Green smoothies to cleanse the body. Green smoothies - beneficial properties and recipes Healthy green smoothie

Green smoothies to cleanse the body.  Green smoothies - beneficial properties and recipes Healthy green smoothie
Green smoothies to cleanse the body. Green smoothies - beneficial properties and recipes Healthy green smoothie

Hello friends!

Lately I've been hooked on green smoothies, an amazingly healthy, tasty and very rich drink.

Read it, it's interesting!

From this article you will learn:

Green smoothies - beneficial properties and recipes

Absolutely everyone knows that green vegetables are incredibly healthy. They tone and saturate the body with useful substances.

However, the taste of these products is not for everyone.

It would be much better and tastier to drink a drink made from green vegetables - a green smoothie.

What can be included in green smoothies?

The cocktail includes freshly squeezed vegetable juices with pulp.

Sometimes, if necessary, various liquids are added.

To give it a thick consistency, it is not diluted with liquids or drunk, but eaten as a ready-made dish.

To get just such a shake, you need to use a high-quality kitchen blender.

About the beneficial properties of the drink - what is a green smoothie good for?

Green vegetable smoothies are incredibly healthy.

Let's find out why people who care about their health liked this drink?

This is explained by the fact that when it is consumed, many beneficial changes occur in the body, namely:

  • energy is restored and performance increases;
  • defenses are strengthened;
  • body weight decreases;
  • there is a general cleansing of the entire body;
  • the mood becomes much better, depression goes away;
  • stress resistance increases;
  • digestion processes are restored;
  • provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Those who have once tried a similar drink in their lives prepare it regularly and enjoy its taste and benefit.

How to drink green smoothies correctly?

Ideally, you should drink a smoothie in the morning after waking up.

You can also prepare this drink for yourself the night before, close it tightly and place it in the refrigerator.

After waking up, you will have to vigorously shake the prepared shake, and after that you will be guaranteed a healthy and tasty breakfast.

It’s great to use the cocktail instead of snacks between meals.

To get maximum benefit from the product, follow the following recommendations:

  • the taste should be as pleasant as possible, but you should not add sugar or salt for this;
  • during the first thirty days you are allowed to drink only one shake per day;
  • It is recommended to drink liquid in small sips, using a straw for this purpose or eating with a spoon;
  • this product is accepted regardless of all other food products;
  • the interval before eating after the shake should be about an hour;
  • You should not drink the cocktail if you have pathologies of the pancreas, kidneys and gallbladder.

Remember that you do not need to drink this drink in large quantities.

The main thing here is moderation. A huge amount of raw vegetables leads to indigestion and excessive bloating.

Green smoothies - Recipes

  • Green smoothie for weight loss made from green apple and lime

Lime is famous for its ability to perfectly calm the nervous system, cleanse body and tone.

To prepare the shake, you need to wash the lime and peel it and remove all excess, do the same with the apple and cut it into small slices.

All ingredients must be mixed using kitchen equipment and consumed.

  • Cocktail with green tea and kiwi

To prepare this drink you need to have one, an apple, bee honey and yourself. First, brew the tea as you wish, but ideally it should be strong.

Wash and peel the fruits, make a puree out of them, add honey.

After this, pour the tea, mix everything thoroughly again and drink.

  • Green buckwheat shake

Soak with purified water, after half a day, rinse thoroughly and leave to germinate. Within 24 hours the first shoots will be visible.

To prepare the shake itself, you can take any fruit, for example, cucumber, , banana and . Mix everything vigorously and you can enjoy the wonderful taste.

  • Recipe with celery

This shake is considered the lowest calorie shake.

It is effective in that it successfully removes toxins and waste from the body, soothes and tones.

Wash and dry the plants thoroughly and prepare one peeled apple.

Mix everything into a homogeneous mass and enjoy.

  • Broccoli cocktail

This is the most useful vegetable, which is highly valued by people who promote vegetarianism.

To prepare a healthy smoothie, take about two hundred grams of this vegetable, wash it thoroughly and chop it.

Peel the lime and remove any excess.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a blender. The drink is ready to drink.

  • Smoothie recipe with kefir

To prepare the drink, you need about 400 ml of low-fat fermented milk product, as well as any green vegetables if desired.

The number of vegetables can be 1 or several.

Beat the ingredients for about 15 minutes and then add honey and nuts to this mixture. The drink is ready.

You can make a very unusual drink called a smoothie from cucumber. We may be more familiar with cucumber juice, but a cucumber smoothie differs from juice in its creamy texture and density.

Benefits of cucumber smoothie

Cucumbers work best when paired with denser fruits. For example, with bananas. Banana is a classic ingredient for any smoothie. Banana goes with almost everything. For example, read the article Kiwi Smoothie. Another classic smoothie ingredient is mango. Mango works the same way as banana. Gives a creamy taste, creamy texture and the necessary density. Although mango is exotic for us, you can always use frozen or canned mango.

  • Cucumber contains 96% water and very few calories.
  • Cucumber, along with tomatoes and cabbage, is the most common vegetable in the world.
  • Cucumber mainly consists of water, but it is not simple water, but structured in a special way.
  • The water contained in cucumber is a natural adsorbent and helps remove accumulated toxins and waste from the body.
  • Fresh cucumber juice contains many substances that help strengthen nails and prevent hair loss.
  • Cucumber juice helps prevent dehydration, and in addition, replenishes vitamins and minerals. A glass of cucumber smoothie contains vitamins K, C, B5, A, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid.
  • Cucumber is good for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels.

Cucumber smoothie helps moisturize skin

Due to its high water content, cucumber smoothies maintain the required amount of moisture in the skin. Cucumber masks moisturize your skin from the outside.

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents

Cucumber is no exception, like all vegetables, it contains a large amount of antioxidants. First of all, it is the main antioxidant vitamin C, beta-carotene and manganese.

Aid in Digestion

Cucumber contains a large amount of dietary fiber and fiber. Fiber helps eliminate toxins and cleanse the digestive tract. Cucumber has a neutral taste and is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases. Having listed all the main advantages of cucumber, we move on to the main part, to recipes for cucumber smoothies.

Cucumber smoothie recipes

Cucumber and melon smoothie


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 slice of melon (with cucumber)
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • Bunch of greens (spinach or cilantro)
  • 1 glass of water
  • Ice optional
  • Mix everything in a blender until smooth.

Cucumber smoothie with yogurt

Reminiscent of a Greek salad made from yogurt and cucumbers, only in a more liquid form. Very suitable for a light breakfast or late dinner.


  • 200 gr. plain yogurt
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 100 gr. milk (can be soy, coconut or plain)
  • Milk can be replaced with water.
  • Ice cubes optional.
  • Depending on the season, you can add a few mint leaves for freshness.

A yogurt smoothie is reminiscent of a Greek salad made with yogurt and cucumbers, only in a thinner form. Suitable for a light breakfast or late dinner. A cucumber smoothie with yogurt can be supplemented with berries. Fresh frozen berries, such as blueberries, are great for smoothies.

Smoothie with blueberries, yogurt and cucumber


  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 cucumber
  • 100 gr. frozen blueberries (or other berries)
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • Ice optional
  • Mix everything in a blender until smooth.

Cucumber and pineapple smoothie


  • 1 cucumber
  • 200 gr. pineapple
  • 100 gr. any frozen berries (raspberries)
  • 100 gr. water or milk
  • Add ice as needed.

It turns out very tasty! To prepare, you can use canned or frozen pineapple. Cucumber is the basis of these wonderful and healthy drinks. You can add banana, pears, mango, and other fresh or frozen fruits to your cucumber smoothie. It depends on your desire and capabilities. Cucumber goes well with almost all fruits due to its neutral taste. Create your favorite cucumber smoothie.

It has long been known that green vegetables are very healthy. They are a source of energy and important microelements. But not everyone likes to eat them. That's why green smoothies have become a popular drink in recent years. It is advertised by raw foodists and healthy eating advocates, but ordinary people, having tried such a cocktail, regularly make it for themselves. After all, it is not only tasty, but very healthy.

Green smoothie: what is it?

This dish is a smoothie of green leafy vegetables and fruits with added liquid if necessary. But sometimes, on the contrary, the smoothie becomes thick, then they don’t drink it, but eat it with a small spoon. The word "smoothie" is translated as "smooth". This means that the cocktail should be homogeneous, without pieces. To do this you need to use a good blender. Only in it you can prepare smoothies correctly and quickly.

Benefits of the drink

Green smoothies have many benefits. Why do people who care about their health love this drink so much? When it is consumed, the following changes occur in the body:

  • strength returns and performance increases;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • weight loss;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins;
  • mood improves and depression goes away;
  • the condition of the skin and hair improves;
  • digestion is normalized;
  • The main components of the drink have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Benefits of smoothies over other foods

Those who have tried this cocktail try to drink it regularly. Why is it better to make yourself a smoothie for breakfast?

  • if you prepare such a cocktail with yogurt or cottage cheese, it can replace a full breakfast;
  • such food provides energy, but is not stored as fat;
  • it is easy to prepare;
  • a glass of such a cocktail contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber;
  • Unlike greens and vegetables in salads, it is better absorbed when chopped.

What may be included in the drink

If you simply blend the vegetables and herbs that you have at home in a blender, the cocktail will not turn out very tasty. There are some secrets to making smoothies. Its main components are liquid, greens and fruits. Sometimes oatmeal, cottage cheese or vegetables are also added to the cocktail. Instead of water, you can use juice, herbal tea, mineral water. To make the drink taste good, you need to adhere to the following proportions: take two parts of liquid, two parts of greens and three parts of fruit. If desired, you can add cinnamon, ginger, nuts, mint.

What fruits are most commonly used to make green smoothies? The recipe may contain kiwi, banana, avocado, orange, pear, grapes and any berries. You can take the greens that are available, and not only vegetables growing in the garden are used, but also medicinal herbs. A healthy drink is obtained from the following greens: spinach, kale, parsley, celery, lettuce, carrot and beet tops. Sugar is never added to green smoothies. You can add sweetness to the drink using banana, dates, pears, or honey.

How to make smoothies correctly

You must follow the cooking rules.

  1. First, wash all the greens and chop them with a knife.
  2. Pour two parts of the base liquid into a blender and add the same amount of greens. Grind everything well to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Then chopped fruits are added (three parts), and everything is chopped again.

To make the drink more refreshing, you can chop frozen pieces of herbs and fruits. But this cocktail will be thicker. And in order to add satiety, you can use nuts, oatmeal or flaxseed.

Green and cooking options

Everyone can prepare a drink to their own taste. It is better to use the simplest recipes first. Then you can experiment. Those who have been drinking this cocktail for a long time no longer think about what to put in it. What should people do if they decide to try a green smoothie for the first time? The recipe with photos is in our article.

To begin with, it is not recommended to take spicy or exotic greens, and for sweetness it is best to add bananas. To avoid spoiling the taste, you need to use a small measuring cup. We can recommend several recipes for the most delicious smoothies.

  1. Take 2 cups of spinach or lettuce, 2 cups of water, mix. Add 1 glass of pineapple and mango juice or fruit and 1 banana.
  2. You can take 1.5 cups of spinach and half a cup of parsley to 2 parts water. Mix cocktail with banana. For taste, add a few slices of lemon and a piece of ginger.
  3. A hearty and healthy smoothie is made from broccoli, spinach, lime and apple. Instead of water, you can use apple juice for this drink.
  4. Very often they make it green, for example, with pineapple, kiwi, cucumber, parsley and mint.
  5. The smoothie will be tastier and healthier if you add orange or apple juice instead of water. For example, juice with a few ice cubes, spinach, blueberries and banana.
  6. Smoothies based on chamomile or ginger tea with the addition of spinach, apple, banana, nuts and honey improve your mood.

How to drink these cocktails

It is best to drink a green smoothie for breakfast. You can even prepare the drink in advance the night before, seal it tightly and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, all you have to do is shake it, and your healthy energy breakfast is ready. It is good to use the cocktail as a snack during the day. To benefit from drinking smoothies, you need to follow some rules:

  • the taste of the drink should be pleasant, but sugar or salt should not be added;
  • For the first month, you can drink no more than a glass of smoothies per day;
  • You need to drink the cocktail in small sips, through a straw, or eat it with a small spoon;
  • smoothies should be consumed separately from other foods, best of all - half an hour to an hour before meals or as a separate meal;
  • It is not recommended to use smoothies for gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and chronic kidney diseases.

And you shouldn’t abuse this drink; you need to know moderation in everything. A large amount of raw vegetables, especially in a person who is not accustomed to them, can cause indigestion and flatulence. Excessive consumption of spinach or sorrel can lead to the appearance of kidney stones.

A green smoothie is an ideal option for people who care about their figure. Whether it's breakfast, lunch or a light snack, a glass of a beautiful, fresh cocktail will perfectly satisfy your hunger without bringing unnecessary burden to the body. But, as you know, healthy things cannot be tasty. Let’s argue with this statement by giving an example of the top 6 recipes on how to make a green smoothie that will delight you with its pleasant taste.

5 reasons to start drinking emerald cocktails

  1. Emerald cocktails help relieve inflammation.
  2. All vitamins without a trace go directly into the blood + no sugar in cocktails.
  3. Plant enzymes quickly break down beneficial substances inside the body.
  4. Even green smoothies for weight loss give us maximum energy, despite the minimum calories.
  5. Medicinal properties for the gastrointestinal tract. Green smoothies to cleanse the body calm the stomach and gently restore the functioning of the entire digestive system.

Dukan salad cocktail

The leader of all dietary green smoothies is a fat-burning drink from the Dukan diet. A famous drink is prepared from the following products:

  • 1/5 cucumber;
  • 50 gr. black radish;
  • 50 gr. dill;
  • 50 gr. celery;
  • bunch of basil;
  • a couple drops of lime juice.

The process of preparing the drink, which many modern showbiz stars sip from straws, is as follows:

  1. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes.
  2. We also wash all the greens and simply chop them into the blender bowl.
  3. We turn all the ingredients into puree.
  4. At your discretion, add ice cubes to the drink.

This recipe is best prepared in the morning. Green smoothies for weight loss should be consumed exclusively fresh.

Banana and strawberry temptation

You can prepare a simple and tasty drink yourself by taking:

  • 4 strawberries;
  • 1 banana;
  • a bunch of spinach (optional);
  • a couple of spoons of protein mixture;
  • a glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • water (for the desired consistency).

The recipe for preparing a healthy green smoothie is as follows:

  1. Peel the banana and cut into medium pieces.
  2. Cut the strawberries in half, chop the spinach, and place everything in a blender along with banana slices.
  3. Pour in the yogurt and add the protein mixture.
  4. Beat until smooth. Add water if desired if the smoothie is too thick.

Serve in a pretty glass. For those who don't like spinach, the delicious combination of banana, yogurt and strawberries almost neutralizes the taste of the spinach itself. And all the useful vitamins remain in the drink.

Cucumber Pepper Bomb

For an incredibly fresh dish, you need to take:

  • a glass of tomato juice;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • half a sweet pepper;
  • a small spoon of chopped onion feathers;
  • a small spoon of soy sauce;
  • a small spoon of lemon juice;
  • salt and pepper (to taste).

Prepare a light breakfast according to these instructions:

  1. Peel the cucumbers.
  2. Chop cucumbers and peppers into a blender.
  3. Pour in tomato juice, soy sauce, lemon juice.
  4. Place the onion in a blender, add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Beat the entire mass until smooth.

The dish should be served in glasses immediately after preparation.

Herbal mix

Green smoothies are great for cleansing the body. From the most ordinary products, you can prepare a cocktail that will gently help cleanse the body of harmful toxins. Ingredients diagram:

  • 100 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 100 gr. parsley;
  • a couple of celery stalks;
  • 2 bananas;
  • a couple of glasses of water.

Instructions for making an excellent invigorating drink yourself:

  1. Wash the ingredients.
  2. Grind into medium pieces.
  3. Place everything in a blender and turn it into a homogeneous mass.

To cleanse the body, green smoothies are consumed separately from other foods, as an independent dish.

Grandma's garden bed

Green smoothies are a great solution for dinner. And on a hot summer day, they quench your thirst much more effectively than carbonated drinks. For self-cooking you need:

  • a bunch of green fresh lettuce;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 1 cucumber.

This option, like many other diet green smoothies, is prepared in a matter of minutes.

  1. We wash and dry all the greens.
  2. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes.
  3. We transform the ingredients into a homogeneous mass in a blender.

You can also add ice cubes to the drink. It is better to do this after completing the cooking process.

Lime-apple flavor

Many dietary green smoothies are made with apples. The juicy pulp is rich in fiber, and the lime additive will gently remove toxins and calm the nervous system. Take:

  • a couple of green apples;
  • 1 lime;
  • ice cubes.

Scheme for preparing an excellent citrus smoothie:

  1. Peel the lime and remove seeds, separate the unnecessary white membranes, and cut into small slices.
  2. Wash and chop the apples.
  3. We send all components to the grinder. Turn it into a smooth drink.

This drink is perfect for a light snack. Even children will enjoy its citrusy freshness.

The fashion for healthy eating has been gaining momentum lately. If you want to maintain and improve your figure, it is better to stop eating buttery cakes and buns. Now you have learned how to make a green smoothie, and you can have a satisfying and tasty snack, getting the maximum benefit from the emerald brightness of nature.

Video: Making an Invigorating Green Smoothie

Green smoothies are thick cocktails made from various vegetables and fruits of the appropriate color with the obligatory inclusion of fresh herbs. The benefits of these unusual drinks are obvious, and they are due to the properties of the ingredients included in the recipe. Green smoothies cleanse the body well, saturate it with useful microelements and vitamins, improve metabolism and promote weight loss. However, what is healthy does not have to be tasteless. Cocktails made from greens and vegetables have pleasant organoleptic qualities, so starting the day with them quickly becomes a habit.

Cooking features

Green smoothies will be truly healthy and will help you lose weight only if you follow a few simple rules when preparing them.

  • Don't try to improve the taste of a cocktail by adding salt or sugar. Salt is found in sufficient quantities in vegetables and herbs. Including it in a cocktail will make it harmful, since salt promotes fluid retention in the body. Sugar will also not increase the benefits of the smoothie, but it will make its calorie content much more impressive. As a result, instead of losing weight from green smoothies, you risk gaining weight from them.
  • Green smoothies provide maximum benefits when consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. If this has not been done, you can replace one of the snacks with such a cocktail.
  • It is not advisable to eat within an hour after drinking a green smoothie.
  • It is better not to drink green smoothies, but to eat them in small spoons. In this case, you will feel full very quickly and you will no longer want to fill your stomach with junk food.
  • Smoothies will be healthier if you add fruits and vegetables to them along with the peel.
  • You should not consume green smoothies in large quantities. Usually one serving of this cocktail a day is quite enough to lose weight and cleanse the body. Otherwise, a large amount of raw vegetables will lead to diarrhea and other troubles.

Keep in mind that green smoothies are not for everyone. For some diseases, such cocktails are not recommended. For this reason, before deciding to include green smoothies in your diet, it makes sense to consult with your doctor.

Green smoothie with apple and celery

  • green apple – 0.2 kg;
  • celery – 50 g;
  • purified water – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the apple and pat it dry with a towel. Using a special tool or other method, cut out the core from it.
  • Cut the apple, without peeling, into medium-sized cubes and place them in a blender bowl.
  • Rinse the celery stalk in running water and dry. Remove the largest fibers from it so that they do not get stuck in the blender blades.
  • Finely chop the celery stalk.
  • Place the celery with the apples and add a little water. If you want the smoothie to have a thicker consistency, you don't need to add water.
  • Turn on the blender first at slow speeds, then at high speeds and blend the apple and celery into a homogeneous mass.

This smoothie option is one of the least calorie-dense. Moreover, this cocktail has a seductive fresh aroma, harmonious and very pleasant taste.

Green smoothie with basil and spinach

  • green apple – 50 g;
  • pear – 50 g;
  • spinach – 100 g;
  • avocado – 50 g;
  • fresh basil – 50 g;
  • celery – 50 g;
  • melon – 50 g;
  • lime – 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the fruits and herbs and dry them with paper napkins.
  • Measure out the required amount of apple, avocado, pear and melon. Cut them into medium sized cubes. Place the melon in the freezer for a while.
  • Chop the spinach and basil with a knife, maybe not too finely.
  • Chop the celery stalk with a knife after removing the coarse fibers.
  • Squeeze the juice out of half a lime. To get more, use a citrus juicer. If desired, lime can be replaced with lemon.
  • Place all ingredients in a blender jug ​​and blend until smooth.

This green smoothie is delicious. You will eat it with pleasure. If the taste of the dish is crucial for you, you are better off choosing this option.

Broccoli smoothie

  • broccoli – 0.2 kg;
  • lime – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Cut fresh broccoli into florets and wash. Dry with a towel. Cut large inflorescences into several pieces. If you are using frozen food, allow it to thaw, then drain off any excess liquid.
  • Peel the lime, cut into pieces and remove the membranes.
  • Place raw broccoli and lime slices in a blender bowl. Grind everything to a puree. If desired, add a little filtered water and whisk again.

Don't worry that your broccoli smoothie won't taste good, it won't. The lime in the recipe can be replaced with an adequate amount of grapefruit if desired.

Green smoothie with kiwi and spinach

  • spinach – 100 g;
  • kiwi – 100 g;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • water – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the banana and cut into pieces.
  • Peel the kiwi and cut the fruit into several pieces.
  • Coarsely chop the spinach with a knife or tear it with your hands, pour in a small amount of water so that it settles.
  • Place all ingredients in a blender jar and blend until smooth.

The smoothie prepared according to this recipe has a pleasant consistency and an equally pleasant taste.

Smoothie with cucumber

  • green apple – 100 g;
  • cucumber – 150 g;
  • avocado – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash fruits and vegetables and pat them dry with a napkin to remove excess moisture.
  • Cut the avocado and remove the pit. Cut into slices and separate the pulp from the peel.
  • Cut off the ends of the cucumber, then cut the cucumber into not too large cubes. It is better to leave the peel on.
  • Cut the apple into slices and cut out sections of the core. Cut the slices into several pieces.
  • Place the cucumber, avocado and apple in a blender container.
  • Grind the products until smooth. If you want its consistency to be softer, you can peel the cucumber and apple, but this will not add any benefit to the drink.

A smoothie made according to this recipe helps normalize the water-salt balance in the body and remove excess fluid from it.

Green smoothie with cucumber and salad

  • cucumber – 150 g;
  • green salad – 100 g;
  • fresh parsley – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the greens. Shake and chop finely with a knife.
  • Wash the cucumber, dry it with a towel and cut into not too thin semicircles.
  • Place cucumbers and herbs in a blender bowl and puree.

Lettuce and parsley are famous for their beneficial properties and have a lot of fiber. Thanks to them, the cucumber smoothie turns out much healthier.

Green kale and avocado smoothie

  • avocado – 0.2 kg;
  • white cabbage – 150 g;
  • spinach – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash good cabbage leaves, dry them and put them in the freezer. After half an hour, chop into small pieces, place in a blender container and, adding a little water, grind.
  • Cut the spinach into small pieces, add to the cabbage, beat again.
  • Wash the avocado, remove the seeds, separate the pulp from the skin and place with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Whisk everything together.

The taste of the smoothie prepared according to this recipe is a little unusual, but delicate and balanced.

Green smoothie with nettles

  • young nettle – 50 g;
  • green apple – 0.3 kg;
  • orange – 100 g;
  • lemon – 1/4 part;
  • still mineral water – 50 ml;
  • crushed ice, mint - optional.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the nettles with boiling water, cool and chop into small pieces.
  • Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits and mix it with mineral water.
  • Cut the apple pulp into medium-sized cubes.
  • Place apples and nettles in a blender bowl, add mineral water mixed with juice and blend.
  • Add crushed ice and beat again.

When serving, an unusual cocktail can be decorated with a sprig of mint. It is quite capable of playing the role of a refreshing drink, so it is good to include it in the menu in the summer.

Green smoothies contain the healthiest foods: green fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs. In addition, they help cleanse the body. Therefore, their inclusion in the diet is justified, especially in cases where you want to lose weight.