Its significance in literature, music. What's the climax? Its significance in literature, music Culminating event

Its significance in literature, music.  What's the climax?  Its significance in literature, music Culminating event
Its significance in literature, music. What's the climax? Its significance in literature, music Culminating event

Everyone knows that the climax is the most intense moment of the work, which requires special attention from the viewer. It is found exclusively in all forms of literary creativity, from the simplest sayings to large forms of prose. The presence of this aspect in the work is inevitable, otherwise the reader's interest will be lost.


The climax is the highest point of tension that shows the essence of the problem and the ways to solve it. In small literary forms, most often there is only one intriguing episode, which is usually at the end. These are easy-to-understand stories, parables, fables and the like. The climax of a fairy tale can serve as a striking example. We take any story from a children's book, for example "Cinderella", and look for a decisive moment there. Of course, the most interesting thing for the child will be reading about how the wicked stepmother found out that the mysterious guest at the ball is Cinderella, who is now marrying the prince.

Fairy elements

Arabian tales have several climaxes, as they consist of different chapters. An example is Sinbad the Sailor. In each of his seven travels there were preceding events, their denouement and outcome, which was always happy. The plot is simple, but there are many tense moments, reading this work, we understand that each time the culmination is the way home, which Sinbad will be able to find during his next voyage.

Challenging climaxes

In works of large form, as a rule, there are many climaxes. In the story, the leaders can be several storylines that are intertwined with each other, and each of them should have its own culmination and the events that precede it. The fates of the heroes are intertwined, during which one solution to the problem can become the basis for the emergence of a new plot. As an example, we will cite the work of Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". It is safe to say that in this case, the climax is the whole novel. Here, the disappearance of the outfits in which the ladies in the theater were dressed gives way to a scene of Margarita's experiences, which lead her to meet Azazello. And the journey of Professor Woland to Moscow leads to the fact that the Master frees from all sins who have sat in his chair for more than one millennium.


It is believed that for the reader it is the moments of the climax that are the most interesting. Therefore, the authors often stretched decisive events into chapters, forcing us to turn the pages one after another in search of answers to all the questions of interest to us earlier. As a result, the climax can be unexpected, with many conflicting facts. Such works are called non-standard, the most interesting and exciting. If the plot comes to its logical end, then reading such a book is simple and accessible. It is ideal for those who often fly on airplanes or travel by train.

We can say that the climax in literature is the most interesting moment of the work. He reveals to us all the secrets and shows the true face of the heroes. And if something seemed incomprehensible to you, it means that it was intended by the author. Think of these books as mysteries that no one else can solve.

Many aspiring writers are concerned with the question of what a climax in literature is. This is the very cornerstone on which the fate of the work depends. Will it be able to intrigue the reader, will it live for centuries or will it shine with a faint sparkle and sink into oblivion?

In what works of literature there is a culmination

It is where there is a conflict, its development, that is, the storyline, that there is always a culmination. In literature, these are stories, short stories, novellas, plays, novels, sometimes poems, for example, ballads, poems, fables.

In other kinds of genres, her presence may be inappropriate or undesirable. These include a lyric poem, essay, sketches, descriptions, essays, some types of articles, for example, critical or selling. Although exceptions are always and everywhere. But in any case, no matter what kind of work, no matter in what genre it is written, the presence of a culmination requires the presence of a conflict, its development.

Can there be a climax in poetry?

In the literature, this is a rather controversial point. After all, the storyline is not observed everywhere. For example, poetry of the 19th century. It was believed that she could not have had a plot in any way. Lyric poems usually described exclusively the feelings and inner struggle of the hero, praised nature and female beauty.

The turning point was the publication of the novel by A.S. Pushkin, which he wrote in verse. And in it, of course, there is a conflict that develops, reaches a climax, that is, a climax comes. In literature, this was the first experience of writing a novel in verse. However, it was received by the readers with a bang.

Today this trend has many followers. In modern poetry, there is a huge number of works where conflict, its development and culmination take place. Examples in twentieth century literature are:

What is called the climax

The development of the plot in the work is provoked by a conflict. It grows, the old relationship becomes impossible. This can happen both in external events and at the level of the spiritual inner life of the heroes. And here comes this turning point - a revolution in the consciousness of the hero or an act, an event that changes everything around.

So what's the climax in literature? The definition of this part of the work will be quite simple. The moment when a conflict situation reaches its highest point, its peak of development, is considered to be the culmination. After all, this word itself is already translated as "top".

One of the heroes of Guillaume Musso came up with a witty answer to the question of what a climax in literature is. The definition is short: it is the point of no return. And in fact, this tipping point is a border that must be crossed. After it comes a new countdown of an absolutely changed being or consciousness.

Vividly demonstrates the presence of the climax "A touching story about a boy and a dog." This work tells how Dimka, selflessly loving dogs, becomes disabled. The mother, who had previously resisted keeping a dog in the house, decides to take this serious step. The climax comes when the toddler plunges his face into the puppy's fluffy fur and laughs merrily for the first time since the injury. And the mother sternly tells him: “You promised that you would raise the dog yourself. It's time to keep the promise! "

And now the reader is transported through the years ahead. Not a boy, but a young man, limping, walks next to the aged dog, carefully watching him - what if you need help? Dima understands that once upon a time it was this animal that made the kid get out of the wheelchair.

Scheme of constructing a plot literary work

Each story piece consists of an exposition, a set, a climax, and a denouement. The classical construction should be exactly like this, the parts are in the marked sequence.

However, today the authors are quite free to use the rules established once by the classics. Today, the climax plays the role of an introduction quite well, intriguing the reader at the very beginning. However, even in this case, a denouement is necessary following it. Therefore, the writer at the end of the work again returns to the climax. And in those rare cases when the author gives the reader the opportunity to think out the options for the denouement himself, the climax is a stunning final chord.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


luminaries, astronomer. the transition and the instant of the transition of the luminary through the midday of the place; reaching the greatest height. Culminate, roll across the meridian.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


climax, w. (Latin culminatio) (book).

    The passage of the star through the meridian (astr.).

    transfer The point of the highest ascent, the highest tension.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    The passage of the luminary through the celestial meridian (special).

    The point of the highest tension "ascent, development of something. (Book.) K. events.

    adj. culminating, th, th. K. moment.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    f. The passage of the stars through the celestial meridian (in astronomy).

    1. A period of highest upsurge, development, tension of smth.

      The moment of the highest tension in the development of the action, usually preceding the denouement (in literary criticism).

      The moment of the highest tension in a piece of music, usually distinguished by a high register, an increase in the sound volume, harmonic means (in music).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


CULMINATION (from Lat.culmen, genus culminis - top)

    the point of higher tension, rise, development of something.

    In astronomy - the passage of the stars through the celestial meridian. Distinguish between the upper culmination (M), when the star is closer to the zenith (Z), and the lower (M), when it is closer to the nadir (Z) (P, P - North and South poles of the world).

    The moment of the highest tension in the development of the action, which sharpens the conflict as much as possible, is artistic. In the culmination, a turning point occurs or is outlined, preparing the denouement (the scene of the "mousetrap" in William Shakespeare's "Hamlet").

    The moment of the highest tension in a musical structure, a section of a piece of music, a whole piece. As a rule, it is distinguished by high register, amplification of sound volume, harmonic means.


(from Lat. culmen, genus. case culminis ≈ top), point, the period of the highest rise, the maximum tension in the development of something. In art (literature, theater, cinema), the most intense moment in the development of an action (plot), a decisive, turning point in the relationship and clash of heroes, from which the transition to the denouement begins. From the point of view of content, K. is a kind of life test that sharpens the problem of the work as much as possible and decisively reveals the character of the hero (for example, the scene with the shot in "Uncle Vanya" by A. Chekhov). See also Plot.




  • The culmination in astronomy is the moment the star passes through the celestial meridian in the process of its diurnal movement.
  • The culmination in art is the moment of the highest tension in the development of a work of art.


  • "Climax" is a series aired in the United States by CBS between 1954-1958. Each episode presented a separate psychological or mystical drama.

Climax (astronomy)

Climax- the moment the luminary passes through the celestial meridian in the process of its diurnal movement. Otherwise: the moments when the luminary passes the points of intersection of the diurnal parallel of the luminary and the celestial meridian.

Distinguish between upper and lower culminations. At the moment of the upper climax, the luminary rises to its maximum height above the horizon. At the moment of the lower climax, the luminary descends to a minimum height, in some cases it may appear below the horizon.

Also distinguish the upper culmination north and south of the zenith. If the luminary culminates south of the zenith, then at the moment of culmination its astronomical azimuth is 0 °, and if the luminary culminates north of the zenith, then its azimuth at the moment of culmination is 180 °.

Knowing the declination of the star δ and the latitude of the place of observation φ, it is possible to calculate the zenith distances of this star at the moments of culminations:

Z = 180º -;
z = φ - δ;
z = δ - φ.

In a similar way, observing a star in the upper and lower climax, one can determine its declination and latitude of the observation site. If the upper climax of the star occurs south of the zenith, then

δ = 90 ° - (z + z) / 2;
φ = 90 ° - (z-z) / 2;

and if north of the zenith, then

δ = 90 ° - (z-z) / 2;
φ = 90 ° - (z + z) / 2.

Examples of the use of the word culmination in literature.

A period of tireless agitational work has come, which has become a period of political climax Lunacharsky.

He - climax Kevin's teachings, ”Amok said slyly, as if he were cracking a subtle joke.

The population of this house was preparing for the birth of the young Myatlev, and the dark green uniform, delivered by Mr. Sverbeev at the right time, marked his appearance climax in the follies of providence.

A long line of tales of Shakespeare and Combe's relationship has reached climax at Rowe.

Culminating in the image in the play, - continued Koonen, - is considered the dance of the seven veils, as a reward for which Salome demands from Herod the head of Jokanaan, who rejected her.

Symphonic short stories and Symphonic songs, 17 symphonies, merging together, are perceived as vivid chapters of the symphonic chronicle: in them images of wise folk tales come to life, captivating pictures of native nature are painted, then collisions of heroic struggles unfold, then music draws into the world of lyrical feelings, and episodes of folk or fantasy character are replaced by the expression of dramatic climaxes.

The play must have its own beginning, middle, end, verified effective climax, and it is advisable to build the episodes not prosaically, but dramatically - in one state the characters enter, in the other they come out - there are many purely dramatic understandings and techniques according to which the theatrical action is formed.

Before moving on to the story of climax plague, when the disaster, having gathered all its strength into a fist, threw them on the city and finally took possession of it, we still have to tell about those desperate, endless and monotonous attempts that were made by individuals, such as Rambert, just to regain their happiness and to defend from the plague that part of themselves which they stubbornly defended against all encroachments.

The situation worsened, and at the end of the month the terror reached climax: Roy Rutberg of Kibbutz Nahal Oz was killed on the border in the Gaza region.

Events have reached climax in mid-1997, when the vice mayor of Suzhou, who ruled the LDCs, stated at a meeting with German investors in Hamburg that President Jiang Zemin did not support the development of the IPS, that German investors would be welcome in the LDCs and therefore did not need Singapore.

In short, Tolstoy's literature was reborn into Tolstoyism for two reasons: because of the immense horror of death and because his religious and ethical ideas did not fit the string. climax, denouement, and other narrative art tricks.

I didn’t buy anything With the money I spent Wormholes of ink The steps of the foreheads were running out Coppers laughed Above the broken rose Wax fools Drank the tubercular light I wandered like a stain Through the fields of merry weekdays Bone domino I lived in humpback tubers In the jelly of twisted water I was tearing the hardness of the threads into threads And a mustachioed like a centaur The day rode after me Taking out bad advice from my mouth Nights That stretching a thread That poisoned meat But I wanted to survive Climax story Where the heroic mug Kills the scoundrels And evil rushes with a glance Bare ass flashing 10.

Much could be said about the visual power of this film, but one of the scariest moments happens just before culmination when the heroine's brother reappears, still wearing chauffeur gloves, and grabs the sister with the idiotic purposefulness of a hungry dead man.

Khristich was good with his absence at the beginning and gradual, precisely calibrated in tempo, approaching the author and the reader, foreshadowing the semantic climax- meeting in the final.

This antagonism has outlived its climax in those places that were the original centers of civilization.

It is difficult to imagine almost any piece of music or literary work without tension, passion. This makes the listener or reader empathize, it causes the only desire - to find out what will happen next.

It is not surprising that this "aggravation of the situation" plays a key role. In order to correctly answer the question of what a culmination is, one should analyze in detail what types of it exist, the features of its use in different types of art.

There is a lot of controversy about the origin of this word.

Some scholars believe that it came to us from Ancient Greece and in Greek meant "point, peak."

Others insist on Latin roots.

The exact definition of what the climax means is given in Wikipedia, which describes several of its types:

  1. Astronomical - the moment when the celestial body passes through the celestial meridian (throughout the day).
  2. Literary - the most acute situation in a literary work.
  3. Musical - the maximum tension of sounds in the melody.

Climax as a plot element

This element is found in many literary works - both large genres (novels, stories) and small (stories).

Important! An exception may be essays, sketches, etudes - genres where there is no clear storyline, but a free flow of thoughts.

In the presence of the main plot elements: exposition, setting, development of events, denouement - the apogee comes after the development of events. First, the author introduces readers to the main characters. Then it plunges into the world of their lives, problems, relationships.

The reader is more and more worried, and then the climax comes when it becomes clear whether the hero will achieve his goal, whether he will win.

The culmination in literature is a way to keep the interest in the book, to awaken the desire to read it to the end.


Depending on the genre, the work may have one or more climaxes:

  • central (main);
  • additional (minor).

So, in stories, most often there is only one acute moment, after which the main problem is solved and the denouement occurs. In voluminous works (novels), the author describes several such situations. This is due to the large number of characters, storylines, conflicts of interest.

To understand in more detail what a culmination in literature is, it is worth turning to different works.

One of the most striking examples is the controversial novel The Master and Margarita. It has several exacerbations.

Each of the heroes is experiencing his own. The main character, Margarita, goes to the ball in the role of the queen.

And Pontius Pilate talks with Jesus Christ and realizes his innocence. Woland's retinue reveals their cards at the same time.

If you analyze the story of Nikolai Gogol, then the most poignant moment will be when the blacksmith Vakula arrives with a gift for his beloved Oksana - royal cherevichki. The reader is faced with the main question: will the beauty agree to become the wife of a blacksmith?

From small genres, this element of the plot can be traced on the example of any of the fairy tales. The popular fairy tale "Kolobok" - the climax comes when he agreed to sit on the fox's nose to sing a song. And everyone is waiting to see if the kolobok will manage to escape this time or will the fox eat it?

The culmination in musical works

For any music lover, the moment of apogee, the intensity of emotions is familiar.

It does not matter what kind of musical genre or direction we are talking about: classical (operas, musicals) or modern.

What is the climax in music used for? What does she bring new to music? Does it always have to be?

Defining a climax will help answer these questions.

It means the most emotional aggravation, the point of the highest tension, expectations. This element is present in any melody. It is easy to recognize it. It is expressed with the help of upper sounds, which sound longer, expressively, sometimes the effect of a ragged, intermittent melody is created.

It is as necessary in music as it is in any other art form. Human perception is structured in such a way that at first most of the people are more interested. Over time, interest becomes less, and so that it does not fade away, they use such acute moments.

They are usually used in the area of ​​the golden ratio - this is the second part of a piece of music, between the middle and the end.

The melody grows, becomes more intriguing, exciting. Sounds are strong, then barely audible.

All musical instruments involved in the work take part in this.

For those people who love modern music, the highest point of heat in a song occurs after the second verse, when the melody becomes faster, the tempo, timbre increases.

There are different ways to express climax in music. This does not always happen strong and sonorous. Often, the greatest intensity of passions is transmitted very quietly, tensely, making you freeze in anticipation of a denouement. It all depends on the author's idea, content, general idea.

Important! This is not just a way to make the work even more interesting, it is the idea itself, the main meaning, the message that the author wants to convey to the audience.

You can find out what the culmination is in modern Russian by asking for help not only on the Internet, but also on dictionaries (Explanatory Dictionary edited by Ushakov, Literary and Encyclopedic Dictionaries).

They provide the most complete meaning of this term, as well as examples for each of the designations.

There is another definition of the highest heating point - female. This refers to the sensations of a woman during intercourse, a sense of satisfaction.

There are many myths about whether female and male pleasure can be compared in strength. Some believe that all talk about a woman's peak of pleasure is only a myth, and no climax actually occurs.

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Let's summarize

The culmination is a polysemantic concept in the Russian language. Usually it is associated with the creative field. Understanding what the apogee is in any form of art makes it possible to correctly understand and perceive the composition, to analyze the information that the author wants to convey.

In contact with

He runs as fast as he can, a little more and will be able to reach his opponent, there are meters to a crushing victory. Sweat runs down the boy's forehead, his legs hurt, but willpower makes him screaming to overtake his opponent and cross a similar line first.

In contact with

There is a certain tension, excitement for the hero, right? Such a move is present in almost all works of art, and is called the Climax.

The climax is the extreme point of tension, the peak of the entire story, and a watershed event contributing to the achievement of a goal, or catastrophic failure.

Starting from elementary school, the teacher begins to introduce children to this concept with the help of some leading questions:

  • What did you like the most about the story?
  • When were you most worried about the hero?
  • What is the most memorable part of the story?

An adult understands that this is a culmination, but children present this in the form of a simple explanation - the moment of the highest experience. However, the question arises: what is the climax? In literature, this word denotes the highest tension and the intersection of all plot lines at one point with a further result that influenced each key character. In all Russian works, this component is easily visible.

Climax: meaning

It is almost impossible to reliably study the appearance of this concept. Many scholars believe that the culmination comes from the ancient Latin language, while others argue that the roots must be sought in Greece.

However, few believe, but this is the most likely hypothesis, that the climax has many origins of development. For the first time, you need to talk about this during the appearance of drawings on the walls of caves... A little story also slips into them, where a voltage peak is shown at the right moment. That is, even before the advent of writing, there was such a concept. It was not quoted or indicated in any way. On a subconscious level, when creating drawings, ancient people tried to first prepare a person, and then only tell about the hottest moment. And this is not having a language. For example, cavemen gathered in a group. They drove the mammoth into a dead end. And they caught him. Everyone was happy. Each proposal represents a certain stage of development:

  1. Start.
  2. Development of events.
  3. The climax.
  4. Interchange.

This was all visible in the sequence of drawings in the caves.

There are theories that for the first time the climax appeared in the works of Homer and his "Iliad" and "Odyssey"... They clearly show where the most exciting points were present. However, due to the lack of structure, such climaxes could be observed at any point in the stories. Nobody argues that in one work there can be several climaxes, they all have to be in the right places, it will be difficult to read this.

In Russian, it is much easier to define this most important stage of excitement than in others. Due to the simplicity of presentation and the lightness of the syllable.

Sometimes, after a hard day at work, you want to relax and read the last few chapters of the next book. However, after the last word, you remain at a loss: "It seems to be the end, but something is missing".

Similar problems have been seen many times. Books of this kind were called bad, due to the lack of this very boiling point. However, if you dig a little deeper, a different picture emerges. From a fiction standpoint, the climax is always there. If the reader did not notice that this is a problem in the previous stages. In order for a person to be able to feel all the tensions of the main events of the written history, it is important to start correctly and competently, that is, to introduce them to the characters. If the reader does not empathize with the hero, then that very tension will not appear at the turning point.

Any story must evoke feelings in the reader., negative or positive, it doesn't matter. The bottom line is their presence. When the events in the described new novel from the famous writer make a person think, worry, then at this moment of the highest boiling point, a massive explosion of emotions will occur. It will not work just to create an imaginary text of coherent sentences and call it a story. Even in the simplest stories written by schoolchildren in the Russian language lessons on the theme of the knight Ivanhoe or Don Quixote's next fight with the mills, there is a culmination. The main thing is to submit correctly, and then it's a matter of technology.

Many present the climax only in literature, this word is used in other areas of creativity and human activity.

The climax, from the point of view of astronomy, denotes the movement through the celestial meridian of the luminary with an interval of an earthly day.

Don't forget about music... It turns out that in such a creative world there is also the concept of culmination. In many ways, the terminology converges with the literary designation: the most intriguing and exciting moment in a piece of music. Most often, this period falls on the penultimate or last stage of musical creation. For modern people who love only songs and dances, the climax can mean, again, most often, the chorus after the second verse, when there is an increase in the speed, timbre and tempo of the growing melody.

In cinema culminating in the final confrontation of the interests of important characters on the screen. Things are much more interesting in TV shows. The catch is that most TV shows have two climaxes. Exciting peak of the series with the most exciting grin. This is the time when the main problems and characters of the series find the necessary ways to solve the assigned tasks. After the denouement, there is a small scene, which also has the right to be called the culmination. The point is to intrigue the viewer and keep waiting for each new episode, producers and directors, through the use of musical design, insufficient information in the frame, create an exciting moment.

For example. In one of the episodes of the last season, The Walking Dead, Rick and his group were captured by the Scavengers, however, he saw and laughed. At the same time, we were not shown who he saw and why he laughed. This moment evokes the very feelings that were at the very climax of the series, and the unknown only increases the degree of excitement for the characters.