How to spend your reading day. World reading aloud day

How to spend your reading day.  World reading aloud day
How to spend your reading day. World reading aloud day

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20.03.14 3:25

World reading aloud day

An action of this magnitude took place in Chelyabinsk for the first time. Together with children's libraries, on March 6, 2014, more than 1200 small and large residents of our city read and listened to reading books.

The most numerous listeners were preschoolers. The “Library Tour” in kindergartens was a great success. The librarians took the selection of books for children to read especially seriously.

The library staff # 17 chose their favorite spring theme for reading - about moms. The meeting in kindergarten # 28 was called "A Tale from the Heart and Soul About How Good Mothers Are". First, librarians read the children poems by Chelyabinsk poets, and then they organized a children's reading competition "Our mothers, mothers, mothers". Reading is good because it awakens the desire to express feelings experienced not only in words. Inspired by reading, children painted portraits of their mothers and all together sang "spring" songs together.

In kindergarten # 236, librarians from the library # 3 named. V. Kuznetsov read the book by John Rowe "Hug Me, Please!". The kids listened attentively to the touching story of how a thorny hedgehog with a kind heart found a friend for himself.

In kindergartens # 337 (library # 10), # 425 (library # 11), # 352 (library # 15), they read stories of wonderful writers N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, K. Paustovsky. Stories that were different in their mood and meaning - funny, sad, instructive, set the children up for reasoning about the actions of book heroes, for memories from their small, but sometimes very eventful life.

The head of the children's library №16 Lilia Nikolaevna Vasina came to kindergarten № 455 with the aim not to excite, but to calm the children's feelings. She read the well-known and beloved by children story of L. Tolstoy "Filippok" in the bedroom, before going to sleep. Surely, the children then had good dreams.

The library trooper has successfully completed its mission of promoting reading aloud in many of the city's schools.

The librarians from library # 8 were greeted by pupils of grades 1-4 of school # 153. They read and listened to the whole lesson with enthusiasm!

The staff of the library №9 attracted to reading their like-minded people: teachers and school librarians. Elementary School # 37 turned out to be a real Reading Aloud Day. The teacher Trofimova Tatyana Viktorovna read to the children V. Astafiev's story "A horse with a pink mane." And again the feelings overwhelming the children turned into drawings: a whole herd of horses "rushed" along the album sheets. Librarian Lyubov Dmitrievna Dobrydina read funny stories by V. Golyavkin to the children. The children listened with pleasure. This time, the reading awakened a dramatic gift: the guys staged some of the stories.

Library # 16 was inventive as always. At school # 123, librarians gathered the children right in the foyer, where they read the stories of M. Zoshchenko with great success. At school №154 A. Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" was read in the library, in the classroom, in the corridor and even in the dining room! Neither noisy breaks nor mouth-watering smells interfered with reading. And librarians brought to school # 78 ... a cat, real, live! Because the story of B. Zhitkov “A stray cat” was chosen for loud reading. The personal presence of the main "heroine" greatly increased the effect of reading.

Librarians held loud readings in the playroom of the Indigo children's psychological center (library No. 3), in the Rainbow children's center for children of the Tsvetik-seven-flower studio (library No. 12), in the orphanage No. 14 (library No. 10)

The most complete immersion in loud reading took place in libraries... Here, both readers and listeners were all "young and old." Librarians read aloud to readers, readers - to librarians. Mothers read to children, children - to all visitors of the library, students - future actors, read to teenagers - future students. "Solo" reading alternated with reading in roles. In many libraries, audio recordings of the best literary works performed by famous actors were continuously broadcast. You could just sit down and listen, enjoying the performance skills.

In the children's library No. 1, the stories of N. Nosov were performed by the staff of Elena Sukhanova and Irina Sokolova. It's hard to say from what schoolchildren from preschool educational institution # 80 got more pleasure - from masterful reading of librarians or from watching cartoons. For students in grades 1-3 school number 91 librarians chose short story "Twenty years under the bed" by Viktor Dragunsky. Reading now and then was interrupted by cheerful children's laughter. The guys felt a sense of pride in their favorite writer when they learned that his books are read not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Norway, the Czech Republic, Germany, and even Japan. And in all this big world in the heroes of Dragoon children recognize themselves, their experiences.

As a keepsake from the Day of Reading, the deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma AN Depershmidt presented the young readers of the library No. 1 with the books "On the Forest Edge" and "Old Russian Bogatyrs".

Pupils of the 2nd - 6th grades of school No. 83 gathered in the children's library No. 5 on the World Reading Aloud Day. Everyone was expected to meet with the work of the writer Sergei Georgievich Georgiev. Several months ago, Sergei Georgievich was visiting library readers. On Reading Day, it was especially great to remember how much joy that meeting brought the children. Head of the library N.V. Nechaeva, not sparing her voice, read funny stories for several hours in a row about the third grader Vasya Zakharychev and his dog Dyushka, about the very smart physical education teacher Alexei Alekseevich, about one girl and one boy. Everyone who visited the library No. 5 on March 6 said later that they had kept an excellent mood for a long time.

The librarians of the library №13 chose the book "Scarlet" by Y. Koval for reading and invited their regular readers - students of the 2nd grade of school №42 to listen to it. The story about the fate of the brave and selfless dog - the border guard caused a storm of emotions among the children. They wondered, admired, laughed and grieved. I liked the book so much that everyone rushed to the subscription to take it home and read it again with the whole family.

Library №9 named after N.P. Shilova hosted first-graders from school # 99 on March 6. The guys came to the library for the first time. The acquaintance began with an excursion and with the reading of poems by Nikolai Petrovich Shilov. The children really liked the funny and witty poems of the Chelyabinsk poet. The first graders immediately decided to enroll in the library in order to continue reading not only their favorite works, but also other wonderful books.

First graders from school # 130 came to children's library # 7 to listen to Andersen's fairy tales. Preschool children from kindergarten №472 visited library №12, children from the senior group of kindergarten №125 visited library №15. We read the stories of L.N. Tolstoy.

The clever librarians of the children's library # 6 prepared their best readers for reading - students from grades 1, 4, 5 and 7 of school # 5, and they themselves decided to spend the whole day as listeners. The book "Carousel in the head" was chosen for reading. Pupils of 4th grade Daniil Kirpichenko and Ilya Botvin started reading. The young readers were very worried. But the cheerful author Viktor Golyavkin "helped": the audience laughed so much at the adventures of the heroes of the book that the performers quickly forgot their fears and laughed along with everyone else. In addition, having become "infected" with reading, the listeners began vying with each other to demand the book in order to read aloud themselves. Here the librarians could not resist, they also wanted to show their reading talents. It was a real competition!

A deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma came to the children's library No. 2 on March 6 Sergey Gennadievich Ovchinnikov. On this day, librarians held a holiday dedicated to International Women's Day. For the pupils of the 3rd grade of school №110 and women-veterans from the Center for Social Protection of the Soviet District, Sergei Gennadievich read aloud "Legends of Mothers: Ship-Cloud" by I. Pankin. Such an unusual congratulation on the upcoming holiday touched both children and adults.

This is how the World Reading Aloud Day was organized organically and harmoniously with preschoolers, primary school children and younger adolescents.

It was more difficult with high school students... At first, they were skeptical about the idea of ​​Reading Out Loud Day. Ironically accepted the invitation to the libraries. They simply did not suspect that such a powerful assistant as the theater would come to the aid of librarians. Let it be a student so far, but that is precisely why “my own”, dear and close.

The 3rd year students of the South Ural Institute of Arts named after V.I. PI Tchaikovsky, department "Acting and theatrical creativity." They read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Demon" for pupils of grade 8A school No. 62. The dramatized emotional reading was accompanied by an excellent musical score. Future artists tried to feel and convey all the drama of the romantic work. Eighth graders, almost the same age as students, looked and listened with bated breath, feeling every word, accepting and understanding every intonation shade of the poem. And then there was stormy and prolonged applause.

Within the framework of the project "Reading as art" in the Central City Children's Library on March 6, a meeting of teachers and students of the 2nd and 4th years of the Faculty of Theater Arts took place Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts with pupils of the ninth grade of the technological lyceum № 142 of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Students Aleksey Shvetsov, Andrey Suvorov, Nikita Manylov read from sight, by roles, an excerpt from E. Yevtushenko's prose. Then came poetry. At first we wanted to limit ourselves to a couple of poems, but reading carried me away. We recited poems by M.Yu. Lermontov, V.V. Mayakovsky, A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Yesenin, contemporary poets. The emotional mood of the students was passed on to the schoolchildren, melting the initial alienation of the audience. The guys began to go out on an impromptu stage and read their favorite works. Librarians joined the reading. An extraordinary atmosphere of warmth and trust emerged. What good faces everyone had when the meeting ended.

Special mention should be made of this way of celebrating World Reading Aloud Day as reading on skype organized by Svetlana Grigorievna Odnorog, an employee of the children's library №3. Svetlana Grigorievna agreed in advance about a communication session with the writer Sergei Georgiev. At the appointed time, the writer living in Moscow sat his grandson on his knees, sat down in front of a video camera and began to read his stories to the children of the 2nd grade of school No. 136 in Chelyabinsk. Such reading caused a storm of delight among the children! They asked the writer many questions and shared their impressions. However, Sergei Georgievich himself could observe the reaction of young listeners to reading. The writer really liked the living, immediate Chelyabinsk children. Is there any doubt that both for children and for Sergei Georgiev, this unusual meeting will remain a bright event in the memory.

The action “World Day of Reading Out Loud” became an equally striking event for all participants, thanks to which the everyday activity for librarians and readers suddenly acquired a different, not at all ordinary character.

2016 employees of the branches of MBUK, o. Samara "SMIBS", within the framework of the "Reading Samara" program, held a Campaign for the World Day of Reading Aloud "Reading Relay". The purpose of the event is to show reading as a way of interacting with the outside world and as an opportunity to convey your emotions to another person along with the sounding word.

Various events were held within the framework of the action.

So, branch number 2 He introduced the pupils of the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 000 to the work of the writer. The event was held in the form of a longmob: the participants read the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" with a teacher in advance, and on World Reading Day they had the opportunity to voice the characters of the cartoon based on this work. Soundless fragments were shown on the screen, the children easily entered the role, even improvised. At the end, a quiz was held on "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by P. Ershov. All the guys showed activity and good knowledge of the fairy tale, for which they received sweet prizes as a gift.

The employees of the kindergarten No. 000 also visited branch number 13. A staging of Boris Zakhoder's fairy tale "Rusachok" was prepared for the action. The guys, with the help of their parents, made masks for the characters. The librarian read the story aloud, and the children listened attentively, and when the librarian mentioned the hero, the child in the mask showed him. All the guys liked the performance very much. Little actors received prizes. The "Reading Relay" ended with a fabulous quiz.

Branch number 8 together with the volunteers of the SEC held the action "Let's read!". The action started in the library, in the information and entertainment center. Librarians told the story of this holiday, noting the positive aspects of the tradition of family reading aloud, and then the children read excerpts from their favorite works. The action continued on the street, where the library staff and student volunteers pleased the residents of the microdistrict with lines from the famous works of M. Lermontov, S. Yesenin, V. Tsoi, as well as other poets and writers, reading the works aloud, and inviting passers-by to join the action - read aloud a fragment of a work or a favorite poem.

They went out and employees branch number 18. For reading aloud, the librarians chose the work "The Master and Margarita". The participants of the action, having opened a page of the novel at random, read a passage aloud. Both librarians and passers-by received a lot of positive emotions. The action ended with the distribution of flyers.

Employees branch number 27 held a flash mob "Long live reading!" for children with disabilities of boarding school № 000. Each child introduced an author, a work and read an interesting fragment, loudly and with expression. Lines from favorite books sounded: Carol L. "Alice in Wonderland", Veltistov E. "Ressi is an elusive friend", A. Kononov "Big Tree", P. Travers "Mary Poppins" and others. Librarians read the children a story of funny stories by A. Usachev "Smart dog Sonya", fragments from the book "Animals. 150 amazing facts ”. All participants of the flash mob received small prizes.

Branch No. 13 chose for the action a performance of Boris Zakhoder's fairy tale "Rusachok". For the event, pupils of kindergarten No. 000 prepared masks for the characters of the work. The librarian read the story aloud, and the children listened attentively, and when the librarian mentioned the hero, the child in the mask showed him. All the children liked this format of reading and playing very much. The "Reading Relay" ended with a fabulous quiz.

Russia is a country of people who love and can read. And it is not surprising that on this day in branch number 11 listened with great attention to the works, "Don Stories" by M. Sholokhov. The library visitors, who became participants in the action, expressed their gratitude to librarians for the pleasure they received from reading wonderful literature.

Branch number 14 for adult reading aloud I chose V. Volodin's book "Crossing the Volga". And the children read fairy tales of Samara writers - the Bondarenko brothers. Both children and adults took part in the action with pleasure: they read poems, counting rhymes, excerpts from works. In the end, everyone watched a cartoon based on the Bondarenko brothers' fairy tale "About Bunny Oh and Bunny Ai".

All day in branch number 16 the stories of Sergei Dovlatov sounded. Dovlatov is a man-legend, a man-anecdote, a man-myth. The greatest dream of the writer is to be printed and read in his homeland. Visitors to the branch had the opportunity to read an excerpt from the stories included in the collection “March of the Lonely”. Readers took part in the action with pleasure. Someone was already familiar with the work of the writer, read his works, and someone met this author for the first time and wished to take the book home for reading. The action did not leave anyone indifferent - everyone listened to the power of words, shared their emotions, and just enjoyed it.

Readers and employees joined the global action with pleasure. branch number 28. They showed that they love and know how to read aloud! On children's subscription kids expressively read poems about their mother, and older children read excerpts from the works of Russian classics. And how much pleasure and laughter there was when librarians read aloud the stories of the wonderful children's writer Oleg Kurguzov! The guys laughed contagiously, and asked them to read more and more. And the books that were read aloud in the library, the children took home to read.

The readers also took part in the action branch number 34... For reading aloud, the librarians have chosen "Sevastopol Stories", which this year marks the 150th anniversary of its writing. Visitors to the library enjoyed the classic literary Russian language of Lev Nikolaevich, so vividly conveying the heroic defense of Sevastopol.

Branch No. 35 invited the preparatory group of kindergarten № 65 to the "Reading Relay". For the 90th anniversary of the poems "Confusion" and "Telephone" librarians read these wonderful poems. Children with passion traveled through fairy tales, guessing riddles. At the end of the meeting, the children showed a performance based on the poem "Telephone".

Branch number 38 introduced the children to the country's first film storyteller, Alexander Arturovich Rowe. We read the fairy tale "Barbara - Beauty, Long Braid" with great pleasure.

Branch number 40 Within the framework of the action, he presented to children the books of Samara writers - the Bondarenko brothers, who wrote 15 collections of fairy tales, based on which 16 cartoons were shot. The librarians read aloud to the children the fairy tales "The Magic Bag", "Fox Hare", "Children of one Mother", examined the actions of the heroes, discussed their behavior. In conclusion, the children watched the cartoon "Forest Tales" based on the works of V. Bondarenko.

Branch number 41 I chose Dina Rubina's story "The Copper Box" for the "Reading Relay" campaign. Before reading aloud, the librarian introduced the audience to the biography and work of D. Rubina. Reading the story itself was creative. The narration was divided into parts, after reading which, the listeners assumed the further development of events. It turned out to be a very lively conversation. Everyone enjoyed Rubina's artistic word.

185 people were involved in the Reading Relay. The action once again reminded everyone that reading is the best teaching!

World Reading Aloud Day is celebrated annually in March. For librarians and readers, this is a significant date, a day full of events, meetings and pleasant moments of communication with the works of the best writers and poets, their books and literary heroes. On this day, both adults and children come to libraries and read aloud. All ages are submissive to the love of literature and reading (we paraphrase the line of the classic).

In the central library named after V. Belinsky, for example, adults read aloud the stories of Arkady Averchenko. This writer was chosen by readers because March 18 marks the 135th anniversary of his birth, and he was born in the Crimea, in the city of Sevastopol.

And to the Central Children's Library. V. Dubinin for the Hour of loud cognitive reading according to the book by M. Shpagin "What came before ..." pupils of grades 2-4 of school №9 came. The topic of the book, as it turned out, was relevant, understandable and interesting for those present. We read about the things that surround us. About how they were invented, that is, invented. The loud reading of fairy tales, poems, short humorous and informative stories aroused great interest among children. For independent reading at home, everyone chose a book of their choice and their interests, in order to read aloud for themselves and their relatives and friends.

In the reading room of the library - branch number 4 named. M. Gorky on March 2, throughout the day, they read aloud poems about spring by S. Yesenin, A. Fet, F. Tyutchev. The selection of books was very varied. On the subscription, the most popular books for reading were M. Sholokhov's "Don Stories" and V. Makovetsky's "Kerch Stories". And in the children's department, the guys read poems and stories about mothers, since this day is on the eve of the wonderful spring holiday on March 8. Reading aloud charged both adults and children with a good mood.

“Bravo, the Crimean book” - under this motto there were loud readings on the books of Crimean writers in the children's library-branch №8 named after A. Gaidar. Children read books "Crimean Miracles" and "Fabulous Crimea", which presented the works of V. Orlov, V. Makovetsky, E. Belousov, L. Ogurtsova and other Crimean authors.

Poetic high-profile readings "Again a fragrant spring blew with a wing" were held in the library №1 named after O. Koshevoy.

Poems of Russian poets sounded here: A.K. Tolstoy, F.I. Tyutcheva, A.A., Feta, I.S. Nikitin, I.Z. Surikova.

In the library - branch number 7 named. Lermontov's children read aloud Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", passing it from hand to hand and getting great pleasure from reading.

Readers of the library - branch number 2 named after N.A. Nekrasov pre-selected books for reading. This is how the exhibition "My Favorite Books" appeared. On this day, lines from the works of V. Vysotsky, Ilf I. and Petrov E. "Twelve Chairs", V. Kaverin "Two Captains", M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don", AN Tolstoy "Peter the First" were sounded.

Students of the second grades of gymnasium №1 also came to visit the library. The guys enrolled in the library and became listeners to loud readings. The librarian performed the story of A.P. Chekhov "Vanka". The book turns 130 this year. The instructive and touching story of Vanka Zhukov leaves no one indifferent

The smallest readers of the library no. Marshak, pupils of kindergarten №60 "Rainbow", listened to poems on the theme "About Spring and about Mom." Librarians read them to them. After reading "The Tale of Lost Time" by Eugene Schwartz, they talked about how to value time, how to use it correctly.

Second-graders of school №12 and librarians read aloud Valentin Kataev's fairy tale "Flower - seven-flower" and tried to figure out what the magic power is not only of the fairy flower, but also the deed of the heroine - the girl Zhenya. The guys were not left indifferent by the funny stories of Viktor Dragunsky "He is alive and shines", "The secret becomes apparent" from the new collection "Deniskin's stories".

In total, 199 people took part in the action dedicated to the World Day of Reading Aloud in the libraries of the Kerch Central Library System, 14 new readers signed up for the libraries, and 16 events were held.

Yarkovskaya rural library

On March 2, on the World Reading Aloud Day, the second grade students (class teacher Tamara Vladimirovna Kushnir) were visited by the rural librarian Tatyana Gennadyevna Shcherbanyuk and offered to read aloud the kind and touching stories of Valentina Oseeva "The Magic Word", "Three Comrades" and an unusually original fairy tale by Evgeny Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time".

These stories, different in their mood and meaning, are funny, sad and instructive, set up children to reason about the actions of book heroes, to recollections from their small, but sometimes very eventful life. The guys listened attentively and sometimes recognized themselves in these stories. They noted that in real life, unfortunately, there are situations when evil is stronger than good, but we came to the conclusion that in order for our life to be bright and joyful, we need to do good deeds, to be kind people. And at the end of the event, Tatyana Gennadievna reminded everyone of V.A. Oseeva "Read and Think". The reading was accompanied by a multimedia presentation “Good through the book!”. The loud reading was attended by 24 people.

Maryinsky rural library

In early March, Reading Aloud Day is celebrated around the world. It is a wonderful holiday when people take books and read them to their relatives, acquaintances, and friends.

In order to popularize reading, the librarian of the Maryinsky rural library, Alieva Fatime Mukhammedovna, conducted a series of loud readings under the motto "Reading is the best teaching" for preschoolers and students of grades 1-4.

The children of the junior group of the kindergarten were presented with the work - the anniversary of 2016 "Confusion" by Korney Chukovsky, and for the children of the senior group of the kindergarten, the librarian read "Mukhu-Tsokotukha" by Korney Chukovsky. Pupils of grades 1-4 were read the work of the famous German writer Erich Raspe "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", and the guys got the opportunity to travel with the main character through the snowy forests of Russia, across the seas and oceans, getting into various troubles, but successfully emerging from them as winners ...

46 people took part in the events.

Mirnovskaya rural library

Mirnov's librarian Natalya Nikolayevna Kosenkova held a loud reading for the third grade pupils "The tale is rich in wisdom" dedicated to the International Day of Reading Aloud. Natalya Nikolaevna told about the history of this holiday and read to children several fairy tales of the writers of the anniversary 2016 such as A.N. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Buratino", Nosov "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin".

After reading the fairy tales, the librarian told about the significant role of reading in the life and upbringing of children, in turn, the students concluded for themselves that the fairy tale fosters a sense of kindness, wisdom, sympathy and respect for elders.

For third grade students, a survey was conducted at the book exhibition "In the World of Russian Fairy Tale", with which the children got acquainted and took books for home reading.

Attended: 20 people

Novokrymsk rural library

On March 2, on the occasion of the World Reading Aloud Day, the head of the Novokrymsk rural library Nimchuk E.G. visited the senior group of the kindergarten "Romashka" (teacher Aishe Kazimovna Ablyalimova). The meeting in the kindergarten was called “Spring. In the spring. " About spring. " Elena Grigorievna read to the children poems of poets about spring, about mother, stories by G. Skrebitsky, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, B. Belash, and then they organized reading aloud by syllables, Absilyamova Esma recited the poem "The Birds Have Arrived". A mini-exhibition of books from the "Reading for ourselves" series was presented to the attention of children.

Inspired by reading, the children wanted to get to know the library. On the same day, the middle group of the kindergarten (teacher Zorinova Kristina Viktorovna) and students of the 2nd grade (teacher Lesavina Galina Petrovna) visited the library. The head of the library Nimchuk Elena Grigorievna read to the children the fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin "The Golden Cockerel". A literary assortment dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the film director - storyteller A.A. Rowe "Animated Tales". Elena Grigorievna introduced the children to interesting facts from the biography of the writer. During the event, the most interesting excerpts from fairy tales were read and a video was watched.

Pavlovsk rural library

A real children's holiday took place in the Pavlovsk rural library on the World Reading Day, a rumor held under the motto "We read together, we read ourselves!" On this day in the library, the children not only read the tales of Korney Chukovsky "Telephone" and "Fedorino's grief", but also staged a funny and instructive fairy tale "Aibolit" with great enthusiasm. The event was attended by 12 people.

Pobednenskaya rural library

Within the framework of the World Reading Day by ear, the head of the Pobednensky library, Tatyana Borisovna Kareeva, visited the Pobednensky kindergarten. As V. Sukhomlinsky said, "Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development." And it is necessary to deal with the development of children from an early age. How to introduce young children to reading, how to instill a love for the book? Only through reading aloud. "Fairy tale out loud" - this is the name of the event. Pupils of the senior group were offered the book "Tales of the Tsarevich". Indeed, in the tales collected in this book, a whole magical kingdom. It contains not only wonderful powers and magic, but most importantly, the victory of good over evil, the triumph of love, beauty and justice. The children listened to the fairy tales "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise" and "Finist the Clear Falcon". Then they looked at the illustrations with interest and answered questions. By listening or reading fairy tales, kids understand that they can learn to overcome various obstacles: to defeat evil and insidious opponents, to help those in need, to love their relatives and their home.

Svetlovskaya rural library

On March 2, on the Day of Reading Aloud, in the Svetlovskaya Library for the pupils of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" they read aloud with improvisation, listened, watched, empathized, discussed the works of S.Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse", " Mustache - striped "and others performed by the head of the library Koshman Oksana Ivanovna and the teacher Cheraneva Tamara Frantsevna. S. Marshak's poems are read with great interest by children and re-read by adults. Until now, the books of Samuil Yakovlevich are published in large editions and do not lie on the shelves of shops and libraries. Preschoolers got acquainted with the literary portrait of the writer, listened to poems at the end of the event and watched the cartoon of the same name "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse". Everyone got great pleasure from communication!

Komsomol Rural Library

On March 2, on the eve of the writers of the 19th century poets anniversaries, the librarian Elzara Mallalieva held a literary hour "The immense and great world of magical miracle books" for the pupils of the 4th grade of the Maslov school, teacher Gulshen Shefketovna.

The motto of the literary hour was:

The book is faithful

Book is the first,

The book is the guys' best friend

We can't live without a book,

We can't live without a book! - All the guys say.

This meeting took place within the framework of the creative library project “Contemporaries of M.Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.S. Pushkin, A.A.Barto, N.A.Nekrasov and others. " After attentively listening to the story about the poets, about the history of their creative life, all the children read their poems with pleasure. They also remembered the nursery rhymes by AA Barto "Ball", "Horse", "Rattle". Children have prepared and brought to the lesson books that they value and love to read in their free time. During the literary hour, the children actively answered, listened, and shared their impressions with each other. Pupils are looking forward to more such interesting and entertaining lessons from the organizers.

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