Former soloist at studio batyrkhan shukenov biography. What happened to Batyrkhan Shukenov? Cause of death

Former soloist at studio batyrkhan shukenov biography.  What happened to Batyrkhan Shukenov?  Cause of death
Former soloist at studio batyrkhan shukenov biography. What happened to Batyrkhan Shukenov? Cause of death

Kazakhstan is famous for talented pop performers such as Dimash Kudaibergenov, Kairat Nurtas, Serikbol Sailaubek, Toregali Toreali, Ali Okapov. Batyrkhan Shukenov occupies a special place in the history of Kazakh music. His soulful voice and virtuoso saxophone playing won many hearts.

Batyrkhan Shukenov: biography of a musician

Batyrkhan Kamalovich Shukenov was born on May 18, 1962 in the city of Kyzyl-Orda. Batyrkhan's talent was discovered at school, when he attended a music club. Shukenov studied at the Leningrad State Institute of Cinematography for two years. NK Krupskaya, where he began to play the saxophone. The musician recalled the years in Leningrad as the most significant for his career and his search for himself in the world of music.

However, without completing his studies in the cultural capital, in 1981 Batyrkhan returned to Alma-Ata, where he entered the conservatory. According to Shukenov, the study was hard and stressful, but the musician's work was not left without reward. It was during his student days in Almaty that he met the performer Georgy Metaksa and discovered jazz for himself.

The performer's pop career began with his acquaintance with the "Aray" group. Soon Batyrkhan was offered to join the team. Working in the ensemble glorified Shukenov as a virtuoso saxophonist.

In 1987, the members of "Aray" formed the group "Alma-Ata", in which Shukenov began to sing. Two years later, the band recorded the hit "Julia". The song attracted the attention of Alla Pugacheva, who invited the Kazakh collective to the Song Theater. Performing at "Christmas Meetings" made the group famous.

Soon "Alma-Ata" was renamed into "A'Studio". According to the recollections of the musicians of the group, they established warm friendly relations with Pugacheva, which continued after cooperation.

In 2000 Shukenov left the band and after a break of two years presented his debut album Otan Ana to the public. The performer preferred to develop his talent in an ethno-style. The soulful compositions in Kazakh fell to the taste of the musician's longtime fans and won the love of new listeners.

In 2006, the singer won the Tarlan Prize and a year later presented his second album, Batyr Live, which won no less popularity than the first.

In the period from 2007 to 2015, Shukenov was engaged in creative, state and public activities: he served as the President's advisor on culture, released three new albums and was appointed a goodwill ambassador. At the same time, the artist was recognized as an Honored Worker of Kazakhstan.

The singer did not stop working even for a day, made big plans for the future and burned with ideas for new projects. Alas, they were never destined to come true. On April 28, 2015, the musician died suddenly. According to official information, the cause of death is a heart attack.

The death of the famous artist shocked the residents of Kazakhstan and abroad. In memory of the virtuoso, farewell evenings and concerts were held in Almaty and Moscow.

Fans from many cities took to the streets and sang the hits of the performer. A year later, by the efforts of friends and famous colleagues of Shukenov, a concert was organized in honor of the singer.

Batyrkhan was buried in Kazakhstan. To this day, fans do not forget about the idol, visit his resting place and lay flowers at the monument.

Batyrkhan Shukenov: personal life

Batyrkhan lived in a civil marriage with Ekaterina Shelyakova for about 20 years. In 2000, a tragedy struck in the family: the newborn baby died. Shukenov's acquaintances assert that it was the misfortune in his personal life that prompted Shukenov to leave A'Studio.

Domestic show business has not yet recovered from the shock - one of the most beloved and respected artists, Batyrkhan Shukenov, has not become. His A'Studio collective once shattered stereotypes and gave us other music.

Batyr felt great in solo work, enjoyed participation in the One-to-One show, toured, made new friends and surprised everyone who was around. Colleagues talked about what could wear out the artist's heart so much, about how he was between heaven and earth for two hours, about two episodes of the show "One to One", in which Shukenov managed to appear and about when they will be shown on air in Russia 1.

He left suddenly. Batyr, who lived like a squirrel in a wheel, managed to do a lot, as if he felt that he would soon leave. Fans of the show "One to One" will see one of the favorites in the next programs. Shukenov managed to take part in the filming.

Yesterday Autoradio released a solo concert, recorded shortly before his death, the first song in which, by a fatal accident, was called "Heart". Recall that the artist's heart stopped on the night of April 29. It turned out that Batyrkhan himself called an ambulance. Doctors tried to save the singer for two hours. Shukenov then switched off, then regained consciousness. He died of a massive heart attack.

Shukenov called the ambulance at 22:00 on 28 April. The doctors who came to his home immediately determined that it was a heart attack. The concierge of the house where the artist lives says that "he did not look very well already on the weekend." They say that Batyr had seizures before, but not so strong. Cardiologists attributed everything to overwork. They did not find any deviations from Shukenov.

The show "One to One", which so captivated the artist, rewrites the liners to Shukenov's performances. It turns out he managed to star in two programs "for the future." Batyrkhan was one of the contenders for the victory.

Evelina Bledans, Batyrkhan's friend on the One-to-One project, said that she could so “wear down” the artist's heart - “many of us are driving ourselves. It seems to us that there is enough strength for everything, but this is not so. I think that Batyr was exhausted by the great workload and stress. "

Batyrkhan Shukenov was born in Kazakhstan into a family with three more children. From childhood he loved music, attended a music club, and after receiving secondary education he entered the Institute of Culture in Leningrad, but soon left it and began to study again, but at the Alma-Ata Conservatory. He graduated from HER in the saxophone class. His creative career began in 82, when he became a saxophonist in the collective of Roza Rymbaeva, a famous Kazakh performer. In addition to working in a team, he is fond of jazz, writes songs, begins to act as a performer.

In 87, the collective of Roza Rymbaeva became an independent creative unit and was renamed into "Alma-Ata", and then into "Alma-Ata studio". Later this name was shortened to "A-studio", which became known to a wide circle. Batyrkhan immediately becomes the leader of the collective and its soloist.

89 was a turning point in the career of the musicians - they recorded the song "Julia", which in the blink of an eye glorified the talented Kazakh musicians. They were noticed not only by the audience, but also by Alla Pugacheva, who is famous for her patronage of young talents. She invites children to her Song Theater and to “Christmas Meetings”. And then all-Russian glory begins - hits "These Warm Summer Days", "Soldier of Love" and others are released.

In 2000, Batyr decides to return to ethnic music and leaves the band. He begins a solo career and records songs in the Kazakh language. He immediately manages to release the album "Otan Ana", which is translated from Kazakh as native land. In addition to his singing career, Shukenov is engaged in social activities - he acts as an adviser to the Minister for Culture in his native country, becomes a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in Kazakhstan, and is a member of the Charity Ball committee. Continuing to make music, he released only 6 albums, variously accepted by the public and critics. In 2013, he again appears on Russian screens in various television shows. So in 2014 he became a member of the One-to-One program.

The artist's personal life was never advertised by him. More recently, it became known that he was married twice. For the first time on a girl named Catherine. Batyr met his love in St. Petersburg. The couple really wanted children, but only on the second attempt they managed to become parents. A son appeared in the family, who was named Maksut, which means "long-awaited". However, this did not bring the couple together and very soon they parted, however, quietly and without scandals, having managed to maintain a good relationship for the sake of their son.

In April 2015, it suddenly became known about the death of the artist from a heart attack. This came as a complete surprise to his colleagues and loved ones, because he was full of life and creative plans and left very early - Batyrkhan Shukenov was only 53 years old.
After his death, information appeared that Batyr was married a second time. Batyrkhan Shukenov's wife Aigerim was 15 years younger than her husband, they got married in 2008.


V 1982

V 1983

V 1987

V 1988

Batyrkhan Kamalovich Shukenov was born on May 18 1962 years in the Kazakh city of Kyzylorda, in the family of Kamal Shukenov, head of the Kyzylorda regional financial department. In addition to Batyrkhan, two more sons grew up in the family (he is the middle one), as well as the youngest daughter.

While studying at a secondary school, Batyrkhan Shukenov attended a music club, where he studied vocal.

After leaving school, Shukenov entered the Leningrad State Institute of Culture and Arts, but after studying for only a couple of years he transferred to the Alma-Ata Conservatory, where he studied the saxophone.

V 1982 year, while still a student at the conservatory, as a saxophonist he joined the musical group "Arai".

V 1983 Year Batyrkhan as a solo jazz performer became a laureate of the All-Union Festival.

V 1987 year, the Shukenov group together with some members of the "Arai" group created a group called "Alma-Ata".

V 1988 the year the group released its first studio album, entitled "The Way Without Stopping", which included 8 songs, all of them performed by Batyrkhan Shukenov.

In the same 1988 year, the group changes its name to "Alma-Ata Studio", the frontman of which is Batyrkhan.

V 1989 year she invited Shukenova's group to her production center "Theater of Songs", after joining which their name changed to "A'Studio". In the same year, the group gained all-Union fame. After that, the A'Studio group began active touring, new songs that became hits, as well as recording new albums, the first of which was released in 1990 year. Then several more albums followed - "A'STUDIO" ( 1993 ), "Soldier of Love" ( 1994 ) and "Unloved" ( 1996 ), which had great success.

V 1998 year the group "A'Studio" released a studio album called "Sinful Passion", which was the last for Batyrkhan in the group.

V 1999 year he decided to focus on ethnic music and began a solo career.

V 2002 year, his debut solo album called "Otan ana" was released, where all the songs were performed by him in the Kazakh language.

V 2007 Year Shukenov released the DVD "Batyr Live", where his concert performances and video clips were collected.

In the same 2007 the President of Kazakhstan appointed Batyrkhan Shukenov as his cultural advisor.

In November 2009 Shukenov became UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in Kazakhstan.

V 2010 Batyrkhan Shukenov released two solo albums at once - "Beware, dear girl!" and "Everything will pass ...", which received rather lukewarm reviews from critics.

V 2013 Year Shukenov released his fourth studio album entitled "Soul", and also became a laureate of the musical TV show "Live Sound".

In February 2015 Years Batyrkhan Shukenov became a participant in the show "One to One!"

On the night of April 29 2015 Years Batyrkhan Shukenov died suddenly in his apartment in Moscow. According to preliminary data, the cause of death is myocardial infarction.

V 2002 In the year of Batyrkhan Shukenov, the son Maksut was born, who was given birth to by a common-law wife, whose name is not known.

V 2008 year Batyrkhan married a girl named Aigerim, but their relationship did not last long, and after a couple of years they broke up.

Batyrkhan Shukenov is a singer and composer from Kazakhstan. He became famous in the 90s of the twentieth century, the founder of the "A" Studio "group.

Shukenov Batyrkhan Kamalovich was born on May 18, 1962 in the city of Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan. Batyrkhan studied at secondary school № 233 named after. Ostrovsky in his hometown. The golden time for every person is school years. It was at the Shukenov school that he began to get involved in music, which by the age of 12 becomes the main occupation in his life.

At first, Batyrkhan gave preference to the guitar. In 1979, the guy went to Leningrad to get musical skills, and entered the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after I. ... During that period, the young man mastered several musical instruments, among which was the saxophone. Shukenov lived in Leningrad for about two years. In the future, the performer recalled his studies in Leningrad more than once, calling this period of his life "a vivid process of his formation and development of musical skill."

In 1981 Shukenov entered the Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev Alma-Ata State Conservatory. Batyrkhan considered this time difficult, since a lot of efforts were required in many directions. According to the musician, in those days the students were different. Shukenov noted that at the present time, having come to the conservatory, one can find empty auditoriums, but then this did not happen. The guys were engaged from early morning until late at night.

Once Batyrkhan Shukenov happened to meet Georgy Metaksa, a well-known jazz musician in the Soviet Union at that time. Then Batyrkhan, performing in a duet with Metaksa, discovered the world of jazz.


In 1982 Batyrkhan Shukenov met Baigali Serkebaev, Bulat Syzdykov, Vladimir Mikloshich, who invited him to become a musician of the Arai group. Shukenov, who studied saxophone, became a member of the singer's accompanying group. Batyrkhan not in vain agreed to become a member of the new team, because it turned out that this was the right decision. As a result, being a member of the "Arai" group, in 1983 the performer was awarded the title of laureate of the Seventh All-Union Contest of Variety Artists.

Batyrkhan Shukenov as part of the "A" Studio group

In 1985-1986 Batyrkhan Shukenov served in the Soviet Army, where he played in the 12th orchestra of the Central Asian Military District headquarters.

In 1987, Batyrkhan, together with his friends, decided that they were a bit cramped within the framework of the accompanying staff. The musicians founded their own group called "Alma-Ata". The vocalist was Shukenov, who a couple of years before had convinced his colleagues of his own vocal talent. With the release of the first album "Way without Stops" the name of the group changed to "Alma-Ata Studio". After a while, the guys renamed the band “A” Studio, which gained popularity with the hit “Julia.” This song will be called the best composition in Shukenov's musical biography.

At first I liked the text of the song, who was already working on the recording, but then she gave this composition to Batyrkhan Shukenov. The song performed by the group "A" Studio "glorified the singer after performing at the famous" Christmas meetings. "Soon the concerts of the collective gathered crowds of fans. The soloist of the group began to be recognized, and the name of Batyrkhan Shukenov sounded louder and louder.

Later, Shukenov admitted that as part of "A" Studio, he completely exhausted himself. The performer wanted to start a solo career, creating his own projects. After 13 years of joint work, Batyrkhan left the group, since it was difficult to call the relationship in the team friendly, the breakup was quiet and According to rumors, Shukenov in the group was disliked and tolerated only because he was a protégé of the Prima Donna herself, which allegedly provided "A" Studio "with a free take-off to the musical Olympus. Batyrkhan later said that the guys were more than once offended that he was the face of the team, while other members of the group played a background role.

On October 26, 2002 Batyrkhan Shukenov presented his first solo album "Otan ana", which means "Motherland" in Russian. The disc includes 10 compositions, a video clip for the song "Otan ana" was also presented.

In the middle of 2007 the presentation of the DVD "Batyr Live" took place. The musician gave a concert at the Palace of the Republic. In the same year, Batyrkhan became the cultural advisor to the President of Kazakhstan.

By 2010, the fourth collection of Shukenov's songs, "Beware, dear girl!", Was released. The year turned out to be eventful, and Batyrkhan managed to record another album entitled "Everything will pass", and in 2013 the presentation of the disc "Soul" took place. In total, Shukenov has released 6 albums.

Batyrkhan Shukenov's songs are still played on radio stations, and the singer's clips are gaining thousands of views on the Web. In addition to the single "Julia", which brought popularity to the performer, fans celebrate the compositions "Unloved", "Rain", "Help" and "Your steps". Shukenov as a frontman is gradually gaining separate popularity thanks to his natural charm, strong vocals and love for soul, which he broadcast in songs.

In 2015, on the Russia 1 channel, the third season of the transformation show “One to One!” Began, where Batyrkhan Shukenov was unexpectedly invited. The musician was absorbed in working on this project. The rivals of Batyrkhan Shukenov in the show were prominent representatives of the Russian stage, and.

In the same year, one of Shukenov's last songs, entitled "Spring will help me", was released. On April 17, 2015 during a live concert at Avtoradio Batyrkhan Shukenov performed the famous Soviet song "Cranes". The fans admired the sensuality and sincerity of the performance, demanded more performances and concerts, but this was not destined to come true.

Personal life

The personal life of Batyrkhan Shukenov was hidden behind seven seals. Little is known about Ekaterina Shelyakova, the common-law wife of the musician. Batyrkhan beautifully looked after the girl he liked, and she reciprocated. However, the couple's family life was not happy.

For a long time, the lovers could not become parents, and only a few years later Catherine became pregnant. After the birth of a son, happiness knew no bounds, but the first child of Batyrkhan and Catherine lived only 40 days. The cause of death of the baby is intrauterine infection.

This became a difficult test. According to many of the musician's acquaintances, the death of his son is the main reason why the singer left the group "A" Studio "in 2000.

Two years later, Batyrkhan and Catherine again became parents, their son was named Maksut. Unfortunately, the death of the first child affected the relationship, and the couple broke up. It is known that Catherine lived with her son in the United States, and Batyrkhan, despite the distance, constantly visited Maksut, maintaining warm relations with the woman.

In 2008, the musician married the young beauty Aigerim. The couple met in St. Petersburg. In Northern Palmyra, the girl then studied at one of the educational institutions. The wedding took place according to all Kazakh customs. Betashar, a Kazakh traditional rite, was held in Kyzylorda, the musician's homeland, after which the newlyweds went to worship the holy places in Turkestan.

Unfortunately, this marriage also turned out to be fragile. After some time, the spouses realized that they were different people, and the general principles and interests that had previously linked the couple could no longer affect the situation.


In 2015, participation in the popular project "One to One!" became a new round of Batyrkhan's popularity in Russian show business. In the midst of the show, the audience was shocked by the tragic news - on the night of April 29, Batyrkhan Shukenov in Moscow. Soon it was announced that the founder of the group "A" Studio "had died of a heart attack. The famous performer was only 52 years old.

The musician's body was delivered to his homeland. They buried Batyrkhan Shukenov in Alma-Ata. Tens of thousands of people came to see their beloved musician on their last journey. Fans of Shukenov's work accompanied him with applause, singing the hit "Julia".

In 2016, a concert in memory of Batyrkhan Shukenov "Soul" took place. In Moscow, at the Crocus City Hall, friends of the famous singer, musician and composer organized an event attended by prominent representatives of show business from Russia and Kazakhstan.

The famous songs "A" Studio ", as well as Batyrkhan's solo works, including in the Kazakh language, were performed on the stage. The singer shared his memories of his friend and colleague, saying that Batyr was more than a friend to him, because often his brother.

“Batyr called my father dad, and I called his brother, respectively. He is even more than a friend. This is a man-sun, ”said Vladimir Presnyakov.

Vladimir's words were confirmed by his mother. The soloist of the "Gems" ensemble added that Batyr was the second son of her family.

“For our family, Batyr became the second son. I have a feeling that he is near. We love and remember him. He is a bright and kind person, ”said Elena Presnyakova.

People's Artist of Kazakhstan Roza Rymbaeva, who arrived in Moscow to honor the memory of Batyrkhan, noted the achievements of the singer, who left his indelible mark on the development of the music of Kazakhstan and Russia. According to Roza Kuanyshevna, today young talented musicians and performers are obliged to strive for such a height.

“Batyrkhan is such a height to which young talented musicians and performers should strive. I will never forget Batyr. I am pleased that he is remembered and such concerts are organized in honor of him, ”said Roza Rymbaeva.


  • 2002 - Otan ana
  • 2006 - "Your steps"
  • 2007 - "Batyr Live"
  • 2010 - "Beware, sweet girl!"
  • 2010 - "Everything will pass ..."
  • 2013 - Soul