White economic policy: land to the peasants! Presentation on the topic “Economic Policy of Reds and Whites” White Policy during the Civil War.

White economic policy: land to the peasants!  Presentation on the topic
White economic policy: land to the peasants! Presentation on the topic “Economic Policy of Reds and Whites” White Policy during the Civil War.

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Communism (from Latin commūnis - “common”) - in Marxism, the organization of society in which the economy is based on public ownership of the means of production.

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1. As a result of the civil war, the country's economy collapsed completely. The regions of the country separated from each other and changing hands did not bring profit. The fields were not sown, there were not enough workers. But the war required grain, clothing, shoes, and weapons. The city, cut off from the village, began to starve. The Soviet government began to pursue a policy of war communism. The Bolshevik slogan “Everything for victory” meant the concentration of all the country’s forces to ensure victory. The Bolsheviks did not want to wait; they needed communism right now. They believed that in the new communist society there would be no place for trade and monetary relations, there would be no trade, no money. Everything will be subordinated to a single plan, and everything will be distributed according to the principle of “equalization.” Lenin proclaimed the slogan “FROM EACH ACCORDING TO YOUR ABILITY – TO EACH ACCORDING TO NEED,” which was carried out.

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2. On December 2, 1918, the committees of the poor were dissolved. In connection with the food dictatorship, peasant revolts became more frequent. According to N.K. Krupskaya, “the kombets are violent and disgraceful, there is a split in the village, cases of lynching of the authorities have become more frequent.” The Bolsheviks decided to regain the trust they had lost in the villages through a policy of appeasement. On January 11, 1919, the “Decree on the allocation of grain and fodder” was issued. He envisaged taking from “the poor nothing, the middle peasant moderately, the fist a lot.” In fact, according to the surplus appropriation system, not only surplus grain was confiscated, but also the necessary supply. In 1920, surplus appropriation extended to potatoes and other crops. N.K. Krupskaya is Lenin’s wife, revolutionary.

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“Brothers peasants, we cry for help...” Bolshevik leaflet distributed throughout the villages.

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Bolshevik poster from the time of “war communism”.

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Surplus appropriation in action.

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3. The White rulers did not openly advocate a return to the old order; in their opinion, the fate of Russia should have been decided by the Constituent Assembly. At the same time, they recognized the need to solve the agrarian question, but they didn’t really know how to solve it. Socialist-Revolutionary B.V. Savinkov wrote that “...valiant generals did not understand that an idea cannot be defeated with bayonets, that an idea must be opposed to an idea... vital, close to the heart...” B.V. Savinkov

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Key indicators of white policy. Admiral Kolchak General Denikin Baron Wrangel The solution to the peasant question was postponed until the end of the civil war. The decrees of the Soviet government on land were declared illegal by the 1919 land reform project. Land is distributed through voluntary agreements between peasants and landowners. The land was returned to the landowners. The final resolution of the land issue was postponed until the end of the war. May 25, 1920 Land Law. Land for the working people. He defends land grabs. Landowners 30% of the land. Peasants pay the state for land alienated from landowners in grain. Creation of volost and rural communities. Autonomy of Cossack lands.

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The end of the presentation.

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1. The policy of war communism With the beginning of the Civil War, the crisis in the economy intensified. Raw materials areas were cut off from the industrial center. Many cities fell into the hands of whites. Economic ties between enterprises, city and countryside fell apart. Famine began in the cities.

The socio-economic policy of the Soviet government during the Civil War was called “war communism”: -military, because the only goal was to concentrate forces to defeat the enemy - Communism, because this policy was ideologically influenced by the Bolsheviks (lack of private property, trade, equal distribution system)

And industry set a course for the accelerated nationalization of all industries. Former owners were deprived of all income. All industry was subordinated to the needs of the front. Enterprises not associated with the front were closed. Universal labor conscription and labor mobilization of the population aged 16 to 50 years were introduced.

Instead of money, workers were given food rations, food coupons in the canteen, and basic necessities as wages. Payments for travel in transport, for housing, and utilities were abolished. Commodity-money relations were abolished: all goods were distributed by the state

2. Agriculture during the period of war communism On December 2, 1918, the committees of the poor were dissolved. But this did not help to organize the supply of bread. Bread prices were high. The indignation of the peasantry began. In this situation, it was necessary to regain the trust of the middle peasantry.

On December 11, a Decree on the allocation of grain and fodder was issued: -The state reported the exact figure of its needs for bread and fodder -Then distributed (allocated) it to the provinces, districts, households -Fulfillment of the grain procurement plan was mandatory -The surplus appropriation was based not on the capabilities of the peasantry, but from the needs of the state

Often it was not the surplus that was seized, but the necessary reserves of grain. Surplus appropriation was carried out according to the class principle: - From the poor peasants - nothing - From the middle peasants - moderately - From the rich - a lot Since 1920, Surplus appropriation extended to potatoes and other agricultural products

White rulers of the North of Russia: -The sown harvest, all mowing, estates and implements were returned to the landowners -The arable land remained with the peasants until the land issue was resolved by the Constituent Assembly But in the conditions of the North, mowing was valuable, so the peasants found themselves dependent on the landowners

The essence of his land reform: -Land to the owners who work on it -Former owners should retain part of their lands -New owners must pay the former for the land with part of their harvest -Settlements between new and previous owners must be carried out by the state

According to Wrangel’s reform, volost zemstvos and rural communities were to be created. They were to become bodies of peasant self-government instead of rural Soviets. Wrangel approved a new provision on autonomy for Cossack lands. Workers were promised new factory legislation that would protect their rights.

Lesson 3: Economic policy of red and white.

The purpose of the lesson: repeat the main events of the Civil War;

Study the content of the economic policies of the Reds and Whites.

Key Knowledge:the main activities and essence of the policy of war communism; economic programs of the white movement.

Intrasubject and intersubject connections: course of world history

Key concepts:War communism, surplus appropriation.

Characteristics of main activities:explain the meaning of the concept of the policy of war communism. Characterize the evolution of the Bolshevik policy towards the peasantry; compare the policies of the Reds and the Whites.

Formed UUD : regulatory, cognitive.

Working with historical sources:

Reading and commenting on passages:

  • from the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the procedure for universal labor service", textbook p. 119;
  • from a letter from N.K. Krupskaya to People's Commissar of Internal Affairs G.I. Petrovsky, textbook p. 120
  • Messages on the land issue of the Wrangel government, textbook p. 122

Educational environment:

  1. Textbook for 9th grade A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina, M.Yu. Brandt History of Russia XX - early XXI centuries. – M.: Education, 2014;
  2. map “Civil War and Intervention in Russia”.

Students were divided into groups in advance and were given the task of preparing historical portraits of A.V. Kolchak, A.I. Denikina, N.N. Yudenich, P.N. Wrangel, M.N. Tukhachevsky, M.V. Frunze.

Key questions:

  1. The politics of war communism.
  2. Agriculture during the period of war communism.
  3. White economic policy.
  4. Wrangel's reform activities.

Lesson preparation:The class is pre-divided into groups.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Introductory motivational conversation.

Teacher: In previous lessons, we found out the reasons and characterized the main stages of the civil war.

  • We studied the main events on the fronts of the civil war, considered alternatives for the development of Russia;

The purpose of the lesson :

Review the main events of the Civil War;

  • analyze and compare the economic programs of the main participants in the Civil War;
  • reveal the reasons for the defeat of White and the victory of Red.
  1. Repetition of learned material.

The teacher organizes group work, during which each group completes their assignments and then presents them to the whole class.

Card No. 1 “Eastern Front”.

1. Tell us about A.V. Kolchak. What is the fate of the “supreme ruler of Russia”?

2. Make a chronology of military operations on the Eastern Front.

Card No. 2. “Southern Front. The defeat of Wrangel."

1. Tell us about A.I. Denikine, P.N. Wrangel.

2. Make a chronology of events on the Southern Front.

Card number 3. “Campaign on Petrograd. War with Poland."

1. Tell N.N. Yudenich.

2. Make a chronology of events.

How did N.N.’s speech end? Yudenich and the war with Poland?

Card number 4. “Red”.

1. Tell us about M.F. Frunze and M.V. Tukhachevsky.

2. Tell us about the largest victories of the Red Army on the fronts of the civil war.

Make a general conclusion: What are the results of military operations on the fronts of the civil war? History does not like subjunctive moods, however, imagine how Russia would have developed if the “whites” had won.

1. Learning new material.

Class assignment : as you explain new material, fill out the diagrams.

  1. “Economic Policy: Reds”

Fill out the diagram: “The policy of war communism.”

The Great October Revolution is by no means the last stage in the formation of the Bolshevik regime in Russia. Participants in the White movement, even being defeated in their homeland, continued to fight the Bolsheviks from abroad. The struggle between the Reds and the Whites lasted until the 30s of the 20th century, and supporters of the monarchy would have had every chance of winning if the ideology of the White Guard movement had been at least a little clearer, and the White Guard itself had been more united.

A significant contribution to the success of the Bolsheviks was made by politicians - Lenin, Trotsky and others - who carefully worked out the ideological foundation on which the Soviet Union was built. Clearly written, high-quality slogans, skillful speakers, and well-organized propaganda had an influence on the population that ensured the victory of the revolution. The whites, being mostly representatives of the military intelligentsia, were not good politicians. Disunity and the lack of a clear ideological platform played a role - slowly but surely the white movement lost ground.

Economic policy of whites and reds

However, if the same economic policies pursued by the Reds and Whites are analyzed as an example, it becomes clear that the actions of the Bolsheviks were completely at odds with their words. And, paradoxically, it is white economic policy was based on the distribution of land and bread to the poor. So, in 1919 On the initiative of Denikin, the “Declaration of Land” was adopted, which protected the interests of workers and preserved the rights of owners to their land. He also abolished the grain monopoly of the Provisional Government and prepared a draft “Land Law” according to which peasants could buy a certain amount of land from landowners.

Kolchak and Wrangel did not lag behind him. Kolchak's economic program included the distribution of land to the poor, the return of lands to their former owners and the solution of the land issue that arose as a result of population growth under Nicholas II. Wrangel's policy, in turn, was aimed at the wealthy peasantry. Its main goal was land reform, the purpose of which was to limit the land plots of large landowners, increase the land owned by the middle peasant stratum, and support free market trade.

The Reds, who promised land to the peasants and factories to the workers, began their rule by introducing “war communism”, surplus appropriation (requisition of grain from the peasants) and widespread nationalization of enterprises. War communism was followed by the NEP with the destruction of the remnants of the wealthy strata of society and collectivization, during which the Bolsheviks switched to a policy of dispossession.

However, the Bolshevik policies did not always affect the well-being of the country's population. For example, the new government, in an effort to support collective farms, allocated huge funds for loans and credits. Unfortunately, this state financial policy did not lead to an increase in productivity: more than half of the funds allocated from the budget ended up in the pockets of officials.

Of course, to argue that if White had won, everything would have been much better is obviously pointless. It is unknown what the fate of Russia would have been like if the White Guard movement had won. One thing is clear: in history, as in life, there are neither bad nor good. There are losers and winners - and it is the latter who write history.

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Slide captions:

Checking homework Topic “Civil War”

Yes/no 1. ONE OF THE REASONS FOR THE CIVIL WAR WAS THE BOLSHEVIKS’ IGNOREMENT OF DEMOCRACY NORMS AND THE DISPERSAL OF THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY? 2. The ranks of the Red Army included workers, Bolsheviks, and wealthy peasants? 3. Is the beginning of the civil war associated with the performance of the Czechoslovak corps? 4. M.F. Frunze, S.M. Budyonny, M.N. Tukhachevsky were representatives of the Red Army? 5. Is the attack on Petrograd in May 1919 associated with the name of M.N. Tukhachevsky? 6. During the years of the civil war there was a period of intervention from countries such as the USA, England, France, Romania, Germany?


8. What historical figure was the city of Omsk associated with during the Civil War?

Answers: 1. yes 2. no 3. yes 4. yes 5. no 6.M.V. FRUNZE, S.M.BUDENYY 7. A.V.Kolchak

Lesson topic: Economic policy of the Reds and Whites § 16

“war communism” is the economic policy of the Soviet state in conditions of economic ruin and the Civil War of 1918 - 1920. - mobilization of all forces and resources for defense.

Activities within the framework of the policy of “war communism”: 1. Nationalization of all industries


5. "Glaucusism", i.e. over-centralization of industrial management. The management of nationalized enterprises was carried out by the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh)


6. Dissolution of the Poor Committees

2. Letters from peasants to M.A. Spiridonova, 1918 (Extracts) This is what peasants from all the provinces of Soviet Russia write to me about the agitators: “They put us side by side, dear teacher (I correct spelling everywhere), the whole one third of the volost in a line and in the presence of others two-thirds were beaten with fists from right to left, and only those who tried to escape were taken to the lash.” Or from another letter: “As the Bolshevik detachment approached, they put on all their shirts and even women’s sweaters to prevent pain on their bodies, but the Red Army soldiers became so skilled that at once two shirts fell into the body of a working man. They then soaked them in a bathhouse or simply in a pond; some did not lie down on their backs for several weeks. They took everything clean from us, all the women’s clothes and canvases, the men’s jackets, watches and shoes, and there’s nothing to say about bread.”<...>Or from the third letter: “Our mother, tell me who to go to now, everyone in our village is poor and hungry, we didn’t sow well - there weren’t enough seeds, we had three fists, we robbed them long ago, we don’t have bourgeoisie..., and an indemnity and a fine were imposed on us, we beat our Bolshevik commissar, he hurt us painfully. They spanked us a lot, we can’t tell you how. Those who had a party card from the communists were not flogged. Who will stand up for us now? The entire rural community bows to you.” From the fourth: “They took us and beat us, they couldn’t subdue one, they killed him, but he was crazy...”

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