For all and about everything. Unacceptable: The most famous ghost ships

For all and about everything. Unacceptable: The most famous ghost ships
For all and about everything. Unacceptable: The most famous ghost ships

Bermuda Triangle - an area in the Atlantic Ocean, limited to Florida and Bermuda Islands, Puerto Rico and Bahamas, is famous for the mysterious, mystical disappearances of marine and aircraft. For many years, he suggests the real horror on the population of the globe - after all, the stories about the inexplicable catastrophes and ghost ships for all hearing.

Numerous researchers are trying to explain the anomaly of the Bermuda triangle. Basically, these are the theory of kidnapping of vessels by aliens from space or residents of Atlantis, moving through holes in time or faults in space and other paranormal reasons. None of these hypotheses have not yet received confirmation.

Opponents of "otherworldly" versions argue that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda triangle are greatly exaggerated. Sea and aircraft disappear in other areas of the globe, sometimes without a trace. A malfunction of the radio or suddenness of the catastrophe can prevent the crew transfer the disaster signal.

In addition, the search for debris to the sea is a very difficult task. Also, the Bermuda Triangle area is very complex for navigation: here a large number of shames, cyclones and storms often originate.

A hypothesis is proposed that explains the sudden death of ships and gas emissions aircraft - for example, as a result of the decay of methane hydrate at the bottom of the sea, when the density is so low that the ships cannot hold on the way. Some suggest that rising into the air, methane can also cause air collapse - for example, due to lowering the air density.

The opinion was expressed that the cause of the death of some vessels, including in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called wandering waves, which can reach in a height of 30 meters. It is also assumed that in the sea may be generated by infraser, which has an impact on the crew members of the vessel or aircraft, causing a panic, as a result of which people leave the vessel.

Consider the natural features of this region - really extremely interesting and unusual.

The Square of the Bermuda Triangle is a little over a million square kilometers. Here are huge shallow water and deep-water depressions, shelf with shallow cans, mainland, edge and median plateau, deep straits, abissual plains, deep-water gutters, a complex seafood system and confusing atmospheric circulation.

In the Bermuda Triangle there are several underwater mountains and hills. Mountains are covered with powerful coral reefs. Some underwater mountains rise at the bottom of the ocean alone, others form groups. In the Atlantic Ocean, by the way, they are significantly less than in quiet.

Here is the chute Puerto Rico - the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean. Its depth is 8742 meters.

The bottom of the Bermuda Triangle is mainly sedimentary breeds - limestones, sandstones, clay. The thickness of their layer ranges from 1-2 to 5-6 kilometers.

Little (southern) part of the triangle refers to the tropical seas, large (north) - to subtropical. The temperature of the water on the surface ranges here from 22 to 26 ° C, but in shallow water, and

the same in the bays and lagoon can be significantly higher. The salinity of water only slightly exceeds the average indicators - except, again, shallow, bays and lagoon, where salinity may increase. Waters here are noticeably warmer than in other parts of the ocean on the same geographical latitudes, since it is where warm Golf Stream flows.

The flow in the Bermuda triangle is rapid, it makes it difficult or inhibits the movement of vessels floating against him; It pulses, changes the speed and location, and the changes are absolutely impossible to predict; It creates irregular vortices affecting the weather, some of them have significant strength. On the border of its warm waters with a colder environmental fog frequent waters.

Passats are blowing over the triangle - constant winds, which in the northern hemisphere in the south-west direction, at an altitude of up to 3 kilometers. At high altitudes in the opposite direction, antpassatis blows.

In the southern part of the triangle, approximately between Florida and the Bahamas, about 60 storm days. In fact, every fifth sixth day happens a storm. If you move north, towards the Bermuda islands, the number of storm days in the year increases, that is, the storm is already every fourth day. The destructive cyclones, hurricanes, as well as a tornado are very frequent.

All this contributes to the fact that many marine and aircraft disappears in the Bermuda Triangle. Maybe the reason is not so mystical? But with confidence it is impossible to say it, as there are a lot of inexplicable mysteries.

A lot of ships and even aircraft disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, although at the time of the catastrophe is almost always good weather. Courts and aircraft die suddenly, the carriages about malfunctions are not reported, disaster signals are not sent. The fragments of airplanes and courts are usually not found, although intensive searches are underway with the involvement of all relevant services.

Often the Bermuda triangle is attributed to the catastrophe, in reality it happened far beyond. We selected the most famous confirmed victims of the Bermuda triangle among the ships.

In August 1840, a French vessel "Rosali" was found not far from the capital of the Bahamas Islands, drifting with raised sails without a crew. The ship had no damage and was quite suitable for swimming. Everything looked as if the team left Rosalie a few hours ago.

On January 31, 1880, the British academic sailing ship "Atalanta" was deployed from the Bermuda Islands, on board which there were 290 officers and cadets. On the way to England, it disappeared without leaving traces.


This case was in the center of attention of the public, he wrote a daily "Times" daily, and even after many months after the sailboat's disappearance.

Times (London), April 20, 1880, p. 12: "Yesterday, Avon canoner boat arrived in Portsmouth. The captain said that he had noticed a huge number of floating fragments nearby from the Azores ... The sea literally dishes them. The harbor of the island of Fayal was filled with ships that lost masts. And during all five days, while Avon remained on Fayala raid, the debris became more and more.

However, there was no evidence that some vessel sank or was broken by a storm ... Some officers "Avona" believe that "Atalanta" may have come across the iceberg, but they categorically deny that the ship could turn over. "
Lawrence D. Koshe published in his book passages from newspaper articles, official communications of the British Admiralty and even evidence of two sailors, according to which "Atalanta" was a vessel very unstable and with its 109 tons of water and 43 tons of ballast on board could easily turn over and drown even During the row storm.

There were rumors that only two more or less experienced officers were in the crew, which were forced to stay on Barbados, because they got sick with a yellow fever. Consequently, 288 inexperienced sailors floated on the vessel.

The analysis of meteorological data confirmed that since the beginning of February, strong storms raged between Bermuda Islands and Europe. Perhaps the vessel died somewhere far away from the Bermuda triangle, because of the 3,000 miles of the way only 500 passed through the triangle. And yet, "Atalanta" consider one of the confirmed victims of the "triangle".

Unknown abandoned schooner
In 1881, the English vessel Ellen Austin met in the open ocean abandoned schooner, fully preserved nautical qualities and only slightly damaged. Several sailors moved to Schuun, and both vessels took a course on St. Jones, located on Newfoundland Island.

Soon the fog fell, and the ships lost each other. A few days later they met again, and again on the schoon there was not a single living soul. Captain "Ellen Austin" wanted to plant another small rescue crew to Schoon, but the sailors categorically refused, arguing that Schooner was damned.

This story has two continuations with different versions. In the first version, Captain Ellen Austin tried to transplant another rescue crew to Schoon, but the sailors did not want to risk more, and Schunu was left in the ocean.

According to another version, the second rescue crew was still transplanted to Schoon, but then fluttering a squall, the vessels went on a significant distance from each other, and nor schooner nor her second crew had ever seen anymore.

Joshua stokes and his yacht
Joshua Stokami, who was first in the history of mankind alone under a sail, to bypass around the globe, without a trace disappeared in November 1909, making a relatively short transition from Martas-Vinyard Island to the shores of South America - through the Bermuda triangle.

Sailing yacht "Spray"

On November 14, 1909, he moved away from Martas Vinyard Island and there were no news from that very day about him. According to those who knew the captain of the slocham, he was too good sailor, and the "spray" is too good a yacht so that they would not cope with any of the usual difficulties that the ocean can prepare.

No one knows for sure that it happened to him, although there was no lack of guesses and versions. There are "reliable" evidence of some sailors, which, and after the fateful date, saw live and unharmed solutions in various ports of the world.

Over the years, there were a lot of hypotheses explaining his disappearance. In the end, a hurricane could take such a strength that he sweated his yacht. "Spray" could burn. He could go to the bottom, faced at night with some vessel.

In coastal waters, a clash of a small boat with a large ship is not so rare. The lights on the sailing yacht are usually quite dull, sometimes not visible because of her own sails. A large vessel could easily smash a 37-foot floor chip, and no one would feel even push.

Edward Row Snow in his book "Mysterious events off the shores of New England" assures that the postage steamer with a displacement of about 500 tons appeared on the yacht. "Delom" of the slochama did even the court who broke the most different evidence. According to the testimony of the son of Viktor Slokam, the father was in a brilliant form, and the yacht is practically unspected.

Even a suggestion was expressed, unconditionally accepted by some "connoisseurs" that Joshua stokes were allegedly not happy in marriage and therefore stated a catastrophe to hide and spend the rest of his days in solitude.

March 1918 "Cyclops"
On March 4, 1918, the Barbados island was moved by the Cyclops cargo ship with displacement of 19,600 tons, on board which was 309 people and the cargo of manganese ore. The ship had a length of 180 meters and was one of the largest US in the Navy.

"Cyclops" on the river Hudson, 1911

It was directed to Baltimore, but there did not come there. It never sent the signal "SOS" and did not leave any traces. At first, we assumed that the ship could be torpedoed by a German submarine, but at that time there were no German submarines there. According to another version, the ship appeared for mine. However, there were no minefields here.

The US Department of Navy after a thorough investigation published a statement: "The disappearance of the" cyclopa "is one of the largest and most difficult cases in the annals of the Navy. It is not even established even the place of disaster, the causes of misfortune are unknown, not the slightest traces of the vessel.

None of the proposed versions of the catastrophe gives a satisfactory explanation, under what circumstances it disappeared. " President Woodrow Wilson said that "Only God and the Sea know what happened to the ship." And one magazine wrote an article about that from sea waters, the huge sizes of a squid and joined the ship into the marine puchin.

In 1968, Din Hayvz diver, which was part of the team, which was engaged in the search for the missing nuclear submarine "Scorpio", found at a depth of 60 meters 100 kilometers east of Norfolk ship core. Considering the photograph of the "Cyclopa" later, he assured that this ship was lying on the day.

"Cyclops" still appears on the print pages and not only as one of the characters of the legend about the Bermuda triangle. It was the first major ship equipped with a radio transmitter, which disappeared, not sent by the SOS signal, and the largest ship of the US Navy, which was gone, without leaving any traces.

Every year, in March, when the next anniversary is fulfilled from the date of its disappearance, the articles about this mysterious event are written again, the old and new theories are updated and the newly famous photograph of the "cyclop" is published for the hundredth time. Its disappearance and to this day continue not without reason to call "the most intractable mystery in the annals of the navy".

"Carroll A. Diring"
The five-wave schooner "Carroll A. Diring" was discovered in January 1921 on Diamond Shals. She had no damage, the sails were raised, there was a food on the tables, but there was not a single living soul on board, except for two cats.

The crew of "Dirring" consisted of 12 people. It was not possible to detect any of them, and it is still unknown that it happened to them. On June 21, 1921, a note bottle was caught in the sea, which, presumably, could be thrown by someone from the crew members:

"We are in captivity, we are in the trunk and are wrapped in handcuffs. As soon as possible, report this to the board of the company. "
Passion flared up even more when the captain's wife allegedly learned the handwriting of the ship mechanic Henry Bates, and the graphologists confirmed the identity of the hand writing on the note and on his papers. But after some time it was discovered that the note was forged, and the author himself even admitted.

Judicial investigation, however, revealed important circumstances: January 29, Schuna passed by the Lighthouse on Cape Lucout, North Carolina, and served signals that he had fallen into a dangerous position, since she lost both ship anchors.

Then Schoon saw back to the north of the lighthouse from one vessel, while she behaved rather strangely. Meteorological reports at the beginning of February contain indications of a strong storm off the coast of North Carolina with winds whose speed reached 130 kilometers per hour.

On November 29, 1925, the Cotopaxi vessel left Charleston with coal cargo and took the course to Havana. Passing through the center of the Bermuda Triangle, it disappeared, without leaving the slightest trace and did not have time to send the signal "SOS". No wreckage of the vessel nor the crew was discovered.

The Sudoffco cargo ship came out of Port Newark, New Jersey, and, taking a course to the south, disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda triangle. The representative of the company stated that it disappeared, as if the giant sea monster was swallowed.

The ship sailed from Port Newark on March 13, 1926 and took the course to the Panama Canal. The port of his destination was Los Angeles. It was a crew of 29 people and a weight of about 4,000 tons weighing, including a large batch of steel pipes.

The vessel was moving along the coast, but on the second day after sailing with him was lost. The search for the vessel continued for a whole month, but there was no slightest trail. True, the meteorological reports and the testimony of the captain of the Aquitaine liner, which was going to meet the "Sudoffco" towards the same exchange rate, confirm that a tropical cyclone took place through this area on March 14-15.

"John End Mary"
In April 1932, 50 miles south of the Bermuda Islands, the Greek Schooner "Embirkos" found a two-volume vessel "John End Mary". The ship was abandoned, the crew his mysterious way disappeared.

"Proteus" and "Nerem"

At the end of November 1941, the vessel "Proteus" was departed from the Virgin Islands, and several weeks later - "Nerem". Both vessels were sent to Norfolk, but none of them arrived at the destination, both disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

The United States was engaged in attacking the Japanese to Pearl Harbor and the announcement of the Japan War, therefore the disappearance of the courts did not cause a response. Study after the war of the Archives of the German Naval Fleet showed that the "proteus" and "nonres" could not be surfed with submarines.

October 22, 1944, the shores of Florida discovered a ship without a crew. The only living creature on board was a dog. The vessel was in excellent condition, except for the missing rescue boats and a torn towing cable hanging from the nose of the ship.

Personal things of the crew members also remained on board. The last entry in the ship magazine was made on September 26, when the ship was still in the port of Havana. "Rubikon" apparently went along the coast of Cuba.

"City Bell"
On December 5, 1946, Shhun was found in the sea without a crew. She followed the course from the capital of the Bahamas Nassau Islands to one of the Isles of the archipelago - Grand Terk. On the ship everything was in order, the rescue boats were in their places, only the crew disappeared without a trace.

In June 1950, the 120-meter cargo ship "Sandra", loaded 300 tons of insecticides, was out of Savannah (Georgia) in Puerto Cable (Venezuela) and disappeared without a trace. The search operation began only after its six-day late is established to the place of arrival.

By the way, an article about this case, written by Journalist E. Jones and published on September 16, 1950, awakened great interest in the Bermuda triangle. Jones noted that Sandra is not the only vessel who has disappeared here. The legend of the deadly triangle began to spread at an incredible speed.

In December 1954, a TankaDesting ship "Saurne Distric" disappeared in the Floridian Strait, refurbished in the cargo ship for the transport of sulfur. Disaster signals were not recorded or ships in the sea, nor coast stations. Only a lifebuoy was found.

The Sauterne Districte vessel dispenseed 3337 tons went from Port Salf (Louisiana) with sulfur cargo to Bashport (Maine). The destination was Portland.

The captain went to the connection of the 3rd, and then on December 5, being already off the coast of Florida. On the ship everything was in order. On December 7, he was seen in the storm waves at Charleston.

The investigative commission found that the ship seems to be sank with the northeast wind. In the area where Golf Stream dominates, this wind enjoys an unimportant reputation, since it blows directly against the current, turning the Gulf Stream into a rude bubble stream, and even large vessels hurry to get out of his way.

"Snow Fight"
In July 1963, a 20-meter fishing vessel disappeared, which committed with clear weather from Kingston (Jamaica) to the island of Pedro-Kis. There were forty people on the ship, no one had heard anything about them. It was reported that wreckage of vessels and items belonging to members of the crew were found.

Mysterious disappearance occurred in the 1967 Christmas holidays. Two people on a small yacht came out of Miami Beach for a walk along the coast. They say they wanted to admire the festive illumination of the city from the sea.

Soon they reported on the radio that they came across the reef and damaged the screw, the danger does not threaten them, but they ask to tow them to the berth, and indicated their coordinates: Buly № 7.

The rescue boat arrived at this place after 15 minutes, but did not find anyone. Anxiety was announced, but the search did not give any result, neither people nor yacht were found, nor the fragments - everything disappeared without a trace.

El Carey
On October 15, 1971, the captain of the El Caren cargo ship, which sailed from Colombia to the Dominican Republic, said that they will arrive at the port of destination at 7 am the next day. After that, the ship disappeared. It was a rather large cargo ship, the flagship of the Dominican Fleet, the length of it was 113 meters.

The vessel went to the port of Santo Domingo with the crew from thirty people. It was equipped with an automatic signaling system, which in the event of an accident automatically sends a disaster signal to ether. Judging by the latest post, the vessel at the time of disappearance was in the Caribbean, at a considerable distance from Santo Domingo.

Underwater seaside researchers have the most interesting work in the world. Sometimes there is such an in front of them, what they do not even know - begin with studies of a submarine, and turn out to be filled in two more incidents.

So in 2005, the team of marine researchers began to investigate the history of the extinction of expensive cargo, which was on board the "Alexander Macomb" vessel, sunken in the waters of the North Atlantic.

The find of military transport was broadcast in publications of the whole world. At the depth of 82 meters from the banks of the new Scotland at a depth of 82 meters, the U-215 submarine is resting. In the period of the Second World War, the vessel "Alexander Macomb" was sank, one of the hundreds of transport ships of the Liberty type of transportation of goods to Europe.

On board were not only aircraft, tanks and other military equipment, but also valuable copper and aluminum. Today, this cargo would cost millions of dollars. However, the will of the fate alignment has changed even after the death of Military Transport "Alexander Macomb". Suddenly the hunter became a victim when allies transport vessels found the U-215 submarine and destroyed it with deep bombs. By noon of that day on July 3, 1942, two sunken vessels lay at the bottom of the sea.

For the first time, maritime researchers found the remains of the U-215 submarine on the shores of New Scotia, but soon the archaeologists learned about the death of Military Transport "Alexander Macomb". Two ships sank together in one area.

Valuable cargo on the cargo ship "Alexander Macomb" was intended for Russia, but soon the ownership of the goods passed to the private person. In addition, the results of the profitable activity of the cargo vessel were kept in the Big Secret. By the end of 1966, about 2000 tons of metal mainly and aluminum, as well as a lot of zinc, were extracted at Military Transport "Alexander Macomb".

The history of the valuation of valuable cargo does not end with the extraction of copper in 1988, the wreckage of a sunken vessel "Alexander Macomb" visited another group. They were not interested in copper, but old airplanes remaining aboard the ship. As it turned out, they are very rare. In the modern market and their parts are at least 400 thousand dollars. This goal has fully justified their labor-intensive work. However, this expedition could not raise a single aircraft. In addition, they lost expensive equipment that remains in the wreckage.

Thanks to the coordinated work of people and machines, the place of crash was examined. The place resembled a huge journey of the swordless metal. A huge number of mines and shells have been detected on the ship and practically survived. Everything was with detonators.

As it turned out, the ship flew to the underwater barrier and began to sink. The crew left the ship. However, the ship sank not immediately. At 06.00 in German time, the U-109 submarine, the removal of it released 5 torpedoes. The boat retired away, and the ship itself went to the bottom. A few years later, he found Rydious Bizley and raised the cargo from him.

The fate of the ship broke off off the coast of Canada during World War II. Caravans of vessels, breaking through the sea battles, delivered the necessary supplies and food to Europe. Military transport ships did not always have safely traveled to the place. Often they became a victim of German submarines. So it became with a cargo ship "Alexander Macomb". And the mysterious Mr. Bizley had a bad state for himself, raising the goods, but only thanks to him, we learned information about the sunken ships that seemed lost forever.

Who worked as a worker of the sea, knows how it is romantic and ... boring. As sometimes easily in the ocean, earn an order of magnitude more than on land, and as sometimes it's hard to make Nepodune's whims, from natural storms to unexpected arrests of ships in the non-shit ports of the countries of the fifth and seventh world. As weeks on the endless horizon, nothing happens and does not change, and then suddenly you meet something, from which shine in the eyes and trembling on the skin. For example, in the center of the Atlantic, the catamaran is found without signs of life on board, but with freshly angled fish. Or buoy, which was lost 100 years ago, and since then somewhere I slammed.

Visit the ghost ship - the pleasure of an amateur. No matter how brave Syndbad was not sent, stepped on the deck of a flying dutch, the old sea wolf could easily, sorry, to remove with fear. In the century of GPS and genetic engineering, most people, even shamelessly bold, are still.

Most of the "meetings" with ghost ships - the pure ocean water of fiction, but not going anywhere and from the meetings of real. At the same time, everything is completely explained and necessarily decorated with shifter stories and epithets. Without which our unusual world would be too bored.

Losing a vessel or ship in the infinity of the world's ocean is not so difficult. And it is even easier to lose people.

1. "Carrol A. Diring"

The five-wave schooner "Carrolla A. Diring" was built in 1911. The vehicle was named after the Son of the shipowner. Diring performed cargo flights, the last of which started on December 2, 1920 in the port of Rio de Janeiro. Captain William Merrita and his son who served as a senior assistant was a team of 10 Scandinavians. The father and son of Merriti suddenly drank, had to replace the captain named W. B. Wormhell.

Leaving Rio, Diring reached Barbados, where he was delayed to replenish the reserves of provisions. Temporary Starpom Macllennan drunk and began to displacing Captain Wormhel before the sailors, provoking the riot. When Mallennan shouted, which will soon take the place of the captain, he was arrested. But Wormhell forgave and bought him out of the cut. Soon the vessel was despair and ... For the last time he was seen "inappropriate" on January 28, 1921, when the sailor from a floating lighthouse was called a red-haired man standing on a pot of schooner floating past. Redhead reported that "Diring" lost anchor. But the beacon worker could not contact the emergency service, because He failed a radio.

Three days later, Diring was discovered at Mels near Cape Gatteras.

When the rescuers arrived, it turned out that the ship is completely empty. Neither the team, no onboard magazine, nor navigation equipment, nor lifeboats. In a galley on the stove was stamed unsolved nipped borsch. Unfortunately, the schooner from sin was depicted by dynamite, and there was nothing more to explore. It is believed that the team of "Dirring" disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda triangle.

2. "Baychimo"

The Baychimo trade ship was built in 1911 in Sweden for the Germans and is intended for transportation of the skin of northern animals. After World War I, German Shkurovoz moved to the British flag and rushed along the Polar Coast of Canada and the USA.

The last swimming "Baychimo" (with a lively command and cargo of fur on board) was held in the fall of 1931. On October 1, the coast of the ship fell into the ice trap. The team left a steamer and went to seek refuge from the cold. Without finding people, the sailors built a time on the shore, hoping to wait for the cold and continue swimming when the ice fade.

On November 24, Buran played. And when ducks, seurrets in amazement saw that the ship disappeared. At first, we decided that transportation with furs sank during a storm, but in a couple of days the hunter on the walrus told, as if he saw Baychimo in 45 miles from the camp. Sailors decided to save the precious cargo, and the steamer to quit - still winter will not survive. The team and fur were delivered deep into the mainland by the plane, and the ghost ship "Baychimo" met the workers of the sea, then there, in the waters of Alaska repeatedly for 40 subsequent years. The last fact was documented in 1969, when the "Baychimo" Eskimos saw frozen in the Arctic Weds of the Beaufort Sea. In 2006, the Alaska government announced the official searches for the legendary ghost steamer, but the operation was not crowned with success. Unfortunately or happiness?

3. "Eliza Battle"

"Eliza" descended in 1852 in Indiana. It was a river ship of the Luxury, on which only rich and public men rode - with wives and children. Cold night in February 1858. On the deck of the vessel ignited bales with cotton, the wooden steamer was smelled of a fire inflated by a strong frosty wind. "Eliza Battle" was walking along the Tombigby River. 100 people died in smoke and fire, 26 more were missing. The ship sank at a depth of 9 meters and rests on the place of the crash to this day.

It is said that during the spring floods, with the full moon you can see at night, as the river steaming pops up from the bottom and goes along the river therea-here. On board the music playing and flares fire. The fire is so peeled, that the name of the vessel is easily read - "Eliza Battle".

4. Yacht "Joit"

"Joita" was a luxurious "unspecified" yacht, which since 1931 before the war belonged to the Hollywood film director Roland Vesta, then was converted to the patrol boat and until 1945, he served off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands.

On October 3, 1955, "Joit" despair in Samoa with 25 souls on board and not quite a good engine. Yacht was waiting on tokelau Islands, 270 miles from Samoa. Swimming was to last no more than two days, but also on the third day "Joit" in the port did not arrive. And no one served SOS signal. Airplanes were sent to the search, but the pilots did not find anything.

5 weeks passed, and on November 10, the yacht was found. She was still swimming, but it is not clear where, with a cassel engine and a strong roll. 4 tons of cargo disappeared, as well as a team with passengers. All hours stopped at 10-25. Despite the fact that the yacht, covered with crust, was unspected, with "Joites" all life-saving rafts and vests disappeared. The investigation found that the ship's corps was unharmed, but the fate of the team and cargo remained unexplained.

Someone put forward a charming version. Say, this is the work of the surviving Japanese militarists who have fallen on a lonely island and make pirated bars.

"Joit" repaired, the engine was replaced, but in the sea on the ghost ship, no one wanted to go out in the middle of the 1960s and in the middle of the 1960s the riddled riddled "on the needles".

The most famous of the ghostly maritime vehicles is the "Flying Dutchman", an eternal evil skeleton, whom Piarii in the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea. Before the Hollywood fairy tales, the Flying Dutchman met on the pages of books, in the music of Wagner and the songs of the Rammstein group. It's time to see face to face. We continue our nightmarish journey and right on the course we have the most ...

five. "Volatiledutchman»

Not everyone knows that the "Flying Dutchman" is a nickname not the ghost ship itself, and his captain.

"Volatile Dutch" call several different ghost ships from different centuries. One of them is a real brand owner. The one with whom the trouble happened at the Cape of Good Hope.

The legend reads: "Captain of the vessel, Hendrik Van der Decan, went to the Cape of Good Hope, following in Amsterdam. Cocking the cape was difficult because of the monstrous winds, but Hendrick swore to do it (Yes Yes Yes Yes!), Even if you need to fight the elements before the Judgment Day. The team asked to protect themselves from the storm and turn the ship back. The nightmarish size of the wave was tuzili, and the brave captain sowed the mature songs, drank and smoked some herbs. Processing that the captain will not convince the captain, the part of the team raised the riot. The captain shot the main rebellion and threw his body overboard. The skies turned around, and the captain heard the voice "You're too stubborn man," what I answered: "I never searched to light paths and did not ask for anything, so I didn't shook you while I was shot!". And he tried to palpate into the sky, but the gun exploded in his hand.

The voice from Heaven continued: "If you are cursed and sailing to you on the oceans forever with a ghostly team of the dead, carrying death to everyone who sees your ship-ghost. In no port you do not stick to you and do not know peace for a moment. You will be bile wine, but red-hot iron-meat ".

Among those who later met "Flying Dutchman," such experienced and non-vertical persons like Prince Welsh George and his brother, Prince Albert Victor.

In 1941, on the beach in Cape Town, the crowd of people saw a sailboat who went straight on the rocks, but was dissolved in the air at the moment when a crash should happen.

6. "Young Teaser"

This agile corsarskaya schooner was built in 1813 with the only purpose: to rob the trade vessels of the British Empire, who go to the port of Halifax (New Scotland). At that time, what we call Canada belonged to the British, the resentment on which was great after the United Kingdom and the United States of 1812.

From the new Scotland, the speed "teaser" brought good trophies. In June 1813, the Korsairs of the English administration was chased, the Korsairs of the English Administration was chased, but Yang Teaser managed to escape in a magical way thickened fog. A few days later, Schoon drove into the angle of 74-cannon British battleships "La Hog" and "Orpheus." "Young teaser" was decided to take on boarding. As soon as the five boarding boats approached the ship, Teaser exploded. Semen British survived and told how Corsary in the rank of Lieutenant fled to Arsenal Schununa with a burning area and looked crazy. Most dead privatirov found peace in unsigned graves in the Anglican Cemetery in Mahoun Bay.

Soon one after another witnessed witnesses of strange phenomena. Allegedly saw "Young teaser" in the fire on the afloat. In the summer of the next year, curious locals organized a boat cult in the place of the death of the schooners to see the ghost closer. And ghost the size of the ship, giving admirement, disappeared into the clubs of fire and smoke. Since then, tourists from all over the country are going to Makhoun Bay. And "Young teaser" explodes their eyes again and again. Ghost especially likes to be in foggy nights with a full moon.

It is believed that the ghost "Octavius" ship was discovered by the western shore of Greenland in October 1775. On board "Octavius" was a dead team, each of the sailors seemed to be frozen at the time of death. The captain froze with a pencil in his hand over the magazine, there was a frozen woman, a boy wrapped in a blanket and a sailter with a barrel of gunpowder in his hands.

The terrified kitoboy grabbed the ship's ship magazine and found out that the last entry dates back to 1762. That is, "Octavius" was in a frozen state for 13 years.

In 1761, the ship went from England to South Asia. In order to save time, the captain decided not to get into Africa, but put a short, but dangerous Arctic path, along the northern shores of America. Recall that neither Suez, nor Panama Canal existed in the project. Apparently, the ship was frozen into ice in the waters of North and was the first to go on the campaign with the northwestern way long before the appearance of icebreakers.

More "Octavius" did not come across anyone.

8. "Lady Lovhibond"

In February 1748, Captain Simon Reed took on board "Lady Lovibond" a young wife Annetta to spend a honeymoon with her in Portugal. At that time, the presence of a woman on the ship was considered a bad admission.

The captain did not know that his stamp John Rivers was in love with the spouse of Reed and go crazy from jealousy. In the attack of rabies, Rivers wandered there and here on the deck, then snatched the coffee beagre and killed the steering. A bad Starp was behind the steering wheel and led the schooner on Goodwin sands, that in the south-east of England, on the banks of Kent. Lady Lovibond was stranded, the whole team and passengers schooners died. The verdict of the investigation was the "accident".

50 years later, with two different ships, a phantom sailboat was seen, floating along Okmvin's sands. In February 1848, local fishermen watched shipwreck remains and even sent life boats, but they returned with anything. In 1948, the ghost of "Lady Lovibond" in the green shine caught people on the eyes again.

The ghost ship makes itself felt every 50 years. Therefore, if you do not have specific plans on February 13, 2048, you can make a note in the calendar. Goodwin sands threw almost more ships than the Bermuda triangle. Next to the "Lady" on the bottom there are two warships.

"Maria Celzesta" is the greatest mystery in the history of navigation. To this day, disputes are being conducted on the causes of the mysterious disappearance from the ship of 8 team members and two passengers.

In November 1872, Brigantine "Maria Celzesta" went with the cargo of alcohol from New York to Gena under the command of Captain Briggs. Four weeks later, the vessel was discovered near the Gibraltar captain of the ship "Dei Grazi", who was friends with Briggs and was not off with him. Approaching the "Maria Celibes" and going on the side of Brigantines, Captain Morhauz found the ship abandoned. Not living, no dead people on it were. The cargo of alcohol was intact and, apparently, brigantine in a strong storm did not fall, was afloat. There were no traces of any crime and violence. What could make the brave captain Briggs so hastily evacuated, it is unclear.

The ship was overtaken in Gibraltar and repaired. After the repair "Maria Celzesta" worked for another 12 years and flew to Reef in the Caribbean Sea.

Versions of sudden devastation of brigantines are different, and there are many of them. For example, an explosion of alcohol vapors in the stern holder. Or a collision of "Mary Cellean" with a floating island of sand. Or Captain Captains Briggs and Morhaus. Someone even seriously argued about the goat aliens.

10. "Gian Sen"

The list of ghost ships is replenished and nowadays.

The Australian Patrol Airplane noted the 80-meter tanker of unknown origin in the Bay of Carpenaria in 2006. The name of the vessel, "Gian Sen", was scaled, but quite readable on all documents that could be found on a blank tanker customs officers. No data that "Gian Saint" illegally fishing or transported illegal immigrants was not. There was quite a lot of rice.

It is assumed that the ship without a team went on a tug, but the cable was cut off. The ghost ship drift continued not one day, so the engines "Jian Saint" could not be launched. The ship was flooded with deep water. There, at the depth, beautiful and peace. Politicians were expressed that on such tankers Indonesians are illegally delivered to drugs and migrants.

Most often, ghost ships are found in North Atlantic. However, it is impossible to call the exact number of Schedule - it changes from year to year. According to statistics, in some years the number of "Dutch", which drift in North Atlantic reached three hundred. Very many ghost ships drifting in marine areas remote from shipping pathways and rarely visited by commercial vessels.

At times, the "volatile dutch" remind themselves. Their course puts on coastal melels, they are thrown by the wind on the rocks or underwater reefs. It happens that the "Dutch", which do not carry at night running lights, are the cause of clashes with the oncoming ships that sometimes have grave consequences.

"Flying Dutchman"

So called the ghost ship controlled by the dead. It is believed that this is either a ship who had to go to the bottom, but for some reason did not sink, either the victim of a giant squid or octopus.
It is considered a bad admission to the Sea of \u200b\u200b"Breastherd Dutch" - such a meeting foreshadows death.


1913, October - In one of the bays of the archipelago, the fiery ground by storm brought Schoone "Malboro". The assistant captain with several members of the team climbed onto board and were shocked by a terrible spectacle: all the sailboats were scattered dead, dried as mummies, body members of the crew. The sailboat masts were completely intake, and the entire schooner covered mold. In the hold there was the same: everywhere the dead crew members dried as mummy.

Incredible fact was established by the investigation: the three-maht sailboat came out of the port of Littleton in early January 1890, he was sent to Scotland, his native port of Glasgow, but for unknown reasons did not come to the port.

But what could happen to the sailboat crew? Did the calm deprived him of the sail of the wind and forced to drift aimlessly until all the reserves of drinking water were exhausted? How could it happen that the sailboat with the dead crew did not break about the reef for 24 years of drifting?


1947, June (according to other information - the beginning of February 1948) - British and Dutch stations of listening, as well as two American courts in the Malacca Strait, a distress of the following content was adopted: "The captain and all officers lie dead in Kubrick and on the bridge. Perhaps the whole team is dead. " After that, the message was followed by an insecious Morse code and a short phrase: "I'm dying." More signals were not received, but the place of sending the message was determined by the method of triangulation, and one of the above-mentioned American ships was sent to it.

When the ship was discovered, found out that his whole team is really dead, including even a dog. On the bodies of the dead did not find any visible injuries, although in terms of the expression of persons it was obvious that they died in horror and strong torment. The ship itself was also not damaged, but the member of the rescue team was marked by an unusual cold in the depths of the truth. Surprising smoke began to appear after the start of the inspection from the hold, the rescuers were forced to hurry back to their ship. After some time, after that, the "computer medang" exploded and went to the bottom, which made further investigation of the incident impossible.


The July morning of 1850, the residents of the village of Honons-Beach on the coast of Rhode Island were surprised that a sailing ship was going on with all sails to the shore. He stopped in a shallow water. People rising on board, discovered that coffee was with coffee on a galley, in the cabin on the table plates placed. But the only living creature on board was trembling the dog from the fear that drove into the angle of one of the cabins. Not a single person on the ship was.

Cargo, navigation devices, maps, locations and ship documents, everything was in perfect order. The last entry in the Watchtan magazine reported: "Avenue to the traverse of Rif Brenton" (this reef is located just a few miles from Eastrons-Beach).
It was known that Siterd was walking with a cargo of wood and coffee from Honduras Island. But the most thorough investigation, which was held by Americans, did not reveal the reasons for the disappearance from the sailboat of his crew.

"ESS Ess Hart"

1894, September - in the Indian Ocean from the board of the German steamer "Piccuben" was noticed by a three-volume bar of "Ess Ess Hart". On his mast was waving a distress signal. When the German sailors landed on the deck of the sailboat, they saw that all 38 crew were dead, and the captain was crazy.

Unknown frigate

1908, October - not far from one of the Mexican large ports was discovered half-tired frigate, with a strong roll on the left side. The steps of the sailboat's mast were broken, the name was impossible to establish it, the team was absent. There were no storms or hurricanes in this area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean at that time. The search was unsuccessful, and the reasons for the disappearance of the crew and remained a mystery, although many different hypotheses were put forward.


1953, February - Sailors of the English vessel "Ranya", being 200 miles from the Nikobar Islands, found in the ocean a small cargo ship "Kolch". The ship was damaged, the mast is broken. Although rescue boats were in their places, there were no teams. In the holds there was a cargo of rice, in bunkers - a complete stock of fuel and water. Where 5 crew members could disappear, still a mystery remains.


1928, December 4 - the Kobenhavn Danish Sailing Ship came out of Buenos Aires to continue around the world. On board the sailboat there was a crew and 80 pupils of the maritime school. A week later, "Kobenhavn" had already managed to pass about 400 miles, a radiogram was obtained from the vessel. It was reported that swimming is successful and that on the ship everything is safe. The further fate of the sailboat and people who were in it remained a mystery. In the port of the registry, Copenhagen, the ship did not come. They argue that later it was repeatedly met in different parts of the Atlantic. The sailboat allegedly walked under all the sails, but there were no people on it.

"Maria Celzesta"

1872 - one of the most famous ghost ships "Maria Celzesta" was found abandoned with his crew without any visible reasons. The ship was pretty good, strong, without damage, but for all the time of its existence it often fell into unpleasant situations, because of what bad fame was attached to him. Captain with his team from seven people, as well as his wife and daughter, who were also on board at the time of the transport of goods - alcohol, disappeared without a trace. The ship when it was discovered, was in good condition with raised sails and sufficient food reserves. Signs of struggle did not find. You can also exclude the version of pirates, because the teams of the team and alcohol remained intact.


To this day, the history of the "Joyt" ship remains a mystery. The ship considered the dead was discovered in the ocean. The ship was without crew and passengers. "Joyta" is called the second "mayor's village", about which A. Konan Doyle wrote: "The mystery of this vessel will never be solved." But if the events that took place on the "Cellest City Hall" occurred in the year before last, then the disappearance of people from the side of the Joytya refers to the second half of the twentieth century.

"Joyta" possessed excellent seaworthy qualities. 1955, October 3 - the ship under the command of Captain Miller, an experienced and knowledgeable sailor, left the port of Apia on the island of Poklet (Western Samoa) and took the course to the shores of the Tokelau archipelago. He did not arrive at the destination port.

Searches were organized. Rescue ships, helicopters and aircraft examined a huge ocean water management. But all efforts were in vain. The ship and 25 people who were on board were enrolled in the list of missing. More than a month passed, and on November 10, Joyt was accidentally discovered in 187 miles north of Fiji Islands. The ship was in the half-filled state and had a big roll. Neither people nor the cargo on it were.

Shhun Jenny

"May 4, 1823. No food within 71 days. I was only one stayed alive. "The captain who wrote this message was still sitting in a chair with a pen in his hand when this message was found in his journal after 17 years. His body, and the bodies of the other six people aboard the British schooner "Jenny" well preserved due to the cold weather of Antarctic, where the ship was in ice and led to the death of people. The crew of the whaling ship, which discovered Jenny after a disaster, buried people, including a dog, in the sea.


1971 - with mysterious circumstances, the Portuguese ship "Angos" was left by the team. It happened to the eastern shores of Africa. Transport "Angos" Gross Capacity 1 684 Register tons and a carrying capacity of 1,236 tons came out on April 23, 1971 from the Glow port (Mozambique) to another Mozambique port, Port Amelia. Three days later, "Angos" discovered the Panaman tanker "Esso Port Dixon".

The vessel drifted without a crew, in 10 miles from the shore. The newly new "flying dutch" took the tug and led to the port. After the inspection, it turned out that the transport suffered a collision. This was evidenced by their serious damage. At the bridge there were obvious traces of a recent fire. The experts were established that he could be a consequence of a small explosion that happened here. But the disappearance of 24 people of the team and one passenger "Angosha" could not be explained.


1956 - in front of the residents of New Georgia Island (from the Solomon Islands archipelago), an extraordinary ghost ship arose. It was a drifting submarine in the ocean. From the cut, the skeleton dried by the tropical sun was supervised. Teams were not visible. The wind and waves of the sea wanda nailed to the shore. It was found that this is an American submarine of the Second World War. However, the fate of the crew and remained mystery.

Have you ever heard of mysterious cases during which passengers of aircraft and ships disappeared? At best, people were found in a few days, and at worst - news about their fate never appeared. Neither the remains or debris ...
Sometimes the long-awaited vacation seems to be a real fairy tale from which it does not want to return home and to work, but be careful in your desires, because sometimes they turn into real catastrophes. Before you list from the 10 most mysterious cases of mass disappearance of people.

10. Airplane Amelia Irhart (Amelia Earhart)

Our first paragraph is devoted to one of the most high-profile affairs on the disappearance in the history of American aviation. In 1937, the brave Amelia Irhant intended to make something unimaginable - to fly around the globe on his plane model Lockheed Electra, starting a trip from Solar Florida, and planning following the equator. In such a long and dangerous journey, the girl went with the partner - Fred Nunan (Fred Noonan). The ship disappeared, fluttering somewhere on the quiet ocean. All searches of the aircraft were unsuccessful, which gave rise to many of the most different theories about what exactly happened to the brave couple of pilots.
In 2017, a version appeared that Amelia and Fred had actually survived, but were captured by Japanese military in the Marshall Islands area. Such an assumption appeared thanks to the old photo shot in 1937. On the photo card was captured by barge, towing an unidentified aircraft. A man of European appearance, resembling Fred, and someone's female figure from his back also hit the frame. This version has not been confirmed in any way, but the most amazing thing is that even 80 years old, people are still trying to find an answer to the question of the fate of travelers who disappeared so long ago and absolutely without a trace.

9. Ship "Madagascar"

In 1853, Madagascar went to his next flight on Melbourne - London route. It was an ordinary ship transporting passengers and cargo. The ship disappeared without a trace, he was never seen again, and even the debris was not found! Like any other missing ship, Madagascar also attracted public attention. There are many theories about what exactly happened to this ship, but there is in this story and something special - interests are of interest to events that occurred right before the flight of the flight from the Australian port.
110 passengers rose to the disappearance of the ship on his board, and containers with rice and wool were immersed. However, the most valuable cargo was the whole 2 tons of gold. Three passengers were arrested right in front of the sail, and this incident brought experts to think that on board the ship could be much more criminals than the police could assume. Perhaps in the sea, the attackers decided to rob "Madagascar" and killed all the passengers not to leave witnesses. However, this does not explain why the investigators could not find the ship itself.

8. Stardust aircraft

In 1947, Stardust, British South American Airways flew according to the schedule, and his way followed through the famous Argentine Andes. A few minutes before disappearing from the radars, the pilot of the aircraft sent a strange message encrypted on Azbuke Morse. Message read: "Stendec". The disappearance of the aircraft and the mysterious code strongly puzzled experts. The people even crawled rumors about the abduction by aliens. After a half of the year, the mystery of the missing flight "Stardust" was still disclosed.
In 2000, climbers discovered the remains of the aircraft and the body of several passengers on the remote top of frosty Andes at an altitude of almost 6565 meters. Investigators believe that the aircraft wreck could provoke a powerful avalanche, which covered the Machina body and hid the traces of the rest of the dead, because of which they did not find them. As for the mysterious word Stendec, the most likely version is considered to be an error in the STR Dec code set, meaning a common reduction in the "Starting Descent" phrase (Introduction).

7. Steam yacht "SY AURORA"

The history of the SY Aurora vessel clearly demonstrates the power of such ships, but its final still turned out to be quite tragic. A steam yacht is considered a sailboat with an additional primary or secondary steam engine. This yacht was built initially for whaling fishery, but subsequently it began to be used for scientific traveling to the Antarctic. Such expeditions were made in total five flights, and every time the vessel showed itself as a reliable vehicle, able to confront the most severe non-weather and successfully defend members of the crew from Northern Morozov. Nothing could break his power.
In 1917, SY Aurora disappeared while following the shores of Chile. The ship was driving in South America, but he never managed to complete his mission and deliver the goods to the destination. Historians believe that the yacht could become a victim of the First World War. The wreckage of the vessel was not found, so the experts remain only to guess the true causes of the disappearance of the ship.

6. Flight 571 Uruguayan Air Force

Unlike several previous stories, this aircraft did not just crash and went into the fly ... several crew members survived and passed through the real nightmare until the rescuers did not find them. In 1972, the flight 571 followed from Argentina to Chile, and there were 40 passengers on board and 5 crew members. The charter was supposed to deliver the team of athletes, their relatives and sponsors to the city of Santiago. The aircraft was gone from radar somewhere in the Argentinean area. During the crash, 12 passengers died immediately, and the rest had to still have 72 days to fight for survival in the harshest conditions, which are practically not compatible with life without special equipment. Although it would be better to say that 72 days for most of them turned out to be too long ...
It is impossible to imagine how all these people were frightened. In the first days of disaster from cold and severe injuries, another 5 people died. In one of the following days, a group of surviving was covered with a powerful avalanche, destroying another 8 people. The freezing passengers had a faulty radio. She allowed to listen to the negotiations of rescuers, but could not transfer messages from the victims. So people who survived after the aircraft crash, learned that their search was stopped, and the victims themselves were recognized in absentia. It deprived them of almost the last hope, although it is almost impossible to kill life thirst. Desperate and depleted athletes and pilots were forced to eat the frozen bodies of their friends, and as a result of 45 people survived only 16. Which 2 and a half months, these people were in the right ice hell!

5. Submarine "USS Capelin"

This time it will not be about the plane or ship, but about submarine. The submarine "USS Capelin" was listed on the account of the American army during World War II. In the first of its military swimming, the underwater ship was sinking a Japanese cargo ship, after which it was directed towards the Australian shores to repair and maintenance before the second mission. On November 17, 1943, the submarine went to his second task, and since then no one had seen her anymore.
As far as experts are known, the way of following the vessel passed through the real sea minefield, therefore the most likely version is associated with a submarine submarine. However, the wreckage "USS Capelin" was never found, so the version with mines will remain just as an assumption. When the military ship went to his last mission, there were 76 crew members on his board, the fate of whom their relatives did not know anything.

4. Flight 739 Airlines Flying Tiger Line

In 1963, the Lockheed Constellation passenger plane made a flight 739. On board the ship was 96 passengers and 11 crew members, and they were all sent to the Philippines. Flying Tiger Line was the first American cargo and passenger airline committed regular flights. After 2 hours of flight, the link with the vessel pilots was interrupted, and nothing else was heard from them. Probably, the crew did not have time to transfer any message, because the incident was too sudden, and the pilots simply did not have time to serve a distress signal.
In the same area, the tanker of the American oil corporation was carried out his swimming on that day. The team of this vessel argued that her members saw an outbreak in the sky, and they immediately decided that it was an explosion. According to one of the theories, a sabotage occurred aboard the disappeared aircraft, or he was trying to hurt that he led to the most tragic consequences. However, the fragments of the aircraft were never found, so the investigators remain only to guess, which actually happened to the flight of 739 Flying Tiger Line.

3. Ship "SS Arctic"

In 1854, the American ship "SS Arctic" faced the French steamer. After hitting, both vessels remained afloat, but the incident still ended quite sadly. During this accident, almost 350 people died, and for some reason only men survived aboard the American ship, and all women and children died during the collision. In addition, the victim "SS Arctic" continued his way to the shore, but never got to him.
As it turned out, the American vessel was still too damaged for the safe continuation of the navigation, and it was because of this that it stood along the way to land. In honor of those killed on that day, a monument was subsequently installed in Brooklyn.

2. Flight 370 Airlines Malaysian Airlines

In 2014, Malaysian Airlines flew to Beijing, when there were 239 people on board. An hour after the take-off, the connection with this aircraft was lost, but no distress signal had been received before. Before the disappearance of the flight 370, the radar showed that the plane was shot from his course - for some reason he headed to the West instead of the northeast.
After the airliner disappears, numerous rescue teams were sent to his search, which thoroughly sought the presumptive section of the crash in the Indian Ocean. It was only a small debris. The search resumed also in 2018, but again to no avail, despite all the efforts and funds spent. What exactly happened to this flight - still a big mystery.

1. Steamer "SS Waratah"

Since November 2008, the steamer "SS Waratah" began to carry out regular flights from England to Australia through South Africa. The ship could take on his board up to 700 passengers and has a hundred cell first class. In July 2009, on the way back to Europe, the liner disappeared without a trace, and no one saw him.
The last port in which the ship was standing was in Durban, South Africa. After this stop, the steamer should have saved to Cape Town, but never appeared there. Experts found that during the following from Durban to Cape Town, the weather was very strong, and they suggest that it was the storm who was the cause of the presumptive crash and mysterious disappearance of "SS Waratah".