General producer house 2 alexei mikhailovsky age. "He left to build love": the general producer of "Dom-2" Mikhailovsky dropped the project for the sake of his beloved

General producer house 2 alexei mikhailovsky age.
General producer house 2 alexei mikhailovsky age. "He left to build love": the general producer of "Dom-2" Mikhailovsky dropped the project for the sake of his beloved

In recent months, rumors about the departure of Alexei Mikhailovsky, the general producer of the longest-running television reality show in Russia, Dom-2, have been circulating constantly. The reasons were various, but Mikhailovsky himself continued to work. "360" figured out why the "godfather" of the popular show decided to retire.

On December 25, the host of the project Olga Buzova on her Instagram published a photo of the producer with his wife, noting that she wants to dispel all speculation and, finally, tell about the true reasons for Mikhailovsky's departure.

My dears, for a long time there were various rumors about the departure of our general producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. I would like to dispel all speculation. Lesha was and will remain a mentor and friend for all of us. For me, he was 13 years old as a second dad. But, he decided to go further and do everything to arrange his happiness. He and Natasha Varvina have big personal plans.

Olga Buzova.

She also noted that she wishes the couple love and happiness, and advised fans of reality not to believe the rumors.

Natalia is from Volgograd. Before joining the Dom-2 project, she managed to get a higher education at the Volgograd State Technical University with a degree in finance and credit. But, despite such a serious education, she always strived for something else - she was more attracted to show business in all its manifestations. Varvina's debut on television took place in her hometown, where she tried to work as a TV presenter.

In the photo - Natalya Varvina with her husband

Having got to the Dom-2 project in 2007, she was never able to build a strong relationship with any of the project participants, if she had novels, they were all short-lived. In 2011, Natalia left the project, but not from the structure of the reality show. Serious relationships and changes in her personal life were waiting for her after leaving the show. The producer of the scandalous TV show became her chosen one Alexey Mikhailovsky... Long time future husband of Natalia Varvina hid that he, a married man at that time, had an affair with a former participant in his show.

For the first time they appeared together at the birthday party of the leading TV show Olga Buzova, and from that moment everyone learned that Natalia's personal life was not going so badly. As it turned out later, her romance with the producer began at the time when she was listed among the participants in "House-2". Feeling such solid support behind her back, Natalya Varvina began to behave defiantly, which is why her relationship with Ksenia Borodina finally deteriorated. It turns out that Mikhailovsky long ago began promoting his young mistress to the hosts of the project, but the TNT channel management decided that she was not suitable for this role.

In the photo - the husband of Natalia Varvina

After leaving the project, Natasha's career went uphill - after a while she became a concert director, her romance with Mikhailovsky, which led them to the wedding, also gained momentum. The husband of Natalya Varvina, before his close acquaintance with her, was married to Vaselina Mikhailovskaya, the director of the show "Dom-2". Even the presence of a child with Alexei and Vaselina did not deter Natalya from having an affair with him and eventually taking him out of the family.

Finally, Natalya Varvina and Alexei Mikhailovsky openly announced their relationship. Today, June 2, the wedding of the former participant of the project, Varvina, and the producer of Dom-2, Mikhailovsky, took place. As it turned out, Natasha and Alexey registered an official marriage more than a year ago, but they did not advertise this event anywhere. The spouses did not widely announce the wedding ceremony, the event was closed, random people were not present at the celebration. The fact that Varvina and Mikhailovsky got married became known from Natalia's official group.

The love story of the impregnable blonde and the producer of the scandalous project has been going on for many years. In fact, Varvina took Mikhailovsky away from the family.

Natalya started an affair with Mikhailovsky, who was married at that time, while still a participant in a rating reality show. It is rumored that a close relationship with an influential organizer of the project reflected on Natalia's behavior in the team not in the best way. Varvina did not miss the opportunity to hint not only to household members, but also to those leading on her special status. Rumor has it that it was because of Natasha's arrogance that her friendly communication with Ksenia Borodina ended.

According to available information, Mikhailovsky a year ago actively promoted Varvina to the leading House-2. There was even a new screensaver for the broadcasts, where the image was added to the drawn images of Ksenia Borodina and Olga Buzova Natalia Varvina. True, the television career of the purposeful Natalya never began, since the management of the TNT channel did not approve of Mikhailovsky's initiative to make his young wife the third leading project.

Again, according to unconfirmed information so far, now Natalya Varvina is in the early stages of pregnancy, so the spouses decided to legalize their relationship not only in a state institution, but also in the heavenly office. Some former participants in the scandalous project were invited to the solemn wedding ceremony of Varvina and Mikhailovsky: Vlad Kadoni, Olga Nikolaeva (Sun), Roman Tretyakov, Elena Bushina.

Photos from the wedding of Natalia Varvina and Alexei Mikhailovsky:

She is one of the brightest former participants in the TNT channel project, who won the hearts of viewers with her beauty and prudence. The whole country watched the girl's life for almost four years. And even after leaving the TV set, they do not stop discussing it. It is known that Natalya Varvina after the project broke up the family of the famous producer of the TV show, in which she participated.

short biography

Natalia was born on November 23, 1982 in Volgograd. After the death of her mother, the girl was raised by her father. Natalia has an older brother and a younger sister. From a very young age, the girl was fond of dancing and active sports. After graduating from a technical university, she worked as a presenter on local television. The girl even then realized that she wanted to start a career as an actress, and went to auditions in Moscow.

Life on a TV set

Natalia got to the reality show in 2007, having tried her luck to build a relationship with the most popular participant at that time. But no matter how the girl tried to attract the attention of a man, she did not succeed. Natalia stayed on the project to look for her love. But many novels ended in tragic breaks.

Varvina was distinguished by some cold-bloodedness towards men, therefore, in the status of a loner, she spent more than one year on the project, until she decided to leave the TV set of her own free will. This came as a real shock to the fans of the show. After the project, Natalya Varvina said that she did not regret her decision at all and “House 2” was an important step in her life.

Love affair at work

Natalia Varvina after the project (her photo could often be seen on the Internet) was not lonely for long. Fans noticed how much everything has changed in her life. Natalia Varvina has changed a lot after the project. Stylish hairstyle and makeup, as well as the girl's noticeably slimmer body, indicated that Varvina was not at all alone. As it turned out, the girl left the project for a reason, but at the suggestion of a young man. It turned out to be the producer of the reality show The Lovers hid their relationship for a long time, this is not surprising, because the producer was married at that time.

The girl often mentioned in interviews that she finally met the man of her dreams, but did not disclose her name and details. After the project, Natalya Varvina began working behind the scenes of the famous show. At work, she often crossed paths with the producer of the show, and colleagues began to notice that their communication grew into something more every day. When the affair with Natalia was discovered, the man immediately divorced his wife. It should be noted that this novel caused a storm of indignation and condemnation from the fans. The viewers accused Natalia of the fact that the girl, knowingly knowing that the man was married, without a twinge of conscience destroyed the family.


Friends and acquaintances of the famous couple even made bets on how long this whirlwind romance would last. To everyone's surprise, Mikhailovsky made a marriage proposal to the girl. Natalia gladly agreed. The girl has long dreamed of a beloved man and strong family ties. Being religious, Natalya insisted on the wedding, to which her husband readily agreed. It is worth noting that Mikhailovsky did not take such a step with his ex-wife.

After the wedding, the life of the young people became closed to the prying eyes of fans, but they often appear together at various events and post photos on social networks. The spouses do not think about children yet, and rumors that Natalya Varvina gave birth after the project remain rumors.

Despite the fact that the girl enjoys a happy family life, she does not stop there. The girl's desire to make her dream come true and become an actress is in the first place. She is already actively participating in auditions for various roles. She starred in several films. After the project, Natalya Varvina is actively interested in the life of the show participants. After all, now she is no longer a participant in the famous TV show, but with the creator of the show.

This blonde "Thumbelina", whose height is a little taller than one and a half meters, gained fame on the "Dom-2" project, where she tried to build love for 3.5 years.

Natalya Varvina was born in November 1982 in the city of Volgograd. In the family, together with Natalya, two more children were growing up - the younger sister Olga and the older brother Sasha.

After the death of my mother, the Varvins family moved from the noisy Volgograd to the small town of Volzhsky. From a young age, Natalya was engaged in choreography. The girl began to attend a dance club at the age of 12 and in general turned out to be an active teenager. The girl had an active rest: she skated on rollers, skis and skates.

After graduating from secondary school, Natalya Varvina went to Volgograd, where she entered the university. The girl chose the specialty "Finance and Credit". But, having received a university diploma, she got a job on local television, where she was a TV presenter for some time.

"House 2"

At the popular youth show, a miniature blonde (Natalia's height is 153 cm, weight - 48 kg) appeared in early August 2007. The participant immediately announced her peaceful plans, promising not to break up the created couples. The girl looked closely at single guys and easily forged friendships.

She immediately became the closest friend among the project participants. And although the girls often quarreled and even made loud statements that they had stopped communicating forever, they made up pretty quickly.

In relations with the opposite sex, Natalya Varvina turned out to be quite straightforward. If the girl did not like something, Natalya immediately talked about it. Perhaps that is why Natalia did not always succeed in “building love” on Dom-2.

The first young man who liked Varvina on the project was a handsome one. But the guy did not reciprocate her. The girl chose Andrei Tishko, the brother of the TV presenter of the TNT channel, Vladimir Tishko, as the second chosen one. At first, there was a complete idyll between the lovers, until Natalya found out about Andrei's wife and child. After a scandalous showdown, parting followed.

For quite a long time, the recognized ladies' man "House-2" circled next to the blonde Natalya. But as soon as the couple became close, Andrei's behavior with the girl changed dramatically. Compliments and tenderness were replaced by rudeness and aggressiveness. This, of course, did not like Varvina, and the relationship ended.

Once again, the girl decided to try to "build love" with DJ Maxim Orlov. But here, too, nothing happened. One of the contenders for the girl's hand and heart at one time was also the administrator of the television set, but nothing came of this young man.

Natalia Varvina has repeatedly become the heroine of scandals. In 2011, a provocative video appeared on the network titled "And Natalya Varvina is a shame of parents." Participants of the TV project appeared in front of the camera in a bikini. But fans of the girls immediately recognized the deception - duplicates were invited to create the video.

In May 2011, Natalya Varvina left the popular project. It seems that the girl is tired of life, every moment of which was closely covered by television cameras and discussed by the fans of the show. But the time spent on the TV show was not in vain. In 2009 Natalya Varvina took 2nd place in the "Person of the Year" competition. And in 2010 she was awarded the 1st place and the prize - a car.

After the project

Behind the perimeter, the creative biography of Natalya Varvina began. For some time, the girl toured with the "Instrinsky Witches" group. In addition to Natalia, Elena Bushina sang in the collective. Later Varvina and decided to sing a duet. Among the songs performed by Natalia, the most popular were "Write a Dream", "Heart Beats Calmly", "Light Up". After some time, the former participant of "House-2" tried her hand at being a solo singer. And the organizers of the TV set also entrusted Natalia with the position of the concert director of the TV show.

Natalya Varvina considers her film debut to be the greatest achievement of her life after the project. The girl played the main role in the dramatic film “Point Doc. The last ten days. " This work was remembered by the aspiring actress for her acquaintance with and Maxim Maltsev, who were also involved in the film. Unfortunately, so far this film is the only one in Natalia's filmography. But the young artist claims that she will definitely delight fans soon.

Personal life

Natalia Varvina still managed to find love on the project. But the girl was able to "build" her not with the participants of the show, but with the producer of the project. The personal life of Natalia Varvina settled after the girl left the perimeter of "House-2". With the beginning of the affair, Natalia's behavior changed. The girl began to demonstrate in every possible way a relationship with the leader, which caused discontent not only among the project participants, but also among the TV presenter.

For Natalia's sake, Alexey divorced his first wife Vasilina, with whom he raised the child. The wife also helped Alexey in his work - she was a co-producer of the show.

Natalia and Alexey got married on February 7, 2013. In the summer of the same year, the couple got married, after which the young arranged a real holiday for the guests. The celebration was magnificent and took place in the prestigious metropolitan restaurant "Turandot". He became the master of ceremonies at the wedding, also a former participant in the project.

After the marriage, Natalya Varvina applied for the role of the leading TV show, but Mikhailovsky failed to convince his colleagues, took the vacant place. Nevertheless, Varvina remained to work in the structure of the project, having received the position of concert director.

Natalia and Alexey are in no hurry to have children. In 2014, a dog named Ronald of the Labrador breed appeared in the family.

Natalia Varvina is engaged in self-development. The girl travels a lot. She managed to visit America, Italy and other countries, from where she brings colorful photos and shares them with followers. In her free time, the former participant of "House-2" is engaged in Latin American dances and loves to walk the dog.

Natalya Varvina now

Now Natalya Varvina leads the heading of acting skills at "House-2" and puts humorous scenes together with the participants in the show. The girl supports her husband's endeavors even in difficult moments for him. In 2016, after a drunken scandal staged by Mikhailovsky on the set of the Man of the Year issue, Natalya sided with Alexei, justifying her husband's behavior.

In the fall, Natasha celebrated her own 35th birthday. The celebration took place in a Moscow restaurant, Natalia invited Ksenia Borodina with her husband, Elena Bushina, Mitya Zheleznyak to the celebration.

In December 2017, due to the falling ratings of the program, Alexei Mikhailovsky was removed from the post of producer, and took this place. But Alexey did not leave the project. Together with his wife Natalia, the ex-producer continued to participate in the performances of the School of Acting.