Gnome costume made of satin fabric. DIY gnome costume options.

Gnome costume made of satin fabric.  DIY gnome costume options.
Gnome costume made of satin fabric. DIY gnome costume options.

Costume "cheerful gnome" - a variant of the carnival outfit for New Year, characterized by its versatility. With the right pattern, it's easy to create a New Year's outfit for a boy, boyfriend, or even a little lady.

Children's costume of a gnome for a boy for the New Year

To sew a gnome shirt, you need to take any shirt from the wardrobe as a sample, attach it to the fabric, circle it, adding at least seven centimeters to each side, except for the bottom. It will need to be lengthened by about fifteen centimeters. Be sure to make a large neckline so that you can easily put the thing over your head.

Another really practical option for girls and boys who don't want to invest in an original costume: Halloween makeup. Basically, a matching Halloween hairstyle and makeup will be good enough for you to completely change your look.

Makeup and Halloween costume are easy to do at home. Flat and flat gnome houses and familiar houses are poorly preserved. The two dwarfs you see there are Messrs. Plik and Plock; to be sure that they have committed some kind of malice and that they are plotting another; these are people who are never unemployed.

A suitable decor is bright patches and wavy tape covering the edges. Best options The fabrics for this shirt are lightweight and stretch. It is desirable to choose a color bright or light.
Sewing a beautiful vest is easy. This will require a dense dark material and thick braid. Instead of a pattern, we take a regular shirt, apply it to a dark fabric, circle everything except the sleeves, adding five centimeters. Next, shorten the bottom by about ten centimeters and cut out the neckline.

You will immediately have an idea of ​​their know-how. Here they, who were looking for a house, found a bottle of champagne. Plitz no longer feels joy, neither Plock nor so clearly express their attitude.

It's not that they never drank champagne, they don't even know what it is; but they assume that this bottle may well provide them with an opportunity to have fun.

Plock, a genius mind, discovered the strings holding the plug and a way to make them disappear.

Only, it is very tedious to cut the strings, and at least the least that the operation is done rests a little on the padded seat. Yes, but someone can be pus and malignant, no one thinks about everything, especially if you ignore the irresistible force of expansion of carbon dioxide enclosed in a bottle, and this is why jokers are often punished where they fish.

There should be two such parts - the first will be the back, and the second should be cut in half to create the front. Next, you need to sew three pieces. After that, we make four holes along the edges of the front part at the same level and thread the braid through them. The tips can be left in free fall or tied with a bow.

For pantaloons, you need satin fabric of any dark or bright color. Instead of a pattern for a sample, you can take sweatpants. We outline them, adding centimeters for the width, and shorten them so that the pantaloons are just below the knees. You should cut out two such parts and sew, remembering to insert three elastic bands - one on top and two on the ends of the legs.

It would be a mistake to know that Mr. Plick and Mr. Plock believe that their previous adventure cured them for wanting to joke. Watch them settle on the table, which Miss Sansoin, as usual, left open.

So tomorrow, when Miss Sansoin opens her desk, she will find that her books are torn and painted with ink, and that she will receive a serious admonition from Mademoiselle that she will not steal.

She will also find her feather boxes moved and she will not be satisfied, Miss Sansoin; but that, of course, will not depend on you or me. Plik and Plots, that the air of deep glee that you see has spilled over their sympathetic faces.

Well, what a dwarf without a bright cap! First, we measure the head with a thread. Fold it in half, apply it to the fabric, add a couple of centimeters and get the base of the headdress. We draw a triangle with this base on the fabric, create another such detail, sew both triangles and insert an elastic band into the base.

Delord closed his table, she. Plik and Plack are being chased by a terrible monster! or the danger of another person entering the house when the owner has not officially invited you to do so.

Plots, who is on the prowl where he has nothing to do, enters the chicken coop and finds himself in the presence of objects that seem unusual to him, calling his friend Plik for more information.

It is full of something yellow, which seems to be very good. "Indeed, it is complete," said Plock, "who has seen Bonders act in such a way as to recognize empty drums and distinguish them from solid ones." "Isn't there nowhere?" Plik asked.

Hey! makes Plik. "Hu!" - said Plock.

DIY Christmas gnome costume for an adult guy

Why not put on the outfit of a cheerful gnome for the carnival dedicated to the New Year, especially if your companion is actively considering a Snow White costume as an option ?!
It will be easier to take a ready-made shirt in a light or bright color. It is desirable that it is not classic. If the sleeves are long, you can tuck them up.

And, just as at the same time, the mother hen, a terrible monster, has taken place, Plik and Plock feel it prudent not to investigate further. It is clear that when a piano, even if it is Japanese, is placed too much on the edge of the piano, it is enough to move it very little for it to leave its support and collapse with a certain collapse.

The living room door remained open. Plik and Plock did not fail to introduce themselves. Look! vase over there, '' said Plick.

"What could be there?" said Plock. Perhaps jams. “It’s very easy to go up to see,” replies the gourmet Plika, in theory to keep the jams. According to M., everything is always very simple.

The vest is simply sewn from dark fabric, making only three parts: the back in the form of a rectangle with a neckline and grooves for the sleeves and two front parts that can be obtained by cutting a part identical to the back in half. Decorations in the form of very large buttons on one side of the vest will look spectacular.

It is true that by helping each other we always manage to get out of it.

Only then should we think before embarking on the potions of inquisitive glances. Fortunately, the gnomes are not broken.

Plick and Plock make a painful experience. Rest assured! this lesson, although somewhat harsh, will not cure them of their malice, and we will see many others.

If the gnomes don't break, this is unfortunately not the same china.

Look! - said Plock, - a pistol!

It's boring to worry so much when you're having fun. It was Peter and his sister Lucy, who had come for a blotter and inkwell to hide their duties. Plik and Plock run off, donning the pleasure of doing "boom!" Another time.

The cap is easy to sew, but there is maximum easy way to get a suitable hat - buy a Santa Claus hat in the store. If you managed to find only a red one with a white edging and a pompom and you do not want to compete with Santa Claus at the holiday, cut off the white fur edging, buy a soft fabric of a different color, cut a strip out of it and sew on a hat.

“Pierre,” said Lucy, “don't touch the gun. - Bah! he doesn't answer! ”That didn't stop him from leaving and Lucy got scared, but it was a blessing that Ploch didn't have time to put the ball down. Plik and Plock into something not very clean. O! - said Plik, - Poylopatte takes his siesta. “Wait,” Plock said, “there's a little black pot in the lobby, we'll twist! What expressions does he use, this Plock!

Look! - Poylopatte was surprised, - what do I have at the end of the tail? Plik and Plock begin to show signs of immense inner satisfaction.

Plik and Plock, dazed long-distance raiders and mindless gnomes. And when it was remembered that it was this unfortunate Poialopatte who would be corrected for overthrowing the pot of black, O justice, what crimes are being committed on your behalf!

Everything is simple with a pompom - cut out a wide ring of paper with a diameter of ten centimeters, wrap a woolen thread around it, cut along the edges and collect the resulting threads with a thin braid into a pompom.

You can make gnome pants using any bright fabric and sweatpants. We circle the pants, adding five centimeters, cut out two such parts, cut each in half lengthwise, sew and insert elastic bands into the ends of the legs and into the base.

Where it has been proven that there is nothing surprising in what happens when you ignore the explosive properties of detonating mixtures. What is that big ball below the table? - asked Plock. replies Plik, who always knows everything, is a machine to distract the gnomes who are bored. This Plik definitely has the idea that everything is for his personal entertainment.

Wait! - said Plik, - we'll have a good time! Here is the match the chef left. Unfortunately, gnomes don't know chemistry; he doesn't know that Balloons bloat with a gas called hydrogen, and it has a disgusting habit of making patarapuff when approaching a flame. So Plik and Plock are somewhat surprised.

Children's Christmas gnome costume for a girl

A young lady can look lovely in this extraordinary outfit if you create it correctly.

Of course, a white short-sleeved blouse can be sewn, but don't worry. Choosing such a thing in the wardrobe or buying it in a children's clothing store is a suitable and simple option.

But the explosions project light bodies far away, and that is why Plix goes through the window, and Plock penetrates into the mustard pot. Plik, a toy of fate, having described a majestic trajectory in the air, is about to bite a head, perhaps very educated, but at the same time very unpleasant, in the next room of water.

Fortunately, Plik encounters some straw, which becomes a plate of salvation for him. At the same time, he finds himself face to face with a frightening sea monster of an unknown species, Plik, whose zoological education is very forgotten. However, Master Plock, covered in mustard, experiences sensations that we might qualify as a sting. Therefore, he went down to the garden to immerse himself in a piece of water to get rid of his synapism.

The process of making a vest and a cap can be seen in the instructions for creating a suit for a boy and a guy. Here, only the decor and color schemes in a suit for a girl should be different. Suitable colors: blue, red, blue, burgundy, orange, emerald and other rich and bright colors. As a decor, it is worth using sparkling tinsel, ribbons and lace.

This occurs at a time when the sea monster takes over the edible value of gnomes in general and Plik in particular. Then Plock desperately interferes with Phitt, Pchitt to scare the monster, and with a wave, he tossed a bunch of mustard into his eye: Quikes! Brakacax! monster, immediately diving in to combat the pain it is experiencing.

A whirlwind of water approaches Plik, who escaped beautifully. After which Plik dried up and recovered from his worries, unblocked Plock and cleaned it, returned to the house. Perhaps you think the lesson will benefit them? Soon they will forget the explosion, the monster, and the mustard. Here are verses that do not benefit from experience!

The skirt is best made of floral fabric or bright polka dot fabric. We measure the waist with an elastic band, tie it and sew a rectangle cut from a suitable fabric to it. If the top seam is not very beautiful, you can hide it with a thick tape of contrasting fabric in the form of a belt.

Where it is shown that, in accordance with the most respectable traditions, the apple has not ceased to be a moralizing fruit and at the same time an element of discord. Plik and Plotz entered the fruit tree. "Look! what is this? - said Plik. "This," replies Plock, who remembers the hydrogen tank, "is still a round machine capable of blowing up gnomes."

But no, - replied Plick, - it's an apple!

Only when the apple rolls down an inclined plane does it go faster and faster. It would be much better not to do them. Plock admired Plick's imagination more.

This cascade of events necessarily leads to a lively and lively general discussion between the different actors in the drama.

The "cheerful gnome" costume is a variant of the carnival outfit for the New Year, which is notable for its versatility. With the right pattern, it's easy to create a New Year's outfit for a boy, boyfriend, or even a little lady.

Children's costume of a gnome for a boy for the New Year

To sew a gnome shirt, you need to take any shirt from the wardrobe as a sample, attach it to the fabric, circle it, adding at least seven centimeters to each side, except for the bottom. It will need to be lengthened by about fifteen centimeters. Be sure to make a large neckline so that you can easily put the thing over your head.

A suitable decor is bright patches and wavy tape covering the edges. The best fabric options for this shirt are lightweight and stretch. It is desirable to choose a color bright or light.
Sewing a beautiful vest is easy. This will require a dense dark material and thick braid. Instead of a pattern, we take a regular shirt, apply it to a dark fabric, circle everything except the sleeves, adding five centimeters. Next, shorten the bottom by about ten centimeters and cut out the neckline.

You will immediately have an idea of ​​their know-how. Here they, who were looking for a house, found a bottle of champagne. Plitz no longer feels joy, neither Plock nor so clearly express their attitude.

It's not that they never drank champagne, they don't even know what it is; but they assume that this bottle may well provide them with an opportunity to have fun.

Plock, a genius mind, discovered the strings holding the plug and a way to make them disappear.

Only, it is very tedious to cut the strings, and at least the least that the operation is done rests a little on the padded seat. Yes, but someone can be pus and malignant, no one thinks about everything, especially if you ignore the irresistible force of expansion of carbon dioxide enclosed in a bottle, and this is why jokers are often punished where they fish.

There should be two such parts - the first will be the back, and the second should be cut in half to create the front. Next, you need to sew three pieces. After that, we make four holes along the edges of the front part at the same level and thread the braid through them. The tips can be left in free fall or tied with a bow.

For pantaloons, you need satin fabric of any dark or bright color. Instead of a pattern for a sample, you can take sweatpants. We outline them, adding centimeters for the width, and shorten them so that the pantaloons are just below the knees. You should cut out two such parts and sew, remembering to insert three elastic bands - one on top and two on the ends of the legs.

Well, what a dwarf without a bright cap! First, we measure the head with a thread. Fold it in half, apply it to the fabric, add a couple of centimeters and get the base of the headdress. We draw a triangle with this base on the fabric, create another such detail, sew both triangles and insert an elastic band into the base.

Delord closed his table, she. Plik and Plack are being chased by a terrible monster! or the danger of another person entering the house when the owner has not officially invited you to do so.

Plots, who is on the prowl where he has nothing to do, enters the chicken coop and finds himself in the presence of objects that seem unusual to him, calling his friend Plik for more information.

It is full of something yellow, which seems to be very good. "Indeed, it is complete," said Plock, "who has seen Bonders act in such a way as to recognize empty drums and distinguish them from solid ones." "Isn't there nowhere?" Plik asked.

Hey! makes Plik. "Hu!" - said Plock.

DIY Christmas gnome costume for an adult guy

Why not put on the outfit of a cheerful gnome for the carnival dedicated to the New Year, especially if your companion is actively considering a Snow White costume as an option ?!
It will be easier to take a ready-made shirt in a light or bright color. It is desirable that it is not classic. If the sleeves are long, you can tuck them up.

The vest is simply sewn from dark fabric, making only three parts: the back in the form of a rectangle with a neckline and grooves for the sleeves and two front parts that can be obtained by cutting a part identical to the back in half. Decorations in the form of very large buttons on one side of the vest will look spectacular.

It is easy to sew a cap, but there is the easiest way to get a suitable hat - buy a Santa Claus hat in the store. If you managed to find only a red one with a white edging and a pompom and you do not want to compete with Santa Claus at the holiday, cut off the white fur edging, buy a soft fabric of a different color, cut a strip out of it and sew on a hat.

Everything is simple with a pompom - cut out a wide ring of paper with a diameter of ten centimeters, wrap a woolen thread around it, cut along the edges and collect the resulting threads with a thin braid into a pompom.

You can make gnome pants using any bright fabric and sweatpants. We circle the pants, adding five centimeters, cut out two such parts, cut each in half lengthwise, sew and insert elastic bands into the ends of the legs and into the base.

Children's Christmas gnome costume for a girl

A young lady can look lovely in this extraordinary outfit if you create it correctly.

Of course, a white short-sleeved blouse can be sewn, but don't worry. Choosing such a thing in the wardrobe or buying it in a children's clothing store is a suitable and simple option.

The process of making a vest and a cap can be seen in the instructions for creating a suit for a boy and a guy. Here, only the decor and color schemes in a suit for a girl should be different. Suitable colors: blue, red, blue, burgundy, orange, emerald and other rich and bright colors. As a decor, it is worth using sparkling tinsel, ribbons and lace.

The skirt is best made of floral fabric or bright polka dot fabric. We measure the waist with an elastic band, tie it and sew a rectangle cut from a suitable fabric to it. If the top seam is not very beautiful, you can hide it with a thick tape of contrasting fabric in the form of a belt.