What German Names Mean: Interpretation and History of Origin. German male and female names

What German Names Mean: Interpretation and History of Origin.  German male and female names
What German Names Mean: Interpretation and History of Origin. German male and female names

Germany does not keep official statistics on assigned names, for it does the German scientist-enthusiast Knud Bielefeld, who regularly determines the most common German names for babies.

In 2012, he was able to analyze 165,979 birth certificates from all over Germany, which is about 25 percent of all those born in 2012. His estimate is based on publications from 430 different sources, including data from maternity hospitals, clinics and registry offices. We talk about the top three names: the most popular female and male names in Germany in 2012 and we present the TOP-25 names with their spelling in German and Russian.

The most popular German female names

Mia- an abbreviated form from the biblical name Mary. The name Mia was not popular until the 90th year, but since 2007, the name Mia has entered the top 10 most common names among babies. Since 2009, Mia has been the most popular female name in Germany. The name "Mia" is a popular German pop-rock group.

Very often girls were called Emmas at the end of the 19th century. During the 20th century, the name Emma has lost its popularity. The return of the name began in the early 2000s, and for the past 10 years, Emma has been in the top 10 most frequent German names.

German name Hannah used in two variants - like Hannah and Hanna, with 59% of modern Hann - with an “h” at the end of the name. Since 1979, this name has been gaining popularity, and for the last 15 years it has been liked by most German parents. The result is logical - in schools, Hannah is the most common name.

Most Popular German Male Names

Ben- German male name borrowed from English. Despite the fact that the name Ben is an abbreviated form of Benjamin, the Germans do not use the full form, believing that it is quite normal to write the name Ben on the child's birth certificate. Moreover, many parents give their child a middle name, for example Ben Luka, or Ben Louis. Since 2001, the popularity of the name Ben has not dropped below the top 30.

Luke- the popularity of the name was set by Susan Viga, whose song of the same name entered the charts around the world in 1987. Since then, Luca has been on the rise in the list of preferences of German parents. Luke's name in Germany has long overtaken America in popularity. Luca is the name of the unisex generation: assigned to both girls and boys. Luca's male name originates in the Italian form of the name Lucas. Feminine - to the Catholic Lutz, or Lucia. According to German law, a child does not need to be given a middle name in this case: the overwhelming majority of children with Luke's name are boys.

German name Paul was at the peak of its popularity in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The fashion for names changed, the male name Paul was forgotten to start gaining popularity again, following England, in the late seventies, and enter the top 30 most popular male German names at the beginning of the 19th century. The meaning of the name Paul is "small". The name takes roots from the ancient Roman Paulus.

The most popular German names among babies in Germany in 2012:

Female names

Male names

Mia Mia Ben Ben
Emma Emma Luca / Luka Luke
Hannah / Hanna Hannah Paul Paul
Lea / Leah Lea Lukas / Lucas Lucas
Sofia / Sophia Sophia Finn / Fynn Finn
Anna Anna Jonas Yohas
Lena Lena Leon Leon
Leonie Leonie Luis / Louis Louis
Lina Lina Maximilian Maximilian
Marie Marie Felix Felix
Emily / Emilie Emily Noah Noah
Emilia Emilia Elias Elias
Lilly / Lilli Lilly Tim Tim
Luisa / Louisa Louise Max Max
Amelie Amelie Julian Julian
Sophie / Sofie Sophie Moritz Moritz
Laura Laura Philipp Philip
Nele / Neele Nele Niklas / Niclas Niklas
Johanna Johanna Jakob / Jacob Jacob
Lara Lara Alexander Alexander
Maja / Maya Maya David David
Sarah / Sara Sarah Jan Yang
Clara / Klara Clara Henry / Henri Henry
Leni Lazy Tom Volume
Charlotte Charlotte Erik / Eric Eric

The cultural traditions of each country are unique. The historical way of adding names in different parts of the world is about the same: noble nobles and tribal leaders in distant Africa chose a name for a newborn, adding it from two words.

For men, they chose words associated with those traits that parents would like to endow their child with: strength, courage, power, struggle, warrior.

For girls, names were made up of words characterizing the feminine principle: ancestor, mother, kind, beautiful, fertile. Different dialects gave birth to different sounds.

Today they are not made up of words, people use existing ones. German traditions prescribe to give a child at birth several names at once.

This deprives parents of the situation when they cannot make a choice, argue, swear, and pull out notes. The kid has a choice: as an adult, he decides which one to leave for him.

Top 20 most beautiful German female names and their meanings:

Name Meaning
1 Agnet Chaste
2 Atala Noble
3 Belinda Beautiful snake
4 Vreni Holy wisdom
5 Jerlind Tender, weak
6 Yvon Wood
7 Irma One-piece, versatile
8 Marlies Beloved
9 Rebecca Will lure you into a trap
10 Sommer Summer
11 Feliki Successful
12 Hilda Fighting
13 Erna Fighting death
14 Kerstin Follower of Christ
15 Kinge Warrior
16 Zenzi Prosperous
17 Gretel Pearl
18 Anneli Graceful
19 Hannah God's mercy
20 Leonie Lioness

Today it is popular to choose foreign names for your children. For parents, this is a way to make their baby stand out.

Moms and dads who grew up in Soviet times remember that it was not accepted to be different.

They all dressed about the same, had similar hairstyles. In each class there were four Natasha, three Sasha, two Seryozha, and at least two Nadezhda.

Times have changed, people have become more free. Today on the street you will not find similarly dressed people. For a lady, it is a real tragedy if a woman in similar clothes is present at the party.

Fed up with monotony, people try to become different, to open their individuality to the world. This is reflected in the choice of names for children.

Speaking about famous personalities: actresses, politicians, it is worth mentioning a few of them. Many will be familiar to you.

Germany has a great cultural heritage, there are many beautiful women who have left their mark on history:

Interesting fact! In Germany there is a certified list of names permitted for use. If the parents want to name the baby differently, they must go through an approval process.

You cannot call children discordant or obscene. This is spelled out in the law. It is forbidden to use numbers, letters, word combinations.

A similar law exists in our country.

Old German names for girls

The trend to name children after ancestors who lived a century ago is gaining momentum. In Russia, young Yeseni, Agafy, Thekla and Seraphim are increasingly found.

In Germany, cultural traditions are also honored, and they often use old, long-forgotten names to give them a second life in the modern world. Everything new is well forgotten old.

List of Old German Female Names:

  • Emma.
  • Ursula.
  • Renata.
  • Angelica.
  • Stephanie.
  • Peter.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Joanna.
  • Sophie.
  • Ilsa.
  • Brunhield.
  • Brigitte.
  • Rosemary.
  • Francis.

Some of them are rooted in the past of the country, others are borrowed, but became popular in Germany in the last century. Borrowing is in every country.

Given that German and English have similarities, it is difficult to establish for certain their affiliation.

Important! Several factors affect popularity:

  • Famous people, politicians, leaders, popular favorites.
  • The beauty of sound.
  • Symbolism.

Interesting fact! In Russia, the name Vladimir has gained its former popularity, since the people love and are proud of the leader of the state.

The question of whether it has become good to live in Russia under his rule is controversial, there are many opinions, they differ.

It is indisputable that this man has firmly entered world history, has shown himself as the leader of an entire nation.

Names of children in his honor have become more frequent - this is how statistics show. But there are fewer anecdotes about Little Johnny.

Often there are people who name children after their favorite actors, heroes of films and TV series:

  • Sherlock - in honor of the famous Sherlock Holmes.
  • Danila - gained popularity in Russia after the release of the films "Brother" and "Brother-2".
  • Merlin - in the West, many girls were named after the famous Merlin Monroe.
  • Milana, Millie - the popularity of the TV series "Wild Angel" has caused the desire to name his daughter after the main character. There are many derivatives from it: Milan, Milania, Mila.
  • Alice - rock fans invariably name their daughters after the popular band of our time.

Important! When deciding how to name your child, you should not rely on sound alone.

There are heavy names that endow the owners with the appropriate qualities:

  • Having named the daughter of Hell, the parents do not know the rest, because the girl behaves like a true imp until the age of majority.
  • Olga is a very strong sound, giving the owner heavy character traits.
  • Veles is beautiful and unusual. If you do not know that that was the name of God. Calling a child that is like calling him Jesus.

    This is a burden imposed on the baby from childhood. From a psychological point of view, this is not the best solution.

Examine history, origins, and meaning as you make your choice. It doesn't matter what nationality it belongs to, the meaning is important. It is advisable to consider the beauty of the sound.

Remember the golden rule: whatever you name the boat, so it will float.

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The German people, like any other society, have their own names. According to the German Language Society, in recent years, popular female names are Marie, Sophie, Lena, Emma, ​​Lea / Leah, Anna, Emilie ), Lily (Lilli / Lilly / Lili), Lina (Lina). How do German families choose a name? What is the main focus? First of all, when sorting out the German names of girls, many families pay attention to euphony. That is why such names as Louise, Laura, Lena, Lea, Emily are very popular among Germans.

In addition, the popularity of the name is influenced by pop culture and social events. For example, after the victory of Lena Meyer-Landrut at Eurovision, this name was given to almost every third newborn. Fashion also plays an important role, for example, there was a time when there were too many babies named Angelina, Justin and Kevin in kindergartens. At the same time, there are parents who name their children after fictional characters in books or films. And at the same time, the "old-fashioned" German names of girls are becoming popular, the same situation can be observed in Russia. If you want to give your daughter a beautiful German name, then we advise you to use our list.

German girls names:

Agnese - the chaste saint

Clarimondt is a shining protector

Agnet is a chaste saint

Conradine is a courageous advisor

Adala - noble

Cressenz - emerging

Adalwolfa - noble she-wolf

Kunibert - brave bright

Adalheid - a noble species

Kunigand - surviving the war

Adalheidis - noble species

Kate - clean

Adelin - a noble snake

Latgard - protector of people

Adelinde is a noble snake

Leonor - foreign other

Adelheite - a noble species

Liselot - God is my oath

Aleit - noble species

Lisl - God is my oath

Aloysia is a famous warrior

Lore - laurel

Amalazuinta is a strong worker

Lorelei - muttering rocks

Amalia - work

Lorelei - muttering rocks

Angelica - angelic

Luitgard - Protector of the People

Aneli - use grace

Luise is a famous warrior

Annalaisa - the benefit of grace

Mine - helmet

Annalis - the benefit of grace

Malazinta is a strong worker

Annelin - the benefit of grace

Malvine - smooth brow

Atala - noble

Margarete - pearls

Barbel - foreign

Mareik - beloved

Bindi is a beautiful snake

Maril - sweetheart

Bridget - majestic

Minna - helmet

Victoria the conqueror

Mirjam - beloved

Wilda - wild

Odila is rich

Wilhelmain - helmet

Odilia is rich

Gabrayale - strong from God

Ortrun - the secret of the point

Ganda - war

Ottild - rich

Gertrudt - the power of the spear

Ottilie is rich

Gratia is pleasing

Raik is a peaceful ruler

Gretta - pearls

Reinhild - Battle Counselor

Dagmar - damsel of the day

Rosemarie - sweetheart

Gerdy - nested citadel

Rupert - famous

Jisela - pledge

Siegild - Struck by Victory

Joseph - she will multiply

Tatyana - father

Zelda - the gray maiden

Teresia the Reaper

Susanne - lily

Freja - Lady Mistress

Yvon - yew tree

Freed - the power of an elf

Yvonet - yew tree

Frock is the little lady

Imk - whole

Hann is a good god

Injeborg - help protection

Hedwig - the fighting war

Irma is a whole universal

Helmain - helmet

Irmgard - universal

Helwidis - very healthy

Irmtrod - totally loved

Hermine - Army Man

Irmtrud - completely loved

Hildegard - battle guard

Kakili - blind

Hildegaird - wrestling

Carlot is a man

Hiltrod - the strength of the battle

Katarina is pure

Elsa - god is my oath

Caitrin - pure

Ermtraud - totally loved

Kinj - withstanding war

Ermtrud - totally loved

Clara - clear bright

Erna - fighting death

For the first time, German female names appeared several hundred years before our era. Their sound reflected the life, culture and beliefs of the ancient Germanic tribes.

The Germans believe that the name can significantly affect the fate of a person, therefore, they approach the choice of a name for a newborn girl with special care. Many German women's names, known to this day, consist of two parts, each of which has its own meaning.

During the Middle Ages, the Germans borrowed names from other peoples. Modern German female names come from literary works or films.

The Germans have spelled out at the legislative level how girls can be called. It is forbidden to call them obscene, dissonant names. Germany has an official list of allowed female names.

Let's talk about some of the most beautiful old and modern German names and the meaning of some of them.


Ursula is a popular German name, abbreviated girls are called Ulla or Ushi. Girls named Ursula are active and hardworking. They are demanding and receptive to the world around them.

Ursulas have a strong character, they never get lost in difficult situations. Ulla loves praise, but she sees flattery from afar. She doesn't like deceitful and insincere people.

The Ursula are efficient and always follow through with what they start. They are kind to others, but only until that moment, people will not affect Ulla's interests.

For Ursula, colleagues are not companions, but rivals. If there is an urgent need, Ulla is capable of compromises.

A woman with this name considers her opinion to be the only correct one, therefore she often reads notations to others. In general, Ursula is a committed and responsible person who achieves great success in her work.


Ingrid's name means the need for dominance. A woman named Ingrid is not afraid of conflicts and tries to constantly demonstrate her power. She is always busy with something. Tireless Ingrid is ready to take part in several cases at once, sometimes exhausting herself.

In personal relationships, she is loyal and loyal, but due to her constant employment, she often does not have time to build a strong family. Sometimes Ingrid can speak rudely and bluntly, she is very intolerant of other people's mistakes.

But he quickly departs and calms down. Ingrid is a born leader, she is able to manage a huge team.


The old name Hanna, popular in Germany, has Jewish roots and is directly related to Christianity. That was the name of the mother of Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ. The name Hannah has several meanings - the grace of God, brave, courage.

The woman who received this name, since childhood, strives for justice and independence. Little Hannahs are quick-tempered and vulnerable, they can cause a storm of emotions out of the blue.

With age, they stop being hot-tempered and learn to manage themselves. Hannah is sincere and helpful. They do not like fuss, in any difficult situations they behave calmly and judiciously.


The German name Gertrude has Scandinavian roots and translates as a warrior. Hera has a masculine disposition, she is able to achieve a lot in life.

Little Gertrude is a quiet and fearful child, she studies well and shows talents in various fields. Adult Gertrude has a strong character, is strict with others. In family life, Hera is soft, gentle and devoted, she is a hospitable hostess, in her house it is always warm and cozy.


Elsa is the German version of the name Elizabeth, in Germany this name is very common. Elsa is determined and courageous. As a child, he prefers to play with boys.

Elya takes what is happening to her heart and requires an attentive and sensitive attitude. Little Elsa has a well-developed imagination, but she has no special ability to study.

Adult Elsa is a workaholic, leads an active lifestyle, achieves heights in her career. She is usually closed with colleagues, rarely sharing her personal life. Elsa is distinguished by her love of pets; there are usually many pets in her house.

In her personal life, Elsa is preferred by numerous novels; they are not prone to strong connections. In men, they especially value intelligence. An imperious character does not prevent Elsa from being a good and fair mother.


Brigittes are indecisive and fearful, preferring to stay in the background and restrain their emotions. Women with this name are true to their word, they always keep their promises. They have a hard time betrayal and betrayal.

If Brigitte is attached to someone, then you can be sure that this is for a long time. Brigid are hardy and tireless, due to this they can achieve a lot. They become ideal housewives and wonderful mothers.


Rosemary are distinguished by their ingenuous and simple character. They always have many friends, they are mobile and cheerful. As a child, Rosemary can reach certain heights in sports.

An adult Rosemary is distinguished by internal contradictions: she can passionately love a person and also hate him fiercely. Women with this name are prone to frequent mood swings without any external reason.

Other popular German names

  • Rosemary is a reminder.
  • Greta is a gem.
  • Wilda is wild.
  • Nicole is the conqueror of nations.
  • Christina is a Christian.
  • Bertha is brilliant.
  • Emma is precious.
  • Ida is kind.
  • Susanna is a water lily.
  • Astrid is beautiful.
  • Angelica is angelic.
  • Brigitte is strong.
  • Laura is a laurel.
  • Monica is the only one.
  • Gabriela is a warrior of God.
  • Hannah is brave.
  • Anna is grace.
  • Beata is blessed.
  • Stefania is crowned.
  • Katrina is clean.
  • Sophia is wise.
  • Renata is born again.
  • Helga is a saint.
  • Maria is desirable.
  • Ursula is a bear.
  • Gertrude - beloved + spear.
  • Erica is powerful.
  • Ingrid is fertile.
  • Elizabeth is my God.
  • Petra is stone.
  • Helena is a torch.
  • Adelinde is a noble snake.
  • Amalia is a job.
  • Benedict - the blessed one.
  • Griselda is a gray maiden.
  • Yvonne is a yew tree.
  • Rebecca is a trap.
  • Jadwiga is a wealthy warrior.
  • Francisca is free.
  • Raffaela - God has healed.
  • Elsa is a God-worshiper.
  • Hilda is practical.
  • Gertrude is the power of the spear.
  • Brunhilde is a woman warrior.
  • Gretchen is a small pearl.
  • Juliana is youth.
  • Annemarie is good.
  • Sommer is summer.
  • Margaret is a gem.
  • Martha is a lady.
  • Clara is bright.
  • Karla is a man.
  • Ingeborga - protection.
  • Isolde is an ice rule.
  • Gaby is strong.
  • Amalia is a job.
  • Erma is whole.
  • Francisca is free.
  • Eleanor is different.
  • Emily is a competitor.
  • Teresa is a reaper.
  • Suzy is a lily.
  • Felika is lucky.
  • Helma is a helmet.
  • Odelia is rich.
  • Ida is kind.
  • Louise is a warrior.
  • Ernesta - fighting death.
  • Irma - dedication to the god of war.
  • Astrid is the goddess of beauty.
  • Helena is the moon.
  • Hilda is attractive.
  • Frida is the power of an elf.
  • Ulrika is power.
  • Imma - whole.
  • Leona is a lioness.
  • Lorelei is the muttering of the rock.
  • Carlota is a man.
  • Jitta is majestic.
  • Verena is wisdom.
  • Volda is the rule.
  • Hertha is the power of the spear.
  • Iolanta is a violet.
  • Isolde is cold gold.
  • Jolenta is a purple flower.
  • Matilda is strong in battle.
  • Verena is sacred wisdom.
  • Albertina is a bright nobility.
  • Ermtraud is totally loved.
  • Adelaide is of noble birth.
  • Heinrike is the ruler of the house.
  • Svanhilda is a slain swan.
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Due to their sonority and beauty, Germanic family nicknames are very popular among the peoples of many countries. Each of the proper names is unique and has a specific origin. Anyone who wants to join the culture of the peoples of Germany can choose a nickname to their liking, beautiful in sound or with a sacred meaning.

German names and surnames

The history of the appearance of German names and surnames begins in ancient times. Personal names were designed to carry not only a beautiful combination, but also a magical meaning that endowed the owner with certain character traits. The surname of the Germans had a slightly different character of the formation. They began to emerge from the meanings of nicknames that reflected:

  • already existing bright qualities of a person (Braun - brown, Schwarz - black, Klein - small);
  • the area where he lived (von Berne, von der Vogelweide);
  • the owner's profession or his occupation (Becker - baker, Koch - cook, Bauer - peasant);
  • many were formed from personal names (Peters, Walter).

Gradually, peculiar nicknames began to be recorded in official documents and acquired the meaning of the first German surnames that were entrenched in all the descendants of the people who bore them. Business papers began to be widely distributed. In many modern families in Germany, it is customary to address servants simply by their first name, without using the appeals that are familiar to this European country and have a respectful meaning:

  • Herr - for men;
  • Frau for women.

The prefix "von" in German surnames

Many Germanic surnames have the prefix "von" at the beginning. It was very honorable to have one, since it was assigned exclusively to people of noble blood - aristocrats. In ancient times, only feudal lords could have such a postscript - people who had servants and land plots in their possession. Today the prefix "von" in German surnames can be found among people of any kind of activity, since all noble privileges have been canceled.

German surnames for girls

Girls with sonorous names can assign themselves a second foreign origin. For a respectful treatment of women in Germany, the word "Frau" is used, which means "mistress". Beautiful German female surnames for girls:

  • Kaufman is a merchant;
  • Becker is a baker;
  • Riger - from Riga;
  • Klee - clover;
  • Hertz is courage;
  • Reuss - on behalf of;
  • Schultz is the headman;
  • Mayer - farmer, burgomaster;
  • Till is a strong ruler;
  • Junghans - on behalf of the clan.

German surnames for men

Male surnames should be of noble and majestic significance. Representatives of the stronger sex can choose them by translation from German, in accordance with their profession or appearance. To emphasize the significance, the word "Herr" should be used when addressing. List of popular handsome male German proper names with their meanings:

  • Fisher is a fisherman;
  • Schmidt is a blacksmith;
  • Becker is a baker;
  • Koh is a cook;
  • Richter is a judge;
  • Brown is brown;
  • Lange is big;
  • Klein is small;
  • Schroeder is a tailor;
  • Kohler is a coal miner;
  • Koening is the king;
  • Krause - curly;
  • Lehmann is a landowner.

Popular German surnames

Common German surnames are often used as pseudonyms. They are beautiful, noble, sonorous. Many famous people wear such family nicknames. List of popular beautiful Germanic proper names with meanings:

  • Müller is a miller;
  • Mayer - land manager;
  • Weber is a weaver;
  • Wagner is a coachman;
  • Schultz is the headman;
  • Hoffman is a courtier;
  • Shefer is a shepherd;
  • Bauer is a peasant;
  • Wolf is a wolf;
  • Neumann is a new person;
  • Zimmerman is a carpenter;
  • Kruger is a potter;
  • Schwartz - black;
  • Hartmann - from a male personal name.

There are other nice nicknames:

  • Walter;
  • Berg;
  • Bormann;
  • Bremer;
  • Brunner;
  • Gantz;
  • Gruber;
  • Geller;
  • Seiler;
  • Simmel;
  • Singer;
  • Keller;
  • Kramer;
  • Liebknecht;
  • Leitner;
  • Merkel;
  • Meyer;
  • Moritz;
  • Kneller;
  • Osterman;
  • Pearl;
  • Preuss;
  • Riedel;
  • Rogge;
  • Rothman;
  • Frieze;
  • Fuchs;
  • Hoffman;
  • Zuckerman;
  • Schwartz;
  • Schiller;
  • Schmidt;
  • Schneider;
  • Shredder;
  • Matte;
  • Ebel.