For clients to come. Rituals and conspiracies to attract customers

For clients to come.  Rituals and conspiracies to attract customers
For clients to come. Rituals and conspiracies to attract customers

Conspiracy to attract customers: the main steps to get results in the shortest possible time

To make your business flourish, you can use a method such as a conspiracy to attract customers. There are many options, but you should choose one and use it correctly. All the details can be found right now.

Conspiracy to attract customers: important points

The first thing to do is to seriously approach the solution of organizational issues, advertising, the quality of the service or product. After that, conspiracies are calmly carried out to attract customers to a clothing store, cosmetics, a hairdresser, a supermarket, and other enterprises.

Before and during the ritual, it is important:

  • check the absence of witnesses;
  • read conspiracies for the new moon;
  • pronounce magic words before sunset or immediately after dawn;
  • perform the ritual on Saturday, or in the middle of the week.

The origins of business magic

Modern rituals for the success of the event have come from the time of merchants, merchants, usurers. They turned to well-known sorcerers for gaining the desired profit and customers. In our time, ancient conspiracies have changed a bit - modern details have been introduced.

A simple plot to attract expected customers

The first condition for obtaining the expected result is the strong energy of the one who performs the ceremony. By activating the inner power, you can get a potential customer thanks to a special set of magic items:

  1. a little salt - a pinch;
  2. green candle;
  3. spring water or water consecrated in the church;
  4. coin (copper).

After sunset, a candle bought in the temple is lit. Salt and a yellow coin are thrown into the prepared vessel. From above, they pour spring or holy water, saying:

“As soft wax turns into hard wax, so my wealth is affirmed and multiplied. I appeal to you for money, come. Every day, every week, every month, every year. What is said will come true. Amen".

After the spell, salt water is simply poured onto the ground, and the coin, like an amulet, is carried in your wallet until the desired is fulfilled. While reading:

“Just as I speak money so that they come, so I say goodbye to a stingy buyer so that he leaves.”

In order for the conspiracy to attract customers to really bring results, a number of requirements must also be observed:

  • Before the ritual, a general cleaning is carried out.
  • To clean the energy field of the working room, they get rid of unnecessary objects and things.
  • A conspiracy to attract customers is spoken by heart.

A conspiracy to attract customers with nuts

One of the simplest rituals relevant for offices or large enterprises. So that there are many customers, the ritual is carried out after sunrise or before sunset. For this you need:
  1. Before the start of the ceremony, drill through 3 nutmegs;
  2. In an empty room (after a working day), thread a strong thread into the nuts, be sure to use wool.

A homemade amulet is spoken with the following words:

“As I tie these threads, I bind clients to me. I won't lose mine, I won't take someone else's. As soon as I hang my amulet over the door, I will have many buyers. I can’t escape a successful fate, you can’t interfere with me. You don't argue with me, you don't mind. Your debt belongs to you. About. I ask what I want. About what I need. About what I want. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

A self-made "necklace" is hung over the front door of the company.

Employees of the enterprise are required to monitor the nuts. If at least one of them disappears, they immediately make and speak a new amulet.

Effective conspiracies for expected customers and profits

It is advisable to spend where the company's money is stored. Magic quickly begins to act if you clearly follow the steps of the rite.

Comb conspiracy

You need to buy a new comb made of natural wood. Walk daily in the working room, combing their curls, whispering to yourself:

“There is a flat path to my threshold. Let the clients run, they will be helped here. Good for people, but for me (my name) - a bucket of money. As there are no tangles in my hair, so I have no problems and debts. Amen."

It is necessary to comb the hair from top to bottom at least 33 times. They keep their personal “tool of labor” with them at the workplace, they don’t give it to anyone. So far, there will be no release from buyers.

Rite for poppy seeds

Relevant for trade representatives. To begin with, 40 chicken eggs are bought at the market, and poppy seeds are bought elsewhere. Everything is mixed, knocked down, poured into a frying pan to get an omelet. Over the finished product they say three times:

“How true it is that life comes from an egg. It's so true that I'll get rich on my product. As poppy seeds are innumerable, so is the buyer in my store. Amen".

The resulting omelette is carried to the first intersection and left. A kind of ransom for help in the magical business will soon “lead” the desired buyers to you, and they, in turn, two new ones each, and so on.

Conspiracy to attract buyers

Read aloud and always standing up. In extreme cases, sitting on a chair. A suitable time for the ceremony is the middle of the week or Saturday. To be effective, you need to believe in the effectiveness of magic.

Prepare a rag in advance, with which you will wipe the surfaces in the workplace daily. Struggling with dust, read the following text in a whisper:

“Get away from my goods and famously unsaleable and alien poverty from me! Away from my workplace along the river, along the land, through the forest. Lie under the woods, don't call me to you! With a rag I sweep away all failures, I send poverty away - through the forest, along the river, along the water and the earth! My goods do not lie, but are sold in an instant, because strength is in water, purity and language. I invite buyers, I offer goods. Amen!"

The plot is voiced three times in a row, and the rag is thrown into any nearby body of water or simply burned. If you speak clearly, the result will not be long in coming.

Ritual for money and attracting buyers

You can increase your income without leaving the counter or your work area in the office, where customers are most often. It is enough to take a yellow coin, dip into an essential oil with a pleasant aroma. Holding money in your right hand, stand in the middle of the trading floor. It's time to read it three times:

“Trading roads lead customers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

Conspiracy to attract clients

Conspiracy to attract customers and a bell

Buy a beautiful bell and attach it closer to your workplace. The main condition is that everyone should see it: from employees to customers. But first, it needs to be filled with positive energy.

They speak the subject on the new moon with the following words:

“The bell is ringing loudly, sonorously! Wakes up the bear in the den! The client will come to me! He frightens a squirrel in the forest - the penniless flees! The ringing is heard by the whole world - people are going to the idol! The ringing is flying around the planet - both adults and kids are coming! May it be so!
Don't catch up.
So I (name) would fly high,
And looked down on those below.
To my words the key and the holy castle,
So that no one will do me in the opposite direction.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen, Amen."

When there are no strangers in the office, the bells ring and the magic words are spoken again.

Drawing conclusions

All of the above conspiracies to attract customers are white magic. Therefore, you are not afraid of the negative consequences after the ritual. If you follow all the rules of the ceremony, the company becomes popular in the market, profitable. Especially in tandem with promotions and the availability of quality services or goods.

Running your own business is a very popular activity these days. And practically any business is associated with the promotion of any goods and services on the market. Only now, not every businessman can boast of the successful course of his business, even if a lot of effort and financial resources have been invested in it. Sometimes both expensive advertising and attempts to improve production do not lead to the desired result - there were no customers, and there are no customers. What should a businessman do in this case?

No matter how bleak and unpromising the current situation may seem, you should not immediately give up and quit what you started. In any case, you can try to improve the situation by a not quite traditional method, namely, by turning to the help of magical powers and reading a conspiracy to attract customers. This type of witchcraft was popular even in ancient times - it was actively practiced by merchants, and quite successfully.

The ritual helps to attract buyers in a short time and thereby increases the profit of a businessman. Its special charm is that everyone can use it: both those who are just taking their first steps in the business world, and those who have already accumulated a solid experience and built a prosperous company. After all, a large number of buyers is one of the components of a profitable enterprise.

Like other magical rituals, conspiracies have certain requirements for fulfillment. Their mandatory observance by the performer is the key to the success and effectiveness of the applied rite. When using rituals, everything, even the most seemingly insignificant trifles, should receive careful attention.

They are especially strong if you hold them on a full moon. By this day, the moon accumulates the maximum amount of energy, which favorably affects the impact and outcome of the ritual. But this does not mean that all conspiracies should be pronounced at this particular time. The period suitable for performing a particular rite is usually always indicated in its instructions.

There are quite a few such rituals. Some of them are quite strong in themselves and can lead to results after a single application, while others need to be regularly updated.

One of the most important conditions is absolute secrecy. The fact that your success in business was achieved with the help of magic, no one should know.

How to attract customers with a conspiracy?

Below are some of the most effective conspiracies that can increase your customer base. Many businessmen were convinced of their effectiveness, whose business is flourishing to this day.

The easy way

Suitable for beginners who have just started their own business. As soon as the first customers appear and the first revenue follows, the money received is spent on the rest of the goods, while reading:

“Your money is for us, our goods are for you.”

Money from the first proceeds is highly undesirable to spend or give as change to the next customers. It is best to store them in a safe place so that they continue to attract buyers.

We call on the moon

This conspiracy is read on some small object on the night when the moon is in its full phase. Further, the charmed object will serve as an amulet.

Exactly at midnight, any small object is placed on the windowsill. The moon should be clearly visible from the window, its light should fall on the future talisman. The performer should continuously look at the lunar face and read the plot at the same time (it is better to memorize it in advance):

“To you, moonlight, I turn, to you, heavenly body, I turn. You have been famous for your strength since ancient times. So put it on me three times. Send me accommodating clients and uncorrupted deeds. Deny failure in business, charge this object with the power of the amulet. As soon as I hide it from people, I will immediately attract customers. As a heavenly body shines, so a difficult matter is argued. So be it! Amen!"

Having spoken, the item must be hidden in a pocket or bag. Arriving at work, the talisman must be left there, in a place hidden from prying eyes. You can't tell anyone about it, you can't show it to anyone. The ritual requires periodic renewal so that the power of the full moon always helps you.

On a comb or a new comb

On a young moon, buy a new comb (comb) made of bone or wood. Speak with the following words:

“Scallop with frequent teeth, bring people with scars to me. As you stroke each of my hairs, so lead every client to the threshold. People will come and visit. He is lucky, and I am lucky. The client is good, and I am the profit in my wallet. Amen!"

A charmed comb should always be carried with you. If things suddenly start to get worse, they need to comb their hair. And if it so happened that you do not have hair on your head, it will be enough to run it several times over your bald spot. The flow of buyers after that will increase. The magical rite remains in effect for a month, then it will need to be updated.

Another effective ritual for a successful business, see the video:

It has long been no secret that in order to achieve success, entrepreneurs rely not only on education, personal skills and connections, but also on the help of higher powers. Even in ancient times, merchants and officials bowed their knees and said various kinds of prayers in order to achieve results in their difficult work.

Sailing through the waters teeming with pirates, moving through forests overflowing with robbers, and simply worrying about their offspring, the “ancients” before performing a certain action praised the deities and made sacrifices.

All this allowed them to be confident in their abilities, and also gave them a sense of security. And most importantly, it really worked. The exceptions were those cases when the prayer was said without believing in it.

It exists to this day. It has several types, each of which has undergone repeated changes over the past centuries. However, today, it allows you to enlist the support of higher powers.

It is also worth noting that it is safe, as it belongs to the white side, and has nothing to do with black magic, which, as you know, after a certain time, will provide its account.

See also You can remove obstacles in your path and help you achieve what you want in your career (make money) with the help of the Ganesh Sharanam mantra. According to Buddhists, this prayer is one of the most effective, it helps to achieve your goals and helps to attract money to the house.

Before you start reading a prayer, make sure that your head is not occupied with extraneous thoughts. You must be fully tuned in to the appeal to the Universe.

Unlike a magical ritual, prayer does not require the use of auxiliary tools and materials. All you need is a pure mind, a desire to improve your business and a strong belief in success!

1. Option one

Try to say the words of the prayer while standing and with your eyes closed (this will allow you to concentrate). Say the following:

“Bring, my heavenly father, clients

Let my business go smoothly

Grant me luck and profit

May my child prosper

Prayer to attract money and customers is repeated twice a day. If it is not possible to do this while standing, then sit down at your workplace and say it in a whisper. Saying these words, you will not only ask the higher powers for the prosperity and prosperity of your business, but also enlist confidence in your business, as well as a positive mood.

2. Another option

"Clients, come to me

Give your money

Buy my product

Profit in my pocket

And happiness to you!

In order for the higher powers to be disposed to give you what you want, you must be positive. Have a decent approach to business. And try to satisfy the needs of customers, and not create the appearance of this. Respect them, and in any case do not deceive. For, as they say - be worthy, and the Universe will bestow!

How to read conspiracy for clients and money?

This method already has some magical nature, but refers to its white part. Words are spoken either in the middle of the working week, or on Saturday. The best time for a conspiracy is considered to be sunrise or sunset.

The words must be pronounced aloud clearly. The possibility of spontaneous pronunciation is not excluded, if the situation requires it (the unexpected appearance of an honorary client, the influx of visitors, etc.).

To pronounce a conspiracy, it is not enough just to learn the words. It is necessary to stock up on supporting material. A damp cloth is ideal for this.

Wiping your desktop with a wet rag, say:

“Failure and poverty - get away from my product and from me!

Get away from my workplace!

Hide in a swamp pool, a rotten stump, in a viscous quagmire!

With this rag I eliminate you from my life!

Get out of my life!

My goods are on sale, but do not lie in place!

And cleanliness is the way to success!

Clean business, happy customer, net profit!

Repeat three times, trying to pronounce each word clearly. In order not to get a hitch, learn the plot by heart. Your thinking should not be busy during pronunciation. Set yourself up for success. Feel the importance of what you are doing.

After the conspiracy for money and clients is uttered, get rid of the rag that was used to wipe the workplace. You can either throw it away or burn it. Particular emphasis should be placed on the second option.

When you burn the ritual rag, then focus all your negative thoughts on it. Imagine that this is a symbol of your bad luck. The fire will devour it and destroy it. Only luck and your happiness will remain.

It is not necessary to be limited to prayers and conspiracies alone. You can perform a real ritual. After all, as already mentioned, all the methods listed in this article refer to white magic. The question is - should I be worried? The answer is no!

The ceremony for money is very easy. To do this, you must wait until the premises of your store are empty, or perform a ritual before the start of the working day.

Go to the middle of the trading floor (be sure to stand in the territory reserved for buyers). There should be counters, racks next to you - everything that your customers will be close to.

For the ritual, prepare a coin with a large denomination, but always yellow. You will also need fragrant oil (eucalyptus or flower oil will do).

Start the ceremony by dipping the coin in a vacuum with oil. Then put the coin in front of you, holding it in your right hand, and say the following.

A conspiracy to attract customers works even for beginners who have not previously been involved in magical rites. They use a plot to attract buyers for good trading and making significant profits. How to attract customers with simple magic should be known to every prudent owner of a store or outlet. What are the most effective customer acquisition spells?

magical attraction

How to attract clients? Attracting new customers or attracting a customer for big purchases is easy if you use magic. Conspiracies are special spell words that should be read on the growing moon. Magical attributes are used to attract customers: food, items, ordinary gizmos or amulets. Attracting new customers with the help of conspiracies is not difficult if you understand how conspiracy magic works.

The process of attracting customers specifically for trade is carried out in a complex manner. Often, in order to attract customers with the help of a conspiracy, it is necessary to pre-clean the workspace, the entire territory of the outlet. You can learn how to attract clients with the help of a conspiracy from experienced magicians or look at one of the collections of sorcerers. The Siberian folk healer Natalya Stepanova offers many options for spells that contribute to successful trading.

How to attract new customers

The right ritual is selected for different organizations that work for clients. It can be trading floors, markets, and beauty salons. For clients to go in crowds, rituals alone are not always enough. First of all, in order to quickly organize the work of the entire enterprise, it is necessary to conduct energy diagnostics of the premises or building. Special tools for new and old stores or salons will allow you to recognize damage. A strong evil eye can prevent you from selling a product or service.

Rituals are held to sell cosmetics, clothes, new and old things. With the help of magic, they attract not just customers, but people who will actively buy goods from the first time. Before the arrival of a potential buyer, whispers are additionally read, contributing to quick sales. They attract customers from the first time for millet, grain, comb, but an amulet or a charmed object helps to keep an important client.

Choosing an effective rite

Strong rituals of Vanga, Natalia Stepanova or folk conspiracies for sale will allow you to reorganize the work of the entire enterprise. Very simple rituals are selected for sale:

  • things (conspiracy to sell clothes, shoes) - such a conspiracy helps a seamstress or an employee of a clothing market;
  • for beauty services or cafe services (pedicure, manicure, hairstyle, cosmetic procedures), as well as for a hairdressing salon;
  • for the sale of flowers, home products;
  • grocery segment of goods (food);
  • a prayer for a pharmacy or a store selling medical equipment.

Any service that the customer pays for can be spoken with a simple spell. Both the hairdresser and the store owner will be able to perform the ritual on poppy seeds, salt, water. Children's department, a point of sale where a lot of different goods speak to the growing moon to attract customers.

At home, in order to have a good and generous buyer, mantras, prayers and a special spell are read, charging magical attributes to attract. Black and white magic will allow you to call on as many customers as the owner of a store or beauty salon needs.

Candle conspiracy

To attract customers, the simplest plot is chosen, which does not take too much time or effort. A magical action is carried out in secret from everyone. Attracting customers is similar to conspiracies - mantras, a person of any religion can conduct. The call by mantras of clients is similar to conspiracies to attract profits, it is carried out with salt, which for a long time stores the charge created during the ritual.

How can you attract customers, and is there only white magic to attract customers? If a person has fears that a conspiracy will attract dark forces to a store or salon, then only one that is powered by white magic should be used for new buildings or premises. Effectively attracting customers to read the plot is possible only on the growing moon and without witnesses.

What is needed for the ceremony

People with strong energy attract buyers from the first time. A conspiracy with salt works from their inner strength. A small set of magical attributes will help to attract the attention of potential customers to a product (to a new or old product):

  • green candle;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • water (holy water or water brought from a spring);
  • copper coin.

At home, it will be possible to draw attention to the product to the client both on major Orthodox holidays and on weekdays. If the owner of a store (floral, grocery, clothing store) does not want to engage in advertising, he should pay attention to a simple ritual with salt at home. Online stores are able to make a similar conspiracy for their customers with or without advertising.

Reading a conspiracy

  1. To attract a good client, the salon or store organizes a general cleaning. It is not at all necessary to close a salon or other premises, but it is impossible to attract new profit without saying goodbye to old unnecessary things and negativity.
  2. A conspiracy to attract customers should be read from memory, so on the eve of the ceremony, you must learn the entire text and visit the church. In the temple, a person confesses, asks for help and protection from higher powers.
  3. For a beauty salon, rituals are carried out on a comb (an additional attribute).
  4. As soon as the sun sets, the conspirator lights a green candle. In a pre-prepared transparent vessel, you should throw a coin and a few pinches of salt. Holy water is poured over the salt.
  5. On the water to attract customers and money, they read the words of the conspiracy:

“As soft wax turns into hard wax, so my wealth is affirmed and multiplied. I appeal to you for money, come. Every day, every week, every month, every year. What is said will come true. Amen".

With the help of magic to attract a good client, you do not need to deal with expensive advertising. Strong magic works from the magic word, from the attributes and faith of the owner of the store or salon in the forces that he uses. A conspiracy so that rich clients go is read only once, but works for several months in a row.

After the ritual, water with salt and a coin must be taken out into the street. The contents of the vessel are poured onto the ground, and the coin is worn with him in his purse, like the strongest amulet. The conspirator says to himself:

“Just as I speak money so that they come, so I say goodbye to a stingy buyer so that he leaves.”

Conspiracy on a nut

The magic of quickly attracting customers is used only in cases where the business is going very badly with the trade. For other cases, a simple defensive spell will do. The walnut plot is used with or without advertising. For a strong conspiracy to attract customers to work, you need to combine rituals with the lunar cycle calendar. A universal rite with a nut is suitable for a beer shop (points of sale of draft beer), if the furniture store goes into losses, for a butcher shop or a tray in the market.

Attracting customers occurs in one day, and with the advent of a new day, sellers are preparing to lure a real crowd of people. Folk plots are read at home, at the workplace or in a warehouse, but without helpers. A magic magnet is an attribute that is used on any day of the week, it is easy to speak on your own.

Preparation for the ceremony

Regardless of the female and male nature, any owner of a store or salon wants his business to flourish. Purchases are the basis of the entire cash balance of the enterprise. Without good clients, the business has no future. A trade-based business will thrive with the right marketing and a little ritual.

To prepare the ceremony, store or salon employees use:

  • nutmeg;
  • long green thread;
  • holy water.

A company consisting of offices or offices should also take care of protection from negativity. Work will go faster if each next worker is confident in the stability of his own salary.

The walnut client flow plot is one of the easiest and most accessible for people working in a large company or office building. The magical calls of clients are similar to conspiracies to attract money, they will make sure that there will be no end to visitors if the spell is read correctly.

Spell text

People working in the office talk nuts themselves. To do this, they perform a simple ceremony on the growing moon. You can perform the ritual during the day, at dawn or after sunset. The office should not be crowded with people. In order for old customers to return, and new ones to provide stability to the company, they carry out:

  1. The day before, three nutmegs are drilled through. It is best to use a drill with which the shell does not break.
  2. When the office is empty and people leave it, a thick woolen thread is threaded through three nuts. The self-made “necklace” speaks: “As I tie these threads, so I bind clients to me. I won't lose mine, I won't take someone else's. As soon as I hang my amulet over the door, I will have many buyers. I can’t escape a successful fate, you can’t interfere with me. You don't argue with me, you don't mind. Your debt belongs to you. About. I ask what I want. About what I need. About what I want. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".
  3. The office is decorated with a homemade amulet - it is better to hang nuts over the front door.

People working in the office should monitor the condition of the "necklace". If the nut that hangs above the door falls off, you need to make a new amulet. With the help of such a simple trick, you will be able to quickly attract new customers and not worry about the earnings of office workers.

Conspiracies and rituals in business are just as important as a subtle mind and good calculation - they help attract customers and increase profits, and successfully start your own business. What is the most effective conspiracy to attract customers, which you can read yourself, put into practice? We will talk about this further. Recall that for this topic is very relevant

From our previous article.

To attract customers to your own store or boutique, you can perform a variety of rituals, but the very first to consider the rituals performed on salt and dust removed.

Salt ritual

This ritual will help attract positive, monetary energy to a new store, a newly opened outlet - it is enough to use the simplest table salt that you use at home. When you come to the store, they throw it over your head and say:

“Salt, yes, I am talking - I am attracting a buyer. As cereal falls to the ground, so the buyer gets in line, no one will leave me without a purchase, but they all bring me money.

After - cross the threshold of the store and most importantly do not look back. As practice shows, the client will flock to you in a crowd, and sales will go up, and profits will grow by leaps and bounds.

Conspiracy for cleaning

This conspiracy attracts everyone with its simplicity and the absence of any special training, and in practice there are situations when the words of this particular conspiracy need to be spoken spontaneously. The main condition is to believe in its effectiveness and efficiency.
The ritual is carried out as follows - during cleaning, when you wipe the shelves with a damp cloth, say the words:

“Go away famously from my goods and someone else’s poverty - go away from me along the river and along the land, and through the dark forest. Lie down under a snag - and don't call me, I'll sweep you away with a rag. Now my goods do not lie - they are sold in a minute, my strength is in water, purity and a kind word.

They say it three times and after that, just throw the rag with which you wiped the dust into the pond. The result will show itself almost instantly.

Conspiracy for the first client

Many sellers are very superstitious and know how important the first client is - they say, the subsequent bargaining and success in business depends on it. To lure the first client, you can perform the following ceremony. At the very beginning, buy sweets or other sweets, high-quality and beautiful, sparing no expense, put them on a dish and say over them:

“I treat you and invite you - so that it’s sweet for you, and it’s nice for me, so that my business goes on, and my goods are good for you.”

Be sure to treat the first client with a charmed candy or cookie from the dish - this is such a ransom for magical powers for his choice in your favor.

The best conspiracies for clients and profit

To attract customers as much as possible and get your benefit accordingly, you can perform a ritual with an anthill. This is a fairly strong and effective ritual that will attract customers like ants - to conduct it, you should find an anthill in the first forest park or forest.
The larger the anthill, the better - take a few branches from it and put them in a small canvas bag that will serve as a kind of magnet for you. After that, the following conspiracy is spoken over him:

“Aki there are a lot of ants - workers live in that house - the same number of buyers with money go to my store, they carry money - they buy my goods.”

After that, just put your amulet at the place of work.

You can also perform a ritual with honey - it will attract buyers to your store like a magnet. Just buy a small jar of fresh, natural honey from the beekeeper and drop a few drops on the threshold of your outlet. It is worth saying:

“Like bees love honey, yes they carry it into golden honeycombs - so I am a servant of God ... name ... I affirm that the buyer will love me, like the threshold of my store. Like bees reach for honey, so the buyer lines up for my goods.

Comb conspiracy

To have a lot of clients, you can perform a ritual with a comb or a comb. The 2 most effective and powerful rituals are presented to your attention. For the first rite, it is worth buying a new comb or comb, always with flat teeth, and the following words are slandered on it:

“You are a comb and with clean teeth - you bring buyers to me with scars, how you stroke every hair - so bring a lot of customers to my doorstep. Good luck to the client, his surrender to me. ”

Such a charmed comb should be carried with you, and if you have stagnation in your business, people go a little, they are reluctant to buy - just take it out and comb your hair. The charmed comb is valid for no more than a month - after that the ceremony should be repeated.

You can also perform another ritual, with the growing moon - for its implementation, they buy a wooden or bone comb, but not a plastic one at all, and a ritual is performed on it. It is to them that when they come to work, they comb their hair to the very ends and at the same time say:

“As to my doorstep, but a smooth road, so do clients run to me. Good from me to people, and to me, a servant of God ... name ... - a bucket of money. Aki there are no tangles in my curls - I will never have debts.

The hair is combed until the desired result is obtained.

Conspiracy for poppy seeds

To attract a customer to your store, you can perform a ritual using poppy seeds. Such a ritual has been practiced by our ancestors since time immemorial, and it has proved its effectiveness for more than one generation of merchants.

To carry it out, you should buy a new pack of poppy seeds and at the checkout prepare the amount of money you need for it, without change, and if there is none, you simply don’t take money from the cashier for change, this is such a ransom. Next, you should choose a specific day according to the lunar calendar, and read a prayer on a pack of poppies, which is dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

After that, you should come to the store and sprinkle poppy seeds in front of the counter and on the threshold - you should sprinkle it so that when you come to you, the buyer will definitely step on it. Sprinkling poppy seeds on the floor, be sure to say the words to yourself:

“Step on the holy poppy - be sure to buy the goods from me.”

After that, as practice shows, buyers will stand in droves near your counter and not leave without a purchase.

Conspiracy for a coin

To conduct it, it is worth taking a yellow coin - the denomination and the country of minting in this case does not matter. After that, you should dip it in essential oil - eucalyptus or patchouli, pink, it's not so important, the main thing is that you yourself like the smell. With such a fragrant coin, stand in the middle of the room and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Trading roads lead to me rich buyers - take money and bring it to me, buy goods, increase my luck and fame.”

Such words of the conspiracy are spoken three times and after that it is worth throwing it at your feet and saying loudly and clearly - Paid. After that, do not remove it - let it lie on the floor for a while, or even better if one of the customers picks it up and pays for the goods.