Read Ilya's epic three trips in full. "Ilyins three trips

Read Ilya's epic three trips in full.
Read Ilya's epic three trips in full. "Ilyins three trips

Whether from that city from Murom,
From that village da Karachaeva
There was a heroic trip here.
Leaves ottul and a good fellow,
Old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
Does he ride his own horse on a good horse
And whether he rides in a forged saddle.

And he walked-walked yes a good fellow,
From his youth, he walked until old age.
A good fellow is going, but in an open field,
And he saw a good fellow and Latyr-pebble,
And from the pebble lies three rostani,
And on the pebble it was signed:
“On the first path to the ehati - I’ll be killed,
On another path ehati - to be married,
The third path, ehati - I am rich to be. "
An old one stands and is amazed,
They roll their head, pronounce themselves:
“How many years have I walked and traveled in an open field,
And yet such a miracle was not wooed.
But what will I go to that path, but where will the rich be?
I don’t have a young wife,
And a young wife and a beloved family,
There is no one to keep - to grow thin and the gold treasury,
There is no one to keep and the colored dresses.
But why should I go down that path, where should I be married?
After all, my whole youth has now passed.
How to take a young girl - yes, it's someone else's self-interest,
And how to take the old one - duck lie on the stove,
Lay on the stove and feed it with jelly.
Will I go, after all, good fellow,
And th th path, where will I be killed?
And I also lived, good fellow, in this world,
And he was like - a good fellow took a walk in an open field. "
Nony went a good fellow to the path where he would be killed,
Only saw the good fellow, after all, sitting down,
As they did not see the good of the fellow when they went;
Yes, there is a smoke in the open field,
The smoke is standing and the dust is flying in a column.
A good fellow galloped from mountain to mountain,
A good fellow jumped from hill to hill,
After all, he lowered the rivers between your legs,
He is the blue of the sea, you galloped to the side.
Only the good fellow drove the damned Korela,
A good fellow did not reach the rich in India,
And a good fellow drove into the mud on Smolensk,
Where are forty thousand robbers
And those nocturnal tati-plantains.
And they saw the robbers and the good fellow,
The old Cossack Ilya Muromets.
The big robbery chief shouted:
“And goy you, my brothers-comrades
And you are so small and kind!
Take on the good fellow,
Take away from him and a colored dress,
Take away any good horse from him. "
Here he sees the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
He sees here that yes, trouble has come,
Yes, trouble has come and is inevitable.
A good fellow will speak here, but this is the word:
“And goy you, forty thousand robbers
And those night tats and plantains!
After all, there will be no one old how to beat-wag,
But you will have nothing to take from the old one.
The old and no gold treasury,
The old yes does not have a colored dress,
And the old and precious stone is not present.
Only the old one has one good horse,
A good old horse and a heroic one,
And on a good horse, after all, the old saddle has,
There is a saddle and a heroic one.
That is not for beauty, brothers, and not for bass -
For the sake of a strong fortress,
And so that you can sit and be a good fellow,
To fight - to fight for a good fellow and in an open field.
But the old one still has a bridle on his horse,
And in that bridle and in the narrow
How sewn up there is a pebble on a yacht,
For the sake of a strong fortress.
And where does my good horse walk,
And in the middle of the dark night walks,
And you can see him and even fifteen miles away;
But the old one also has a cap on his head,
Rustling a cap and forty poods.
That is not for beauty, brothers, not for bass -
For the sake of a strong fortress ”.
Screamed, screamed in a loud voice
A robber and a great chieftain:
“Well, why did you let the old man speak for a long time!
Get down to business, you guys. "
And here, after all, the old man, for the trouble, became
And for the great annoyance it showed.
I took off here the old one from the riotous head and the cap was rustling,
And he began, old, here to wave his helm.
As it waves to the side - so is the street,
And he will brush aside a friend - duck a lane.
And the robbers see here, but that trouble has come,
And how trouble has come and is inevitable,
The robbers shouted here in a loud voice:
"You leave it, good fellow, but even for seeds."
He nailed - cut off all the power of the wrong
And he did not leave the robbers for seeds.
Turns to a pebble to Latyr,
And he signed his signature on a pebble, -
And what if the melting path is cleared straight,
And the old one went to the path where he would be married.
An old one drives out into the open field,
I saw here an old white man's ward.
An old man comes here to the white-stone chambers,
Yes, the maiden saw here,
Strong clearing daring,
And she went out to meet a good fellow:
"And, perhaps, come to me, but a good fellow!"
And she hits him with her forehead and bows low,
And she takes a good fellow but by the white hands,
And he leads the good fellow to the chambers of the white men;
I planted a good fellow but at an oak table,
She began to suppress the good fellow,
I began to ask the good fellow:
“You tell me, tell me, good fellow!
What kind of land are you and what hordes,
And whose father are you and whose mother are you?
Still what is your name,
Do they exalt you in your fatherland? "
And here the answer was kept by a good fellow:
“And why are you asking about that, is the girl red?
And now I'm tired, but a good fellow,
And now I'm tired but I want to rest ”.
How does a red girl take here and a good fellow,
And how he takes him by the white hands,
For white hands and rings for gold,
How does the good fellow here lead
Whether in the bedroom, richly decorated,
And lays down here the good fellow on that little blood-trick is deceiving.
The good fellow will speak here, yes this is the word:
“Oh, you, darling, you are a pretty girl!
You yourself lie down on that bed on the board. "
And how the good fellow grabbed here
Yes, I blush the girl,
And he had enough for her, yes, for a sub-groove
And threw it on the thuja on the bed;
It turned up like a bloody,
And the red girl flew away into that and into the deep cellar.
An old Cossack shouted here in a loud voice:
"But goy you, my brothers and all your comrades
And brave and good fellows!
But go on, grab, here it goes by itself. "
Opens the deep cellars,
Releases twelve good fellows,
And all the strong mighty heroes;
I left Edina herself in a deep cellar.
They beat with their foreheads and bow low
And to the daring yes to the good fellow
And the old Cossack Ilya Muromets.
And the old one comes to the stone to Latyr,
And on a pebble, he signed the signature:
And a good fellow guides his horse
And whether the path, but where rich to be.
In an open field I ran into three deep cellars,
And which are filled with gold and silver cellars,
Gold-silver, precious stone;
And here the good fellow robbed all the gold this silver
And he distributed this gold-silver to the beggar among the brethren;
And he distributed gold and silver among the orphans and the homeless.
And the good fellow turned to a pebble to Latyr,
And on the pebble he signed the signature:
"And how is this straight track cleared."

The epic tells the reader about three trips of the Russian hero.

2. Why did Ilya Muromets want to try all three roads? How did the hero's trips end? What inscriptions did he make on the stone?

The hero decided to go on all three roads in order to try his fate, knowing what it would be for him.

The first trip "To go straight, to be killed" led Ilya to the lair of robbers.

The robbers robbed and killed honest people and wanted to do the same with Ilya Muromets.

But it was not there.

The hero destroyed all the robbers and cleared the way for people.

After the trip, Ilya made a new inscription on the stone:

"The hero Ilya Muromets was there, but he was not killed. He traveled the path, cleared a wide one!"

The second trip "To go to the left, to be married" ended with a meeting with a beautiful bride.

This girl, with cunning and cunning, lured the princes and princes into a trap in order to destroy them.

But the hero saw through the girl's deceit and sent her into a trap herself, and then executed her for villainy.

After this trip, Ilya Muromets inscribed the following on the stone: "I went straight - never married."

Ilya Muromets went on the third trip "Whoever can roll a stone, that rich be" Ilya Muromets after he lifted a stone and saw a huge wealth under it.

The hero took these treasures and took them to Kiev.

There he built three churches with this money, and spent the rest to help widows and orphans.

He left nothing for himself.

And so he wrote a new inscription on the stone "I went to the left - I have never been rich."

3. Discuss with a friend what is the significance of the three trips of Ilya Muromets for the Russian state.

With his three trips, Ilya Muromets helped the Russian state.

On the first trip, he cleared an important road of robbers so that people could travel about their business and develop trade.

On the second trip, the hero saved the princes and princes from death in the trap of the beautiful princess.

On the third trip, he found treasures and built three churches in Kiev and helped needy widows and orphans.

4. Re-read the last lines of the epic. How do they help to understand the character of the hero?

In the last lines of the epic, it is said that honor and glory went about Ilya Muromets all over the world.

Therefore, we can say that the hero is a glorious, honest, fair, generous and strong person.

It is such people that the people glorify.

5. Find lines describing the appearance of the hero. Write them down in the "Workbook".

6. Tell us about Ilya Muromets using key words.

Story about Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets is a famous Russian hero.

It can be found both in epics and cartoons.

Looking at him, we see a generous, kind, strong, courageous and just person.

In the epics we read that since childhood Ilya was ill, he could not control his arms and legs, but thanks to the elders he was healed.

On the advice of the elders, Ilya moves the "motionless stone" and receives a horse as a gift.

After healing, Ilya enters the service of the prince in order to defend his homeland.

He serves justly and unselfishly, defending the honor of his people and the Russian state.

7. Divide the text into parts, heading each part. How are they related to each other? Justify your opinion.

1. How Ilya Muromets traveled for death.

2. How Ilya Muromets went to fetch his wife.

3. How Ilya Muromets found wealth.

All parts of the text are connected with each other, because each trip ends with a return to the stone.

8. Retell one of the parts of the epic on behalf of Ilya Muromets.

Once we got together with the heroes of the Russian land for a marching council.

And they decided to go in different directions to the great heroic patrol.

I got the West direction.

Near the Rosstan, I saw a white stone and interesting inscriptions on it:

"To go straight - to be killed! To go to the left - to be married! To go right - to be rich! All this is prescribed by fate!"

I decided to test my fate and find out where these roads lead.

I drove straight ahead and saw a cloud of cruel robbers.

They robbed and killed people.

I decided to clear the way from these non-humans.

He fought with them and defeated evil spirits, clearing the way for people.

After the victory, I returned to the stone and decided to go to the left for my beautiful wife.

But the beautiful princess turned out to be evil and insidious.

She ruined many people before me. I suspected the trap and put the princess into it, and freed the people.

After the test, I returned to the stone and decided to pick it up.

And there is a cellar with countless treasures.

I raised all the treasures into the light of God and decided to distribute them to people, and to build three churches in Kiev.

And so he did. He left nothing for himself. Why does the hero need treasures?

Let people be served.

Then he mounted his horse Burushka and rode on the great hero's patrol to carry, to defend the Russian land from all evil spirits.

The old Cossack Ilya Muromets rode across an open field, across a wide expanse and ran into a fork in three roads. At the fork there is a combustible stone, and on the stone the inscription is written: "If you go straight, I will be killed, to go to the right, to be married, and to go to the left, to become rich." Ilya read the inscription and thought:
- To me, old, death is not written in battle. Let me go where I will be killed.
How long or short he rode, thieves-robbers jumped out onto the road. Three hundred tatei [Tat is a robber, a robber.] - plantains. They bawl, swing their shalygs:
- Let's kill the old man and rob him!
- Stupid people, says Ilya Muromets, - without killing the bear, divide the skin!
And he set his faithful horse on them. He himself stabbed with a spear and struck with a sword, and not a single murderer-robber remained alive.
He turned back at the fork and erased the inscription: "If you go straight, you will be killed." He stood by the stone and turned his horse to the right:
- There is no need for me, the old one, to be married, but I'll go and see how people get married.
I drove for an hour or two and ran into the white-stone wards.
A red soul-maiden ran out to meet. She took Ilya Muromets by the hands, led him into the dining room. She fed and watered the heroes, exhorted:
- After the bread and salt, go asleep to keep [Asleep to keep - to sleep, sleep, rest.]. On the road, I suppose I got tired! - I took you to a special rest, pointed to a feather bed.
And Ilya, he was quick-witted, was dexterous, noticed something was wrong. He threw the beauty maiden on the feather bed, and the bed turned, overturned, and the mistress fell into a deep dungeon.
Ilya Muromets ran out of the chambers into the courtyard, found that deep dungeon, broke down the doors and released forty captives, unlucky suitors, and locked the red maiden mistress into an underground prison tightly and firmly.
After that I arrived at a fork and erased the other inscription. And he wrote a new inscription on the stone: "Two paths were cleared by the old Cossack Ilya Muromets."
- I'm not going to the third side. Why should I, old, lonely, rich be? Let someone young get the wealth.
The old Cossack Ilya Muromets turned his horse and went to the capital Kiev-city to carry out military service, to fight the enemies, to stand for Great Russia and for the Russian people!
With that, the tale of the glorious, mighty hero Ilya Muromets ended.

Retold: A.V. Nechaev

Whether from that city from Murom,
From that village da Karachaeva
There was a heroic trip here.
Ottul is leaving and a good fellow,
Old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
Does he ride his own horse on a good horse
And whether he rides in a forged saddle.
And he went for a walk and a good fellow,
From his youth, he walked until old age.
A good fellow is going, but in an open field,
And a good fellow and Latyr saw a pebble,
And from the pebble lies three rostani,
And on the pebble it was signed:
“On the first path to the ehati - I’ll be killed,
On another path ehati - to be married,
The third path, ehati - I am rich to be. "
An old one stands and is amazed,
They roll their head, pronounce themselves:
“How many years have I walked and traveled in an open field,
And yet such a miracle was not wooed.
But what will I go to that path, but where will the rich be?
I don’t have a young wife,
And a young wife and a beloved family,
There is no one to keep the lean and the gold treasury,
There is no one to keep and the colored dresses.
But why should I go down that path, where should I be married?
After all, my whole youth has now passed.
How to take a young girl - yes, it's someone else's self-interest,
And how to take the old one - duck lie on the stove,
Lay on the stove and feed it with jelly.
Will I go, after all, good fellow,
And th th path, where will I be killed?
And I also lived, good fellow, in this world,
And he walked like a good fellow in an open field. "
Nony went a good fellow to the path where he would be killed,
Only saw the good fellow, after all, sitting down,
As they did not see the good of the fellow when they went;
Yes, there is a smoke in the open field,
The smoke is standing and the dust is flying in a column.
A good fellow galloped from mountain to mountain,
A good fellow jumped from hill to hill,
After all, he lowered the rivers between your legs,
He is the blue of the sea, you galloped to the side.
Only the good fellow drove the damned Korela,
A good fellow did not reach the rich in India,
And a good fellow drove into the mud on Smolensk,
Where are forty thousand robbers
And those are plantains at night.
And they saw the robbers and the good fellow,
The old Cossack Ilya Muromets.
The big robbery chief shouted:
“And goy you, my brothers comrades
And you are so small and kind!
Take care of the good fellow,
Take away from him and a colored dress,
Take away any good horse from him. "
Here he sees the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
He sees here that yes, trouble has come,
Yes, trouble has come and is inevitable.
A good fellow will speak here, but this is the word:
“And goy you, forty thousand robbers
And those night tats and plantains!
After all, there will be no one old how to beat you,
But you will have nothing to take from the old one.
The old and no gold treasury,
The old yes does not have a colored dress,
And the old and precious stone is not present.
Only the old one has one good horse,
A good old horse and a heroic one,
And on a good horse, after all, the old saddle has,
There is a saddle and a heroic one.
This is not for beauty, brothers, and not for bass
For the sake of a strong fortress,
And so that you can sit and be a good fellow,
To fight to fight for a good fellow and in an open field.
But the old one still has a bridle on his horse,
And in that bridle and in the narrow
How sewn up there is a pebble on a yacht,

For the sake of a strong fortress.
And where does my good horse walk,
And in the middle of the dark night walks,
And you can see him and even fifteen miles away;
But the old one also has a cap on his head,
Rustling a cap and forty poods.
This is not for beauty, brothers, not for bass
For the sake of a strong fortress ”.
Screamed and screamed in a loud voice
A robber and a great chieftain:
“Well, why did you let the old man speak for a long time!
Get down to business, guys, ”.
And here, after all, the old man, for the trouble, became
And for the great annoyance it showed.
I took off here the old one from the riotous head and the cap was rustling,
And he began, old, here to wave his helm.
As it waves to the side - so is the street,
And he will brush aside a friend - duck a lane.
And the robbers see here, but that trouble has come,
And how trouble has come and is inevitable,
The robbers shouted here in a loud voice:
"You leave ka, good fellow, but at least for seeds."
He nailed cut off all the power of the wrong
And he did not leave the robbers for seeds.
Turns to a pebble to Latyr,
And signed on a pebble,
And what if the melting path is cleared straight,
And the old one went to the path where he would be married.
An old one drives out into the open field,
I saw here an old white man's ward.
An old man comes here to the white-stone chambers,
Yes, the maiden saw here,
Strong clearing daring,
And she went out to meet a good fellow:
"And, perhaps, go to me, but a good fellow!"
And she hits him with her forehead and bows low,
And she takes a good fellow but by the white hands,

And he leads the good fellow to the chambers of the white men;
I planted a good fellow but at an oak table,
She began to suppress the good fellow,
I began to ask the good fellow:
“You tell me, tell me, good fellow!
What kind of land are you and what hordes,
And whose father are you and whose mother are you?
Still what is your name,
Do they exalt you in your fatherland? "
And then the answer was kept yes by a good fellow:
“And why are you asking about that, is the girl red?
And now I'm tired, but a good fellow,
And now I'm tired but I want to rest ”.
How does a red girl take here and a good fellow,
And how he takes him by the white hands,
For white hands and rings for gold,
How does the good fellow here lead
Whether in the bedroom, richly decorated,
And lays down here the good fellow on that little blood-trick is deceiving.
The good fellow will speak here, yes this is the word:
“Oh, you, darling, you are a pretty girl!
You yourself lie down on that bed on the board. "
And how the good fellow grabbed here
Yes, I blush the girl,
And he had enough for her, yes, for a sub-groove
And threw it on the thuja on the bed;
Like a bloodlet, this one turned up,
And the red girl flew away into that and into the deep cellar.
An old Cossack shouted here in a loud voice:
"But goy you, my brothers and all your comrades
And brave and good fellows!
But grab it, here it goes by itself. "
Opens the deep cellars,
Releases twelve good fellows,
And all the strong mighty heroes;
I left Edina herself in a deep cellar.
They beat them with their foreheads and bow low
And to the daring yes to the good fellow
And the old Cossack Ilya Muromets.
And the old one comes to the stone to Latyr,
And on a pebble he signed the signature:

And a good fellow guides his horse
And whether the path, but where rich to be.
In an open field I ran into three deep cellars,
And which are filled with gold and silver cellars,
Gold and silver, a precious stone;
And here the good fellow robbed all the gold this silver
And he distributed this gold and silver among the beggar among the brethren;
And he distributed gold and silver among the orphans and the homeless.
And the good fellow turned to a pebble to Latyr,
And on the pebble he signed the signature:
"And how is this straight track cleared."

Three trips of Ilya Muromets

Whether from that city from Murom,

From that village da Karachaeva

There was a heroic trip here.

Old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,

Does he ride his own horse on a good horse

And whether he rides in a forged saddle.

And he walked, walked, and a good fellow,

From his youth, he walked until old age.

A good fellow is going, but in an open field,

And he saw a good fellow and a Latyr-pebble,

And from the pebble lies three rostani,

And on the pebble it was signed:

“On the first path to the ehati - I’ll be killed,

The third path, ehati - I am rich to be. "

An old one stands and is amazed,

They roll their head, pronounce themselves:

“How many years have I walked and traveled in an open field,

And yet such a miracle was not wooed.

But what will I go to that path, but where will the rich be?

I don’t have a young wife,

And a young wife and a beloved family,

There is no one to keep and the colored dresses.

But why should I go down that path, where should I be married?

After all, my whole youth has now passed.

How to take a young girl - yes, it's someone else's self-interest,

And how to take the old one - duck lie on the stove,

Lay on the stove and feed it with jelly.

Will I go, after all, good fellow,

And th th path, where will I be killed?

And I also lived, good fellow, in this world,

And he was like a good fellow in an open field. "

Nony went a good fellow to the path where he would be killed,

Only saw the good fellow, after all, sitting down,

As they did not see the good of the fellow when they went;

Yes, there is a smoke in the open field,

The smoke is standing and the dust is flying in a column.

A good fellow galloped from mountain to mountain,

A good fellow jumped from hill to hill,

After all, he lowered the rivers between your legs,

He is the blue of the sea, you galloped to the side.

Only the good fellow drove the damned Korela,

A good fellow did not reach the rich in India,

And a good fellow drove into the mud on Smolensk,

Where are forty thousand robbers

And those nocturnal tati-plantains.

And they saw the robbers and the good fellow,

The old Cossack Ilya Muromets.

The big robbery chief shouted:

"And goy you, my brothers-comrades

And you are so small and kind!

Take up the good fellow,

Take away from him and a colored dress,

Take away any good horse from him. "

An old Cossack and Ilya Muromets sees here,

He sees here that yes, trouble has come,

Yes, trouble has come and is inevitable.

A good fellow will speak here, but this is the word:

“And goy you, forty thousand robbers

After all, there will be no one old how to beat you,

But you will have nothing to take from the old one.

The old and no gold treasury,

The old yes does not have a colored dress,

And the old and precious stone is not present.

Only the old one has one good horse,

A good old horse and a heroic one,

And on a good horse, after all, the old saddle has,

There is a saddle and a heroic one.

That is not for beauty, brothers, and not for bass -

For the sake of a strong fortress,

And so that you can sit and be a good fellow,

Fight-fight for a good fellow and in an open field.

But the old one still has a bridle on his horse,

And in that bridle and in the narrow

How sewn up there is a pebble on a yacht,

For the sake of a strong fortress.

And in the middle of the dark night walks,

And you can see him and even fifteen miles away;

Rustling a cap and forty poods.

That is not for beauty, brothers, not for bass -

For the sake of a strong fortress ”.

“Well, why did you let the old man speak for a long time!

Get down to business, guys, ”.

And here, after all, the old man, for the trouble, became

And for the great annoyance it showed.

I took off here the old one from the riotous head and the cap was rustling,

And he began, old, here to wave his helm.

As it waves to the side - so is the street,

And the robbers see here, but that trouble has come,

And how trouble has come and is inevitable,

"You leave it, good fellow, but at least for seeds."

He nailed-chopped off all the power of the wrong

And he did not leave the robbers for seeds.

Turns to a pebble to Latyr,

And he signed his signature on a pebble, -

And what if the melting track is cleaned straight.

And the old one went to the path where he would be married.

An old one drives out into the open field,

I saw here an old white man's ward.

An old man comes here to the white-stone chambers,

Yes, the maiden saw here,

Strong clearing daring,

And she went out to meet a good fellow:

"And, perhaps, come to me, but a good fellow!"

And she hits him with her forehead and bows low,

And she takes a good fellow but by the white hands,

And he leads the good fellow to the chambers of the white men;

I planted a good fellow but at an oak table,

She began to suppress the good fellow,

I began to ask the good fellow:

“You tell me, tell me, good fellow!

What kind of land are you and what hordes,

And whose father are you and whose mother are you?

Still what is your name,

Do they exalt you in your fatherland? "

And here the answer was kept by a good fellow:

“And why are you asking about that, is the girl red?

And now I'm tired, but a good fellow,

And now I'm tired but I want to rest ”.

How does a red girl take here and a good fellow,

And how he takes him by the white hands,

For white hands and rings for gold,

How does the good fellow here lead

Whether in the bedroom, richly decorated,

And lays down here a good fellow on that crib


“Oh, you, darling, you are a pretty girl!

You yourself lie down on that bed on the board. "

And how the good fellow and the red maiden grabbed here,

And he had enough for her, yes, for a sub-groove

And threw it on the thuja on the bed;

How did this bloody turn up,

And the red girl flew away into that and into the deep cellar.

An old Cossack shouted here in a loud voice:

"But goy you, my brothers and all your comrades

And brave and good fellows!

But grab-grab, here she goes. "

Opens the deep cellars,

Releases twelve good fellows,

And all the strong mighty heroes;

They beat with their foreheads and bow low

And to the daring yes to the good fellow

And the old one comes to the stone to Latyr,

And a good fellow guides his horse

And whether the path, but where rich to be.

Gold-silver, precious stone;

And here the good fellow robbed all the gold this silver

And he distributed this gold-silver to the beggar among the brethren;

And he distributed gold and silver among the orphans and the homeless.

And the good fellow turned to a pebble to Latyr,

And on the pebble he signed the signature:

"And how is this straight track cleared."