There is a month left until spring. Month of Awakening (first month of spring) Meal time - for food only

There is a month left until spring.  Month of Awakening (first month of spring) Meal time - for food only
There is a month left until spring. Month of Awakening (first month of spring) Meal time - for food only




It may seem to our readers that the forest and city news published in the Lesnaya Gazeta is old news. This is wrong. True, there is spring every year, but every year it is new, and no matter how many years you live, you will not see two identical springs.

A year is like a wheel with twelve spokes - months: all twelve spokes will flash by, the wheel will make a full revolution - and the first spoke will flash again. But the wheel is no longer there - it has rolled far away.

Spring will come again - and the forest will wake up, a bear will crawl out of its den, water will flood the basement dwellers, birds will fly in. Birds will begin playing and dancing again, and animals will give birth to babies. And in the Lesnaya Gazeta the reader will find all the latest forest news.

We post here a forest calendar for every year. It bears little resemblance to ordinary calendars, but this is not surprising.

After all, with animals and birds everything is not like us, not like humans; They also have their own special calendar: in the forest everyone lives according to the sun.

Over the course of a year, the sun makes a wide circle across the sky. Every month it passes through one of the constellations, one of the signs of the Zodiac, as these twelve constellations are called.

The New Year in the forest calendar is not in winter, but in spring, when the sun enters the constellation Aries. Merry holidays happen in the forest when the sun is greeted there; sad days are when they see him off.

We counted the same number of months in the forest calendar as in ours - twelve. We just called them differently - in the forest way.


VII – MONTH OF FAREWELL TO THE HOMELAND OF MIGRATIONS (first month of autumn) – from September 21 to October 20.






JUNE – rose-color. End of migration, beginning of summer. The longest days last; In the far North there is no night at all: the sun does not set. In the damp meadows, the flowers are now more and more sunny in color: leotards, marigolds, buttercups - the meadow is all golden from them.

At this time - at the very time of the solar dawn - people collect medicinal flowers, stems, roots for themselves in reserve, so that, if they suddenly become ill, they can transfer to themselves the life-giving power of the sun collected in them.

From that day on, slowly, slowly – but it seems so fast! – just as slowly as the light arrives in spring, the day wanes. And the people say: “The crown of summer is already looking through the spinning wheels...”

All songbirds have nests, and all nests have eggs of all colors. A tender little life shines through the thin shell.


The time has come to hatch the chicks. Everyone built a house for themselves in the forest.

Our correspondents decided to find out where and how animals, birds, fish and insects live.


It turns out that the entire forest from top to bottom is now occupied by housing. There was no free place left anywhere. They live on the ground, underground, on water, under water, in trees, in grass and in the air.

In the air is the oriole's house. High above the ground, she hung a light basket woven from hemp, stems, hairs and hairs from a birch branch. There are oriole eggs in the basket. It's amazing how they don't fight when the wind sways the branch.

The grass is home to larks, tree pipits, buntings and many other birds. Our correspondents liked the willow warbler's hut the most. It is made of dry grass and moss, with a roof, entrance on the side.

In trees, in hollows, in the homes of flying squirrels (a squirrel with membranes between its paws), in wood-boring beetles and bark beetles, in woodpeckers, tits, starlings, owls and other birds.

Under the ground there are homes for moles, mice, badgers, shore swallows, kingfishers and various insects.

The great grebe, a water bird from the loons, has a floating nest on the water, it is made from a heap of marsh grass, reeds and mud. The great grebe rides on it around the lake, like on a raft.

Caddis flies and silverback water spiders have built homes under the water.


Our correspondents decided to find the best house. It turned out that it is not so easy to decide which house is the best.

The largest nest is the eagle's. It is made of thick branches and is placed on a huge thick pine tree.

The smallest nest is that of the yellow-headed kinglet. His whole house is as big as a fist, and he himself is smaller than a dragonfly.

The most cunning house is the mole's. He has so many emergency passages and exits that you can’t cover him in his hole.

The most skillful house is that of the leaf-shaped elephant (a small bug with a proboscis). The elephant gnawed the veins of birch leaves and, when the leaves began to wither, rolled them into a tube and glued them together with his saliva. The female elephant laid her testicles into this tube house.

The simplest nests are found in the common sandpiper and the nightjar. The tie-jawed man laid his four eggs right in the sand on the bank of the river, and the nightjar - in a hole in the dry leaves under a tree. They both didn't put much effort into building the house.

The most beautiful house is that of the Mocking Warbler. She made herself a nest on a birch branch, covered it with lichen and light birch peel, and wove in pieces of multi-colored paper that were lying in the garden of some dacha for decoration.

The coziest nest is that of the Long-tailed Tit. This bird is also called the polovnik, because it looks like a pouring spoon - a polovnik. Her nest is made from fluff, feathers and hairs on the inside, and moss and lichens on the outside. It is all round, like a pumpkin, and its entrance is round, small, in the very middle of the nest.

The most comfortable houses are those of caddisfly larvae.

Caddisflies are winged insects. When they sit down, they fold their wings into a roof on their back and cover their entire body with them. And caddisfly larvae are wingless, naked, they have nothing to cover themselves with. They live at the bottom of streams and rivers.

The larva will find a twig or reed the size of a match, glue a tube of sand grains onto them and crawl into it with its backside.

It turns out very convenient: if you want, you can completely hide in a tube and sleep peacefully there, no one will see you; If you want, stick out your front legs and crawl along the bottom along with the house: the house is light.

And one caddisfly found a thin cigarette lying at the bottom, climbed into it, and continued to travel in it.

The most amazing home is that of the silverback water spider. This spider stretched a web underwater between algae, and brought air bubbles under the web on its shaggy abdomen. This is how a spider lives in a house made of thin air.


Our correspondents also found a fish nest and a mouse nest.

The stickleback fish built a real nest for itself. The builder was a male; For construction, I used only the heaviest stalks of grass, which do not float up if you take them from the bottom with your mouth and throw them up. I strengthened the stems on the sandy bottom. I glued the walls and ceiling together with my own glue and plugged all the holes with moss. He left two doors in the walls of the nest.

The little mouse's nest is just like a bird's nest. The mouse made it from blades of grass and stems torn into thin fibers. The nest hangs at a height of almost two meters on a juniper branch.


Houses in the forest are built from all kinds of materials.

The song thrush smears the inside of the walls of its round nest with cement from rotten wood.

From the mud, holding it together with their saliva, swallows - killer whales and jackrabbits - make nests.

The Black-headed Warbler fastens the thin twigs of its nest with light sticky webs.

A nuthatch, a bird that runs up steep tree trunks upside down, has settled in a hollow with a large exit hole. To prevent a squirrel from getting into his house, the nuthatch walled up the doors with clay; I left only a small hole to squeeze through myself.

And the funniest of all was the emerald-brown-blue kingfisher. He dug himself a deep hole in the shore and covered the floor of his room with thin fish bones. The bedding turned out to be soft.


Those who failed or were too lazy to build a house for themselves settled in someone else’s house.

Cuckoos threw their eggs into the nests of wagtails, robins, warblers and other small homely birds.

The Black Sandpiper has found an old crow's nest and is raising its chicks in it.

The minnows (fish) really liked the crustacean burrows abandoned by their owners in the sandy shore underwater. The fish laid their eggs in them.

And one sparrow arranged himself very cunningly.

He built himself a nest under the roof - the boys ruined it.

I lined it up in a hollow - the weasel pulled out all the eggs.

Then the sparrow settled down in the eagle’s huge nest. Between the thick branches of this nest his small house fit freely.

Now the sparrow lives calmly and is not afraid of anyone. The huge eagle does not pay attention to such a small bird. But neither a weasel, nor a cat, nor a hawk, nor even boys will destroy a sparrow's nest: everyone is afraid of the eagle.


There are also hostels in the forest. Bees, wasps, bumblebees and ants build houses for hundreds and thousands of residents.

Rooks occupied gardens and groves for their nesting colonies, gulls occupied swamps, sandy islands and shallows, and bank swallows riddled the steep banks of rivers with their burrow-caves.


And in the nests there are eggs, each one is different.

And for good reason they are different for different birds.

In the sandpiper snipe they are all speckled and speckled, while in the sandpiper they are white, just slightly pinkish.

But the fact is that the spiny eggs lie in a deep dark hollow; you can’t see them anyway. And for the snipe it’s right on the hummock, completely open. Anyone would have seen it if they were white. So they are painted to match the color of the hummock - you’ll step on it sooner than you’ll notice.

Wild ducks also have almost white eggs, and their nests on hummocks are open. But the ducks have to resort to cunning. When a duck leaves the nest, she plucks the fluff on her belly and covers her eggs with it. They are not visible.

Why do snipe eggs have such pointed eggs? After all, the large predatory buzzard has round ones.

Again it’s clear: the sandpiper snipe is a small bird, five times smaller than a buzzard. How will he sit and cover such large eggs with his body if they do not lie so comfortably - toe to toe, sharp ends together - so as to take up as little space as possible?

Why does the little snipe have the same large eggs as the big buzzard?

This question will have to be answered in the next issue of Lesnaya Gazeta, when the chicks hatch from the eggs.


The ponds have already begun to be covered with duckweed. Some say: mud. But mud is mud, and duckweed is duckweed. Duckweed is an interesting plant. It's not like the others. A small root and a floating green cake with oblong protrusions. These protrusions are the stalk-cake and the branch-cake. Duckweed has no leaves. But flowers sometimes appear, but this happens very, very rarely. Duckweed does not need flowers. It reproduces easily and quickly. A cake-twig breaks off from the stem-cake - so there are two from one plant.

The duckweed lives well, freely, nothing ties it to its place. A duck will swim by, and the duckweed will stick to the duck’s paw. And he will fly on a duck to another pond.

N. Pavlova


The fox had a problem: the ceiling in the hole collapsed and almost crushed the fox cubs.

The fox sees: things are bad, we need to move to another apartment.

I went to the badger. He has a nice hole, he dug it himself. Entrances and exits, spare holes in case of a surprise attack.

He has a big hole: two families can live.

The fox asked to be a tenant, but the badger wouldn’t let him in. He is a strict master: he loves order and cleanliness, so that there is not a speck of dirt anywhere. Where can I let the kids go?

I chased the fox away.

“Aha,” the fox thinks, “so you are!” Well, just wait!”

It was as if she had gone into the forest, and herself behind the bushes; sits and waits.

The badger looked out: there was no fox, he climbed out of the hole and went into the forest to look for snails.

And the fox snuck into the hole, shit on the floor, got dirty - and ran away.

The badger has returned - fathers, what a stench! He grunted in frustration and left to dig another hole for himself.

And that’s all the fox needs.

She dragged the fox cubs around and began to live in a comfortable badger hole.


Purple meadow cornflowers bloomed in the meadows and clearings. When I see them, I remember barberry, because they, just like barberry, can show a little trick.

Cornflower is not a flower - an inflorescence. And its beautiful disheveled horned flowers are barren flowers. The real flowers are in the middle. These are dark purple tubes. Inside such a tube are a pistil and magician stamens.

As soon as you touch the purple tube, it will swing to the side, and a lump of pollen will come out of its hole.

If you touch the same flower again a little later, it will sway again and again drop a ball of pollen.

That's the trick!

The pollen is not scattered freely, but is released in portions at the first request of each insect. Take it, eat it, get dirty, just transfer at least a few specks of dust to another meadow cornflower.

N. Pavlova


We have already told you what type of nest the male stickleback built underwater.

When the construction was finished, he chose a female stickleback and brought it to his house. The fish entered the door, spawned, and immediately ran away through other doors.

The male went for another, then for a third and a fourth, but all the female sticklebacks ran away from him, leaving their eggs in his care.

And so the male was left alone to guard the house, and in the house there was a whole bunch of eggs.

There are many lovers of fresh caviar in the river. Poor little male stickleback has to defend his nest from ferocious underwater monsters.

Recently a voracious perch attacked the nest. The little owner of the nest bravely rushed into battle with the monster.

He picked up all five spines - three on the back, two on the belly - and deftly stabbed the perch in the cheek.

The entire body of the perch is covered with strong armor and scales, and only its cheeks are bare.

The perch got scared of the brave kid and ran away.


In rivers, lakes and ponds, even just in pits, there is a mysterious creature - a hairy creature. Old people say that this is horsehair come to life. And as if during bathing it penetrates a person’s skin and begins to walk there, causing unbearable itching...

The hairy creature really looks like someone's coarse red-brown hair. It looks even more like a piece of wire bitten off with tongs. He is so hard that if you put him on a stone and hit him with another stone, nothing will happen to him. At the same time, he constantly unclenches, then contracts, curls into some kind of cunning tangle-ball.

In fact, the hairworm is a harmless worm without a head. His female is stuffed with testicles. Tiny larvae with a horny proboscis and hooks emerge from her testicles in the water. They stick to the larvae of aquatic insects, climb into them and become covered with a shell. This is the end for them, unless their “owner” is swallowed by some water spider or insect. In the body of the new “host”, the hairworm larva turns into a headless worm, which goes out into the water to the fear of superstitious people.


A cloud walked across the sky, dark as an elephant. From time to time she lowered her trunk to the ground. Then dust rose from the ground in a column, swirled, swirled, grew - connected with the trunk of the heavenly elephant. The result was a tall, rotating pillar from the ground to the sky. The elephant absorbed this pillar and rushed further across the sky.

... The heavenly elephant ran into a small town - and hung over it. Suddenly rain poured out of it. But what rain - a real magical downpour! They drummed on the roofs of houses, on umbrellas raised above their heads - who would you think? - tadpoles, frogs, small fish! They huddled and wandered around in the street puddles.

Then it turned out that the cloud elephant, with the help of a tornado - a whirlwind spinning from the ground to the sky - drank water from one forest lake and with the water absorbed tadpoles, frogs, and fish. He rushed for many kilometers across the sky, dropped all his loot on the town - and rushed on.


1. On what day (according to the calendar) does summer begin and why is this day remarkable?

2. What kind of fish builds a nest?

3. What animal makes a nest on the grass and in the bushes?

4. What birds do not build nests, but raise their chicks in a hole in the sand?

5. What color are the eggs of these birds?

6. How does the nest of a city swallow (funnel; short tail) differ (in appearance) from the nest of a barn swallow (killer whale; forked tail)?

7. Why shouldn’t you touch eggs in nests with your hands?

8. What bird makes a nest out of fish bones?

9. Why are the nests of finch, goldfinch, and warbler so little visible on the branches?

10. Do all birds hatch their chicks once a summer?

11. Who builds a house underwater out of thin air?

12. The baby has not yet been born, and has already been given to foster care. Who has it?

13. The eagle flies through distant lands, spread her wings, covered the sun.

14. He wears his bast, but doesn’t wear bast shoes.

15. Lives without a body, speaks without a tongue; no one saw him, but everyone heard him.

16. Not a tailor, but never parted with needles.




JULY - the crown of summer - does not know tiredness, tidies everything up. He orders Mother Rzhitsa to bow to the ground. The oats are already in the caftan, but the buckwheat doesn’t even have a shirt.

Green plants made their bodies from sunlight. We store the golden ocean of ripe rye and wheat for future use throughout the year. We store hay for the cattle: the forests of grass have already fallen, mountains of haystacks have risen.

The little birds begin to fall silent: they have no time for songs. There are chicks in all nests. They are born naked mole rats and need the care of their parents for a long time. But the earth, water, forest, even the air - everything is now full of food for the little ones, there is enough for everyone!

The forests everywhere are full of small juicy fruits: strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants; in the north - golden cloudberries... The meadows changed their golden dress to chamomile: the white color of the petals reflects the hot rays of the sun. The creator of life - Yarilo the sun is not joking at this time: his caresses can burn him.



In a large forest outside the town of Lomonosov there lives a young moose cow. She gave birth to one calf this year.

The white-tailed eagle has a nest in the same forest. There are two eaglets in the nest.

Siskin, chaffinch, and bunting each have five chicks.

The spinning head has eight. The common tit (long-tailed tit) has twelve.

The gray partridge has twenty. In a stickleback nest, each egg hatched into a small stickleback fry, a total of a hundred stickleback eggs. Bream has hundreds of thousands. There are countless numbers of cod: probably a million fry.


Bream and cod do not care about their children at all. They spawned and left. And let the kids themselves, as they know, hatch, live and feed. But what can you do if you have hundreds of thousands of children? You can't keep an eye on everyone.

The frog has only one thousand children - and even then she doesn’t think about them.

Of course, life is not easy for homeless people. There are many voracious monsters underwater, and they are all greedy for tasty fish and frog eggs, fish and frogs.

How many fish fry and tadpoles die, how many dangers they face until they grow into large fish and frogs - it’s scary to think!


The moose and all mother birds are truly caring parents.

A moose cow is ready to give her life for her only cub. Even if the bear itself tries to attack her: she will start kicking with both front and back legs, and will finish him off with her hooves so much that the next time the bear will not even get close to the elk calf.

Our correspondents came across a partridge's son in a field: he jumped out from under their feet and ran to hide in the grass.

They caught him, and he squeaked! Out of nowhere - a mother partridge. She saw her son in the hands of people - she began to rush about, cackled, fell to the ground, dragging her wing.

The correspondents thought: she was wounded. The little partridge was abandoned and they chased after her.

The partridge waddles along the ground - you’re about to grab it with your hand; but when you stretch out your hand, it goes to the side. They were chasing and chasing a partridge, suddenly it flapped its wings, rose above the ground - and flew away as if nothing had happened.

Our correspondents returned back for the partridge, but there was no trace of it. It was on purpose that the mother of the wounded woman pretended to take him away from her son in order to save him. She stands up for each of her cubs in this way: after all, she only has twenty of them.


On the sandbank of the island, small seagulls live in their country house.

At night they sleep in sandy holes (holes) - three to a hole. The entire shallows in the holes are such a large colony of seagulls.

During the day, they learn to fly, swim and catch small fish under the guidance of their elders.

Old seagulls teach and vigilantly protect their children.

When an enemy approaches, they flock in a flock and rush at him with such a scream and clamor that everyone will be afraid.

Even the huge white-tailed sea eagle is in a hurry to get away from them.


Here is a portrait of a little buzzard just hatched from an egg. He has a white bump on his nose. This is an "egg tooth". It is with this that the chick breaks the shell when it is time for it to emerge from the egg.

The little buzzard will grow up to be a bloodthirsty predator - a terror for rodents.

And now he is a funny baby, covered in fluff, half-blind.

He is so helpless, such a sissy: he cannot take a step without his father and mother. He would have died of hunger if they had not fed him.

And among the chicks there are also fighting guys: as soon as they hatch from the egg, they will immediately jump on their legs - and you’re welcome: they get their own food, are not afraid of water, and hide from their enemies.

Here are two snipes sitting. They've only been out of the egg for a day, and they've already left their nest and are looking for worms for themselves.

That’s why the snipe had such large eggs that the snipe chicks could grow up in them. (See Lesnaya Gazeta No. 4.)

Kuropatkin’s son, whom we just talked about, is also a fighter. Just born, and already running as fast as he can.

Here is another wild duckling - a merganser.

As soon as he was born, he immediately hobbled to the river, splashed into the water - and began to swim. He already knows how to dive and stretches, rising on the water - just like a big one.

And the pika’s daughter is a terrible sissy. She sat in the nest for two whole weeks, now she has flown out and is sitting on a stump.

This is how she sulked: she was unhappy that the mother did not fly with food for a long time.

She herself is almost three weeks old, but she still squeaks and demands that her mother stuff caterpillars and other delicacies into her mouth.


From different places of our vast country they write to us about encounters with an amazing bird. We saw her this month near Moscow and in Altai, on the Kama and on the Baltic Sea, in Yakutia and Kazakhstan.

A very cute and elegant bird, similar to those bright floats that are sold in cities to young anglers. And so trusting that if you come even five steps closer, it will swim in front of you right next to the shore, not at all afraid.

All other birds are now sitting on nests or raising chicks, but these will gather in flocks and travel throughout the country.

It is surprising that these bright, beautiful birds are females. In all other birds, the males are brighter and more beautiful than the females, but in these birds it’s the opposite: the males are gray, and the females are motley.

Even more surprising is that these females do not care about their children at all. Far to the north, in the tundra, they laid their eggs in a hole - and goodbye! And the males remained there to hatch the eggs, feed and take care of the chicks.

Everything is topsy-turvy!

This bird's name is the round-nosed phalarope.

You can meet her everywhere: here today, and there tomorrow.


A thin, delicate wagtail hatched six tiny naked chicks in its nest. Five of them are chicks like chicks, and the sixth is a freak: all sort of rough, wiry, big-headed, eyes bulging closed with a film, and when his beak opens, you’ll recoil: there a whole mouth will open up - a hole.

The first day he lay quietly in the nest. Only when the wagtails flew up with food, did he raise his heavy, thick head with difficulty, squeak weakly and open his mouth: feed!

The next day, in the morning chill, when his parents flew away to get food, he began to stir. He lowered his head, rested it on the floor of the nest, spread his legs wide and began to back away.

He ran over his little brother and started digging under him. He threw back his crooked bare stumps-wings, grabbed his little brother with them, squeezed him like claws, and with the chick at his back, he began to move backwards and backwards towards the wall.

In the hole at the end of his back, a little brother chick - small, weak, blind - was floundering as if in a spoon. And the freak, resting his head and legs, lifted him higher and higher, until the chick was at the very edge.

Then, all tense, the freak suddenly threw up his butt - and the chick flew out of the nest.

The wagtail's nest was in a cliff above the river bank.

The tiny naked wagtail plopped down on the pebbles below and fell to his death.

And the evil freak, almost falling out of the nest himself, swayed and swayed on the edge of it, but his thick head outweighed him - and he fell back into the nest.

This whole terrible thing lasted two or three minutes.

Then the freak, exhausted, lay motionless in the nest for a quarter of an hour.

The parents arrived. He raised his heavy blind head on his sinewy neck and, as if nothing had happened, opened his mouth and squealed - feed!

He ate, rested, and began to drive up to the other brother.

He was not able to cope with this so easily: the chick floundered violently and rolled off his back. But the freak did not stop.

And five days later, when his eyes opened, he saw that he was lying alone in the nest: he threw all five brother chicks away and killed them.

Only on the twelfth day from birth did he finally become covered with feathers - and then it became clear that the wagtails on the mountain had fed themselves a foundling - a cuckoo.

But he squeaked so pitifully, so much like their own dead children, so touchingly, trembling his wings, he asked for food that the thin, gentle birds could not refuse him, could not leave him to die of hunger.

Living from hand to mouth themselves, in their troubles not having time to eat their fill, from sunrise to sunset they carried him fat caterpillars and, diving their heads into his wide mouth, shoved food into his voracious throat.

By autumn they had fed him. He flew away from them and never met them again in his life.

Many different berries have ripened. Raspberries, red and black currants and gooseberries are collected in the gardens.

Raspberries are also found in the forest. It grows in thickets. You can’t get through without breaking its fragile stems. Everything crackles underfoot. But this is not a loss for raspberries. These stems, on which the berries now hang, will only survive until winter. And here is their change. That's how many young stems came out of the ground from the rhizome. Hairy, all covered with thorns. Next summer it will be their turn to bloom and grow berries.

Lingonberries ripen along bushes and hummocks, in clearings near stumps, and berries already with a red side.

Lingonberries have them in clusters on the tops of the stems. On some bushes these piles are so large, dense, heavy, they bend down and lie on the moss.

I would like to dig up such a bush, transplant it to myself and take care of it - will the berries become even larger? But so far lingonberries have not been successfully grown “in captivity”. And she is an interesting berry. Its berries can be stored for eating all winter, just pour boiled water over it or crush it so that the juice comes out.

Why doesn't it rot? She preserved herself. It contains benzoic acid. And benzoic acid prevents the berries from rotting.

N. Pavlova


Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud cracking of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came ashore from the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a nurse - her one-year-old son, the bear's nanny.

The bear sat down.

Pestun grabbed one bear cub by the collar with his teeth and started dipping it into the river.

The little bear squealed and floundered, but the nurse did not let him go until he had thoroughly rinsed him in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

Pestun caught up with him, slapped him, and then - into the water, like the first.

He rinsed and rinsed it, and accidentally dropped it into the water. How the little bear will scream! Then, in an instant, the bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and gave the nurse such a splash that he, poor thing, howled.

Finding themselves back on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with their swim: the day was hot and they were very hot in their thick, shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well.

After swimming, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.


Our cat had kittens in the spring, but they were taken away from her. Just on this day we caught a small hare in the forest.

We took it and placed it on the cat. The cat had a lot of milk, and she willingly began to feed the bunny.

So the little bunny grew up on cat milk. They became very good friends and even always sleep together.

The funniest thing is that the cat taught the foster bunny to fight with dogs. As soon as the dog runs into our yard, the cat rushes at it and scratches it furiously. And then a hare runs up behind her and drums her front paws so hard that the dog’s fur flies in clumps. All the dogs around are afraid of our cat and her foster hare.


Our cat saw a hollow in the tree and thought that there was a nest of some bird there. She wanted to eat the chicks, climbed up the tree, stuck her head into the hollow and saw: at the bottom of the hollow the vipers were swarming and squirming. How they hiss! The cat got cold feet and jumped out of the tree to get away!

And in the hollow there were not viper chicks at all, but spinner chicks. This is their trick to defend themselves from enemies: they twist their heads, twist their necks - their necks wriggle like snakes. And at the same time, they also hiss like a viper. Everyone is afraid of poisonous vipers. These little spinners imitate the viper in order to scare their enemies.


A big buzzard spotted a grouse with a whole brood of yellow, fluffy grouse.

“Here,” he thinks, “I’ll have lunch.”

He was already aiming to hit them from above, but then the black grouse noticed him.

She shouted - and all the grouse disappeared in an instant. Sarych looked and looked - there was not a single one, as if they had fallen through the ground! He flew off to look for other prey for lunch.

Then the black grouse screamed again - and all around her, yellow, fluffy grouse jumped up on their feet. They didn’t fall through anywhere, but lay right there, clinging tightly to the ground. Go ahead and tell them apart from the leaves, grass and lumps of earth!


A mosquito flew and flew in the forest over the swamp - and was tired and thirsty. Sees: flower; the stem is green, at the top there are small white bells, at the bottom there are round purple leaves with a rosette around the stem. There are eyelashes on the leaves, light drops of dew glisten on the eyelashes.

The mosquito sat down on a leaf, lowered its nose into the droplet, and the droplet was sticky, sticky, and the mosquito’s nose got stuck.

Suddenly the eyelashes began to move, stretched out like tentacles and grabbed the mosquito. The round leaf has closed - and there is no mosquito.

And when the leaf opened again, an empty mosquito skin fell to the ground: the flower drank all the mosquito blood.

This is a terrible flower, a predatory flower - the sundew. It catches small insects and eats them.


1. When do birds have a tooth?

2. At what time of year do animals and birds of prey have the best life?

3. Who is born twice and dies once?

4. Who will be born three times before becoming an adult?

5. Why do they say: “water off a duck’s back”?

6. Which bird’s chicks don’t know their mother?

7. What bird’s chicks hiss from the hollow like snakes?

8. Which fish takes care of its children until they grow up?

9. Where is the head of the sunflower “facing” at noon?

10. Do we have carnivorous plants?

11. The tour goes through the mountains, and the tour goes through the boundaries; the tour will shout and the tourha will blink.

12. In the morning the field is blue, at noon it is green.

13. The old red caps are standing. Whoever comes up will bow.

14. Sits on a stick in a red shirt, his belly is light, filled with stones.

15. Sleeps on the ground and disappears in the morning.

16. Who in the forest, without axes, builds a hut without corners?

17. The eyes are on the horns, and the house is on the back.

18. The flowers are angelic, and the claws are devilish.



The sun enters Virgo


August is a dawn. At night, lightning lightning silently illuminates the forests.

For the last time in the summer, the meadows change their color: now it is variegated, the flowers along it are increasingly dark - blue, purple. The sun-Yarilo begins to weaken, we must collect and store its farewell rays.

Large fruits ripen: vegetables, fruits. Late berries also ripen: lingonberries; Cranberries are ripening in the swamp, rowan is on the tree.

Old people are born - those who do not like the hot sun, those who hide from it in the cool shade - mushrooms. And the trees stop growing and getting fat.


The forest kids grew up and crawled out of their nests.

The birds that in the spring each couple lived in their own area now roam with their children throughout the forest.

Forest inhabitants go to visit each other.

Even predatory animals and birds do not guard their hunting areas so strictly. There is a lot of game everywhere. There's enough for everyone.

Marten, ferret, ermine roam throughout the forest - and everywhere they have easy prey: stupid chicks, inexperienced hares, careless little mice.

Songbirds gather in flocks and wander through the bushes and trees.

The pack has its own custom.

The custom is:


Whoever sees the enemy first must squeak or whistle - warn everyone so that the flock has time to scatter. If one is in trouble, the flock raises a scream and din to the fear of its enemies.

A hundred pairs of eyes and a hundred pairs of ears guard the enemy, a hundred beaks are ready to repel an attack. The more broods adjacent to the flock, the better.

There is a law for guys in the pack: imitate your elders in everything. The elders calmly peck the grains - and you peck. The elders raised their heads and did not move - and you froze. The elders ran away - and you ran away.


And cranes and black grouse have real training grounds for young people.

Among the black grouse - in the forest. Young moose whales will gather and see what the old current will do.

The current man will mutter, and the young will mutter. The current man will chuff, and the young ones will chuff - in thin voices.

Only now the current does not mutter as much as in the spring. In the spring he muttered: “I’ll sell a fur coat, buy a robe.” And now: “I’ll sell a robe, I’ll sell a robe, I’ll buy a fur coat.”

Young cranes fly to the site in groups. They learn to fly in the correct formation - a triangle. You need to learn this in order to save energy when flying long distances.

The strongest old crane flies first in the triangle. As an advanced fighter, it is more difficult for him to cut through the air.

When he gets tired, he moves to the rear of the detachment, and his place is taken by another, with fresh strength.

Behind the advanced ones - head to tail, head to tail - the young ones fly in time, flapping their wings. Who is stronger is in front, weaker is behind. Waves

02/01/2018 categories: ,

Frosty, windless and sunny dawn phenomena are extremely rare this season. Without much hope of success, I decided to take advantage of the good winter weather and on Thursday I took a walk with balance beams along one of the local ponds. It was cold, but good. Even my eyelashes froze sometimes. At the same time, the behavior of the ice drill, on which icicles sometimes appeared under the influence of the sun, indicated that spring was coming. I drilled quite a lot and in the end several nice perches near Moscow with the hooks of my baits did not miss each other. In the afternoon, rare clouds appeared in the sky combined with short-term gusts of wind. These circumstances confirmed the forecast for the approach of another cyclone, which would somehow affect fishing on the weekend.

On Wednesday I was in Mozhaika. I understood that fishing would not be easy, since there was no escape from the change in weather associated with lower temperatures, wind and snow. That's exactly what happened. I caught fish using spoons and balance beams at depths from 1 to 5 meters. I went deeper, but there was only water, like in the Sahara or the Gobi Desert there was only sand, with no living creatures. There were no bites on the spoon. On balance I caught 15 tails of not very large, and sometimes very small, perch.
Comparing observations of the girders of other fishermen and echo sounder screen readings at depths of 3 meters, I concluded that the predator was not active that day. I won’t say anything about pike perch. He is in the wildest dreams on this reservoir. I haven’t had any pike bites and probably won’t until next season. The zherlichniki ran towards the flags only three times in the visible space. I don’t know the result because it was far away. The perch was about to land on the balancer. On the echo sounder I noticed a maximum of five signals in one hole, in addition to the balance. Almost certainly it was a passive perch that accompanied the bait without any emotion. Rarely, and yesterday it was clearly visible on the screen, how individual individuals became more active and, in the end, a bite occurred.

Good, good morning to you!!!

As you greet today's Monday, stretch, smile and think about pleasant things. How many unexpected, new, interesting and perhaps difficult things do you have ahead of you? What does this yet another work week bring us? No one knows for sure, but I can assure you, it is taking us even closer to summer, which means that we have no time to relax)! We can only intensify our training, tighten our diet more strictly and fly to the target amounts of kilograms and centimeters, so that one day we can walk along the beach in a bathing suit and love ourselves even more) Here on Twitter Katya posted a challenge for 30 days of workouts without a break. I joined with enthusiasm, but when I started training, I realized that my joints still don’t want me ((I will modify the exercises for myself for now, but I think that in a couple of days everything will get better. So, I invite any of you to join this challenge! If this still seems too impossible, then you can ease it up to the challenge “not a day without morning exercise.” Adjust, modify, the main thing is not to relax, guys!

Even today I would like to remember one topic, Kira and Katya raised it a long time ago, but much has been forgotten since then and many new people. This is mindful eating. You and I have such a way of life that we do not take anything unnecessary into ourselves - only healthy and necessary food, but often behind the loud cry of our habits, we do not hear the plaintive whisper of the body. It is very important to understand what we need, when and in what quantities. To make it easier for you to understand yourself, I would like to give you a few points that are useful to follow.

1.Remember that all people are unique.

We have dietary rules that everyone who joins the sect reads. We have a lot of guys who come with questions: “can I have glazed cheese, a glass of milk, grandma’s pie, etc.” You should never blindly follow any rules, killing yourself with them to the point of fanaticism! You always need to take into account your individual characteristics, because you have been living for many years and everyone more or less already knows for themselves. Someone should not give up milk and cottage cheese if he knows that he has fragile bones, someone should add bran if they have problems with digestion, for example. Know how to listen to your body and follow the rules wisely. And I want to assure you that at first it’s a little difficult with all these rules, but with just a little practice, you’ll be able to decide perfectly well what you can eat and what you can’t without any help. In the meantime, it’s difficult, write your diaries, we will edit them)!

2. Meal time is for eating only.

Our frantic rhythm sometimes makes us spin on wheels around the clock, snacking on who knows what on the run. Such a meal does not lead to high-quality satiation; we cannot correctly track the required portion. Also, TV, books or the Internet during lunch do not lead to anything good. Since childhood, I was taught that this worsens digestion. I don't know how this interacts. But there is one negative factor for sure: we don’t track what and how much we eat. Being carried away by an interesting plot, we risk eating twice as much as necessary, without even tasting the food!

3.Eating is a special matter.

By joining a sect, we gradually get rid of the “cult of food” that is so often instilled in us since childhood. We spend much less time shopping and cooking. Therefore, we can afford to spend a little more time on the meal itself. Let this become some kind of ritual. You should only eat in the kitchen, again to avoid unconscious “grabbing.” Before eating, you need to get in a good mood, smile at your portion, think about how much useful and necessary it contains! You should eat slowly, for example, you can take chopsticks or transfer cutlery to an unusual hand (right-handed to left, left-handed to right). You can get into the habit of chewing each piece 15-20 times. This will reduce the rate of calorie consumption and eliminate the possibility of overeating. And you can also come up with some kind of sign about the end of the meal so that you don’t want to eat something else. Previously, for me it was candy or something sweet. Now you can think of something like taking a couple of sips of lukewarm water or brushing your teeth or something else!

And if you have lost your temper, if it seems that everything is lost, that you no longer want or can do anything, the main thing is not to miss the last thread! As long as there is a feeling that something is wrong, when you grab a piece of cake, then all is not lost, which means you can still strain your conscience and tighten your will and return everything to its place! While you are reading this post, all is not lost yet! This is your chance to improve the situation and get better. Today, and not because it’s Monday, but because it’s time! And tomorrow it will be time, and the day after tomorrow, and after the next violation of the rules. It's never too late to become a little better. But becoming a better person is perhaps the kindest and most honest thing you can do for this world. Everything that does not depend on us is doubtful, but even the slightest work on ourselves brings very important results! After all, if every person of our time becomes at least a little better, then how much better will the whole situation in this world become?! Everything is in your hands, and only you can decide what will happen next.

I believe in you!! Yours Marie!

Hello Sect!

Finally, I’m in the ranks, I can’t contain the joy of the closed session, it was incredibly difficult and very important for me, not so much from receiving a scholarship as from gaining confidence in my abilities. We can talk as much as we want, but only actions show your attitude and abilities. And here there is often a discrepancy, even too much contrast. Talk less, work more! You can tell yourself a hundred times that I will start: running, doing morning workouts, writing a food diary, watching what I eat, and so on... How many times have you made a promise to yourself - yes, this is the last piece and that’s it, tomorrow healthy eating and sect. Usually sleepy people wake up in the morning with a withering look at all the other people who also got up at 6 am on Monday and looking forward to a long working week. And these people, yes, we are these people, not always and not all, but the overwhelming majority! What thoughts do you have in the morning? Do you often keep those promises that you swore that tomorrow there will be a new life, tomorrow everything will be different? For example, I’ve probably done this a thousand times already, you put on your trademark face of indifference and eat all sorts of crap, be lazy, and then in the evening you scold yourself and say tomorrow then I’ll... and so on.

So, in general, I decided to stop making these useless promises to myself. I have to do it, and I will do it ;)

So today is January 30th and there is only 1 month left until spring! One month! It's time to rock up and hit the city streets by spring so you can run without getting out of breath in 5 minutes :)

New challenge, movement, call it what you want: over the next month, starting on Monday - Everyone who really wants to prove to themselves and others that you are capable of not only talking, but also doing! Anyone who wants to welcome spring without the supplies they accumulated during the cold weather :)

The essence of the challenge!

During this month:

1. We all write food diaries every day; we, as curators, read each diary and adjust it to achieve the greatest result and maximum benefit from nutrition.
2. We do workout every day: morning and main (after the main stretch)
3. If you are thinking about not doing workout, use the following scheme

4. You adhere to proper nutrition and do not allow yourself to be distracted by a cake, a portion of pancakes, or accidentally grab a can of condensed milk while making a diet salad.
5. If you pass this challenge, you will definitely get +100500 to your self-esteem, willpower and you will know what you really can do!

P.S. And don't think so. that I won’t do this myself, that’s why I signed up for this challenge first :)

#sekta boys and chicks to everyone :)

This week we watch tiny Mat Damon, feel the spirit of the French Revolution with Jean-Luc Godard and penetrate Jessica Chastain's underground poker club.

Young Godard

Michel Hazanavicius, France, 2017

Paris, 1967. Jean-Luc Godard, one of the fathers of the “new wave” of French cinema, is filming his “The Chinese Woman.” The director is in love with the leading actress, the pretty and young actress Anne Vyazemsky. Despite the significant age difference, they love each other and decide to get married. The newlyweds' happiness is disrupted by the premiere of Godard's new film, which is met with harsh criticism. At the same time, a youth revolt breaks out in Paris, and Godard throws himself headlong into the cauldron of revolution.

Molly's game

Aaron Sorkin, USA, 2017

A successful cross-country skier (Jessica Chastain) is injured while trying out for the Olympic Games. And although the road to big-time sports is now closed to her, the girl decides to open her own business - an underground poker club. The place is popular among influential personalities and stars. When Los Angeles becomes unsafe, Molly moves to New York and continues her business. But danger awaits the risky businesswoman here too, so not everything goes as smoothly as we would like.


Alexander Payne, USA, 2017

Soon the planet will be overpopulated - there will not be enough resources and food for everyone. But there is a way out: scientists have created a miniature world, where there is more space, cleaner air, and richer people. All these charms captivate the spouses Paul and Audrey. But only one of them decides to experiment. The film was nominated for the main award at the 2017 Venice Film Festival, where it premiered. The main role in the film was played by Mat Damon.

Cool daddy

Maxime Govare, France, 2017

Andrian is a reveler and a lazy person. He lives off his girlfriend and feels great. But her patience is running out, and Andrian needs to somehow save the situation. The guy decides to start a new life and opens a private kindergarten at home.


Lin Oding, Canada, 2017

Courageous forester Joe lives with his family in a secluded place far from the city. Their peace is disturbed by drug dealers who wander into the forest, hiding from persecution. Joe is forced to protect his family from criminals, and he has absolutely no time to choose methods of defense.

BEST SHORTS Winter, goodbye!

It's time to say goodbye to winter. And the best way to do this is with cool short films. The festival program includes films and animations from international film festivals in France, Spain, Switzerland, Israel, Bulgaria, Germany and Belgium.