Marianna (Maryana). The meaning of the name Marianna

Marianna (Maryana).  The meaning of the name Marianna
Marianna (Maryana). The meaning of the name Marianna

Marianna is a beautiful female name, but what does it promise its owner? To answer this question, you need to resort to a versatile analysis: from origin to letter-by-letter analysis of the name.

Name origin

The name Marianna comes from the Roman generic Marianus - "from the family of Mary", "belonging to Mary." Marianus, in turn, comes from the male name Marius - "dedicated to Mars (god)".

Mars (Greek Ares) - the ancient god of war and masculinity

There is also a version that Marianna (and the folk form of the name Maryana) came from a combination of the names Maria and Anna. Collectively, these names mean "sad grace" or "sad beauty."

There is also a Jewish theory of the origin of the name from the traditional Miriam - "she who raises."

Name Forms

The name Marianna (Maryana) is abbreviated as follows:

  • marianka
  • Maryanka
  • Riana
  • Maryasya
  • Mariaha
  • Maryasha
  • marianita

Table: name in other languages

church name

The name Marianna is not in the church calendar, therefore, at baptism, the girl takes the name Marianma. This name was common in the royal dynasty of Herodias and is a Hellenized (Greek) version of the traditional Hebrew name Miriam. The patron saint of Marianne is the sister of the Apostle Philip, the righteous Marianma (in Catholic Christianity - equal to the apostles). She was canonized for the humble spread of Christianity with her brother-apostle.

Marianma the Righteous - patron saint of Marianna

Marianna celebrates her birthday on January 23, March 2, March 13, April 27, May 26, June 12, June 22, July 30, October 13.

Suitable middle names

The name Marianna is combined with patronymics:

  • Yuryevna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Anatolievna;
  • Borisovna.


In Russia, transliteration rules are regulated by GOST 16876–71. According to these rules, the name Marianna is written as follows - MARIANNA. So the name is written on a bank card, in a passport and when placing orders from abroad.

Transliteration rules are necessary for the correct filling of the passport

related names

Related names for Marianne are:

  • Miriam is a traditional Jewish female name;
  • Marius, Marius - Latin male name;
  • Maria and Anna are common female names;
  • Maryan is a Slavic male given name.

Name and character

Today, scientists recognize that the name of a person has a certain power over his character, and, therefore, fate. Theorists of onomastics and anthroponymy (sciences that study proper names) are trying to solve this riddle and find out how a name affects a person. At the moment, there are formed and quite plausible theories that explain this phenomenon:

  • sound theory. According to sound theory, the sound of a name evokes certain associations, supported by images. It can be colors, whole pictures, sounds of familiar phenomena. The name Marianne, according to this theory, can evoke associations with the color red, the chime of bells, the murmur of a stream.
  • association theory. The sound of the name can also be reminiscent of other similar words. In this case, the meaning of similar words is transferred to the bearer of the name - there is a combination of associative series. So, the name Marianna is similar to the words “haze”, “daisy”, therefore it can evoke associations with a hot summer day in a field strewn with flowers.
  • Social theory. Adherents of this theory suggest that by the name others can judge the origin, nationality, social status of its carrier. This also applies to Marianne - her name can speak of a high origin, Marianne is often the daughter of wealthy parents who earn intellectual work.

I would like to climb up higher to the sky

Where is free to write a new song

To the heart with motives of warm shores

Always ready to understand you without words

9mm - Marianna

Marianne as a child

Little Marianna pleases her parents with her sunny mood. This child always smiles, hardly whimpers, does not act up and rarely, rarely cries. Cheerful and cheerful, Marianna enjoys spending time with other children, infecting them with her positive attitude. The girl prefers not to get involved in conflicts and, as a rule, manages to nip them in the bud with a good joke or an unobtrusive compliment. True, if a quarrel between the children did occur, Marianne does not know how to behave - she is lost, does not know how to apologize or accept apologies.

At school, Marianne begins to realize that it is not always possible to win over others with just smiles and laughter. Since the love and attention of everyone around without exception is very important for her, she learns to interact with different types of people. She attracts strict teachers and head teachers with her erudition and diligence, which she shows in the lessons; she finds a common language with her classmates, being interested in their hobbies; with their own parents - obedience, good mood and willingness to help with the housework.

Unfortunately, not everyone likes this behavior and popularity. Among Marianne's entourage there are those who consider her a mean and two-faced girl. With all her desire to please everyone and everyone, Marianne will have to remember that, firstly, this is not always possible, and secondly, it is much more important to remain yourself.

Marianne's Talents

Marianne is rarely distinguished by truly brilliant talents. She can excel in the arts, play well in team games and be the best athlete in her class, but this can hardly be called talent - rather, well-developed abilities. Marianna is good in various fields - art, sports and science are equally easy for her. Parents should give little Marianne a choice of hobbies to her liking - whatever she chooses, she will be great at it.

Having matured, Marianne boasts an enviable outlook, which she received thanks to her curiosity and diversified development. A broad outlook and the ability to win over is an excellent quality for such professions as:

  • journalist;
  • PR manager;
  • leader of trainings;
  • writer;
  • realtor.

Relationships and marriage

Marianne's relationship with the opposite sex cannot be called easy. As a rule, she is the object of universal love and adoration, but by the age of majority such attention can spoil her, and she can begin to turn up her nose at young men who do not meet her high standards. Having come up with the ideal image of a prince in adolescence, she can wait until her fortieth birthday for her fabulous chosen one and not notice that living people are strikingly different from the characters she herself invented - and, most likely, for the better.

Marianne often falls in love with the "ideal" Hollywood men - handsome and charming actors and singers, not paying attention to the young men around her.

Marianne, of course, cannot be happily married to a man who even approximates her imaginary prince. His infallibility and correctness will bring her to a gnashing of teeth, and after a short time she will realize that living with such a person is unbearably boring for her. For a life together, Marianne is perfect for a person who can make her laugh - Marianne appreciates a sense of humor in men above all else. She should choose among wealthy people who are ready to leave the girl on the farm and not forcing her to constantly earn money - Marianna feels very comfortable at home, doing household chores and her own hobbies.

Table: compatibility with other names

Alexander Marianne will be fascinated by Alexander - the main thing is that he lives up to her expectations and continues to be romantic and cheerful even after the candy-bouquet period.
Alexei Marianna may find Alexei boring and mundane, but she should take a closer look - his soul hides a lot of beauty, which, upon closer inspection, will charm the girl.
Andrew Andrey's temper and jealousy will frighten off Marianne and will not allow the relationship to last long enough.
Boris Marianne may like Boris due to his natural charm, but attempts to live together will completely destroy any spark that can be ignited between this couple.
Vladislav Vladislav is ready to take control of the life of the family, which will create a comfortable world for Marianna to live and work.
Dmitry A huge number of girls around Dmitry can unnerve Marianne, and she does not dare to take the relationship to a more serious level.
Evgeniy Eugene will like Marianne in a good mood, however, when the young man is not in a good mood, he can frighten Marianne away with his aggressiveness.
Kirill Silent Cyril will intrigue Marianne, but a man can perceive attempts to get closer as windiness and frivolity, which offends Marianne.
Sergey Sergei will not be ready to put Marianne in first place among his mistresses, so the girl will quickly reject his courtship.
Fedor A serious and responsible Fedor may be interested in Marianne as a potential spouse. If a girl shows herself from the best side, then a long romance is possible, which will turn into living together and a strong marriage.
Jan Frivolous and fickle Yang is unlikely to please Marianne.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name

Semantic-phonetic analysis of a word - or simply spelling - is an effective method proposed by the Russian astrologer Felix Kazemirovich Velichko. Thanks to this analysis, you can find secret meanings, symbols and the hidden meaning of a person's name.

The essence of Velichko's theory is quite simple - each letter is perceived as a separate symbol that has an integral and indivisible meaning, a full and self-sufficient meaning. All the letters of the word together form a versatile picture that describes the sacred meaning of the word as a whole.

M - caring, maternal, patronizing attitude towards others.

A - the initial impulse of energy, which allows you to achieve your goals.

R - self-confidence, self-sufficiency, the ability to look into the very heart of the phenomenon and discover the hidden truth.

And - refined, refined taste; good artistic education.

N - rejection of knowledge on faith, the habit of checking everything on one's own experience, nonconformism.

Based on the meanings of the letters, we can conclude that Marianna is an energetic, independent and self-sufficient person who relies only on her judgments. She is caring, but sometimes her care can develop into overprotection of people who do not need her. Marianne often has a destructive attitude “I am always right”, and it is extremely difficult to convince her of something. With all this, Marianna has an exquisite taste, she is good in artistic disciplines and knows how to achieve impressive results with hard work.

It can be noted that the names Marianna are almost identical according to the semantic-phonetic analysis, however, Marianna has the increased meaning of the letters H and A, which means that she is more impulsive, purposeful and self-confident than Marina.

Name horoscope

If Marianne was born under the sign of Aries, she will certainly become the star of any environment. She knows how to win over anyone, loves to be in the center of attention and always achieves her goal. This is a punchy, energetic girl who is always surrounded by a crowd of friends and acquaintances. She has practically no enemies, but Marianne-Aries often has envious people who slander the girl behind her back. Marianne, born under the sign of Aries, should be careful when choosing the keepers of her secrets, as she can be too gullible.

Marianne-Taurus is a gentle, vulnerable and soft creature. She dreams of unearthly love, a prince on a white horse and a carefree life in a castle. Unfortunately, she is not accustomed to reality at all, so any little thing can easily upset her or piss her off. Marianne, born under the sign of Taurus, is not adapted to work and is prone to laziness. However, her subtle nature allows her to become an outstanding creator - a poetess, artist or composer. Marianne knows how to throw out her mental anguish on paper, so she only needs to work on her own perseverance, without which she will not be able to create true masterpieces.

Marianne-Gemini is a sociable girl who, however, does not like to let others get too close. She trusts few people, but is almost always ready to help her friends. She has few friends, but good friends - more than enough. She rarely becomes the object of gossip and gossip, since everyone around her treats her with sincere sympathy. In love, Marianne Gemini is usually unhappy - she does not know how to open her heart to other people, so her feelings often remain a mystery to those around her.

The signs of the Zodiac, like the name, have power over the character and fate of a person; their influence is combined with the influence of the name

Marianne, born under the sign of Cancer, is obsessed with the idea of ​​beauty in everything. She is a perfectionist, always looks great, does a great job with any work, but sometimes she attaches too much importance to the external form, rather than the content. She will make an outstanding stylist, hairdresser, beautician, designer. She makes rather high demands on those around her, so she rarely has close friends.

Marianne under the sign of Leo is a self-satisfied and arrogant person, who, however, can become a true friend - you just need to earn her devotion. She treats her loved ones patronizingly, but she never allows herself to speak down to them. She is smart, erudite and beautiful, she easily copes with a variety of work, but does not tolerate routine.

Marianne Leo is contraindicated in office work, work with money or papers. On the other hand, she excels in any job related to managing people - in the HR department of a large company, there is sure to be a suitable vacancy for her.

Marianne under the sign of Virgo is a diligent and diligent worker. She is a workaholic, which does not prevent her from having a broad outlook and improving her skills (both work and hobbies) after graduation. Marianna-Virgo is an interesting companion and faithful friend.

Marianne, born under the sign of Libra, suffers from excessive gullibility. It is easy to deceive her, and those around her successfully use it. Marianne should develop observation and caution so as not to fall into the clutches of scammers and swindlers. As a rule, she has well-developed abilities in the field of science, and therefore can earn good money in modern innovative companies.

Marianne! Well, how smart you are, Marianne!

I can fly exactly 24 hours after meeting you.

Marianne, queen of someone else's romance,

I am ready, like a rich man, to weep over your difficult fate.

A. Makarevich - Marianna

Marianna-Scorpio is a natural leader. She knows how to manage people and their feelings, easily gains confidence and knows how to develop plans. She should try herself in the place of a leader - she is guaranteed a quick promotion. This girl is pragmatic and knows how to achieve her goals, which is highly valued by most modern corporations. She often has to choose between a career and relationships, and, as a rule, the choice is made in favor of the first.

Marianne under the sign of Sagittarius feels comfortable in large companies, cannot live without her close friends and desperately needs the attention of others. She often chooses a hobby or job based on this need. Marianne-Sagittarius may suffer from destructive attitudes of parents who impose their choice on her. Marianne needs their approval, and therefore can step on the throat of her own desires and follow the path prepared for her by her family.

It is important for the parents of Marianne-Sagittarius not to put pressure on their own daughter with their unfulfilled ambitions and to give her free will. Otherwise, the girl may break down, fulfill your desires - and become unhappy.

Marianne Capricorn is a delightful housewife. She has an innate passion for cooking, she does not tolerate mess, she is very diligent and hardworking. Unfortunately, Marianne under the sign of Capricorn rarely has any outstanding abilities in the creative or scientific fields, but she can realize herself in the family.

Marianna-Aquarius is a creative person. She does not need a big company, but having a number of friends with the same interests will benefit her and help her develop and improve. She has a narrow outlook, but she excels in her chosen field without wasting her attention and efforts on others.

Marianne, born under the sign of Pisces, appreciates her financial position very highly. Based on this attitude, she chooses both friends and a spouse. Marianne-Pisces is pragmatic, she strives for power and gets it, winning the favor of strong personalities and expanding her circle of useful acquaintances.

Name and seasons

The time of year in which a person was born determines the traits of his character. Like the zodiac, the seasons have a special energy that is transmitted to babies who begin life at this time.

Each of the four seasons has distinctive features not only in the philistine sense, but also in the esoteric sense.

Spring Marianna is a windy, fickle and frivolous girl, who, however, is always sincere in the manifestations of her feelings. It is easy to deceive her, so she should be careful in choosing friends and partners. She is popular, cheerful and does not experience great difficulties in life - caring parents, and then friends or spouse hide the spring beauty from all adversity. Unfortunately, the spring Marianna needs the protection of others - she is completely incapable of independent living, housekeeping and making money.

Spring Marianna is liked by others for her easy disposition, non-conflict and good sense of humor.

Summer Marianna skillfully manipulates the people around her. She acquires this skill in childhood and, growing up, hones it on her parents, classmates and teachers. She enters adulthood with the firm conviction that she can make anyone fulfill her whims - and this is true. Few people can resist the charm of summer Marianne.

Summer Marianne is pragmatic and knows how to get her hands on other people, whom she cleverly and imperceptibly uses.

Marianna, born in autumn, is hardworking and responsible. She likes to honestly achieve her goals - to graduate with honors from an educational institution without using cheat sheets or books with ready-made answers to assignments; advance at work without stalking bosses and not spreading gossip; earn the respect and recognition of others without resorting to flattery.

Autumn Marianna is honest with everyone and values ​​​​the reputation of a reliable and responsible person.

Marianne, born in winter, is creatively gifted. She has a rich inner world, subtly feels the mood of others and its changes, and also violently experiences any minor events. She is able to beautifully express simple thoughts and give sophistication to ordinary things.

Winter Marianna is a creative person who needs to create, splash out her experiences and high feelings

Photo gallery: famous bearers of the name

Marianna Kushnerova - Soviet theater and film actress, graduated from the film studies department of VGIK Marianna Vertinskaya - Russian and Soviet actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991) Marianna Basmanova - St. Petersburg artist, illustrator-graphic artist Marianna Maksimovskaya - journalist, TV presenter, author and host of the TV show "Week »

Having dealt with the strengths and weaknesses that her name gives her, Marianna will become a full-fledged, harmoniously developed and versatile person who easily goes through life and is liked by people around her.

This name is derived from two other names - Maria and Anna. Thus, its translation can be as follows - "rejected grace", or "sad grace".

There is also another version of the origin of the word, according to her, it is the female form of the name Maryan, which in Latin means "sea".

Little Mariana is a carefree and cheerful little girl who shows curiosity, easily and simply feels herself in any company. She enjoys spending time at home helping her parents, and in her free time she plays with her girlfriends and friends.

Growing up, the girl becomes more frivolous than in childhood, she can often take on new things without completing the ones she started earlier. However, Maryana is a sociable and interesting person, therefore she is loved and appreciated in the team, forgiving some flaws in her work.

The behavior of the owner of this name directly depends on her mood, which is why it is difficult for many representatives of the stronger sex to understand Maryana and find the key to her heart.

From her chosen one, despite her own frivolity and inconstancy, the girl will expect confidence and calmness. She will want to appear small and defenseless next to a man, completely relying on his strength and help.

Congratulations for Maryana on her name day in verse

Happy birthday, Mariana, congratulations,
And we wish you success in everything!
May your dreams always come true
Happiness smiles every day!

Be cheerful, affectionate, beautiful,
Be healthy, sweet and loved!
May your life forever be a fairy tale
May the good angel keep you!

Let life give you, Maryana, inspiration!
Your mood will always be excellent,
Luck opens all doors for you
And grief and misfortune do not know you at all!

We congratulate Mariana and wish her good luck!
Happiness, joy, fun, crazy mood!
We also want to wish you warm days, good friends!
So that like a rose bloomed, I found my happiness!

SMS congratulations to Maryana on her birthday

Mariana! I want to wish that all your dreams come true! Be happy, loved and beautiful! May only sincere and honest people always be near you, who will support you in difficult times and rejoice with you in moments of happiness!

From the bottom of my heart, Mariana, I wish you to be healthy, always happy!
May your happiness be saved by relatives, beloved, friends!

Marianna (Mariamna, Maryana)

Meaning of the name: from lat. Marianus- letters. "Mari, belonging to Mary", derived from the generic name Marius - "belonging to the god Mars".

Main features: impulsiveness, sociability, purposefulness.

Character features. AT As a child, Marianne does not cause any trouble to her parents. Natural charm allows her to make friends and girlfriends. Marianna does not know how to get angry, she is very sociable, she always looks to the future with optimism.

Marianne is very passionate, sometimes prone to mental anguish, at the same time she manages to remain quite restrained and even logical. She has incredible willpower, is distinguished by increased self-control and determination. The passion inherent in Marianne makes her a responsive, compassionate person, always ready to help.

Marianne is too serious about herself, her feelings and life goals. She lacks self-irony. Sometimes she is very stubborn, and is ready to defend her point of view, even realizing that she is completely wrong.

name day

This text is an introductory piece.

The name Maryana means "tart", "bitter".

Name origin

Maryana is a female name that has Jewish roots. The origin of the name Maryana is connected with the Hebrew words, which are translated as “bitter”, “tart”.

Name characteristic


Little Mariana is a restless, emotional and very charming girl. She is a good student at school and is often engaged in drawing, music. The girl is often impatient in conversation, it is difficult for her to listen to the interlocutor. Therefore, she can interrupt him, inserting her own words.


Adult Maryana is most often a sociable, purposeful girl. She trusts her intuition very much, as a rule, she considers her own opinion more than the arguments of others. And quite often it turns out to be right. This is due to her insight, the ability to notice the smallest details that usually pass by the attention of other people.

Most often, all problems are solved by itself. And not only because he doesn't trust anyone. The girl is confident in her abilities and rightly believes that no one will solve her problem better than her.

Maryana, as a rule, is a bright individualist. She has her own point of view on everything, rarely adapts to anyone, never blindly follows fashion trends.

Strong in spirit herself, Maryana gets irritated when dealing with a whiner, a bore. She appreciates in people fortitude and a sense of humor. This explains why a girl will help a person faster if she sees that he himself is trying to solve the problem. And he will not rush to help those who do not fight themselves, but only wait for help from others.


Mariana acutely perceives criticism, moralizing from others. At the same time, she herself gladly gives out advice, and, moreover, not always waiting to be asked for them. She does not like monotonous, boring work. Maryana is an energetic instigator and organizer. For her, the profession of a leader in any field is suitable. She is easily managed with large teams, can be a successful manager in various specialties.

Personal life

They often get married early. And, as a rule, marriage is successful. Maryana's husband is usually very jealous of his wife, although she rarely gives rise to jealousy. Mariana is a good housewife who keeps the house clean and knows how to cook delicious food. At the same time, a woman always remains elegant, looks after her appearance.

Name compatibility

The name Maryana successfully combines with patronymics Alekseevna, Andreevna, Nikolaevna, Igorevna, Viktorovna, Arkadievna, Pavlovna, Alexandrovna, Evgenievna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Vladislav, Timofey, Alexei, Vladimir, Gennady, Maxim, Stepan, Yuri.

name day

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Maryana: Maryana de Gonich, Maryana Naumova, Maryana Spivak, Maryana Bezrukikh, Maryana Fideleva.

- “grace”, which generally translates the name Maryana as “beloved by all”.

Diminutive form of the name: Maryasha, Marisha, Arisha, Yanka, Mara, Riana.

There is a male version of this name - Marian, translated as "sea".

According to the Orthodox calendar, Maryana celebrates her name day under the name Mariamna:

  • March 2 - Mariamne, sister of the holy Apostle Philip.
  • June 22 - Martyr Mariamne.

Positive qualities of character: Passion, emotionality, sensitivity, purposefulness, self-control.

Negative qualities of character: Conflict, recklessness, a tendency to pessimism.


A girl named Maryana is growing up as a universal favorite, she does not know the word "no". If you take up her upbringing in time, then Maryana will stop throwing a tantrum, demanding her own. Despite the capriciousness, Maryasha is a cheerful and energetic girl, surrounded by friends, loves outdoor games. She is not devoid of creative talent, draws well, dances, sings, is not afraid to perform on stage. She loves to flirt, imagine, dress up in her mother's outfits, high heels, use her makeup and spin in front of the mirror, admiring herself.

In high school, Maryana becomes more serious, devotes more time to her studies, pleases her parents with her attitude towards them. Seriously engaged in one of the types of creativity. He does not tolerate loneliness, tries to surround himself with friends or relatives. In his company, he selects those friends who, by deed, and not by words, proved friendship and loyalty to her. Traitors will never be forgiven.

In adulthood, she looks well-groomed, dresses with taste, loves perfume, jewelry, is not too lazy to style her hair and apply makeup every day. He prefers to solve all problems on his own, without resorting to outside help.

He will defend his opinion to the bitter end, even if he understands that he is wrong. Secrets are trusted only by close people. Knows how to find a common language with any person, feels his mood. After a quarrel, the first one goes to make peace, even if she is wrong. She is close to her mother, she will always come to her aid and support.


Maryana is prone to colds in childhood, as she quickly catches cold in the cold. It is important to observe the daily routine, eat right, play sports or dance.


Even in childhood, she will choose a creative profession that will bring her pleasure, and will not be routine, for example, an artist, sculptor, dancer, architect, designer. Usually at work achieves high results. Becomes the favorite of the team with its open and sociable character.

Poorly endures a quarrelsome and conflicting team, does not stand up for a long time at this job and quits. For her, the atmosphere of the team is most important. Can be a leader. Money does not always stay in the hands of Maryana, expenses often exceed income, so she should not be engaged in business.


Maryana begins to fall in love with the opposite sex late, after 19 years. She does not immediately manage to communicate with them, at first she tries to lead the suitors, which they do not like, over time, authority turns into softness and tenderness. Can date several guys at the same time. Maryana categorically does not accept office romances.

A family

Mariana creates a family either immediately after school, or after 30 years, having a good walk. As a husband, he will choose a financially secure man with a high position in life, who will love her, endure whims and carry her in his arms. Life endures with difficulty, monitors the economy through “I don’t want to”, but tries not to run housing. Responsible mothers come out of Maryasha, who follow the studies of children and drive them to success.