Ilya's fairy tale three trips. "Ilyins three trips

Ilya's fairy tale three trips.
Ilya's fairy tale three trips. "Ilyins three trips

Summary of the lesson of literary reading.

Subject: Literary reading

Program: School of Russia

Class: 4 B

Teacher: Plotnikova E.S.

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Topic:Epic "Ilyins three trips"

Target: To form the concept of an epic and an understanding of its features as a genre of folklore.

Planned result


Skill: correct, expressive; consciously read epics; to use in speech the literary concepts of "epic", "initiation", "repetitions", "exaggeration", "storytellers-epics"; highlight the signs of an epic, compare it with a fairy tale.

Form UUD:

- Personal UUD: manifestation of a creative attitude to the learning process; students' awareness of the degree of responsibility for the fate of the people, the Motherland through the deeds and actions of epic heroes.

- Regulatory UUD:

Ability: to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher, to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; Set a goal on the basis of correlating what is already known to the student and what is still unknown; draw up a plan of action with the teacher; monitor the results of work in the lesson, detect deviations from the sample.

- Communicative UUD:

Ability: to formulate your thought in oral speech, express your point of view, correctly formulate a statement; cooperate with others, agree on the sequence of actions and the result, present to others the course of their work and its result, listen to the opinions of others.

- Cognitive UUD:

Ability: to process the received information, transform information from one form to another; find similarities and differences between an epic and a fairy tale; find answers to questions using your life experience and information received in the lesson; evaluate your actions, evaluate the result.


Textbook "Literary reading" Part 1, grade 4. L.F.Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova

Computer, media projector. Support sheet.

Organization of space: Frontal work, work in pairs.

During the classes.

I ... Motivation for learning activities

(2 minutes)

Look at the board, you can see the picture "Stone at the Crossroads".(Slide 1.)

In what works have you come across pointers for the main character? (In epics).

And what is an epic?

You have scrolls on your desks, read slowly.

As in a glorious city in Kiev,

Like an affectionate prince from Vladimir,

There were also - there lived kosobryhie boyars,

They told Ilya about Muromets,

Ay, what words he boasts:

“I’m the prince - I’ll survive Vladimir,

I myself will sit in Kiev in his place,

I myself will be in Kiev and the prince of the princes! "

Read it emphatically. What did you just read?


II ... Formulation of the topic of the lesson, goal setting (3 min)

What do you think we will be doing in the lesson today?

What goal will we set?

( Get acquainted with the epic "Ilya's Three Rides". Learn to analyze, compare epics and fairy tales, look for similarities and differences.)

Who performs the epics and how?

Who were the heroes of the epics?

Why did the people love Ilya Muromets?

(He loved for strength, justice, struggle with enemies. He performed feats for the sake of the people, the Motherland, guarded the work of peaceful people.)

III ... Learning new things. (15 minutes)

1. Work in pairs.

What do you think is the difference between an epic and a fairy tale?

The difference fairy tales from the epic.

Story .

1. Don't believe in reality.

2. uniform composition (construction);

3.Heroes: people, princes, animals


1 Believe in reality.

2. Individual composition;

3. Hero-heroes.

General : fiction.

Think about how epics appeared?

2. Reading of the epic "Ilyina three trips".

Open the tutorial on page 12.

What epic will we meet today?

(We will get acquainted with the epic "Ilyina Three Rides")

Before we begin our acquaintance with the epic, Maria Alekseeva will tell us a message about the main character.

What did you learn about the main character from the story?

What do you think the epic will be about?

What will it be about?

Let's check your assumptions.

(Read by the teacher and good reading children)

What feelings did the heroes of the epic evoke in you? Why?

What unfamiliar words have you met?

Where can we find their meanings?

3. Vocabulary work. (Group work)

Rosstani (textbook dictionary) -Igroup.

Damask armor - antique patterned steel.IIgroup.

This -IIgroup.

The club is a heavy club with a thickened end.IIIgroup

Fathom - 2.134 mIIIgroup.

4. Work on the read.

Why is the epic called "Three Rides"? What moment in the epic did you find the most exciting?

Characteristics of the hero.

Selective reading.

Why does Ilya Muromets choose the straight road?

How does he reason at the crossroads by the stone? Page 14

What character traits does this indicate?

(Brave, determined, not looking for loopholes and workarounds.)

Find the description of the robbers.

Why are words with suffixes used in the description of robbers - onk, ichek, echek.

What meaning do these suffixes give?


Why is this done?

(In contrast to the strength of Ilya Muromets).

How is Ilya Muromets described in a battle with robbers?

5. Work in pairs .

Generalization of the image of Ilya.

Choose those words that are related to Ilya.

(Brave, cowardly, modest, polite, kind, affectionate, courageous, courageous, strong, brave, greedy, generous, rude, fair).

IV ... Lesson summary (15 minutes)

What work did we meet today in the lesson?

What is the name of the genre of this work?

What does this epic teach us?

Vii ... Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (3 min)

Self-examination and self-esteem of the student.

(Slide 2)

Today I found out ...

It was interesting…

It was difficult…

I performed tasks ...

I realized that ..

I bought ...

Now I can..

I was surprised ...

Homework. (Differentiated)

Igroup - with. 12-18 to read expressively.

IIgroup - learn the passage you like by heart.

IIIgroup - draw a picture for the epic.

Ilya traveled across an open field, defended Russia from enemies from young years to old age.

The good old horse was good, his Burushka-Kosmatushka. Burushka's tail has three saplings, a mane up to his knees, and his wool is three spans. He didn’t look for a ford, he didn’t wait for a ferry, he jumped the river at one gallop. He saved old Ilya Muromets hundreds of times from death.

It is not the fog that rises from the sea, it is not the white snow in the field that whitens, Ilya Muromets is riding across the Russian steppe. His head whitened, his curly beard, his clear gaze clouded over:

Oh you old age, you old age! You found Ilya in an open field, flew like a black raven! Oh you, youth, youthful youth! Flew away
you are from me a clear falcon!

Ilya drives up to three paths, a stone lies at the crossroads, and on that stone is written: "Whoever goes to the right will be killed, whoever goes to the left will become rich, and whoever goes straight will be married."

Ilya Muromets wondered:

What is the use of wealth to me, the old one? I have no wife, no children, no one to wear a colored dress, no one to spend the treasury. Should I go where a married man should be? Why should I, old man, marry? It's not good for me to take a young woman, but to take an old woman, lie on the stove and sip jelly. This old age is not for Ilya Muromets. I'll go along the path where the murdered man will be. I will die in an open field, like a glorious hero!

And he drove along the road where the murdered man should be.

As soon as he drove off three miles, forty robbers attacked him. They want to pull him off the horse, they want to rob him, kill him to death. And Ilya shakes his head, says:

Hey, you robber, you have nothing to kill and rob me for.

All I have is a marten fur coat worth five hundred rubles, a sable cap of three hundred rubles, and a bridle for five hundred rubles, and a Cherkassian saddle for two thousand. Well, another blanket of seven silks, embroidered with gold and large pearls. Yes, there is a gemstone between Burushka's ears. On autumn nights it burns like the sun, three miles away it is light. And, perhaps, there is Burushka's horse - he has no value in the whole world.

Because of such a small amount, is it worth chopping off the old head ?!

The chieftain of the robbers became angry:

He's the one who makes fun of us! Oh, you old devil, gray-haired wolf! You talk a lot! Hey guys, chop off his head!

Ilya jumped off Burushka-Kosmatushka, grabbed a hat from a gray head, and began waving his hat: wherever he waved, there would be a street, if he waved it off, there would be a side street.

In one stroke, ten robbers lie, in the second - and twenty in the world are gone!

The chieftain of the robbers pleaded:

Don't beat us all, old hero! You take from us gold, silver, colored dress, herds of horses, just leave us alive!

Ilya Muromets smiled:

If I took the gold treasury from everyone, I would have full cellars. If I took a colored dress, there would be high mountains behind me. If I took good horses, great herds would have chased after me.

The robbers say to him:

One red sun in this world - there is only one such hero in Russia, Ilya Muromets!

You go to us, hero, comrades, you will be our chieftain!

Oh, brothers-robbers, I will not go to your comrades, and you will go to your places, to your homes, to your wives, to your children, you will stand by your roads, shedding innocent blood.

Ilya turned his horse and galloped away.

He returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went to the right lane - I was not killed!"

Well, I'll go now, where to be married!

As soon as Ilya drove three versts, he drove into a forest clearing. There stands a golden-domed mansion, the silver gates are wide open, and the roosters are singing at the gates.

Ilya drove into a wide courtyard, twelve girls ran out to meet him, among them a royal beauty.

Welcome, Russian hero, come into my high tower, drink sweet wine, eat bread and salt, fried swans!

The royal took him by the hand, led him into the tower, and sat him at an oak table. They brought Ilya sweet honey, overseas wine, fried swans, large rolls ...

You are tired from the road, tired, lie down, rest on a board bed, on a feather bed.

The prince took Ilya to the sleeping room, and Ilya went and thought: "It is not for nothing that she is affectionate to me: that a simple Cossack is more royal, old grandfather! It can be seen that she has something conceived."

Ilya sees that there is a chiseled gilded bed against the wall, painted with flowers, he guessed that the bed is cunning.

Ilya grabbed the prince's daughter and threw her on the bed against the wall. The bed turned, and a stone cellar opened, and the princess fell into it.

Ilya got angry:

Hey, you nameless servants, bring me the keys to the cellar, or I'll cut off your heads!

Oh, unknowable grandfather, we have never seen the keys, we will show you the passage to the cellar.

They led Ilya into deep dungeons; Ilya found the door of the cellar; they were covered with sand, thick oak trees were heaped up. Ilya dug up the sands with his hands, pushed the oaks with his feet, opened the cellar doors. And there are forty kings-princes, forty tsars-princes and forty Russian heroes.

That is why the princess called the golden-domed to her chambers!

Ilya says to kings and heroes:

You go, kings, in your lands, and you, heroes, in your places and remember Ilya Muromets. If it weren't for me, you would lay down your heads in a deep cellar.

Ilya pulled the prince by the braids into the white light and cut off her crafty head.

And then Ilya returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went straight - never been married."

Well, now I'll go to the path where the rich will be.

As soon as he drove off three miles, he saw a large stone three hundred poods. And on that stone it is written: "Whoever can roll a stone, that rich one will be."

A deep cellar was opened under the stone - countless riches: silver, gold, large pearls, and yachons!

Ilya Burushka loaded up an expensive treasury and took her to Kiev-grad. There he built three stone churches, so that there was where to escape from enemies, to sit out from the fire.

The rest of the silver and gold, he distributed pearls to widows, orphans, did not leave himself a half.

Then he sat down on Burushka, went to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went to the left - I have never been rich."

Here Ilya's glory and honor went forever, and our story came to the end.

Three trips by Ilya Muromets - a Russian folk epic, which is loved by both adults and children. It describes how Ilya Muromets travels on different roads. One day he sees the Alatyr stone at a crossroads. It indicates what fate awaits the traveler if he goes straight, right or left. What did Ilya learn when he experienced traveling on all roads? Read or listen with the children in the epic itself. She teaches justice, fearlessness, compassion, service to people and their homeland.

Ilya traveled across an open field, defended Russia from enemies from young years to old age. The good old horse was good, his little Burushka-Kosmatushka. Burushka has a tail of three fathoms, a mane up to the knees, and a coat of three spans. He didn’t look for a ford, he didn’t wait for a ferry, he jumped the river at one gallop. He saved old Ilya Muromets hundreds of times from death.

It is not the fog that rises from the sea, it is not the white snow in the field that whitens, Ilya Muromets is riding across the Russian steppe. His head whitened, his curly beard, his clear gaze clouded over.

Oh you old age, you old age! You found Ilya in an open field, flew like a black raven! Oh you, youth, youthful youth! You flew away from me like a clear falcon!

Ilya drives up to three paths, a stone lies at the crossroads, and on that stone is written: "Whoever goes to the right will be killed, whoever goes to the left will be rich, and whoever goes straight will be married."

Ilya Muromets wondered:

What is the use of wealth to me, the old one? I have no wife, no children, no one to wear a colored dress, no one to spend the treasury. Should I go where a married man should be? Why should I, old man, marry? It's not good for me to take a young woman, but to take an old woman, lie on the stove and sip jelly. This old age is not for Ilya Muromets. I'll go along the path where the murdered man will be. I will die in an open field, like a glorious hero!

And he drove along the road where the murdered man should be.

As soon as he drove off three miles, forty robbers attacked him. They want to pull him off the horse, they want to rob him, kill him to death. And Ilya shakes his head, says:

Hey, you robbers, you have nothing to kill me for and nothing to rob. All I have is a marten fur coat worth five hundred rubles, a sable cap of three hundred rubles, and a bridle for five hundred rubles, and a Cherkassian saddle for two thousand. Well, another blanket of seven silks, embroidered with gold and large pearls. Yes, between Burushka's ears there is a gemstone. On autumn nights it burns like the sun, three miles away it is light. And, perhaps, there is Burushka's horse - he has no value in the whole world. Is it worth chopping off the old head for such a small amount ?!

The chieftain of the robbers became angry:

He's the one who makes fun of us! Oh, you old devil, gray-haired wolf! You talk a lot! Hey guys, chop off his head!

Ilya jumped off Burushka-Kosmatushka, grabbed a hat from a gray head and began to wave his hat: wherever he waved, there would be a street, if he waved it off, there would be a side street.

In one stroke, ten robbers lie, in the second - and twenty in the world are gone!

The chieftain of the robbers pleaded:

Don't beat us all, old hero! You take from us gold, silver, a colored dress, herds of horses, just leave us alive!

Ilya Muromets smiled:

If I took the gold treasury from everyone, I would have full cellars. If I took a colored dress, there would be high mountains behind me. If I took good horses, great herds would have chased after me.

The robbers say to him:

One red sun in this world - there is only one such hero in Russia, Ilya Muromets! You go to us, hero, comrades, you will be our chieftain!

Oh, brothers, robbers, I will not go to your comrades, and you are going to your places, to your homes, to your wives, to your children, you will stand by your roads, shedding innocent blood!

Ilya turned his horse and galloped away. He returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went to the right lane - I was not killed!"

Well, I'll go now, where to be married!

As soon as Ilya drove three versts, he drove into a forest clearing. There stands a golden-domed mansion, the silver gates are wide open, and the roosters are singing at the gates. Ilya drove into a wide courtyard, twelve girls ran out to meet him, among them a beauty princess.

Welcome, Russian hero, come into my high tower, drink sweet wine, eat bread and salt, fried swans!

The royal took him by the hand, led him into the tower, and sat him at an oak table. They brought Ilya sweet honey, overseas wine, fried swans, large loafs ...

You are tired from the road, tired, lie down and rest on a board bed, on a feather bed.

The princess took Ilya to the sleeping chamber, and Ilya goes and thinks:

It is not for nothing that she is affectionate to me: that the prince is not a simple Cossack, old grandfather. It can be seen that she has something planned.

Ilya sees that there is a chiseled-gilded bed against the wall, painted with flowers, he guessed that the bed is cunning.

Ilya grabbed the prince's daughter and threw her on the bed against the wall. The bed turned, and a stone cellar opened, and the princess fell into it.

Ilya got angry:

Hey, you nameless servants, bring me the keys to the cellar, or I'll cut off your heads!

Oh, unknowable grandfather, we have never seen the keys, but we will show you the passages to the cellar.

They led Ilya into deep dungeons; Ilya found the doors of the cellar: they were covered with sand, thick oak trees were heaped up. Ilya dug up the sands with his hands, pushed the oaks with his feet, opened the cellar doors. And there are forty kings-princes, forty tsars-princes and forty Russian heroes.

That is why the princess called the golden-domed to her chambers!

Ilya says to kings and heroes:

You go, kings, in your lands, and you, heroes, in your places and remember Ilya Muromets. If it weren't for me, you would lay down your heads in a deep cellar.

Ilya pulled the prince by the braids into the white light and cut off her crafty head.

And then Ilya returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went straight - never been married."

Well, now I'll go to the path where the rich will be. As soon as he drove off three miles, he saw a large stone three hundred poods. And on that stone it is written: "Whoever can roll a stone, that rich one will be."

Ilya forced himself, rested his feet, went knee-deep into the ground, gave up with a mighty shoulder - rolled a stone from its place.

A deep cellar was opened under the stone - countless riches: silver, gold, large pearls, and yachons!

Ilya Burushka loaded up an expensive treasury and took her to Kiev-grad. There he built three stone churches, so that there was where to escape from enemies, to sit out from the fire. The rest of the silver and gold, he distributed pearls to widows, orphans, did not leave himself a half.

Then he sat down on Burushka, drove to the white stone, erased the old inscription, inscribed the new inscription: "I went to the left - I have never been rich."

Here Ilya's glory and honor went forever, and our story came to the end.

The old Cossack Ilya Muromets rode across an open field, across a wide expanse and ran into a fork in three roads. At the fork there is a combustible stone, and on the stone the inscription is written: "If you go straight, I will be killed, to go to the right, to be married, and to go to the left, to become rich." Ilya read the inscription and thought:
- To me, old, death is not written in battle. Let me go where I will be killed.
How long or short he rode, thieves-robbers jumped out onto the road. Three hundred tatei [Tat is a robber, a robber.] - plantains. They bawl, swing their shalygs:
- Let's kill the old man and rob him!
- Stupid people, says Ilya Muromets, - without killing the bear, divide the skin!
And he set his faithful horse on them. He himself stabbed with a spear and struck with a sword, and not a single murderer-robber remained alive.
He turned back at the fork and erased the inscription: "If you go straight, you will be killed." He stood by the stone and turned his horse to the right:
- There is no need for me, the old one, to be married, but I'll go and see how people get married.
I drove for an hour or two and ran into the white-stone wards.
A red soul-maiden ran out to meet. She took Ilya Muromets by the hands, led him into the dining room. She fed and watered the heroes, exhorted:
- After the bread and salt, go asleep to keep [Asleep to keep - to sleep, sleep, rest.]. On the road, I suppose I got tired! - I took you to a special rest, pointed to a feather bed.
And Ilya, he was quick-witted, was dexterous, noticed something was wrong. He threw the beauty maiden on the feather bed, and the bed turned, overturned, and the mistress fell into a deep dungeon.
Ilya Muromets ran out of the chambers into the courtyard, found that deep dungeon, broke down the doors and released forty captives, unlucky suitors, and locked the red maiden mistress into an underground prison tightly and firmly.
After that I arrived at a fork and erased the other inscription. And he wrote a new inscription on the stone: "Two paths were cleared by the old Cossack Ilya Muromets."
- I'm not going to the third side. Why should I, old, lonely, rich be? Let someone young get the wealth.
The old Cossack Ilya Muromets turned his horse and went to the capital Kiev-city to carry out military service, to fight the enemies, to stand for Great Russia and for the Russian people!
With that, the tale of the glorious, mighty hero Ilya Muromets ended.

Retold: A.V. Nechaev

The epic tells how Ilya Muromets fought the enemy.

  • What epic events could actually happen? Write it down.

Meeting with robbers (Tatar-Mongols), freeing prisoners, building churches.

  • Find in the epic and write down the words that describe the appearance of Ilya Muromets.

The description of the appearance of Ilya Muromets is found only in the epic “Ilyina Three Rides”, in the episode when the month illuminated his military equipment: “The helmet shone in forty thousand ...”, “the stones-yachts began to shine”.

  • Write out from the textbook (p. 20 №6) those character traits that you consider to be the main ones.

Brave, courageous, wise, smart, fair, strong, kind, disinterested, capable of compassion.

  • Find and write down the words that seem unusual to you. For example, the night is dark, dark, the wealth is innumerable,

Slavnorussian heroes, walking robbers, mallard oak, low bushes, flint pebbles.

  • Compose a story about the hero Ilya Muromets. Write down the key words that you use in your story.

Love for the native land, stands guard for the Motherland, comes to the aid of its people, save them from enslavement, the embodiment of the ideal of a courageous, honest, loyal person to the Motherland and the people, does not fear the untold forces of the enemy, not even death itself.

Ilya Muromets loves his native land, stands guard over its borders, in a moment of danger comes to the aid of his people, saves them from enslavement and humiliation. They are the embodiment of the ideal of a courageous, honest person devoted to the Motherland and the people. He is not afraid of the untold forces of the enemy, not even death itself! Ilya Muromets evokes admiration, joy, faith in the strength of the people in me. Ilya Muromets is a hero-warrior, defender of the Motherland, so he needs to choose the road where the robbers are hiding. He needs to free this road from evil spirits. Ilya is so strong and smart that he can handle any obstacle, even an insurmountable one, and he can handle any enemy effortlessly.

  • Write down your plan or use this one.
    The first feat of the hero.
    The second feat of the hero.
    The third feat of the hero.
    Ilya Muromets is the defender of the Russian land.

1. The origin of Ilya Muromets, his miraculous recovery.
2. Portrait of Ilya Muromets (appearance and military equipment).
3. The character and actions of Ilya Muromets.
4. My attitude to the hero of epics.

  • Which version of the epic (prosaic or poetic) did you like more? Read both versions of the epic aloud to each other. In what case can the melodiousness of a piece be conveyed?

Poetic. The epic word is especially beautiful, solemn, melodious and poetic. In the epic verse, the rhythm is easily caught, therefore, in the poetic version, the melodiousness of the work can be conveyed.

  • Write down how epics were performed in the old days (they were sung or told). What musical instruments were used?

The epics were performed by singer-storytellers. Once upon a time in Ancient Russia they were called boyans (or button accordions). This is where the name of the musical instrument comes from. True, epics were never performed to the accordion, and the name was given to the instrument in the 19th century simply in honor of ancient singers. Once upon a time, epics were performed under a measured, unhurried selection of gusli (gusli is a Russian folk plucked multi-stringed instrument of the harp type). In the 18th – 19th centuries, when scholars began to collect and record epics, they were performed, as a rule, without accompaniment.