What is labor discipline. Discipline at the enterprise: penalties for violation of labor regulations

What is labor discipline.  Discipline at the enterprise: penalties for violation of labor regulations
What is labor discipline. Discipline at the enterprise: penalties for violation of labor regulations

Strengthening labor discipline in the organization on the example of OJSC "Volgocemmash"


management discipline labor

In a market economy, the importance of various factors that affect the efficiency of production increases, since, due to the reviving competition, the effectiveness of activities becomes a decisive precondition for the existence and development of enterprises. Among the factors and efficiency, labor discipline occupies an essential place. So, even the most modern equipment and high-performance equipment will not give the desired result with a low organization of their maintenance, and vice versa, if labor discipline is observed, the maximum result can be obtained from the appropriate technical equipment of production.

Discipline is the most important condition for the existence and development of any civilized society. Every society needs discipline to be well organized and successful. And labor discipline is a prerequisite for any social work, any joint labor. Any joint work needs a certain discipline, a certain order, which are necessary in order for everyone working together to obey this discipline, order, that is, so that everyone knows his place and does what he is supposed to do in accordance with the labor contract, the rules of the internal work schedule and other regulations.

Awareness of the importance and necessity of focusing on strengthening labor discipline is becoming an urgent issue for many enterprises in various industries, regardless of the form of ownership. The human factor is decisive in a complex system of socio-economic interaction, since it is a person who, as a result of intellectual and physical activity, creates technologies, equipment, and capital. Improving the organization of labor and strengthening labor and production discipline, as a manifestation of the human factor, at all levels and at all levels, from the employee to the head of the enterprise, do not require any investment and constitute a real and significant reserve for economic recovery. And vice versa - it can be argued with sufficient confidence that the person who violated the discipline is to blame for all disasters in society that are not associated with natural disasters.

The discipline of work is the subject of study in various sciences. Thus, labor discipline is considered by psychologists (from the point of view of motivation and psychological stimulation of workers' work), sociologists (from the point of view of the influence of labor discipline on relationships in a team), economists (from the point of view of the influence of labor discipline on labor productivity). It is the economists' point of view on the discipline of labor that is the thesis of this thesis.

In Russia, there has been a transition to a society of free enterprise, which inevitably entailed a significant change in the content of labor discipline and the motives for strengthening it. Currently, strengthening labor discipline requires strengthening labor motivation. Labor motivation is a determining factor in including the interests of each individual in productive work, regardless of the form of ownership and the scope of the organization. Labor motivation is influenced by the psychological and moral impact on the participants in the production process (persuasion method), material and moral and legal incentives, the provision of various benefits and advantages (incentive method), as well as disciplinary measures applied to violators of labor discipline, and property measures. character in the form of compensation for damage by the parties to the employment contract (coercion method).

Since labor discipline has a direct impact on the economic results of an enterprise, the topic of strengthening labor discipline is very relevant in modern society, when the state frees citizens from the obligation to work and at the same time prohibits forced labor.

The aim of the thesis is to develop directions for strengthening labor discipline by looking for the reasons for its decline based on the analysis at OJSC "Volgocemmash".

In accordance with the goal of the thesis, the tasks will be:

consideration of the theoretical aspects of strengthening labor discipline at the enterprise;

analysis of the economic results of OJSC "Volgocemmash" and their relationship with the use of labor resources;

analysis of labor discipline at JSC Volgocemmash and identification of the reasons for its decline;

development of directions for strengthening labor discipline based on improving motivational factors that affect labor discipline;

calculation of the economic efficiency of the proposed areas for improving labor discipline.

The subject of research of the thesis is the importance of labor discipline in modern society and the reasons for its decline. The object of the research is the state of labor discipline at the modern industrial enterprise OJSC "Volgocemmash" in Togliatti.

Thesis is structured into introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion and applications.

The first chapter of the thesis presents the necessary characteristics of labor discipline, emphasizes its importance for the economic activity of the enterprise, and also provides a methodology for its analysis.

In the second chapter of the thesis, a comprehensive analysis of the use of labor resources at OJSC "Volgocemamash" is carried out. Labor discipline is linked to the economic results of the enterprise, the reasons for its decline are revealed. The analysis is confirmed by calculations and surveys by employees of the enterprise.

In the third chapter of the thesis, two directions of strengthening labor discipline at OJSC "Volgocemmash" are proposed, the most significant for this enterprise and its employees. The proposed directions for strengthening labor discipline are cost-effective, which is confirmed by economic calculations.

In the conclusion, the conclusions of the thesis are presented.

The practical significance of the thesis lies in the development of a motivating social package, which will help to strengthen labor discipline at Volgocemmash, and will also bring additional profit to the company.

When writing the thesis, educational and methodological materials on the topic of the research were used, publications in economic journals and information data from the Internet were studied, and the financial statements of JSC Volgocemmash for 2011-2013 were used.

1. Theoretical aspects of labor discipline management at the enterprise

.1 Essence, meaning and methods of labor discipline management

The discipline of work is the procedure for behavior in joint work established in a given labor organization, determined in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Section 8 “Labor Regulations and Labor Discipline”), other laws, collective bargaining agreements, agreements, labor contracts, local regulations of the organization, and responsibility for its violation.

Labor discipline is an objectively necessary form of communication between workers involved in the labor process. Its main requirement is that people participating in the same or different, but related labor processes, obey a certain order of behavior. The nature of this subordination, on the one hand, is determined by the characteristics of the equipment and production technology used, on the other hand, it is derived from the socio-economic relations established in society and in the work collective.

With good work discipline, maximum work results are achieved and the number of accidents and equipment breakdowns is reduced.

The discipline of labor is included in the technological and production discipline.

Technological discipline of workers is to comply with technical rules in production - this is part of their labor discipline. Violation of technological discipline by an employee is an industrial omission and gives grounds, along with bringing the culprit to disciplinary responsibility, for the full or partial deprivation of his bonus.

Production discipline means order in production. By its content, it covers labor discipline and goes beyond it. In addition to labor, production discipline includes ensuring a clear and rhythmic work of the organization, providing workers with raw materials, tools, materials, work without downtime, etc. Employees are responsible for compliance not with all production discipline, but only with part of it, consisting in the performance of their work duties. The employer is responsible for ensuring full production discipline.

Labor discipline is ensured by creating the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal high-performance work. The creation of normal and safe working conditions is the responsibility of the employer.

The importance of labor discipline is expressed in the fact that:

allows you to work with full dedication;

provides high-performance tonnes of ores for each employee and the entire team;

promotes quality work;

promotes order in production and the execution of tasks.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes methods for ensuring labor discipline, which include:

creation of the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal work;

conscientious attitude to work;

persuasion, education and encouragement;

coercion, expressed in the application of disciplinary and social pressure to violators of labor discipline.

Since compliance with labor discipline is mandatory for all categories of workers, a high turnover of staff, as well as regular violations, can serve as an indicator of low compliance.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to the following penalties: reprimand; comment; dismissal.

The imposition of disciplinary sanctions not provided for by federal laws is not allowed. Only one penalty can be imposed for one offense. An entry is made in the work book only about the dismissal of the employee.

Incentives include material (bonuses, allowances, valuable gifts) and non-material (certificates of honor, presentation to local and state awards, honorary titles) actions.

The procedure for encouraging employees at the enterprise is established by the management.

Since labor discipline and its observance are decisive factors in the labor relations between the employer and the employee, each enterprise must have internal documents, which must fix the norms of behavior of each employee of the enterprise, the requirements for the work they perform and the working hours, and so on. This requirement is reflected in the law and is mandatory for every head of the enterprise.

The labor schedule and labor discipline of employees of the enterprise is prescribed in the Internal Labor Regulations, the draft of which is developed by the management of the enterprise and adopted in agreement with the labor collective (either with the trade union committee, or with the workers' council, or at a general meeting of workers).

Economic methods allow you to create an environment in the organization that will enable the employee to meet his economic needs and interests, to ensure the implementation of the principle of social justice.

The effectiveness of economic management methods is determined by: the form of ownership and conduct of economic activity, the principles of cost accounting, the system of material remuneration, the labor market, market pricing, the tax system, the structure of lending, etc.

Psychological methods help to select a team of like-minded people, avoid labor conflicts and successfully solve the tasks assigned to the organization.

Legal methods make it possible to know and correctly apply persuasion, encouragement, coercion, respectively, to bona fide and unscrupulous employees, while organizing the work of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The organization of workers' labor involves the creation of:

working conditions;

labor protection;

organization of the production process.

The main responsibility of the administration is such an organization of labor, in which each employee works in his specialty and in accordance with his qualifications, since improper use of personnel is contrary to the interests of not only production, but also the employee. In a well-organized enterprise, various forms of public relations and relations between participants in the labor process are clearly regulated.

management discipline labor

The level and state of labor discipline depend on many factors:

the organization of labor and production, the system of material and moral incentives,

planning and management systems,

the degree of mechanization and automation of production processes,

the level of educational work,

self-awareness of members of the work collective, etc.

The conditions include, for example, the improvement of material and moral incentives, other socio-economic, as well as organizational prerequisites. Absenteeism, tardiness, premature leaving from work, drunkenness and other violations of the internal work schedule are generated, first of all, by such factors as untimely completion of production tasks, lack of materials and tools, disorder of the working regime of structural units, medical institutions, weak control by managers at work of subordinate workers, etc.

The main production factors that determine the level of discipline are the organization of work, sanitary conditions and, in general, job satisfaction. The state of labor discipline is also significantly affected by the degree of real involvement of workers in the management of the production process, which indicates the need for an integrated and systematic approach to solving these problems on the basis of plans for the economic and social development of collectives.

Mechanization of labor is of no small importance.

The management of labor discipline and the rational use of working time is closely related to the system of measures for the formation of stable work collectives, which is due to their interdependence. It has long been noticed: the higher the level of discipline, the less staff turnover, and vice versa.

Various studies have proved a close connection between the state of labor discipline and an increase in the level of education and qualifications of workers, the organization of mentoring, the level of educational work in workers' hostels and the organization of leisure, working conditions and sanitary conditions and, in general, job satisfaction. In other words, the work to strengthen labor discipline and the formation of stable labor collectives provides for the development and implementation of a single set of measures of a technical, economic, social and educational nature.

I also consider it necessary to highlight the following factors contributing to low discipline at the enterprise:

) Injustice in pay and assessment of employees' merits;

) Complex production and organizational structure;

) Low quality of job descriptions;

) Unreasonable personnel selection system;

By influencing each of these factors, using the methods described above, you can significantly affect the labor discipline in the enterprise.

Labor discipline management at an enterprise implies an analysis of the observance of labor discipline in the structural divisions of the enterprise, accounting and control of personnel working time, and, if necessary, the development and implementation of measures aimed at strengthening labor discipline.

Such activities include, for example:

regular training of personnel in order to improve their qualifications;

introduction of additional incentive measures;

strict control of delays (for example, through the introduction of an electronic badge system);

hiring personnel only on a competitive basis.

A special place in strengthening labor discipline is acquiring the ability to correctly use incentives to work and to realize the economic interests of workers. It is impossible to strengthen labor discipline, increase the activity of people without paying attention to their living conditions, to personal interests. Material interest is closely related to the social and production activities of people. It is a stimulus to work. A characteristic feature of the modern incentive system is that the remuneration of workers directly depends not only on the results of their individual labor, but also on the overall results of the work of all personnel of the enterprise.

A generalizing way of influencing an employee is the ability to provide him with more trust as the basis for creating a system of values ​​in an organization.

An educational role can be played by councils of primary departments, councils of foremen, councils of employees of enterprises, institutions, organizations.

In modern conditions, the main factor in maintaining high labor discipline at an enterprise can be the instilling in employees of a sense of moral and material responsibility for the success of the work of departments and all personnel in general. Where the heads of enterprises and their divisions show concern for personnel, combining this with high exactingness, supported by measures of moral and material impact on people, there should be expected good results of work.

A large role in strengthening labor discipline belongs to the heads of lower structural divisions - foremen and foremen, heads of groups, sectors, departments, etc., who are most closely related to the work and life of workers, directly affect production activities and the state of workers.

To solve the problems of strengthening labor discipline, such a form of social partnership as a collective agreement is used, which is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations between employees and the employer.

1.3 Methodology for analyzing the state of labor discipline

When studying the indicators of labor resources, first of all, attention is paid to how the organization is provided with the necessary personnel. For this purpose, the following are considered:

composition and structure of industrial and production personnel;

provision of the organization and its subdivisions with workers, administrative and managerial personnel;

provision of a qualified staff of employees;

movement of labor.

The coefficient of the dynamics of the number of employed by is determined by the formula 1.1:

TO d = (H NS - H uv) / dh, (1.1)

where h NS - the number of received employees, people; H uv - the number of employees who quit, people; ДЧ - initial balance, people;

The coefficient of the dynamics of the number of employees is determined by the formula 1.2:

TO dchs = DCh / Chsr (1.2)

where ДЧ - fluctuations in the average payroll, people.

The turnover ratio for the hiring of workers is determined by the formula 1.3:

TO NS = H pri / h total (1.3)

where h pri - the number of hired personnel, people; H total - the average number of personnel, people.

The turnover ratio for disposal is determined by the formula 1.4:

TO v = H uv / h Wed (1.4)

where h uv - the number of employees who quit, people.

Very often, the indicators of labor productivity and staff turnover are used to judge the state of labor discipline.

Labor productivity is determined by the number of products (volume of work) produced by the employee per unit of time (hour, shift, quarter, year) or the amount of time spent on the production of a unit of product (to perform a certain work), formula 1.5:

P = TP / Chsr (1.5)

where TP is the volume of production, rubles; Chsr - the average number of personnel, people.

The staff turnover rate by is determined by the formula 1.6:

TO T = H uvszh / Chsr (1.6)

where h uvszh - the number of people who quit of their own free will and for violation of labor discipline, people.

On the basis of sociological research, it was revealed that the permissible limit for the values ​​of the yield factor should be 5-7%. If the turnover at the enterprise is less than 5%, then there is a negative process of "aging" of the personnel, but if it is more than 7%, then there is a decrease in labor productivity.

The personnel constancy coefficient is determined by the formula 1.7:

TO ps = H g / h Wed (1.7)

where h G - the number of employees who have worked all year, people.

When studying staff turnover, it is of great interest to measure its value not only for the enterprise as a whole, but also for its individual structural divisions, groups of employees. The turnover rates in individual departments or groups of workers are called partial turnover rates.

To assess the degree of influence of any of the partial flow factors on its general production value, the flow rate intensity factor (K it ), which shows how many times the turnover of workers in the studied group is higher (lower) than in the whole enterprise, formula 1.8:

TO it = K pm / Ct x 100 (1.8)

where K pm - any particular coefficient of fluidity.

The use of this indicator is of great importance for the study of social, demographic, professional and other characteristics of turnover.

The rate of employee turnover is directly related to the number of unauthorized absenteeism, which is characterized by the rate of absenteeism (A), formula 1.94:

A = D NS / H cn x n R or A = T n / t R (1.9)

where D NS - the number of working days lost in the analyzed period due to the absence of an employee at the workplace, days; T NS - general fund of unworked man-hours, man-h; T R - the total fund of man-hours worked according to the schedule, man-hours.

It is possible to assess the state of labor discipline and the frequency of its violations, leading to an increase in staff turnover, using the following indicators:

) coefficients of labor discipline:

TO td1 - characterizes the share of employees who did not violate labor discipline in the reporting period in the total number of employees of the enterprise, formulas 1.10 and 1.11:

TO td1 = H cn - H n / H cn = F pl - T pv / f pl (1.10)

where h n - the number of violators of labor discipline, people; F pl - the planned fund of working time, person-h; T pv - the sum of intra-shift and whole-day losses of working time due to violations of labor discipline, man-hours; Ctd 2- characterizes the share of the reduction in the working time of the unit as a result of all-day and intra-shift losses of working time caused by violations of labor discipline:

TO td2 = (1 - (n d / T cm x H R ) x (1 - (P d / F eff x Pod ) (1.11)

where n td - intrashift losses of working time by all investigated workers as a result of violation of labor discipline, man-hours;

NS td - whole-day loss of working time by all investigated workers as a result of violation of labor discipline, man-days;

F eff - effective fund of working time of one employee in the analyzed period, days;

) the proportion of labor discipline violators (N td ) - characterizes the share of employees who violated labor discipline in the reporting period in the total number of employees of the enterprise, formula 1.12:

N td = H n / H cn x 100 (1.12)

In addition, the characteristics of the violators are also taken into account and the area or part of the production process is determined where the largest number of violations are noticed.

Based on the results of such an analysis, the head of the enterprise can issue an order on the observance of labor discipline. To analyze the loss of working time, a balance of working time is drawn up.

The loss of working time can be both the fault of the administration and as a result of a decrease in labor discipline. This analysis allows you to determine the direction of reducing the loss of working time. Balance data on the line "absenteeism" allows you to judge the state of labor discipline

To improve the efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to improve the structure of the use of working time. A significant reduction in intra-shift and whole-day losses of working time can be achieved through organizational measures, increasing labor discipline, observing safety rules, improving working conditions and labor protection measures, which will help to reduce losses of working time, and, therefore, headcount savings can be obtained. the personnel of the enterprise.

Possible savings in the number of employees by reducing losses and irrational expenditure of working time due to low labor discipline ("absenteeism") is determined by the formula 1.13:

NS h = (T pv + T n ) x K / Ff (1.13)

where T pv - loss of working time, h; T n - irrational expenditure of working time, h; TO with - the coefficient of possible reduction of losses and irrational expenditure of working time; F f - the actual fund of working time of one worker, h.

To identify losses and irrational expenditures of working time, the total fund of working time of workers is analyzed and the influence of various factors on the use of working time is determined.

The amount of lost products as a result of absenteeism and loss of working time is determined by the formula 1.14:

Q =? T x B (1.14)

where ?О is the amount of lost products, rubles; T - absenteeism and loss of working time to be reduced, h (days); B-production of products hourly (daily), rub.

The presence of whole-day losses of working time leads to non-fulfillment of the average annual output, and intra-shift losses of working time cause non-fulfillment of the average daily output.

To determine the savings in the number due to the improvement in the use of working time in the elimination of absenteeism and downtime due to the fault of the employee, formula 1.15 is used:

Eh = P NS + P cd / Fr (1.15)

where P NS - all-day losses due to absenteeism, man-days; NS cd - all-day downtime, man-days; F R - Potentially possible (planned) fund of time of one worker, days.

Reducing the loss of working time is one of the reserves for increasing production output. To calculate its value, it is necessary to multiply the loss of working time through the fault and the employee by the planned average hourly output, formula 1.16:

RP = P pw x B h (1.16)

where P pv - loss of working time for various reasons, h; V h - planned average hourly production of one worker.

Thus, an increase in labor discipline is one of the important conditions for a high organization of labor and general economic growth. Conversely, an insufficiently high level of discipline leads to losses, additional costs, and disorganizes production.

For the efficiency of production as a whole, it is necessary to know the methods of analyzing the reasons for the decline in labor discipline and develop, on their basis, measures to strengthen it.

Conclusions for Chapter 1.

2. Analysis of the use of labor resources and labor discipline at OJSC "Volgocemmash"

.1 Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

Volgocemmash OJSC is an enterprise producing equipment for the cement industry. Since 1994 it has been a structural subdivision of Togliattiazot Corporation. Located at: 445621, Samara region, Togliatti, st. Maxim Gorky, 96. The full name is "Volga production association" Volgocemmash ".

The Volga production association "Volgocemmash" was founded in 1956 and a year later already produced its first products. In 1960, the production of technological equipment, crushing and grinding, roasting furnaces was mastered. In 1961, a metallurgical complex was launched. Over the past 50 years, the plant has produced the main technological equipment that provides 80% of cement production in Russia and the CIS countries.

Today Volgocemmash OJSC includes three production facilities: metallurgical, mechanical assembly and welding.

Today the Volgocemmash plant produces on average up to 300 thousand items of parts, assemblies, machines with a production cycle from 1 hour to a year.

JSC Volgocemmash in its activities is guided by the Charter of the Company, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents.

The control system of OJSC "Volgocemmash" includes two subsystems: control and controlled. The control system includes the general director of OJSC Volgocemmash, chief engineer, commercial director, technical director. The subdivisions of the enterprise act as a controlled system: production shops, a laboratory for quality control of finished products, a mechanical repair shop, a construction shop, a transport shop, a supply department, a sales department, an accounting department, a personnel department, etc.

The society under consideration is characterized by a linear-functional organizational management system, when functional services or individual specialists, depending on the functions performed, develop work programs for production units, which are coordinated and approved by the line manager.This combination makes it quite effective. With a clear system of interconnections and full responsibility, line managers are freed from solving issues unusual for them.

The General Director of OJSC Volgocemmash determines the policy and strategy of enterprise management, carries out planning functions, coordinates the actions of the secondary management level, and resolves general organizational issues.

The production structure of OJSC "Volgocemmash" is subject and technological, as it takes into account both the nature and types of products and services, and the technology of their manufacture, production scale, principles of specialization and cooperation of divisions. This allows you to minimize intra-production transport routes and the time spent on preparatory and procurement work and on the promotion of objects of labor and finished products.

The metallurgical production complex includes 3 workshops focused on the repair and manufacture of certain types of equipment, as well as 6 technical departments. When designing and manufacturing equipment in metallurgical production, 10% of all workers at the plant are involved. Production works in 2-3 shifts. The task of the technological departments of metallurgical production is to prepare tooling, and not only during the period of setting up the production of a new car model, but also during the current maintenance of the existing production.

Welding production is focused on the manufacture of large-sized structures: support systems, crossbars, frames for equipment, etc. The structure includes a production and technological department. 30% of all workers at the plant are involved in production. The production works in 2 shifts.

Mechanical assembly production is represented by machining shops equipped with modern machining equipment, as well as auxiliary services: design and technological department, technological department, and complaints department. 50% of all workers at the plant are involved in production. The production works in 2 shifts.

The raw material and finished product control laboratory controls the quality of incoming raw materials and incoming products.

For the analysis of the main economic indicators of OJSC "Volgocemmash" we use the data of the financial statements of the enterprise for 2010-2012. (Appendix 1-4). The dynamics of the main economic indicators of OJSC "Volgocemmash" is presented in table. 2.1.

Table 2.1. Dynamics of the main economic indicators of the economic activity of OJSC "Volgocemmash" for 2011-2013 biennium

Indicators Absolute indicators Change 2012/2011 (+ .-) Change 2013/2012 (+ .-) 2011 2012 2013 thous. RUB% thous. RUB% 1. Proceeds from the sale of works (services), thousand rubles 28660023231169290805236516712.74 minus 323117 minus 10.002. Number of employees, total, people including 67896773528942.62 minus 232 minus 3.99 - engineers, employees, people 19519720321.0363.05 - main workers, people 48377053228759.42 minus 238-30.93. Wages fund of employees, thousand rubles 1303562106291512408027361.58 minus 89389 minus 29.184. Average salary of employees, rubles including 160221815117147212913.29 minus-1004 minus 5.53- engineers, employees, rub. 151021801118724290919.267133.96 - basic workers, rubles 1639318187165451794210.94 minus 1642 minus 9.035. Production per employee, thousand rubles 4227.143341.443956.33 minus -885.7 minus 20.95615.0918.46. Production cost, thousand rubles 27033483074959277106337161113.74 minus 303896 minus 9.887. Costs per 1 rub. sales, rubles 0.940,920.94-002 minus -2,130,022,178. Gross profit (loss), thousand rubles 162654156210136989 minus 6444 minus 3.96 minus 19221 minus 12.39. Profitability of products (works),% 6,025,084.94 minus -0.94 minus 15.61 minus 0.14 minus 2.76

According to the data in table 2.2, the volume of production of JSC "Volgocemmash" for 2011-2012. increased by 12.74% or 365167 thousand rubles, for 2012-2013. decreased by 10% or by 323,117 thousand rubles. This happened due to a decrease in the volume of work performed in connection with the exit from the enterprise in 2013 of the division for the production of components.

The number of personnel in 2011 was 678 people, including 483 main workers, in 2012 967 people, incl. 770 main workers, and in 2013 735 people, including 532 main workers.

For the analyzed period 2011-2013. the number of personnel increased by 57 people, of which the increase in engineering and technical personnel was 8 people, the main workers - 49 people. The increase in personnel occurred as a result of an increase in the volume of work performed and the need to expand the staff. The increase in the number of employees in 2012 to 2011 amounted to 42.62%, in 2013 to 2012 there was a decrease in the number of employees by 23.99%. The growth of engineering and technical personnel and employees in 2012 to 2011 amounted to 1.03%, in 2013 to 2012 - 3.05%.

The average salary in 2011 was 15,102 rubles, in 2012 - 18,151 rubles, in 2013 - 17,147 rubles. The increase in average wages in 2012 was 13.29%, in 2013 there was a decrease in wages by 28.2%.

In 2011, the average salary of engineers and employees amounted to 17,300 rubles, in 2012 - 18,011 rubles, in 2013 - 18,724 rubles. The increase in the average salary of engineers and employees in 2012 was 19.26%, in 2013 3.96%.

In 2011, the average wages of basic workers amounted to 16393 rubles, in 2012 - 18187 rubles, in 2013 - 16,545 rubles. The increase in the average wage of basic workers in 2012 was 10.94%, in 2013 the average wage decreased by 9.03%. The decrease in wages is associated with a decrease in the volume of work performed.

The output of employees in 2012 compared to 2011 decreased by 20.95%, and in 2013 compared to 2012 increased by 18.4%. The decrease in output in 2012 is associated with an increase in the number of personnel and inefficiency of work.

The cost of the work performed in 2011 amounted to 2,703,348 thousand rubles, in 2012 - 3,074,969 thousand rubles, in 2013 - 2,771,063 thousand rubles. The increase in production costs in 2012 to 2011 amounted to 13.74%. The decrease in the cost price in 2013 to 2012 amounted to 9.88%.

Gross profit in 2011 amounted to 162654 thousand rubles, in 2012 - 156,210 thousand rubles, in 2013 - 136,989 thousand rubles. In 2012 to 2011 the decrease was 3.96%, in 2013 to 2012 it decreased by 12.3%.

.2 Analysis of the use of labor resources

As of 01.01.2013, the number of JSC Volgocemmash personnel was 735 people. The share of workers is 72.4%. The average age of employees is 42 years. Women 64%, men 36%.

Let's consider the main data and indicators characterizing the personnel of JSC Volgocemmash. The analysis of the labor supply will be carried out on the basis of the data of reports on the number of personnel presented by the personnel department of the enterprise (see Table 2.2).

Table 2.2. Analysis of the provision of labor resources in 2011-2013.

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Deviation (+/-) Growth rate,% 2012/2011 2013/2012 2012/2011 2013/2012 Average number of employees, people, including: 678967735289 minus -23242.23 -24.0 Workers 483770532287 minus 23859.42-30.9 ITR and employees, people, of which 195197203261.033.05 Managers, people 1315152015,380 Employees, people 1821821880603.29

As can be seen from the data in Table 2.2, in 2011-2013. there is a decrease in the number of employees of the enterprise. So, in 2012, the number of employees in comparison with 2011 increased by 289 people or by 42.23%. In 2013, compared to 2012, the number of employees decreased by 232 people, or by 24%. The number of workers in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by 287 people or by 59.42% and in 2013 compared to 2012 the number of workers decreased by 238 people or by 30.9%.

The number of engineers and technicians and employees increased in 2013 compared to 2012 by 2 people or by 1.03%. In 2013, the number of engineers and employees in comparison with 2012 increased by 6 people or by 3.05%. At the same time, the number of managers for the period 2011-2013. increased by 8 people, and the number of employees increased over the same period by 6 people.

The decrease in the number of personnel in 2013 occurred due to the withdrawal from the enterprise of the division for the production of components, as well as a decrease in the number of workers due to a decrease in orders. Despite the decrease in the total number of personnel in 2013, the number of engineers and technicians and employees, on the contrary, is increasing.

Let us analyze the structure of the personnel of JSC “Volgocemmash” in 2011-2013, the results are presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3. Personnel structure of JSC Volgocemmash in 2011-2013

Categories 2011 2012 2013 number of people share,% number, people share,% number, people share,% Average number of employees, people including 678100967100735100Workers48371.2477079.6353272.38 ITR and employees, of which 19528.7619720.3720327.62 Managers131.92151.55152.04 Employees18224.8418218.8218825.58

From the data in Table 2.3 it can be seen that the share of workers in the enterprise in 2012 is higher than its value in 2011 by 8.39%, in 2013 it is lower than 2012 by 7.25%.

The share of engineering and technical personnel and employees decreased by 8.39%, in 2012 and increased by 7.25% in 2013 compared to 2012. The share of managers in 2012 is less than in 2011 by 0.37%, and in 2013 compared to 2012 by 0.49%. The share of employees in 2012 compared to 2011 decreased by 6.02%, and in 2013 compared to 2012 increased by 6.76%.

The labor potential of an enterprise characterizes the level of education of employees. Consider the labor potential of OJSC "Volgocemmash" by education (table 2.4).

Table 2.4. The composition of the personnel of JSC "Volgocemmash" by education for 2010-2012.

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Deviation (+/-) Growth rate,% 2012/2011 2013/2012 2012/2011 2013/2012 Total employees, incl. having: 678967735289minus 23542.63minus 24.0higher education9312613733minus 1135.488.73secondary specialized education125235142110minus 9388.0minus 39.57vocational education310430300120minus 13038.71minus -30.23general secondary education150176.33minus Based on table 2.4, which characterizes the labor potential of the enterprise, it can be seen that in 2012 the number of employees with higher education at OJSC Volgocemmash increased by 33 people, and in 2013 it decreased by 11 people; with a secondary specialized education in 2012, 110 people worked more than in 2011, and in 2013, 93 people less. In 2012, there were 120 more workers with completed vocational education than in 2011, and in 2013, 130 people less than in 2012. 26 people more than in 2011, and in 2013 20 people less than in 2012.

Despite the withdrawal from the structure of the division for the production of components from the enterprise, the number of employees with higher education increased in 2013 compared to 2012 by 8.73%, which indicates an increase in the labor potential of the enterprise. Moreover, with the number of engineers and employees in 2013 amounted to 197 people, and the number of personnel with higher and secondary specialized education was 279 people, which is 82 people more than the vacant positions of engineers and employees at the enterprise, i.e. 82 people with higher and specialized secondary education work as workers.

Thus, the professional and qualification level of the company's employees is high enough to solve the tasks set for the enterprise.

Let's analyze the dynamics of the movement of the number of employees of JSC "Volgocemmash" using the data in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5. Labor movement in JSC "Volgocemmash" in 2011-2013

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Average number of employees (Che) 678967735 Admitted to the enterprise 3111336 Left the enterprise, 2224539 including: to study, the Armed Forces, retirement 4125 At the end of the contract796 of their own free will 521319 for violation of labor discipline

Let's analyze the staff turnover.

Let us determine the coefficient of the dynamics of the number of employed according to the formula 1.1:

TO d2011 = 311-22 / 678 ​​= 0.42

TO d2012 = 13-245 / 967 = -0.24

TO d2013 = 36-39 / 735 = -0.004

Let us determine the coefficient of the dynamics of the numerical composition according to the formula 1.2:

TO dhs2012 = (967-678) / 967 = 0.29

TO dchs2013 = (735-967) / 735 = -0.31

The coefficient of the dynamics of the number of employees shows an increase in the number of employees in 2012 compared to 2011 by 29%, in 2013 compared to 2012, a decrease by 31%.

Let's analyze the movement of labor.

Let us determine the coefficient of turnover for the hiring of workers according to the formula 1.3:

TO pr2011 = 311/678 = 0.46

TO pr2012 = 13/967 = 0.01

TO pr2013 = 39/735 = 0.05

The turnover ratio for hiring employees shows a decrease in newly hired employees in 2012 by 45% compared to 2011, and an increase in 2013 by 4% compared to 2012.

Determine the coefficient of turnover for disposal according to the formula 1.4:

Q2011 = 22/678 = 0,03

Q2012 = 245/967 = 0,25

Q2013 =14/735= 0,02

The turnover rate on retirement shows an increase in layoffs in 2012 by 22% compared to 2011, and a decrease in layoffs in 2013 by 23% compared to 2012.

Determine the employee turnover rate using the formula 1.6:

TO t2011 = (5 + 6) / 678 ​​= 0.016

TO m2012 = (213 + 11) / 967 = 0.23

TO t2013 = (23 + 5) / 735 = 0.038

The staff turnover rate in 2011 was 0.016, in 2012 - 0.23, in 2013 - 0.038. In 2012, staff turnover increased by 21.4%, in 2013 it decreased by 19.2%.

Let us determine the coefficient of staff constancy according to the formula 1.7:

TO ps2011 = (678 + 311 - 7 - 5 - 6)/678 = 971/678 = 1,43

TO ps2012 = (967 + 13- 9 - 213 - 11)/967= 747/967= 0,77

TO ps2013 = (735 + 36 - 6 - 23 - 5)/735= 737/735= 1,0

The coefficient of staff constancy shows that in 2012 compared to 2011 the turnover increased by 66% (due to the exit from the shop for the production of kvass and drinks), in 2013 compared to 2012 the turnover decreased by 23 %.

General dynamics of labor productivity in 2011-2013 is presented in table 2.6 and fig. 2.5.

Table 2.6. Dynamics of productivity of workers of JSC "Volgocemmash" for 2011-2013.

Indicator 2011 2012 2012 2013 Growth rate for 2012-2013,% Growth rate for 2013-2012,% Sales volume, thousand rubles (TP) 286600232311692908052112.7489.99 Average annual number of employees (Chr) 678967735142.6376.0 Average annual output per employee, thousand rubles (Bp) 4227.143341.443956.3379.04118.4

Table 2.6 shows an increase in labor productivity in 2013 compared to 2012 by 18.4% (Table 2.6).

Let's analyze labor productivity using the data in Table 2.1 and Table 2.6.

Let us determine the influence of factors: the output of marketable products (TP) and the number of personnel (H) on the change in labor productivity (PT) by the method of chain substitution, using the data for the last two years:

PT 2012= TP 2012/ H 2012= 2641254/967 = 2731.39 thousand rubles / person

PT conv = TP 2013/ H 2012= 2866002/967 = 2963.81 thousand rubles / person

PT 2013 fact = TP 2013 fact / H 2013 fact = 2866002/735 = 3899.32 thousand rubles / person

PT 2013plan = TP 2013plan / H 2013plan = 3000908/745 = 4028.06 thousand rubles / person

Change in labor productivity for 2012-2011 actual:

?PT 2013 fact = PT 2013 fact - PT 2012= 3899.32 - 2731.39 = 1167.93. rub / person

including due to:

increase in production:

?PT TP = PT conv - PT 2012= 2963.81 - 2731.39 = 232.42 thousand rubles / person

decrease in the number of personnel:

?PT H = PT 2013 fact - PT conv = 3899.32 - 2963.81 = 935.51 thousand rubles. / person

The change in the actual productivity from the planned in 2013 was:

?PT 2013 fact = PT 2013plan - PT 2013 fact = 4028.06-3899.32 = 128.74 thousand rubles / person

The total increase in labor productivity in 2013 compared to 2012 amounted to 1167.93 thousand rubles / person, moreover, due to an increase in production by 232.42 thousand rubles / person, and due to a decrease in the number of personnel by 935.51 thousand rubles / person

The actual indicators of labor productivity in 2013 turned out to be higher than planned by 128.74 thousand rubles / person.

Analysis of the level of labor productivity must be considered in close relationship with wages. With the growth of labor productivity, real prerequisites are created for increasing the level of labor remuneration. At the same time, funds for labor remuneration must be used in such a way that the growth rate of labor productivity outstrips the growth rate of its payment. Only under such conditions opportunities are created for increasing the rate of expanded reproduction.

Let's analyze the ratio of the rate of growth of labor productivity and the rate of growth of wages, we will place the calculation data in table 2.7. In this case, the data in Table 1 are used. 2.1.

Table 2.7. The ratio of the rate of growth of labor productivity and the rate of growth of wages at OJSC "Volgocemmash"

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Growth rate 2012 to 2011 Growth rate 2013 to 2012 Production volume, thousand rubles 2413761264125428660021.0941.085 Average annual number of employees 6789677351.4260.76 Average annual output per 1 employee, thousand rubles 3560,122731,394035,380,7671,477 Wage fund for employees, thousand rubles 1303562106291512401.6150.718 Leading coefficient (output growth coefficient - salary growth coefficient) -0.8480.759

Table 2.7 shows that the actual increase in labor productivity in 2013 compared to 2012 amounted to 1303.99 thousand rubles / person. or 47.7%. At the same time, there was a decrease in wages in 2013 in comparison with 2012 by 28.2%. In 2012, the growth in average annual output is lower than the growth in wages by 15.2%. In 2013, the average annual output is 75.9% higher than the growth of wages.

The analysis of the use of labor resources and labor productivity in 2013 showed the ineffective use of working time of workers as a result of downtime due to the fault of the enterprise, absenteeism and the provision of additional vacations to employees, while reducing the actual number of personnel. At the same time, the decrease in wages was 28.2%, and the growth in labor productivity was 47.7%.

These indicators indicate an increase in the workload on personnel, despite downtime due to the fault of the enterprise with a simultaneous decrease in wages. If in 2012 the average salary was 18,151 rubles, then in 2013 it was 17,147 rubles, which is 1004 rubles. smaller. This decline is also taking place against the backdrop of an increase in overtime work. Such indicators will undoubtedly cause discontent among staff.

Let's analyze the use of working time.

The completeness of the use of labor resources can be assessed by the number of days and hours worked by one employee for the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of workers, for each production unit and for the enterprise as a whole (Table 2.8).

Table 2.8. Use of labor resources of OJSC "Volgocemmash"

Indicator 2012 2013 Deviation actual (+, -) plan actual 2012 from the plan Number of employees, people 967745735202 minus 10 Worked per year by one employee: days hours 220 1884224 1920 215 1864.2 minus 5 minus 19.9 minus 9 minus 55.8 Average working hours , h 7.8587.8 minus 0.05 minus -0.2 Total working time fund, h 182182814304001370187 minus 451641 minus 60213 Including overtime hours worked by 1 employee, hrs 9.7-7.6 minus 2.17.6 Total number of overtime hours worked by employees, hrs 9088.9- 5586minus 3502.95586

At OJSC Volgocemmash, the actual working time is less than the planned one by 60,213 hours. The influence of factors on its change can be established by the method of chain substitution according to formulas 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

?FRV cr = (CR f - CR pl ) x D pl x p pl, (2.1)

where, ?FRV cr - changing the fund of working time depending on the number of workers; CR f and CR pl - the number of workers, actual and planned, respectively, D pl and D f - the number of days worked by one worker on average per year, planned and actual, respectively; NS pl and p f -average working hours planned and actual, respectively; ?FRV d - change in the fund of working time depending on the number of workers worked on average per year,

?FRV d = (D f - D pl ) x CR f x Ppl (2.2)

where ?FRV NS - change in the fund of working time depending on the average length of the working day,

?FRV NS = (P f - NS pl ) x D f x CR f (2.3

?FRV cr = (735 - 745) x 224 x 8 = -17920 h;

?FRV d = (215 - 224) x 735 x 8 = -52920 h;

?FRV NS = (7.8 - 8) x 215 x 735 = -31605 h;

As a result of a decrease in the number of employees by 10 people in comparison with the planned indicators, there was a decrease in the working time fund by 17,920 hours. A decrease in the number of days worked by 9 days for each worker led to a decrease in the actual time fund in comparison with the planned one by 52,920 hours. As a result of the decrease in the average length of the day by 0.2 hours in comparison with the planned indicators, there was a decrease in the working time fund by 31,605 hours.

As can be seen from the data presented, the available labor resources of OJSC “Volgocemmash” are not used fully enough. On average, one worker worked 215 days instead of 224, and therefore the over-planned whole-day loss of working time amounted to 9 days or 72 hours for one worker, and 6615 days or 52920 hours for all workers.

In fact, they are even higher due to the fact that the actual work time fund also includes overtime hours worked. If we exclude them, then the total fund of working hours will be 1,311,681 hours (1,370,187-52920 - 5,586), which is 1,784.6 hours. the annual background of time per 1 worker instead of the actual 1864.2 hours, which is equal to 10 days of loss of working time per 1 worker. Thus, the actual loss of working time amounted to 19 days per year, or 152 hours per employee, or 13965 days, or 111720 hours for all employees.

The actual loss of working time due to overtime hours worked will amount to 31,605 hours ((7.6 - 7.8) x 215 x 735), and the total loss of working time in comparison with the planned indicators will amount to 63,210 hours. ((7.6 - 8) x 215 x 735).

Reducing the loss of working time for reasons depending on the labor collective is a reserve for increasing labor productivity, which does not require additional capital investments and allows you to quickly get a return.

To identify the causes of day-to-day and intra-shift losses of working time, the data of the actual and planned balance of working time are compared (see table 2.9). They can be caused by various objective and subjective circumstances not envisaged by the plan: additional vacations with the permission of the administration, illnesses of workers with temporary disability, absenteeism, downtime due to malfunction of equipment, machines, mechanisms, due to lack of work, raw materials, materials, electricity, fuel, etc. Each type of loss is analyzed in more detail, especially those that depend on the enterprise.

Table 2.9. Analysis of the use of the fund of working time in 2013

Indicator Per one employee Deviation from the plan, hours of the plan factual number of 1 employed per all employees The calendar number of days, including 365365 - holidays 99 - weekends 5252 - weekends Saturdays 5050 - Nominal working time fund, days 254254 - Absenteeism, total, hours. including annual leave 1616 - study leave 12 + 1 + 75 maternity leave 32 -1-75 additional leaves with the permission of the administration 57 + 2 + 150 illnesses 57.8 + 2.8 + 210 absenteeism-0.2 + 0.2 + 15 idle time -4 + 4 + 300 Apparent working time fund, days 224 215-9-675 Working time budget, hours 19311906.2-24.8-1860 Reduced holiday days 99 - Grace time for adolescents, hours 22.4 + 0.4 + 30 In-shift downtime, hours. -30.6 + 30.6 + 2295 Useful fund of working time, hour 19201864.2-55.8-4140 Average duration of a work shift, hour 87.8-0.2-15 Overtime hours worked, hours -7.6 + 7.6 + 570 Unproductive costs of working time -8.3 + 8.3 + 622.5

Table 2.9 shows that most of the losses ((150 +15 + 300) = 465 hours) are caused by subjective factors: additional vacations with the permission of the administration, absenteeism, downtime, which can be considered unused reserves for increasing the working time fund. Preventing them is tantamount to laying off 0.25 workers (465 / 1864.2).

The working time budget was underfulfilled by 60,213 hours, which with the existing sales volume in 2013 amounted to 2,866,002 thousand rubles. tantamount to a shortfall of 125,946.7 thousand rubles. (2866002 x 60213/1370187).

Having studied the loss of working time, it is necessary to establish unproductive labor costs, which consist of the costs of working time as a result of poor-quality services and their correction (marriage), as well as in connection with deviations from the technological process. To determine their value, we use data on losses from marriage (journal-order No. 10). Let's calculate the unproductive costs of working time. The initial data are summarized in table 2.10.

Table 2.10. Data for calculating non-productive costs of working time in 2013

Indicator Amount, thousand rubles Cost price 2771063 Wages fund of employees 151240 Material costs 1718059 Cost price of rejected products (services) 5007 Costs to correct defects123

According to table 2.10, we determine:

1. The share of wages of employees in the cost price:

x 100/2771063 = 5.46%

The amount of wages in the cost of the final marriage:

x 5.46 / 100 = 273.27 thousand rubles.

The share of the wages of employees in the cost of services, minus raw materials and materials, semi-finished products and components:

/ (2771063-1718059) x 100 = 14.36%

Salaries of those working to correct the marriage:

x 14.36 / 100 = 17.66 thousand rubles.

Wages of those working in final marriage and for its correction:

27 + 17.66 = 290.93 thousand rubles.

Average hourly wages of workers:

/ (735x1864.2) = 0.11 thousand rubles.

Working time spent on the production of marriage and its correction:

93 / 0.11 = 2644.82 hours

Thus, the loss of working time due to the release of low-quality products amounted to 2,644.82 hours.

To determine the level of production per worker, we will draw up an analytical table 2.11.

Table 2.11. Indicators of output per employee at JSC Volgocemmash in 2013

Indicator Plan Fact Deviation from the plan absolute% of the plan Sales volume, thousand rubles 30429582908053minus 13490695.5 Average number of workers, people 745735minus 198.68 output of 1 worker, thousand rubles 2.1272.092 minus 0.03598.35

According to table 2.11, it can be seen that the average annual output per employee actually decreased by 127.96 thousand rubles. Average hourly output per employee actually decreased by 35 rubles.

This deviation is caused by the influence of the following factors:

a decrease in the number of personnel compared to the plan;

loss of working time;

the presence of marriage;

unproductive expenditure of working time.

Reducing the loss of working time is one of the reserves for increasing production output. The enterprise is able to reduce the loss of working time that occurred through the fault of the enterprise. To calculate it, it is necessary to multiply the loss of working time (PDT) due to the fault of the enterprise (downtime and unproductive costs of working time, table 2.9) by the planned average hourly production (NPL) (table 2.11):

D VP = PRV ´ CHVpl (2.4)

D VP1 slave = (4 + 30.6 + 8.3) ´ 2.127 = 91.24 thousand rubles.

?D VP = 91.24 x 735 = 67,061.4 thousand rubles.

Thus, the reserve for increasing production is 67,061.4 thousand rubles.

2.3 Analysis of labor discipline

Let us determine the coefficient of labor discipline according to the formula 1.10:

TO td12011 = 678 - 6/678 = 0.991

TO td12012 = 967 - 11/967 = 0.988

TO td12013 = 735- 9/735 = 0.997

Labor discipline in 2012 compared to 2011 improved by 0.3%. In 2013, compared to 2012, labor discipline worsened by 0.1%.

Let us determine the proportion of labor discipline violators according to the formula 1.12:

N td12011 = 6/678 x 100 = 0.884%

N td12012 = 11/967 x 100 = 1.137%

N td12013 = 9/735 x 100 = 1.22%

The data indicate that in 2013 labor discipline deteriorated by 0.06% compared to 2012.

According to the data provided by the personnel department for reasons of violation of labor discipline, a table was drawn up. 2.12.

Table 2.12. Reasons for violation of labor discipline in 2011-2013

Type of violation of labor discipline 2011 2012 2013 people% people% people% Systematic tardiness for work 233.3218.18 - Being drunk at work 233.319.09111.11 Failure to comply with management orders116.7327.27333.33 Improper performance of their duties, leading to a deterioration in quality 116.7545.45555.56 Total 6100111009100

According to table 2.12, it can be seen that the main reasons for violation of labor discipline are non-compliance with the orders of the management and improper performance of their labor duties, leading to a deterioration in product quality.

According to the table. 2.12 it can be seen that in 2012 compared to 2011 the increase in violations due to failure to comply with the order of the management amounted to 3 people against 1 person in the previous period, which is 10.57% more in specific weight. In 2013, violations under this article were also committed by 3 people, but the proportion of these violations increased by 6.06%.

The improper performance of their duties, which led to a deterioration in quality in 2012, was admitted by 5 people against 1 person in 2011, which is 28.75% more in the share of all violations. In 2013, violations under this article were also committed by 5 people, but the proportion of these violations increased by 10.11%.

A positive factor is the absence in 2013 of violations of labor discipline due to being late for work.

With violations of labor discipline, there is a connection with a deterioration in the quality of products and an increase in the level of defects. Therefore, a survey was carried out of the workers of the plant for satisfaction with work, the labor potential of the workers was investigated.

The key parameters of the assessment were selected, reflecting the state of the labor potential of the workshop: education, work experience, job satisfaction. Indicators by education level are presented in table 2.4. In 2013, the number of employees with higher education was 137 people, the number of employees with secondary vocational education was 142 people. Thus, the number of employees with higher and secondary specialized education was 37% (137 + 142/735 x 100).

The data on the length of service of employees are presented by the personnel department of the enterprise. The number of employees with more than 2 years of experience at the enterprise is 68%. Table 2.13 shows the values ​​of the indices reflecting the state of the labor potential of JSC Volgocemmash.

Resource index name Reference value, points Actual value, points 1. Employee Education Index 522. Employee seniority index 643. Job Satisfaction Index 5174. Integral index 1623

Thus, the labor potential according to the methodology of L. Ismagilova-T. Gilevoy of employees of OJSC "Volgocemmash". is average.

Let us analyze the personnel satisfaction with work according to the methodology of V.A. Rozanova. (see table 2.14). The survey involved 30 people. Having accepted the answers "quite satisfied" and "satisfied" as the general wording of "satisfied", and the answers "not completely satisfied", "not satisfied" and "extremely dissatisfied" as the general wording of "not satisfied", draw up a diagram of responses (see Fig. 2.7 ).

Table 2.14. Results of the questionnaire survey by the Rozanova method V.A.

Quite satisfied Satisfied Not quite satisfied Not satisfied Extremely dissatisfied Your satisfaction with the organization where you work 714342 Your satisfaction with physical conditions (heat, cold, noise, etc.) 5101131 Your job satisfaction 118740 Your satisfaction with the teamwork of employees 89643 Your satisfaction with the leadership style of your boss in the sense of your boss its compliance with labor costs) 128145 Your satisfaction with wages in comparison with how much they pay for the same work in other organizations 328 125 Your satisfaction with job (professional) advancement 381063 Your satisfaction with possible promotions 381153 Your satisfaction with how much you can use your experience and abilities in your work 711 732 Your satisfaction with the requirements of work for intellect515343 working day 1610400V How much your job satisfaction would have influenced your decision if you were looking for a job 561072 Total score 791041006735

Based on table 2.14, we can conclude that the greatest dissatisfaction of the staff is the existing wages; the current situation for the promotion of workers.

8 people are not completely satisfied with the existing remuneration system, 14 people are not satisfied, 5 out of 30 respondents are extremely dissatisfied, i.e. 27 people out of 30 interviewed or 90% of the staff are not satisfied with their wages.

10 people are not completely satisfied with the existing system of professional advancement, 6 people are not satisfied, 3 out of 30 respondents are extremely dissatisfied, i.e. 19 people out of 30 interviewed or 63.3% of the interviewed personnel are not satisfied with the system of professional training and promotion.

Thus, the greatest discontent of the personnel is caused by the level of wages and the system of professional promotion and training at JSC Volgocemmash. Staff dissatisfaction with these factors causes a deterioration in labor discipline. Consequently, improving labor discipline at the enterprise will be facilitated by improving the motivation of workers by increasing wages, as well as increasing the qualification level of workers.

We will assess the social programs at the enterprise. Research into the social package of the enterprise has shown that an order of the director is prepared annually on the provision of social guarantees to employees.

In addition to paying sick leave from the federal social insurance fund, employees have the following social guarantees in 2013:

Childbirth allowance in the amount of 8000 rubles.

Grant for the burial of an employee of the enterprise in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

Retirement benefit equal to the employee's monthly salary.

Allowance for anniversaries 55 and 60 years in the amount of 3000 rubles.

The company does not have contracts with kindergartens and clinics for servicing employees and children of employees, does not compensate employees for kindergartens. And since the employees are not employees of OJSC "Volgocemmash" and are not ranked among budget employees, parents have to pay 100% for the maintenance of their children.

There is no 13 salary and no compensation for leave at the enterprise. Workers are reluctant to go on vacation because vacation pay is very small. Many employees have accumulated unused vacations for several years, and compensation for unused vacations at OJSC Volgocemmash is not provided.

In 2013, all employees under the presidential program passed a medical examination. As a result, 50% of employees have chronic diseases. Lack of compensation for operations practiced at many enterprises, material assistance, compensation for spa treatment makes workers look for better working conditions.

From fig. 2.11 shows that the largest share is occupied by such programs as compulsory health insurance and paid days of temporary disability - 22% each, the smallest - paid holidays (there is no double payment on weekends and holidays) - 4%.

For the purpose of a detailed assessment of the social satisfaction of the personnel at the enterprise, a survey of employees was carried out with a five-point assessment of the available social programs. The survey results are presented in Table 2.15.

Table 2.15. Survey of social satisfaction of the personnel of JSC "Volgocemmash"

Question? Average score Total respondents, people TOTAL points 123451. Paid holidays + 38382. Paid vacations + 1903. Paid days of temporary incapacity for work + 1904. Paid Rest Break Time 05. Paid lunches 06. Compulsory medical insurance at the enterprise + 1907. Supplementary pension insurance at the company 08. Accident and long-term disability insurance 09. Free parking 010. Material assistance + 7611. Provision of recreation and entertainment facilities for employees' use + 7612. Medical service at the enterprise 013. Compensation for spa treatment 014. Delivery of personnel by enterprise transport, compensation for transport 015. Provision of kindergartens, camps for employees' children 016. Incentive for anniversaries + 114 TOTAL: 874

According to the social survey, Table 2.11 shows that the state social programs at the enterprise are 100% fulfilled (payment of the certificate of incapacity for work, compulsory health insurance, ...).

Thus, based on the assessment of the social programs of OJSC Volgocemmash, a number of social problems emerged that require measures to overcome them.

A summary table of the existing problems at OJSC "Volgocemmash" is presented in table. 2.16.

Table 2.16. Summary table of existing social problems at JSC "Volgocemmash"

Factor (reason) influencing the occurrence of problems Problem Measures Lack of social program Lack of medical care at the enterprise Conclusion of an agreement for medical care of personnel Lack of social program Lack of compensation payments for sanatorium-resort treatment Organization of sanatorium-resort treatment for employees of the enterprise and their families Lack of social program Partial provision of recreation and entertainment facilities for employees pool visit Low wages Staff turnover Other payments Other

.1 Justification of the problems of reducing labor discipline

An objective analysis of the qualitative composition of Volgocemmash's personnel indicates that, despite the fact that the company finished 2013 with good results, all this was achieved due to an increase in the workload on personnel due to a decrease in the number, which causes discontent of the personnel, i.e. To. the increased load by 18.4% does not correspond to the increase in wages (its decrease was 28.2%). An increase in the workload on staff and dissatisfaction with the existing wages leads to a decrease in labor discipline.

Lack of training and mentoring causes an increase in the number of defects in the enterprise. Loss of working time due to the release of low-quality products amounted to 2607 hours. - the reserve for increasing production is 66153.08 thousand rubles.

It is required to take urgent measures to create programs for training, retraining and advanced training of workers. Mentoring is not developed at the enterprise - young workers are immediately involved in the work after being instructed.

Of great importance for strengthening the staff of workers and employees of JSC Volgocemmash are normative consolidation and practical use of moral and material incentives, motivational mechanisms, especially in terms of remuneration, encouraging employees to work conscientiously, continuous self-education and professional improvement, strict observance of moral ethical standards.

It is necessary to develop a motivating social package in order to reduce the turnover of personnel, especially for highly qualified personnel.

In order to improve the quality of products, as well as improve the quality of labor, it is proposed to introduce the following program for the training, retraining and advanced training of workers of JSC Volgocemmash:

The organization and planning of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel should be carried out by the personnel department based on the company's needs for specialists of various qualifications in the relevant professions, based on quality management, taking into account the prospective development of production, according to requests from the heads of departments.

Develop annual long-term plans for personnel training on the basis of applications from heads of departments, agree with the chief engineer and chief accountant, approve the general director of JSC Volgocemmash.

Create the Council of Volgocemmash JSC for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel as an advisory body to consider the most important and promising issues on vocational training. This council should also be an examination certification committee headed by the chief engineer. The council should include the heads of services and departments of the plant.

The chief engineer will be in charge of the vocational training.

The head of the personnel department, engineers, skilled workers should be responsible for the full implementation of training programs and for the quality of professional training of workers.

) Training of workers.



Introduce a system of attestation of workers, for which, once every three years, create an attestation commission from the heads of the enterprise: attestation of workers should be carried out on the basis of foremen's recommendations on the basis of professiograms.

These measures should be fixed in the collective agreement of OJSC “Volgocemmash”.

The workers' training program includes:

) All newly hired workers who do not have a profession (specialty) must undergo vocational training in the amount of the requirements of the qualification characteristics of the initial qualification level in the profession and according to the approved program.

) The personnel and labor protection department must send new workers to study at educational institutions in the city of Togliatti after registration for work in accordance with the current labor legislation.

The professional promotion process should be based on the following stages.

When applying for a job, young specialists undergo safety training conducted by a foreman.

The briefing is an explanation and demonstration of working techniques directly at the workplace and is carried out by the foreman at the initial commissioning of the worker.

During the briefing, workers are informed about the operating hours of the enterprise. The place of work of the worker is shown, information on safety measures at the workplace and throughout the enterprise is carried out. The worker signs in the Journal of introductory briefing, Journal of primary briefing, Journal of briefing on fire safety rules.

In addition, the foreman instructs on the requirements for the quality of the products.

Then a mentor is assigned to the young specialist for a period of 3 to 12 months. For the work of a mentor, a monthly bonus of 10% of the salary is provided.

Mentoring is formalized by order, stating the responsibility of the mentor for the training of the worker, the duration of the training and the level of additional payments for training the mentor. After the expiration of the training period for a young specialist established for each specialty, the worker is certified, a category is assigned and wages are raised. In the case of successful certification of the worker, a one-time mentor reward is made in the amount of 50% of the salary.

The benefits of mentoring are clear because the training takes place in the workplace and is characterized by direct interaction with normal work in a normal work situation. The defining characteristic here is that training is organized and carried out for a specific person in a specific profession, taking into account the specifics of production. Mentoring is preferable for developing the skills required for a particular job.

Mentoring is divided into three periods:

the period of exercises when typical techniques and operations are shown, mastered and consolidated;

the period of performance of educational and production tasks, when with the help of mastered typical techniques and operations, a number of gradually more complicated tasks and their combinations are performed;

the period of independent work, when the trainee performs work in the workplace, which he will take after training, gets used to independent work.

The third period ends with a qualification test.

The task of the mentors:

instill in students professional skills;

teach the most rational working techniques based on the experience of the mentor;

master the norms of production, the achievement of quality indicators.

The process of self-education of workers is of great importance, since it is associated with the individual characteristics of a person in the assimilation of knowledge. The task of mentors and trainers is to teach workers to use primary sources.

At JSC Volgocemmash, a survey of 30 workers was conducted regarding their attitude to self-learning. 9 people answered that they have some difficulties in studying special literature. Almost a third of the surveyed students stated that they hardly find the most important ideas on the topic of training in the sources recommended for self-study. 11 people noted incomplete knowledge of the scientific content of the concepts and categories used. 2 people stated that they did not know how to generalize the ideas presented by the author; 4 people refer to the inability to apply the studied material directly in the production process. Only 4 people out of 30 respondents do not experience any of the above difficulties.

Thus, it can be seen that the workers of OJSC "Volgocemmash" are experiencing difficulties with self-training.

Workers must be trained to use primary sources. For workers, it is necessary to organize a seminar in order to overcome difficulties in the study of primary sources. You can orientate in different ways. For example, simply indicate which ideas are on which pages of the original source. Give similar examples on the application of knowledge from the primary source, etc.

The in-house system of advanced training should be carried out in the following areas: advanced training; training in the quality of work; safety training.

An analysis of the provision of employees with a social package revealed that at Volgocemmash OJSC social programs are extremely small, which affects labor discipline, since it reduces the commitment of employees to the enterprise.

It is proposed to include the following activities in a motivating social package:

.Conclude a contract for medical care for employees of the enterprise.

The proposed social programs will help reduce staff turnover and improve employee health and work discipline.

3.2 Development of a plan for increasing the professional competence of employees and calculating the economic efficiency of the project

In order to improve labor discipline, it is necessary to increase the interest of personnel in high-quality and productive work. For this, it is proposed to improve the personnel training system in order to improve their qualifications. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a plan-schedule for training workers in the following areas: practical training in specialties; practical tasks; seminars on the study of advanced production experience, advanced techniques and labor methods. To fix in the order the persons responsible for the training (foremen, foremen, skilled workers).

The purpose of practical training is to consolidate theoretical knowledge and apply this knowledge in practice, develop independent thinking. Conduct training in the form of an interview. As a rule, the interview ends with the study of the topic of full involvement of the participants in the active process of collective discussion and reflection on the topic, it allows to reveal the knowledge and opinions of the listeners on complex issues.

Starting the interview, the instructor defines in the introduction the direction of the collective discussion, reminds the content of the topic, sets the main task, identifies the main questions. The introduction lasts up to 10-15 minutes. Next, the instructor invites the audience to speak. Preparing for the interview, the instructor needs to think over the questions in advance, corresponding to the activation of the audience, the development of discussion, polemics.

The most effective method of conducting practical exercises is the method of practical exercises. The purpose of this method is to instill in students the skills of analyzing and evaluating certain facts, phenomena, situations; learn to draw generalizations and conclusions, develop recommendations and participate in their implementation. Speeches of listeners with thematic conversations contributes to the development of their ability to clearly formulate and freely express their thoughts, to defend their beliefs.

Advantages of the practice method:

allows workers to learn from the experiences of other organizations;

promotes the development of practical skills in making group decisions, effective discussion;

concretizes the studied theoretical approaches.

Despite the many positive aspects of this method of teaching, the instructor should remember that practical exercises are not an end in themselves, but a means that helps students to creatively master knowledge and apply this knowledge in practice.

In the process of practical tasks, practical exercises are conducted on mastering the methods of working on complex equipment under the guidance of a mentor and masters using the copying method, i.e. automatic repetition of techniques of work on complex equipment.

Training in the quality and safety of work should be carried out in the form of seminars on a monthly basis with the involvement of a safety engineer and a specialist from the head of the laboratory for quality control of raw materials and finished products ("School of Quality").

At the seminars, practical situations are analyzed, violations of safety regulations that have occurred during work; the main reasons for product defects are described; workers are trained according to special programs that are aimed at studying the ISO 9000 quality system; the facts of advanced experience at similar enterprises, both domestic and foreign, are given. Workers are informed about penalties for producing low-quality products, rewards for high-quality work, and avoiding violations of safety rules.

The seminar is structured according to the principle: first, listening to the instructor's report, then discussion.

To improve the qualifications of workers at the expense of the enterprise, the following measures are recommended:

) Training at a university for qualified workers in order to secure them in production and transfer to engineering and technical personnel.

) Courses for foremen are created in order to form a reserve of foremen from among the most advanced workers. Their goal is: to increase the level of knowledge in such areas as production and management, improve the quality of products, labor legislation, as well as labor protection;

) Refresher courses in specialties approved by the general director. So, for example, for the adjusters of automatic lines, once every 3 years, conduct vocational training to confirm qualifications;

) Targeted courses for studying new equipment and technology, issues of improving product quality, labor protection, etc.

) Training in related professions. For example, an equipment repairman is trained to be an automatic line adjuster; the confectionery mixture preparer is being trained as a product quality controller;

To conduct training in training centers in Togliatti. By profession, an adjuster of automatic lines, a locksmith, a repairman, a controller, as well as in the areas of quality and labor protection, conclude a training agreement with the Training Center of JSC AVTOVAZ.

Introduce a system of attestation of workers, for which, once every three years, create an attestation commission from the heads of the enterprise: attestation of workers should be carried out on the basis of foremen's recommendations on the basis of professiograms. For the personnel department to develop professiograms of working processions by category and by specialty. An example of a professiogram is given in Appendix 6. In the case of training workers in third-party educational organizations, certification is carried out by commissions of educational institutions with the issuance of certificates and certificates of awarding or advanced training (category).

Thus, the strengthening of labor discipline is based on the achievement of interest in training and retraining and advanced training of personnel, which ultimately leads to the release of high-quality products, an increase in wages. These activities are achieved as a result of professional development, consisting in:

introduction of mentoring;

on-the-job training;

training in courses, seminars, universities;

introduction of the certification system.

The plan of professional training of workers of OJSC "Volgocemmash" is presented in table 3.1.

Table 3.1. The plan of professional training of the personnel of OJSC "Volgocemmash" for 2014

№№ ппPlanned activitiesResponsible personNumber of staff training Practical tasks Master, mentors, skilled workers Newly hired, everyone 1 time per month 6. Seminars on advanced production methods Master 3 groups by work profile: machine operators, production technology, controllers 1 time per quarter 3 lessons by profile 7. Quality school Chief engineer All workers 2 times a year 8. Safety Engineer Safety Engineer All workers in accordance with the legislation 9. Training at a university; Head of HR department; 2 persons by correspondence; 10. Training at training centers; Head of HR department; NS

The cost estimate for the proposed vocational training system for workers in 2014 is presented in Table 3.2. Table 3.2

Costs of vocational education

Types of vocational education Number of students Tuition cost Tuition costs, rubles 1. Training at the University 240 00080 0002. Courses for foremen at the VAZ Training Center 610 00060 0003. Advanced training at the VAZ Training Center: mechanics-repairmen; - adjusters of automatic lines; - inspectors 10 10 6 6 000 6 000 4 500 60 000 60 000 27 0004. Targeted courses at the VAZ Training Center: - quality improvement courses; - occupational safety courses; - courses for mastering new technology 4 6 6 5 000 5 000 8 000 20 000 30 000 48 0005. Training in related professions at the VAZ Training Center 2010 000 200 0006. Additional payment for mentoring * 30-1657 500 TOTAL: 982 242 500

Funding for training, retraining and advanced training should be carried out from the profit of the enterprise. The gross profit of the enterprise for 2014 is planned at a level not less than the level of 2013, i.e. 136,989 thousand rubles

Thus, vocational training will cover 100% of the staff in terms of in-plant training; 100% of newly hired employees were mentored and 18.42% in refresher courses in training centers and universities.

Responsibility for the implementation of the personnel training program should be entrusted to the personnel department, which makes the timely execution and safety of the protocols of the factory examination commission, as well as for filling out personal cards of employees on the assignment of categories.

The health and safety engineer should be responsible for the timely organization of training and testing of workers' knowledge of safe working conditions.

Divisional leaders should be held accountable for the timely training and development of staff and the timely filing of applications for vocational training.

Applications must be made to the HR and OSH department one calendar month before the start of the next year and adjustments to the proposed training program must be made as necessary.

As a result of the introduction of a training system for workers, 18.42% of workers at OJSC Volgocemmash will get promotions.

The introduction of a vocational training system will increase the promotion within the enterprise and motivation, improve the qualifications of employees, and limit the hiring of "expensive" qualified personnel from outside.

The growth of qualifications allows the employee to perform more complex work and spend less time manufacturing products.

The most important condition for professional development is a better performance of work, which reduces the number of defects and the time to fix it.

Thus, the educational system at the enterprise is able to act as the most important factor in the motivational mechanism precisely because the learning process is impossible without the desire of the students themselves: you cannot force them to learn. Therefore, if there is a desire to learn, there will be a result.

To calculate the economic efficiency, we will use the calculation of the savings in the number of employees due to the implementation of the proposed measures.

As a result, it is expected to obtain the following indicators of strengthening labor discipline:

Reduce the number of rejects, because in the brigades there is not a large percentage of new people on whom time is spent on training, and also the costs of correcting defective products have decreased, due to the rationalization and cooperation of labor operations, the number of employees has been reduced. The savings in number due to the reduction of rejects are calculated using the formula 3.1:

NS h1 = (Bbases- Bpl) xChrab.baz . (3.1)

where e h - conditional release of the number of employees, people; B bases. , B pl. - losses from rejects as a percentage of the cost of production,%. The percentage of rejects is made up of the cost of rejected products 5007 thousand rubles. and accounts for 18.07% of the cost of production; H work base working base = 532 people

NS h1 = (18,07 - 8) x 532 = 53.57 people.

2. There should be a reduction in losses from in-shift downtime, which is calculated using the formula 3.2:

NS h2 = (tcmn.d. base- tcmn.factl) x Hcalc.x Hslave. (3.2)

Frv x K ext

where t cm n.d. base , t cm n.fact - loss of working time due to intra-shift downtime in the baseline and reporting periods, hours; H settlement - the estimated number of personnel, people. H settlement = 735 people; H slave - the share of workers in the total number of industrial and production personnel, H slave = 532/735 = 0.72; F pv - fund of working time of one worker, hour. F pv = 7.8 hours; TO ext - coefficient of performance standards of production, K ext = 0.98 (standard).

NS h2 = (0,5 - 0,4) x 735 x 0.72= 6.93 people

3. The combination of professions and functions will significantly increase the employment time of workers who, according to production conditions, cannot be fully loaded in their main profession. In this case, headcount savings are made according to formula 3.3:

NS ch3 = (H - Hwith) x (ts.- ts.n) . (3.3)


where H is the number of workers who, according to production conditions, cannot be fully employed in their main profession, people. H = 332 people (HR department data); H with - the number of workers combining professions and functions, people. H with = 112 people (HR department data); t s.c - the average time of employment of a worker in the main and combined profession, hour; t s.n - the average time of employment of a worker who does not combine a profession, hour; t cm - the duration of the work shift, hours.

NS ch3 = (332 - 112) x (7.9 - 7.7)= 5.5 people

4. Labor savings due to advanced training is calculated using formulas 3.4 and 3.5:

NS h4 = Hextx? nv (3.4)

N v = ? Nin 2-? Nin 1 (3.5)


where? n v increase in the level of fulfillment of labor standards,%; ? N in 1 ; ? N in 2 - levels of performance of labor standards before and after professional development,%; H ext - the number of workers who have increased the level of compliance with the standards as a result of advanced training (certification), people. Chvn = 532 people

N v = 98 - 96,5 = 1,55%

NS h4 = 532 x 1.5= 7.98 people

5. Saving the number by increasing the working capacity of workers, expressed in a decrease in day-to-day losses of working time due to temporary disability caused by occupational illness or industrial injuries (compliance with safety measures, improvement of working conditions) is determined by the formula 3.6:

NS h5 = (1 - Tburrow sweat) x H slave. bases (3.6)

Fact sweat

where T burrow sweat , T fact sweat - normalized and actual loss time due to temporary disability, hours;

H work base - the number of workers in the base period, people. H working base = 532 people

NS h5 = (1 - 0,1 ) x 532 = 48.36 people.

6. Saving labor by increasing labor activity (with the introduction of incentives and measures to increase the motivation of labor activity) is calculated using the formula 3.7:

NS h6 = (1 - NV.baz) x Chrab.baz (3.7)


where H in base , H in. pl ... - Compliance with production rates in the baseline and planned periods,%.

NS h6 = (1 - 96,5 ) x 532 = 2.74 people.

7. Saving staff due to the discipline of employees (loss of working time) is calculated using the formula 3.8:

NS h6 = tsee n (3.8)


where t see n - intrashift losses, man / hour, t see n = 30.6 people / hour; F vr - working time fund, hour.

NS h7 = 30,6 x 532 = 3.83 people.

8. The increase in labor productivity as a whole due to the savings in number is calculated using the formula 3.9:

NS T = ?NShx 100 (3.9)

H slave base -? e h

where? eh h - headcount savings due to the implementation of the proposed measures, people.

NS h = E h1 + E h2 + E ch3 + E h4 + E h5 + E h6 + E h7 = 53.57 + 6.93 + 5.5 + 7.98 + 48.36 + 2.74 + 3.83 = 130.91 people.

NS T = 130.91 x 100 = 32,63%

Savings on wages (payroll) are calculated using formula 3.10:

NS f.zpl =? E h x Z Wed х Isoc.report . (3.10)

where Zsr. - average salary after the implementation of measures, rubles; I social report ... - the index of social contributions from the payroll, it is equal to 1.3

NS f.zpl = 130.91 x 16.545 x 1.3 = 2815.68 thousand rubles.

Saving semi-fixed costs by increasing the volume of production is calculated using the formula 3.11:

NS pack = Zpackx? n T (3.11)

where Z pack - conditionally fixed income in the planned year, thousand rubles. Z unitary enterprise = 2242.5 thousand rubles;

NS pack = 2242.5 x 32.63= 731.73 thousand rubles.

11. The payback period for investments in personnel training is calculated using the formula 3.12:

T = Zpack (3.12)

NS f.zpl + E pack

T = 2242,5 = 0.63 years

2815,68 + 731,73

The payback period for investments in training will be 0.63 years or 7.6 months, which satisfies the conditions for the payback of monetary investments in a market economy no more than 3 years.

An economic calculation showed that the cost of implementing the proposed measures to improve the training and retraining of workers at OJSC Volgocemmash will amount to 2,242.5 thousand rubles, and the cost savings as a result of implementation will amount to 3,547.41 thousand rubles, which is 1304.91 thousand roubles. more costs.

3.3 Development of a motivational social package and calculation of the economic efficiency of the project

The event on the conclusion of a contract for the medical care of employees will help to maintain and improve the health of workers and their families. This area includes a number of measures aimed at maintaining the health of workers at a level that ensures their successful and reliable professional activity, at creating favorable conditions for improving health.

It is necessary to conclude a contract for the service of workers with a therapist and dentist. Responsibility for the development and implementation of this event, by order of the director, is assigned to the HR manager.

To conclude two contracts: for medical care by a therapist and dental services, a lawyer of the company was involved.

An economist was involved to assess and analyze the costs and economic efficiency of the proposed measure.

The contracting procedure will not bring economic costs to the company.

The monthly cost of the therapist's services will be 6,000 rubles.

The personnel of Volgocemmash OJSC and their family members will be able to visit the dentist twice a week at certain hours, according to the issued coupons.

It is planned to issue 16 coupons to the enterprise every month. A Human Resources Manager will be responsible for distributing dental coupons. The monthly cost of a dentist's services will be 8,000 rubles. Thus, the current costs of paying for services to medical workers will be: (6,000 + 8,000) x 12 = 168,000 rubles. in year.

The introduction of measures for concluding contracts for medical services will reduce staff turnover, which in turn will lead to an increase in labor productivity and, according to the forecast data, the average annual output of 1 worker will increase by about 10%, therefore, the volume of services provided will be 3198854.5 (3956.53x1.1x735 ) thousand roubles.

According to a survey of JSC Volgocemmash personnel, 94.74% of employees expressed their approval for the implementation of measures to conclude a contract for medical care of personnel. 5.26% (these are 2 people) refrained from commenting. Table 3.3 presents the initial data required to calculate the proposed measure.

Table 3.3. Initial data used in calculating measures for concluding a contract for medical care of personnel

Indicator name Quantity Annual volume of works and services rendered before the event, thousand rubles 2908052 Annual volume of works and services provided after the event, thousand rubles 3,198,854 Average annual output per employee, thousand rubles 3956.53 Average headcount before the event, people 735 Average headcount after events, people 735 Wages fund, thousand rubles 151240 Social expenditures,% 32 Conditional fixed costs (cost), thousand rubles 2771063 Costs for the implementation of the event, thousand rubles 168

Using the data in Table 3.3, we will determine the economic effect of the event; we will place the calculation data in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures to conclude a contract for medical care of personnel

Indicator Measurement Method of calculation Calculation Increase in production volume% Р = (О2 - О1) / О1 х 100, where О1, О2 - annual production volume before and after the implementation of the measure Р = (3198854-2908052) / 3198854 х 100% = 9.09 Relative savings number of people Ech = Ch1 x (1 + P / 100) - Ch2, where Ch1, Ch2 - the number of employees before and after the implementation of the measure = 735 x (1 + 9.09 / 100) - 735 = 66 Increase in labor productivity as a result of an increase in output per worker%? PT = (B2 - B1) / B1 x 100, where B1, B2 - output per worker before and after the implementation of the measure B1 = 3956.53; B2 = 3956.53 x 1.0909 = 4316.17? PT = (4316.17-3956.53) / 3956.53 x 100 = 9.09 rubles S / s salary = year x Ech, where year is the average annual salary of one worker s / s salary = 151240/735 x 66 = 13580.73 rub E / s to report. = ES / s salary x 0.3Es / s according to report. = 13580.73 x 0.3 = 4074.22 Savings of conditionally fixed costs per unit of production rub., where Y - conditionally fixed costs; WB and IDP - annual production volume before and after the implementation of the event

NS s / su-n = (2771063/2908052) - (2771063/3198854) х3198854 = 277103.22 Conditional annual savings by event h. RUB e y / g = E s / s s / n + E from / from to ch. + E s / s u-p NS y / g = 13580.73 + 4074.22 + 277103.22 = 294758.17 Annual economic effect from the implementation of the measure thous. RUB e NS = E y / g - Z embedded, where Z embed NS = 294758,17 - 168 = 294590,17Thus, as a result of the implementation of measures to conclude a contract for medical care, according to the calculated data in Table 3.4, labor productivity growth will be 9.09%, salary savings will be 13,580.73 thousand rubles, savings on social benefits will be 4074.22 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect of the proposed event 294,590.17 thousand rubles. Based on this social indicator, it is easy to calculate that it is profitable for an enterprise to keep a dentist on staff.

The next step in improving social programs at the enterprise is to introduce an event for the organization of sanatorium-resort treatment with compensation for treatment in the amount of 50% for employees of the enterprise and 10% for their families.

Maintaining and strengthening the health of workers and their families includes a number of measures aimed at maintaining the health of workers at a level that ensures their successful and reliable professional activity, at creating favorable conditions for improving health and organizing good rest for workers and their families, namely :

Carrying out treatment and prophylactic, sanitary and hygienic, anti-epidemiological work aimed at preventing occupational and infectious diseases, on the basis of the medical and sanitary unit.

On the basis of the enterprise, it is planned to provide first aid, professional and sudden illnesses, preventive vaccinations, vaccinations against various diseases, etc.

Conducting sanitary-prophylactic and rehabilitation-restorative treatment on the basis of the sanatorium-preventorium of the enterprise, as well as on the basis of the sanatorium "Nadezhda" in Togliatti.

Conducting sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation for employees of the enterprise and their family members in sanatoriums and boarding houses on the coast of the Black Sea, Caucasian Mineral Waters, Moscow Region and the Penza Region.

Recuperation and summer recreation of the children of the company's employees in sanatoriums and children's health camps.

The staff of the enterprise independently chooses a sanatorium for sanatorium-resort treatment, negotiates payment for this treatment and provides the company's accounting department with photocopies of receipts for payment, copies of documents of their family members and other documentation necessary for accounting.

The economist makes changes to the company's budget on the line of social security, in accordance with the order to reimburse part of the cost of spa treatment. However, the amount for compensation for sanatorium treatment is planned at the beginning of the year and can be changed only with the consent of the director. In 2014, it is planned to spend the funds remaining with the enterprise for the next period to compensate for sanatorium-resort treatment - retained earnings. Retained earnings in 2013 166 690 thousand rubles. (Appendices 1-3).

In order not to disrupt the process of generating cash at the enterprise, we plan that the enterprise will spend 10% of retained earnings in 2013, which will amount to: 16669 (166690 x 0.1) thousand rubles. in year.

The volume of work performed according to the forecast data will increase by 5% due to a decrease in staff turnover and interest in the result of labor and will amount to 3,053,452 (3956.53 x 1.05 x 735) thousand rubles.

Table 3.5 presents the initial data required to calculate the measures for the organization of sanatorium-resort treatment for employees of the enterprise and their families.

Table 3.5. Initial data used in calculating measures for organizing sanatorium-resort treatment for employees of the enterprise and their families

Indicator name Quantity Annual volume of work and services rendered before the event, thousand rubles 2908052 Annual volume of work and services provided after the event, thousand rubles 3,053452 Average annual output per worker, thousand rubles 3956.53 Average headcount before the event, people 735 Average headcount after events, people 735 Wages fund, thousand rubles 151240 Contributions for social needs,% 32 Conditional fixed costs, thousand rubles 2771063 Costs for the implementation of the event, thousand rubles 16669

Using the data in Table 3.5, we will determine the economic effect of the event; we will place the calculation data in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6. Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures for the organization of spa treatment for employees of the enterprise and members of their families

Indicator Measurement Method of calculation Calculation Increase in production volume% Р = (О2 - О1) / О1 х 100, where О1, О2 - annual production volume before and after the implementation of the measure Р = (3053452-2908052) / 3053452 х 100% = 4.76 Relative savings number of people Ech = Ch1 x (1 + P / 100) - Ch2, where Ch1, Ch2 - the number of employees before and after the implementation of the measure = 735 x (1 + 4.76 / 100) - 735 = 35 Increase in labor productivity%? PT = (B2 - B1) / B1 x 100, where B1, B2 is the output per worker before and after the implementation of the measure B1 = 3956.53 ; B2 = 3956.53 x 1.05 = 4154.36? PT = (4154.36-3956.53) / 3956.53 x100 = 5 Salary savings due to headcount savings, c. rubles s / s salary = year x ech,

where the year is the average annual salary of one worker rub E / s to report. = ES / s salary x0.3Es / s deducted. = 7201.9 x 0.3 = 2160.57 Savings of conditionally fixed costs per unit of production rub., where Y - conditionally fixed costs; WB and IDP - the annual production volume before and after the implementation of the event

Quoted annual savings by event rub.Ey / g = ES / s salary + ES / s according to ch. + ES / s y-n NS y / g = 7201.9+ 2160.57+ 138550.6 = 147913.07 Annual economic effect from the implementation of the measure thous. RUB e NS = E y / g - Z embed where Z embed - costs for the implementation of the event NS = 147913,07 - 16669 = 131244,07

Thus, as a result of the implementation of measures for the organization of sanatorium-resort treatment for employees of the enterprise and members of their families, according to the calculated data in Table 3.6, labor productivity growth will be 5%, salary savings will amount to 7201.9 thousand rubles, savings on social benefits will be is equal to 2160.57 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect from the proposed measure 147675.07 thousand rubles.

Swimming is practically not contraindicated for anyone, therefore the social program of OJSC “Volgocemmash” should include an event for the provision of season tickets to employees of the enterprise for visiting the pool.

The average cost of a subscription for a two-time visit to the USK "Olymp", located at the address: Togliatti, Primorsky Boulevard, 49, is 500 rubles. per month, according to the price list.

It is planned to issue a subscription to the pool for 2 months per year to each employee. The one-time costs of stimulating the labor of employees by providing a subscription to visit the pool will amount to 735,000 (735 x 1,000) rubles.

The volume of work performed according to the forecast data will increase by about 2% due to a decrease in the time spent by employees on sick leave and will amount to 2,966,210 (3956.53 x 1.02 x 735) thousand rubles.

Table 3.7 presents the initial data necessary for calculating measures to stimulate the work of employees by providing a subscription to visit the pool.

Table 3.7. Initial data used in the calculation of measures to stimulate the work of workers by providing a subscription to visit the pool

Indicator name Quantity Annual volume of works and services rendered before the event, thousand rubles 2908052 Annual volume of works and services provided after the event, thousand rubles 2966210 Average annual output per employee, thousand rubles 3956.53 Average number of personnel before the event, people 735 Average number of personnel after events, people 735 Wage fund, thousand rubles 151240 Contributions for social needs,% 32 Conditional fixed costs, thousand rubles 2771063 Costs for the implementation of the event, thousand rubles 735

Using the data in table 3.7, we will determine the economic effect of the event; we will place the calculation data in table 3.8.

Table 3.8. Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures to stimulate the work of employees by providing a subscription to visit the pool

Indicator Measurement Method of calculation Calculation Increase in production volume% P = (O2 - O1) / O1 x 100, where O1, O2 are the annual production volume before and after the implementation of the measure P = (2966210-2908052) / 2966210 x 100% = 1.96 Relative savings in the number of people. Ech = Ch1 x (1 + P / 100) - Ch2, where Ch1, Ch2 are the number of employees before and after the implementation of the Ech measure. = 735 x (1 + 1.96 / 100) - 735 = 14 Increase in labor productivity as a result of an increase in output per worker%? PT = (B2 - B1) / B1 x 100, where B1, B2 - output per worker before after the implementation of the measure B1 = 3956.53; B2 = 3956.53 x 1.0196 = 4034.07? PT = (4034.07-3956.53) / 3956.53 * 100 = 1.96 Savings on wages due to headcount savings, c. rubles S / s salary = year x Ech, where year is the average annual wage of one worker s / s salary = 151240/735 x14 = 2880.76 rub E / s to report. = ES / s salary x 0.3Es / s according to report. = 2880.76 x 0.3 = 864.23 Savings of conditionally fixed costs per unit of production rubles where Y - conditionally fixed costs; WB and IDP - annual production volume before and after the implementation of the event

ES / s y-n = (2771063/2908052) - (2771063/2966210) x 2966210 = 55418.34 Conditional annual savings by event h. RUB e y / g = E s / s s / n + E from / from to ch. + E s / s u-p NS y / g = 2880.76 + 864.23 + 55418.34 = 59163.33 Annual economic effect from the implementation of the measure thous. RUB e NS = E y / g - Z embed where Z embed - costs for the implementation of the event e = 59163.33 - 735 = 58428.33

Thus, as a result of the implementation of measures to stimulate the labor of workers, by providing a subscription to visit the pool, according to the calculated data in Table 3.8, the growth of labor productivity will be 1.96%, salary savings will amount to 2880.76 thousand rubles, savings on social benefits will be equal to 864.23 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect of the proposed measure 58428.33 thousand rubles.

3.4 Summary of economic indicators from the proposed activities

Let us present the result of the proposed measures in the form of a summary table of economic efficiency indicators (Table 3.9)

Table 3.9. Summary table of indicators of economic efficiency of the proposed activities at JSC "Volgocemmash"

Event Increase in production volume (%) Annual economic effect from the implementation of the event (thousand rubles) One-time costs for the implementation of the event (thousand rubles) Improving the professional competence of employees Organization of personnel training 32.633547.472242.5 Development of a motivating social package Concluding a contract for medical care 9.09294590 , 17168 Organization of sanatorium-resort treatment 4.76131244.0716669 Provision of a subscription to visit the pool 1.9658428.3373548.44487810.0419814.5

The overall growth in production after the implementation of the measures will be 48.44%. Volgocemmash will spend 19,814.5 thousand rubles on the implementation of the proposed measures, while the turnover of specialists and engineers will decrease and labor discipline will be strengthened. The annual economic effect from the proposed measures will amount to 487,810.04 thousand rubles. Thus, we can conclude that the proposed measures to strengthen labor discipline are cost-effective and are recommended for use.


High labor discipline is one of the factors in the growth of labor productivity, and often - a reserve for the growth of labor productivity. Economic losses due to low labor discipline are expressed in the following:

) loss of working time due to the absence of an employee at the workplace for unreasonable reasons, such as absenteeism, tardiness, unauthorized absences, etc .;

) a decrease in the collective results of labor, especially in those work collectives where there is a low interchangeability of workers;

) loss of working time associated with the dismissal of employees for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline; in addition, a newly hired employee needs time to adapt to new conditions, during which he only adapts to a new workplace and team;

) breakdowns and downtime of equipment, defects, deterioration in product quality and other violations associated with non-compliance with production technology.

In addition, low labor discipline, its frequent violations set a bad example for highly disciplined workers, disrupt their work, form a negative attitude towards the enterprise, the workforce and management, i.e. do not contribute to the growth of job satisfaction. Oftentimes, disciplined workers begin to violate discipline under such negative influences.

The discipline of labor has both an objective basis and subjective features. Often, a person, regardless of the established rules of the internal labor schedule, is highly disciplined, and there is no need to convince or force him to comply with the established rules. In this regard, the methods of strengthening labor discipline are highlighted, such as persuasion, coercion and encouragement.

Ways and methods of strengthening labor discipline are as follows:

Encouragement for work (announcement of gratitude; issuance of a prize; rewarding with a valuable gift, certificate of honor, etc.). Today, the most effective method is material incentives, so the employer encourages employees who faithfully perform their work duties.

Disciplinary and social measures.

Conviction is associated with the widespread use of educational measures and measures of rewards for work, the use of the power of example.

Considering methods of strengthening labor discipline, the emphasis is on how to ensure that employees comply with it. There is some contradiction here: in the employment agreement (contract), the employee undertakes to comply with the internal labor regulations. Therefore, it is not entirely logical to reward for "responsibilities". It should not be borne in mind that, despite the obligations assumed, employees still violate labor, technological and production discipline at the enterprise.

The second chapter of the thesis analyzes the state of labor discipline at Volgocemmash OJSC. Volgocemmash OJSC is a well-known enterprise in Togliatti that manufactures equipment for the cement industry.

As of 01.01.2013, the number of personnel was 735 people. The share of workers is 72.4%. The average age of employees is 42 years. Women 64%, men 36%. Personnel structure in 2013: engineers and employees - 27.6%, blue-collar workers - 72.4%.

In 2011-2013. there is a decrease in the number of employees of the enterprise. So, in 2012, the number of employees in comparison with 2011 increased by 289 people or by 42.23%. In 2013, compared to 2012, the number of employees decreased by 232 people, or by 24%. The number of workers in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by 287 people or by 59.42% and in 2013 compared to 2012 the number of workers decreased by 238 people or by 30.9%.

The number of engineers and technicians and employees increased in 2013 compared to 2012 by 2 people or by 1.03%. In 2013, the number of engineers and employees in comparison with 2012 increased by 6 people or by 3.05%. At the same time, the number of managers for the period 2011-2013 increased by 8 people, and the number of employees increased over the same period by 6 people.

The level of education of workers is still high - in 2013, the number of workers with higher education is 37%.

The analysis of the use of labor resources and labor productivity in 2013 showed the ineffective use of working time of workers as a result of downtime due to the fault of the enterprise, absenteeism and the provision of additional vacations to employees, while reducing the actual number of personnel. At the same time, the decrease in wages was 28.2%, and the growth in labor productivity was 47.7%.

These indicators indicate an increase in the workload on personnel, despite downtime due to the fault of the enterprise with a simultaneous decrease in wages. If in 2012 the average salary was 18,151 rubles, then in 2013 it was 17,147 rubles. which is 1004 rubles. smaller. This decline is also taking place against the backdrop of an increase in overtime work. Such indicators will undoubtedly cause discontent among staff.

The analysis of labor discipline showed that the main reasons for violation of labor discipline are failure to comply with the orders of the management and improper performance of their labor duties, leading to a deterioration in product quality. Linking the deterioration of quality and deterioration of labor discipline, a survey was conducted of the level of satisfaction with working conditions and labor potential.

The analysis of personnel satisfaction using the method of V.A. showed that the main reason for staff dissatisfaction is the current level of wages and the current situation for training the promotion of workers.

The analysis of labor potential according to the method of L. Ismagilova - T. Gileva showed that the enterprise has an average level of labor potential.

Measures are needed to increase the wages of employees, as well as to improve the professional competence of employees, which will lead to the strengthening of labor discipline.

Also, an analysis of the social package at the enterprise was carried out, which showed that there is no medical service, the enterprise does not have departmental kindergartens, employees do not receive preferential sanatorium-and-spa treatment, and other social problems.

It is necessary to develop measures to strengthen labor discipline.

In order to strengthen labor discipline on the basis of the identified shortcomings, 2 directions are proposed in the third chapter of the thesis: increasing the professional competence of workers and developing a motivating social package.

A system of professional training for the advancement of workers in JSC "Volgocemmash" is proposed, taking into account the specifics of the work of personnel - the main of which are automatic line adjusters, repairmen, automatic line adjusters, and controllers. It consists of the following steps:

) Planning the professional advancement of workers.

) Creation of a coordinating body for professional promotion.

) Training of workers.

) Introduction of a certification system for trained workers.

All workers of OJSC “Volgocemmash” must be trained. Professional training in the system of advanced training and retraining should be continuous and carried out throughout the entire labor activity of employees. The following types of training are provided for workers:



self-study (self-education);

in-plant system of advanced training of workers;

professional training in refresher courses.

Professional training will cover 100% of the personnel in terms of in-house training; 100% of the newly hired employees were mentored and 18.42% of the personnel in the training courses for workers in training centers and universities.

The cost of vocational training in 2014 will amount to 2,242.5 thousand rubles, and the savings as a result of implementation will amount to 3,547.41 thousand rubles, which is 1304.91 thousand rubles. more costs. As a result of training of workers, the growth of labor productivity will grow by 32.63%. The profit of Volgocemmash OJSC after the implementation of the professional promotion system in 2014 will amount to 138293.91 thousand rubles. against 136,989 thousand rubles. in the base year 2013.

The proposed system of social motivation of personnel is designed to both improve the health of personnel and increase the commitment of personnel to the enterprise. The following directions are proposed:

Conclude a contract for medical care for employees of the enterprise.

Introduce measures for the organization of spa treatment with compensation for treatment in the amount of 50% for the employees of the enterprise and 10% for their family members.

Provide employees with subscriptions to swimming pools.

As a result of the implementation of measures to conclude a contract for medical services, the growth of labor productivity will be 9.09%, salary savings will be 13,580.73 thousand rubles, savings on social benefits will be 4074.22 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect from the proposed event 294,590.17 thousand rubles.

As a result of the implementation of measures for the organization of sanatorium-resort treatment for employees of the enterprise and members of their families, labor productivity will increase by 5%, salary savings will amount to 7201.9 thousand rubles, savings on social benefits will be equal to 2,160.57 thousand rubles, and annual economic effect from the proposed measure 147,675.07 thousand rubles.

As a result of the implementation of measures to stimulate the work of employees, by providing a subscription to visit the pool, labor productivity will increase by 1.96%, salary savings will amount to 2880.76 thousand rubles, savings on social benefits will be equal to 864.23 thousand rubles. , and the annual economic effect of the proposed measure 58428.33 thousand rubles.

The practical significance of the thesis lies in the fact that the proposed personnel training system and the development of a motivating social package will contribute to strengthening labor discipline at Volgocemmash OJSC, will not only be unprofitable, but will also bring the company additional profit in the amount of 487,810.04 thousand rubles.


1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts one, two and three) (as amended and supplemented from December 30, 2004).

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Nevertheless, in our society there are frequent cases of violation of labor, production and technological discipline. In the economy, there are still large losses of working time associated with tardiness, truancy, drunkenness and other violations of discipline. To maintain and strengthen labor discipline, methods of persuasion and coercion are combined. Conviction is the main direction of activity in the regulation of social relations, it is associated with the widespread use of educational measures and incentives for work. Coercion is a method of influencing labor discipline violators. Here, social and disciplinary measures are applied. Discipline is ensured, first of all, by the conscious attitude of workers to work and encouragement for conscientious work. The following incentive measures are envisaged: gratitude, awarding, rewarding with a valuable gift, awarding a certificate of honor.

Labor discipline


A special place in strengthening labor discipline is acquiring the ability to correctly use incentives to work and to realize the economic interests of workers. It is impossible to strengthen labor discipline, increase the activity of people without paying attention to their living conditions, to personal interests. Material interest is closely related to the social and production activities of people.

It is a stimulus to work. A characteristic feature of the modern incentive system is that the remuneration of workers directly depends not only on the results of their individual labor, but also on the overall results of the work of all personnel of the enterprise. Conscious discipline arises on the basis of the company's personnel understanding of the unity of goals, which is based on a sense of mutual responsibility of employees for the performance of the work entrusted to them.

Ways and methods of strengthening labor discipline


Such an order on labor discipline is general for the enterprise and must be followed. Methods for strengthening labor discipline. It is possible to understand the state of compliance with labor discipline at the enterprise only by conducting an appropriate analysis: monitoring the performance of employees' work duties, compliance with the daily routine, labor protection rules and instructions for working with equipment, and the like. Based on this analysis, it is possible to draw conclusions about the “weak link” of the enterprise and even then develop and apply appropriate measures to strengthen labor discipline.

Such activities include, for example: regular training of personnel in order to improve their qualifications; introduction of additional incentive measures; strict control of delays (for example, through the introduction of an electronic badge system); hiring personnel only on a competitive basis.

Ways to improve labor discipline

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists the following incentive measures:

  • announcement of gratitude;
  • issuance of prizes;
  • rewarding with a valuable gift;
  • awarding with a certificate of honor;
  • presentation to the title of the best in the profession.

This list is approximate, the internal labor regulations, charters and discipline regulations may provide for other incentives. For special labor services to society and the state, employees can be nominated for state awards. Disciplinary Measures Providing incentives for employees who perform their job duties in good faith, labor legislation also establishes disciplinary measures for violators of labor discipline.

Effective methods of ensuring labor discipline

  • as one of the principles of labor law;
  • an independent institution of labor law (objective property);
  • element of the labor relationship (subjective property);
  • actual behavior.

Labor discipline as a principle of labor law is understood as a guiding principle that permeates all norms of labor law and is associated with the fulfillment of the obligation to observe labor discipline. As an institution of labor law, labor discipline in an objective sense is a set of legal norms that regulate the internal labor schedule of an organization, establish the labor obligations of employees and the employer, determine methods of ensuring labor discipline, incentives for success in work and responsibility for the culpable failure to fulfill these duties.

34 labor discipline: concept and methods of strengthening it

The law also provides guarantees for the employee against the imposition of unauthorized and undeserved measures. Labor discipline rules. Since labor discipline and its observance are decisive factors in the labor relationship between the employer and the employee, each enterprise must have internal documents in which the norms of behavior of each employee of the enterprise, the requirements for the work they perform and the mode of the working day, and so on, must be recorded. in the law and is binding on every head of the enterprise. The labor schedule and labor discipline of employees of the enterprise is prescribed in the internal labor regulations, the draft of which is developed by the management of the enterprise and adopted in agreement with the labor collective (either with the trade union committee, or with the council of workers, or at a general meeting of workers).

Labor discipline at the enterprise and methods of ensuring it

Only one penalty can be imposed for one offense. An entry is made in the work book only about the dismissal of the employee. To the content Incentive measures Incentive measures, as already mentioned above, include material (bonuses, allowances, valuable gifts) and non-material (certificates of honor, presentation to local and state awards, honorary titles) actions. The procedure for encouraging employees at the enterprise is established by the management. To the content Strengthening labor discipline In order to determine the state of the implementation of labor discipline at the enterprise, there is a special formula that calculates the coefficient of labor discipline by determining the number of violators from the total number of the average staff of the enterprise and by calculating the percentage of lost working time.

Methods for strengthening labor discipline

The leading place is taken by the method of persuasion as the main way of strengthening labor discipline, since it is the principle of employee behavior in the labor process, the principle of consciousness and self-discipline. The method of education is used mainly as an auxiliary means of ensuring labor discipline. Its main purpose is to instill in the employee a sense of conscientious and honest attitude to work.

Methods of persuasion, education, as well as encouragement for conscientious work can be both moral and material in nature and are applied by the administration jointly or in agreement with the trade union body of the enterprise. The internal labor regulations of each given work collective are approved by them on the proposal of the administration and the trade union body.

Legal regulation of labor discipline

Internal labor regulations of an organization - a local regulatory act of an organization that regulates, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, the procedure for admitting and dismissing employees, basic rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties to an employment contract, working hours, rest time, incentive measures applied to employees, and penalties, as well as other issues of regulation of labor relations in the organization. Strengthening labor discipline Labor discipline in organizations is ensured by creating the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal, highly productive work, a conscious attitude to work, methods of persuasion, education and encouragement. In relation to individual unscrupulous employees, disciplinary measures are applied where necessary.

Legal means of strengthening labor discipline

  • fulfillment of their work duties not in full, not in accordance with the established quality criteria;
  • disclosure of commercial secrets of the enterprise;
  • violation of labor protection rules, which led to an accident or accident;
  • refusal to undergo training or medical examination, if it is necessary for high-quality and qualified performance of work duties;
  • direct disregard of the orders of the head;
  • violation of subordination;
  • deliberate failure to comply with the requirements of instructions and orders.
  • rebuke;
  • comment;
  • dismissal.

The imposition of disciplinary sanctions not provided for by federal laws is not allowed.

Labor discipline, or labor discipline, is a general set of rules and regulations governing the behavior of employees during the implementation of collective activities.

We will tell you in this article about the ways in which it is supported in the enterprise and what is the responsibility for its violation.

Basic concepts

The discipline of work can be considered in one of four aspects:

  • One of the tenets of labor law... Labor discipline in this case is understood as a kind of governing principle that runs through all labor standards.
  • Autonomous Institute of Labor Law... Labor discipline is the commonality of all labor standards that exist in a particular organization, the main function of which is considered to be the establishment of the schedule, the norms of the working day and the relationship of a labor nature between the employee and the employer. Remuneration and punishment measures are negotiated in the course of standard setting.
  • Component of labor relations... This aspect is a subjective property of labor discipline and is characterized by the creation of various norms of behavior of workers - both for each person individually and for the entire work collective as a whole. The basis for the establishment of specific norms is the employment contract signed by the parties (or any other document that prescribes the rules for the establishment of labor relations).
  • Actual employee behavior... In this case, the actual behavior of each employee in the team is assessed. In other words, the degree of fulfillment by him of those norms and regulations that are in the employment contract.

There are three levels of labor discipline:

  • high (when practically all the necessary regulations are strictly observed by the absolute number of employees);
  • medium (when labor standards are met, but part of the team can afford some deviations);
  • low (when the majority of employees do not observe discipline, allowing multiple violations and deviations).

For more information on this concept, you can glean from the following video:

Meaning, goals and objectives

Labor discipline is essential for the normal functioning of enterprises and organizations of any level. An adequate and productive working environment in the team is possible only if its standards are observed.

All points related to the discipline are clearly spelled out in, which are developed by the management of any organization or firm.

  • increasing the level of efficiency of each individual employee in the team and the entire team as a whole;
  • improving the quality characteristics of labor productivity;
  • ensuring the reasonable use of the time of the working day;
  • maintaining comfortable and safe working conditions for each employee of the enterprise;
  • promotion of labor protection and health.

Its main task is to achieve the highest level of labor and reduce to a minimum all kinds of incidents in production.

Methods of providing it

In general, labor discipline is maintained by creating special conditions to stimulate conscientious workers and punish those who have made a mistake.

There is a whole range of measures that are aimed solely at maintaining discipline:

  • formation of close-knit and efficient labor collectives;
  • drawing up a list of clear rules, both general and in relation to each employee;
  • increasing the level of organizational skills of persons holding leading positions in the organization.

According to the existing legislation of our country, there are only two ways to ensure the proper level of labor discipline: incentives or various bonuses and penalties or fines.

  • Encouragement is a public recognition by the management of any merits of a particular employee and his reward. Promotion is most often of a material nature, since money or profit is one of the main engines of the production process.
  • Cash bonuses are given in the form of various awards for successfully completed work.
  • In some cases, it can be applied moral incentive aimed at improving labor discipline. These methods include all kinds of certificates, gratitude or the assignment of honorary titles, for example, "employee of the month."

Most often, the encouragement is individual, however, in some cases there are rewards for entire teams or groups of people.

The rules for issuing and the amount of bonus payments are regulated by the employer itself. The main rule is that the award should stimulate the employee for further activities and compliance with labor standards, which means that it should correspond to the interests of the distinguished person.

The bonus can be not only in the form of a direct cash payment, but also be issued in the form of payment for training an employee in any advanced training courses or an increase in monthly salary as the person's skill grows.

Also, a conscientious employee may be given additional benefits in the form of a trip to a sanatorium or additional days off to the vacation period.

Another method of encouraging an employee is to place him on an honorary board located directly in the organization. Usually on such a board is placed a photograph of the distinguished person and a couple of lines announcing his achievements.

In addition, some enterprises may adopt some of their own methods of encouraging personnel. And those persons who have especially important services to both the organization and the state may even be nominated for various state awards and prizes.

Responsibility for its violation

There are many situations that can be attributed to violations of labor discipline. Among them:

  • violation of labor protection rules;
  • truancy;
  • regular tardiness and early leaving at the end of the working day;
  • embezzlement or theft of company or enterprise property;
  • non-compliance with the requirements of the authorities;
  • regular failure to comply with their job descriptions.

Punishment of an employee who has violated labor rules is carried out in the form of disciplinary action through the use of various. The basis for these penalties is the fact of a disciplinary offense. This term conceals any violation of labor discipline norms, as well as an inadequate level of implementation of their professional duties.

Punishment can also be material or moral. It all depends on the severity of the offense and the decision of the leading persons, however, the degree of punishment should coincide with the rules prescribed in a particular legislative document.

  • Penalties should not violate the rights that each employee has, but should coincide in meaning with the interpretation of the law, which also contains measures to protect the employee from excessive or unacceptable penalties.
  • Intangible methods of exposure include reprimand, reprimand, severe reprimand, as well as dismissal... These sanctions are imposed either by a person in a leading position at the enterprise, or by one of his deputies.

A single comment does not cause any harm to the employee, however, several comments in a row can be transformed into a reprimand. When a reprimand and a severe reprimand are issued, an order is issued on this fact, but no entry is made in the work book. The order is invested in the employee's personal file. Upon dismissal, a record of this is entered into the labor record. In addition, most organizations have a special journal where records of the fact of a disciplinary offense are recorded.

When imposing a particular punishment, a number of additional factors must be taken into account, such as the circumstances of the offense, the general behavior of the employee, his past achievements or merits and other mitigating circumstances, as well as the severity of the offense and the presence of possible consequences.

Before imposing a disciplinary sanction, an employee must be required to write an explanatory note, which must indicate all the moments of the committed misconduct.

After that, an act on the offense is drawn up, and the issue of punishment is submitted for consideration. It is important to know that the refusal of the explanatory does not relieve a person of a possible penalty.

For any offense, whatever its severity, you can impose only one penalty, and the punishment should be imposed within one month from the date of the misdemeanor(vacation or sick leave is not taken into account). An order to impose one or another disciplinary sanction is issued to the punished person against a personal signature.

The punishment can be material in nature only if the fact of causing material damage to the enterprise or its property has been proven.

All points related to the employee's liability must be clearly spelled out in the employment contract, which is signed when applying for a job. There is group and individual liability of a material nature.

Any penalty by the decision of the company's management can be lifted. However, this must be done within one year from the date of its imposition. If, after this time, the employee has not committed repeated violations, then it is considered that he does not have any disciplinary violation.

Discipline is the norm for effective work. Why does a person need to comply with the requirements of discipline? Without observance, the principles of organizing the labor process in time and space are violated. This leads to chaos and confusion. The activity itself and its effectiveness are called into question, since they are deprived of the direction of the process.

Discipline is order

In any business, order is necessary. Especially when it comes to the organization of the labor process. Enterprises of various forms of ownership - state, municipal, commercial, charitable - necessarily develop the Regulation on internal regulations, which spells out the requirements of labor discipline in the organization and defines the responsibility for their violation.

In order to achieve a result, a person must be endowed with the awareness of the need to follow the rules. Already in elementary school, children are taught to elementary norms of behavior. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline in each subject teach the student to hear the rules and follow them to complete the set educational task.

Education as a way to teach order

Education begins with familiarization with the requirements for a particular person. In kindergarten - daily routine. At school - the educational process. In adulthood - in If you skip one of the stages, you can disrupt the general order of human socialization.

The first experience of discipline is obedience to elders, knowledge of the place for each thing, adherence to the daily routine, the ability to hear demands and carry out assignments. How all these actions are reminiscent of the labor regulations in an adult team! Therefore, the truth is very simple - without instilling a skill for order in childhood, it is difficult to maintain discipline and accept these rules in a more mature age.

Observing labor discipline at school means fulfilling the requirements for students in form, appearance, behavior in the classroom and after school hours, for homework.

The system of school education includes requirements for the development of an academic discipline. In case of compliance with these requirements - the volume and quality of knowledge based on the results of mastering the course, the student receives a certificate certifying the compliance of the graduate's intellectual level with educational standards.

Why does a person need to comply with the requirements of discipline?

If there is a procedure for behavior and activity, regulated by legal norms or local internal documents, the following results are achieved:

  • Clarity of the criteria for requirements and control for all participants in the process.
  • Understanding the consequences of failing to comply with discipline requirements.
  • Efficiency.
  • Product quality.
  • Strengthening the internal connections of the community based on the distribution of rights and responsibilities of the participants.

How is discipline organized in a team?

For the organization of work, an Order is issued on the approval of the Regulations on the internal work schedule. It determines the mode of work and rest at the enterprise, the conditions for observing safety measures, and work standards that are mandatory.

If the production is classified as dangerous, or risk situations may arise, the employee's obligation to observe labor discipline is an official requirement imputed to him during employment.

The employee must be familiar with the internal regulations when applying for a job under a personal signature. They are necessary for execution and must be obligatory for every employee. If the rules go unchecked, it can lead not only to general negligence, but also to completely destroy the organization from the inside. Lack of discipline is a sure sign of a poor management environment.

In case of violation of the Internal Regulations, the employee is subject to administrative and disciplinary sanctions; in case of repeated violations, he may be dismissed.

What are the provisions of the house rules?

Internal regulations are an internal local regulatory document that defines the labor regulations of an enterprise.

  • Basic provisions. It informs about the purpose of the development of the document and its addressee (for whom the Rules were developed).
  • The procedure for the admission and dismissal of employees. The criteria for hiring and firing employees are specified.
  • Work and rest mode. The beginning and end of work, technological breaks, the procedure for organizing shifts and other labor standards are determined.
  • The rights and responsibilities of employees and the employer of the enterprise.
  • The system of bonuses and incentives for work results.

In addition to the internal regulations, there are other employment contracts and technical obligations. In general, they organize the order of work in the organization, serve to strengthen discipline at the enterprise.

What are the consequences of non-observance of labor discipline?

It is clear that any discipline is a person's way. Therefore, it is important that a person understands and accepts the rules not as external pressure, but as a conscious internal need for order.

If the internal regulations are not fully complied with or are directly ignored, disciplinary sanctions are applied to the offender, provided for by the Federal Law of June 30, 2006 No. 90-FZ:

  • Comment.
  • Rebuke.
  • Dismissal.

An explanation is required before a disciplinary action is taken on an employee. If it is not submitted within two days, an act is drawn up. Refusal to provide an explanation on the part of the employee does not preclude the imposition of disciplinary action. The period from the moment of the misconduct to the moment of collection should not exceed two months.

Discipline execution control

Certain types have special labor discipline requirements.

For example, the organization of financial control at an enterprise is an important element of financial discipline - compliance with the established procedure for the formation, distribution and use of funds.

In particular, checking compliance with cash discipline involves the implementation of procedures for accounting for cash flows at the enterprise and the timely reflection of this process in the accounting documents.

Compliance check is mandatory for a financially responsible person at the enterprise - a cashier or another person who is charged with work at the cash register. The control function is one of the main functions in the organization's management system.

Discipline Responsibility Limits

Responsibility for maintaining discipline can extend beyond the enterprise scale. The internal documents of the organization often provide for a rule of nondisclosure of trade secrets, which is valid for a certain time after leaving the organization. The employee's obligation to observe labor discipline in terms of non-disclosure of secrets remains for the entire period stipulated by the contract. Violation of this provision is subject to punishment in court within the framework of the current legislation.

Quality and discipline

The order ensures quality in all areas of activity. For this, it is very important to follow the production regulations at every stage of the technological process. Only then will the product meet the required standards. Control over the observance of technological discipline is within the competence of the foreman of the production site or a special service. The job description prescribes the procedure for this control and the corresponding rights and obligations of the participants in the technical process.

Monitoring compliance with technological discipline is also important for the safety of workers. Because it is violations at this stage that are fraught with serious accidents and threaten the life and health of people. Labor discipline as a form of safety is especially important in enterprises with complex industries. At military industry enterprises with high-tech production lines, even the slightest violation of the technology stages is impossible.

Communication discipline and its requirements prescribe strict observance for its provision and the implementation of measures in the military security system of the Russian Federation. It is also a certain technical process, which is of colossal importance for maintaining the country's defense capability at the proper level.

External and internal order

The rules prescribed from the outside do not always take into account the interests of a particular person; they often limit his freedom for the benefit of other people. You need to be able to negotiate, and if a person does not accept this procedure, it is advisable for him to refuse to participate in labor activities.

Discipline is the natural norm of society. The habit of following the established order allows a person to organically fit into any work process. And not only, order in the family should be the first stage in the education of a member of society. Unlike the animal world, where order is established by the natural laws of nature, in human society it itself prescribes norms of behavior.

The order begins with the person himself. He should be in his head first. In this case, the habit of following the order and making suggestions for its improvement will lead to a conflict-free way of life, which is why a person needs to comply with the requirements of discipline.

Self-discipline as an element of personality culture

Following the prescribed norms of society is sometimes much easier than organizing your own life. And what is recognized as a rule if the discipline is determined only by ideas about one's own behavior? Why does a person need to observe the requirements of discipline in relation to himself, and is there a need for this?

This process is more complex, requiring an understanding of the psychological nature of this phenomenon. Self-organization and subordination of personal interests to one goal is a natural process for a purposeful person. In this case, the subject of his interest himself draws up the rules for following him.

If self-discipline has a purely formal reason, for example, as a tribute to fashion, or the goal is recognized formally, but in fact does not correspond to the spirit of the person, then this will be not only an unsuccessful, but also a dangerous process for the psyche of the subject of its self-development.

Freedom and discipline: how to highlight accents?

Discipline always means following a strict order. If the norms of this order are alien to a person, but for various reasons he is obliged to follow them, what can this lead to?

The only way to reconcile these points is to realize the need to follow external preset rules. For example, if a person in the process of studying is obliged to fulfill the requirements for mastering an academic discipline that is not interesting to him, is not needed in practice?

You can approach these requirements formally and fulfill them for, say, obtaining a certificate. This will be a less time-consuming and energy-intensive event than proving to the whole world the inexpediency of studying it.

Discipline is a conscious need that must be accepted as a personal need.

Each enterprise, organization or institution must have specific rules and norms of behavior. They help to maintain the necessary order at the enterprise and ensure high efficiency of personnel.

This article will discuss how to deal with these situations. It will tell you what preventive measures can be taken and what needs to be done in the event of a violation by someone

from the employees of the internal labor regulations established by you.

After reading this brochure, you will know how to properly draw up a kind of disciplinary code for personnel. A disciplinary code can also be called differently: for example, a statute or a discipline statement.

Let's first find out what is meant by a “disciplinary code”.

2. Disciplinary Code of the Enterprise

your employees should definitely know well:

  • safety rules;
  • rules of conduct in your workplace;
  • their labor standards;
  • basic rules of the enterprise,

    as well as a number of other issues related to the activities of the enterprise.

    In addition, staff should be familiar with the requirements of the discipline statement you have developed.

    You are obliged to immediately familiarize your employees with the internal labor regulations, and the personnel, in turn, are obliged to strictly and strictly abide by them in the process of their work.

    You can inform your employees about the basic requirements of the disciplinary code by including its main provisions in the text of the employment contract.

    This is necessary for a number of reasons. Every employee should immediately understand the following:

  • You will take decisive steps to maintain work discipline;
  • you will have to bear responsibility for any misconduct;
  • the degree of punishment will depend on the severity of the offense;
  • in case of disagreement with the disciplinary sanction, your decision can be appealed in the manner prescribed by law.

    To this end, you must explain to your employees:

  • in what cases the disciplinary action will be applied;
  • how it will be applied;
  • what types of penalties you can apply;
  • under what conditions can a disciplinary sanction be lifted.

    It should be borne in mind that you can not only punish your employees for misdemeanors and violations of labor discipline, but also reward for exemplary performance of work duties, increased productivity and other achievements in work.

    You can:

  • declare gratitude;
  • issue a prize;
  • to reward with a valuable gift, a certificate of honor;
  • submit to the title of the best in the profession.

    In addition, those employees who successfully and conscientiously perform their work duties can be provided with additional benefits: pay partially or fully for vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes, help in solving housing problems, etc.

    As practice shows, most entrepreneurs still have to deal with various misconduct on the part of their staff. Therefore, now let's look at what violations of labor discipline are.

    3. Violations of labor discipline

    What misconduct is disciplined?

    It is almost impossible to list all possible cases of violation of labor discipline. Nevertheless, you can, in a sense, guide your employees, what kind of punishment this or that misconduct may entail. In particular, the severity of the offense can be determined.

    As a rule, various types of labor discipline violations divide

    into two groups: minor misconduct and serious violations. Naturally, the degree of punishment will depend on the severity of the offense committed. This will be discussed below.

    Minor misdemeanors include, for example:

  • being late for work;
  • absenteeism;
  • poorly performed service assignment.

    Serious violations of labor discipline include the systematic repetitive misconduct discussed above, as well as:

  • intentional damage to property;
  • refusal to comply with the requirements of the authorities;

    theft of personal belongings of employees and theft of property


  • deception of the management of the enterprise.

    This is only part of the possible misconduct of the staff.

    Make your own list of possible labor discipline violations.

    Next to each type of violation, indicate the degree of its severity.

    Do you have internal work rules and disciplinary codes?

    Are they mentioned in the text of the employment contract?

    Are your internal work rules available to each employee?

    To what extent do your internal labor regulations reflect all aspects of the business of the enterprise?

    Are they referring to possible disciplinary action?

    Have you defined clearly enough which violations are minor and which are serious?

    If you have helpers, do they know well what is required of them?

    Do your employees know what types of disciplinary action exist and what

    How to apply them?

    Have you thought about the procedure for using oral

    Remarks and reprimands?

    Who else could monitor compliance with labor

    Disciplines in your enterprise?

    Do you intend to refer some questions about labor discipline violation to the employees' representative body?

    Does your discipline statement provide

    Cases of immediate dismissal of employees for certain types of misconduct?

    Do your employees know enough how they should behave in the workplace?


    You can immediately dismiss your guilty employee, for example, in the event of a flagrant violation of labor discipline or actions that pose a great danger to the business of the enterprise.

    In these cases, it is necessary to request a written explanation from the offending employee and / or enlist the support of witnesses.

    12. Results

    An entrepreneur simply needs to have specific rules, internal labor regulations and discipline regulations, with the help of which it is possible to maintain labor discipline at the enterprise that ensures the coordinated, efficient work of all employees.

    Each employee must clearly know how to behave in his workplace.

    Household rules and discipline will help your staff maintain the correct work style.

    your employees should be aware that there are such rules and regulations on the basis of which you will consider all misconduct and violations of labor discipline committed by the personnel.

    The discipline statement will help to establish norms of behavior and improve the quality of staff performance.

    It is especially important to have internal work rules and discipline clauses in terms of the justification for dismissing employees when it comes to court.

    If an employee you dismissed is going to appeal your decision, the motives and procedure for dismissing this employee will be of great importance.

    Getting your staff to adhere to the disciplinary code will make it much easier for you to run your business. After all, labor discipline is the key to high-performance work.