Business with China on resale from scratch. How to start trading Chinese goods without investment

Business with China on resale from scratch.  How to start trading Chinese goods without investment
Business with China on resale from scratch. How to start trading Chinese goods without investment

How to start a business with China, starting from scratch and without investment? How to make money reselling Chinese goods and what is better to sell? How to find suppliers and resellers?

Hello dear friends! Welcome to the founder of the HeterBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov!

It's no secret that many people made their first million by reselling goods from China.

In this article, I will reveal all the chips about doing business with China from A to Z, analyze expert advice and consider the most effective and profitable business models.

While this niche is relatively free: if you decide to start your own business and do not know what to choose, then it's time to turn your attention towards the East.

Let's go in order, friends!

1. Business on goods from China - is it really possible to start a business from scratch

Chinese products make up a significant share of the entire world market. In Russia about 60-80% consumer goods are represented by Chinese consumer goods. Modern Chinese products are no longer as handicraft and low-quality as they were 20 years ago: the products have become more functional and durable, they look much better.

Even if you have never been involved in sales and are familiar with Chinese goods only from a consumer point of view, no one and nothing can stop you from starting a business in China and acquiring a new (and very profitable) source of income.

In this area, you can earn from 50,000 rubles every month and at the same time have time for life and rest.

Today, only the lazy does not do business with the PRC. Business with China for resale without investment (well, or almost no investment) is relatively simple and accessible to everyone with basic knowledge and business skills. You don't need to be a graduate of a trade school or business school to understand how things work in the market.

In fact, the scheme for working with China boils down to three points:

  • find goods in China as cheaply as possible;
  • deliver it to the Russian Federation;
  • sell at a premium.

Do not rush to object "but what about customs, certificates, workflow, taxes?" Below we will consider this scheme and all related issues in more detail and in detail. Exactly philistine skepticism - the main obstacle to any successful entrepreneurial activity.

The second obstacle is lack of necessary knowledge ... With the advent of the Internet, information has become more accessible and practically free: an example of this is the article you are reading.

Trade is the most attractive field of activity for aspiring businessmen. It is much easier than manufacturing: you just need to purchase goods from wholesale suppliers and sell them at retail prices. Learning to do business with China does not take much time, especially if a person has a desire and a goal.

So, if you have this very goal and a great desire, then you can build a business on goods from China in just 6 weeks.

And to get you started, an expert who has been tested by me in teaching this direction will help you -.

I myself am already introducing the chips of this guy in my business and they really work.

2. Chinese manufacturers are more profitable than any other

The interest of Russian business in Chinese goods is steadily growing. In China, they produce everything without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, household appliances, gadgets. Surely your apartment is full of items labeled "Made in China".

15-20 years ago, plastic Chinese products were scattered in the hands of the buyer, now the quality of goods from the PRC is quite satisfactory, and sometimes excellent. The stereotype "Chinese means short-lived and wretched" has almost lost its relevance. Even iPhones and other expensive brands are now produced in Chinese factories, as it is inexpensive due to cheaper labor.

This graph reflects the growth of trade relations between the PRC and Russia 2015-2016:

As you can see, the turnover is not small and it increases over time.

The quality of Chinese products is constantly growing, but prices (at least wholesale) remain low.

What conclusion can be drawn from these facts? Right: you can make good money on the purchase and resale of goods from the "Celestial Empire".

Wholesale supplies from China can be a reliable and constant source of profit.

The initial costs will be minimal if modern information technologies (meaning the Internet) are involved in the business. There are already hundreds of companies on the market that act as intermediaries in the delivery of goods from manufacturer to consumer: why not join the number of successful businessmen who receive stable incomes through a simple and understandable commercial scheme.

Benefits of doing business with China

Let's list the main advantages of working with China:

  1. Low prices. When working with local (domestic) suppliers, the margin is usually 10-20% (in the most successful cases - 50%). Buying goods in China and selling them will bring you 50% to 1000% mark-up. Cheap labor reduces production costs to a minimum.
  2. Huge selection of goods. The range of Chinese goods is almost endless and limited only by your imagination. You can find absolutely everything in China, so you can occupy your market niche with any kind of goods - for example, an exclusive that has no analogues in the local market.
  3. Targeting Chinese sellers exclusively for sale. Due to competition and dumping, the Chinese value every customer. They are in touch 24/7, you can start working with them with minimal lots, bargain, request free samples and models, photos and descriptions, set favorable delivery conditions. An experienced buyer knows how to keep the purchase price to a minimum and conclude the most profitable contract.
  4. The ability to purchase an exclusive product. As your business progresses, you can move on to bigger, more profitable deals. It is not necessary to work with intermediaries: you can establish direct contacts with the manufacturer and purchase goods of a specific brand that is poorly represented on the sales market.

Why is business with China profitable?

  • At first, due to the modern rhythm of life. A buyer today appreciates his time: he will not waste it on ordering and delivering goods from China, it is easier for him to place an order with you.
  • Secondly, not everyone will understand the variety of sites offering goods from China.

To understand the functionality, check the seller's conscientiousness, calculate the cost of the goods, including delivery, you need skills and knowledge. Most people would prefer to contact domestic intermediaries who operate through sites with simple and understandable terms of cooperation.

It is much easier for an ordinary buyer to choose a product on a Russian-language website: there is always an opportunity to call the seller or discuss the terms of interaction and delivery.

3. How to start a business with China - 10 easy steps from A to Z

Let's move on to practice and learn how to start a business with China from the first step.

Step 1. Studying business models based on goods from China

There are several proven and effective business models that you can use in the early stages of your entrepreneurial career:

  • dropshipping;
  • Joint purchases;
  • wholesale offline sales;
  • retail sales;
  • work through the online store.

Now more about each business model.

1) Dropshipping

Dropshipping- a method that allows you to start a business with little or no investment. The essence of this model is extremely simple: you receive money from buyers, and then transfer the application for this product to a third-party supplier, which sends it to the buyer.

You get interest for mediation. At the same time, the client does not even know that he is purchasing goods from someone else.

Your goal is to attract buyers, convince them to buy the product from you. The commission of intermediaries in this business model is from 30 to 500%. Agree, not the lowest profit in the absence of initial costs. At the same time, you do not need to worry that the goods you bought will lie in the warehouse for months - you buy them back only when you receive a specific order from a client, paying with his own money.

2) Joint purchases

Joint purchases- this is when several people unite in a group and buy goods from an official supplier.

The commercial idea of ​​this event is to save money thanks to the wholesale purchase. Another advantage of this option is the reduction in shipping costs. Usually, the cost of transporting goods from China is much higher than the price of the product itself.


A company of our friends of 3 people combined their financial capabilities to purchase wholesale sportswear from a famous brand with a production site in the PRC.

The purchase allowed them to start a business selling goods, first through social networks, then through one-page sites, and then through their online store.

3) Wholesale

A roughly similar model, only the goods are not sold at retail, but in large quantities. You again act as intermediaries and receive a certain percentage for your services. Business proposals from China are numerous and varied: finding a profitable partner is quite a feasible task.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. You find a reliable wholesaler.
  2. Looking for a client with a ready-made trading business or a start-up entrepreneur. You tell him that you already have your own channel for supplying Chinese products at a favorable price. The cost should, of course, be lower than that at which the businessman buys the goods at the moment.
  3. The client makes an advance payment, you purchase the goods. You get a commission for your actions.

How to find local partners? At first, it is enough to use free classifieds sites and social networks. Be sure to mark "wholesale" in your ads. When the business starts to make a profit, move on to more effective paid advertising tools, for example, to. You can start with Yandex.Direct.

4) Online store

Option for the "advanced" entrepreneur. we wrote earlier.

Usually, an Internet site for commercial activities requires an initial cost, but in the end it brings more solid revenues. At the initial stage, the landing page of the store (target or "landing" page) or a promoted group in social networks will be enough.

We set up the work of the online store step by step:

  1. We form an offer- we offer customers a low price for a demanded and attractive product.
  2. We carry out an advertising campaign: here the scope of creativity is limitless - you can generate business ideas yourself or use ready-made solutions taken from the Internet (on forums on business with China and other resources).
  3. Promotion of the store (marketing)... Discounts, great offers, promotions for new and regular customers. Use any options to attract buyers. For effective promotion, our article about.

In online stores, the most important are 3 components: Prices, Service, Assortment. Before the sales become constant and the store gains steady popularity, you will have to try many ways to increase sales until you find the most effective ones.

An example of effective selling

You offer a customer an ultra-modern knife sharpener for 100 rubles. The buyer orders a call, you confirm your offer, but at the same time specify that delivery costs 200 rubles.

But you can make the purchase more cost-effective and profitable if you order the "Dream of the hostess" kit, which, in addition to the sharpener mentioned, includes ultra-precise electronic scales for the kitchen and an ax for chopping meat made of "bullet-proof" steel.

The set costs 650 rubles, but the entrepreneur takes care of the delivery. Some buyers will definitely accept such an attractive offer.

In this example, we see an effective option for increasing the sales amount (average bill) when conducting telephone conversations.

Step 2. Determine your resources

The amount of money you have available directly influences your choice of business model. If this stock is close to zero, then you should start with dropshipping: intermediation eliminates monetary risk and minimizes your own costs of purchasing goods.

If the resources allow you to open an online store and promote it, then you immediately get to a higher level of business: in this case profits will be greater, but the volume of work will also increase.

Step 3. Finding our niche in business - assessing the prospects of the product

The most important question for anyone starting a business with China is what to sell?

Friends, my acquaintances, entrepreneurs who are already engaged in this business, say that you can successfully sell anything you want. But if you are just starting out, it is better to work with products that have a stable consumer demand.

If you are not at all familiar with market trends, I will give you the following tips:

  • the statistics of the service from Yandex Wordstat ( will help determine the demand for categories of goods;
  • the product being sold should not be excessively competitive;
  • the product must be of high quality. If you trade a product with a low functionality, the first purchases on your resource will be the only ones;
  • it is advisable to understand the products you are working with. If you are aware of the latest fashion trends in the field of mobile devices, you should pay attention to this particular market niche;
  • what are your hobbies? Perhaps you love football. And you are well versed in what quality balls and sports equipment are. You are already an expert in this and you will be able to choose the right product and sell it successfully.


Some unique gadgets for "iPhone" or "iPad" can be found in the Chinese wholesale markets of hundreds of varieties.

Do not purchase goods unfamiliar to you in large bulk quantities. It's always best to start with a minimal amount. Many suppliers offer to purchase small trial lots. If the goods do not ship, monetary losses will be minimal.

Step 4. Searching for goods in China - finding suppliers and intermediaries

Where to start looking for suppliers and resellers? First you need to decide with whom you are going to work. If your goal is wholesale, you should go to direct suppliers: manufacturers or their distributors. If you are a dropshipping business, then intermediary sites fall within your area of ​​interest.

Today, to do business with China, it is not at all necessary to go on business trips to the "Celestial Empire" and negotiate with sellers directly. Any product can be found and ordered online. If you are afraid to work on your own, turn to the services of companies that will help promote your business and save you from typical mistakes of beginners.

For small and medium-sized wholesale, the following Internet sites Aliexpress, Alibaba, Taobao, Dinodirect, Tmart, Focalprice are suitable. There are others, but these are enough for a start.

Comparative table of the most popular websites for selling Chinese goods:

Name Peculiarities Pros (+) Minuses (-)
1 RetailFinancial protection of the clientRise in prices
2 Medium and large wholesalePrices are 2-3 times lower than on other resourcesNo retail
3 One of the most visited sites in the world.More than 750 million items of goodsPrices and information in Chinese
4 Wide range of productsThere is a Russian version. Payments via Qiwi.High price
5 Wide range of productsDropshipping work possibleNo Russian version

To work and make transactions, you must register on the selected web resource. You should not abandon the site just due to the lack of a Russian-language version: use an online translator - including for communicating with suppliers.

By the way, it is the ability to communicate online that is the main condition for successful and profitable work. With the help of dialogue, you can assess the professionalism and adequacy of the partner.

Step 5. We check a partner in China so as not to run into scammers

When choosing a specific intermediary, be sure to study his documents and try to find real reviews and recommendations from customers who have already worked with this supplier. Never work with an unverified or first-found partner: in China, they know how to deceive.

When communicating, it is imperative to stipulate sanctions in case of inaccurate information or a sudden change in the terms of the contract. If you are in the mood for a serious and long-term relationship, it is possible to check the reliability of the company. Insist on the delivery of product samples before making a deal.

Here are a number of potential problems that aspiring entrepreneurs may face:

  1. Fictitious fly-by-night companies... A non-existent company registers a domain and conducts an active advertising campaign on the Web. The buyer is told about favorable conditions and low prices. After the payment is made, the company disappears without a trace.
  2. Selling low quality goods... Sometimes even the conclusion of a contract with a real manufacturer does not guarantee the supply of the products you were counting on. Clandestine mini-factories continue to operate in China, supplying low-quality conveyor belt products to the market.
  3. Hacking your computer: scammers receive data from your mail, bank details and payment systems.

To avoid meeting scammers, check and double-check your business partner. A pragmatic approach and discretion will keep your finances and peace of mind.

Below we will consider the main nuances when choosing a reliable supplier:

  1. Set domain lifetime(if it has only been around for a couple of days or weeks, please opt out).
  2. Check your contacts that will help you get the real coordinates of the company. If only the city is indicated on the site, but there is no specific address, this is a reason to doubt the status of the company. It is an unreasonable risk to contact a supplier who leaves incomplete or fake details.
  3. Study the supplier's website carefully. If, along with jewelry on the resource, they sell cars and household appliances, you are unlikely to be dealing with the actual resource of the manufacturer.
  4. Check the binding of electronic coordinates supplier to free postal services. Not having your own postal service is a sign of a dubious company.
  5. Review the prepayment terms and supplier details. These should be company accounts, not employees' personal accounts.
  6. Pay attention to the language of the site: if only the English version is present, this is a reason to be wary. Fraudsters usually don't bother translating a resource into Chinese.
  7. Check the company on the list of scammers. It's easy to do this through search engines.
  8. Explore all mentions about the company on the web.
  9. By communicating with suppliers, demand the provision of statutory and registration documents companies.
  10. Ask the company for an official invitation for a study trip to the manufacturer's factory. The reaction of a partner can tell a lot about his status.

Ideally, you should find a Chinese language expert and find out information about the company on the resource of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Step 6. We study the conditions of ordering and delivery of goods

The terms of delivery of the order are usually indicated in detail on the website, but in practice, each buyer may have the right to choose more favorable options for himself. For small bulk consignments, customs clearance, certification, tax reporting and other manipulations with documents are not required.

Spend quality time on this issue, this will save you a significant part of your money.

Difficulties arise when you move to the next stage of the business and start working with large supplies from a manufacturer.

Step 7. How and where to sell - find a buyer

We have already talked about the ways of doing business above. If you are a budding businessman without start-up capital, you will have to work as an intermediary and show your imagination in attracting customers. You can create landing pages on the Internet - landing pages (their cost in comparison with the cost of creating a website is minimal), you can conduct sales through social networks.

Step 8. Calculate profitability

To act at random, even if you invest in your project not finances, but only your own time, is unjustified and impractical. It is imperative to calculate the profitability of your business in advance.

If, without upfront costs, you get 100-300% from the initial cost of the product, acting only as an intermediary, which means that the business is profitable and promises a good profit in the future. If your income is in units of interest, it is worth considering optimizing your business.

This simple calculation will give you insight into the performance of your business.

Step 9. We purchase the product and conduct a quick test of the product

I have already mentioned the need to purchase samples and trial lots. The received product must be tested. If you start to "drive" customers with a low-quality product, your business will wither before it can flourish.


The product must be tested for functionality, aesthetics, durability and other qualities declared by the manufacturer.

If for some reason the characteristics of the product do not satisfy you, it is better to refuse the deal than to ruin your reputation. In business, an honest name is more valuable than a momentary profit.

Your business will be as successful as your customers are satisfied with the quality of the product.

Step 10. Starting your own successful business

Now everything is ready and there are the final touches before the start - this is to get answers to 3 main questions, which Yevgeny Guryev, an expert on business with China, analyzes in his video:

You can find out even more valuable and unique information on FREE, where he gives a step-by-step technology for starting a business with examples and numbers.

4. What goods can you make money on - TOP-10 goods from China

Here I have described the popular products, selling which many entrepreneurs have already made good money.

Here is a list of the most demanded and profitable products:

  • shoes and clothes. Low cost, wide assortment, aesthetic appearance of goods in this category allows you to work with any age categories and social groups;
  • accessories - umbrellas, watches, belts, bags, wallets, etc.
  • DVRs, navigators, other car gadgets;
  • covers for mobile devices;
  • actually mobile devices - smartphones, iPhones;
  • tablets, e-books;
  • small disposable goods - hygiene products, plastic dishes, kitchen utensils;
  • shelf-stable food products - dried fruits, teas, nuts, dried seafood;
  • household and computer equipment;
  • toys and children's designers.

This is not a complete list of popular and demanded products, but you can start with them.

5. How to start a business with China "like an adult" - wholesale supplies from China

For legitimate business activities, large firms should adhere to a certain pattern:

  1. Purchase of goods from a supplier with all the necessary invoices and certificates.
  2. Official customs clearance of a consignment of goods, payment of duties.
  3. Registration of the declaration and certificates of conformity for imported products.

Several channels are used to transport Chinese goods to the Russian Federation. But the most reliable is delivery by trucks. In some situations, it is more profitable to use combined options.

When choosing a product on the supplier's website, pay attention to the abbreviations in the “Price” column. Usually the following designations are used there: FOB and EXW.

  • FOB- the cost of the product is indicated with the cost of transportation to Shanghai and the registration of export / import documents. In this case, you simply pay only for delivery to the final destination.
  • EXW- this is the provision of goods to the buyer directly from the enterprise. In such a situation, all delivery costs are borne by the buyer (wherever he is). You will have to choose which option is more profitable.

Be sure to check with your partner for an export license. This document allows the export of consumer goods outside the PRC. Otherwise, even if you have already purchased the product and paid for it, you will not be able to take the products out of the country.

If doing business with China is so profitable, why is everyone still not working in this direction?

It’s not a matter of competition, government oversight, damage or bad market conditions. The problem is in the very specifics of this business: there are a lot of nuances here that either do not allow an entrepreneur to develop, or deprive him of profits.

Success in doing business with China is influenced by:

  • the ability to find a promising product and assess the profitability of a business;
  • the ability to calculate the final cost of the product, taking into account the overhead costs;
  • the ability to find profitable and reliable suppliers and the skills of negotiating prices, delivery and business organization;
  • skills in building marketing and sales in the sales market.

Ideally, the business process should be automated as much as possible: it is necessary to develop the most effective work scheme and act on it, without being distracted by extraneous circumstances.

Common mistakes of newcomers to business with China

Below we will consider the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs in organizing their business on goods from China:

  1. Lack of a clear business idea(decide: do you just want to make money for entertainment or make entrepreneurship a business of your life?). We have already written about which business idea to choose for a start.
  2. Fear of failure and failure: indecision does not allow starting, even if internal resources are present.
  3. Obsession with start-up capital.
  4. Lack of basic skills entrepreneurial activity.
  5. Unwillingness to learn new things.

There are several reliable and intelligent companies on the Internet that help newbies start their own business with suppliers from the PRC. In particular, Evgeny Guryev, an entrepreneur who organizes specialized trainings and courses on this topic, teaches business in China.

In the classroom, he introduces everyone to various business models, tells how to start working with Chinese suppliers from scratch or make an existing business more efficient.

On special portals, you can get acquainted with the lectures of this entrepreneur, where he explains the nuances and details of working with partners from the PRC and teaches you to bypass the pitfalls that deprive businessmen of profits.

10 golden rules for dealing with Chinese suppliers

Friends, in conclusion I suggest that you familiarize yourself with ten rules that help reduce risks when working with Chinese suppliers:

  1. Always check and recheck suppliers.
  2. Enter into formal contracts for the supply of goods.
  3. Test the provided samples.
  4. Choose the most optimal delivery scheme.
  5. Insist on fair and objective product specifications.
  6. Communicate personally with suppliers.
  7. Specify in advance the actions and sanctions in the event of a delivery of marriage.
  8. Conduct constant monitoring of the market situation, looking for better deals.
  9. Examine the purchased product thoroughly. The lowest prices are good, but never forget about the functionality and quality of the products.
  10. Rate the provider's level of service. Convenient customer service works for the future.

7. Business training with China

In search of really high-quality training courses on Business with China for results, I have spent about 3 months of my life.

I watched a bunch of YouTube videos on this topic, studied dozens of sites, and even met some of the "gurus" in person. And honestly, 90% of them turned out to be amateurs or scammers.

After conducting my "investigation" and interviewing 28 friends and acquaintances who started a business on Chinese goods and are now doing it successfully, I concluded that without "water" and only working technicians in the entire Runet is taught only by one guy who himself for many years " is digging this niche and has already earned not a single million rubles. It .

It was his work that helped my 28 acquaintances to start successfully.

Finally, on the topic of training ... Watch a video in which a student of Zhenya Guriev shares his impressions and, most importantly, monetary results:

I wish you the same success! How to start a small business - step-by-step instructions for aspiring entrepreneurs to start their own business + tips and examples

Theme "Business with China" on the Internet is gaining momentum! Every day there are many sites, blogs and just information products devoted to this topic. Our eastern neighbor has always attracted with its mystery and centuries-old history. Now Chinese business has been added to this list. The same mysterious. But, like China itself, business from the Middle Kingdom is promising, shows constant growth and, which is typical, itself strives for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Why not take advantage of this?

Your favorite website project constantly delights you with popular business ideas. From various areas of human life and entrepreneurship. Also, we did not ignore this topic -. From the point of view of information, it has a scale and breadth, which we share with you when we describe another Chinese business idea.

Therefore, traditionally, in May-June, we review the most popular business ideas from China. Sit back and, in express mode, in a short 40 minutes, read the most wonderful articles on the topic of Chinese business. By the way, if you read all business ideas carefully, then you will become a real expert in this field. And you can sell your knowledge!

In the first place, as our regular readers already know, is perhaps the most popular cycle on the Internet about business with China - Ideas for doing business with China.


A review of Chinese online stores, recommendations on where it is safe and fair to buy goods from China for subsequent resale. Valuable advice - what to buy, and how, and to whom to submit it later. The statistics figures speak for themselves. More than 100 thousand people got acquainted with this cycle, literally in a short time. And, surprisingly, the material does not lose its relevance. Don't wait, hurry up, as you know - there is nothing more valuable than new knowledge. Especially free ones.


Dropshipping from China is one of the popular start-up forms of business with China. Almost all cases and examples of successful "Chinese" business are built on its basis. The bottom line is simple - we buy goods in China, sell to those who wish - at retail or wholesale.

The scheme can be structured so that the intermediary does not have physical contact with the consignment at all. After all, the Internet works wonders. Through it, you can search for both suppliers and buyers. Linking them together. Not forgetting to embed yourself in this chain, as an intermediary. And make money on the simple movement of goods! This business idea goes well with.


Everything is very simple. List of the most popular product niches, products from which are profitable to sell in Russia and other countries. The list turned out to be very large and voluminous and has not lost its relevance. All that remains is to choose a niche in which you are most fully versed and start making money in it. The list is structured so that information in it can be found by anyone, even without expert knowledge.


A small and easy instruction to start your business with China. We reveal the features of this business, the form and principle of the organization.

Without this knowledge, your business with China will not be as complete as you would like it to be. By the way, this article tells the whole truth about webinars that promise you Chinese earnings with a margin of up to 500%. We strongly recommend that you study it.


A separate review of some Chinese goods and a number of profitable niches for small and operational trade. Suitable for beginners who want to study business with China.

After all, any successful path is built on mistakes and the study of past achievements. Without understanding this, it is impossible to build success in the future. This article, like no other, shows this path and ways to achieve results in the future.


By the way, any Chinese business is built on this principle. What you undoubtedly already learned from the first articles of this TOP.

Fermentation bedding can reduce costs and improve the quality of indoor livestock management. Its advantages sell themselves, you just need to have it in a timely manner in full demand. And make money on it!


High-margin products- the most delicious and demanded goods for those who do business with China. Everyone who is in the slightest degree engaged in such business is engaged in the search for these products. High-margin goods promise big profits even with a minimal first wholesale batch, and if you import and sell 3-5 batches, there will be enough money for many years in advance. This article discusses a schematic diagram of the approach of such a product. Necessarily to study.


Seven business ideas with the Chinese platform This site is an intermediary between Chinese businessmen and other entrepreneurs from around the world. On Alibaba you can find everything in bulk. And what is not there yet, it will certainly appear in the coming days. Seriously! Almost all experienced entrepreneurs who make money on a product have an account on this site.

Therefore, those who dream of starting a business with China on wholesale lots, those who want to find Chinese manufacturers, those who need a production line from Chinese equipment - they will definitely find what they are looking for on Alibaba. An indicator of the popularity of the site is the fact that Russian companies that manufacture goods in China have opened their representative offices there. Therefore, if you still doubted about Chinese entrepreneurs, try starting a business with compatriots. And Alibaba, in this case, will act as an independent guarantor of the deal.


Complementing the previous business idea. A little practice on how to buy on Alibaba: searching for a product, choosing a supplier, specifics of buying and delivering goods to you.

We analyze examples of how to choose the right sellers, what you should pay attention to, how to distinguish scammers (unfortunately, they are there too) from bona fide partners. The instruction is suitable for both small and medium-sized businesses.


"Small" Chinese goods have always enjoyed well-deserved popularity. It is very cheap, even a huge batch will cost a modest budget. At the same time, it weighs very little and takes up little space.

For example, inflatable products from China, which beat all the popularity indicators on our Internet. Practice shows that even a batch of 10 thousand items can easily fit on an average balcony in 5 boxes. How does it feel, huh?

Therefore, the site could not get around this niche and presents you with a list of 30-cent products, that is, a product that costs within $ 0.3, with sales figures. He will help you form your own opinion about what to buy in China, followed by a profitable resale at home.


Nothing extra. Just a list of 10 popular Chinese products. Which sells extremely well in China. And bought all over the rest of the world.

That is, we have done a great job for you. We studied and selected from a variety of Chinese goods exactly what people need. Trust us, the range of goods in China is 10 times more than the number of inhabitants. And this and that amount increases every day. So here's a saucer with a blue border. Of course, if you understand what we are talking about.


Infobusiness is a new word about the long-forgotten old. This word - education... If you know or have become an expert on Chinese business (that is, as we said above, studied our material), you can easily teach everyone to do business with China. You have everything for this, and what you don't - you will find a description of this in this business idea.

Bonus idea: making money on cashback from China

This is not even a business idea, but a life hack - how you can make money in China without doing business. It would seem a difficult condition, but the solution is quite compact and interesting.

Each of us, we are sure, have come across purchases on Aliexpress. Now you can make money on purchases in this online hypermarket. It is enough to open a Tinkoff + Aliexpress credit card. Oh, credit! - tell you, and you will be right in part. The interest-free term of the card loan is 55 days, that is, during this period, you need to replenish the card for the amount that you spent. And you were going to buy on Ali anyway, right? And the most important thing is that 5% of the purchase price is returned in points and can be spent again on a purchase on Ali.

For example, if you buy something for $ 100, you get $ 5 back. Few? Additionally, we register on the cashback service and get up to 15% of the purchase from above, that is, the same notorious cashback. The total return on a $ 100 purchase is $ 15 + 5. It is very profitable.

How to make money on it? Invite all your friends and acquaintances to buy through you, submit an ad, offer a 5-10% discount from the standard price, and then your earnings will be 10% of the turnover, which can amount to several thousand rubles per month. Quite a good increase in salary for just having a card and registering on the service. Right?


We remind you that if you want to keep abreast of all new events, to know everything about business and even more - sent in various ways. And be the first to receive the latest information, no ads or spam - just business!

With the rapid pace of economic development, China has become one of the largest arenas with which you can associate your business activities. Many commercial projects in the PRC do not differ in their special uniqueness, however, they are distinguished by a noticeable economy and wide variability. We present a selection of the best business ideas with China, which in the future can bring very good dividends.

To get started in the info business, it is important to learn how to create and test a unique selling proposition.

In the 21st century, information is one of the most valuable resources. Moreover, the forms of its presentation can be completely different and diametrically opposite: video lessons, oral consultations, coaching, books, etc. In this regard, based on deep knowledge in any area, you can give them economic expression. The information here will act as a commodity that can prove to be very valuable to many people. Before launching an info-business project with China, you will have to carefully study the sphere of market circulation. You will need to work out a large number of already existing cases, examples and successful strategies to promote this industry of entrepreneurial activity. After that, you will be able to create a unique selling proposition that is likely to pay off to your audience. An effective scheme for such a business idea with China is the following development of events:

  1. An aspiring entrepreneur makes a market research for Chinese products. He checks various categories of goods for demand, supply, their maximum price.
  2. By acquiring information about a product, a businessman can begin to form a commercial offer for him. The characteristics of the product, its value, forms of marketing and possible dividends should be described here.
  3. Further, the organizer of the business gives his commercial proposal the form of a product and offers it to potential buyers.
  4. The entrepreneur begins to constantly increase the audience of his buyers and promote his information business to the masses.

Create a landing page or social media group where you can notify people that you can help them build a ready-made resale business with China. Provide examples of return on investment for specific products and demonstrate that they are truly popular with the public. The most popular products that are involved in the sales information business are:

  • Copies of various world brands. Many people are not ready to constantly buy original products, as their prices are often very high. Educate the audience about worthy Chinese lines on which to build a business;
  • Electronic devices. Chinese manufacturers are quick to react to all kinds of innovations like smart watches, action cameras and more. Usually, buyers prefer these analogs in order to try them in action and find out how they work.
  • Unusual accessories and classic gifts. While the manufacturer has not yet started selling any product, Chinese innovators are already releasing additional covers, straps and films for it. Sell ​​information about which accessories will become popular in the near future and develop your business project in this way.

The profitability of such an idea lies in the minimum financial investment. The costs here can be made exclusively for advertising. However, gradually the need for it should disappear. If your information business turns out to be really working, then the reviews about it will quickly spread in the business environment. Among the disadvantages of organizing a business of such a plan, one can single out high competition in the field of information business. A lot of competent specialists are involved in this area, who react with lightning speed to market offers.

Business with Alibaba Group

It is advisable to work on Alibaba services only with the Alibaba Escrow payment system, since the monetary risks in this case are significantly reduced

Alibaba is a Chinese publicly traded company involved in internet commerce. This platform is engaged in establishing a connection between small and medium-sized businesses around the world. The operating income of this commodity marketplace is 50% higher than eBay and combined. Such statistics open up a huge scope for business ideas, which can be expressed in the following:

  • Trade in Alibaba shares. A couple of years ago, the company appeared on the auction of one of the New York stock exchanges. Since then, its equity securities have shown stable and high growth. This is an excellent investment that will bring tremendous income with a great guarantee. At the moment, the price of one share is $ 150.
  • Affiliate system. Alibaba, like other large platforms, has a form of business collaboration between the seller and partners. With its help, you can attract new customers to the service and provide yourself with passive income. Start looking for profitable supplies from China for everyone. Find great deals and organize your logistics company.

Establishing a business relationship with the Alibaba Group offers unrivaled benefits. This company pays out over $ 5 million annually to webmasters who drive traffic. Thus, this business idea is one of the well-funded ones. Getting into her sector will allow you to enrich yourself with useful entrepreneurial experience and find reliable colleagues.

Only affordable Chinese equipment helps small businesses to get on their feet, gradually replacing unreliable Chinese equipment with reliable European ones.

However, favorable prices from Chinese suppliers can be obtained only for large-scale orders. This refers to the disadvantages, since at the initial stage of a business, entrepreneurs usually do not have the necessary resources for such a volume of work. Because of this, you may have difficulty in attracting new customers.

Here, just as in any type of business, there are risks. History knows of the collapse of even the largest cross-border companies. Therefore, by purchasing shares of Alibaba and working with this service, you always have some probability of remaining in the red.

Group purchases from China

Group purchases from China - one of the types of dropshipping

Joint acquisitions from China are an extremely simple and effective business model with minimal investment.

To implement it, it is best to turn to thematic forums or communities on social networks. There are specialized platforms where people come together in groups to jointly purchase a batch of goods from a supplier at a wholesale price.

Options for implementing such a business idea may be as follows:

  • You can become a group shopping organizer from China. To do this, you will need to open a current account with one of the banks in your region. Then organizational issues should be resolved. It will take a large audience to gather and unite. Create a public social media page and offer your followers the best suppliers of Chinese goods. Promise a good discount on products in the category with which you decide to work. In this case, the income will be the difference between the purchase price of Chinese products and the cost of its sales.
  • You can act as a supplier for co-op organizers. Here you need to choose a specific niche. For example, children's toys, bijouterie, men's and women's accessories. Write down the terms of joint purchase and publish the characteristics of the goods you offer. It will be much easier to work with a small assortment in this matter, and buying from a Chinese supplier is much more profitable.

Such commodity circulation allows its participants to save material resources, since the transaction bypasses retail stores. Only the services of the organizer of purchases (a small percentage) and transportation costs are paid.

The disadvantages include the long delivery of items from China. You will have to constantly be in touch so that clients do not worry and do not doubt the honesty of the organizer. Thus, most of the free time will need to be devoted to being in the "asset" status.

The main risk of such a business model is the loss of money. The goods may not be of the same size, cut, color, style, which will provoke customers to refuse them and not pay you.

Provision of intermediary services

The main type of mediation of deals with China is dropshipping

Often, buyers of Chinese goods are faced with a situation where the things they need are, for whatever reason, impossible or difficult to acquire. They are helped by intermediary agents who take on all the functions of agreeing on the terms of the deal and making it happen.

What is dropshipping? This is a remote sale of goods without goods. You can sell a batch of goods without seeing this batch, and the goods themselves will be sent to the buyer directly from the factory.

To implement this idea, you will need to have a good understanding of the online shopping system of all Chinese platforms. You will help customers:

  • Find and choose the right things;
  • Buy back goods and deliver them to their warehouses;
  • Negotiate with transport services regarding the dispatch of parcels;
  • Organize the passage of goods through customs control;
  • Deliver an order to a specific destination.

The organization of such a business requires solving many organizational issues, but it will be worth it. Trade with China has reached a global scale, and many domestic entrepreneurs need products from China.

The disadvantages include the extreme scrupulousness of intermediary services: it is necessary to have available warehouses located on the territory of the PRC; negotiate with transport services, it is desirable to know the Chinese language, etc.

With the correct legal execution of intermediary contracts, entrepreneurs can avoid most of the risks. However, the resolution of disputes with clients and partners will take a long time, which may result in losses for the business.

With the right choice of the location of the machine, profit can be received around the clock

The vending machine network is a very popular and relevant business not only in Russia, but all over the world. The desirability of mediation with the PRC in this matter is explained by the wide range of similar technical devices in this country and their low cost.

  1. Decide what type of products you will be selling through vending. They can be both food products and other things that are not intended for human consumption.
  2. Put your business in a legal form. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.
  3. Purchase the required equipment. In this case, you can use such Chinese services as Taobao, AliExpress, ChinaBuye, etc.
  4. Place the devices in crowded places such as shopping and entertainment centers, office complexes, etc.
  5. Start receiving your first dividends.

The profitability of such a business is determined by the low entrance financial ceiling. You can get started with the purchase of just one or two devices. An original approach will also be of great importance in this matter. For example, in China, live crabs are chilled and stuffed straight into a vending machine.

The disadvantages include the possibility of breakage of vending machines and their great dependence on the location.

The main risk of organizing such a business may be the possible non-repayment of vending. All this will depend on the thoroughness of the development of the business plan and its implementation.

High-margin business

When ordering small quantities of goods, delivery in many cases is free of charge.

The term "margin" refers to the difference between price and cost. Some products of the People's Republic of China have a remarkable high-margin property. This means that you can buy cheap Chinese items through foreign suppliers and sell them at a hefty mark-up.

Google or other search engines can help you find these products. Based on the special Google Trends web application, we can conclude that at the moment the following will be in good demand:

  • Beard care products;
    The horizontal axis of the graph shows time, and the vertical axis shows the frequency of search queries for something specific to the total number of queries in the world.
  • Coconut oil products;
    Below the main chart of the application, you can see the distribution of popularity by languages, regions and cities.
  • Wireless headphones;
    Additionally, the application has the ability to display news related to search queries in the world
  • 3D printing;
    On this graph, you can track the increase in popularity over a certain period of time.
  • Speakers with Bluetooth & Wifi, etc.
    Based on the graph obtained by the application, you can see that the popularity and demand for speakers with Bluetooth & Wifi function is increasing every year.

Google Trends is Google's public web application based on Google search that shows how often a specific term is searched in relation to the total volume of searches in different regions of the world and in different languages.

You just have to buy a batch of such goods and sell at your own price. To find clients, use the two most effective options:

  • Creation of a one-page website and launching teaser advertising on it;
  • Creating a VK public and buying ads from other public pages of this social network.

The mark-up for high-margin goods for the Russian market should be on average 2,500 rubles. Thus, with 10 orders per day, you will receive an income of 25,000, which is a very profitable result.

The weaknesses of such a business will be the lack of secure transactions on many Chinese online platforms. When working with a Chinese supplier, be prepared for the fact that you take on all the risks of cooperation.

You can minimize risks and gain practical knowledge of the sale of high-margin goods at the marathon " » ... Product ideas, sales schemes and algorithms, vivid examples of successful business, as well as all the necessary background information and contacts of trusted suppliers.

Opening your own store on Aliexpress

Through the Aliexpress platform, you can most cheaply, safely and quickly buy various necessary goods without leaving your home

Anyone can start their own business on the global trading platform Aliexpress. The difficulty lies in the fact that registration requires the potential seller to reside in China. If you are actually in another place, then you will have to look for an intermediary or go to the Celestial Empire yourself. It is also allowed to open an account in the name of a friend in China whom you can trust.

  1. Login to seller.aliexpress.
  2. Fill out the form where enter your email address, password, first name, last name, etc.
    In order to avoid the imposition of fines or certain sanctions, all information during registration must be reliable
  3. Enter your phone number in the special field, to which you will receive an activation code in the future.
    For successful authorization on the site, confirmation via an activation code is required
  4. Scan or take a photo of your visa and China entry stamp. After verification, you will become a full fledged Aliexpress seller.
    The difficulty of opening the site is that it is necessary to link the place of residence, as well as a mark on the entrance to the Middle Kingdom

In Russia, partnerships with Chinese services continue to gain momentum. This is due to the fact that it will be possible to conduct business from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. The main thing is to have accounts in Chinese banks and withdraw profits through them.

The disadvantages include the fact that buyers mostly trust only trusted sellers. For some time, you will have to build a rating, receive positive reviews and ratings from those with whom you have already worked.

The risk of such a business plan is expressed in the possibility of unstable work of a foreign service. In the event of any disputes, the Chinese side will defend its trading platform and will not provide you with guarantees, which may result in losses.

Export to China

China not only exports goods of its own production, but also purchases products for the population and industrial development

A business with China can be built not only on the resale of Chinese goods. The Celestial Empire market is a very promising outlet with a potential reach of over 1 billion people. The most popular products in China are agricultural products, semi-finished products, chocolate, sweets, pine nuts, etc.

  1. Study the Chinese market and pricing procedures.
  2. Decide on the segment of future buyers.
  3. Prepare export contracts and insure the goods.
  4. Go through the customs registration procedure in the Russian Federation and customs clearance in China.

Such a business idea will require a lot of financial and time costs. But it should be borne in mind that the prospects for this area are very high. The export of Russian goods to China is growing steadily.

The main risk for a domestic entrepreneur will be that the foreign market will not accept your product. You may not be able to compete with other manufacturers and run your business in the red. Therefore, analyze the demand well, offer the Chinese side some test samples and conduct surveys among buyers. Based on this, you will be able to design an effective business model.

Business idea of ​​cargo transportation from China to Russia

Sea transportation is convenient with uniform documentation and the absence of paperwork

Railroad, road and sea cargo transportation is the guarantor of stable transportation of goods. The largest flow of products comes from the People's Republic of China to the countries of near and far abroad. Therefore, a cargo transportation business idea is an excellent option for a profitable business.

  1. Go through state registration and receive a certificate of the right to carry out international transportation of all types.
  2. Purchase vehicles and equipment.
  3. Rent an office space to guide your business strategy.
  4. Run an advertising campaign to attract customers.

Your profit will be directly formed depending on the number of clients. Initially, income will be expressed in small cash receipts. However, such entrepreneurial activity can fully pay off in a year and a half.

It is especially worth taking a closer look at the field of sea freight. The Chinese government is actively developing the shipbuilding and maritime industries. Plus, the ports of all countries of the world establish a unified documentation system, which greatly simplifies the paperwork process.

The disadvantage of the idea of ​​cargo transportation is expressed in a large initial financial investment. It will take about 1.5 million rubles to launch such a project.

Opening an offline store of things

Some brand companies have branches in China, so the cost of such things has become much lower.

Buyers of Chinese products can be divided into two categories. Some of them do not mind waiting for the ordered goods for several months and saving on their purchase price. Others, on the other hand, are not ready to bother with the delivery of their orders for so long. For the second segment of consumers, opening an offline store will be an excellent alternative to online shopping.

Your profit will be expressed as a mark-up on Chinese goods.

To organize your own outlet you will need:

  1. Register in the form of an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Buy the necessary products and rent a room.
  3. To do the design of the store, spend money on advertising and salaries for employees.

Choosing a supplier will be the most difficult and important part of organizing such a business. Evaluate the reputation of your counterparty, establish whether it has a true legal address and read reviews about it.

It is best if the first batch turns out to be a trial. Do not order in large wholesale at once, but check the quality of the goods yourself.

The main risk for an entrepreneur in this matter will be the possibility of getting caught by scammers. Clandestine factories are still operating among Chinese manufacturers, which may not supply goods or do so in violation of the terms of the contract.

Business with China continues to delight all those interested in this by the variability of its capabilities. The main thing is to determine your ambitions and clearly set the goals that you want to achieve.

Today, the Chinese market has ceased to be associated with poor quality goods. Now it houses many international companies with world brands known to everyone. Thus, business ideas from China have become even more relevant today than they were before. First of all, China is famous for its high productivity with minimal costs for it.

How to start a business

Need to understand new business ideas in China for the most part, they are not “new” for a long time, but most likely these ideas are already being actively used, because this is a large market and they work here in all possible directions, this is why you should not chase new products. Later you need to conduct marketing research in order to study the market and understand what products are in great demand. For research, you can hire professionals who will not only do a full analysis for you, but also draw up a business plan for your future company. When a niche has been chosen, you can safely start looking for potential Chinese partners. Don't know where to start, here is a list of which, if you wish, you can easily implement.

Searching for an idea for a business with China

The most optimal and profitable option for you would be to visit the manufacturer of the products. Thus, you will avoid various markups from intermediaries. If you liked the valuable and the products, the next step will be to study the manufacturer's documentation (certificates, constituent documents, etc.). Such business with TO we read ideas, well cost-effective, but you need to be able to find them correctly.

If these are children's products, you should ask the manufacturer to provide documents on laboratory research (since if the manufacturer uses harmful material for the manufacture of toys, it is very dangerous, and if at least 1 child suffers, it will be you who will be responsible).

If everything is in order, then you can already start negotiating the planned volume of orders.

Other supplier search options:

    visiting exhibitions

    Internet resources

Such options also have a place to be, their plus is that it is much easier to do it, but the minus is that this is work through intermediaries. That is, you will overpay 5-10% to the intermediary for the same product that you could buy from the manufacturer.

Pros of business ideas from China

For most the Chinese market is interesting in that the cost of products from this country is 50-60% less than analogs in domestic markets. By thisinteresting business ideas fromTO reading, are not limited. This country is famous not only for its low cost of goods, but also for its high productivity. In addition, any product is produced in China, from pencils to medical equipment. This, in fact, is beneficial to cooperation with the Chinese market.

But interesting ideas do not end there if you have no desire to engage in buying and selling goods. You can start actual production. This can be done by renting or buying equipment; many companies in this market offer leasing. For many, this option will be even more relevant, it will help significantly save money.

4 business ideas from China

Below we will talk about 4 business ide yah with Chinese marketwhich are based on the simple principle"buy Sell ", most of them do not require large investments. Each idea is well cost-effective and the selling price you choose yourself.

# 1 Trade in branded footwear and clothing

The idea implies the opening of a brand store specializing in footwear or clothing. Because most of the large companies are located in China.

The cost of such clothes and shoes in China is much lower, and they earn money on this.

# 2 Working with Chinese online stores

Another profitable business ide her from TO reading, is the opening of a dropshipping store. Of course, this type of activity is associated with certain risks, but it allows a novice entrepreneur to take their first steps in the world of business without large investments.

Also, such a scheme will help a beginner to understand the mechanism of the business from within and gain experience in the field.

No. 3 P sale of piece goods

This method is used by many entrepreneurs, the scheme is very simple. It is bought at a wholesale price (box or bag of products), then the product is packaged in small packs and sold at a completely different price.

According to this scheme, most of the products are sold not only from China. The valuable profitability depends only on the recognition of the product, if you create a brand then the price may differ 2-5 times from the initial one.

No. 4 Sale of gadgets

Every day, new devices appear on the market, ranging from new phone models to new versions of software. You can buy a product in China, for example, for 500 rubles, when you can sell it at least 2-3 times more expensive.

Take, for example, a car registrar, in our country you can buy it 2 times more than at the manufacturer's birth. The same applies to the rest of the products, with phones, of course, the markup will not be more than 10-15%, but given their cost, this is very good money.

Ways of selling goods from China

There are four options for how you can sell your product. Ideally, of course, you should, if possible, combine as many options as possible at the same time. But leading several directions at the same time is quite difficult, so you need to immediately choose the best option for yourself and then create a competent strategy for it.

Consider 4 options for implementation:


    Offline store.

1. Auction

Not many people in our country know about this implementation method, but it works darker and is not bad enough. One of these auctions is ebay, to start selling through this auction you only need to register on the site.

This method is good because you can trade not only in your region or country, but all over the world online, and this is several million potential clients.

Opening your own online store today is within the power of any user, even schoolchildren have them. But it should be borne in mind that this idea is not new, and there are already competitors in this business idea on the online store market.

Therefore, in order for such a store to bring at least some profit, you need knowledge in the field of "seo", or if you have the money, hire a professional who will be responsible for selling the product through the online store.

The process of selling through social networks is now very fashionable, but few people do it right. First, you need to create a group on the most popular social networks for the Russian Federation - VKontakte, classmates, Facebook.

Next, you need to get as many people as possible to know about your product. If the product is really interesting, then it will not be difficult to do it.

4. Offline store

Everything is very simple here, you need to rent a space for a store, purchase goods and you can open a store.

But this is the most dangerous method from this list, because you need to have a large amount for rent and for buying different goods. This option is best used if you already have several of the above options.

Summing up, we can say that business ideas from China are beneficial because the goods there are several times cheaper. But a cheap product does not mean that they will buy it, and even in large quantities. As you yourself may have noticed a lot of ideas, any of them can both bring good income and be unprofitable. Based on this, before starting to invest money, it is worth weighing everything several times.

For Chinese entrepreneurs, 2017 was a year of lower prices for imported raw materials, a decrease in economic pressure from the United States and, as a result, an increase in foreign trade. Exports to Russia alone increased by 22%, and the overall growth was almost 26% compared to the previous year. Experts say that 2018 will be just as favorable for China, and therefore Russian entrepreneurs can expect new interesting products, convenient logistics schemes, good discounts and higher quality standards for Chinese products.

Pros and cons of purchasing in China

The main part of export transactions between Chinese and Russian businesses is the supply of equipment (about 60%) and small wholesale trade in clothing and footwear, plastic products, furniture, leather goods, jewelry and toys (about 30%). Of course, similar goods can be found in Russia, but often their cost is so high that the reseller is not able to make the markup that will cover all pre-sale costs and also make it possible to earn money.

The average small wholesale mark-up for the Russian manufactured goods group is about 30%, for the Chinese one - 200%.

Obviously, any merchant who knows how to count money will invest in a scheme with Chinese supplies. But not only the possibility of colossal markups is the attractive Chinese export offer.

Important advantages of implementing business ideas from China are:

  • a huge selection of relevant and innovative products (such a number of new products as in China are not produced in any country in the world);
  • the ability to bargain with Chinese sellers to a very significant reduction in the initial cost;
  • convenient, fast and cheap logistics (dozens of consolidation warehouses are already operating in Russia today, and their number will only increase).

The weakest point of Russian-Chinese commercial schemes is translation difficulties. Situations are not uncommon when the parties seem to have agreed on the same terms of the deal, but in fact the Chinese partner begins to fulfill its obligations with a significant deviation from the agreements. And only when the circumstances are clarified, it turns out that the Chinese kept silent about something or joked about something, while the Russians did not clarify in time.

In order to avoid these problems in the early stages of organizing trade with Chinese suppliers, it is recommended to hire a reliable consulting agent for the first three to five transactions. He will teach you how to properly negotiate with the Chinese side and correctly formalize agreements on paper. The cost of such an agent's services is about 10% of the transaction.

Business with China and laws

Any commercial activity between Russian and Chinese entrepreneurs must be governed by an appropriate written agreement. Of course, if you order 100 pieces of wristwatches on Aliexpress, pay for the goods through the payment system of the Internet resource and wait for the clock to arrive at your warehouse, you do not need to conclude any additional written agreements.

But if you go directly to a supplier or manufacturer, transfer money yourself through a bank and arrange delivery, then you cannot do without a written two-sided document sealed by both sides.

Do I need to pay customs duty for the import of goods purchased from Chinese online stores

Customs duty must be paid on deliveries worth from 1 thousand euros and more or weighing 31 kg and more... The settlement period is a calendar month. These norms are established only for postal items to the address of individuals.

Accordingly, if an individual in his own name receives parcels from China in the amount of up to 1 thousand euros and up to 31 kg per month, he is exempted from paying import duties and taxes.

If the cargo is transported across the border by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, completely different customs rules apply to such an operation.

Legal entities (including small businesses and individual entrepreneurs), when importing goods into the customs territory of the Russian Federation, are obliged to pay duty, VAT, excise tax, as well as pay for customs clearance services.

The total cost of legalizing a consignment of goods from China is 45.15% of the declared contract price of products.

After the goods are legalized, they can be sold on the territory of Russia, with the payment of taxes according to the taxation system according to which the entrepreneur works.

If you are just starting to work with China, you should not immediately get involved in commercial supplies. Work for several months as a private person, assess the prospects of the direction in which you are working, and only then conclude commercial contracts. Moreover, it is not recommended for newcomers to the Chinese market to immediately invest more than 500 euros in the business.

Ways to circumvent the payment of duties

Practical experience has shown that trying to save on customs fees can be very costly and upset an entrepreneurial career. Therefore, if you decide to trade in an actual product and make a markup of 150-200% of the cost, do not save 45% on paying all the necessary duties. You run the risk of being left without a product, without money and with a spoiled business reputation.

But if the spirit of adventurism is alive in you, you like to fool the system, and you do not want to share your earnings with anyone, then you can try to circumvent the payment of duties in the following ways:

  • agree with the supplier to underestimate the contract value of the goods in the invoices (there is a risk of not receiving the goods, while claims for the return of the advance can only be made within the invoice, which you deliberately underestimated);
  • involve several partners in the business, in whose name to receive parcels without exceeding the monetary and weight limit (1 thousand euros / 31 kg).

If you don't want to get involved with duties, customs clearance and delivery at all, then the best option is to hire an intermediary who will look for you a good product in China and will deliver it. The full list of services and their cost are published by intermediaries on their websites. On average, cooperation costs 10% of the cost of the batch.

How to start trading with Chinese suppliers

The main thing you need to get started is a huge desire! A person who wants to do something is looking for all possible ways to realize his intention. He tries, makes mistakes, tries again and achieves his goals.

Who can do business with China

If we analyze the success stories of Russian entrepreneurs who built a legal and profitable business with China, then most of them initially had a merchant instinct and an economic education.

Yes, they already traded in goods of Russian, European, American production and knew how to build relationships with suppliers. With their skills, they simply entered another market with a cheaper product and the possibility of a higher mark-up.

Therefore, if you are currently involved in trade, working with Chinese suppliers will not be a novelty for you.

Those who understand the news of the electronics market, spare parts, accessories for cars, as well as gadgets of various types and modifications can make good money.

Entrepreneurs who can anticipate fashion trends for future seasons also have a chance of success.

At the stages of bringing new products to the market and during the period of their promotion, manufacturers offer buyers the most comfortable conditions for cooperation (low prices, free shipping, free trial samples, etc.).

Experts note the cyclical nature of the Chinese goods market. The cycle is approximately 3 years. It is highly probable that this year some commodity items will be popular, which were actively sold three years ago (except for gadgets).

Business with China in 10 steps

If you are unsure of where to start trading Chinese goods, you can use the ten easy steps methodology. Here's a simple step-by-step plan:

  1. Find capital of 1 thousand euros (it is better to own your own, it is difficult to rise on borrowed money).
  2. Choose the five most rated products (you can track the ratings using the functionality of the Aliexpress website).
  3. Find the most loyal suppliers to wholesale buyers.
  4. Depending on the conditions offered by the suppliers, choose the most profitable business model of the operation.
  5. Order test copies of commodity items.
  6. Determine the target audience that will be interested in this particular product.
  7. Build an after-sales communication strategy with your target audience.
  8. Calculate the percentage of your markup.
  9. Form the first order to the supplier (the price of the first purchase should not exceed 50% of the initial start-up capital, and better - 30%).
  10. While the order is underway, start collecting applications for implementation according to the selected scheme.

These steps need to be worked out first on paper, adding details as they are implemented. This scheme should always be in front of your eyes, and then you can restore the logic of your actions at any time if you feel that some processes have begun to get out of control. To rectify the situation, it will be enough to return to the point where the mistake was made and work it over again.

Business visit to China

A business visit to China for one person costs about 1.5 thousand US dollars for 3 days (including visa and air travel in both directions). This amount does not include the services of a translator and business consultant, which are difficult for a Russian entrepreneur at first to do without. If you are bringing specialists from Russia with you, multiply the cost of the trip for one person by three. A Chinese translator and consultant will cost several times cheaper, but you need to negotiate with them and sign a contract while still in Russia.

If you are planning to come to China and look for helpers already there, then most likely you will simply waste your time and will not be able to solve the business tasks that were planned.

It is obvious that a business trip to China is a costly event, especially for a budding entrepreneur, so it is recommended to organize such a visit only after several months of work and only with the money earned.

Experts advise putting aside up to 20% of earnings from each operation into a business development fund and use this money to travel, organize negotiations with Chinese manufacturers and expand their own business.

Where to go in China:

  • exhibitions (Shanghai International Spring Exhibition, Beijing Exhibition, Shenzhen Exhibition, etc.);
  • to fairs (Canton Fair, etc.);
  • to manufacturers interested in direct cooperation;
  • for themed sales.

It is quite difficult to track these events on your own, therefore, again, at first you will have to use the services of consultants.

It is believed that the most valuable piece of advice the pros can give to newbies is - don't be afraid to get started! But this advice doesn't work well if you don't really know where to start. Therefore, we have collected several business recommendations on what to do in order to feel confident in the market from the very first steps:

  • order a marketing research for the group of goods that you want to trade (the look of a third-party specialist will expand the scope of your ideas about the business you are planning to do);
  • take a motivational training specifically on Chinese business topics;
  • find a like-minded person on online platforms (forums, social networks, offline);
  • approach each of your transactions as to the business of your whole life (carefully study the suppliers, demand from them all the necessary documents for the goods, negotiate in detail the delivery times, study the calendar of the Chinese holiday holidays, etc.);
  • always be prepared for the fact that your partners may turn out to be dishonest (you should not fall into total mistrust and paranoia, but you always need to negotiate the conditions for exiting a failed deal in advance);
  • form a reserve fund (at least 10% of profitable operations);
  • from the first purchase, keep your own advanced statistics (the more accounting items you track and analyze, the more deliberate your every market entry will be).

Classic beginner mistakes

Let's name three main mistakes that prevent newbies from starting a business with China on their own:

  1. Lack of a business plan. It's not only about financial performance, but also about the fact that any business undertaking should have a goal. The best goal for a startup is to increase trade turnover, register your own company and expand the scope of activities.
  2. Lack of specific terms (if you are looking for start-up capital, then a specific term should be set - no more than six months, and preferably three months).
  3. Unwillingness to learn new things. The business technology market every six months issues modernized formulas for successful sales, if you do not study and use this information, you will not be able to adequately compete in your niche.

Unfortunately, universities, colleges and academies do not teach the intricacies of organizing business supplies from China. Yes, in academic institutions you can get basic knowledge of economics, logistics, finance, etc., but you need to gain practical experience on your own.

Alternatively, successful practitioners can be paid to share their best practices. Today, several well-known specialists work in the field of teaching trade with China:

  • Dmitry Kovpak;
  • Evgeny Guryev and Vasily Noginov;
  • Alexander Martynov.

All trainers conduct online training, publish books, and also provide individual counseling.

The average cost of a book is about 500 rubles, an online course - about 10 thousand rubles, individual counseling - about 200 US dollars per month.

Read a trainer-written book before purchasing a course subscription or negotiating a consultation. The material of the book will give you the opportunity to understand how well the author of the course knows his business, whether he explains in detail to his clients the nuances of debugging a business and whether he is ready to share really successful schemes.

We define our resources

Determining your starting positions correctly is perhaps the first important step towards building a business strategy. If you overestimate your capabilities, then you will quickly find yourself in the disadvantages, if you underestimate, it is highly likely that you will never reach leadership positions.

Is it possible to start a business with China without investment

It is, of course, possible to organize a business without any investments, but with such a start, you will be increasing the turnover for a very long time.

Yes, you can order two watches on Aliexpress for 300 rubles, wait a month for delivery, and then resell them for 1000 rubles. With such a scale, your monthly earnings will amount to 1.4 thousand rubles. In order to earn 30 thousand rubles on the same watch, it is necessary to ensure a turnover of twenty times more.

If you want to organize a resale business without investment, then you must understand: although you really don’t have to invest money in the purchase (since the entire purchase is made at the expense of customers), you will still be promoting your site and collecting orders at your own expense.

Even if, for example, you are an internet marketing guru and you yourself can organize a powerful promotion of your project on the network, then in any case you will invest your efforts and time in this business - the resource that you could profitably sell to customers.

Yes, perhaps a few years ago some active businessmen managed to make money "out of thin air", but today the market for Chinese goods is very saturated, and in order to make money on it, you will have to give your best.

How to define your niche in business

If you have a small start-up capital, up to 1 thousand US dollars, and you have absolutely no experience of working as a reseller, then it is safest to trade goods with a purchase value in the range of 300 to 500 rubles. The advantage of doing this:

  • the opportunity to receive bulk discounts;
  • in the middle price range, the risk of getting a very low quality product is not so great;
  • large sales market.

Stay in this segment until you can invest up to $ 5,000 in purchases. With such investments, you can switch to higher quality goods and sell them not only through social networks and one-page pages, but also through stores and retail outlets in your city.

As for the choice of assortment, then trade in the product in which you understand, which you feel and which you can evaluate as a specialist. You should know and be able to tell a lot of useful and interesting information about what you are trading. If you already have such a product in mind, start with it.

Effective business models for trading in Chinese goods

The main tasks of an entrepreneur who wants to do business with goods from China:

  • minimize the risk of purchasing unclaimed commodity items on the market;
  • inexpensively buy a quality product;
  • cheaply and quickly deliver it to the end customer.

The ideal layout looks like this:

  • a reseller finds a cheap product in China;
  • interests potential customers;
  • sets its own high margin;
  • collects orders;
  • makes a purchase from a Chinese manufacturer;
  • the manufacturer sends their purchases directly to customers;
  • the goods are delivered to customers of the required quality and on time.

This scheme has one drawback - it is very difficult to implement. But nevertheless, you can get closer to it. Moreover, there are a number of business models operating on the market today that bring the trade of Chinese goods as close as possible to an ideal intermediary scheme.

This model is for entrepreneurs who want to start a business in China from scratch. Within the framework of this project, the most you can do is to get bulk discounts from suppliers for one-off purchases. Chinese manufacturers give wholesale discounts from 20% to 50%.

To implement this model, you need to find partners who also want to save on wholesale discounts. It is best to look for co-purchasers for joint purchases in local forums or in regional social media groups.

You can arrange a face-to-face meeting with partners from your city, make sure of their reliability and thereby minimize the risk of fraud.

There is no need to worry that by organizing a joint delivery to one city, partners thereby create competitors for themselves with their own hands.

If the product is really good value, you can sell it quickly and at a good price anyway.

It is almost impossible to organize retail dropshipping from China, especially at the initial stage of business development with minimal investment. And that's why.

The dropshipping scheme assumes that the manufacturer organizes the delivery to the customers himself, and the dropshipper acts only as an intermediary (looking for customers to the manufacturer and giving him delivery addresses).

The functionality of purchasing Chinese sites (Aliexpress, Alibaba, Taobao, etc.) does not allow for any other delivery except to the buyer's address.

But if you still consider the idea of ​​dropshipping to be the most attractive for yourself, you can purchase a ready-made online store operating under the franchise of Chinese trading platforms.

Such franchises are traded today by the same Aliexpress, Taobao, Alibaba. The essence of the franchise is that a Russian entrepreneur buys a ready-made showcase site on which goods from Chinese manufacturers are placed, promotes this site, promotes its advertising and forms orders to China through its showcase.

The cost of such a site is from 1 thousand dollars.


Wholesale of Chinese goods is a less risky business than buying a storefront site. The task of the wholesaler is to search for the most profitable product and the subsequent sale of wholesale lots to smaller retail outlets.

This scheme can be implemented with business experience, official registration as a business entity and purchasing capital of at least 300 thousand rubles. With such a purchase, you can get good bulk discounts.

The advantage of this scheme is that you don't have to spend time retailing. By investing in a large wholesale and selling all the goods in one go, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to accelerate the turnover of goods. By investing 300 thousand rubles and scrolling them three times in two months, you can earn a million rubles.

The complexity of this scheme is the search for reliable small wholesale customers. Usually, at first, they agree to a deal, but when it is necessary to deposit money for a product, they begin to doubt and refuse to cooperate.

To prevent such a scenario, immediately conclude sales and purchase agreements with your customers and take an advance payment from them. Then, even in the event of a refusal, you can minimize your risk.

Search for business partners

You can look for partners in China when your business is officially registered, focused on foreign economic activity and has a turnover of at least one million rubles per month. This result can be achieved in two months of active work, provided that you started the business from scratch.

Partners can solve the following tasks:

  • help the Chinese manufacturer to comply with the terms of delivery (consulting partner);
  • organize the production of products to order (you agree with a Chinese manufacturer that he makes a product especially for you);
  • produce goods for you (according to your specifications and under your brand name).

Finding a conscientious assistant in China is not easy at all. But if you find it, then consider yourself to have taken the lead in the competition.

Assistant Partner

Most often they work independently or on behalf of a large consulting company. Contacts of two or three consultants in China can be obtained from firms that organize business trips to China. But in any case, you need to look for these contacts at the stage when you no longer want to be limited to purchases in online stores and you have a desire to make a business proposal to Chinese manufacturers.

What can a Russian merchant offer to a Chinese:

  • an interesting idea in a cheap design;
  • a good percentage of the sale of a batch of finished products;
  • redemption of draft blanks (with their subsequent revision already in Russia).

The difficulty is that at the stage of developing an idea, you not only do not know the Chinese language, but also do not have up-to-date information about:

  • what is the unit cost of the product produced in the Chinese workshop;
  • how much raw materials and resources cost;
  • how really new and relevant your idea is.

Answers to these and a number of other important questions will be given to you by a business consultant in China. He will also draw up a list of the most reliable manufacturers with a good reputation and organize the most convenient way to deliver goods to Russia.

To make sure that your assistant is really fulfilling his obligations in good faith, at the stage of pre-contractual negotiations, ask him for the contacts of his clients who can give recommendations.

Supplier search

If you plan to switch to bulk purchases in China as soon as possible, you need to look for a reliable supplier from the first days of work.

Even making small purchases on Aliexpress, enter into business negotiations with sellers for further cooperation. Yes, most likely 80% of your negotiations will not be successful, but even having three reliable suppliers will allow you to establish a profitable business.

Look for large manufacturers with around 1,000 employees. Cooperation with such companies is the least risky and more promising in terms of building your own business reputation.

The disadvantage of cooperation with a large company is that the purchase price of the goods is higher than in small workshops that use cheap labor and outdated equipment.

To check if your Chinese partner (reseller, manufacturer) is trustworthy, test it against the following checklist:

  1. Own website (in Chinese and English).
  2. Date of creation of the site and information about its owners. This information can be verified using special identifying services (one of such services is
  3. Unimpeded provision of company registration documents.
  4. Link in correspondence to business contacts.
  5. The fact that the counterparty does not hide the address of the production facilities (and you can check it on the map).
  6. The term of payment is the counterparty's bank account.
  7. The company is not blacklisted by fraudsters.
  8. Willingness to provide product samples.
  9. The counterparty's readiness to provide you with an invitation to apply for a business visa (even if you do not plan to go to China yet, ask about the possibility of assistance from that party in processing your entry documents).
  10. Information about the supplier on the Internet. Use google search, check all the data that you know (company name, legal and email address, names of contact persons, etc.).

And, of course, before buying, you need to carefully study the reviews of real buyers about the goods and about the manufacturer on electronic trading platforms.

Where and how to buy goods in China wholesale and retail

The websites of Alibaba, 1688 and Taobao are designed for wholesale deliveries from China, and for retail - Aliexpress.

Taobao and 1688 serve information in Chinese only. Aliexpress is now available in many languages ​​of the world, including Russian.

Despite the fact that many purchasing experts on Chinese online sites claim that today it is almost impossible to find high-margin goods for resale on the network, these conclusions are not entirely true.

Yes, it is much more difficult to open a super-profitable business today than it was five or seven years ago (even on the American Amazon, some groups of goods are sold at the same prices as in China). But, for comparison, if the average retail markup for goods from Russian manufacturers is 50%, then the minimum markup for goods purchased on Chinese wholesale sites is 100%.

And then, the prospects for working with the Chinese are much more attractive than with a Russian manufacturer, since with increasing turnover and long-term cooperation, Chinese companies are ready to double or even triple discounts on their goods, and the domestic manufacturer is unlikely to agree to such concessions.

A little about the psychology of Chinese businessmen

As already mentioned, we have a poor understanding of the mentality of the Asian peoples, their laws and business customs, therefore the most reliable way to start a business on Chinese territory is to work with a business consultant. But if it is not possible to pay for the services of such a specialist (approximately $ 300 per month), then you must learn to independently navigate the peculiarities of building relationships with Chinese partners. And here are some rules:

  1. Learn English and at least start learning Chinese.
  2. Always be kind, calm, but never take your word for it.
  3. From the very beginning of building joint plans, demonstrate your professionalism and seriousness of business intentions (study the documents in detail, make your suggestions and adjustments, be attentive to the little things).
  4. Be open to partners (provide all your registration documents), but do not let them in on your future business plans (in case of questions, it is better to prepare some clear and simple wording without details).
  5. Ask a Chinese for advice, but follow these tips with extreme caution, as the Chinese are very fond of "poking fun" with Europeans (this step will give you a better idea of ​​who you are dealing with: a joker or a really conscientious partner).
  6. Fix all agreements on paper, and first consult with a lawyer about how a legitimate agreement should look like under Chinese law.

We start our own successful business

The most responsible moment for a businessman is to find a product , which suits both the price and the quality, and the terms of delivery. If you find one, then consider that very soon your small business will turn into a large profitable project.

What goods can you make money on - TOP-10 goods from China

First of all, look for something new and not yet promoted on the Runet among such product groups:

  • pet supplies;
  • goods for children (literally all positions, from diapers to bicycles);
  • inexpensive haberdashery;
  • auto accessories.

The advantages of trading these groups of goods:

  • they are in demand all year round;
  • cyclical demand (even if immediately after the purchase you did not sell the entire batch, it is highly likely that in a couple of months the demand for this product will activate again);
  • long shelf life;
  • the ability to sell through offline points with a higher margin.

By purchasing a batch of such a product for 30 thousand rubles, you can earn at least 50 thousand rubles.

30 cent goods from China for resale

Goods with a purchase value of up to 20 rubles per item sell very well in markets, stalls and supermarkets. Such purchases are best done by entrepreneurs who already have their own retail outlets and want to diversify their assortment.

Most popular products in this category:

  • car chargers, cigarette lighters,
  • liquid lipsticks,
  • disposable tattoo,
  • covers for keys and credit cards made of eco-leather,
  • hairpins and jewelry,
  • key rings and covers for headphones,
  • magnets and silicone bracelets.

The average cost of a product purchased at 20 rubles per unit on the market is at least 100 rubles. The wholesale selling price is about 60 rubles per item.

So it turns out that by purchasing a batch for 200 thousand rubles (10 thousand pieces), the entrepreneur will immediately earn 400 thousand rubles. And this is a real business that is spinning today in every city and small village.

New ideas

Promoting new ideas of the Chinese light industry in Russia is a profitable business, but very risky. It can only be dealt with by gaining experience in the Russian and Chinese markets.

But if you still want to promote such a new idea, then it is better to do it not through online stores, where customers come for a product they already know, but through landing pages and one-page pages. The format of such sites allows you to comprehensively advertise a new product, familiarize visitors with the reviews of product owners and provide a maximum of other useful information about the product.

Edible and in a small container

One of the novelties of the Chinese market is small snack sets in a colorful and convenient small container. Such a set can consist of dried fruits, tea or coffee bags, snacks, etc.

It is best to sell kits in bulk for gas station chains, supermarkets, pharmacies, drogerie stores.

The cost of such containers is from 100 to 500 rubles per purchase. You can sell them at a double mark-up.

For a fur coat - to China!

It is possible to make a business in fur coats only if you understand natural furs and can evaluate the quality of tailoring, as well as if you have the opportunity to personally go to the Middle Kingdom, independently select the goods and agree on their delivery with a reliable carrier. In this case, you will be able to sell each fur coat three times more expensive than the purchase price (on average, fur coats that are sold in China for 1 thousand US dollars, in Russia cost three thousand dollars).

Almost all types of fur and the most popular models are represented on the Chinese market.

Packaging of goods

Another lucrative idea, the essence of which is the purchase of bulk consignments of semi-finished products in China and their subsequent packaging in Russia. In this format, you can trade Chinese tea, seeds, nuts, etc.

Packing material can also be purchased from Chinese manufacturers.

On average, earnings from such operations are up to 200% of the cost of the primary purchase.

Test purchase and markup determination

This is an obligatory stage, which does not need to be spared either time or effort. Order 10 units of a product and present it to retailers for evaluation. If the product is up-to-date and in demand, retail will offer a good small wholesale price itself.

Yes, with such a scheme, there is a danger that while the main product is on the way, the retail buyer with whom you discussed the sale options will find another seller or lose interest in your product. But it is already your task as an entrepreneur: to negotiate all the terms of delivery so that your partners do not refuse their obligations.