Apostle Paul. Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev

Apostle Paul.  Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev
Apostle Paul. Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev

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Five days ago, I accidentally (??) came across a brightly colored, high-quality photograph of one high-ranking, and at the same time very odious character (see below), which, upon closer examination, literally SHAKE me.

For two days I could not calm down, the same thought was spinning in my head: “Well, how can it be? .. how can it be? !! " To say that I was amazed literally before our eyes by the self-fulfilling prophecies of the Holy Fathers, it means to say nothing ...

And this by the way, including my personal attitude to the past "Historical meeting" TM Pope with the Patriarch of Moscow at the Havana airport.


No, I have known a lot about this mega-promoted (and promoted!) Character in our Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in recent years (sic!). So for the first time, this low-quality black-and-white photograph in the newspaper “Spirit of the Christian”, which I was subscribing to, made me think very seriously about the role of this priest in our Mother Church:

At that time, I didn’t really know how-where-what- (and why) to look for on the Web, I couldn’t imagine the word at all.

Little by little, understanding the Internet, three years later another information bomb blasted loudly, the consequences of the explosion of which have now been intensively cleaned up on the Web. It turned out that Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) was born of a Jewish father and at birth bore his surname - Dashevsky. I also wrote about this.

My persistent search brought another intermediate result - I found a color photograph of that picture I saw eight years ago:

At the dawn of his fast-paced career

By the way, judging by this photo, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, who was kicked overboard, could well reveal to the public the twilight milestones in the biography of the vice-president of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev), instead of the angry and pretentious denunciation of banknotes holders in the Panamanian offshores. But something tells me that Mr. Chaplin, now frantically trying to join the camp of Russian national-patriots - who do not accept and therefore criticize both the course of Mr. Gundyaev and Mr. Putin - Mr. Chaplin will not to do this under pain of death. For the stakes in the Great Game on the disintegration of Russian Orthodoxy are very high, and the "legend" agent Dashevsky must be supported at all costs.

Met. Hilarion (Alfeyev) at the reception of the Pope. 09/29/2011

But I will continue.

This, in every sense, LOVELY denouncing - deeply legendary Vatican's agent of influence(this is at least), introduced into the ROC MP by the Uniate archbishop-crypto-Catholic and strenuously promoted upward by powerful anti-Russian and anti-Orthodox forces - a photograph in which Hilarion (Alfeev) was photographed in a vestment that issued him with his head was discovered by me here:

Meet! Hilarion Alfeev - Honorary Prelate and Secret Uniate Cardinal-Archbishop for Byzantine Rite Crypto Catholics in Russia

Honorary Prelate of His Holiness ( lat. Praelatus Honorarius Sanctitatis Suae) - Monsignor Ilarion Alfeyev, in person!

Apostolic protonatarius de numero

(Higher Prelates of the Roman Curia and Protonotary Apostolic de numero)

"Sutana (fr. soutane, ital. sottana- skirt, cassock), long outerwear of the Catholic clergy, worn outside of worship. The color of the cassock depends on the hierarchical position of the priest: for the priest - black, for bishop - purple, at cardinal - purple, for the Pope - white ", (Catholic Encyclopedia)

ferraiolo (cloak)

“... the highest of the three possible honorary titles for the diocesan clergy is the title freelance Apostolic Protonotary, (...) next ranked title Honorary Prelate of His Holiness... Both of these titles give their holders the right to be called "monsignors" and use special vestments - purple cassock with a purple sash and komzha and a black biretta with a black pompom - for divine services, a black cassock with red edging and a purple sash - at other times. Freelance Apostolic Protonotaries (but not Honorary Prelates) may also optionally use purple ferraiolo(raincoat)". ()

Purple in Catholics

Meeting of the 68th Assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI)

For those who still believe that this is a skillful photoshop, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the original image of the highest quality:

And yet, yes. If the picture was taken in October 2012, and the current Pope Francis I was elected on March 13, 2013, then Metropolitan Cardinal (albeit freelance) Hilarion could well participate in the election of the current head of the Vatican Francis I:

Pope Francis I kisses the hands (!!!) of the Jews

And yes. Regarding the proofs of the diligently cleared biography of the grandson of Grigory Markovich Dashevsky - in the past a talented Jewish boy violinist, and now no less talented SECRET CARDINAL Ilarion (Alfeev-Dashevsky).

I repeat, confirming links (prufflinks) disappear from the Web, they simply disappear "at once". Here is already "castrated" (no year of graduation), but still a link. And a screenshot from it:

Typical Jewish NAME Yarek-Full name. by request in Wikipedia "Grushevsky":

Metropolitan Cardinal Hilarion with the previous Pope Benedict XVI

Metropolitan Cardinal Hilarion with the current Pope Francis I

« Brotherly "embraces with a" holy "kiss ...

How many Catholic cardinals are there?

Pope Francis I and the Jews

Pope Francis I with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a menorah

Metropolitan Cardinal Hilarion (Alfeyev) with Rabbi Arthur Schneier - chairman of the organization« Religious Zionists of America« , Chairman of the American Section of the World Jewish Congress

See "The secret of the golden apple presented to Patriarch Kirill by Rabbi Arthur Schneier is revealed."

Metropolitan Kirill with the rabbis. In the center is Rabbi Arthur Schneier

Metropolitan Cardinal Hilarion, Rabbi Arthur Schneier and another cardinal

Metropolitan Cardinal Hilarion (Alfeev) with US Vice President Joseph Biden (far right)

From whom is the blessing of a sister-nun taken - from the metropolitan or from the cardinal? ..

Old Believers Metropolitan Cornelius, Metropolitan Cardinal Hilarion, Patriarch Kirill

With Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and Freemason Bartholomew

+ + +

I remember that Metropolitan Cardinal Hilarion (Alfeyev) made angry accusations of provoking a "split" against Bishop Diomid of Chukotka and Anadyr, who had previously publicly stated that the current Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill is a secret Catholic cardinal, and then, in fact, became one of the ardent initiators of the persecution against him. Does the thief have a hat on?


Bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) calls on the Council of Bishops to assess the statements of Bishop Diomede (Dziuban)

+ + +

Orthodox view:

So WHO IS HE, an unnamed and secretly appointed Catholic cardinal in the Vatican. Isn't it Alfeyev ???


Eighth General Assembly of the "WCC" in Harare

On December 3-14, 1998 in Harare (Zimbabwe) the 8th General Assembly of the "WCC" was held, which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the formation of the main body of the ecumenical movement (1948-1998). Ecumenists from Orthodoxy claim that they participate in similar events for certificates of Orthodoxy.


12 questions to the composer, theologian, several times "honorary" Metropolitan Hilarion


Who was appointed "secret cardinal" by John Paul II?


Renegade "PATRIARCH" KIRILL CONCLUDED UNION WITH SATAN. Conversion of the Afonites. (VIDEO, PHOTO), Moscow - Third Rome

† † †
In defense of the "slander and attacks" of Metropolitan Cardinal Hilarion (Alfeev):


Date of Birth: July 24, 1966 Country: Russia Biography:

Permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

1973-1984 studied at the Moscow Secondary Special Music School. Gnesins in violin and composition.

At the age of 15 he entered the Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the Assumption Vrazhka (Moscow) as a reader. Since 1983 he was a subdeacon and worked as a freelance employee of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In 1984, after graduating from school, he entered the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory. In 1984-86. served in the army.

In January 1987, he voluntarily left his studies at the Moscow Conservatory and entered the Vilensky Holy Spirit Monastery as a novice.

On June 19, 1987, in the cathedral of the Vilna Holy Spiritual Monastery, Archbishop of Vilna and Lithuania Victorin (Belyaev, † 1990) tonsured into monasticism with the name Hilarion in honor of the Monk Hilarion the New, and on June 21 in the same cathedral he was ordained hierodeacon by the same bishop.

On August 19, 1987, in the Prechistensky Cathedral of Vilnius, with the blessing of the Archbishop of Vilnius and Lithuania, Quiz was ordained a hieromonk.

1988-1990 served as rector of churches in Telšiai and the villages of Kolainiai and Tituvenai. In 1990 he was appointed rector of the Annunciation Cathedral in Kaunas.

In 1990, as a delegate from the clergy of the Vilna diocese, he participated in the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1989 he graduated in absentia from the Moscow Theological Seminary, and in 1991 - with the degree of Candidate of Theology. In 1993 he completed his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Academy of Sciences.

In 1993, he was sent for an internship at Oxford University, where, under the guidance of (), he worked on a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Reverend Simeon the New Theologian and the Orthodox Tradition,” combining his studies with ministry in parishes. Graduated from Oxford University in 1995 with a Ph.D.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of May 7, 2003, he was appointed Bishop of Vienna and Austria with the assignment of temporary administration and retaining the position of the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church to European international organizations in Brussels.

On February 1, 2005, he was elected assistant professor of the Theological Faculty of the University of Friborg (Switzerland) in the Department of Dogmatic Theology.

On August 24, 2005 he was awarded the Makariyev Prize for the work “The Sacred Secret of the Church. An Introduction to the History and Problems of the Imiaslav Disputes ”.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 31, 2009 () he was relieved from the administration of the Vienna-Austrian and Hungarian dioceses and was appointed Bishop of Volokolamsk, vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations and a permanent member of the Holy Synod.

By the decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia dated April 9, 2009, the rector in Moscow.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of May 27, 2009 by the Chairman of the Commission for Old Believer Parishes and Interaction with Old Believers under the Department for External Church Relations ().

Since May 28, 2009 - Member of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

Since July 27, 2009 - included in the composition of the Russian Orthodox Church and its presidium. Chairman of the Commission of the Inter-Council Presence on Issues of Attitudes towards Non-Orthodox and Other Religions, Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Counteracting Church Schisms and Overcoming them, Member of the Commissions on Theology and on Divine Services and Church Art.

In consideration of the zealous service of the Church of God and in connection with the appointment of the Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate - a permanent member of the Holy Synod on February 1, 2010 to the rank of Metropolitan.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 25, 2012 () he was appointed chairman of the interdepartmental teaching of theology in universities.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 25-26, 2013 () he was appointed head (ex officio).

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 24, 2015 () he was appointed the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church v.

Musical works

Author of a number of musical works, including "Divine Liturgy" and "All-night Vigil" for unaccompanied choir, symphony "Song of the Ascent" for chorus and orchestra, oratorio "St. Matthew Passion" for soloists, chorus and orchestra, "Christmas oratorio" for soloists, boys' choir, mixed choir and symphony orchestra.



  • 1996, 1999 - diplomas of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia;
  • 2003 - medal of the Prince. Constantine of Ostrog (Polish Orthodox Church);
  • 2009 - Silver Order of St. Innocent (Orthodox Church in America);
  • 2010 - order of the schmch. Isidora Yurievsky II Art. (EPTs MP);
  • 2010 - Order of St. blgv. voivode Stephen the Great II Art. (Orthodox Church of Moldova);
  • 2010 - Order of St. ap. and ev. Mark II Art. (Alexandrian Orthodox Church);
  • 2011 - Order of St. app. Peter and Paul II Art. (Orthodox Church of Antioch);
  • 2011 - Order of Sts. equalapp. Cyril and Methodius with a gold star (Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia);
  • 2012 - Order of St. Equalap. Mary Magdalene (Polish Orthodox Church);
  • 2013 -

From the first minute of communication in the Orthodox clergyman and theologian, Metropolitan Hilarion attracts attention by his piercing and very deep look. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that he is a man of difficult thinking, who knows something more, true and intimate, and tries in every possible way to convey his knowledge and thoughts to people and thereby make the world in their souls brighter and kinder.

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev (his photo is shown below) is a patrologist and Ph.D. at the University of Oxford and the Theological Institute in Paris. He is also a member of the Synodal Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church, head of the Moscow Patriarchate's Secretariat for Inter-Christian Relations of the Department for External Church Relations, and the author of musical epic oratorios and suites for chamber performance. In this article, we will trace the life of this person, get acquainted with his biography, in which there are many interesting facts.

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk: biography

In the world Alfeev Grigory Valerievich was born on June 24, 1966. He was destined for a good musical career, since, after graduating from the Gnesins' music school, he then studied at the Moscow State Conservatory. Then he served the prescribed two years in the Soviet army, after which he immediately decided to become a novice of the Vilna Holy Spiritual Monastery.


The future Metropolitan Hilarion was born in the capital of Russia into a very intelligent family. His date of birth is July 24, 1966. His grandfather, Dashevsky Grigory Markovich, was a historian who wrote a number of books about the Spanish Civil War. Unfortunately, he died in 1944 in the war with the Nazis. The father of the metropolitan, Dashevsky Valery Grigorievich, was a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and wrote scientific works. He is the author of monographs on organic chemistry. But Valery Grigorievich left the family and then died from an accident. Gregory's mother was a writer who got that bitter lot - to raise her son alone. He was christened at the age of 11.

From 1973 to 1984, Ilarion studied violin and composition at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special Music School. At the age of 15, he entered the Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the Assumption Vrazhka (Moscow) as a reader. After leaving school, in 1984, he entered the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory. In January 1987, he left his studies and entered the Vilensky Holy Spirit Monastery as a novice.


In 1990 he became rector of the Annunciation Cathedral in Kaunas (Lithuania). In 1989, Hilarion graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary by correspondence, then studied at the Moscow Theological Academy, where he received a PhD in Theology. After a while, he became a teacher at St. Tikhon's Theological Institute and St. Apostle John the Theologian.

In 1993, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Theological Academy, and was sent to Oxford University, where in 1995 he received his Ph.D. Then he worked for six years in the Department of External Church Relations. After that he became a clergyman at the Church of St. Catherine in the Vspolye in Moscow.

In 1999, he was awarded the title of Doctor of Theology by the Orthodox St. Sergius Institute in Paris.

In 2002, Archimandrite Hilarion becomes Bishop of Kerch. And in early January 2002, in the Smolensk Cathedral, he was ordained archimandrite and literally a week later was consecrated bishop in the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Work abroad

In 2002, he was sent to serve in the Sourozh diocese, headed by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom, Russian Orthodox Church of Great Britain and Ireland), but soon the entire episcopate, headed by Bishop Basil (Osborne, who was deprived of his priesthood and monasticism in 2010, expresses a desire to marry). All this happened because Hilarion spoke somewhat accusatory about this diocese, and for this he received critical remarks from Bishop Anthony, in which he indicated that they were unlikely to work together. But Hilarion is still that "tough nut to crack", he made a speech in which he dropped all accusations and insisted on the correctness of his opinion.

As a result, he was recalled from this diocese and was appointed the main representative of the ROC for work with international European organizations. The Metropolitan has always advocated in his speeches that Europe, tolerant of all religions, should not forget its Christian roots, since this is one of the most important spiritual and moral components that determines European identity.


Since 2006, he has been actively involved in music and will write many pieces of music: Divine Liturgy, All-night Vigil, St. Matthew Passion, Christmas Oratorio, etc. This work of his was highly appreciated, and with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of his works were performed at many concerts in Europe, the United States, Australia and, of course, Russia. The audience was standing, applauding celebrated these successful performances.

In 2011, Metropolitan Hilarion and Vladimir Spivakov became the founders and directors of the Christmas Festival of Sacred Music (Moscow), which takes place during the January holidays.

Serving by conscience

Between 2003 and 2009, he was already Bishop of Vienna and Austria. Then he was elected Bishop of Volokalamsk, a permanent member of the Synod, vicar of the Moscow Patriarch and rector of the Church of the Mother of God on Bolshaya Ordynka in the capital.

At the same time, Patriarch Kirill elevates him to the rank of archbishop for his faithful and diligent service to the Russian Orthodox Church. A year later, he also elevates him to the rank of metropolitan.

Metropolitan Hilarion: Orthodoxy

It should be noted that in different years he always represented the Russian Orthodox Church. Hilarion zealously defended her interests at various inter-Christian conferences, international forums and commissions.

Hilarion's sermons

The sermons of Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev are very integral and well-structured. It is very interesting to listen to and read him, because he has a huge experience, which he passes on to us among a huge number of theological literary works, which are extraordinary in their content. They advance us to the great knowledge of the Christian faith of its followers.

Books on theology

One of his books is “The Sacred Mystery of the Church. Introduction ". In it, the reader gets acquainted with the thoughts of some of the fathers and teachers of the church about invoking the name of God in the practice of the Jesus Prayer and in divine services. Here we are talking about the comprehension of church experience and about its correct expression. For this, the author was awarded the Makariyev Prize in 2005.

In his book The Monk Simeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition, Metropolitan Hilarion presented a translation of his doctoral dissertation, defended at Oxford University, at the Faculty of Theology. In it, he examines the attitude of the theologian of the 11th century, the Monk Simeon, to the Orthodox ministry, Holy Scripture, ascetic and mystical theological literature, etc.

Metropolitan Hilarion also paid attention to Isaac the Syrian and dedicated the book The Spiritual World of Isaac the Syrian to him. This great Syrian saint, like no one, was able to convey the spirit of gospel love and compassion, so he prayed not only for people, but also for animals and demons. According to his teaching, even hell is the love of God, which is perceived by sinners as suffering and pain, because they do not accept it and have hatred for this love.

Among his books is the work "Life and Teachings of St. Gregory the Theologian." Here he describes the life of the great father and saint and his teachings, which minted the dogma of the Most Holy Trinity.

Awards and titles

His activities did not go unnoticed, and therefore in the arsenal of this priest there is a huge number of awards - all kinds of certificates, medals and titles, among which is the Order of St. Innocent of Moscow, II Art. (2009, America, ROC), Order of the Holy Martyr Isidor Yurievsky II Art. (2010, Estonia, ROC MP), Order of the Holy Voivode Stephen the Great, II Art. (2010, Moldova, ROC), the gold medal of the University of Bologna (2010, Italy), the Order of Serbian Falcons (2011) and other awards.

Films of Metropolitan Hilarion

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of Volokolamsk became the author and presenter of the following films: "Man before God" - a cycle of 10 episodes (2011), introducing into the world of Orthodoxy, "The Shepherd's Way" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Patriarch Kirill (2011), " Church in History "- the history of Christianity," Byzantium and the Baptism of Rus "- series (2012)," Unity of the Faithful "- a film dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the unity of the Moscow Patriarch and the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (2012)," Journey to Athos ”(2012),“ Orthodoxy in China ”(2013),“ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land ”(2013),“ With the Patriarch on Athos ”(2014),“ Orthodoxy on Athos ”(2014 .), "Orthodoxy in the Serbian Lands" (2014).

They represent a real base for those who want to learn how to behave in a church, what icons are, how to understand holy works, films authored by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev. Orthodoxy in them appears as a world that fills a person's life with depth. Through his eyes we will see the holy pilgrimage sites and how Christianity is preached in other places alien to Orthodox people.

Metropolitan Hilarion(in the world Grigory Valerievich Alfeev) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; Metropolitan of Volokolamsk, Vicar of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate and a permanent member of the Holy Synod, Chairman of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission, Rector of the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies. Sts. Cyril and Methodius, rector of the Moscow Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow". Theologian, patrologist, church historian, composer. Author of monographs on the life and teachings of the Church Fathers, translations from Greek and Syriac languages, works on dogmatic theology, numerous publications in periodicals. The author of musical compositions of the chamber and oratorio genre.

Born July 24, 1966, in Moscow into a family of creative intelligentsia. Mother - writer Valeria Anatolyevna Alfeeva, father left the family early, then died in an accident. From 1973 to 1984 he studied at the Moscow Secondary Special Music School named after V.I. Gnesins in violin and composition. For 15 years he entered the Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the Assumption Vrazhka (Moscow. Since 1983, he was subdeacon of the Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and Yuryevsk Pitirim (Nechaev) and worked as a freelance employee of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate. Faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory. In 1984-1986 he served in the Soviet army as a musician of a brass band. In January 1987, voluntarily left his studies at the Moscow Conservatory and entered the Vilensky Holy Spirit Monastery as a novice.

On June 19, 1987 he was tonsured into monasticism with the name of the Monk Hilarion. On June 21 he was ordained a hierodeacon, and on August 19, 1987 he was ordained a hieromonk in the Prechistensky Cathedral of Vilnius. In 1989 he graduated in absentia from the Moscow Theological Seminary, and in 1991 from the Moscow Theological Academy with a PhD in Theology. In 1993 he completed his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Academy of Sciences. In the same year he was sent for an internship at Oxford University. He combined his studies with ministry in the parishes of the Sourozh diocese. Graduated from Oxford University in 1995 with a Ph.D. Since 1995 he worked in the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In 2000, Metropolitan Kirill (Gundyaev) of Smolensk and Kaliningrad was elevated to the rank of hegumen. On December 27, 2001, hegumen Ilarion (Alfeyev), upon elevation to the rank of archimandrite, was determined to be Bishop of Kerch, vicar of the Surozh diocese. On Christmas Day 2002, in the Smolensk Cathedral, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. On January 14, 2002 in Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, he was consecrated bishop. By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 17, 2002, he was appointed Bishop of Podolsk, Vicar of the Moscow Diocese, Head of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church to European international organizations. On May 7, 2003, he was appointed Bishop of Vienna and Austria with the instruction of the temporary administration of the Budapest and Hungarian Diocese and retaining the position of the Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church to European international organizations in Brussels.

On March 31, 2009, by decision of the Holy Synod, he was appointed Bishop of Volokolamsk, Vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations and a permanent member of the Holy Synod. On April 20, 2009, “in connection with his appointment to a post that implies constant participation in the work of the Holy Synod, and for his zealous service to the Church of God,” he was elevated to the rank of archbishop by Patriarch Kirill. On February 1, 2010 "in consideration of the diligent service of the Church of God and in connection with the appointment of the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate - a permanent member of the Holy Synod", was elevated by Patriarch Kirill to the rank of Metropolitan.

Metropolitan Hilarion, having received a versatile education, became the author of numerous monographs and articles on theological and church-historical topics, translations from ancient languages, spiritual and musical works. Member of the editorial board of the journals "Theological Works" (Moscow), "Church and Time" (Moscow), "Bulletin of the Russian Christian Movement" (Paris - Moscow), "Studia Monastica" (Barcelona), "Studii teologice" (Bucharest), scientific -historical series "Byzantine Library" (St. Petersburg).

The life and teachings of St. Gregory the Theologian.

The spiritual world of St. Isaac the Syrian.

Venerable Simeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition.

Rev. Isaac the Syrian.

About divine secrets and spiritual life.

The night has passed and the day has come nearer. Sermons and Conversations.

Orthodox theology at the turn of the era. Articles, reports.

About prayer. You are the light of the world.

Conversations about the Christian life.

The human face of God. Sermons.

What Orthodox Christians believe. Catechetical talks.

Orthodox testimony in the modern world.

How to find faith. How to come to the Church.

The main sacrament of the Church.

From the first minute of communication in the Orthodox clergyman and theologian, Metropolitan Hilarion attracts attention by his piercing and very deep look. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that he is a man of difficult thinking, who knows something more, true and intimate, and tries in every possible way to convey his knowledge and thoughts to people and thereby make the world in their souls brighter and kinder.

The Metropolitan (his photo is presented below) is a patrologist and doctor of philosophy and the Theological Institute in Paris. He is also a member of the Synodal Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church, head of the Moscow Patriarchate's Secretariat for Inter-Christian Relations of the Department for External Church Relations, and the author of musical epic oratorios and suites for chamber performance. In this article, we will trace the life of this person, get acquainted with his biography, in which there are many interesting facts.

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk: biography

In the world Alfeev Grigory Valerievich was born on June 24, 1966. He was destined for a good musical career, since, after graduating from the Gnesins' music school, he then studied at the Moscow State Conservatory. Then he served the prescribed two years in the Soviet army, after which he immediately decided to become a novice of the Vilna Holy Spiritual Monastery.


The future Metropolitan Hilarion was born in the capital of Russia into a very intelligent family. His date of birth is July 24, 1966. His grandfather, Markovic, was a historian who wrote a number of books about the Spanish Civil War. Unfortunately, he died in 1944 in the war with the Nazis. The father of the metropolitan, Dashevsky Valery Grigorievich, was a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and wrote scientific works. He is the author of monographs on organic chemistry. But Valery Grigorievich left the family and then died from an accident. Gregory's mother was a writer who got that bitter lot - to raise her son alone. He was christened at the age of 11.

From 1973 to 1984, Ilarion studied violin and composition at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special Music School. At the age of 15, he entered the Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the Assumption Vrazhka (Moscow) as a reader. After leaving school, in 1984, he entered the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory. In January 1987, he left his studies and entered the Vilensky Holy Spirit Monastery as a novice.


In 1990 he became rector of the Annunciation Cathedral in Kaunas (Lithuania). In 1989, Hilarion graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary by correspondence, then studied at the Moscow Theological Academy, where he received a PhD in Theology. After a while, he became a teacher at St. Tikhon's Theological Institute and St. Apostle John the Theologian.

In 1993, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Theological Academy, and was sent to Oxford University, where in 1995 he received his Ph.D. Then he worked for six years in the Department of External Church Relations. After that he became a clergyman at the Church of St. Catherine in the Vspolye in Moscow.

In 1999, he was awarded the title of Doctor of Theology by the Orthodox St. Sergius Institute in Paris.

In 2002, Archimandrite Hilarion becomes Bishop of Kerch. And in early January 2002, in the Smolensk Cathedral, he was ordained archimandrite and literally a week later was consecrated bishop in the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Work abroad

In 2002, he was sent to serve in the Sourozh diocese, headed by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom, Russian Orthodox Church of Great Britain and Ireland), but soon the entire episcopate, headed by Bishop Basil (Osborne, who was deprived of his priesthood and monasticism in 2010, expresses a desire to marry). All this happened because Hilarion spoke somewhat accusatory about this diocese, and for this he received critical remarks from Bishop Anthony, in which he indicated that they were unlikely to work together. But Hilarion is still that "tough nut to crack", he made a speech in which he dropped all accusations and insisted on the correctness of his opinion.

As a result, he was recalled from this diocese and was appointed the main representative of the ROC for work with international European organizations. The Metropolitan has always advocated in his speeches that Europe, tolerant of all religions, should not forget its Christian roots, since this is one of the most important spiritual and moral components that determines European identity.


Since 2006, he has been actively involved in music and will write many pieces of music: Divine Liturgy, All-night Vigil, St. Matthew Passion, Christmas Oratorio, etc. This work of his was highly appreciated, and with the blessing of II works it has been performed at many concerts in Europe, the United States, Australia and, of course, Russia. The audience was standing, applauding celebrated these successful performances.

In 2011, Metropolitan Hilarion and Vladimir Spivakov became the founders and directors of the Christmas Festival of Sacred Music (Moscow), which takes place during the January holidays.

Serving by conscience

Between 2003 and 2009, he was already Bishop of Vienna and Austria. Then he was elected Bishop of Volokalamsk, a permanent member of the Synod, vicar of the Moscow Patriarch and rector of the Church of the Mother of God in the capital.

At the same time, Patriarch Kirill elevates him to the rank of archbishop for his faithful and diligent service to the Russian Orthodox Church. A year later, he also elevates him to the rank of metropolitan.

Metropolitan Hilarion: Orthodoxy

It should be noted that in different years he always represented the Russian Orthodox Church. Hilarion zealously defended her interests at various inter-Christian conferences, international forums and commissions.

Hilarion's sermons

The sermons of Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev are very integral and well-structured. It is very interesting to listen to and read him, because he has a huge experience, which he passes on to us among a huge number of theological literary works, which are extraordinary in their content. They advance us to the great knowledge of the Christian faith of its followers.

Books on theology

One of his books is “The Sacred Mystery of the Church. Introduction ". In it, the reader gets acquainted with the thoughts of some of the fathers and teachers of the church about invoking the name of God in practice and in worship. Here we are talking about the comprehension of church experience and about its correct expression. For this, the author was awarded the Makariyev Prize in 2005.

In his book The Monk Simeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition, Metropolitan Hilarion presented a translation of his doctoral dissertation, defended at Oxford University, at the Faculty of Theology. In it, he examines the attitude of the theologian of the 11th century, the Monk Simeon, to the Orthodox ministry, Holy Scripture, ascetic and mystical theological literature, etc.

Metropolitan Hilarion also paid attention to Isaac the Syrian and dedicated the book The Spiritual World of Isaac the Syrian to him. This great Syrian saint, like no one, was able to convey the spirit of gospel love and compassion, so he prayed not only for people, but also for animals and demons. According to his teaching, even hell is the love of God, which is perceived by sinners as suffering and pain, because they do not accept it and have hatred for this love.

Among his books is the work "Life and Teachings of St. Gregory the Theologian." Here he describes the life of the great father and saint and his teachings, which minted the dogma of the Most Holy Trinity.

Awards and titles

His activities did not go unnoticed, and therefore in the arsenal of this priest there is a huge number of awards - all kinds of certificates, medals and titles, among which is the Order of St. Innocent of Moscow, II Art. (2009, America, ROC), Order of the Holy Martyr Isidor Yurievsky II Art. (2010, Estonia, ROC MP), Order of the Holy Voivode Stephen the Great, II Art. (2010, Moldova, ROC), the gold medal of the University of Bologna (2010, Italy), the Order of Serbian Falcons (2011) and other awards.

Films of Metropolitan Hilarion

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of Volokolamsk became the author and presenter of the following films: "Man before God" - a cycle of 10 episodes (2011), introducing into the world of Orthodoxy, "The Shepherd's Way" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Patriarch Kirill (2011), " Church in History "- the history of Christianity," Byzantium and the Baptism of Rus "- series (2012)," Unity of the Faithful "- a film dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the unity of the Moscow Patriarch and the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (2012)," Journey to Athos ”(2012),“ Orthodoxy in China ”(2013),“ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land ”(2013),“ With the Patriarch on Athos ”(2014),“ Orthodoxy on Athos ”(2014 .), "Orthodoxy in the Serbian Lands" (2014).

They represent a real base for those who want to learn what icons are, how to understand holy works, films authored by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev. Orthodoxy in them appears as a world that fills a person's life with depth. Through his eyes we will see the holy pilgrimage sites and how Christianity is preached in other places alien to Orthodox people.