The characteristic benefits of the zodiac signs. The main weaknesses and weaknesses of the zodiac signs

The characteristic benefits of the zodiac signs.  The main weaknesses and weaknesses of the zodiac signs
The characteristic benefits of the zodiac signs. The main weaknesses and weaknesses of the zodiac signs

It is more pleasant when you know about the merits of another person and even somehow calmer in your soul. It is useful for a person himself to know about his talents. It will be interesting for both of them to get acquainted with the "star" set of merits of each zodiac sign.


Nice ladies, sparkling wit with overflowing energy. Would you like to discuss the problem with him? Please! Whatever you want, even global warming, even the overpopulation of the planet, even the oddly dressed type in the subway. You just need to be prepared that the opponent will talk a lot, but also listen too. Moreover, they have excellent oratorical skills, a direct path into politics, there all their virtues would bloom in a riotous color. The one who thinks that Aries are naive herbivorous lambs who believe in good is naive. Naturally, they hope and believe, but for a certain moment. As soon as a stranger encroaches on their personal space, he will receive a fierce rebuff. Aries will stand to the end, to the victorious, of course. No one is allowed to offend Aries himself, as well as his family and friends.


Wiping her nephew's snotty nose with one hand, and with the other hand typing an important report, a lady is stopudo. This is a person you can rely on, and at any hour of the day. And all thanks to the boundless kindness of soul that Taurus possesses. This undoubted advantage is complemented by incredible willpower, loyalty and generosity. Yes, yes, sniffing with sympathy, Taurus will count out bills to the next fund to help the poor and needy. Such humanism can be envied.


An ubiquitous sign with which the environment is unaware of boredom. These are the best connoisseurs of the latest news, the coolest vacation spots, which, by the way, is at the best price (don't worry about that, the Gemini organizes everything themselves at the highest level and you, as his friends, can count on a luxurious vacation at a bargain price ). Gemini's virtues help them arrange this: an excellent memory and incredible friendliness. They have acquaintances everywhere: from janitors to the management staff of holdings. With each he sets aside time for a conversation, from which, by the way, he benefits, namely, he learns a lot of gossip, sometimes playing a good service in achieving his goals.

Dreaminess, caution and airiness are the whales on which the girl "stands". She can clack a claw, but first carefully weigh everything, which in time can take from an hour to several weeks. Have patience, do not rush them, this sign has an excellent natural instinct, in whose work there are rarely failures. This is a person infinitely devoted to people and to his home. In the family, they do everything to ensure that mutual assistance functions and an atmosphere of warmth reigns. In their house, you can always count on a sincere conversation over a cup of tea and homemade cakes.

It is good where the Lion is and where the Lion is, it is good there. Chuika for Lionesses works perfectly, they will find a place in the sun that provides an even tan to the pope without warning the smell of fried. With them, you understand what safety and comfort are. All responsibility at their will falls on their shoulders. Nature has endowed them with leadership qualities, but this does not prevent them from showing sensitivity, attention and love to other people. In the house of the Lioness, friends are waiting for a table bursting with food, including rivers of wine, her free ears, ready to listen to the emotional experiences of guests. They will listen to you, and most importantly they will understand you and, in addition, will provide you with practical advice.


The attention with which this sign treats its loved ones is simply incredible. It is extremely difficult to get the status of a Virgo's best friend, but if this happens, then such a friendship can be envied, or rather, you feel more envy for a Virgo friend, since he can be 100%, and 1000% sure that no matter how dire circumstances have arisen, Virgo will be there, ready to help and support.


Libra will not remain unnoticed in society. A creature kissed by an angel. They have a phenomenally attractive energy. The natural charm of the Libra ladies is complemented by their peacefulness. A rare quality is inherent in them - the ability to find a compromise, which allows them not to participate in major conflicts. In the desire to make everyone around happy, this sign for the sake of their well-being can sacrifice its own interests. Love and harmony reigns in their inner world, which draw their strength from beauty and art, which surrounds themselves with gentle and soft Libra.


A sign that is characterized by increased emotionality and sincerity. A puppy squeezing from cold and hunger on the street will cause a tearful waterfall in them. The Scorpio girl will not be able to pass by and soon this woolen ball will be the company of the hamster and a couple of other animals. As for their behavior in relationships, it is a tsunami, a ninth wave, a hurricane and a tornado. However, the elements are peaceful. It's just that with such an expression, a man will be attacked by interesting new plans of the Scorpio girl (which, by the way, concern not only the coming days, but also the whole life).


The girl is an eternal baby, open to the world. The biggest fan of all the zodiac signs of fairy tales. It is a living fountain of ideas and expectations. Pleasant and easy communication awaits you, she always has a huge number of different (sad and funny) life experiences in store. An alcoholic evening, and in one meeting she can "overturn" a decent displacement with you, will end with her confession of a great and bright feeling - love. Moreover, this confession sounds surprisingly sincere and honest every time.


This is a magnet for men. She is by nature sensitive and shy, but some see in her pride and arrogance, and some see inaccessibility and secrecy. Deceiving vision. In fact, this is a compassionate and gentle nature with a vulnerable soul, waiting for someone who will understand her delicate mental organization and who, having given her hot tea, will carefully wrap her with a warm blanket. And only a man who managed to conquer Capricorn can expect that the door to her world will open before him - amazing, overflowing with happiness and love.


You can be sure that the proposal of a colleague who has not withstood labor violence, to put it mildly, give up or, in our own way, send it to a well-known address, and to relax over a glass of something, the girl Aquarius will be the first to react, who will already be typing the phone number of the company that delivers food to the office. In any event, this creature sees the pluses, prudently turning a blind eye to the minuses. Someone joked or he accidentally escaped a similar proposal - Aquarius perceives this as a call to action. It’s not surprising that, after going out for bread, she will return with a loaf and vouchers to a distant country, because a billboard came into her field of vision, calling to ride off to the sea waves.


Earthly "substitute" for Vanga. And there is nothing to doubt, this girl is always right. She would have been a warning stone in front of Ilya Muromets, she accurately predicted what awaits him ahead at every step. And for sure (in our time, there is no need to jump through the forests and fields in search of feats - and in other areas, prediction is useful), then the heel will fall off, then the nail will break, then the former with a new passion will catch your eye when you trudge without makeup after jogging in a century tracksuit. But the Fish warned! It is almost always precisely the cautionary nature that attempts to change the world for the better.


Aries is aggressive and primitive. He will go ahead, despite common sense and the obvious senselessness of such actions. Extremely cruel and vindictive. He is very irresponsible to finance and is ready to spend everything on useless trinkets and beer. Representatives of this sign love to lie, brag and arrange evil pranks, from which it becomes funny only to themselves. Aries suffers from frequent memory lapses, so sometimes they are not able to remember the simplest things.


A petty bore. At work, he is often considered an outspoken asshole and informer who is always ready to curry favor with his superiors. The Taurus woman is very fond of pretending to be a real martyr in front of her children and her husband, who does everything possible for the welfare of the family. Taurus simply adore money, so they constantly accumulate and save something. In anger, Taurus is scary, so you don't need to flirt with him and try to piss him off. The Taurus man often becomes a domestic tyrant, although at the same time neighbors and loved ones sincerely believe that he is just a darling. Taurus is prone to bodily pleasures, lustful and depraved.


These are eternal children who completely refuse to grow up and take life seriously. They remain in childhood until death. They love to chat and give a lot of unnecessary advice. They are indifferent to the fact that no one perceives them, the main thing is the very process of constant pouring from empty to empty. Gemini don't want to strain. Serious work is not for them. It is important for Gemini to constantly be in a state of celebration. They love to take a good walk and simply adore noisy companies and parties, however, it is desirable that no one bothers them with material problems. Gemini are tight-fisted and do not like to spend their money.

The eternal loser and grumpy, who is completely occupied with himself most of the time. Likes to engage in meaningless arguments, and gets incomparable pleasure. A coward in life, but he can strike first, although all this is done solely out of fear. Cancer may pretend to be strong and successful for a while, but in reality, he just adores solitude and peace.

Leo is very lazy by nature and prone to outright extortion. He has a hypertrophied self-esteem. His truly royal manners are capable of causing irreparable damage to the family budget. Leo just loves to be in the spotlight all the time. The enthusiastic glances of those around him must constantly be riveted to him. Leo are inclined to take risks, often for no reason, so they often sink into debt and countless loans. The cause of all Leo's troubles is his exaggerated self-esteem. Without success, Leo simply does not think of its further existence, and far from all representatives of this zodiacal constellation succeed in rising.


A grumpy bore who just loves to find fault with little things. If you have tied your fate with a representative of this sign, then get ready for the fact that you will be constantly pestered about, and often for no reason. In general, one thing is safe to say: you definitely won't have enough nerves. Virgo can unbalance anyone, even a very calm person. Virgo is a recognized master of intrigue, so it's better not to quarrel with her. The revenge of the enraged Virgo is truly terrible: she will be extremely sophisticated and with cold calculation to destroy her enemies and foes.


Libra has no ambition at all. It is extremely difficult for them to make a responsible decision and take responsibility for themselves. In life, they are unlucky, they are simply incapable of grand gestures and impulsive actions. What can I say: Libra is the only inanimate sign in the entire Zodiac, so nothing worthwhile can be expected from them. Libras are shy and shift all responsibility to loved ones. They like to pose as aesthetes and connoisseurs of beauty, although they themselves do not really understand anything.


If you want to have a terrible enemy for yourself - make friends with Scorpio. If he has not yet managed to do it for you, then do not worry - you still have everything ahead. Scorpio will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They deceive, intrigue, revenge and hate fiercely. Many Scorpios often cheat on their spouses. They are extremely lustful creatures. If he is polite and courteous to you, then he needs something from you. Scorpios love to hurt, and they themselves also experience pleasure from it.


Optimism bordering on cretinism. How can you rejoice all the time for no apparent reason. From early childhood, a bunch of stupid ideas have been nesting in the head of Sagittarius, which he is actively trying to impose on others. You can get tired of Sagittarius very quickly. In family life, he is able to give his soul mate so much trouble that she will pray to God to grant her at least a week of peace. Sagittarius loves fun and noisy companies with abundant libations. This is how he would sit at the set table all his life.


Capricorn is born. He simply cannot coexist with others on an equal footing. His constant desire to dominate and suppress makes him cold and tough. In family life, he will begin to find fault with all the little things, demanding perfection in everything. Capricorn is simply not able to laugh at himself. Everything that concerns his precious person, he perceives extremely painfully. Only brute physical strength can be opposed to it. Capricorn does not shine with intelligence, although most people consider it "stupid". This is a rare combination of greatness and an inferiority complex.


This comrade is completely cut off from the realities of life. After listening to his reasoning, you might think that he just fell off the moon. Don't borrow money from him. He will definitely forget about his debts. The promises of an Aquarius are not to be trusted. His word is worthless. He does not like to work and prefers a penniless but independent existence over long and fruitful work. It always needs to be tightly controlled.


They are born deceivers and liars. They got used to pouring in at every opportunity, sometimes they get confused in their lies, but all the time they try to get out. They love to weave intrigues, and they always try to get out of the water dry. They cannot be trusted with secrets - they will blurt them out anyway. Pisces are extremely curious and simply adore other people's stories, where they will definitely try to show off their mind, acting as a home-grown psychologist. By their nature, they are cowardly and will always try to withdraw themselves at the most crucial moment.

Oh, those stars! People say that it is to them that we owe our bad temper or strange behavior. Therefore, today we decided to identify the most important shortcomings of each of the zodiac signs. Now, if you notice any oddities in yourself, you know who to blame.


If you wave a red rag in front of Aries, he will pretend to be blind. With blinders in their eyes, they run through life, not thinking about the consequences of their actions. Aries are very self-confident and impulsive. They can be frankly inflated, but they would rather gouge out their eyes than destroy the world of their illusions. They are also very impatient and tend to get things done in a hurry. Selfish, listen only to themselves and do not recognize authorities.


Taurus are extremely lazy people. Like a dog in the manger, they will lie on the couch all day and will bark and snap at any attempt to stir them up. In addition to laziness, they also have great conceit, they consider themselves the most important and necessary. In addition, they are extremely lustful and indulge in their habits. They will never be persuaded or caught in misconduct, even if a corpse is put at the feet of a Taurus with bloody horns, he will deny everything. They are also greedy and selfish.

Two-faced Gemini should be feared. They can easily hate under the guise of good nature. And the most disgusting quality of this sign is narcissism and excessive talkativeness. They just love to talk, and if you dare to interrupt them, then expect trouble! In addition, they are too often sprayed on everything, but they never follow through, so they often whine and get annoyed.


Emotional Cancers have tears every day (sometimes, from joy). They suffer from constant mood swings and can become white-hot with their pessimism. If you get into the life of Cancer, he will grab you with his claws so that neither horns nor hooves will help. But what infuriates most of all is that they are obscenely touchy, but they will never say it directly.


All other signs fade into the background when it comes to Leo's selfishness. They put themselves on a high pedestal, from which no one can push them off. In general, this is the king of beasts, who marks the territory everywhere and puts everyone around ... but does not put it in anything. If you please his ego, you can get love from him, and fighting with him is more dear to you.

Virgo is not the best choice when choosing a vest. They criticize everyone and always. Even if you are on your deathbed, they will be able to find your fault in this and will not make any compromises. They are rude, unrestrained, and also terrible pessimists. They see a catch in everything, so they are prejudiced against everyone.

Libra, hungry for beautiful glass, can rush in pursuit of a dummy man, forgetting about the precious treasure that was always there. These magpies just go crazy from the lush surroundings and pathos. In an effort to demonstrate their toughness, Libra is capable of any baseness. They have a wind in their heads, they are unreliable, lazy, and most importantly, they do not know how to make decisions at all. A devoted husband will grow old before the Libra wife chooses which dress to wear to the party.

Terrible manipulators and kings of intrigue. Scorpios believe that only strength and power can be successful. They do not trust anyone, therefore they are very secretive. They know how to be incredibly cute in order to achieve your location, but before you can blink an eye, a sting has already been thrust into you. At the same time, Scorpios are very soft inside, they are easily offended, which is why they fall into despair and depression. They often envy others and achieve their goal at any cost.

Sagittarius would not hurt to learn tact, because they always spit on everyone from a high tower. But they are loved anyway. Completely carefree and irresponsible. By doing them a favor, you will not hear gratitude, because the Sagittarius will be sure that he deserves it (sitting at home on the couch watching the TV). But what they spare no effort on is adventure. Sagittarius are ready to rush headlong beyond the distant lands for the sake of thrill, dragging their unfortunate resisting loved ones behind them.


In pessimism, Capricorns have no equal. With their whining, they not only drive others to a frenzy, but even themselves, so often during the tides of despair they beat their horns against the wall and tear their shirt. But if you try to change something in Capricorn's life, he will rest on all his hooves and desperately cling to his misfortunes. They are very shy, but at the same time proud and arrogant.

But who infuriates with his positivity is Aquarius. It seems like a rainbow fountain gushes out of it, which makes it simply unpredictable, which may puzzle many. There are no half measures for them - either everything or nothing. In pursuit of their own ideals, they often move away from their loved ones. What is going on in the head of Aquarius, only he himself knows. They consider themselves experts, so they do not skimp on advice and love to be clever.

Perhaps there are sharks among Pisces, but in most cases these are lazy crucians swimming with the flow. They live in their own world and are so closed in themselves that they will step over a dying friend without even noticing him. They live by the law of least resistance, look at life with lazy longing, although they are overly emotional. At the same time, they have such requests that no goldfish can satisfy them.

Each sign of the zodiac has both advantages and disadvantages, often advantages are a continuation of disadvantages and vice versa.
Of course, no one is perfect, so here is a horoscope for the shortcomings of the signs of the zodiac, and, of course, this is a very simplified and somewhat comic version, but, as they say, there is some truth in every joke.

Aries disadvantages
Aries is a man
Man - Aries of those who lose interest after the conquest. Having received one "prey", he already looks after the next.
Willing to flirt with others without feeling responsible in relationships.
In a rage, he is not always able to control himself.
Aries - woman
Her snide remarks can be similar to bullying, so that the partner gets hurt because of this, sometimes even literally.
Aries woman is a player in love, loves to brag about how many broken hearts she has left behind.
She may enjoy engaging in conflicts with a partner in public.

Disadvantages of Taurus
Taurus is a man
He takes a completely passive approach to romantic relationships, and his inertia can seem overwhelming.
When meeting with a potential darling, he seeks to keep costs to a minimum. Might look like he's looking for someone to save money on.
In case of trouble, he hides in a haze of alcohol.
Taurus is a woman
A materialistic approach to love, seeks to find a partner who will provide all her needs. She seems to be asking the question: "How much are you worth?"
Having established herself in her opinion about a potential partner, she will stand on him. It is impossible to convince her, even if she is wrong, which narrows her vision of the prospects for the relationship.
It firmly takes its place, both literally and figuratively. If you interfere with her in something, she will easily push you aside. Gemini Disadvantages
Gemini - man
He is able to answer calls from other girls or call others, send them sms already on the first date with you.
His manic talkativeness can make it seem like you're on a one-man show.
Behaves like an eternal player, eternal student. He constantly forgets that there are worries and responsibilities in life.
Gemini - woman
She can be so fussy that even a direct, open look in her eyes makes her nervous.
Fills the entire space, speaks without stopping.
Creates dramatic situations in love, while they are not based on real emotions, which makes her seem cunning. Likes to manipulate a partner.

Cancer Disadvantages
Cancer - man
He pulls back and shows resentment at the slightest hint of criticism.
If his mood has soured, it may take him several days to regain his normal mood.
Can act like a child because of her emotions.
Cancer - woman
She talks about her emotional tragedies on the first date, giving the man the difficult role of lifeguard.
Forgets about caution and prematurely goes into an intimate relationship in the hope that love will follow.
She reciprocates those unworthy of her, then plays the role of a victim, instead of learning to defend herself.

Disadvantages of Leo
Leo is a man
In relationships, he can quickly become lazy and inactive, especially with a sincere giving type partner.
He tests the sincerity of the feelings of the one with whom he meets, demonstrating indifference.
It can be a petty tyrant, turning loved ones into service personnel, and highlighting the role of a servant for a loved one or spouse.
Leo is a woman
If she is unhappy with something, her anger can destroy her life partner; periods of negative emotions can last long enough.
She demands gifts and expensive tokens, even if it is obvious that she is not interested in the relationship.
Demands to be treated like a queen, but has a tendency to treat others like inanimate objects.

Virgo flaws
Virgo is a man
He gives a critical assessment of the partner's appearance or clothing, accompanying it with suggestions for improvement, which can begin as early as on the first date.
As soon as he comes home, he immediately starts cleaning.
Selects suspicious (in his opinion) pieces from the dinner prepared for him.
Virgo is a woman
If invited to dinner, she can bring her own carefully prepared food with her.
Is irritated and angry if unforeseen circumstances threaten to disrupt her daily routine.
Is incapable of constructive action in a non-standard situation and in relationships.

Disadvantages of Libra
Libra - man
When faced in a relationship with any kind of conflict, he does not take any action.
Has difficulty identifying true affection, does not always know with certainty in which team he plays. Perhaps different.
He can live his life like a dreamer without actually doing anything.
Libra - woman
She is constantly trying to show her intellectual superiority.
Demonstrates the disadvantages of the satellite to the general public.
Sees life as a beauty pageant, will stop at nothing to win it.

Disadvantages of Scorpio
Scorpio - man
He turns into a formidable investigator shortly after starting a relationship.
He becomes cold and distant if he suspects that he has been bypassed in something or becomes angry if something was hidden from him.
Can be an energetic vampire, capable of drawing vitality from a partner, even at a distance.
Scorpio is a woman
She makes venomous remarks, using them as a way to keep the distance in the relationship.
Able to intimidate a partner in order to gain control over him.
Too distrustful of love to allow anyone to truly approach her.

Sagittarius disadvantages
Sagittarius is a man
With seemingly sincere interest and ardent enthusiasm, he asks for a phone number, but he never calls.
Among men - Sagittarius, there is a high percentage of players who turn sincere feelings into a joke. Playing love for them is only part of their varied adventures.
He is constantly looking for perfection and is always ready to start the next relationship.
Sagittarius - woman
She may use harsh or overly explicit language in situations where tact and sensitivity are needed.
The Sagittarius woman is hot and impatient, wants everything at once, which can undermine the self-confidence of a man who wants to have a relationship with her.
She is ready to reveal the secrets of all her friends, not excluding the secrets of a loved one, because of this it is difficult to have a truly close relationship with her.

Disadvantages of Capricorn
Capricorn is a man
He has high career goals and can only consider you in terms of whether he will take a step up the career ladder with your help.
He can have such a dark and complex personality that it is hard to believe that anything can make him happy.
He may seem not really interested in you for so long that it is up to you whether to continue the relationship with him.
Capricorn - woman
In a relationship, she constantly waits for disappointment in order to convince herself once again that she has no happiness in love.
Dating her in love can feel more like job interviews. In a joint life, a Capricorn woman will play the role of a boss.
Her workaholism does not allow her to relax in a relaxed atmosphere, which deprives the relationship with her of romance.

Disadvantages of Aquarius
Aquarius is a man
He prefers to meet with a potential partner in the company of friends, he feels insecure when meeting one-on-one.
When emotions are manifested, his gaze rushes into the distance, then he himself goes in the same direction, moving away more and more.
May have clinical curiosity about intimate relationships that offends the more sensitive partner.
Aquarius is a woman
She tries to look for support for her own ideas in a relationship, for example, pushes her partner to participate in rallies, etc.
He can know everything about everything, but he is not able to do anything practically.
Has difficulty creating an intimate atmosphere in a relationship; together with her, it is difficult to feel unity as a couple. Instead, she seeks to transfer love to a social level, in the company of friends, or to captivate a partner with social activities.

Disadvantages of Pisces
Pisces is a man
He can overly idealize the relationship from the very beginning, thereby dooming the partner to failure, since no ideal exists in real life.
His sensitivity makes him seek refuge in altered states of consciousness, so you can never be sure who you will meet next time.
If he wants to shy away from a relationship, he simply disappears without explanation.
Pisces is a woman
She finds reality so harsh that she needs to be softened by fantasy.
Because she wants to please and please someone, she may lose her own "moral compass."
Subjected to delusions or obsessive addictions.

Everything in the world has its drawbacks. This also applies to the signs of the zodiac. If someone thinks that birth under some signs is more favorable, and under others - less, then he is greatly mistaken. Under whatever sign you were born, he can always turn his bad side to you and attract certain problems into your life. As a rule, a problem with the sign of the zodiac appears more often if a person has many planets in this sign, and among them most are inharmonious.

Aries Disadvantages The zodiac sign Aries gives a person a strong focus on themselves. A person rarely pays attention to others, and even then, if these people interfere with him, hinder the fulfillment of his goals and desires. Then he fights with them. But getting along and getting along with other people is difficult for Aries. This sign is considered one of the most unfavorable for marriage. An inharmonious Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars or Venus in this sign gives constant conflicts, partings and divorces or an inability to love and an unwillingness to tie oneself by marriage.

Disadvantages of Taurus... The Taurus sign gives a strong preoccupation with money, a desire to live comfortably and securely. But at the same time, the Taurus sign filled with planets makes a person inert, slow, and often lazy. Which does not at all contribute to the achievement of material wealth. But even if Taurus is hardworking, and there are Taurus with incredible efficiency, he cannot always enjoy the fruits of his labor, everything in his life goes slowly, and abrupt changes tend to lead to losses rather than gains.

Gemini Disadvantages The Gemini sign often gives a hectic life. Not all of the representatives of this sign are frivolous talkers and adventurers, many of them are quite respectable. But their mind and nervous system are always tense. Gemini always either think too much or talk too much. But they do not always know how to listen to others, despite their curiosity, they are too overwhelmed with their thoughts and are often inattentive to other people's words, and even more so to feelings.

Cancer Disadvantages... The Cancer zodiac sign gives an increased emotional sensitivity, which seriously complicates a person's life, makes it full of anxiety and worries, resentment and disappointment, fears and sorrows. It is difficult for people who do not have the Cancer sign to understand why Cancer always attaches great importance to existing nonsense. Why does he sulk for a long time in response to a harmless remark or joke, why he can cry or fall into anger for no apparent reason.

Disadvantages of Leo... Astrologers often flatteringly call the constellation Leo royal, emphasizing the importance of Leo in every possible way. After all, this is the only sign ruled by the Sun. Leos love to be flattered, although Leo's self-esteem does not need to be raised this way. They already feel like kings and luminaries around whom everything revolves and everything is done at their command and desire. But people with a filled Leo sign are often victims of intrigue and deception.

Virgo flaws... The sign of Virgo gives a person a lot of various worries and troubles, sometimes in vain and unnecessary to anyone. Virgos are very attentive to little things, critical, picky, both to themselves and to others. Virgo will never remain silent if someone did something or said something wrong. Even if it's none of her business. Virgo cares about everything, everything worries and worries her. Therefore, her whole life is full of excitement and anxiety, because life is very far from perfect.

Disadvantages of Libra... The zodiac constellation Libra gives constant fluctuations, problems of choice. Not because Libra doesn't know what they want. They know, but at the same time they still want to please others. It is very difficult to please yourself and others at the same time, sometimes even impossible. You have to sacrifice something: limit yourself, restrain your desires or neglect the opinions of others and lose a good attitude towards yourself. Therefore, it is so difficult for Libra to achieve harmony, to which they strive with all their might.

Disadvantages of Scorpio The sign of Scorpio is considered to be almost the personification of all evil. Deceit, rancor, and vindictiveness are attributed to him. But any kind-hearted person would be angry with such an astrological characteristic. And Scorpio is often considered worse than he is just because he is not too kind. He is often withdrawn, silent, immersed in his experiences, mostly negative. The more planets in this sign, the more sensitive a person is to any negative, and the harder his life and character.

Disadvantages of Sagittarius The Sagittarius sign, on the one hand, is considered lucky, people of this sign are often lucky. On the other hand, practicing astrologers know that a completed Sagittarius sign, or at least one planet in it, may indicate that a person was brought up in an incomplete family. Or was in a long separation from at least one of the parents. Such a person often becomes the cause of family strife. At best, he leaves his home early and lives happily away from him.

Disadvantages of Capricorn The constellation of Capricorn often makes a person sullen and withdrawn, shy or suspicious, seeing more bad than good around him. Capricorns often achieve success thanks to discipline and hard work, but they cannot always rejoice at what they have achieved, something constantly prevents them from relaxing and ceasing to be afraid of possible intrigues of enemies or the disgrace of fate. They are even afraid that, having sincerely rejoiced, they will jinx themselves and their luck.

Disadvantages of Aquarius The sign of Aquarius seems to many incomprehensible, chaotic, disorganized. This is not entirely true, Aquarians are very organized, although they may have their own concept of order and what is important and what can be neglected. For this reason, they often have problems in relationships with people who are personally convinced of the insecurity of Aquarius and of his complete disregard for things that are important to everyone. Often Aquarius is accused of emotional coldness, prudence or indifference to everything and everyone.

Disadvantages of Pisces The Pisces sign is considered the most relaxed and lazy. Although many Pisces are very active. But even they, developing a vigorous activity, often have little idea why they need it. And then fatigue and disappointment come, the desire to lie low, hide, hide from everyone, break away from reality. Therefore, Pisces are more prone to bad habits than others, destroying their health and well-being.