What you need to know by opening a cleaning company. How to open a cleaning company: a detailed business plan

What you need to know by opening a cleaning company. How to open a cleaning company: a detailed business plan
What you need to know by opening a cleaning company. How to open a cleaning company: a detailed business plan

* The calculations use average data in Russia

From 750 000 ₽

Starting attachments

1 125 000 ₽

116 250 ₽

Net profit

8-15 months.

Payback period

Together with the universal growth of civilization of society, the services of cleaning firms begin to seem indispensable. But in contrast to many foreign countries in Russia, the cleaning market is still weakly saturated.

Cleaning is a relevant and promising direction for opening your own business. The activity of cleaning companies is a set of activities aimed at providing cleanliness in premises. In Europe, the business for cleaning apartments and commercial premises has long been and is considered to be highly similar, and Niche is almost overflowing. In the domestic market, the first cleaning companies appeared about 25 years ago, and the direction itself only began to develop.

In recent years, this type of service is gaining popularity both in private and in a commercial segment. In the rhythm of modern life, more and more everyday tasks are surrendered to outsourcing. Enterprises use third-party services that perform work not included in the specifics of the standard schedule. Many companies practically refused to practice regular cleaners and enjoy cleaning services. Private customers are actively using apartment cleaning services after repair and regular housekeeping services.

Thanks to a wide range of potential consumers, this business is promising and with due organization can bring a worthy profit. How to open a cleaning company from scratch and build a successful business on this? All key questions will answer step by step guide.

How to estimate the relevance and prospects of business

The market of cleaning services in Russia appeared relatively recently - about 25 years ago, thanks to the arrival of major foreign companies. The introduction of cleaning services began with Moscow and St. Petersburg - these local markets still remain the leaders of the domestic market of cleaning services and occupy almost 60% of the total volume.

The annual growth rates of the Russian market of cleaning services are 30%. The Moscow market demonstrates an increase of 68% and the market volume is more than 15 billion rubles per year. The turnover of the Russian Cleaning Services market at the beginning of 2016 was 222.13 billion rubles. To date, about 1,700 companies operate in the regions of Russia, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - about 700 companies. According to statistical studies, in 2016, cleaning services entered the top 5 of the most demanded services in the domestic market.

The growth in demand for professional cleaning leads to the continuous expansion of the client base. Commercial real estate service is 80% of the entire market. To date, the main users of the services of cleaning companies are shopping and entertainment centers. But in the segment of individuals, these services are just beginning to acquire popularity.

The main customers of the Cleaning Services are commercial retail premises (supermarkets, shopping centers, etc.) and office space (banks, offices, business centers, state institutions).

Structure of the Client Base of Cleaning Companies

The main reasons for the increase in the popularity of cleaning services:

    Active construction and an increase in the input of space (residential and commercial) expands the range of potential customers. The number of trading and business centers is increasing, as well as new buildings, whose tenants use the cleaning service after repair.

    The demand for the cleaning services market was supported by the companies that abandoned the hiring of traditional cleaners in favor of outsourcing. This step, according to experts, can bring savings of 20% for the company.

    The rhythm of modern life sometimes leaves the time for working people for high-quality cleaning in the apartment. In this regard, people are addressed for cleaning services to specialized companies.

    An increasing number of people are aware of the need for professional care for buildings and structures. To date, cleaning companies use modern techniques, carefully select cleaning products. Thanks to this approach, the time spent on full cleaning is noticeably reduced.

And all this is despite the fact that the cost of cleaning services remains at a fairly affordable level, allowing everyone to take advantage of the work of professional cleaners.

The profitability of the business rated a few more entrepreneurs, so competition in the market is growing very slowly. The threshold to enter the market is quite low. As statistics show, in recent years the number of cleaning companies remains unchanged: new companies come to the market annually, but the same and leaves him. The main trend in the market of cleaning services is the consolidation of companies and expand the range of services, due to which market growth occurs. At the same time, small enterprises survive, since they are able to flexibly and promptly respond to changes in market conditions. The profitability of this business is in the range of 12-15%, if we are talking about daily work, and 25-40% for special work.

Ready ideas for your business

Before planning the opening of a cleaning company, it is necessary to assess the level of competition in your city. To do this, check the number of cleaning companies operating in your area and appreciate the range of services offered by them. To calculate the prospects for cleaning services in their city, you should also find out the number of business centers, shopping and entertainment complexes and offices - this will be an indicative circle of your commercial customers. An approximate picture can be obtained using online services displaying companies on electronic maps. Knowing the same population of the city and given the fact that about 8% of households enjoy cleaning services, you can evaluate the prospects for working with private clients.

Advantages of cleaning business:

    The cleaning services market is in the stage of active growth. Cleaning services have long been familiar to the potential consumer and have experience in successful use in various regions of Russia;

    The basis of the client base is legal entities, so at a high level of corporate services, you can count on long-term cooperation, which will provide a company to a stable income;

    The relatively low level of competition and the low threshold for market entry: investments can be limited to buying cleaning equipment.

What services are provided by cleaning companies and how much it costs

Potential customers of the cleaning company are both individuals and legal entities. The target audience in the services segment of individuals is a pretty narrow layer of the population, which is families with a level of income above 30 thousand rubles for housing harvesting; In the service segment of legal entities - commercial objects of various purposes to maintain cleanliness and care of the premises.

You can start a business in the field of cleaning in two ways. The first option is to open a firm for a specific client (a shopping center or a large object from 1 thousand square meters. M), with which there is already an agreement. First, the firm will work for this object, and will then expand the activity on the external market. The heads of cleaning services advise first of all to find a potential customer, and then under the specific object to gain staff and buy equipment. Almost all companies receive first orders through personal connections - advertisements are ineffective. The second way is to choose any narrow niche, as large customers have long been divided between the giants of the industry. Small cleaning firms can act as "fish-sticking" large companies, receiving "generous pieces" from them in the form of orders that large firms for one reason or another can not fulfill. Naturally, for a certain percentage of order.

The complex of cleaning services should be formed, based on the target audience and demand for certain types of services. According to statistical data, a comprehensive daily cleaning occupies the largest share by type of services, in second place - cleaning the adjacent territory, garbage collection, cleaning after repair. The optimal option to start is to look for an object for daily cleaning. The income from one-time orders is more, but it is unstable, and the rental and salary will have to pay regularly.

Daily cleaning includes a dust wip, cleaning mirrors, cleaning floors. Cleaning the adjacent territory involves washing windows, facades, garbage removal, snow cleaning / leaves / herbs (depending on the season), maintaining the purity of architecture elements. It is also possible to use the removal of pollution from the walls, the washing of plinths, the removal of local pollution from various surfaces, cleaning intercutric seams, washing windows, and so on. Special attention should be paid to such a type of services as cleaning after repair - recently this type of service is in demand. Cleaning after repair includes: the removal of construction waste, washing windows from the plaque, careful removal of dust from various surfaces, strong contaminants, washing floors, cleaning furniture, washing chandeliers, etc.

Some cleaning companies offer special programs and types of services. As such services, there may be cleaning before the birth of a child, washing advertising structures, cleaning after holidays, outstaffing (personnel rent) and others. The presence of such specific types of services highlights the company in the market. Many cleaning services expand the range of services, offering customers dry cleaning of carpets and furniture, disinfection of the room or the provision of home assistant. With expansion, many cleaning firms are mastering new directions, taking on technical, plumbing, electrical functions and tasks, engaged in administrative accompaniment, serving storage chambers, wardrobes, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

For further development, cleaning firms can choose the technical direction when the firm takes on the functions of sanitary, electric, carpentry, etc. accompaniment. Many go along the way of administrative or information service - the wardrobe service, storage, navigation chambers, and so on.

The spectrum of cleaning services is quite wide, but is limited by money, since many services assume the presence of expensive equipment. At the initial stage of creating a cleaning service, it is recommended to choose basic services, namely:

    daily cleaning of premises - from 5 rubles / m2

    general cleaning of premises - from 50 rubles / m2

    cleaning the room after construction and repair - from 70 rubles / m2

    cleaning furniture and carpets - from 40 rubles / m2

    washing windows - from 20 rubles / m2

    house assistant - from 45 rubles / m2.

In general, a set of services is individual for each client. The contract is drawn up with an indication of the list of necessary services, the price of which can vary depending on the scope of work. Usually the contract with the customer is subscribing to the end of the calendar year. It also notes that the customer must provide an office building for storing inventory and chemicals, which is also equipped with cabinets for staff.

It is worth considering the feature of the mode of operation of cleaning companies. As a rule, most of the orders fall on weekends, holidays or night time, when cleaning is carried out in the presence of customer security officers. In addition, it is necessary to remember that each of your potential customers is working on its schedule, which will most likely have to adapt. Thus, the technological process for each object is determined individually, taking into account the fact that you cannot keep the double staff of the staff just because one day two of your customer intersect in the chart in time.

How to search for customers of cleaning services

To find customers, you need to use various advanced tools. Marketing of the Cleaning Service may include a number of activities oriented to different target audience:

    Direct marketing will be effective in a corporate segment. For advertising, you will need to prepare distribution material. You can also hold a cold challenge of the circle of potential customers or send a commercial offer.

    Creating a site that allows a potential customer to independently explore the list of services and price list - this type of advertising can attract both corporate and private clients.

When planning an advertising campaign one should consider what criteria for the selection are guided by potential customers. The most significant are: the cost and range of services provided, reputation in the market, personnel qualifications, flexibility of the work schedule. These parameters should be paid attention to presentations and other promotional materials.

Promotion tools can be different - it all depends on the target audience and the budget allocated for advertising. Most of the Cleaning Business Owners recognize that the most effective way of promotion is the "Sarafan Radio". So that it began to work, no matter how trally sounded, it is necessary, first, to provide high-quality services (standards are registered in GOST R 51870-2014 - "Professional cleaning services - Cleaning services. General technical conditions"). Secondly, you need to ask first customers to leave a review about the company - in return to offer some kind of bonus, for example, a discount in the next handling. Loyalty programs should be developed, implying shares and discounts in constant cooperation. Conclusion of regular service contracts will provide a company permanent employment staff. Apply the environmental equipment for cleaning - recently there is a fashion for "eco-friendly cleaning".

Another tool used in the marketing is an analysis of the price policy of competitors. Examine the price level and supply on the market, identify the weaknesses of competitors. For example, in the local market in a small share, the service "House Assistant" is presented. Include such a service in your list. For this, no additional cost will be required, and in the case of low demand for this type of service, an employee will be able to fulfill another job.

Ready ideas for your business

Practice shows that work with potential customers needs to be carried out before the opening of the cleaning service. As already mentioned, it is from the needs of customers this business and is built.

How to open a cleaning company from scratch

The algorithm for creating a cleaning company consists of the following steps:

    business registration;

    choice of premises;

    purchase of equipment and consumables;

    personnel recruitment.

Consider more each stage.

Registration of the Cleaning Company

To implement the project, LLC is expected to register LLC. Tax form - USN with the object of taxation "Revenue" at a rate of 6%. Types of activity according to OKVED-2:

    81. 1 Activities for integrated premises

    81.2 Cleaning and cleaning activities

    43.39 Post-country cleaning

    96.01 Washing and chemical cleaning of carpet and textile articles.

Licenses for the provision of this type of service is not required. Registration of all necessary documents takes up to one month and costs about 6,000 rubles.

Choosing a cleaning company

Cleaning company does not require large areas. There will be enough office sales and premises for the storage of all equipment. This will require rent a room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 40 sq.m. The cost of renting such a premises will be about 20-25 thousand rubles. Naturally and at the office, and in stock can be saved. The dispatcher can accept applications from the house, and the room can be found on acquaintance. However, this option can be resorted at the first stage.

For medium and large companies, the ideal option will be the uniform room with the office for the head, the hall for several managers, a meeting room, a warehouse for storing equipment, a subsidiary, where the dryer drum is located and the machine for washing the wipers and workwear.

Purchase of equipment for cleaning

All equipment can be purchased in specialized stores. For a small cleaning company, it is necessary to purchase equipment worth not less than 500,000 rubles. The table indicates a list of equipment for the cleaning company.

List of equipment for cleaning company



Cost 1 thing, rub.

Total amount, rub.

Industrial vacuum cleaner

Gathering machine

Professional Hair Dryer for Carpets

Cleaning cart

Bucket on wheels

Other harvesting equipment

Detergents (household chemicals)

Kit for washing windows and office equipment

Steam cleaner

Sweeping machine

Clothing for cleaners

It is also recommended to purchase a cargo vehicle that will deliver cleaners and all the necessary equipment for the provision of services. The cost of Gazelles used approximately 300,000 rubles. In order to save money on the purchase of a car, you can hire a driver with a personal car. Thus, the cleaning equipment will have to spend about 650,000 rubles.

Cleaning company recruitment

According to experts, the pledge of the performance of the cleaning business are precisely people. One of the main minuses of cleaning is a high fluidity of frames. It is no secret that the profession of cleaner is not prestigious. If employees are clearly cheering, late to work, etc., then the client is a contract with the company will be sure. Ideally, it is good to have workers on each team on each object and one spare brigade.

At the initial stages of business development, the team can not contain in the state, but to attract from the case to occasion - when the client appears. In general, the state of the state of the state is traditionally one of the most painful for beginner businessmen. There are two approaches to the wages of workers. In the first case, a fixed wage is paid, and you pay for their services regardless of whether you manage to ensure their work or not. In the second case, employees pay percentage of the order amount (as a rule, about 15-20% on the brigade).

Thus, the number of workers in the cleaning company is selected based on several factors:

    the number of daily orders;

    the stability of demand (in case the entrepreneur does not expect an increase in the amount of work for a certain period, it is necessary to hire a smaller number of employees. And in conditions of a sharp increase in demand, you can contact outstaffining - hiring personnel from the side);

    the size of the premises in which cleaning will be carried out.

On average, for the work of a small cleaning company will require a state of eight employees: Head, 4 Cleaners, Manager, Driver. You will also need an accountant services that can be taken on outsourcing. It is assumed that the head will control all business processes and engage in promoting cleaning services in the commercial segment. Also at the initial stage, the responsibilities of the personnel is assigned to him - he gains people to the state, conducts a survey, interview, behaves documenting. The manager must be responsible for receiving orders and communicate with customers. Cleaners directly provide cleaning services. The driver delivers purchases of cleaning agents and transports cleaners at the customer's address. General Fota will be about 150 thousand rubles.

Qualified personnel is the main key to the success of the Cleaning Service. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of personnel. The most appropriate candidates are responsible, conscientious women and men aged 25-40 years. Cleaning specialists must be interchangeable. Forming brigades, remember that the equipment can weigh from 10 to 100 kg., So, for its movement, you need a physically strong person. Brigadier It is advisable to put a man who will help with the transfer of equipment and follow the quality of work. For each cleaner, overalls are provided (overalls, two T-shirts, baseball cap, rubber and mothers) - the average cost of one set is 2000-3000 rubles. Remember that overalls are the face of a cleaning company, so it is not worth saving on it. Most often on it is a corporate logo.

If the entrepreneur plans to expand business, he should consider the cost of training personnel. Currently, various courses and schools of cleaning have been created in Russia with large-scale cleaning companies that provide training programs and advanced cleinual qualifications. Education of one person will cost an average of 3,000 rubles. Courses should be selected, where they give knowledge on the principles of selection of chemistry and equipment, types of pollution, cleaning technologies. The cliner needs to be understood as the composition of the chemical agent and at what concentration will be needed to clean the contamination from a particular surface.

How to calculate Cleaning Service Revenue

Sales is calculated as the average for the city with a population of more than 500 thousand people. Based on the standards, on the day, the employee removes 600-800 sq.m. In the presence of four employees working alone, the maximum load per month is 11,250 sq.m. on an employee or 45000 sq.m. For the whole state of cleaners. The average price of the service is 50-150 rubles / m2. When loading is 50%, the monthly revenue of the company will be 45,000 * 50% * 50 \u003d 1 125,000 (rubles). Please note that this figure is indicative: it will seriously depend on the number of orders.

How much money is needed to open a cleaning company from scratch

Initial investments

Thus, the costs of opening the cleaning service will be about 800 thousand rubles. In addition to the initial costs, the business requires monthly expenses, the value of which is 320 thousand rubles. The cost of services consists of monthly expenses and the cost of the equipment used. The average cost of cleaning 1 sq.m. - 31.5 rubles. For a volume of 22 500 sq.m. In a month, the cost of work will be 708,750 rubles.

Monthly expenses

How much can you earn on the clining

    revenue \u003d 1 125 000 rubles

    cost of services \u003d 708 750 rubles

    monthly expenses \u003d 300 000

Thus, net profit is equal to 116,250 rubles.

Initial investments, which make up about 800 thousand rubles, can pay off in the first year of work. Practice shows that for cleaning business, payback period 1-1.5 years is the norm. At the level of net profit of 116 thousand rubles, sales profitability in the first year of work will be about 14%.

Many large companies, trading and business centers are increasingly turning to professionals to fulfill such an important task as providing cleanliness in their premises. For harvesting large areas, it is necessary to keep the whole staff of the cleaners, buy household chemicals and special techniques. In addition, economic personnel are usually subject to large teaching, and work with such employees can become a real headache for human resources. The transfer of all these functions on outsourcing allows the company to receive a full range of cleaning services without being distracted by ensuring uninterrupted cleaning of premises. If the clining is interested in you as your own business, read the instructions, how to open a cleaning company.

Competition on the cleaning market is quite high, so entering this business, counting only on the flow of one-time orders, a very raw solution. Well, if you have a big object with which you can agree on cooperation.

Without a solid foundation in the form of permanent major clients, work in small orders does not make much sense. Such an enterprise is unlikely to last long on the way. Small offices are still preferred to use the services of their own pensioner cleaners, and individuals have not yet used to invite cleaning professionals in their apartments. Although the guidance of order after moving and repairs, washing windows and other labor-intensive cleaning works are gradually becoming increasingly popular among the population. Specialization on such services may occur at a low level of competition in regional cities.

Where to begin?

If you have already decided on potential customers, you can take on the organization of business. For cleaning rooms, no licenses will be required. However, the quality of the work produced by the cleaning firm must comply with GOST. The main regulatory document for your staff will be the state standard R 51870-2002: "Household services. Services for cleaning buildings and structures. "

To officially register your business, select Organizational and Tax Mode. To work with large customers, it is preferable to open up Ltd. with the use of a USN or general tax system.

After registration of the organization and putting it into accounting in tax inspectorate and extrabudgetary funds, you can enjoy an office, personnel and equipment. The number of employees and the choice of equipment will largely depend on the requirements of your main customers.

As for the office, it is nominal in a novice cleaning company, and is a small room (about 20 square meters. M) with storage rooms for technology and chemicals. To equip a representative office with cabinets and good repair at first is not worth it, on this it is quite possible to save. Meetings with customers can be carried out on their territory. If it goes, the office can be expanded, to highlight workers to managers, make a negotiation.

Personnel search

An employee of a cleaning company is not a familiar grandmother waving a mop, but a professional cleaner who is capable of quickly and efficiently perform a fairly large amount of physical work. Modern cleaning is a high-tech process, and it is produced using special chemicals and equipment. Cleanlys must have appropriate knowledge, so before starting work for them it is necessary to organize training. Employees need to be taught to work with cleaning machines, pick up chemicals depending on the type of pollution and the features of the surface being cleaned.

The number of hired cleaners directly depends on the amount of work. One Clean should have from 500 to 900 sq. M of the retractable areas in the territory of large offices or trading halls. The staff must provide overalls with the symbolism of your company.

Starting business at cleaning the premises, you must understand that the large frame of frames in this area is inevitable. At low-skilled labor is not easy to dial workers. Better, if from the very beginning there will be a separate person. Find an explanatory personnel manager who will take on the most difficult part of the work. If you plan to equip cleaners at the expense of migrants, do not forget to settle all the formalities with the UFMS: penalties and problems with the state bodies to you for anything.

Cleaners can work on both salary and a piecework wage system. When admission to work with each need to sign a material liability agreement, as the cleinners have access to premises with a commodity and other values \u200b\u200bof the customer.

Special attention should be paid to staff training, as Cleaning is activities with increased trauma.

When a business gets to your feet, take a customer service manager who will look for additional orders and develop your company. Then it will be possible to translate into the staff and the incoming accountant.

Buying equipment

Cleaning as a business requires a responsible approach to buying equipment. The quality of cleaning and the speed of work of your employees depends on its choice.

You need to purchase professional cleaning equipment:

  • vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning;
  • disk car for carpet cleaning;
  • solid car;
  • washing machine for washing shape and tissue napkins;
  • cleaning trolleys with a bucket, garbage bag holder and spinning;
  • mop, buckets, napkins and rags, other inventory;
  • detergents for floors, carpets and textiles, glasses, plumbers; means to remove stains; Protective coatings.

If you serve one or two large objects, the equipment can be stored on their territory, otherwise you need to think about the transportation of equipment and inventory to customers.

How much is the opening of the cleaning company?

The cost of opening a cleaning company, depending on the scope of work and the services provided, amount to 500 thousand rubles. up to 1.7 million rubles, including:

  • State registration and rent of an office - 30 - 40 thousand rubles.
  • The acquisition of cleaning equipment, inventory, detergents - 500 - 1000 thousand rubles.
  • Additionally, if necessary: \u200b\u200bequipment of the office (100 - 150 thousand rubles), the purchase of transport (300 - 500 thousand rubles)

Monthly costs (from 260 thousand rubles):

  • personnel salary, taking into account social contributions - 200-250 thousand rubles;
  • for rent and utility payments - 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • on the purchase of consumables and chemistry - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • advertising and other expenses - from 30 thousand rubles.

If you manage to get an object for 8 thousand sq. M. The area of \u200b\u200bthe middle hypermarket), your investments will return about 6 months. These calculations are made on the basis of the average cost of cleaning - 40 rubles per 1 square meter. m. To work on such an area you will need 9-10 cliners. Under otherone conditions, the payback period of the cleaning company can be from 6 months to 2 years.

Composing a business plan for a cleaning firm keep in mind that the wider range of services you will have, the faster your investments will pay off. This is due to the fact that long-term cooperation with a large customer, as the basis of the business, provides your company daily employment, but it is also assessed by the cheapest. One-time services bring greater income at the expense of high cost, but they are irregular. The same applies to highly specialized work: cleaning carpet, washing windows, seasonal cleaning. Therefore, with the time your company, it is advisable to cover all these services.

Cleaning has proven itself as one of the most successful business options with maximum profitability with minimal initial capital. With these advantages, cleaning business has a variety of niches that you can choose both a cliner and a cleaning organization.

Stages of opening a business

Initially, it is necessary to decide whether you will be a single-lone cliner or immediately want to open a cleaning company with a minimum state of 10 people. Although there are cases when Klinry has started independently and gradually expanded his business, disintegrating all the secrets of cleaning on experience.

Choosing a niche is an interesting question! If you still think about your own company, the niche is determining and depends on your initial capital:

  • Washing windows is one of the main parts of the cleaning business. For cleaning facade windows, for example, offices, owners often turn to professional help. For their washing, climbers and special equipment are required.
  • Cleaning carpets, dry cleaning - the most popular method of earnings in the clining.
  • Cleaning the room after repair or construction work.
  • Prices in private premises.
  • Cleaning in offices and large rooms of production significance.

If you decide to seriously do business in the field of cleaning, there is a joyful news: special permits and licenses are not required.

To open a cleaning company, you need to pass the following steps:

  1. It will takes a state registration for registration of a legal entity.
  2. From the legal part, it is necessary to compile job descriptions for your employees; an agreement on the provision of cleaning services; Flexible price list (in order not to shock customers by translated prices or, on the contrary, do not undress "self-esteem"); Commercial offer and business cards (advertising - Progress Engine); Technological map of the cleaning of the object.
  3. Document materials required for accounting of accounting of your organization: Estimation, account, invoice, approved wage payment procedure and, accordingly, the delivery of tax and accounting reports.

How to score staff?

The personnel composition you calculate depending on the objects for work: if there are small office space and private houses in the plans, then it is enough for 10 people, in addition to the director:

  • Accountant. The employee is desirable here in one person who will behave and personnel and accounting, even better hire him as a part-to-room.
  • Lawyer. Again, depending on the state of the company and the volume of services provided by it.
  • Manager for working with documents and attracting potential customers.
  • Cleanners who ideally have to be a suitable uniform with the logo of the company.

Clinera of the Cleaning Company

At the dawn, the opening of his own organization in the field of cleanliness should be thought out not only about the documentation and personnel, but also on the clientele. For a good start of business, you must have potential customers or at least know about their consent to joint cooperation.

You can start finding a clientele, applying an integrated approach:

  • If you have a fax, you can send by firms that may particularly need to need your professional assistance: restaurants and cafes, shops, medical institutions.
  • Your manager can call potential customers.
  • Business cards can be left in attractive institutions for business, for example, in a cafe or at the reception of a private clinic.
  • Advertise your institution in institutions where companies are treated for recruitment, such as employment center or personnel agencies.
  • If the organization is created quite large or plans to further increase revolutions and sales, it makes sense to create a site and further order advertising in search engines.
  • The promotion can be organized on thematic forums, in groups of popular social networks.

Cleaning business attracts entrepreneurs with its simplicity, which is a growing demand for services of this business, promising and high profitability. The company can be successfully organized both in a metropolis and a small town. If you do not know where to start opening the cleaning company from scratch, the business plan is the first step in planning the strategy of the future enterprise.


Business description

Cleaning business refers to the service sector, and the provision of services is one of the most profitable types of commerce worldwide. The success of entrepreneurial activity depends largely on demand and in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity can not be afraid for its absence. The idea for business is transparent and understandable even "for teapots". For the organization of the Cleaning Company, a large amount of investment and time will be required.

Commercial activities for providing cleaning services are associated with high competition in large cities. However, this niche is practically free in small settlements and towns. For the competent organization of the cleaning company from scratch, the business plan should be written simply and understandable. A sample of a good business plan with detailed calculations can be found for free on the Internet.


The entire spectrum of cleaning services can be divided into two groups:

  • services to legal entities;
  • services provided to individuals.

Customer search in the first category is more preferable, since here you can immediately enter into a contract for a large amount of work. But you should not write off with accounts and work on providing services to individuals. It should also be noted that in the first case you will need to invest more funds than in the second. Work in the B2B sector involves the purchase of a large number of equipment, the acquisition of specialized and professional equipment.

All cleaning services can be divided into directions:

  1. The general cleaning is usually produced once. Most often, it is ordered in apartments after repair, industrial facilities, in offices, warehouses, etc.
  2. Regular cleaning of private and commercial real estate.
  3. Specialized services. These include: Washing windows, chemical cleaning of carpets, etc.

A beginner entrepreneur is recommended to start its business for cleaning from choosing one activity. An option is possible when the company opens to work with a specific client. One large company with large amount of work will be performed as a client. As a result, the clinical firm will receive invaluable experience, and less money will need for the organization of the company. After the firm gets on his feet, it can be developed and expand the range of services provided.

A set of services should be determined taking into account potential demand. To do this, it is necessary to determine in advance and explore your target audience.

Standard services:

  • wet cleaning;
  • spring-cleaning;
  • cleaning upholstered furniture;
  • textile cleaning;
  • washing windows;
  • cleaning after repair;
  • cleaning entrances;
  • sink of facades;
  • cleaning territories near houses and premises.

Cleaning room after repair Wet cleaning of the apartment Cleaning an entrance

Additional services:

  • utilization of garbage;
  • washing windows of apartments and offices at height;
  • cleaning dishes and interior items;
  • disinfection of premises;
  • getting rid of mold;
  • washing clothes and other textiles;
  • ventilation cleaning;
  • sink kitchen stove and other household appliances.

Washing windows at height Disinfection of the room Cleaning ventilation


In the developed countries of the world, the purity industry is a structure with billions of turnover and is represented by hundreds of thousands of firms. Cleaning business is a new and promising direction of commercial activities for Russian entrepreneurs, just 20 years ago, no one knew about such companies. At the moment, the market for cleaning services remains free niche. Even in major cities where there is a rather large number of cleaning companies, they do not satisfy the demand a hundred percent.

Important moments of work

It is important to understand that the conditions in which the functioning of the company depends on the strategy of its development. Cleaning as a business has its underwater stones, which the owner of the company should know. In order to succeed in the clining business, the entrepreneur will not only be responsible to perform daily work, but also conquer respect for its customers. This is achieved at the expense of a high level of professionalism of workers, polite maintenance, flexible prices, etc.

In high competition

Today, the greatest number of representatives of the purity industry are in large cities, with the population of more than one million people. This is explained by the fact that many potential consumers are concentrated here. The highest density of cleaning firms is observed in the capital of Russia and St. Petersburg. At the same time, the market of "purity" in these cities does not satisfy demand in full.

The competitive market is especially hard to survive with a young cleaning firm. This is due to the fact that the entrepreneur will be harder to find customers. In this market, as a rule, there are already well-known and proven with the positive side of the company. With a high probability, it can be assumed that large clients will decide to use their services. In the situation of high competition, it is important to immediately get a good order or competently organize an advertising campaign.

In a small town

In small towns there are minimal competition, but for survival will have to fight. It is important that you carefully study the market and decided on the target audience. If you found customers, you can not thinking to open the company.

Potential customers can be shopping centers, offices, enterprises, apartment buildings, etc. In order for them to attract advertising, loyal pricing policy and good feedback about you from the first customers. Future customers should learn how your company will be provided. This will suit advertising in print editions, on top television and on the Internet.

Work on franchise

Franchise Cleaning Company will help you from the very beginning to organize your business correctly. The franchisor will provide you with all the necessary information to create a successful business. From the first days of the company's work, you will receive applications from customers. This will help the loud name and reputation of the franchisor, as well as competently supplied marketing.

Pay attention to the following franchise offers:

  • "Brothers of Chistov";
  • City Shine;
  • "Expert Clining";
  • "Empire Services";
  • "Clean house";
  • "Mr. Glitter";
  • Cleaning Alliance;
  • Primex.

The franchise presented pays for about one year. The size of the necessary investments is from 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. To minimize the entrepreneurial risk, businessmen are encouraged to open the case on the franchise, as the business has a high profitability.

With a franchise "Clean Home" you can get acquainted from the presentation. Shot by the channel: Franchise Clean House Cleaning.

Sales Market Description and Analysis

First customers are desirable to find at the business planning stage. From what reputation you will earn, will depend on how business will develop tomorrow. At the first stage of the company's functioning, you work on your image, and then the image of you. Thanks to the positive reviews about your work, you will easily find new customers.

Potential customers can be found in different ways:

  • through acquaintances;
  • call on the phone to various organizations and offer them their services;
  • send commercial offers.

Ideally, you must find regular customers, not one-time. Since instability in obtaining income can lead to what you will not be able to cover your current costs.

Your client base can be hit:

  • private apartments, cottages, houses;
  • entrances of apartment buildings and an adjacent territory;
  • offices of companies;
  • parking;
  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • warehouses;
  • public catering;
  • professional kitchens;
  • industrial premises;
  • territory of industrial production;
  • different rooms after repair or construction.

The target audience

The main consumers of the services of the Cleaning Company are legal entities. The management of modern enterprises and various organizations is aware that providing cleanliness in premises should provide professionals. And these professionals today are cleaning firms. The competent leader, analyzing the situation, concludes that the cleaning of the premises is more profitable for outsourcing.

Outsourcing benefit:

  • savings on wages, purchase of equipment, inventory, etc.;
  • high cleaning quality;
  • efficiency in carrying out cleaning;
  • use of modern equipment;
  • ideal premises are positively affected by the company's image of the customer.

Along with legal entities, companies can be oriented on individuals. It should be noted that it is more difficult to find such clients. Since not every person is ready to put in his house unfamiliar worker for cleaning. If you manage to find such customers, it is predominantly high enough people.

Besides them, you can allocate:

  • lonely men;
  • old people;
  • occupied people;
  • people with disabilities, etc.

Competitive advantages

If you decide to open a company in a major city, where competition is large enough, then you should carefully examine the local market. You must clearly understand who to compete. It is important for this to know what exactly your competitors are engaged, their strengths and weaknesses. Based on the data obtained, you should correctly form a strategy for the development of the company, determine the range of services, price policy, advertising campaign, etc. From how carefully you think about the business strategy will depend on your future orders.

What you need to know about competitors:

  • spectrum of services;
  • price level;
  • target customers;
  • customer reviews;
  • image;
  • work experience;
  • quality of services.

A high level of competition obliges you to provide high-quality services. Because only in this case you can attract new customers and keep old.

To increase competitiveness, you need to make focus on factors such as:

  • use modern high-tech equipment and inventory;
  • qualified, cultural and honest workers;
  • environmental friendliness of the funds used;
  • a wide range of services provided;
  • the presence of a unique service that your competitors still do not have.

Functioning on the competitive market will not allow you to relax for a minute. You need to keep under control everything that happens on the market and carefully follow the needs of customers, trying to satisfy them as much as possible.

Advertising campaign

The ideal advertising campaign should be organized in such a way that as a result with customers, as many long-term contracts as possible. To do this, it is not enough to offer your services by phone or email. You need to organize a complex of available customer conquest events.

To promote the cleaning company you need:

  1. Actively apply available advertising tools: create a corporate identity; distribute booklets and leaflets; Publish ads in local media.
  2. Self-critical analyze their activities and add new directions of work.
  3. Complies with key customer requirements.
  4. It is necessary to be open to communication.
  5. Conduct free consultation.
  6. Sew a uniform for workers and place on it a corporate logo.
  7. Improve personnel qualifications, conduct trainings, instructions, etc.
  8. Special attitude to regular customers. For example, congratulate on holidays.
  9. Develop a loyalty program.

The modern clinical company is simply obliged to have its own branded site. It should contain a full description of the services provided, contact information, loyalty program, describes the strengths of the company. It is advantageous to distinguish you from your competitors a function of online order service through the site.

What is needed for opening?

To open your cleaning company, you must take into account the many nuances. Clearly follow the instructions and rules, to organize a business is easy. The entrepreneur should be started with the formation of a package of documents and registration of the company.


The task of determining the organizational and legal form for business is paramountable. Traditionally, the choice is between LLC and IP. If you plan to organize large-scale activities and work with large customers (organizations, enterprises, TRK, etc.), it is better to immediately issue LLC. This organizational form also provides for the possibility of applying a simplified taxation system.

If you plan to work mainly with individuals and fulfill a small amount of work, then you will be suitable for the IP organization. In this case, as a form of taxation, choose UTII.

OKVED codes that are suitable to the business described:

  • 74.70.1 - "Cleaning of residential and industrial premises, equipment";
  • 74.70.2 - "Vehicle cleaning";
  • 74.70.3 - "Performance of disinsection, disinfection and derativational works";
  • 90.00.3 - "Cleaning the territory and execution of similar activities."

At the next stage, you need to register in the funds (pension, medical insurance, social insurance, accidents), tax inspectorate, etc. From you will need to thoroughly explore GOST R 51870 2002, it refers to the provision of household services for cleaning structures and buildings.

Search for premises

At the stage of the company's becoming, you can save on rent and organize an office at home. The necessary equipment and inventory will be stored in the storage room or garage. But it is only temporary, ideally for the company it is necessary for a separate room. It should be divided into office and warehouse.


Hard requirements are not subject to the room, since customers will rarely visit the office. Mostly the company's specialists will travel to the customer in place for cleaning.

The room is required:

  • low cost;
  • availability of communications: heating, water, light, sewage;
  • protection, etc.

Purchase of equipment and inventory

The quality of services provided and their spectrum depends on the equipment of the company. This is the main cost of the cost of the business start. It is necessary to approach the purchase of equipment individually, since its set depends on the specifics and scales of the company.

Universal set of necessary equipment, inventory and household chemicals (in rubles):

  • professional vacuum cleaner: 35 000;
  • floor washing machine: 150,000;
  • machines for cleaning carpets, furniture, floor coverings, etc.: 100 000;
  • equipment for washing windows: 50,000;
  • professional washing machine: 50,000;
  • car: 400,000;
  • set of brushes, rags, napkins, etc.: 30 000;
  • hair dryer: 25 000;
  • special form: 30 000;
  • household chemicals and detergents: 50,000;
  • computer, printer, office furniture: 100,000;
  • other equipment, inventory and household chemicals: 30 000.

Carpet cleaning machine, floor coverings Professional vacuum cleaner Window Wash Inventory

Calculation, for the average cleaning company, it is necessary to purchase equipment, inventory and detergents worth 1,050,000 rubles. You can save on the purchase of a car, and hire a driver with personal transport. The quality of the purchased household chemicals should be first-class. It may also require highly specialized additional equipment. From how much the arsenal of the firm is a variety of equipment, the volume of its client base directly depends.


You will need to collect several groups of workers specializing in performing a certain set of operations. For cleaning offices, entrances, kitchens and other premises, it is better to form a brigade of three to four women aged 20-40 years. And as a brigadier to take a man. He will be able to manage the cleaning process, solve organizational issues and help raise or bring heavy items.

As the head of the company, an entrepreneur or hired specialist may be. Sales Manager will receive orders from customers. One driver for a minibus is also needed. Accounting is best to endure outsourcing.

In the process of recruiting staff, you will most likely come across the problem of frames of frames. To a greater extent, this is explained by the fact that the work of the cleaner is not presentable, and young women will try to find the best place of work. It is very important that the workers do not turn from customers. You should especially pay attention to the presence of condominasses, the level of education, appearance, etc.

Step-by-step instruction

By summarizing the foregoing, we will look at the sequence of your actions:

  1. Search customers.
  2. Study of competitors.
  3. Definition of business concept.
  4. To form a ready-made business plan with calculations.
  5. Company registration.
  6. Advertising campaign.
  7. Personnel recruitment.
  8. Premises selection.
  9. Purchase of equipment and inventory.
  10. Opening of the company and start of work.

Financial plan

To calculate the financial plan, you need to determine the overall list of costs for the organization of business. And how much money will need for the start of the business.

The size of the initial investments in the business folds from (in rubles):

  • company registration: 30,000;
  • purchase of equipment, inventory, household chemicals: 1,050,000;
  • marketing expenses: 50,000;
  • rental fee: 40 000;
  • other costs: 30 000.

As a result, it turns out that the organization of the business will require 1,200,000 rubles.

Regular expenses

Current costs (rubles / month):

  • rental of premises: 20,000;
  • salary of the main workers with accruals (per five person): 130,000;
  • wages of administrative personnel with accruals (per two people): 70,000;
  • purchase of household chemicals and detergents: 10,000;
  • marketing costs: 20 000;
  • communal expenses: 10,000;
  • other costs: 20 000.

As a result, it turns out that regular expenses are 280,000 rubles per month.

Terms of opening

The calendar work plan is individual in each particular case. It should be very careful, without missing any important point. On average, from the moment of developing a business plan before the company started, there are two or three months.

Risks and payback

Basic business risks:

  • lack of regular customers;
  • strong competitors;
  • seasonal nature of the order of a number of services;
  • personnel fluidity;
  • low level of education and education of workers;
  • the risk that workers will steal from clients of the company.

For the listed risks did not turn into minuses, a competent leader is required. Business can be made profitable, since its payback directly depends on the workload of the available capacity and the number of regular customers. The average payback period of the company operating in the field of cleaning is 8-12 months.


Cleaning companies began to recruit serious revisions at the end of the last century. They offer room cleaning service: offices, shopping and entertainment centers. Many people are interested in how to open their own cleaning company from scratch, without having lost its starting capital. We clarify, the clearance is a high-tech cleaning, using special techniques led by competent specialists. Cleaning business is perfect for the young entrepreneur. To open such a business, you do not need serious investments.

Large megacities are famous for numerous elite offices, so the services of these companies are in demand. But entrepreneurs who decided to open a similar business here will have to face competition. In cities with a small number of people and offices, employees themselves are often cleaned their jobs. Therefore, directors are rarely resorted to the services of professional cleaners. Ordinary people according to statistics rarely appeal to the cleaning agency, if they are not owners of a huge house, forks or mansion. But with a competent approach, you can open a firm and become a favorite of the Cleaning Business.

First stage

At the start, cleaning business requires initial investments. You can make a case with minimal investment and develop gradually. And you can invest large cash and immediately climb the professional level of business. If the entrepreneur does not have experience in working with finances, there is a risk of roaming, without having time to open the case. Therefore, you do not need to invest big money immediately, or hire an accountant.

It is recommended to first take care of apartments and small offices. To open the case, no more than 250 thousand will need. R. According to the standards of elementary investment, this is a modest cost to issue a similar enterprise.

Thus, all the nuances of the director's position are absorbed, and the staff receives the necessary skills for service in the future. The initial fee is spent on the purchase of equipment, payment to employees, advertising and unplanned little things.

Before opening your enterprise, negotiate with potential customers. This at the initial stage will solve the problem of finding a job. Discuss with customers a schedule of cooperation. The poor-quality service will serve as a negative rating, and the company's reputation will affect success in the future.

The existence of licenses is a cleaning case does not require, but the quality must comply with the standards of document P 51870-2002. Requirements should be learned before you decide to officially open and issue a company.

Legal registration of business

If planning from scratch to establish your enterprise and focus on large premises, you need to use a simplified system in taxation by choosing LLC. If the purpose of the business is cleaning private cottages, houses and apartments, choose IP.

Before you open the case, you need to choose the focus of the company:

  • high-tech car wash;
  • specialized Labor type: Cleaning sofas or carpets from spots. Services are offered less often, therefore the cost is higher.

Cleaning equipment

Before opening agency, you need to purchase equipment. It will have to have a large part of the starting capital. Equipment is available: in size, characteristics and cost. But since we will deal with the initial capital of the company in 250 thousand rubles, then take the minimum prices.

  • Vacuum cleaner is the most important tool. In this case, it is not used home analog, but a more powerful instance. The cost of a simple model from $ 600.
  • For garbage collection, a cart is needed, with additional features. Approximate price of $ 250.
  • The company does not use the usual broom and mop, but apply flat mop. Cost $ 50.
  • To clean windows and glass, a special set value from $ 200 will be required. Without it, it is difficult to establish your cleaning enterprise from scratch, providing quality services.
  • The machine intended for intensive carpet cleaning is estimated from $ 2500.

If you decide to establish your own cleaning enterprise, it will have to put a lot of money for the equipment. When working several employees, you need a couple of tools. As business develops, buy expensive and powerful equipment. Do not skimp on high-quality detergents. These investments will pay off, and your business will come to a new level, gaining momentum. Total, at the starting stage of the business, the technique costs 100,000-700,000 rubles. Here include three factors: characteristics equipment, supplier, money rate. Luxury brands overestim the cost of goods solely because of popularity, with similar properties, less recognizable companies. Pay attention to this when buying.

Room and personnel

You have compiled a business plan, learned how to open a company from scratch and what kind of capital is required for this. I studied and issued all documents. Acquired the necessary equipment. It is time to start work.

Significant office rental investments will not be required. This business does not emphasize on the luxury room, since the cleaning agency has a call function via the phone or the official website. For a start, 20 square meters. M. Most companies have three rooms. The first serves to store tools, the second is the director's office. The third room for the manager, accountant and the dispatcher who accepts the challenge.

After you decide to open and officially issue a company, you will execute many functions. Over time, you can transfer many business staff. But you will have to recruit workers yourself. The number of worker is dialing from the principle, one workman is 800 mq. The most important employees are cleaners. They are directly engaged in work and in contact with the client directly. Cleanlys are a firm person.

Employees must have simple skills to work with equipment. If there are no such skills, do not think that they themselves appear in the future.

The driver also enters the basic set of workers. The chauffeur is needed for transportation cleaners and technology. Also required transport (minibus), which accommodates people and equipment. We recommend that you find an employee with your car during this period, the purchase of transport will be released in a round sum. It is important to think about it before opening a business officially.

Permanent costs and financial plan

Many people, deciding to establish their own cleaning business, think that costs will be only at the beginning. And then they are waiting for a net profit. But they are mistaken. In addition to starting capital, constant costs of supporting the company's performance will be required. We calculate the funds that will be needed to open a business (in thousands of rubles).

  • Office rental monthly - 15.
  • Accountant salary - 20.
  • Cleaner - 10. The clinical system needs three cleaners at the initial stage.
  • A minibus driver is 20, but if you consider his personal transport, the cost increases.
  • Unforeseen costs are everywhere. Continuing to 5. The cost of paying taxes depends on the company's turnovets.

If you translate the whole theory that was before and look at the real numbers, then the cost plan is.

Consider, your amount may differ from the one that is below, since it is almost unrealistic to calculate all costs and income.

To make a list of alleged profits, it is possible to be considered the cost of services in already existing successful clinurg communities (in thousands of rubles).

  • Furniture cleaning - 40.
  • Cleaning carpets - 20.
  • General cleaning - 60.

These examples were on the website of a successful cleaning company, which offers its services for a long time and has a good reputation. Therefore, as a newcomer of this sphere, it is recommended to put prices less to attract customers.

Take for example: for cleaning 1 square meter you get 40 thousand rubles. With 9 workers make cleaning the area of \u200b\u200b5 thousand square meters. m. Revenue for the month of work is 200 thousand. R. We subtract costs and receive a total of 130 thousand pure profits. Seventy thousand rubles is an example of real earnings for those who decide to open their cleaning company. Considering the initial capital, the business will not pay for itself in a month.

Let's sum up.

Summing up, it can be said that establishing a cleaning business is beneficial, but the amount of payback depends on your location. In a small town, where 2-3 office are functioning, there is no point in such a company, for demand is minimal.

In the metropolis, it is better to immediately look for potential customers and discuss the cost of services, and after the design of the Jurlitz, sign the contract.

Business is a difficult case, the chance that you avoid problems and immediately get pure profits, minimal. Be prepared for difficulties. Open the case from scratch and develop the units, because the payback in this area is 1-2 years old.