What should be in your home first aid kit? What to buy in your home medicine cabinet

What should be in your home first aid kit?  What to buy in your home medicine cabinet
What should be in your home first aid kit? What to buy in your home medicine cabinet

To create a home first aid kit, it is better to conditionally divide all its components into several groups, depending on their purpose - this makes it easier to assemble a first aid kit.

Group 1: external agents and dressings. You will need: hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solutions of brilliant green and iodine, Miramistin, salicylic alcohol, Levomekol (or any other ointment containing an antibiotic), a sterile narrow and wide bandage (it is better to choose in sterile packaging - for longer storage) , non-sterile bandage, non-sterile hygroscopic cotton wool, medical plaster and bactericidal plaster, “potassium permanganate”, “Furacilin”, rubber hemostatic tourniquet.

Group 2: medications for oral administration. It is important to have in your home medicine cabinet antipyretics (“Nurofen”, “Ibuprofen”, “Paracetamol”, “Panadol” or “Efferalgan”), antispasmodics for relaxing smooth muscles and blood vessels (“Drotaverine” or “No-shpa”), agents used for nervous excitement and rapid heartbeat (Corvalol, Valoserdin, valerian tablets, Validol), sorbents that help with poisoning and diarrhea (activated carbon, Smecta), means for restoring normal intestinal microflora (Hilak forte", "Bifidumbacterin"), enzymes to improve digestion ("Mezim", "Pancreatin"), rehydrating compounds - to replenish fluid loss by the body during vomiting or diarrhea ("Regidron"), anti-diarrhea drugs ("Imodium" or "Loperamide" "), antihistamines - to relieve allergy symptoms ("Loratadine" or "Suprastin").

Group 3: auxiliary means. These include: a thermometer, sterile syringes and needles, a heating pad, pipettes, syringes, scissors.

Group 4 includes those drugs that are necessary for family members with chronic diseases - diabetes, gastritis, arterial hypertension. It is better to store medications for the treatment of these diseases or to relieve emergencies that are possible with such diseases in a separate case, in a place that is easily accessible to all adult family members.

Every family, without exception, must have a home first aid kit. It may be needed in a variety of situations, for example, to bring down a high fever, provide first aid for a heart attack, food poisoning, get rid of pain and spasms, cope with a cut or burn, and much more. It is very important to correctly organize the contents of your home medicine cabinet so that all the necessary medications are at hand.

The list of required medications should include general medications to help in various situations, as well as a list of medications that you take on a regular basis as recommended by your doctors. The home first aid kit should contain such first aid supplies as sterile and non-sterile bandages, cotton wool, medical plaster, disposable bactericidal and gauze wipes, and a hemostatic tourniquet. These devices will help you provide assistance with cuts, burns, injuries, and fractures.

In addition, it will be useful to have a 10% ammonia solution in order to quickly revive an unconscious person.

A thermometer, all instructions for using medications, a measuring cup, mustard plasters, an enema, syringes, pipettes and cotton swabs are often stored there in the first aid kit.

The medications you purchase may not be the most expensive, but they must be of good quality and not expired. To avoid counterfeits, buy medications only from trusted pharmacies, and not from stores or shopping centers.

Bactericidal drugs

Your home medicine cabinet must have iodine or a solution of brilliant green to disinfect minor wounds and scratches.

In case of large open skin damage, these products can only be used to treat the area around the wound, but not inside it.

In addition, it will be useful to have a solution of furacillin, hydrogen peroxide, BF glue, and potassium permanganate powder available.

Buy also some ointment for burns. It not only relieves pain, but also sterilizes damaged skin.

Heart medications

In your home medicine cabinet, it is advisable to store “just in case” such medications as “Validol”, “Corvalol”, “Valocardin” and “Nitroglycerin”. The heart can become ill suddenly, even in an apparently healthy person,
and these drugs are sold without a prescription and can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Familiarize yourself with the storage conditions for these medications. Some of them can only be stored at a certain temperature and away from direct sunlight.


If you do not regularly experience severe pain, you can limit yourself to such antispasmodics as “No-shpa” or “Papaverine”. Also put Analgin or Ibuprofen in your first aid kit in case of a severe toothache or headache.
It is also useful to have warming gels and creams for pain in the joints and lower back.

Drugsfor stomach pain

You can’t do without activated carbon in your first aid kit, which will help with food poisoning. These tablets are absolutely harmless and perfectly remove toxins from the body.

Also stock up on the medications “Mezim” and “Festal” for heaviness in the stomach after a heavy meal.

It is also useful to have on hand medications that relieve heartburn: such as Almagel, Maalox or Reni.

Antiallergic drugs

Even if you are not prone to allergic reactions, having an allergy medicine in your home medicine cabinet will not hurt, since friends or relatives who come to visit you may suffer from it.

Antipyretic and anti-cold medications

No one is immune from colds and flu, so antipyretics, as well as nasal sprays, sore throat medications, and antiviral drugs should be in every first aid kit. Their choice is quite wide, you can select them individually, in depending on age and other preferences.

A home first aid kit is in every home; it is an indispensable thing for any ailments or domestic accidents. So even the impeccable health of the whole family is not a reason to treat it negligently.

  • In case of trouble

    Tourniquet, sterile and non-sterile bandage, adhesive plaster, cotton wool, medical sponge, scissors - be sure to keep them at home. Applicable for minor household injuries and accidents, these products should be in the first aid kit next to iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, 3% peroxide, as well as a remedy for burns. It makes sense to store antihistamines here too - even if there seem to be no allergy sufferers in the family, it is necessary to be warned.


    Aspirin relieves pain and reduces fever. No-spa and spasmalgon are effective as antispasmodics, that is, drugs that relax muscle spasms. Drugs such as Ketanov, Pentalgin and Sedalgin are capable of relieving severe pain, but they are not recommended for frequent use, as are any other painkillers: they have significant side effects. Nevertheless, they should be in the first aid kit.


    A thermometer - mercury or electronic, gauze for compresses, cough tablets and syrups, nasal drops or spray for a runny nose, medicinal herbal preparations - will come in handy. Fervex-type sachets are effective at the very beginning of the disease and can help you stay on your feet and get through a cold more easily.


    Valerian tincture or tablets, motherwort - these simple remedies will help you survive stress. “Novopassit” and “Persen” normalize sleep and reduce anxiety. Heart pain will be relieved by Corvalol, Validol, Valocardine. If the stress is severe and heart pain occurs frequently, be sure to visit a doctor.

  • For poisoning and stomach pain

    Activated carbon is mandatory in case of poisoning; it can be given to both adults and children. Remedies like Mezima will help with stomach upsets and a feeling of heaviness. Also keep medications for heartburn, diarrhea and constipation in your medicine cabinet.

    How to organize a first aid kit

    Choose a special “suitcase” or any convenient container. Medicines should be stored in a dry, dark, cool place. First aid supplies for injuries should be kept separately. They should be available in case you get hurt or someone close to you gets hurt, and the panic that sometimes accompanies such situations complicates even the simplest actions. The easier it is to get first aid supplies, the better.

    If there are children or animals in the house, the first aid kit should be inaccessible to them.

    From time to time, look into the first aid kit and conduct an audit: throw away expired products, replenish supplies of those medications that are running out. You can attach to your first aid kit a list of what should always be in it, taking into account the needs of your family, and then simply update it and check it during these revisions.

    If there is not enough space in the first aid kit itself, you can throw away the boxes, saving the instruction sheet. Make sure that there is an expiration date on the blister or bottle (if not, copy it from the box to the instructions), and then unfold and arrange the sheets alphabetically in a folder with transparent files. The instructions will be easy to find, it will be clear, and bulky packaging will no longer take up extra space.

  • A home first aid kit should contain medications that can help alleviate the symptoms of emerging diseases at the right time. At the same time, the drugs chosen for each family must be selected individually in accordance with the presence of diseases that require treatment.

  • Drug groups

    The components of each home first aid kit can be divided into 4 groups. It is important that the first aid kit contains drugs for oral administration (tablets and mixtures), products for external use (ointments, creams), materials for dressing (bandage, gauze) and additional aids (thermometer, sans serif tweezers, etc.) .

    Oral medications

    Every first aid kit must contain anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs for relieving fever and pain relief. If one of the family members gets sick, they will help relieve fever and reduce pain. Mandatory medications in this group include Paracetamol, Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and Ibuprofen. In this case, the supply of the medicine should be enough for approximately 3 days of use by one person. It will also be important to purchase an antispasmodic agent (for example, Drotaverine or No-shpa), as well as painkillers such as Nise, Nurofen, Mig, etc.

    It is important that your first aid kit always contains medications that, if anything happens, can help relieve the symptoms of heart pain, intestinal cramps and emotional overexcitation. Among such drugs one can note “Barboval”, “Corvalol”.

    You should also purchase Validol or Valocardin, which will help with neurosis, hysteria, angina pectoris or motion sickness.

    It is also important for your home medicine cabinet to purchase medications that will help you cope with gastrointestinal disorders. Among such drugs one can note activated carbon, Smecta. Among the drugs for restoring intestinal microflora one can note “Hilak-forte”, “Lactofiltrum”, “Bifidumbacterin”. To relieve the symptoms of diarrhea, Loperamide, Lopedium or Imodium are suitable. The use of enzyme preparations (Mezim, Pancreatin) may also be required.

  • Among other medications, the medicine cabinet must include antihistamines for allergies (Claritin, Suprastin). To treat cold symptoms, nasal drops (Tizin, Xylen, Xymelin) may be useful. Additionally, it is necessary to put in the first aid kit those medications that were prescribed by the attending physician for the treatment of an existing chronic disease.

    Other drugs

    Among the products for external use, it is important to have a solution of brilliant green or iodine, which can be used for disinfection to avoid infection. It is advisable to buy salicylic alcohol or calendula tincture, which will help in the treatment of purulent wounds. Hydrogen peroxide will help stop bleeding, and “Rescuer” or “Panthenol” ointments will help with burns. Troxevasin and heparin ointment will help get rid of swelling and hematomas faster.

    To treat bruises, sprains and other injuries, it is necessary to purchase ointments that contain ketoprofen, ibuprofen or diclofenac.

    The first aid kit must have a thermometer, a sterile bandage, an elastic bandage (for treating sprains), cotton wool and cotton pads (for compresses and wiping skin lesions), cotton swabs (for applying ointments and other products), and an adhesive plaster. It is also important that you always have scissors in your first aid kit (for cutting bandages and opening packages), pIncest (removing foreign objects from the skin), heating pad (relieving spasms), gauze masks (protecting family members at the time of infection), syringes and syringes of several sizes.

    How to properly maintain a home first aid kit

    In case there is no need to call a doctor or, on the contrary, you need to quickly help the person before his arrival, there should be a home first aid kit. It is important that everything in it is orderly and clear, so that in an emergency you don’t have to mix up the whole mass of pills and other medications in search of what you need, but find the “needed” one right away.

    First, you need to go through your first aid kit and throw out all expired medications.

    If there is a person in your family with a certain disease, set aside all medications related to his disease.

    Divide the remaining drugs into groups. Let one of them be anti-cold. Place oxolinic ointment, Arbidol or Interferon in it - these are preventative medications. This group must include the antipyretic Paracetamol. Add more sore throat remedies and expectorants, and the first group is complete.

    Place painkillers in the next compartment. Citramon for headaches and stronger Baralgin.

    Next, collect medicines for heart patients. This may include simply sedatives such as valerian, motherwort, Corvalol, and more serious medications - Validol and Nitroglycerin. Be sure to include Aspirin, which thins the blood, in this group.

  • In the fourth group, collect medications that help with disorders of the digestive tract. There should be activated charcoal, which is taken for bloating and poisoning, and No-Spa, which relieves spasms, and Loperamide, which is taken for diarrhea, as well as Regulax for constipation. In case of acute stomach pain, take Mezim.

    There should also be a number of antiallergic drugs in the medicine cabinet - Suprastin or Vietnamese star (although it is generally a universal remedy).

    For all kinds of wounds and cuts, you should always have bandages, cotton wool, plasters and antiseptic solutions such as brilliant green or iodine.

    In addition, make sure that you always have a thermometer and blood pressure monitor in your first aid kit. But try Just try not to get sick so you can resort to medications less often.

  • You can get sick at any time of the day, including when it is not possible to visit the pharmacy. Therefore, you need to keep at least the most necessary medications at home. Below we provide a sample list of the contents of a home first aid kit. Choose the appropriate ones, supplement it with drugs that are suitable specifically for your family members.

    Antipyretic medications in a home medicine cabinet

    PARACETAMOL, CEFEKON D suppositories (for children from 3 months to 3 years), NUROFEN (pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic), EFFERALGAN, COLDACT, TERRAFLU and analogues, RINZASIP, COLDREX, etc. Most drugs are based on paracetamol.

    Painkillers in a home medicine cabinet


    Sedatives in a home medicine cabinet

    Tincture of MOONOR, VALERIAN, peppermint herb, lemon balm and oregano, calendula, hawthorn and rose hips, NOVO-PASSIT, PERSEN, GLYCINE, soothing drops GERBION, soothing collection, etc.

    Antihistamines in a home medicine cabinet


    For sore throat

    Rotocan, Hexoral, Imudon lozenges, pectusin lozenges, Doctor Mom lozenges, Iodinol, Lugol's solution, Furacilin for rinsing, etc.

    Against cough

    Gedelix, Gerbion, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Bromhexine, Doctor MOM ointment (used for rubbing and local massage during sputum discharge), Linkas, cough tablets, Stoptussin, Mucaltin, Pectusin, ACC, licorice root syrup, etc. Read more about cough treatment

    Nasal drops


    Poisoning, gastrointestinal pain

    ENTEROSGEL, ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, SMEKTA, MEZIM, FESTAL, sachets of REGIDRON - against dehydration, HILAC Forte, OAK BARK or St. John's wort - strengthening. Senna leaf, buckthorn bark, Duphalac - laxatives.

    For burns, cuts

    Ointments PANTHENOL, BEPANTHEN, DEXPANTHENOL - are used in children from birth, LEVOMEKOL - in children over 1 year. For burns, you can use Panthenol spray for non-contact application to the affected surface. ACTOVEGIN and SOLCOSERYL in the form of ointment or gel are approved for use from the first days of life, have wound-healing properties, but do not have a disinfectant effect, and it is also better not to combine them with other similar drugs. EPLAN cream has wound-healing, bactericidal, regenerating properties, and is effective against frostbite and insect bites.

    Disinfectants in a home medicine cabinet

    HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 3%, IODINE, brilliant green solution, potassium permanganate powder, medical alcohol.

    Antiseptic for skin and mucous membranes

    MIRAMISTIN, OCTENISEPT - wide range of applications: treatment of wounds, for gynecological, ENT diseases, used as an antibacterial agent for inhalation (nebulizer, Octenisept diluted with water 1:4).

    Additional items in your home medicine cabinet

    Sterile bandages, cotton wool, bactericidal and regular plaster, tourniquet, elastic bandage, pipettes, rubber bulb, medical thermometer, tanometer, tweezers, heating pad, several syringes, baby cream, wet disinfectant wipes, paper handkerchiefs, cotton swabs and pads, powder powder , baking soda, mustard plasters, scissors.

    Carefully! There are contraindications. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor!

    The first aid kit should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children. Carry out an “inventory” of medicines approximately every six months to purchase expired ones or dispose of expired ones. It is convenient to keep a sheet of paper with the telephone numbers of emergency services, pharmacies and paid clinics in the first aid kit.

    Photo - photobank Lori

    None of us are immune from emergencies or attacks of pain that indicate the onset of a disease or ordinary fatigue. Therefore, a first aid kit should always be present: at work, at home or while traveling.

    What should be in a first aid kit, how to assemble it correctly, as well as what requirements apply to its contents, you will find out by reading our article.

    General requirements

    A first aid kit consists of medications and dressing materials that are used to provide emergency care in emergency cases. Despite the fact that the basic content of the kits is almost the same, the number and types of drugs included in them are different. They depend on the purpose of the kit.

    The minimum list of equipment that must be present in a universal first aid kit:

    1. Gauze bandages (sterile and non-sterile), at least 3 pieces. Used to stop and protect against infection.
    2. Gauze napkins. Used in combination with other dressing devices to stop blood loss.
    3. Elastic bandages for fixation during and.
    4. to stop heavy bleeding.
    5. Scissors.
    6. Cotton wool and adhesive plaster.
    7. Tweezers for pulling ticks or small objects out of an open wound.
    8. Hyperthermic packs are used to apply cold to the damaged area;
    9. Disposable gloves.
    10. Antiseptic drugs (iodine, peroxide, brilliant green) are used for disinfection.
    11. Potassium permanganate can be used to disinfect damaged skin after or other wounds, and also as a gastric lavage agent.
    12. and antipyretic medications. Their list is extensive, but most often they put Nurofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol, and Analgin in the first aid kit.
    13. Agents that reduce inflammation.
    14. Antibacterial drugs.
    15. Ammonia is used when providing first aid in a state of
    16. Antiseptic drops used for...
    17. To relieve the symptoms of poisoning or to replenish the lack of fluid in the body, rehydration solutions are used;
    18. Activated carbon is used for gastrointestinal infections and poisoning.
    19. Antihistamines, relievers. These include Loratadine and Cetirizine.
    20. Nitroglycerin and valerian infusion are needed to relieve the manifestations of diseases.

    It should be noted that this composition of a first aid kit may vary depending on the place of its use.

    First aid at work

    Every enterprise has a production first aid kit. Moreover, the list of medicines contained in it is approved by order of the Ministry of Health.

    Filling a first aid kit in production facilities is subject to the following rules:

    • It is prohibited to replace medications approved by order with similar drugs or reduce their quantity;
    • After certain drugs have been used or their shelf life has expired, the first aid kit must be replenished with new drugs;
    • First aid equipment can only be used in the configuration provided for by the relevant health decree.

    When providing first aid, you should strictly adhere to the rules prescribed in the instructions:

    • Emergency assistance can only be provided while wearing gloves;
    • If there are primary signs of an infectious disease in the victim, the person providing assistance should wear;
    • In case of severe bleeding, use a tourniquet, into which a note included in the kit is inserted.
    • A pocket mask is used for artificial ventilation of the lungs;
    • If the victim’s biological fluid comes into contact with an employee’s skin, it is wiped with an antiseptic;
    • Industrial kits also include a special blanket, which is used in case of hypothermia.

    Despite the fact that the first aid kit has a strictly regulated composition, it may differ depending on the main activity of the enterprise.

    Medicines in the car

    A car first aid kit is a must-have item in any car. In its absence, the driver is subject to a fine of 500 rubles. Moreover, when passing a technical inspection, the quantity and quality of the medicines included in its composition are checked as carefully as the technical condition of the car.

    In 2010, new requirements for the configuration of first aid kits were introduced, which remain unchanged to this day.

    Taking into account the specifics of car accidents, when creating a new first aid kit, the main emphasis was placed on dressings and hemostatic materials.

    What is included in the motorist medical kit:

    • Tourniquet – 1;
    • Non-sterile bandages 5 and 10 centimeters wide and 5 meters long - 2 each;
    • Non-sterile bandage 14 centimeters wide and 7 meters long – 1;
    • Sterile bandages 7 and 10 centimeters wide and 5 meters long - 2 each;
    • Sterile bandage 14 centimeters wide and 7 meters long – 1;
    • Sterile dressing bag – 1;
    • Sterile medical wipes – 1 pack;
    • Bactericidal patch 4/10 cm – 2;
    • Bactericidal patch 1.9/7.2 cm – 10;
    • Rolled plaster – 1 package;
    • Lung resuscitator;
    • Scissors – 1;
    • Disposable gloves – 1 pair.

    Other first aid supplies in the form of medications or antiseptics are not required in a motorist’s kit. However, drivers can supplement their first-aid kits with them individually.

    You can use a car first aid kit for no more than 4.5 years. After this period it should be replaced

    Storage rules

    Since any first aid kit contains medications, there are important requirements for its storage:

    • Drugs are periodically checked for compliance with expiration dates;
    • Keep the kit out of the reach of children;
    • For a home first aid kit, both ready-made containers with medicines and improvised means in the form of boxes or boxes are suitable;
    • Store medications in places inaccessible to moisture, light and high temperatures;
    • All fat-based medications are stored in the refrigerator.

    Whatever storage methods are chosen, it is important to remember that before using any medication, you need to check the expiration dates. Taking expired medications can lead to poisoning and serious health problems.

    The need to have a first aid kit at your dacha is beyond doubt.

    What should be included in its composition, what medications and accessories, so that it has everything you need and nothing extra? Let's find out together.

    When we go to the dacha, we do not expect to get sick there, but to relax. But life is unpredictable, and anything can happen - a burn, food poisoning, allergies. The purpose of a country first aid kit is not to replace medicine. It is intended only to cope with minor problems, and in more serious cases, to provide first aid supplies and help to wait for the doctor.

    Therefore, there is no point in buying up the entire pharmacy, collecting a stock of drugs that would be enough for the first couple of years after the explosion of the Yellowstone volcano, the onset of a zombie apocalypse or an attack by alien aggressors. Our motto is “Everything you need, nothing superfluous!”

    In what cases may medications from the first aid kit be needed?

    • for various types of digestive disorders;
    • to get rid of pain;
    • for colds;
    • in case of allergies;
    • if poisoning occurs;
    • when receiving injuries: cuts, abrasions, burns, dislocations and fractures. Some injuries can be treated at home; for others, you will need to go to a traumatologist, after first providing first aid to the victim.

    In addition, it is useful to store some aids in the country first aid kit.

    The most convenient way to organize a first aid kit is in a special plastic organizer with compartments in which it is convenient to store medications. You can organize the help tools into separate cells, indicating each with a list of contents. The organizer or bag of medications should be stored in a dry, dark, not too warm place. Some medications must be stored at lower temperatures. They are placed in a separate small container, and then on the door or bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

    The first aid kit should be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

    Once every 6 months it is necessary to carry out an audit, checking the expiration dates of each medicine and promptly replacing them with fresh ones.

    What should you put in your country first aid kit?

    Dressing material in case of injuries and burns

    • Cotton wool. May be needed for compresses.
    • Sterile gauze wipes and individual dressing bag.
    • Bandage, sterile and non-sterile, of different widths.
    • The bandage is elastic. May be needed in case of sprain, dislocation or fracture to ensure immobility of the injured limb.
    • Plaster of different sizes, roll of adhesive plaster of medium width.
    • Packaging of cotton swabs.
    • Hemostatic sponge. It may never be needed, but will be there in case of injury that causes heavy bleeding.

    It's time to forget about the green stuff. And not only because it is difficult to wash. Today we have at our disposal much more modern means that are not dirty and effective. Actually, this also applies to iodine, which often causes chemical burns. However, iodine can be useful for drawing an iodine mesh on injection sites so that painful bumps will resolve faster, so let it remain.

    • Miramistin and/or chlorhexidine solution - for disinfection.
    • Hydrogen peroxide 3% - for treating wounds and stopping minor bleeding.
    • Panthenol spray - for the treatment of 1st degree burns.
    • Levomekol - for treating wounds and accelerating healing.
    • Solcoseryl - to accelerate healing.
    • Medical alcohol - for disinfection and compresses.

    Painkillers and antipyretics

    • Paracetamol, Nimesulide: for fever, headache.
    • Tsefekon-D candles, if children under 3 years old will be vacationing at the dacha.
    • Spasmalgon: will help relieve the condition during menstrual pain, relieve headaches. There are contraindications, don’t get carried away!
    • Drotaverine: antispasmodic. It will help with intestinal colic, menstrual pain, and an attack of cholecystitis. Not suitable for pregnant women!
    • Coldrex, Terraflu, Gripcold or their analogues - at the first signs of a cold. Does not replace the need to see a doctor and treatment!
    • Fastum-gel - for pain in muscles and bones.
    • Sports freezing in the form of a spray helps reduce pain from bruises and sprains, prevents swelling and hematomas from developing. Use exclusively as a first aid remedy and only on intact skin!

    Heart and antihypertensive medications

    As a rule, hypertensive patients and those who suffer from heart disease use medications prescribed by a doctor. But just in case, it’s still worth having first aid supplies for heart disease or hypertension in your country first aid kit. And this is not validol or valocordin, which belong in the cabinet of curiosities. Better stock up:

    • Captopril, which can reduce blood pressure during a hypertensive crisis.
    • Nitroglycerin, which is given under the tongue during an attack of angina or severe pain in the heart.

    Poisoning, gastrointestinal problems

    • Senade, Duphalac, Regulax, lactulose syrup, optional - for constipation
    • Enterosgel, Smecta, activated carbon - for poisoning. Activated carbon is not taken in 1-2 tablets, but at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of live weight, and you can crush them, dilute them in water and drink them. Enterosgel is easier to take, and it also works more effectively.
    • Regidron will help restore the water-salt balance in case of dehydration caused by severe diarrhea or vomiting.
    • Enterofuril - for intestinal disorders.
    • Maalox, Rennie will help with heartburn, but you cannot constantly extinguish the fire in your chest with these remedies. Heartburn is only a symptom, and a doctor and systematic treatment will help to cope with the cause.


    Allergy sufferers usually have a supply of the necessary remedies on hand, but an insidious allergy may one day appear for the first time in anyone. Therefore, it is better to have a small supply in your first aid kit in case of an allergic reaction.

    • Loratadine, Cetirizine or their analogues. You can also buy the usual allergy medications - Suprastin or Tavegil, but they are somewhat outdated. More modern remedies act faster and more effectively and do not have the drowsing effect of first-generation allergy medications.
    • Naphthyzin, Galazolin - vasoconstrictor nasal drops that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. They are addictive, do not use for more than 5 days! By the way, the vasoconstrictor effect helps stop minor bleeding, so naphthyzine can be used for nosebleeds and minor cuts.
    • Eye drops and nasal spray based on cromoglycic acid: Cromohexal, Lecrolin, etc. Not suitable for children under 5 years of age and pregnant women!
    • Fenistil gel will help relieve itching and swelling from insect bites. Not suitable for pregnant women in the first trimester; there are other contraindications.
    • Visine or "Artificial tear". These drops will help flush out the eye if a foreign particle gets into it and relieve dryness and irritation.

    The first aid kit should have a thermometer and a blood pressure monitor. A mechanical tonometer has a number of advantages - for example, it does not depend on the battery life. But to use a mechanical tonometer you need to have some experience and good hearing. Automatic blood pressure monitors require timely replacement of batteries, just like an electronic thermometer. If you have a choice, preference should be given to a tonometer whose cuff is placed on the forearm rather than on the wrist; it gives more accurate results.

    It’s worth putting in the corner of your first aid kit:

    • Latex gloves
    • Several medical masks
    • Fingertips
    • Shoe covers for a doctor who comes to a call
    • Tweezers
    • Medium rubber syringe
    • Scissors
    • Inhaler
    • Syringes of different sizes.

    It is also useful to have an electric or rubber heating pad in your household, but it does not have to be stored together with medications.

    Why are antibiotics and cough medicines not on the list?

    You may have noticed that some familiar remedies are missing from the list - for example, for coughs and sore throats. This is not an accidental omission. Cough can be a symptom of many diseases, including very dangerous ones. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe correct and adequate treatment for the disease causing cough. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to constantly keep cough remedies in your home medicine cabinet.

    Antibiotics should never be used without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics is the problem of our time. Minor problems can be resolved without them, but more serious cases should still be treated by a doctor. Which will prescribe the most appropriate antibiotics if necessary.

    Be healthy and may you never need your first aid kit!

    Everyone should know what should be in a first aid kit at home, since the main purpose of a first aid kit is to quickly and effectively deal with problems such as:

    • injuries;
    • cuts;
    • cold;
    • abrasions;
    • digestive problems and much more.

    It is especially important to know what should be in the first aid kit at home if you have small children, since various troubles can often happen to a child.

    What should be in the first aid kit

    Many people are interested in what should be in the first aid kit at home. The list of medications largely depends on the age and health status of family members. However, there are also general components that must be present, in particular:

    • disinfectants;
    • dressings;
    • analgesics and antispasmodics;
    • medications for intestinal disorders;
    • antiviral agents;
    • ammonia;
    • some heart medications;
    • thermometer.

    It is very convenient if all these drugs and remedies are sorted into separate groups - at the right time you won’t have to look for them for a long time.

    Dressing materials

    To provide first aid to a person, dressing materials are required, so it is important to know what should be in the first aid kit at home. The list of the most necessary funds includes:

    • bandage;
    • cotton wool;
    • adhesive plaster.

    A sterile bandage is used for dressings, a non-sterile one helps to secure bandages for dislocations and fractures of the limbs, and is also used for compresses. Cotton wool is used for compresses, lotions, and also as a cushioning material for bandages. In addition, it is advisable to have an elastic bandage for bruises and sprains.

    These materials will help with absolutely any skin damage. With their help, a burn or wound can be dried, treated with an antiseptic and protected from infection. It is worth noting that the dressing material does not deteriorate over a long period of time, so you can stock up on it in sufficient quantities.


    Everyone needs to know what should be in the first aid kit at home. External use products are required to help cope with various problems. In particular, there should be:

    • antiseptics;
    • drugs to stop bleeding;
    • remedies for hematomas and edema.

    The first aid kit should contain iodine, which is used to treat scratches, wounds, and hard spots after injections. Brilliant green solution is used to disinfect wounds and treat infectious blisters.

    Hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, and chlorhexidine solution are well suited for washing the wound surface. The principle of operation of these antimicrobial agents is the same; which one to choose for your home medicine cabinet is not important.

    Products for treating wounds and burns

    Furacillin acts as an antimicrobial agent for treating wounds, hydrogen peroxide is an antimicrobial and hemostatic agent. The drug “Panthenol” is used as a remedy for burns. In the presence of wounds and deep lesions, only the edges should be treated with iodine so as not to irritate the damaged tissue.


    Many people are interested in what should be in the first aid kit at home so that they can eliminate emerging health problems. It is advisable to have painkillers and antipyretics at home. Many of these medications help relieve pain and reduce fever at the same time. In particular, these include the drugs Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, and Analgin. Their quantity should be such that a person will have enough for about 2-3 days.

    Almost every adult has experience using these medications and knows what helps them the most. Women should have in their medicine cabinet combination products that will help eliminate muscle pain and headaches at the same time. However, it is worth remembering that such combination drugs are not always suitable.

    Painkillers can help relieve cramping, but should not be used if you have abdominal pain or are at risk of having a stroke. Painkillers and antispasmodics are required. Analgesics are required for:

    • headache, muscle and toothache;
    • intestinal and hepatic colic;
    • injuries and bruises.

    In childhood, it is allowed to use painkillers made on the basis of ibuprofen or paracetomol, in particular such as Efferalgan, Panadol, Nurofen. Exactly the same drugs are suitable for adults, but in tablet form. In addition, you can use medicines based on analgin and acetylsalicylic acid, in particular, Pentalgin, Aspirin, Sedalgin Neo, Citramon. They should be used as indicated in the instructions, but not more than 4 times a day.

    The next type of medicine that should be in your medicine cabinet at home are antispasmodics and help eliminate spasms of the digestive tract. In this case, drugs based on drotaverine are required, in particular, “No-Shpa”. They can be used for adults and children over 6 years of age. For children, carminatives are used, such as Simethicone, Espumisan. However, they should be purchased only after prior consultation with a doctor.

    Sedatives and cardiac drugs

    When answering the question of what should be in the first aid kit at home, it is important to choose the right sedatives that will help get rid of heart pain, and are also used for overexcitation and palpitations. Among these medicines, the following should be highlighted:

    • "Barboval."
    • "Corvalol".
    • "Corvaldin."

    You can find them in any pharmacy, and the price is reasonable.

    Validol, which comes in the form of capsules or tablets, helps a lot. This remedy is used for hysteria, neurosis, an attack of angina, and also helps to cope with nausea during motion sickness. The tablet should be placed under the tongue and dissolved slowly. If relief does not come after about 5-10 minutes, then you need to consult a doctor for help. Medicines for the treatment of the cardiovascular system should be at least one blister or bottle in a home medicine cabinet.

    Cold remedies

    In order to quickly cope with a cold or strengthen your immune system in advance, it is important to know what should be in your first aid kit at home. Acute respiratory diseases require the use of complex remedies that help eliminate fever, nasal congestion, muscle pain and aches.

    Such drugs are available in the form of powders, which are then dissolved with warm water, in particular, Coldrex Hotrem, Tera Flue, Fervex, or in tablet form, for example, Rinza, Coldrex. For children, antipyretics are available in the form of syrups and suppositories.

    Expectorants, as well as various medicinal herbs that are classified as herbal medicine, help to cope with a cough.

    Medicines for the treatment of the stomach and intestines

    It is difficult to avoid poisoning, especially if a person does not always eat at home, but prefers catering. Therefore, you definitely need to know what medications should be in your medicine cabinet at home to reduce intoxication. To remove toxic substances from the body, you must have activated carbon or Smecta, and to restore the intestinal microflora and normalize stool you will need probiotics.

    In case of poisoning and loose stools, Imodium helps. This drug makes it possible to replenish fluid loss in the body and prevent dehydration. Of all these products, it is enough to have one package at home, and for activated carbon, which is taken 1 tablet for every 10 kg of a person’s weight, it is advisable to purchase several packages at once.

    Other drugs and agents

    What should be in a first aid kit at home is a question that worries many people, since it needs to be properly equipped so that the required medications are always at hand. It is advisable to purchase ammonia; it can be useful in cases of fainting. This remedy must be used very carefully, as excessive amounts can cause respiratory arrest.

    After a festive feast, you may feel a feeling of heaviness in your stomach from overeating, so it is advisable to have enzyme preparations at home, such as Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin.

    Allergy sufferers should carry antihistamines prescribed by the doctor and drops for rhinitis.

    It is important for people with chronic diseases to have a sufficient quantity of the medications they regularly take in their medicine cabinet.

    In addition, your home first aid kit should contain the following items:

    • pipettes;
    • mustard plasters;
    • enema;
    • warmer.

    It is advisable to purchase a tonometer and an inhalation device.

    There are ready-made first aid kits on sale, which include the most necessary medications and other supplies.

    How to properly store medications

    You need to know not only what should be in every first aid kit at home, but also how to properly store medicines. Improper storage of drugs can lead to them losing their medicinal qualities, becoming useless, or turning into substances dangerous to life and health. Therefore, medications must be stored in strict order.

    Many people prefer to leave medications in the kitchen, but this is not recommended, since there are changes in air temperature in this room. Sudden heating and cooling negatively affects the concentration of drugs. They can become deadly to humans. In addition, constantly changing temperatures significantly reduce the shelf life of drugs.

    Some people store medications in the bathroom, but even with regular ventilation, this room experiences high humidity. Under its influence, the tightness of the packaging is broken, which reduces the beneficial qualities of the drug and reduces the shelf life.

    You should not store medications on a windowsill, as most medications are contraindicated in sunlight. It is forbidden to leave medications in the refrigerator unless indicated in the instructions.

    Requirements for a home first aid kit

    What kind of first aid kit you should have at home depends on various factors, in particular, chronic diseases of family members.

    There are certain rules for organizing a home first aid kit. Medications should be stored in a cool, dark place.

    The availability of drugs must be limited so that animals and children cannot get them. It is important to ensure that all packaging is marked with the date of manufacture and expiration date. If there are instructions for the drug, then you need to make sure that it is located next to the medicine to which it relates.

    Every six months you need to conduct an audit, throw away expired medications and replenish your first aid kit. It is best to store medications in boxes, but to save space, you can write on a piece of paper and attach it to the tablet plates. You must indicate the name, purpose of the drug and dosage.

    How to recognize expired medications

    It is imperative to know not only what to have in your medicine cabinet at home, but also how to recognize low-quality and expired medications. Tablets and dragees should not have stains, cracks or scratches. Ointments must be squeezed out of the tubes in a single strip, without spreading or flaking.

    Liquid medicines should not be used if they have partially evaporated or if there is a precipitate in the form of flakes.

    Every family should have a home first aid kit, however, it is worth remembering that it is forbidden to prescribe medications on your own. This should only be done by a qualified doctor.