Where does Irada Zeynalova work now? Irada Zeynalova: Sister won't let me be a rag

Where does Irada Zeynalova work now?  Irada Zeynalova: Sister won't let me be a rag
Where does Irada Zeynalova work now? Irada Zeynalova: Sister won't let me be a rag

After watching "Results of the Week" with Irada Zeynalova, you can learn about various events that took place in our country and the world, as well as hear exclusive interviews. This is an author's program, so the TV presenter, together with the information, discusses and rethinks the facts. Perhaps not everyone knows that in the career of the broadcast star there was a long period when she was reporting from war zones, where she had to work in rather dangerous conditions. At the end of 2016, changes took place in Zeynalova's personal life: after a divorce from her first husband, she married a second time. Her chosen one is also an experienced military commander, behind whom there were business trips to "hot spots".

Irada was born in 1972 in Moscow. Her father, an Azerbaijani by nationality, worked in the ministry. The family also grew up a younger sister, Svetlana Zeynalova, a famous presenter on radio and television. Mom and grandfather were journalists, so even in childhood, the future TV presenter knew firsthand about this profession. However, the parent advised her to go to a technical university after school.

Having received her education, the girl did not start working by profession and in 1997 she came to television, where she was the editor of the Vesti program. Since 2000, Irada has become a correspondent in various news programs, where she led live reports on important events in the world. Her professional work was recognized by the TEFI prize, which she received in 2006. In 2012 she was the host of the Sunday edition of the Vremya program.

With her first future husband, journalist Alexei Samoletov, Zeynalova met at work. The 21-year-old girl was not easily in love with him: she admired and respected this courageous, wonderful person. Having got married, the couple continued to do their favorite job. Soon the son Timur was born in the family. When the boy was 6 years old, the journalist began long business trips, so the boy lived with his grandparents. This marriage lasted for about 20 years, and in 2015, a divorce took place in the personal life of the spouses.

In the photo, Irada Zeynalova with her ex-husband Alexei Samoletov and son Timur

At the same time, Irada began to be noticed in the company of journalist Alexander Evstigneev. The lovers not only walked together and visited different places, but also went on the same business trips. Often, colleagues noticed how the star of the ether fed her lover with sandwiches, since due to workload he often stayed overnight at work. Alexander is fond of mountaineering, and it is Irada who meets him below when he descends from the top of the mountain. The fact that the wedding of lovers took place on 16.12.16 was announced by her sister Svetlana on her Instagram page.

In the photo, Irada Zeynalova and her new husband Alexander Evstigneev

Zeynalova's son did not follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and chose a different path instead of journalism. He studied at the military university, but for health reasons left the university. Now the young man has chosen MGIMO, and, possibly, in the future he will be a diplomat.

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Posted on 21.09.2016

The news that the country's most famous TV journalist has become the most discussed not only on the Web, but also on the sidelines of the Ostankino television center. They started talking about the novel of the 44-year-old now ex-host of the Vremya program and war correspondent Alexander Evstigneev in 2015, when the queen of the news broadcast went with the journalist on a business trip to Lugansk. Collaboration in hot spots soon grew into something more: rumors of dating of the couple on the front line began to reach Moscow. At that time, each of them was busy with their own careers and free from the shackles of marriage: Zeynalova and her husband Aleksey Samoletov filed for divorce at the end of October 2015, having been married for more than 20 years, and Evstigneev broke up with his first wife Natalia a few years after moving to Moscow.

As Life managed to find out, a young journalist, who was not yet known for his reports from military operations, did not come to conquer Channel One: his wife Natalya Ustyugova also settled in Ostankino with him. The former spouses met in their hometown in the Irkutsk region, where they were building a career in the Bratsk TV company for six years, after which they decided to expand their horizons. Alexander was the first to cross the threshold of the television center, after which he moved his wife to the capital. Their union cracked a few years later, after which Evstigneev continued to work in journalism, and Natalya took up the upbringing of their common son Sasha, who is now 7 years old.

Irada and Alexei, in turn, have a son Timur - the young man will turn 20 in a few days, but he has already managed to serve in the army and start an independent life. As it turned out, the young man and his famous mother had been living separately for a long time and were trying not to interfere with each other’s personal life - Samoletov Jr. devoted himself to study, and Irada always disappeared at work or on another business trip. The news that Timur will soon be attending his mother's second wedding did not seem to surprise him at all: in an exclusive interview with Life, the young man said that he rarely discusses his personal life with his family.

- I can only say that I love both mom and dad, - Timur Samoletov shared with Life. - If a mother decided to remarry, this is her choice and her personal life. I love my parents equally, and my mother’s wedding does not affect my life in any way. I did not delve into the essence of their relationship, I only know that they met Alexander at work.

As it turned out, now Timur has fewer reasons to worry about his parents, whom his son saw more often on the blue screen than at home. Since Zeynalova was taken off the air of "Voskresnoe Vremya", the famous TV presenter can finally be met outside the walls of the television studio.

Now that my mother was taken off the air, she began to spend less time at work. Waiting for a new appointment, but what - I do not know. We have been living separately for a long time, and we have not discussed this issue yet.

Many predict a promising heir to the star of the state channel a great future on television. Even his parents for a long time persuaded him to enroll in international journalism, but Timur responded with a categorical refusal, observing for a long time the rhythm in which Irada and Alexei work. " Timur is a guy with brains, he has both English and German. But he said, “Anything but journalism! I don’t want to plow bloody snot all the time, like you and dad, ”Zeynalova complained a few years ago, when all her attempts to grow a replacement for herself were in vain.

After serving in the army, Timur Samoletov entered MGIMO, where he is now in his second year. The young man plans to find himself in the military field, therefore he is studying Arabic at the Faculty of International Relations. At the same time, the son of journalists works, again avoiding the journalistic profession.

I have been working for a long time, but I don’t have a permanent job, as luck would have it. Last time I was selling theater tickets. You have to combine work and study, it is difficult, but necessary.

The third member of the Zeynalova family - journalist Alexei Samoletov - also plunged into work after the divorce. According to the 52-year-old TV presenter, he was also not interested in the personal life of his ex-wife.

I did not communicate with Irada on this topic, so I have nothing to comment on. We are all adults, each has its own independent life, - Alexey Samoletov told Life. - I now go from a business trip to a business trip, I have constant filming, so I don't even know if I will be in Moscow during her wedding. I have a lot of things to do, work. We remained in a normal relationship with Irada, our child also lives his own life. What is really going on, I do not know and am not inclined to believe open publications until I receive confirmation, because I myself have been working in journalism for too long. It makes no sense for me to delve into her life.

Member name: Zeynalova Svetlana Avtandilovna

Age (birthday): 7.05.1977

Moscow city

Education: Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin, school them. Shchepkina

Family: not married, has a daughter

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Read from this article:

Svetlana is a journalist and TV presenter, the younger sister of Irada Zeynalova. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of getting “on TV” and talking about various incidents in the country and the world. She was distinguished by a calm, judicious character. She was never scolded at school, and her parents did not have to blush for her.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Zeynalova decided to enter the capital's theater university. Having passed the exams on the first try, she became a student at Sliver.

Svetlana liked teaching acting, since the girl learned to be liberated, she stopped being shy about performing in front of a large audience.

The certified actress received a job placement at the theater "At the Nikitskiye Vorota". There she first appeared on the big stage, where she played in a small episode.

A quiet and calm girl did not pretend to be big roles, everything suited her, except for a small salary, which was not enough even for the most necessary.

In order to somehow survive, Svetlana took a few more jobs, namely: leading special events in the daytime, and at night - a waitress in a club. When the body of a young girl was completely depleted due to constant lack of sleep, she decided that it was time to radically change her life.

A new stage in the life of Zeynalova Jr.

In 2004, Svetlana got a job at radio "Maximum" as a co-host of morning broadcasts. Zeynalova expected real success after the release of the Bachinsky and Stillavin Show. Her voice began to be recognized by real fans and loyal radio listeners, and the rating of the morning broadcast skyrocketed.

A few months later, Svetlana changed her radio station to the Business FM wave, where she ran a column dedicated to famous media personalities. In the fall of 2010, Zeynalova received a tempting offer from the management of Nashe Radio. She was offered to become the director and host of the author's program, on which she is still successfully working. The only thing that confused Svetlana was the early ascents.

Zeynalova's childhood dream of becoming a television presenter did not leave for a moment, so she became the face of the "Mood" program on the TVC channel. A talented girl manages to harmoniously combine both works, without compromising the quality of each of them. After a year and a half, Svetlana received a profitable an offer from Channel One to become the host of the Good Morning program. So, Svetlana Zeynalova appeared on one of the most rated channels in Russia.

Now Svetlana still broadcasts on the radio and does not leave the craft of leading festive holidays. She often collaborates with residents, especially with. From time to time Zeynalova plays small roles in Russian films: "The Moscow Saga", "Heavy Sand", "Love and Other Nonsense", "Boatswain Seagull".

Personal dramas

In 2000, Svetlana began to meet with the director of the radio station "Maximum" - Alexei Glazatov. He in every possible way contributed to the development of the career of his girlfriend. The lovers lived in a civil marriage for three years. During a trip to Barcelona, ​​Alexey made an offer to Zeynalova, which she could not refuse.

So in 2008, Glazatov and Zeynalova officially legalized their marriage in one of the capital's registry offices. A year later, they had a daughter, Alexandra.

When Svetlana Zeynalova's daughter turned one and a half years old, she was diagnosed with autism. Numerous courses of treatment did not give a positive result; on this basis, quarrels and scandals arose in the family.

In 2012, Alexey and Svetlana terminated their relationship.

Now Zeynalova is working hard to provide her daughter with the necessary treatment. For some time she was embarrassed to confess to colleagues and friends about Alexandra's illness, but soon realized that her child is the most precious thing in her life.

Svetlana Zeynalova has a common-law husband Dmitry, who helps her raise her daughter.

Svetlana's Photos

Zeynalova often posts new photos on Instagram: from her personal life with her daughter, from filming and in friends.

The famous TV presenter Svetlana Zeynalova, before starting her career in television and radio, managed to establish herself as a responsible employee and professional in various industries. There was a time when she was a theater actress and at the same time was involved in organizing various events, which she herself led. Svetlana briefly earned money in a variety of ways, but one day, thanks to her sister, she found her calling ...

Svetlana Zeynalova: biography

Let's see what is known about the early years of the life of the famous TV presenter. In 1977, at the very time of flowering, Zeynalova Svetlana Avtandilovna was born in Moscow. Her parents were ordinary employees, and their family was no different from other Soviet families. Ever since early childhood, the girl dreamed of one day being on the other side of the television screen. She was very fond of performing, was the star of holiday matinees and school evenings. Her cherished dream was associated with artistic activities.


After leaving school, Zeynalova Svetlana Avtandilovna decided to enter the theater school, in the so-called "Sliver". Studying was easy for her, the teachers were pleased with the girl. She took an active part in the life of the school, played in student performances. Sveta also passed her diploma work very successfully, so she was awarded an excellent characteristic and a diploma, although not red, but with rather high marks.

Start of labor activity

After graduating from college, she entered the service in the capital's theater "At the Nikitsky Gate". From the very first days of work, they began to trust her with small but characteristic roles. She liked her job, although she received a very small salary and almost always lived with empty pockets. The theater fees were not enough for anything, so she decided to take a part-time job in one of the small restaurants, where she was accepted as a waitress. Here Svetlana Zeynalova, whose biography is presented in this article, worked for quite a long time, for several years. After some time, she found out that there was a vacancy for the organizer and host of events and decided to take this chance. In short, her day was scheduled every minute. In the daytime, she worked as a presenter and organizer, in the evening she played in the theater, and after the performances she hurried to a restaurant to serve the visitors of the institution. Sometimes the frantic work schedule exhausted her completely, and one day after a hard day she decided that she needed to change something in her life.


Svetlana Zeynalova's sister, Iraida, was a fairly well-known personality in journalistic circles. It was she who decided to help her sister get out of this burdensome circle. She made an appointment for Svetlana to meet with several well-known TV producers, but warned that her help would end there, then she had to go on herself. Being a completely independent special, besides an individualist, the future famous TV presenter agreed with her sister's condition. And soon a new star appeared on radio and television - Svetlana Zeynalova. Since then, her biography has been closely associated with television and radio.

The beginning of a radio career

It was 2004. After several meetings with various “useful” people, the girl already worked at the radio “Maximum”, hosted the morning broadcast. The first successes were not long in coming. She had a very pleasant warm voice, which the listeners of the morning show “Bachinsky and Stillavina” immediately liked. Zeynalova Svetlana Avtandilovna became the star of her radio station, and then worked there as a producer. After that, she went to Radio Business FM to lead the "Secular News" column. In the fall of 2010, she was offered an offer to create her own show on the morning air of Our Radio.

Coming to television

Despite the fact that she always wanted to work in the evening programs, as you can see, she got the morning broadcast. So it happened with television. As a TV presenter, she made her debut in the "Mood" program on the TVC channel. As well as on the radio, she was successful here. A year and a half later, she received an offer from the management of Channel One. Thus, Svetlana Zeynalova, whose biography is the topic of our article, became the host of the well-known Good Morning program. It was her participation in this project that brought her all-Russian fame.

"Mass organizer"

If you remember, at the beginning of her career, Svetlana Zeynalova worked as an organizer and host of various events. So, years later, the acquired skills came in handy, and today, in addition to television and radio projects, she is also organizing large-scale festive events, sometimes in cooperation with the Comedy Club. From time to time she can be seen in episodic roles in Russian television films.

Svetlana Zeynalova: personal life

When she worked at the radio station "Maximum", she had an affair with the director of this channel, Alexei Glazatov. It is to him that she owes her successful career in the first stages of her formation. They lived in a civil marriage for about three years. And then one day, during a trip to Spain, a couple in love wandered into a Catalan church, where they saw an elderly couple standing hand in hand at the altar. In the evening of this day, in a restaurant, Alexey made a marriage proposal to Svetlana. The girl was happy and, of course, accepted the offer. Nine months later, their daughter Alexandra was born, and the young parents were just happy.

Terrible news

However, their happiness was not destined to last long. When the girl was one and a half years old, doctors discovered strange behavior in her behavior. After much research, a terrible diagnosis was announced - autism. Sveta was the first to recover from the shock and began to look for ways to solve the problem. But the husband of Svetlana Zeynalova could not come to terms with this "sentence" and soon left the family. In 2012, information appeared in the press that the couple had broken up. In one of the talk shows, S. Zeynalova said that she understood her husband and did not blame him for anything. Although from an ethical point of view, it is difficult to understand a man who abandons his child.

Mother and daughter

So Sveta and Sasha began to live together. Initially, it was very difficult for them. The nannies did not agree to sit with the girl with "weirdness", she was not taken to kindergarten. Svetlana understood that henceforth she needed to do everything herself and perhaps there would never be men in her life again, because if her own father abandoned her daughter, how could a stranger accept her. As soon as the nanny was found, the presenter began to take on any job, for all the projects offered to her, just to earn money for the treatment of her daughter. She did not lose heart, and everything slowly began to fall into place. She soon met a man who agreed to become part of this small but unusual family. And then a dog appeared in the family, and the girl, taking care of her, began to feel better, began to speak and make progress in development. Today she is already 8 years old. She utters many phrases, she can stay at home alone, read books, and mom and dad are always next to her, although not dear, but loving.

Recently it became known that the host of the Good Morning and Voice. Children" Svetlana Zeynalova will no longer operate on air. According to the newspaper "7 Days", she is expecting a baby and in a few months she will become a mother for the second time. The father of the future baby is the actual husband of the TV presenter Dmitry, who for many years looked after her beautifully and helped her in everyday life. Svetlana repeatedly rejected him, but a man who is several years younger than Zeynalova was able to conquer her with a reverent attitude towards her child. For several years now, Svetlana has made no secret that her daughter has autism. One of the young people who tried to look after her, according to her, was scared off by the fact that she had a special child.

A post shared by svetlanazey zeynalova (@svetlanazey) on Dec 27, 2017 at 4:38 am PST

However, such speeches of Svetlana could not alienate Dmitry from her, and he continued to seek her location. Now lovers live in harmony and complete understanding. And the news that they would soon become parents provoked rumors about their imminent wedding. Fans of Zeynalova are sure that there is a worthy man next to her, and wish the lovers a happy and long life together. Recall that the TV presenter's daughter was diagnosed with autism from her husband Alexei Gayzatov when the baby was only one and a half years old. Then, according to Svetlana, her life changed dramatically: her husband left, and she had to cope with all the problems alone.