Paper dominoes. DIY board games

Paper dominoes.  DIY board games
Paper dominoes. DIY board games

Who among us did not play a variety of board games - adventure games, lotto and dominoes with pictures as a child! Perhaps there is no such person. We see that modern children do this with pleasure (if, of course, the computer is not available to them at that time).

In this section we offer you hundreds of successful options for making board games for children yourself. You'll see: the very process of creating a homemade game yourself will captivate you! As your creativity progresses, you will certainly come up with several of your own innovations to your favorite version of the game. How nice it is to see children’s sincere passion for a homemade game! For example, when in the evening, while waiting for their parents, children play it with such interest that even when mom or dad arrives, they are reluctant to tear themselves away from the game.

Create cool board games with your own hands, MAAM will help!

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All sections | Lotto and dominoes. DIY board games

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There is probably not a single house with children where there are no dominoes. Dominoes, such a simple game at first glance, can be played in a variety of ways. The familiar domino with two pairs of dots separated by a line appeared in ancient times - in India and China. The game came to Europe only in the 18th century. We owe the rules to which we are accustomed, and the appearance that the game now has, to the Italian Dominican monks, who wore white cloaks with black hoods. New varieties of the game are appearing in our time: for kids there are dominoes with pictures, for intellectuals - triminoes, tetrominoes, dominoes, where in order to place a chip, not one sign must match, but two or three. Let's see at what age you can start playing dominoes, and whether you should always play by the rules.

When to start?

To introduce your child to dominoes, it is better to purchase a wooden domino: the pieces are thick and easier for little hands to pick up. In addition, wooden dominoes are an excellent building material. For kids, they do not draw dots on the dominoes, but pictures that are interesting to kids: transport, fruits and vegetables, animals, toys, geometric shapes, etc. Choose the domino that is interesting to your child.

You can give this domino to your baby when he learns to sit. What can you play with such a baby:

  • make a path of two chips, walk along it with your fingers, and then with the baby’s fingers;
  • Build a tower from 3 - 6 chips (the kid will like to destroy it, just like a tower of cubes;
  • use 6 chips to build a shed (4 chips for the walls and 2 chips for the ceiling), hide a small toy or picture in it, show your child how to find it (the fastest way is, again, to destroy the shed);
  • place several domino chips one after another (you can put some small toy behind them) and show your child the “domino principle”: “there was a fence, thick, high, and now there is no fence, the fence fell, and who was hiding behind it?”
  • take two wooden chips in your hands and knock against each other - you get a very pleasant sound;
  • lay out 2 - 3 dominoes on the table or floor, show your baby how to knock on them with a spoon (you can take different spoons: wooden, metal, plastic); you can beat the rhythm: knock on the left and right chips once, and on the central one - twice;
  • in a cardboard box, make slots of different shapes: according to the size of the long side, according to the size of the short side, on the other side, make a slot so that the domino piece fits in entirely (if you hold the box suspended, the chips will fall out of this hole); Show your child how to push domino chips into the cracks, and offer to help the ant chips climb into the anthill.

In these games, so that the pictures do not distract the baby, you can turn the chips face down.

Building from dominoes


Already at the age of one year, you can lay out paths of domino chips with your baby. It is not at all necessary to follow the sequence of the chips at this age. But sometimes, when commenting on your actions, you can also lay out the correct path (just in case, let me remind you: the domino pieces must touch halves with the same pictures). Of course, the baby will not immediately start building the correct paths - he is simply not interested in it, but he will gradually learn the principle. From several dominoes, a child will be able to put together the correct path by the age of 3 years.

You can walk along the path with toys or ride cars, compare the paths by length, make the paths equal or, conversely, make one path shorter than the other.

Paths can connect toy houses or lead to a store. If you are playing out fairy tales, you can use domino pieces to lay out a path along which the bun rolls or Little Red Riding Hood walks, or the paths between the houses of the three little pigs. Ask your child how you can save the piglets from the wolf if the forest in which the three little pigs live is so dense that even a wolf can only run along paths in it (break the path to the next house after the pig runs to it). If you have several identical sets of dominoes, you can nest an intricate network of roads or a labyrinth.

Flat and volumetric buildings

You can make flat buildings from any domino (wooden, cardboard or plastic): if you don’t like the pictures, turn the domino over and you will have 28 completely identical blocks. You can build a hut or a multi-story house, a fence, a boat, even a crane. Don't tell your child what you are building, let him try to guess for himself. Then the kid can build something, and you need to guess.

Wooden dominoes with chips - blocks - make excellent three-dimensional buildings. Start with a fence: it can be low or high (dominoes are placed on the long or short side, respectively) or long or short. Then you can build a house with floors or stacking dominoes on top of each other. Creating three-dimensional buildings from narrow blocks will require the child to have manual dexterity, attentiveness and accuracy; he will be able to do them himself after 2.5 years.

Domino patterns

You can lay out arbitrary patterns from domino chips. Take a sheet of Whatman paper or colored A3 paper, invite your child to lay out a pattern of dominoes on it - you will get an oriental carpet.

Take several dominoes with your child. You lay out the pattern, the child repeats after you, laying out his pattern next to or mirrored. Show your baby what central symmetry is. You can start playing games based on the model with chips without pictures from the age of 2, and with pictures – from the age of 3.

Developing thinking

Dominoes will also be a great help in games for developing thinking.

Playing with double dominoes

Select double dominoes (not necessarily all 6, you can take 3 or 4 to start with). Ask your child to find a chip with a picture. You don’t have to name the picture directly, but describe it.

Place 3 - 4 dominoes on the table. Ask your baby to close his eyes. Remove 1 or 2 chips or rearrange them. When the baby opens his eyes, ask him to determine what is missing or changed.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

When your baby gets older, you can play this game and not only with double dominoes.

We play with all the dominoes

Take some chips. Ask your child to find all the chips that have some object on them. After 3 years, you can ask your child to find a chip in two objects. For example, a chip with a cat and a pig on it.

Domino chips - as material for role-playing games

You can use domino pieces in role-playing games too. In the game of shop, domino chips can become banknotes. When playing with kids, they can have the same value - 1. For playing shop with older children, a domino is perfect, with a number and the corresponding number of dots on the different halves. By playing store with such banknotes, you will not only reinforce the correspondence between numbers and numbers in your child, but also teach him how to add and subtract.

Chips with “edible pictures” for playing dominoes can become a product in a store or sandwiches in a cafe. A cafe visitor orders a sandwich (for example, a vegetarian sandwich with carrots and cabbage), and the little waiter fulfills the order.

How to teach to play dominoes

Before you start playing full-fledged dominoes, try doing these exercises with your baby.

Strom around

Select chips with some kind of picture, including a double one. Place the double chip in the center of the table. Ask your child to place the remaining chips on the double.


Lay out a sequence of several dominoes (it's better to start with two). If you have two identical sets of dominoes, ask your child to reproduce the same sequence, looking at the sample (first select for him the chips from which you need to reproduce the sequence, you can gradually add 1, 2, 3 extra chips).

Then you can ask your child to reproduce the sequence from memory.

We play by the rules

In traditional dominoes, if two people play, they take 7 chips, three or four - 5, five - 4. The rest are put into the buy-in (sometimes called the “bazaar”) face down. Players do not show each other their cards.

The game starts with a double or any card. If several players have doubles or no one has doubles, who goes first can be determined by lot or counting.

The first player places his piece face up. The second one places his chip on the first chip so that the patterns on the adjacent halves of the chips are the same (but they can be upside down). Chips can be placed at either end of the chain. If a player does not have a suitable card, or has run out of cards, he takes chips from the draw until he can make a move or the chips in the draw run out.

The game ends when one of the participants places the last chip and the buy is empty, or early when none of the players can make a move (this situation is called “fish”). The winner is the one who places the last chip.

You've probably seen giant chess that can be played in the park or in the country. This way you can combine mental and physical activity. But it is very difficult to make such chess with your own hands, but you can make a huge domino without any problems. This is exactly what we propose to do.

Materials and tools for making dominoes:

  • fairly wide boards (depending on how big the domino you want to make)
  • dark stain
  • White paint
  • paint brush
  • a circular saw
  • grinder

How to make dominoes

Prepare the required number of boards. The length of each domino bone should be twice the width of the board. There should be 28 such bones.

Saw the boards into equal rectangles. Use a sander to sand all edges.

Treat the boards with stain. If they are not dark enough, the stain can be reapplied. Let the stain dry.

Using a line of white paint, divide each bone into two halves.

Mark the bones:

  • two zeros and then 0/1 to 0/6
  • two units and then 1/2 to 1/6
  • two twos and then from 2/3 to 2/6
  • two triples and then from 3/4 to 3/6
  • two fours, and then 4/5 and 4/6
  • two fives and 5/6
  • two sixes.

Let the paint dry. Giant dominoes are ready. You can go out into the yard and play with friends.

Original article in English.

Today I want to share with you my own experience in creating domino with your own hands.

As is known for the game domino you need to have 28 dominoes with a different set of dots marked on them. Our task is to make these dominoes. Store dice will be made of plastic. We will make them from wood.

In this case, we came across a piece of oak board. From this we will make ours. domino.

We clamp the piece of board in a vice, preferably with pieces of wood underneath, so as not to spoil the workpiece with the vice. Next, we cut 4 even pieces with a saw, using thrifty calculations so that in the end we get 7-8 knuckles from one piece (just in case, you need to cut more. You need to choose a file so that it cuts easier and faster than others, but at the same time so that the size of the cut is minimal .

First, using a thinner file (in this case a metal file), we mark the location of the future cut, and then we saw off along it with a larger file.

I’ll say right away, since it was oak, it was very physically difficult to saw, but at the same time it also played a positive role. All the pieces were smooth and without saw marks.

You should try to cut the pieces of the same thickness so that they look more beautiful later. The cut pieces must be cleaned using sandpaper or a sharpening disc.

After you do this, probably the most important moment in manufacturing remains. domino- drawing dots.

You can apply the dots in any way that comes to your mind: either simply draw with a marker or cut out holes with a drill. We had a Soviet burner on hand, which we used to mark the knuckles.

Let us remind you what combinations of dots should be present on the dominoes domino:


Here's what we got

Since we did dominoes for the first time, after completing the work and testing we can draw the following conclusions and recommendations:

  • it is better to make knuckles no more than 3 cm high, since larger ones are inconvenient to hold in your hands
  • try to cut all the knuckles the same thickness and the same height, since different sizes will be awkward to hold in your hand and look awkward;
  • It is better to cut (if possible) on a carpentry machine, since when cutting with a hand saw, unevenness and chips cannot be avoided;
  • Pre-draw the points with a pencil using a ruler with even holes.

We also remind you of the rules of the game of dominoes:

This game can be played by 2 to 4 people. Each player is dealt 7 dominoes, which are thoroughly mixed on the table with their points down. Start the game with 1|1 tile. That is, the one who caught it walks. If no one gets 1|1, then the one with the smallest double (2|2, 3|3, 4|4, 5|5, 6|6) goes. Double 0|0 is not taken into account. The winner is the one who got rid of all the dominoes on his hands the fastest, or the one who made a “fish” (when there are still bones on his hands, but there is nothing to report). The losers receive the points (total number of points) that remain in their hands. You can play until you reach a certain number of points.

We hope you find this article useful and you will write about your results in the comments to the article.

- do it yourself? Easily! You can always make dominoes at home, quickly and most importantly, simply. What you need for this: a high-quality template in pdf, just one sheet of A4 format, a loose sheet of white cardboard and a regular black and white printer. Making a homemade domino set is very simple. The main thing is that you have 15-20 minutes of free time. So, how to make dominoes with your own hands from paper.

Print the template

The first thing to do is print the template. I offer the file in pdf. There is no need to edit anything. Just click on “print”. If necessary, you can edit the template in a photo editor.

Download and print paper dominoes:

There are a total of 28 dice in the set. All of them fit on one A4 sheet. A little advice: since paper dominoes do not last long, it is better to print 3-4 sheets at once. Paper templates need to be glued onto previously prepared cardboard templates. I use loose, plain cardboard. Bone size: 25 x 50 mm.