it imagines a rabbit etiquette from the fabulous story of Lewis Carolla (Per. B. NEXTER) "Alice in Wonderland":

Gone gloves
And fan gone!
Well, how now
Me to appear on the ball?!
After all, I can't break the etiquette !!!
Everyone will say that rabbit
Run and split! ..

Owning speech etiquette involves the ability to choose polite words correctly in different situations. Politeness is the expression of good relationship between people. The rules of etiquette were produced throughout many centuries. In an old people, people could have a polite appeal differently than now, for example, Pushkin in a fairy tale "About Tsar Saltan":

"The prince went to them then:
- Good way to you, gentlemen! ".

Failed acquaintance. (V. Levin)

Billy and Dol
Climbed on the table -
Get acquainted with the new cat.
The first was Bill.
He piled up a bump.
And the dolly fell then.

From the song Winnie Pooh.
Morning song
(B. Nodoka)

Who goes to visit in the morning
He comes wisely!
Param Taram, Param Taram -
That's it and morning!

In the evening - it's time to sleep soon
The owners yawn ...
Now if the guest came in the morning -
This does not happen!

Yes, if the guest came in the morning
He does not need to hurry.
Shouting the owners: "Hurray !!!"
(They are u-jasno Ra-dy!)

No wonder the sun on a visit to us
Comes to visit in the morning!
Param Taram, Param Taram -
Go to visit in the morning!

Very polite turkey. (B. Nodoka)

In the House
Very polite turkey.

Thirty times a day,
At least,
He shouted:
- Hey you, Nevih!
Come on, or to visit -

I myself, - shouted Turkey, -
Doctor of polite sciences
And my wife is an example
Wonderful manner:
Even when she sleeps,
It can be seen that it is raised!

Do not be shy, donkey!
Come in, sit down at the table!
why are you silent
How is fish?
Speak: "I come, thank you!"
You do not be a pig,
Waiting for you my family!
Just before
You are your pork socks!

No matter how he fought
So no one came -
Neither cow
But the dog
Nor a chavron
Neither donkey!

I cried with an indulgence of anger:
- Do not go, fucks, visit!
In vain disappeared all the works
All of them - Bald Balds!

Sunday breakfast. (V. Levin)

Once in the morning on Sunday
Speakeled fly there is jam,
But suddenly
How to compete! -
Spoiled a fly of the mood
And interrupted her appetite.

Trust talk.
(V. Levin)

The story is very polite and not too short.

One Englishman pushed the Englishman
And immediately said:
"Sorry, inadvertently."
The second Englishman replied kindly:
"Sorry, but I did not notice anything."
"No, no, it's you, for God's sake, sorry."
"Sorry, but what to forgive me, explain?"
"How -" What I forgive "? Isn't it clear?"
"Sir, you are worried, right, in vain.
I would be happy to forgive you, but I do not understand
What exactly should I apologize to you. "

And immediately said:
"Sorry -
Inadvertently. "

What the interlocutor kindly answered:
But I did not notice anything. "
"No no,
It is you for God's sake, sorry. "

But what to forgive me?
Explain. "
"How -" What should I forgive "?
Is it not clear? "
"Sir, you are worried, right, in vain:
I would be happy to forgive you
But I do not understand
what exactly
I must excuse you! "

The Englishman pushed
And immediately said:
Inadvertently. "

What is the interlocutor
"Sorry, but -
I did not notice anything! "

"No no!!!
It is you,
For God's sake, sorry! "
But what to forgive me?!
Explain! "
"How -" What should I forgive "?
Is it not clear? !! "
"Sir, you are worried
right, in vain:
I would be happy to forgive you
But I do not understand
what exactly
I must apologize to you. "

And immediately said:
"Sorry inadvertently!"
But then the interlocutor answered otherwise:
But I, perhaps, give me out. "
And politely politely
Two English England
each other
till night

Reflections after a very polite conversation.
(V. Levin)

It is worth overlooking
Breakfast, and lunch.
Can be stolen
There is no bad in it.
Need sometimes -
For weak, for example.
Even politeness -
When you forget the measure.

You are welcome.
(A. Kondratyev)

Cancel what
Word "Please"?
We repeat it commemorated.
Perhaps that
Without "please"
We are becoming

Hello, is this sea?
(R. SEF)

This is the Sea?
This is the Sea?
You hear,
Black Sea,
I took a shell,
And stand in the corridor,
And very worried
To the coast calling.
I find out
In this bullshit
I hear
On the sand.
This is the wind
Sad Eucalyptus
In the coastal fishing line.
This is a sail
Flies on the square.
This is a fish
Flowing in depth.
Answer me
Black Sea!
You are welcome,
To me!

Mr. Snow.
(V. Levin)

Mr. Snow! Mr. Snow!
Will you come to visit again?
- An hour later. I give you a word.
- Thank you, Mr. Snow ...

Dutch songs.
Have a good trip.
(I. Tokmakova)

Coach somehow crawling
Tired horse is lucky, -
Have a good trip!

Tired man goes
Hand with a face erases sweat, -
Have a good trip!

And in the oceans, ships,
From their homeland away, -
Have a good trip!

Let who rides who goes
Always will always find my way home, -
Have a good trip!

According to the book T.S. Reznichenko and OD Larina "Russian language - from playing knowledge."

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