Sberbank lawyer hotline. Personal lawyer service from Sberbank Reasons to contact a “Personal Lawyer”

Sberbank lawyer hotline.  Personal lawyer service from Sberbank Reasons to contact a “Personal Lawyer”
Sberbank lawyer hotline. Personal lawyer service from Sberbank Reasons to contact a “Personal Lawyer”

1. So I sent a notification to Sberbank and a few days later an application (by a valuable letter with a description of the contents) about changing or terminating the loan agreement due to my health. Is this enough to comply with a pre-trial settlement? Sberbank avoids a written response (certified by signature and seal). How can they prove later that they received the letter? For some reason, the delivery notification has not yet arrived by mail. They responded by email. mail, but there is no signature or seal in the response. If possible, a link to a law or legal act.

1.1. Good afternoon Do this within the framework of the articles: Art. 131, 132, 135. Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

2. Can I receive compensation for my deposit if I contact Sberbank on the mainland? I live in Crimea.

2.1. Hello Irina. Sberbank accepts applications at any bank branch.

3. Collection and arrest Sberbank card I owe 29,000 rubles Is the border open or closed?

3.1. Hello! A travel ban is imposed by the Bailiff Service if the amount of debt is 30,000. You need to contact the Bailiff Service at your place of registration, since if enforcement proceedings have already been initiated and you do not pay, then the bailiff has the right to impose a fine of 7% of the amount for non-fulfillment and the enforcement fee, respectively, taking into account the amount of the principal debt, it will add 30,000 and Aristov-executor has the right to impose a ban on traveling outside the Russian Federation, to avoid troubles, contact the bailiff service!

4. On May 29, 2019, money in the amount of 14,535 rubles was stolen from my Sberbank card. On May 28, 2019, I registered on Avito and confirmed my account. On May 29, I received a letter from AVITO in the mail stating that my product was paid for by the buyer in the amount of 1,500 and there was I clicked the link that you need to follow to receive funds for the sale, and the phone became uncontrollable by me, I realized that I had been hacked, and began to try to transfer the remaining funds, after which the phone was turned off remotely, and everything was deleted from it. Sberbank refused to refund the funds, writing that the payment codes were sent from my phone. But I didn’t receive or send them, I wrote a statement to the police.

4.1. It is correct that you contacted the police about this matter. And ask the Bank for an official written refusal. And further. Ask your telecom operator for a printout of your calls and messages for the day the money was debited. Wait for the outcome of your complaint to the police. Did the police give you an official notification of receipt of your appeal to them?

5. For the overhaul of the apartment I pay with Sberbank’s kat, Sberbank takes its interest, for the month of May I received a receipt from the management company, which indicates that they still need to pay for the services of accepting contributions for overhaul in the amount of 8% of the amount, but I do not use their services . Are they right or is this another extortion?

5.1. See the terms of the agreement with the management company. If they don’t mention anything like this, it’s another illegal extortion.

6. I got a job at Sberbank PJSC while I was 4 months pregnant, but I didn’t tell my employer about my situation. I have a maternity position, can I go on maternity leave? And does the manager have the right to fire me after learning about the situation.

6.1. Good day! Of course, you can also go on maternity leave at maternity leave.

7. Sberbank refused to restructure, there is a delay of two months. I am temporarily disabled. The sick leave was provided to the bank. What can be done in this situation?

7.1. Try asking for a credit holiday. Sberbank agrees to this, you will pay a very small, symbolic amount for some time.

8. Hello. Sberbank seized the card and savings book according to a writ of execution, a court decision, the recoverer is Yugoriya LLC. But only alimony payments go to the savings book. How to lift an arrest, where to go? There was no information from the bailiffs; there is no debt on the FSSP website.

8.1. Get a certificate from the bailiffs that alimony payments are being received there, and Yugoria is most likely the insurance company. They could issue a court order. order. You were not involved in the accident or flooding of the apartment.

8.2. Write an application addressed to the senior bailiff.

9. I had a debt to the Sberbank bank. Due to my difficult circumstances, I was unable to pay. I accidentally went to the bailiffs website and saw from my data that I owed 19,000 rubles. And recently a collector came to me and said that the case had been sold to them a long time ago and I owed 30,000 rubles. What is the correct amount and what should I pay?

9.1. You need to contact the bailiffs and find out the basis for initiating enforcement proceedings; if this is a court order, then it must be noted in accordance with Article 128-129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.
In the future, you need to contact a lawyer to sort out the amount of debt, because creditors charge inflated interest rates.

10. I filed for bankruptcy. According to the terms of the agreement, I stopped paying the loan to Sberbank. But yesterday evening vacation pay was credited to my card, and the bank wrote off all the overdue debt. Can I get my money back?

10.1. Hello, Elena
Most likely, in the agreement with Sberbank, there is a condition on the possibility of writing off debts from other client accounts opened with the bank.

10.2. It is not enough to submit an application; it is necessary that the application be recognized as justified; in addition, if you agreed to the direct debiting of funds, the bank is not obliged to monitor your bankruptcy

Home Documents Article 213.11. Consequences of the introduction of debt restructuring of a citizen
The document has been changed - see the "list" of changing documents
Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2018) “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 1, 2019)
""Article 213.11. Consequences of the introduction of debt restructuring of a citizen
(introduced by Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 N 154-FZ)

1. From the date of the arbitration court’s ruling recognizing the application for declaring a citizen bankrupt as justified and introducing the restructuring of his debts, a moratorium is introduced on satisfying the claims of creditors for monetary obligations, for the payment of mandatory payments, except for the cases provided for in this article.
""2. From the date the arbitration court issues a ruling recognizing as justified an application to declare a citizen bankrupt and introduce the restructuring of his debts, the following consequences occur:
"" the deadline for fulfilling the monetary obligations that arose before the arbitration court accepted the application for declaring a citizen bankrupt, the obligation to pay obligatory payments for the purposes of participation in the citizen's bankruptcy case is considered to have occurred;
""the demands of creditors for monetary obligations, for the payment of obligatory payments, with the exception of current payments, demands for recognition of ownership rights, for the recovery of property from someone else's illegal possession, for the invalidation of transactions and for the application of the consequences of invalidity of void transactions can be presented only in the manner established by this Federal Law. Claims that are not filed as part of a citizen’s bankruptcy case and are not considered by the court before the date of introduction of the restructuring of the citizen’s debts are subject to being left by the court without consideration after this date;
the accrual of penalties (fines, penalties) and other financial sanctions, as well as interest on all obligations of a citizen, with the exception of current payments, ceases;
Previously imposed arrests on the citizen’s property and other restrictions on the disposal of the citizen’s property are lifted. Seizures on a citizen’s property and other restrictions on the disposal of a citizen’s property can only be imposed in the process of a citizen’s bankruptcy case;
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated June 23, 2016 N 222-FZ)
the execution of enforcement documents on property penalties from a citizen is suspended, with the exception of enforcement documents on claims for compensation for harm caused to life or health, in cases of reclaiming property from someone else’s illegal possession, on eliminating obstacles to the ownership of the specified property, on recognition of the right of ownership of the specified property , on the collection of alimony, as well as on requests for foreclosure on mortgaged residential premises, if on the date of introduction of this procedure the creditor, who is the mortgagee, agreed to retain the mortgaged residential premises as part of enforcement proceedings in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 61 of the Federal Law dated July 16, 1998 N 102-FZ "On mortgage (real estate pledge)". The basis for suspending the execution of executive documents is a ruling by the arbitration court hearing a citizen’s bankruptcy case to recognize the application for declaring the citizen bankrupt as justified and to introduce restructuring of the citizen’s debts.
Agreements on a citizen’s refusal to prepare and submit a plan for restructuring his debts are void.
3. At the request of a creditor or financial manager, the arbitration court has the right to take measures to ensure the claims of creditors and the interests of the citizen in accordance with arbitration procedural legislation, including imposing a ban on the disposal of part of the citizen’s property, including a ban on holding auctions for the sale of the citizen’s property.
4. The introduction of restructuring of a citizen’s debts is the basis for the creditor’s unilateral refusal to fulfill an agreement providing for the citizen’s fulfillment of the claim of the specified creditor in non-monetary form. A unilateral refusal may be declared in the process of establishing the creditor’s claims against a citizen in his bankruptcy case.
""5. During the restructuring of a citizen’s debts, he can only make transactions or several interrelated transactions with the prior written consent of the financial manager:
on the acquisition, alienation or in connection with the possibility of alienation, directly or indirectly, of property, the value of which is more than fifty thousand rubles, real estate, securities, shares in the authorized capital and vehicles;
on obtaining and issuing loans, obtaining loans, issuing sureties and guarantees, assigning rights of claim, transferring debt, as well as establishing trust management of a citizen’s property;
(as amended by Federal Law dated June 23, 2016 N 222-FZ)

on the transfer of a citizen’s property as collateral.
If the citizen and the financial manager have disagreements regarding the execution of these transactions, they have the right to apply for resolution of such disagreements to the arbitration court hearing the citizen’s bankruptcy case.
From the date of introduction of the restructuring of a citizen’s debts, he has no right to contribute his property as a contribution or share contribution to the authorized capital or share fund of a legal entity, acquire shares (shares, shares) in the authorized (share) capital or share funds of legal entities, as well as make gratuitous for the citizen of the transaction.
The paragraph is no longer valid. - Federal Law of June 23, 2016 N 222-FZ.
(see text in the previous “edition”)
5.1. A citizen has the right to open a special bank account and dispose of funds placed on it without the consent of the financial manager. The amount of transactions performed by a citizen to manage funds placed in a special bank account cannot exceed fifty thousand rubles per month.
At the request of a citizen, the arbitration court has the right to increase the maximum amount of funds placed in a special bank account of the debtor, which the citizen has the right to dispose of on a monthly basis.
The debtor disposes of funds placed on other accounts (deposits) on the basis of the prior written consent of the financial manager.
If credit organizations carry out transactions on bank accounts and bank deposits of a citizen, including bank card accounts, in violation of the rules established by this paragraph, credit organizations can be held liable only if at the time of the operation the credit organization knew or should have was aware of the introduction of restructuring of a citizen's debts, taking into account paragraph 3 of Article 213.7 and paragraph eight of paragraph 8 of Article 213.9 of this Federal Law.
(clause 5.1 introduced by Federal Law dated June 23, 2016 N 222-FZ)
6. Lost power. - Federal Law of June 23, 2016 N 222-FZ.
(see text in the previous “edition”)

11. A relative used my data and received a loan in my name in the Sberbank online system. I learned about the debt to the bank later as I received notifications from the bank about the overdue debt. Still not knowing who the “villain” was, I filed a statement with the police. There they opened a criminal case under the article of fraud, they identified the relative who issued this loan and spent the money. Now the investigation believes that the victim is the bank, not me. The bank does not think so and continues to send me letters demanding repayment of the debt, which I did not receive. What should I do? Who is the victim in this situation, me or the bank?

11.1. You are both victims in the case. Damage was caused to the bank.
The damage has been caused to you by the presence of unfavorable information about you in the BKI.

11.2. In principle, the bank suffered property losses here. You are only moral hazard. If your relative is found guilty in this case, then the bank should not have any claims against you. Now you can contact the bank with a request to stop writing letters to you, because an investigation is underway... and set out all the details. But most likely they will not stop sending you letters.

12. 10 months ago I filed a lawsuit for the division of property and alimony and paid the state fee at the Sberbank department of 12,500 rubles. The claim was left without consideration, there was a refusal, there was a determination and return of all checks. How to return money for state duty at the moment. She then filed a lawsuit in the city court. Help me with advice on what needs to be done now!

12.1. You need to contact the tax office with the determination and checks. The fee will be refunded to you. You will need to indicate the account where the money will be transferred.

12.2. From what has been described it is impossible to understand the outcome of the claim. So what happened - the claim was left without consideration or your claim was denied? Please check.

13. Made a transfer of 100,000 rubles. according to Sberbank online, as an advance payment for an event that did not take place, tickets were not sold, no contracts were signed, only verbally, I asked to return the advance payment, they refused, calling it a penalty. What to do? Can I contact the prosecutor's office?

13.1. The prosecutor's office will not help, you need to recover the money through a claim procedure, are the details of where the money was transferred known?

14. I have a Sberbank card, and I have a loan debt of 20,000, I took it out in 2011, yesterday Sberbank received an SMS online that the account has been frozen for 5 years, the deposit has not been withdrawn, can you explain everything to me how they will withdraw it, etc.

14.1. Contact SBER and find out on what basis the account was seized.

14.2. Stepan, first you need to find out the basis for the arrest of the account. First you need to contact the bank by calling the hotline and find out about it. It would be a good idea to look at the database of enforcement proceedings on the bailiffs website. If there is a court decision, then the money received on the card will be automatically written off to pay the debt, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”.

15. I contacted the savings bank regarding the deposits of my deceased parents. I was told to go to the notary. There they told me that I had to come within six months after death, but several years had already passed. Now only through the court can this issue be resolved. But I inherited an apartment, the case is not closed yet. So what should I do?

15.1. The notary is wrong. Submit an official statement to him. Then appeal the refusal in court.

16. I paid in SSP through Sberbank online, but due to incorrect data they went to an account in their ministry, I wrote the application on May 15, 2019, when will the money be returned?

16.1. Did you pay the debt according to the details given to you by the bailiff or those specified in the resolution to initiate an individual entrepreneur? in any case, you need to submit a written request for this payment and not for a refund, but that they are transferred to fulfill the requirements of the writ of execution.

17. My father pays 50% of his pension to the Eastern Bank according to the writ of execution. Sberbank, where he also took out a loan and my mother acted as guarantor, also filed a claim for joint liability of both father and mother. The Eastern Bank takes half of my father's pension. Can Sberbank take half of the mother’s pension as a guarantor? And can this be avoided? Mother is 69 years old, father is 70

17.1. Not only can he, but he will definitely do it!

Especially if your mother’s pension account is opened in Sberbank.

Your mother needs to prepare in advance a Petition to the bailiff (or an application to the bank - if he wants to hold the bailiff) - Petition (Application) in accordance with Art. 446 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

18. The traffic police fine was issued for 3000 (there is information on the bailiffs website), and the amount of 4000 was issued to Sberbank. Why should I pay 1000 more?

18.1. The FSSP has charged you an enforcement fee in addition to the fine for late payment of the fine for enforcement proceedings.
Article 112. Enforcement fee

1. The enforcement fee is a monetary penalty imposed on the debtor in the event of his failure to comply with a writ of execution within the period established for the voluntary execution of a writ of execution, as well as in the event of his failure to comply with a writ of execution, subject to immediate execution, within 24 hours from the date of receipt of a copy of the bailiff’s decision - the executor on the initiation of enforcement proceedings. The performance fee is credited to the federal budget.
2. The enforcement fee is established by the bailiff after the expiration of the period specified in Part 1 of this article, if the debtor has not provided the bailiff with evidence that the execution was impossible due to force majeure, that is, extraordinary and unpreventable circumstances under the given conditions. The bailiff's decision to collect the enforcement fee is approved by the senior bailiff.
(as amended by Federal Law dated July 18, 2011 N 225-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
3. The enforcement fee is established in the amount of seven percent of the amount subject to collection or the value of the property being recovered, but not less than one thousand rubles from a debtor-citizen or a debtor-individual entrepreneur and ten thousand rubles from a debtor-organization. In the event of non-execution of an enforcement document of a non-property nature, the enforcement fee from a debtor-citizen or a debtor-individual entrepreneur is established in the amount of five thousand rubles, from a debtor-organization - fifty thousand rubles.

19. The husband (combatant) lost the case in court as a plaintiff, now Sberbank is demanding that the paid state duty be recovered through the court. Should the husband pay for it?

19.1. Yes, when a court makes a ruling on the issue of collecting state fees.

19.2. You will have to pay a fee if you have anything.

19.3. Dear Margarita Igorevna! By virtue of Art. Art. 88, 98 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, your husband must reimburse the bank for the paid state duty.
"Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation" dated November 14, 2002 N 138-FZ. Article 88. Legal costs. Court costs consist of state fees and costs associated with the consideration of the case.
Article 98. Distribution of legal costs between the parties. The court orders the party in whose favor the court decision to reimburse the other party for all legal expenses incurred in the case, except for the cases provided for in part two of Article 96 of this Code. If the claim is partially satisfied, the legal costs specified in this article are awarded to the plaintiff in proportion to the amount of the claims satisfied by the court, and to the defendant in proportion to the part of the claims that were denied to the plaintiff.

20. Sberbank withheld the child benefit on account of the overdue loan. I know that I had no right to do this. Within what time frame is he obliged to return them? I wrote a statement.

20.1. There is no time limit for indicating the time of commission of illegal actions, but you can proceed from 7 days.
In cases where the obligation does not provide for a deadline for its fulfillment and does not contain conditions allowing to determine this period, as well as in cases where the deadline for fulfilling the obligation is determined by the moment of demand, the obligation must be fulfilled within seven days from the date the creditor submits a demand for its fulfillment ,

20.2. They must return it within a reasonable time - as soon as possible.

21. The question is that I accidentally transferred money to a person by phone number through Sberbank online, but his old work card was linked to the number and it was seized by the bailiffs)) I went straight to the Sberbank branch, they blocked the card, the money was not yet in the account but While they were dragging their feet with their applications for relief, the money went into the account, as they said, we blocked the card, but the account didn’t. and the owner of the card agreed to stop the operation and return the money to me)) in general, I received an answer that the money would not be returned to me.

21.1. Sergey, collect money from the payee. In my opinion, it will not be possible to collect it from the bank. It will not be possible to prove a violation of your rights.

22. I owed money to Sberbank, took the card, didn’t pay for 5 years, how much can they now withdraw from the salary from the card to pay off the debt and what to do if they withdraw the entire salary?

22.1. Good evening, Alexander!

According to Part 2 of Article 99 of the “Law on Enforcement Proceedings”, when foreclosure is applied to the debtor’s wages, the amount of deductions cannot exceed 50% of the wages.

If the above amount is debited from the card, you have the right to write a complaint against the actions of the bailiff within 10 days from the moment you learned or should have learned about the action or inaction of the bailiffs, as a result of which your rights were violated.
You can file a complaint in the order of subordination, that is, to the chief bailiff who is handling your enforcement proceedings or to the court.

23. A problem has arisen: Sberbank has seized the pension card on which the survivor’s pension comes; these funds are the only source of income for the family; does the bank have the right to seize such an account?

23.1. Has the right according to the order of the bailiff. And the bailiff doesn’t know what the account is. The bailiffs need to provide a certificate that the account is a pension account.

24. An SMS was received from number 900 (Sberbank). Your credit debt 9... dated September 17, 2018 was transferred to the on-site collection group. Please do not leave your locality and stay at home after 18:00. The amount of debt is 13,030.86 rubles. Phone number to contact an employee +7912... Sberbank.
What to do and what to do? I took out a loan of 520,000, a friend needed money urgently, he promised to pay everything in half a year against a receipt, but in the end he gave me a penny and said that there was no money. According to the receipt, more than half a year has passed. There is no point in taking him to court, as I later found out, he has no property and does not work officially.

24.1. Hello Dmitry! Send to the creditor a partial withdrawal of personal data, withdrawal of consent to interact with third parties, refusal to interact (if the delay is more than 4 months), a request for the destruction of personal data that is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, refusal to execute the interaction agreement. Your case will be withdrawn from the collectors, all calls and SMS will stop, both to you and to third parties, no one will come to your home.

Whether or not to communicate with anyone is up to you to decide.

Calls to work and other methods of disseminating information about your debt at your place of work are prohibited by 230-FZ, regardless of the consent of the debtor.

A complaint about unlawful actions of debt collectors must be sent to the FSSP.

There is also an interesting option for protecting consumer rights, which, under certain conditions, will make it possible to prevent an unscrupulous creditor from entering the debt collection court and punish him with rubles.

27. What can be done to prevent Sberbank from confiscating a car purchased and registered in 2018, if this car has been pledged to the bank since 2012 and has since changed 2 more owners in 2013 and 2014. What does the second owner have to do with it? I got into an accident and then got rid of the car. All three buyers were registered with the traffic police and the question of a ban on the sale never arose. None of the buyers knew that the car was pledged.

27.1. Claim for recognition as a bona fide purchaser!

There are nuances.

27.2. Elena Leonidovna, you need to go to court. It's not you who owes the loan.

Every person in his life repeatedly encounters situations that cannot be resolved without the help of a professional lawyer, since a competent and thoughtful approach to solving the problem is already half the success. But it is difficult for a simple average citizen to independently understand all the legal intricacies and resolve this or that issue without outside help. The only way out of the situation is to use the services of a professional lawyer who has the appropriate education and sufficient experience in resolving such issues.

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Neither ordinary people nor entrepreneurs, who often face difficult circumstances that only a professional can deal with, can do without qualified legal assistance. You can add another position to the staffing table, but not every entrepreneur can afford such a luxury in the person of a personal lawyer. Therefore, the services of freelance lawyers are in increasing demand every day. But finding highly qualified specialists who will provide the necessary services at the highest level is very difficult.

Sberbank solved this problem and launched a special “Personal Lawyer” program, which allows all bank clients to receive qualified legal assistance from leading specialists in various fields of law at any time of the day or night.

How the program works and its advantages

To activate the service, you only need to buy a certificate online on the official website of Sberbank and you can enjoy the benefits of this program for twelve months, which are as follows:

  1. Convenience. There is no longer any need to waste precious time looking for a good specialist who can help solve the problem.
  2. 24/7 support. Participants in Sberbank’s Personal Lawyer program can seek advice and assistance from specialists at any convenient time. Lawyers work around the clock and on weekends and holidays.
  3. Simplicity and accessibility. There is no need to pay for each consultation and legal service provided separately. You pay for a certificate once a year and don’t think about the financial side of this issue.
  4. There are no time limits. If the issue is too difficult and the client needs a lot of time to understand the situation and understand all the legal subtleties, the lawyer will work with him until the client is satisfied. Specialists work for results, and do not keep track of time spent.

How to activate the service for individuals

To take part in the program, you must:

  1. Carefully read the terms and tariff plans of the current program.
  2. Assess your needs for legal assistance.
  3. Choose the optimal tariff.
  4. Connect to the program.
  5. Remit payment.
  6. Take advantage of all the benefits of the Personal Lawyer program, which are included in the selected service package.

When you may need the help of a lawyer

Citizens may need consultation and practical advice from a specialist in the most unpredictable life situations, but most often individuals resort to the services of lawyers when:

  • the client wants to restore justice and punish medical workers who did not provide high-quality and timely medical care to him or his family and friends;
  • participants in shared construction want to punish the developer for failing to deliver the house on time and violating the terms of the building permit;
  • there is a need to register an accident and compensation for damage to the victim is required;
  • when it is necessary to accept an inheritance or consult on the topic of a will and receiving an inheritance;
  • the neighbors above have flooded and the help of lawyers is needed to formalize this unpleasant incident properly, in order to then recover from the culprit the damage caused by the flooding;
  • the client decided to buy an apartment by transfer and needs advice and consultation from a specialist in this field and many other life situations.

Tariffs for individuals

The contents of the service package for individuals and legal entities may differ depending on the selected tariff plan. There are four tariffs in total, from which everyone can choose the most suitable one specifically for their case:

  1. "Base".
  2. "Premier".
  3. "Entrepreneur".
  4. "Business".

Table. Tariff plans and service packages for the Personal Lawyer program from Sberbank.

Services/Tariff plan"Base""Premier""Entrepreneur""Business"
Service of clarification of the legal meaning of a document4 times during the validity period of the certificate (1 year)6 times12 times
Providing advice orally+ + + +
+ + + +
Consultation in writing+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
Consulting on IP issues+ + +
+ + +
Conducting written consultations in relation to individuals and individual entrepreneurs4 times during the validity period of the certificate10 times during the validity period of the certificate12 times during the validity period of the certificate
4 times during the validity period of the certificate
Consulting on changes in legislation and their clarification3 times during the validity period of the certificate6 times during the validity period of the certificate
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
Providing the specified range of services according to the selected tariff to the client’s family members+ +
+ + +
Possibility to add some family members to the service (up to 3 people in total)Yes (+ 1 thousand rubles additional)Yes (+ 2.5 thousand rubles additional)Yes (free)Yes (free)
Certificate cost2 thousand rubles4 thousand rubles7.4 thousand rubles11.4 thousand rubles

What types of services can legal entities receive?

The “Personal Lawyer” service provides the following services to clients (legal entities) of Sberbank:

  • consultations in oral and written form on any legal issues;
  • preparation and assistance in business negotiations;
  • assistance in drafting, processing and filling out official papers and other documents;
  • assistance in preparing for court proceedings.

You can consult with a lawyer on an issue of interest in any form convenient for the client:

  • by telephone (oral form);
  • online through a special application form on the official website (written form);
  • via chat or messenger in a mobile application (written form);
  • via Skype (oral form).

Attention! Lawyers of the Personal Lawyer program can provide assistance in preparing for the trial, but they do not appear in court themselves. For this purpose, you must use the services of a lawyer.

In what situations might you need help?

The following situations may be reasons for contacting a “Personal Lawyer” for entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs:

  • during legal proceedings, the legal entity’s claim was satisfied by the court, but the defendant refuses to comply with the court decision;
  • the counterparty has a debt to the company, which he refuses to repay or evades payment, and the company’s management wants to hold the debtor accountable and collect from him what he owes along with the amount of moral compensation;
  • the entrepreneur needed an explanation of all the subtleties and nuances of tax legislation;
  • an individual wants to open his own business or register an individual entrepreneur, but does not know where to start and how to do it all legally;
  • the company is reorganizing or merging with another company and the manager needs to formalize everything properly;
  • a legal entity intends to refund VAT or return overpaid tax payments;
  • all property and assets of the enterprise have been arrested, and the management does not agree with this court decision and intends to restore justice at any cost;
  • the company is facing arbitration proceedings;
  • registration of bankruptcy and liquidation of the enterprise, etc.

How to activate the service for legal entities

To purchase a “Personal Lawyer” certificate, you must:

  1. Go to the official website
  2. Click the “Buy certificate” button.
  3. Then you need to choose the optimal tariff plan.
  4. And click on the “Buy” button.
  5. Next, a page will open with a form that you need to fill out.
  6. You must provide personal information (full name, telephone number, Taxpayer Identification Number, etc.), as well as information about the legal entity.
  7. At the bottom of the questionnaire page, you must select a payment method for the certificate - debiting funds from a business card or issuing an invoice to an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

Tariff plans for entrepreneurs

There are three tariff plans for legal entities:

  1. "Entrepreneur Light".
  2. "Entrepreneur".
  3. "Business".

Table. Package of services and tariff plans according to the “Personal Lawyer” program for legal entities.

Services/Tariff plan"Entrepreneur light""Entrepreneur""Business"
+ + +
Service of clarification of the legal meaning of the document (number of times during the validity period of the certificate, per year)1 6 12
Providing assistance in the preparation, preparation and completion of official documents3 times a year+ +
Conducting written consultations in relation to individuals and individual entrepreneurs (number of times per year)2 10 12
+ + +
Possibility of making calls by a lawyer on behalf of a client+ + +
Providing assistance in drawing up a contract or providing a recommended document template+ + +
Consulting on changes in legislation and their clarification (number of times per year)1 3 6
Objective assessment of the chances of winning the trial (judicial perspective)1 time per year+ +
Attaching a personal manager to the client and having a dedicated hotline 8,800+ + +
Providing advisory assistance in the event of unforeseen circumstances abroad+ +
Assistance in checking the reliability of the counterparty+ +
Consulting third parties at the request of the client+ +
Possibility to appoint an official representative who will be provided with legal assistance according to the “Personal Lawyer” program in favor of the client+ +
Maximum allowed number of client representatives3 3
Written response and conclusion on issues related to launching business projects4 times a year
Providing legal assistance and advice on issues related to European countries (legal service "Europe")+
Amount of discount on legal services,%5 10 15
Certificate cost2.5 thousand rubles.7.4 thousand rubles.11.4 thousand rubles.

  • blocking a payment card if it is lost;
  • blocking access to the Sberbank Online and Mobile Banking systems;
  • obtaining information about completed operations;
  • setting up payment card security parameters when traveling abroad;
  • acceptance of comments and suggestions regarding the quality of service.

Good afternoon, Igor! You need to send a written request to the bank in order to clarify the situation regarding the debiting of funds from your cards. Who, when, what amount and on what basis were the funds written off? In general, given the situation, you can be sure that based on the documents from the bailiffs, you can write off funds without warning the debtor, but in this case, in my opinion, there can be no talk of writing them off as a so-called “minus”.

Sberbank lawyers phone number

Sberbank provides its clients with the opportunity to receive all the necessary information, advice and support by calling a toll-free hotline. Free hotline numbers are indicated in each Sberbank branch. At the moment, the bank has introduced a single hotline number, allowing a person from any region to receive the maximum possible assistance by calling 8 800 555 5550.

This phone number was given to Sberbank Russia, Prokhorovka, Belgorod region, to find out when I can come to collect my daughter’s pension by proxy, which is already at the bank and is being verified—but he doesn’t answer……… is this phone number 8 800 770 700, please give me the phone number I can call you or answer when you can come and collect my pension and receive it. Coming from another city... it’s far away. There’s no point in going just like that. I have problems with my legs. We ran out of money to buy medicine to continue treatment.

Free hotline: Sberbank support phone number

Since there are quite a lot of people who want to watch the consultation, sometimes the Sberbank hotline is overloaded and the answering machine offers to wait for the operator’s response. However, some issues can be resolved using tone dialing mode. If the bank’s hotline is busy for a long time, the system will offer to solve the problem using an auto-informer. The system will prompt you to dial a number in tone dialing mode, depending on the service or question you are interested in. Perhaps this approach will solve your problem.

Your Sberbank

The telephone numbers where you can get advice from Sberbank specialists are as follows: 8 800 555 5550 And +7 495 500 5550 .You can use these numbers to call from absolutely any region of the country, and at the same time, no money will be debited from your mobile account, regardless of the duration of the call. In the event that you need to access the services of the Sberbank hotline from abroad, the operator will withdraw funds from your current balance in accordance with the current conditions of the tariff plan you have connected.

Sberbank lawyer hotline

Moscow and St. Petersburg (Open Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia"), Republic of Adygea (Maikop), Altai Territory (Barnaul), Amur Region (Blagoveshchensk), Arkhangelsk Region (Arkhangelsk, Koryazhma, Kotlas), Astrakhan Region (Astrakhan), Belgorod region (Belgorod, Stary Oskol, Gubkin), Bryansk region (Bryansk, Klintsy, Novozybkov), Republic of Buryatia (Ulan-Ude), Vladimir region (Vladimir, Kovrov, Murom, Alexandrov, Gus-Khrustalny), Volgograd region (Volgograd), Vologda region (Vologda, Cherepovets, Babaevo), Voronezh region (Voronezh, Borisoglebsk, Rossosh, Liski), Republic of Dagestan (Makhachkala), Jewish Autonomous Okrug (Birobidzhan), Transbaikal region (Chita), Ivanovo region (Ivanovo), Republic of Ingushetia (Magas ), Irkutsk region (Irkutsk), Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Nalchik), Kaliningrad region (Kaliningrad, Sovetsk, Chernyakhovsk, Baltiysk), Republic of Kalmykia (Elista), Kaluga region (Kaluga, Obninsk), Kamchatka Territory (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Elizovo ), Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Cherkessk), Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Kostomuksha, Segezha), Kemerovo Region (Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Mezhdurechensk), Kirov Region (Kirov, Kirovo-Chepetsk, Vyatskie Polyany) , Komi Republic (Syktyvkar, Ukhta, Vorkuta, Pechora), Kostroma region (Kostroma, Bui, Sharya), Krasnodar region (Krasnodar, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Armavir), Krasnoyarsk region (Krasnoyarsk), Kurgan region (Kurgan), Kursk region ( Kursk, Zheleznogorsk, Kurchatov and other cities), Leningrad region (Gatchina, Vyborg, Sosnovy Bor, Vsevolozhsk and other settlements in the region), Lipetsk region (Lipetsk, Yelets), Magadan region (Magadan), Republic of Mari El (Yoshkar-Ola) , Republic of Mordovia (Saransk), Moscow region (Odintsovo, Sergiev Posad, Ramenskoye, Lyubertsy, Krasnogorsk, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo), Murmansk region (Murmansk, Apatity, Severomorsk, Monchegorsk, Kandalaksha, Kirovsk), Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Naryan-Mar), Nizhny Novgorod region (Nizhny Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk, Arzamas, Sarov), Novgorod region (Veliky Novgorod, Borovichi, Valdai), Novosibirsk region (Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Iskitim, Kuibyshev), Omsk region (Omsk), Orenburg region (Orenburg), Oryol region (Oryol, Livny, Mtsensk), Penza region (Penza), Perm region (Perm), Primorsky region (Vladivostok), Pskov region (Pskov, Velikiye Luki), Altai Republic (Gorno-Altaisk), Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk, Oktyabrsky), Rostov region (Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Shakhty, Novocherkassk), Ryazan region (Ryazan, Kasimov, Skopin), Samara region (Samara, Togliatti), Saratov region (Saratov), ​​Sakhalin region ( Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Korsakov, Kholmsk, Okha), Sverdlovsk region (Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky, Pervouralsk, Serov, Novouralsk), Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (Vladikavkaz), Smolensk region (Smolensk, Vyazma, Roslavl), Stavropol region (Stavropol), Tambov region (Tambov, Michurinsk, Rasskazovo), Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan), Tver region (Tver, Rzhev, Vyshny Volochyok), Tomsk region (Tomsk, Seversk, Strezhevoy), Tula region (Tula, Novomoskovsk, Donskoy ), Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl), Tyumen Region (Tyumen), Udmurt Republic (Izhevsk, Sarapul, Votkinsk, Glazov), Ulyanovsk Region (Ulyanovsk), Khabarovsk Territory (Khabarovsk), Republic of Khakassia (Abakan), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (Khanty-Mansiysk), Chelyabinsk region (Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Zlatoust, Miass, Kopeysk), Chechen Republic (Grozny), Chuvashia (Cheboksary), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Anadyr), Republic of Sakha (Yakutsk), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Salekhard) and Yaroslavl region (Yaroslavl).

Sberbank hotline number 8800

  • 1 – to block and unblock the card in case of theft, loss, or if it is “swallowed” by an ATM;
  • 2 – card balance – you will need to enter the plastic number, press the # key;
  • 3 – all issues related to servicing individual clients (payments, deposits, transfers, loans, etc.);
  • 4 – servicing legal entities;
  • 5 – all questions regarding the Thank You promotion (activation, balance check, places where bonuses are accepted and where you can pay with them, etc.).

Loan from Sberbank

All important information about the products and services of Sberbank PJSC is publicly available on their official website. But sometimes a client just needs to consult on some controversial issues directly with a call center consultant. What phone numbers can I call the Help Desk and what kind of assistance can I get? Let's look at the main situations.

Sberbank of Russia: 24/7 Sberbank hotline

There are often doubts about whether or not to call the hotline; many clients consider their problems “stupid” and as a result, they then have to sort them out for a very long time. Some problems, such as whether a card is stolen or lost, can have serious financial consequences. Situations for which you need to contact the hotline:

Sberbank hotline

The Sberbank hotline operates around the clock. Using its services, you can obtain information on the following issues: credit conditions, bank cards, Internet banking, mobile banking applications, SMS notifications, addresses of bank branches and ATMs.

Sberbank: hotline

To provide 24/7 customer support, Sberbank has created a hotline. Support specialists provide consultations, help regular customers obtain any information on the card and make transactions using it remotely, and also advise potential customers about bank products and current promotions.

Sberbank Business Online technical support: hotline phone number

Using Sberbank Business Online gives entrepreneurs and organizations a lot of opportunities. Thanks to this service, in 2019 it becomes possible to conduct financial activities remotely and at any time of the day. But situations often arise that require specialist advice. In this case, Sberbank Business Online technical support for legal entities will come to the rescue, whose telephone number should be known to every user of the service.

A Sberbank expert answers your questions

For more than three weeks now I have been waiting for the activation of my personal account in Sberbank Partner Online. All documents requested by employee Brandukova Elena Alexandrovna (Department for work with partners of the Moscow Bank PJSC Sberbank, tel: 8-915-478-27-61, address: Moscow, Oruzheyny lane, 41) were sent by email .

How to contact a Sberbank support operator

  • if you urgently need to block a lost or stolen card;
  • if you are interested in the balance of any of your cards;
  • for individuals (information about mortgage and other types of lending, deposits and accounts, the operation of the Sberbank Online Personal Account, Mobile Bank, etc.), if you then press 0, you will be connected to an employee;
  • for legal entities (for example, working with Sberbank Business Online), press next 0 and proceed to communicate with a Sberbank employee.

Yesterday I received an SMS about the arrest of my account. Today I called Sberbank and they said that the arrest had not been imposed. How is this possible. Moreover, both my husband and I received the same SMS and for the same amount

How to withdraw money from a relative in a savings bank without his participation?

Hello! My father is elderly, ill, has savings in a savings bank, he won’t be able to go to the savings bank with his money, he doesn’t go. What is needed so that I can receive and withdraw my dad’s savings?

How to return loan insurance if it has already been paid in full?

Hello! In March 2014, I took out a loan from Sberbank. For a period of 2 years. When issuing the loan, an amount was withheld for connecting to the voluntary deposit insurance program, compensation for the Bank’s expenses for paying the insurance premium to the insurer....

How much compensation should I expect from Sberbank for breach of confidentiality?

Data about my accounts got to a third-party client without my knowledge due to a data entry error by the Sberbank operator

Problem with Sberbank under Federal Law 115

Hello! my name is Julia. I am an individual entrepreneur, having a current account with the Security Service of Russia and personal debit cards from this bank, I encountered a problem. When using a salary project linked to a current account for legal entities, I displayed...

700 price

the issue is resolved

Seizure of the Sberbank card where unemployment benefits are received

I am registered with the Employment Center as unemployed, they transferred a benefit to my Sberbank card, which is currently blocked by the SSP for tax debts. How can I get this benefit?

Can a bank refuse to accept a written application for a refund of insurance money?


September 27, 2016, 04:35, question No. 1389324 MARINA, Prokopyevsk

Sberbank credit card fraud

A Sberbank employee acted fraudulently, namely in my name he issued a credit card in the amount of 150,000 rubles. There was a trial, they found her guilty, and she paid 150,000 according to the individual entrepreneur. But! I don’t have a loan agreement in my hands, I wrote an application to Sberbank about...

Is it possible to restructure a Sberbank credit card?

Is it possible to make an installment plan to pay off a debt on a Sberbank credit card? The debt is small. about 60 thousand, but at the moment I am unemployed, I was laid off and now I have nothing to pay with. I contacted Sberbank, they answered that using a credit card...

Seizure of Sberbank card

Hello. The bank filed a lawsuit, the decision was made to transfer the writ of execution to the bailiffs. The bailiffs seized the Sberbank card and completed the enforcement proceedings Art. 46 part 1 point 4. But the card remained seized. What...

How to unlock your Sberbank Oilline personal account?

I can’t reach you because my phone is in debt.

I am Semenova Tatyana Sergeevna, born on March 23, 1984, passport series 0404 896103, I reissued the card, the one that was blocked due to the loss of the card. Withdrawal of the remaining amount operation... 21 May 2016, 19:12, question No. 1259885

Semenova Tatyana Sergeevna, Krasnoyarsk

Sberbank services for bank cards

Hello! I recently issued a Sberbank debit card; I previously used similar services from another bank. When using the Sberbank-online system, I was surprised to not find such a basic function as the ability to find out from whom on my...

Businessmen will be able to consult Sberbank around the clock. Now they can receive not only loans, but also legal assistance.

On average, twelve times a year a bank client encounters situations where consultation with a qualified lawyer is necessary. Few people can afford to constantly maintain a personal lawyer, but now everyone can ensure that they are available at the right time

The director of the “Special Solutions” division of Sberbank, Alexandra Altukhova, noted.

​Reasons to contact a “Personal Lawyer”

  • You or your family received poor quality medical care
  • It is necessary to file an accident and compensate for the damage
  • Your neighbor flooded you and you are going to recover damages
  • Do you want to collect a penalty from the builders for the delay of the project?
  • You need to register an inheritance or find out the procedure for receiving it
  • And many other life situations- from paperwork to disagreements with the employer

Options available in all tariffs

  • Oral consultations
  • Assistance in negotiations
  • Written consultation
  • Call from a lawyer on your behalf
  • Consultations in case of unforeseen situations abroad
  • Recommended contract model

​How to consult

  • Orally by phone
  • In writing via the contact form on the website
  • In mobile app chat or messenger
  • On Skype

Tariffs for the service Personal lawyer from Sberbank

Basic tariff

The simplest tariff is “Basic”. It includes only 4 written consultations regarding individuals and individual entrepreneurs per year.

Package cost: 2000 rubles per year.

Premier tariff

In addition to the services included in the Basic package, the services “legal clarification of the document” 4 times a year are added here, as well as consultation on individual entrepreneurs and instructions for drawing up documents. In addition, this includes: an assessment of the judicial prospects, the appointment of a representative from the client, a personal manager and a dedicated 8-800 line.

Package cost: 4000 rubles per year.

Tariff Entrepreneur

In this package, the number of written consultations is increased to 10 times a year. The package includes everything that is included in the Premier Plus package: review of legislative changes 3 times a year, verification of counterparties, consultations regarding third parties, service for the family.

Package cost: 7400 rubles per year.

Tariff Business

This is the maximum package within the “Personal Lawyer” service from Sberbank. This includes the maximum number of options: legal clarification of the document up to 12 times a year, consultation on individual entrepreneurs, instructions for drawing up documents, written consultations up to 12 times a year, written conclusion on launching a business project up to 4 times a year, review of legislative changes up to 6 times per year, verification of counterparties, assessment of judicial prospects, legal service "Europe", consultations regarding third parties, appointment of a representative from the client, service for the family, personal manager and dedicated line 8-800.

Package cost: 11,400 rubles per year.

Choose a tariff that suits you, depending on your needs, and be legally calm.


Do I definitely not have to pay anything else after paying for the certificate?

You don’t have to: you pay for the service for a year in advance and use it without any additional payments.

If I consult repeatedly, will I have to re-explain the essence of my problem each time?

You can always continue consultations on your matter with the same lawyer who advised you previously. Even if the lawyer changes, he will be aware of your problem: we store the history of requests and documents.

I don't understand the laws well. What if I can’t correctly understand a lawyer’s advice after a consultation?

Our goal is not just to give advice, but to really help you. Therefore, we are ready to explain as much as necessary - the time for consulting a lawyer is not limited.

Will your lawyers go to court with me?

Unfortunately, we will not be able to do this. But we will prepare you for the trial.

How is the competence of your lawyers confirmed?

First of all, experience: our lawyers have already provided more than 3 million legal consultations in all areas of law.