Pancakes stuffed with cabbage. Pancakes with cabbage Pancakes stuffed with cabbage

Pancakes stuffed with cabbage.  Pancakes with cabbage Pancakes stuffed with cabbage
Pancakes stuffed with cabbage. Pancakes with cabbage Pancakes stuffed with cabbage

There can never be too many pancakes))) I suggest preparing thin pancakes with a combined filling of minced chicken and cabbage. Thanks to this combination, the pancakes turn out very juicy.

If there are ardent lovers of fried onions in your family, then finding them among the cabbage and minced meat is simply unrealistic. These pancakes do not need to be heated in a frying pan with oil; one microwave is enough and no more fat. It's really delicious, I recommend it!

To prepare pancakes with minced chicken and cabbage, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Prepare the pancake filling. Cut the onion into thin strips and the cabbage into the same strips. It is important that cabbage and onions are “twin brothers”)).

Grind the chicken fillet in an acceptable manner.

Heat a frying pan with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and lightly fry the onion.

Add minced chicken, sprinkle with spices and salt, fry for 5-7 minutes, breaking up lumps of minced meat.

Then add cabbage. Fry for 5 minutes with constant stirring.

Pour in water from the kettle so that it does not completely cover the contents of the pan. Make the heat a little less than medium and simmer the minced meat and cabbage until soft. Possibly under the lid. When the water boils, check the taste and add what is missing.

Cool the resulting filling by placing it on a plate.

To prepare pancakes, we will take the following products. Of course, you can cook them according to your favorite and proven recipe.

Lightly beat the egg with salt and sugar, pour in a glass of milk and stir.

Add the flour and mix with a hand whisk until the dough becomes thick and smooth.

Then add the remaining milk and vegetable oil. Stir to form a pancake batter. The thinner the dough, the thinner the pancakes will be.

Fry the pancakes in a well-heated frying pan. I always lubricate it with oil the first time, and then this is no longer necessary.

It turned out to be 19 pieces. The quantity depends on the diameter of your pan.

All that remains is to fill the pancakes with minced chicken and cabbage, rolling them into a tube.

Bon appetit!

There is no need to look for a reason why you should bake delicious pancakes. Let’s just bake and that’s it! Let’s not just bake them, but also stuff them with fresh fried cabbage. And to make it really interesting, mix the cabbage with mashed potatoes. It will be tasty and satisfying.

To prepare pancakes we need the following products:

  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Milk – 2 glasses.
  • Water – 1 glass.
  • Sugar – 1/3 cup.
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil – ½ cup.
  • Soda – ½ teaspoon.
  • Eggs – 3 pieces.

Beat eggs with sugar and salt. Add milk, butter and water. Add flour and mix everything using a blender. To avoid lumps, you need to knead everything thoroughly.

If you don't plan to use a blender, make the dough a little differently. Pour butter into the beaten mixture of eggs, sugar and salt, add flour, stir, and then pour in water and milk. The dough is ready.

Let's start preparing the filling. To prepare the filling we need:

  • Cabbage - half a head of cabbage.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil – 5 tablespoons.
  • Black pepper - a pinch.
  • Potatoes -0.5 kilograms.
  • Milk – 1 glass.
  • Butter – 50 grams.

Finely chop the cabbage and fry in a frying pan with oil. Salt, pepper and bring to readiness. Peel the potatoes, cut them in half and boil until tender. Mash to a puree, add milk, salt and butter. That's it, our filling is ready. All that remains is to mix the cabbage with potatoes and cool.

Let's start baking pancakes. Heat the frying pan, grease it with oil and pour in the first portion of pancake batter. Fry, turn over, brown the other side and remove the pancake. We do the rest in the same way. When the dough is finished, let's start stuffing.

Thin pancakes are perhaps one of the most popular and versatile dishes. After all, they can be served for a festive feast, and as an everyday breakfast or dinner. It all depends on the filling used and the way the dish is presented.
Today we suggest making pancakes with cabbage and egg. Moreover, a dish with this filling is especially relevant in the season when there are fewer and fewer fruits and vegetables in stores. But cabbage, carrots, and onions are available for sale almost all year round.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • For pancakes:
  • Milk – 0.5 l;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Soda - a pinch.
  • For filling:
  • Cabbage -350 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil for frying – 4 tbsp;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Parsley.

How to cook pancakes with egg and cabbage

First, remove the eggs and milk from the refrigerator. It is better to use these products at room temperature in the dough. Now start filling the pancakes. Chop the cabbage into thin strips, and then cut them into several pieces. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil well, add chopped cabbage and fry it over medium heat for 10 minutes. There is no need to cover it with a lid.

Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater and cut the onion into cubes. Add vegetables to the pan with cabbage. Add salt to your taste and simmer for another 15 minutes, do not forget to stir from time to time!

The next step is to hard boil two chicken eggs. To do this, rinse them, then place them in a saucepan with cold water, then cover and cook over medium heat for 8 minutes after boiling. Cool the boiled eggs in cold water, then easily remove the shell. Mix finely chopped eggs with fried vegetables, lightly salt and stir. The cabbage and egg filling for pancakes is ready!

Now let's prepare the base of the dish - thin, delicate pancakes. The recipe is completely simple, quick, and does not require any special culinary skills. Break two chicken eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Be sure to add a pinch of soda - it will make the dough softer and more fluffy.

Enter half the stated amount of milk. Then, thoroughly kneading the dough, add flour in small portions. The mass should come out thick, smooth, homogeneous. Now is the time to add the rest of the milk, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, and knead the pancake dough thoroughly again. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan on each side for 1-2 minutes over high heat. Before pouring the dough, grease the surface of the pan with vegetable oil each time.

Let's prepare stuffed pancakes. Place one heaped tablespoon of cabbage-egg filling on the top of the pancake, fold the right and left edges towards the middle.

And then roll the product into a tube.

Do these manipulations with all pancake preparations.

Pour fresh sour cream over pancakes with stewed cabbage and eggs and serve.

Many housewives consider thin pancakes to be the most versatile dish. In addition, they are also the most popular treat.

Pancakes with cabbage can be served both on holidays and as breakfast or dinner. Depending on the filling, they act as a dessert, or even a separate dish.

I suggest making pancakes with stewed cabbage, since this vegetable is easy to buy at any time of the year.

When the season of fruits and other gifts from gardens and vegetable gardens is already over, and you want to pamper your loved ones with a delicious dish, pancakes with cabbage and eggs will be an excellent option.

Pancakes with cabbage recipe

For the dough you will need: two eggs; half a liter of whole milk; 40 g sugar; 30 ml vegetable oil; a pinch of soda; 1 and ½ cups plain flour; ½ teaspoon salt.

Prepare the filling with egg and vegetables that you will fill the pancakes with:

two eggs; bulbs; one carrot; 0.350 kg cabbage; 4 tbsp. spoons of butter; salt to taste. Add finely chopped parsley to the filling.

First, remove the milk and raw eggs from the refrigerator; they should be at room temperature. Meanwhile, make the filling:

  1. Chop the cabbage into very thin strips. If it turns out to be long, cut it into several more pieces.
  2. Heat a frying pan, pour in oil and fry the cabbage. Keep the cabbage over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula. Do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise a lot of moisture will accumulate under it.
  3. Cut the onion into slices or cubes (as you like), grate the carrots, put the vegetables in the frying pan with the cabbage.
  4. Simmer the filling for another 15 minutes, add salt.
  5. Wash and dry a bunch of parsley. Then finely chop and add to the stewed vegetables.
  6. Boil the eggs hard. To do this, place a saucepan with cold water on the stove and place washed raw eggs there. After the water boils, wait 8 minutes, then remove the eggs and place them in a bowl of cold water. Eggs prepared in this way are obtained with a bright orange yolk without a greenish rim and are easily peeled. In general, what we need.
  7. Finely chop the boiled eggs and add them to the filling, mix everything.

Mix the dough. His recipe is quite simple and does not require any special skills from the cook:

  1. Whisk sugar, salt and egg in a bowl.
  2. Add a pinch of soda and it will help the pancakes become fluffy and tender.
  3. Pour in half the milk and beat the mixture with a whisk.
  4. Add the sifted flour, whisking the dough all the time. Do not ignore the cooking rules; if you do not thoroughly whisk the mixture, small but unpleasant lumps may appear in it, which you then need to deal with.
  5. Pour in the remaining milk and vegetable oil.
  6. Fry the pancakes over medium heat for 40-50 seconds on each side.

Stuff the pancakes: place a tablespoon of the filling with cabbage and egg on one edge of the workpiece, wrap the right and left sides inward, then roll the pancakes into a tube. Serve the pancakes hot, topped with sour cream for taste and beauty.

Recipe with photos of pancakes with cabbage filling

Thin pancakes with vegetables have virtually no effect on weight gain, especially if eaten in the first half of the day. This is why women who watch their figure love them so much.

Men will also find positive aspects to the dish; they believe that pancakes stuffed with cabbage go perfectly with a glass of beer. Let's look at a culinary dish that helps strengthen family ties.

Take: 3 eggs; 0.5 liters of milk; 2.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar; half a teaspoon of soda; a couple of pinches of salt; 3 tbsp. tablespoons of lean refined oil; one and a half glasses of wheat flour; a large spoon of sour cream.

If necessary, thin the dough with water. It is important that you get the mixture to the consistency of heavy cream.

Filling for cabbage pancakes:

bulb; 1 medium carrot; cabbage - a quarter of a head; salt and pepper to taste; 100 g tomato puree; vegetable oil (two tablespoons is enough).

Pancake recipe:

  1. Beat the dough by mixing eggs with sugar, salt and milk.
  2. Sift the flour and add it to the liquid mixture in portions to prevent the formation of lumps. If they do appear, pass the dough through a colander.
  3. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with purified water.
  4. Quench the baking soda in vinegar; it will help make the pancakes more tender and porous.
  5. Add sour cream and vegetable oil.
  6. Bake thin pancakes on a pancake maker or a special frying pan. You should end up with a whole stack of preparations that you have to stuff with stewed cabbage.

The filling is prepared as follows:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Squeeze lightly and place in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil.
  3. When the cabbage is fried (after about 10 minutes), add grated carrots and onions, cut into half rings or small cubes.
  4. Mix everything and simmer over medium heat for another 12 minutes.
  5. Peel tomatoes (2 large fruits) and blend in a blender bowl.
  6. Pour tomato puree over the filling, salt and pepper to taste. When the mixture boils, turn off the heat under the frying pan and cool the filling that you need to wrap in pancakes.

Wrap the minced meat in the prepared pancakes and place on a plate. Choose the wrapping method at your discretion: triangle, envelope, tube. You can decorate the pancakes with sour cream by pouring it on top of the treat in a thin stream.

Pancakes are good both hot and cold. You can take them with you as a snack to work or school - a great alternative to pizza or pies.

My video recipe