Elena volatile - biography, personal life, photo. Husband arranged a nightmare for Lena Volatile Husband of Elena Volatile who is he

Elena volatile - biography, personal life, photo.  Husband arranged a nightmare for Lena Volatile Husband of Elena Volatile who is he
Elena volatile - biography, personal life, photo. Husband arranged a nightmare for Lena Volatile Husband of Elena Volatile who is he

Name: Elena Letuchaya

Age: 37 years

Place of Birth: Yaroslavl

Height: 178 cm

The weight: 60 Kg

Activity: TV presenter

Family status: married

Elena Flying - biography

Elena Flying is called the thunderstorm of canteens and restaurants, her appearance is more feared than inspectors from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection, she is feared and hated ...

This is how our world works - every girl of model appearance should strive for show business. There are exceptions: some beauties are in no hurry to get into the lens of a photo or movie camera, they avoid publicity. However, the life line still leads them where they were destined.

The young man flung open the heavy door of the restaurant and carefully let Lena go ahead. As soon as they sat down at the table, whispers were heard from behind: "She!" - "Come on!" - "Yes, she is!" - "No, that beauty, but this mouse is some kind." I just wanted to shout to the whole audience: "I am not me!" It began ... The waitress ran up and took the cutlery lying on the table and brought new ones. The others crowded around the kitchen door and began to stare at it.

But she just wanted to spend the evening with a friend. It would have happened if Lena had not been an auditor from "Revizorro"! And the waitress kept circling around. I asked if it was comfortable for her at this table, if the air conditioner was blowing, when it would be better to bring hot and dessert. Caring became obsessive. Here it is - the other side of glory ...

She never wanted increased attention to her person. On the contrary, Lena tried to be as less noticeable as possible.

Although it turned out badly: with such growth, she was placed first in physical education and in cool photographs. Moreover, the surname - Flying - always raised questions from teachers in her native Yaroslavl, where she was born (December 5, 1978) and went to first grade, and in a new school, in distant Tynda, where dad and mom went to build BAM.

After school, Flying entered the Financial and Economic College of Blagoveshchensk. But even in boring numbers, Lena found a certain interest. She will study well, so that later she will work as an auditor - check someone else's accounting and correct other people's mistakes. That's what Lena hated since childhood! Do any work - do it well. Does not work? Get better or leave. Yes, she was known as a perfectionist even at school. She herself tried to do everything perfectly, but she demanded the same from others. And then there was Moscow. Lena perfectly understood that serious success can only be achieved in a big city, and that is exactly what she wanted.

Elena Flying - the thorny path of a provincial

After receiving higher education, Flying found a job at Gazprom. Not a bad career for a hinterland girl! Everything that I dreamed of came true: a good job, excellent prospects ... But more and more often there were thoughts that life had turned in the wrong direction.

Celebrating her 29th birthday in December 2007, Lena decided to radically change her life. She wanted not only to count other people's mistakes, but to really help people. The most suitable profession is journalism, and even better if you manage to get on television. And she took the first step - she entered the Ostankino School of Television. No, she didn’t want to be a “talking head”: Elena dreamed of finding sharp topics herself and bringing the truth to people, even if she was behind the scenes. The story about the problems of donors became her diploma. It turned out brightly, honestly, Lena was praised and assured that she had found her niche, but all the places in the programs telling about "scandals, intrigues, investigations" were taken.

She was ready to take on any job, at least somehow related to television - she acted in extras for TV series, edited other people's scripts, calculated estimates for other people's projects ... process inside and out.

But today, Flying is proud of her biography with vast experience, and then she often cried, filling the next bumps on a thorny career path. They didn't have their own housing in Moscow, they paid a little money for one-time orders, the prospects are vague. Mom constantly offered to return to Yaroslavl - at least at home, they would feed and console. There were also suitors who hinted that they would provide a Moscow residence permit if she showed some favor. Elementary disgust did not allow to do this. “Don't give a kiss without love,” sounds old-fashioned, but that's how she was brought up.

Such cleanliness seemed provincial to many, and Lena herself is called “a provincial woman who bites her teeth into the capital” behind her back. In response, she only smiles: let the envious chatter what they want. She knows the profession from the inside, made her way without any cronyism, feels great both in the Russian outback and in world capitals like Paris or New York.

Elena Flying - television

Oddly enough, her first profession helped her break into television journalism. The chartered economist was hired as a producer. In 2011, she began working in the sensational talk show Let Them Talk, then moved to the studio, where they filmed the sitcom Kitchen, and when they decided to transfer the television series to the big screen, Elena became the producer of this project as well.

When she was invited to the new program of the Friday! Channel, one could hear behind her again: “Well, of course, the head of the channel, Nikolai Kartozia, is her lover!” She tries to ignore the gossips. To participate in the "Revizorro" project, she passed the casting on a par with the others. Today she recalls with a smile how in one Moscow restaurant they simply told her: "Lena, face!"

The program aired in the summer of 2014, but filming began earlier, at the end of 2013. The adventures that Lena had to go through in two years will last for several lifetimes. The television cameras were smashed, the operators were beaten to blood, the presenter was wounded ... It looks like reports from "hot spots", and not from respectable restaurants. Once the management of another catering establishment called the police. The purchased law enforcement officers took the film crew to the department, where they forced them to burn flash drives with the footage. The journalist had to go for a trick: in front of the police, to destroy the empty flash drives, and to safely hide the real ones.

Visits by the host of the "Revizorro" program are not always welcome: often it comes to high-profile scandals.

When Flying is rude, Lena only smiles, but few know what strength she should have to restrain herself. After some business trips for weeks, you have to recover, yoga and equestrian sports help.

Lena sincerely does not understand the indignation of restaurateurs and hoteliers. She's trying for them! If TV people find expired food or a broken refrigerator, the owner quickly fixes the problem. And if not? What if the visitors try salads that are long overdue to be thrown into the trash? Or will the children get poisoned by low-quality cakes? Doesn't anyone think about it? Flying sincerely worries about the cause and hopes that cooks, waiters, cleaners and owners of establishments will treat their work in the same way.

Elena Flying - personal life

The question arises - what to do with your personal life? How can such a clean woman tolerate a man next to him who throws socks around? Lena says that everything in life is possible if you love. For several years, Flying Lena lived with a young man whose name she hides. And they parted not because of everyday life - just love passed.

Flying made marriage proposals three times, but this was in her youth, when she did not consider herself ready for family personal life. In December she turned 37. She has admirers, but not many are ready for her constant absences, because "Revizorro" roams all over the country. But Elena is sure - there will be a daredevil. In the most trusted restaurant, he will kneel down, hold out a ring, ask to become his wife - and she will answer: "Yes."

Lena Letuchaya is a well-known Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer and director. She is known to a wide audience as the host of the "Revizorro" program, aired on the federal TV channel "Friday!" Producer of the first two seasons of the hit TV series Kitchen. She worked in the studio of special projects on Channel One. Before joining Revizorro, she took part in several documentary projects. Since 2016, he has headed a workshop at the MITRO TV and Radio Broadcasting School.

All photos 10

Biography of Lena Flying

Lena Flying was born on December 5, 1978 in Yaroslavl, where she spent her early childhood. Her father, Alexander Nikolaevich, is a civil engineer by profession, in 1985 he went to the construction of the BAM. Thus, a distant and unfamiliar Siberia appeared in the life of the first-grader Lena. The girl quickly settled into a new place and was one of those who are called activists. She studied well, was engaged in dancing and figure skating, while developing her creative skills at an art school. Elena saw her vocation in architecture and dreamed of leaving to study in the Northern capital.

But after receiving a certificate, Lena Letuchaya enters the Annunciation College of Finance and Economics, which she successfully graduated in 1999. After that, she decided to return to her native Yaroslavl. Here, the future star entered MGUPS, at the same time getting a job on the railway in the Passenger Service Directorate. After receiving a university degree, the girl finds a job in the Gazenergoset company. However, after working there for several years, she finally realized that she was doing something completely different from her own business. As the TV presenter said, she felt that "life is passing by."

In 2008, Elena takes a decisive step and enters the MITRO TV School, which she successfully graduated with, having received the specialty "TV and radio presenter". Having brilliantly filmed her diploma TV story about donor problems, she was once again convinced that she was on the right path. But without the necessary connections and acquaintances, it turned out to be not an easy task to break through to television screens, therefore, for about a year, Flying makes great efforts to get the opportunity to reveal her talent.

Elena got her first television experience in the Vesti program, helping to prepare the economic news block for the broadcast. In parallel with this, she filmed TV spots for the Stolitsa channel. Then, during the year she was the host of author's projects on the Global Star TV channel.

Lena Letuchaya experienced her finest hour after joining the Revizorro program. She got there after winning a casting organized by the management of the TV channel. He really liked how the future presenter checked one of the capital's restaurants. In February 2014, she was offered to host a program, the format of which was purchased from the Ukrainian New Channel. Having traveled in many cities of the country in two years, Lena became even more convinced of the important social purpose of the program. Many owners of hotels and catering establishments have already understood what losses anti-advertising from a popular program can cost, so they are trying to improve the quality of their services. This is the mission of this television project, Flying is convinced.

Not all fans of the star presenter are aware of other aspects of her creative career. For two seasons, Elena was the producer of "Kitchen", its sequel "Kitchen in Paris" and a documentary about the series. Also, since 2011, she worked as an editor and producer on Channel One.

Today Elena lives in a frantic rhythm, in which there is little time for family and friends. Frequent business trips, irregular working hours, as well as a complete lack of time for rest do not affect the beauty of the beauty. Flying, as always, slender and elegant, to the envy of women and to the delight of men. It is no coincidence that in 2015 Maxim magazine included her among the sexiest Russian women.

She confesses her love for skiing and adores any extreme. The TV presenter regularly practices yoga and enjoys horse riding. Despite the chronic lack of time, Elena cooks herself in her free minute and, when the opportunity arises, tries to learn from more sophisticated colleagues Y. Vysotskaya and N. Belotserkovskaya. Among her favorite dishes is her specialty cake "Oriental", with which she tries to pamper her friends.

At the beginning of 2016, it became known that the permanent leader of "Revizorro" was leaving the popular project. Rather, she performed in a new capacity - as a producer. But it did not last long - in the fall of the same year, the TV channel "Friday!" announced that Flying would be hosting the show again. But in the new format - "Revizorro", headed by Lena, will inspect only the capital's establishments.

Personal life of Lena Flying

It is known that even before joining Revizorro, Flying had a boyfriend with whom they lived in a civil marriage for 5 years. But then the relationship became obsolete, and the young people parted quite peacefully, remaining in good relations.

According to her, everything happens very logically in her personal life. At the age of 25, it was still too early to get married, as she felt that she could not yet become a good wife and mother. Until the age of 30, the TV presenter made a career and her hands simply did not reach family relations. At 35, she realized her readiness for family life and even clearly understands what kind of man she needs.

Elena does not hide that she never tried to get married at any cost and treats the stamp in her passport without any reverence. In 2016, on her page on one of the social networks, she happily announced her engagement. The favorite of the TV personality turned out to be the famous restaurateur Yuri Anashenkov, who for the sake of new relationships left his common-law wife. The couple got married in August.

The 37-year-old TV presenter and Yuri Anashenkov decided to run away from everyone and arrange a romantic wedding ceremony. And they chose for the celebration the Greek island of Santorini, which is one of the most romantic islands in the world. The wedding itself was modest, the bride and groom invited only the closest people to the ceremony. But an incredibly beautiful sea view and a luxurious wedding dress from Vera Wang fully compensated for the lack of pomp and pomp.

However, Lena compensated for the lack of splendor of the wedding ceremony with an expensive bachelorette party: it was held in the presidential suite of the Lotte hotel. The cost of the apartments, as you might guess, is simply breathtaking - 600 thousand rubles per day!

Lena assures that she was very lucky to meet a person who looks with her in the same direction.

“We are like yin and yang. In many ways they are similar. First of all, we have the same position in life. Yura is very responsible, unusually kind, and, most importantly, I feel like a woman with him. It seems to be so elementary, but I communicate with my friends and I understand that men have ceased to take responsibility, and women have ceased to feel like women next to them, - the star confessed. - And I feel weak next to Yura. Beloved. And, in turn, I want to give to him. This is not a story of those: you owe me, you owe me. We are very good together. We protect each other. That's what this story is about. And then someone writes that he is an oligarch. What nonsense. It doesn't matter what he does. "

The couple spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. Lena and Yuri went surfing, yoga, sunbathing, cycling and swimming with manta rays.

Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov is a little-known person. He gained popularity in the media thanks to an affair with the leading rating program "Revizorro" Elena Letuchaya, with whom they were legally married last summer. Almost nothing is known about the biography of the chosen one of the popular TV presenter, it is impossible to find even information about the place and exact date of his birth, and Wikipedia does not report anything about him either.

Yuri Anashenkov: biography, crime

Yuri Gennadievich was born in Moscow in 1977, and after graduating from high school he entered the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He began his career with work in the police, where he rose to the rank of major.

Then he was a personnel inspector of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Eastern Administrative District of the Russian capital. However, service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not bring any moral or material satisfaction to Anashenkov, and he decided to become an entrepreneur.

In the photo - Yuri Anashenkov

Yuri Gennadievich is a wealthy man, engaged in the collection business, and the first company that he created together with partners and of which he later became the general director was the Russian Collector collection agency.

Anashenkov's name was mentioned in the criminal chronicle in 2011 in connection with his involvement in raider seizures. They wrote that a group of armed fighters of his company participated in a raider seizure of the enterprise in order to oust one of the customers' competitors.

Anashenkov's business brings good income, which allowed him to become a fairly wealthy person and live in grand style.

Elena Flying and Yuri Anashenkov

Yuri met Elena a year and a half before their wedding. He fell in love with Flying immediately, and this was the reason that he left his common-law wife with two children. The millionaire collector is two years older than his new chosen one - at the time of the beginning of their romance, Yuri was thirty-nine, and Elena was thirty-seven years old.

In the photo - Anashenkov and Flying

The popular TV presenter had men even before Yuri, but she always hid her personal life and was listed as one of the most enviable brides in show business. For the first time with the new chosen one, the “auditor” publicly appeared at the “Topical Style Awards” ceremony and almost immediately they started talking about the fact that this is the future husband of the Flying.

The presenter decided to declassify the romance with Yuri even before the wedding, having posted on the network a photo of their joint vacation in Bali, where they had a great time sunbathing on the beach and surfing.

Yuri Anashenkov and Elena Letuchaya registered their marriage on August 22, 2016 in the Greek resort of Santorini, surrounded only by their closest friends and relatives. And before that, Lena celebrated a bachelorette party in the presidential suite of one of the most luxurious hotels in the capital, Lotte Hotel Moscow. All the last days before the wedding, Flying carefully thought over all the details of the celebration, so that this event would become fabulous and memorable.

The fact that Elena finally decided to part with her bachelor life testifies to the fact that in Yuri she saw the man of her whole life. Anashenkov enjoys the authority of Elena and provides her with support not only in everyday life, but also helps in her work whenever possible. Anashenkov is a lawyer by training, and Elena often turns to him for advice. He regrets nothing for his wife - together they live in a luxurious mansion in one of the elite villages near Moscow.

According to Anashenkov's wife, after she married him, she was finally able to feel like a weak woman who no longer had to solve all difficult problems on her own. Yuri turned out to be a caring husband, next to whom she feels like behind a stone wall.

The experience of their family life is less than a year, and so far everything is going great in a young family. Elena does not hide that she has long dreamed of children, and, perhaps, next to Yuri Anashenkov, she will be able to fulfill her dream. They are very similar, they have the same interests, both love to travel, outdoor activities, sports. Elena admitted that she found a soul mate in Yuri, and next to him she forgets about everything in the world.

Former women

Despite the fact that for Elena Flying, her husband became the only man, according to the testimony of some, Yuri Gennadievich was never distinguished by his loyalty to only one woman, and, having a family, he can have fun with others. The presence of two ex-wives indicates that he can easily leave the family, even though it has children.

The first common-law wife of Yuri was Evgenia Zaichenko, whom Anashenkov left with a small child who was not even a year old for the sake of a new love - to art critic Hasmik Vaye Reitor.

Hasmik Gevorgovna is a Muscovite, a creative and active person. She started working early - at the age of eighteen and also married early. Hasmik has pursued a career in the investment business and event management. Anashenkov's ex-wife devotes a lot of time to charity - she heads the Galchonok Foundation, which helps children with organic lesions of the nervous system and their families. Together with famous artists, this foundation staged the play "Poetry", the proceeds of which go to help children in need.

In the photo - Yuri Anashenkov and Hasmik Vaye Reitor

Hasmik Vaye Reitor lived with Yuri Anashenkov for six years, in 2009 she gave birth to their first son, and in 2012 - their second. The birth of children did not affect Anashenkov's decision to leave the family when their second son was only three years old.

Elena Flying rejects all accusations that she became the culprit for this and says that that marriage broke up even before she began dating Yuri, and his ex-wife now has a new relationship. According to Hasmik Vaye Reitor, she was very upset with the divorce, and she was helped to cope with negative emotions by working at the Galchonok charity foundation. She saw that other women find themselves in a much more deplorable state, alone with sick children, so that, in comparison with them, everything is fine with her.

She says that Yuri continues to communicate with the children, but they do not see any help from him. Hasmik does not set his sons against their father, and they love him very much and look forward to meeting him.

One of Anashenkov's acquaintances called him a cuckoo man and the story that Yuri's first wife still loves him and hopes that he can return. Their son Maxim is now nine years old, and Anashenkov also communicates with him. The same acquaintance says that he and his first common-law wife Yevgenia Zaichenko had a very great love, but Yuri, unlike her, apparently had a long time gone.

Anashenkov knows how to win women's hearts, knows how to look after beautifully, apparently, with this he won the love of all his women. He showered the Flying with compliments, gave expensive gifts and completely took possession of all her thoughts. Perhaps now he has become more adult and more serious, he will be able to settle down and make Elena Flying really happy, because she has very serious plans for the future.

This blonde is of interest to many today. Do you also consider yourself one of her fans? Then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the content of the article.

Elena Flying: biography, childhood

She was born on December 5, 1978 in Yaroslavl. Flying is Elena's real surname, not a pseudonym. Lena was a welcome and beloved child. Parents always pampered her by buying expensive imported clothes and toys.

When the girl was 7 years old, she and her family moved to the Siberian city of Tynda. All because the father and mother went to the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.


Our heroine graduated from the financial and economic college, located in the city of Blagoveshchensk. Then she returned to Yaroslavl. For almost 4 years, the girl worked as a financier at the local branch of Gazprom.

Soon, the blonde went to Moscow. There she easily entered the University of Railways. In 2005 she was awarded a diploma of graduation from the university. Lena received a degree in economics. But that is not all. Behind our heroine's shoulders is training at the Ostankino Television School.

Thanks to such qualities as dedication, perseverance and hard work, Flying achieved everything that she now has.


In February 2014, Lena tried herself as a TV presenter. Prior to that, she worked only behind the scenes, was an editor and producer of many programs. "Revizorro" is a project that has not been shown on our TV yet. Fearless Elena Flying with her team visited restaurants and hotels in large cities. Not all Russian establishments have been tested for cleanliness and quality of services. The blonde repeatedly had to enter into verbal skirmishes with the administrators and owners of hotels, cafes, hostels and restaurants. Young people have a new idol - fair and sharp-tongued Elena Flying. Personal life, biography of the TV presenter - all this aroused unprecedented interest. A large number of positive reviews about her work appeared on the website of the Friday channel.

Flying Elena: biography, personal life

Our heroine is a tall blonde with a pretty face, blue eyes and a chiseled figure. She hardly ever had problems associated with a lack of male attention. And indeed, at school and at the institute, the guys ran after Lena. They presented her with flowers and compliments, invited her on dates. But then at the Flying in the first place was study.

The TV presenter was offered marriage proposals three times - at 23, at 24 and at 26. And each time the girl had to refuse. She understood that she was not ready to become a caring and homely wife. She wanted to move forward, to cost her career.

Did you take a man out of the family?

Elena Flying, personal life, whose biography interests many, opposes fleeting novels. In her opinion, the relationship should be serious and with the prospect of marriage.

In the summer of 2015, the whole country learned about the journalist's new novel. Photos from her vacation in Sri Lanka got to the network. Next to the blonde, there was always a handsome young man. Who is Elena Flying with him? Personal life, the biography of this guy has several interesting points.

Let's start with the fact that his name is Yuri Anashenkov. He is the owner of one of the metropolitan collection agencies. The most interesting thing is that at the time of his acquaintance with Lena Flying, the young man was in a relationship with another lady. His common-law wife is the eastern beauty Hasmik Vaye-Reitor. They have two children in common.

Was this family able to break Elena Flying? Personal life, biography of our heroine today are under the gun of cameras and cameras. It is unlikely that the girl would become a participant in the "muddy" story. Love triangles are not her theme. According to Lena, at the time of their acquaintance, Yuri no longer lived with his common-law wife.

New life

Elena Flying, whose biography we are considering, rented an apartment in Moscow for several years. After she began to host the programs "Revizorro", her fees increased. Thanks to this, the girl was able to save money to buy her own home.

In 2015, a well-known journalist purchased a mansion in New Riga. For several months, finishing work was carried out in the house. Flying has hired professional builders and designers.

In February 2016, it became known about Lena's move to a luxurious mansion. In a two-story house, the TV presenter will not live alone, but with her beloved man. Yuri has already transported some of the things to her. Someone will hasten to call him gigolo. However, Lena insisted on living in her house. Her lover earns good money. He pampers the bride with expensive gifts and jewelry. At the same time, the man does not forget to provide financial assistance to his ex-wife and children.


Only at the age of 37, the TV presenter "matured" for family life. She managed to build a successful career. Now you can think about procreation.

Leaving the project "Revizorro"

In March 2016, information appeared that Lena Flying was leaving the popular program. Later, the TV presenter herself confirmed this. The fans of the "Revizorro" program could not believe that Elena Letuchaya would leave them. The girl's biography became known precisely thanks to this project.

And the envious and ill-wishers immediately began to look for the reason for Lena's departure. Some people have suggested that this is due to the pregnancy of the blonde. A few days later, Flying denied this information. In an interview with one of the print media, she announced that she wanted children, but a little later. First, the girl needs to get married and equip a new house.


Now you know what path to fame has been made by Flying Elena. Biography, personal life, photo of the TV presenter - all this is contained in the article. Before us is an attractive girl, a talented journalist and a real professional, responsibly approaching any business. We wish Elena success in her career and victories on the love front!

The owner of an interesting and extensive biography, Elena Letuchaya is known to a wide audience as one of the most popular Russian TV presenters.

Having a varied creative activity, the ex-host of the "Revizorro" program continues to delight her fans with new projects: on a show called "The Flying Squad" she, together with the film crew, will check the work in schools, hospitals and kindergartens.

Hobbies in school years and the search for what you love

Elena was born in 1978 in Yaroslavl. Her father and mother worked as civil engineers. When the girl was 8 years old, the whole family moved to Tynda, as her parents were sent to build the BAM. In childhood and school years, the future TV presenter had versatile interests: she danced with pleasure, skated and studied at an art school, dreaming of becoming an artist in the future.

In the photo, Elena Flying in childhood with her family: father Alexander Nikolaevich and mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna

After leaving school, the girl changed her plans and wanted to study as an architect, however, her parents were against this. Choosing a financial university in Blagoveshchensk, she successfully entered this university, after which she got a job at OJSC Gazprom Gazenergoset. Then Flying received a second higher education, having studied at the Russian Open Academy of Transport in Moscow. She also managed to work in the Railway Directorate, but soon the girl realized that she did not feel pleasure from work.

Television career

For the company with her friend, Elena entered the television school, where she took a course. Her first creative work was a story about donation, after which the spectacular blonde realized that she was on the right track. At the same time, she was an editor at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, was engaged in filming stories on the Stolitsa TV channel, and on the Global Star TV channel she was the author of several programs. In 2011, Flying began to collaborate with Channel One, becoming the editor of some projects. In her creative activity there was also a production work, which she carried out on the TV channel "Friday!" and TV3.

At the beginning of 2014, the blonde beauty was able to charm the producers of a new show on the Friday TV channel with her creative abilities, thanks to which she was soon appointed the host of Revizorro. For the sake of a new job, Elena had to not only learn all the subtleties in serving various institutions, but also change her external image. This project quickly gained popularity among viewers, and the broadcast star itself had numerous fans. For two years on this show, she and her team had to visit many cities of Russia and carry out the difficult work of checking a wide variety of hotels, cafes and restaurants, while causing hostile relations from their owners.

In 2016, the TV presenter's hard work was noted: she received two TEFI awards in such nominations as "Investigative Journalism" and "Evening Talk Show". However, already in 2017, Flying left “Friday!”, Becoming the host of a new program on Channel One. Her fans were saddened by the turn of such events, but Elena herself is happy with the new appointment. As part of her "Flying Squad" program, the blonde, along with a team of like-minded people, will tell viewers how to fight for their rights in difficult life situations.

Harmonious relationship with husband

For a long time, Flying did not strive to create a family, since all her forces were thrown into building a career. But this does not mean that she forgot about her personal life, in which there were dates with men, meetings with friends, as well as hobbies for equestrian sports and other interesting things. The blonde beauty always followed her figure, thanks to which, with a height of 178 cm, her weight was only 60 kg. When a major leap took place in her career as a TV presenter, then she met businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The new lover had a relationship in the past, and now he has two sons. When Elena started dating Yuri, he was already free. A year and a half later, the lovers celebrated their engagement, and in the summer of 2016 their wedding took place on the Greek island of Santorini.

In the photo Elena Flying with her husband Yuri Anashenkov. Source https://www.instagram.com/elenapegas/

Together with her husband, she opened her own Internet project "Flying Store", where you can buy various souvenirs and gifts. Spouses are interested in spending time together, so they often go to the store together for shopping, travel the world, ride the surf, not getting tired of each other's company. Flying hopes that soon two children will appear in their family, but for now she is happy to communicate with her husband's sons.